What you need to make a bouquet of socks. Features of bouquets of socks. We stock up on materials for the master class of a man's bouquet of socks

Socks and hygiene products are a classic gift for a man or a child for any reason. They were given by our mothers and grandmothers, many of them still adhere to this tradition. When choosing a gift, you always ask yourself: how to arrange a present so that the moment of congratulation will be remembered? If you arrange our budget gift of multi-colored socks for all occasions in the form of a bouquet, then it will definitely not be forgotten. If you have already decided to give a close man a bouquet of socks for his birthday or February 23 (they need this good a little more than anyone else), we will not limit ourselves to a box, we will build an exclusive package.

Bouquet of socks - master class

Tools and materials

  • gift wrapping paper;
  • silk ribbon;
  • pins, scissors;
  • scotch tape or glue;
  • kebab sticks or cocktail rolls;
  • multicolored socks.

Step-by-step instruction

Determine the number of socks according to your needs, if there are not enough of them, you can divide a pair and make a flower from each sock. Also select the color scheme to your taste.

We mastered a simple master class, you can swing at a bouquet of socks with your own hands, albeit with humor, but more seriously. If your hero of the occasion deserves more than just socks, we stock up on components for a more presentable gift.

Floral arrangement of socks

Tools and materials

  • small decorative basket;
  • round candies in bright packaging;
  • artificial or live flower (you can do it yourself);
  • socks (the color range and quantity determines the status and preferences);
  • wooden skewers;
  • Scotch;
  • Styrofoam;
  • rubber bands for money.

Step-by-step instruction

To begin with, we will prepare the middle of the flowers, for which we fix the candies with tape on a skewer.

For the husband, for example, they make out a complete gentleman's set - underpants, socks and a tie. True, these are no longer roses, but whole peonies are obtained. In pink colors - gifts for girls.

An original bouquet of socks with your own hands is ready. It remains to solemnly hand over. Such a souvenir will undoubtedly cause the smile of the hero of the occasion and your efforts will be appreciated.

Surely many women thought about what to give the strong half of humanity for such a holiday as February 23rd. It would be a great idea to make a gift with your own hands. For example, a flower made of socks. In fact, shaving foam and socks are classic gifts for men. A bouquet of flowers from socks will be an excellent budget present for a loved one.

Making flowers

You can start creating not only one flower, but also a bouquet.

Necessary materials:

  • wrapping paper;
  • silk or satin ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • scotch tape (if convenient, you can use glue);
  • cocktail tubes or similar sticks.

This master class will help you create a pretty gift step by step. When everything is ready, you can get to work:

  1. The number of socks is determined by the needs of the master, if there are not enough socks, then you can divide a pair and make two different flowers. The color of the socks is chosen independently, according to your taste.
  2. The label needs to be cut off and the top part moved.
  3. The socks are rolled up, not too tight, the heel is directed towards the center of the overall structure.
  4. The top edge of the roll must be bent outward, each layer and stretched a little to get the shape of a real rose petals. It is not necessary to stretch evenly to resemble a flower.
  5. The shape of the sock makes it a great rose.
  6. All the petals are pulled down just a little, the end of the roll must be fixed with a pin so that the bud does not crumble.
  7. The same is done with each sock or pair.

  1. Now you need to wrap the stick with tape or green glue paper, and glue the edge with tape or a suitable glue.
  2. Two rectangles are cut out of paper.
  3. Folds diagonally with a slight shift.
  4. The paper should be collected slightly towards the center.
  5. Insert a stem into each bud.
  6. All elements are collected in a bouquet and wrapped in wrapping paper, everything is fixed with tape and decorated with tape.

If you wish, you can "plant" flowers in a basket and supplement the gift with nice little things, for example, sweets. After you have mastered the creation of flowers, you can proceed to a more difficult task - a bouquet with additional decor. This will require candy. When folding the roll, you will need to place the candy inside and secure it.

You can try to make a sock bouquet for a child. Small flowers will look cute. To do this, you will need everything the same as for a man's gift.

  1. A baby sock needs to be rolled up, but not too tight, otherwise it will look a little like a flower bud. However, if it is folded weakly, it will fall apart. Therefore, before making a flower from a children's sock, you need to experiment with the shapes and choose the one you need, only after that create the final version.
  2. The next step is to push the skewer into the resulting bud. So that the bud does not fall apart and the stem does not fall off, they are attached with scotch tape. If the bouquet is planned to be small, then instead of sticks, you can take toothpicks. For flowers made from children's socks, they are perfect. You need several such colors, depending on the initial number of socks and on the color scheme of the entire composition;
  3. After everything is assembled, you can arrange the bouquet. Organza or wrapping paper will work great. It is better to take them in such colors as to contrast with the buds.

It may seem that socks are the most trivial gift you can imagine, but no one can resist creativity, especially since this piece of clothing will never be superfluous.

And it is not at all necessary that this is only given to men or children. Many women would be pleased to receive such a comic, but useful gift in everyday life. Moreover, the creation of a composition of flowers is not so expensive and can be done by those who have never been involved in needlework.

Some features:

  1. If all the socks are black, then bright paper or foil will help the bouquet look better;
  2. The buds themselves can be wrapped at the base with a thin ribbon, but such that they differ in color;
  3. If there is a fear that the buds will disintegrate at the wrong time, then you can secure them with a small pin, which can then be hidden with tape, paper or foil;
  4. A universal gift that can be presented for literally any occasion.

In truth, such flowers are much better than fresh flowers, as they will not wilt and can be used for their intended purpose. If such a bouquet was presented to a man, then he should appreciate such a gift, since it was made by a person close to him. Needlework has always been highly valued, as it means that a person has put his soul into a product.

Related videos

The video shows different color combinations from the socks. If you do not have enough confidence in your abilities, then you can see a detailed analysis of the craft.

Socks are the most common men's gift "of all times and peoples", which is usually accompanied by perfumes in various variations. However, such a present is unlikely to be remembered for a long time, even if it is an expensive product of a well-known brand. We offer to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands - for men it will be a real surprise. Today we will go through several step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on the design of an original bouquet of men's socks, panties and even beer, as well as other seemingly ordinary attributes. We offer new ideas for packaging, decoration of such an unusual gift - men will appreciate such ingenuity and imagination. So let's get started!

How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands for men - a master class step by step, photo

The twenty-third of February, New Year, Birthday ... We look forward to each holiday impatiently, thinking in advance about treats, pleasant surprises and gifts to our beloved husband, dad, brother, work colleague. And if nothing comes to mind other than a pack of several pairs of new socks, you are on the right track. After all, even such a "prosaic" gift can be presented in an original and tasteful way, beautifully decorated with improvised decorative materials. How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands for men? A step-by-step master class with a photo will reveal all the subtleties of creating a touching present from the most "banal" part of a man's wardrobe.

Materials, tools for the master class of a man's bouquet of socks:

  • socks - 5 - 7 packs (odd number)
  • barbecue sticks
  • ribbon
  • scissors
  • pins
  • thick paper

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bouquet of socks with your own hands as a gift, photo:

  1. First you need to remove the tags from each package. Then we slightly shift one sock from the pair, and turn off the tip.
  2. Now we roll the sock into a roller, slightly turning the top edge away, imitating rose petals. The density of the tubule should be medium in order to keep its shape - you do not need to make it too tight.
  3. To preserve the shape of the "flower", pin it off with a pin.
  4. When all the "roses" of socks are ready, you can start decorating the bouquet.
  5. Cut out a couple of rectangles from thick wrapping paper, each of which is folded as in the photo.

  6. Then you need to pick up the paper so that the folds form.
  7. We prick the resulting "roses" from socks onto wooden skewers.
  8. In conclusion, it remains to collect a bouquet of socks, wrap it in paper - and that's it, the original gift for the man is ready. A thin decorative ribbon will give the bouquet a touching and refined look, beautifully shading off the sock "roses". We have selected several photos with the best ideas for decorating a men's bouquet in a similar style.

A bouquet of socks and panties for a man with his own hands - a master class with a photo, video

It is not always easy to choose a gift for a man, especially with a rather limited budget. However, even the most "banal" socks and panties can be turned into a real work of design art. We suggest making a cool bouquet for men with your own hands from socks and panties folded in the most unusual way. We have selected a simple step-by-step master class with photos and videos on creating an original bouquet as a gift to her husband, brother, dad, best friend.

List of materials for a master class of a bouquet of socks and panties for a man:

  • socks and panties
  • wooden skewers
  • corrugated paper or plain color
  • rubber bands for money
  • decor items - satin ribbons, beads
  • wrapping paper for flowers
  • Scotch

Master class on decorating a bouquet of men's socks and panties, step by step:

  1. Panties need to be folded in half and rolled up in a tight tube. Then we wrap the elastic of the product upwards to form a “flower bud”. To prevent the “flower” from falling apart, we tighten the lower part with a thin “money” elastic band.
  2. We bend the sock in half and wrap the “bud” of panties - in the form of a “petal”. At the bottom, we tightly wrap the "flower" with an elastic band and attach it to the skewer with adhesive tape. If desired, you can make several outer petals from colored or corrugated paper.
  3. When the "flowers" are ready, let's start composing the composition. We use ribbons, large beads as decor - you can embody the most daring ideas.
  4. We wrap the bouquet in elegant wrapping paper and admire the fruits of our labors. An excellent gift solution for a man!

Video tutorial on decorating a gift for a man - a bouquet of socks and panties:

How to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands step by step - photo, video

It is pleasant to receive a bouquet as a gift for both women and men. Today it is extremely fashionable to decorate the most common items in the form of a flower arrangement - towels, scarves and even baby diapers. With the help of a video tutorial, we will learn how to make a bouquet of socks for men with our own hands, and the photo shows various options and solutions.

Master class on the video of a homemade bouquet of socks:

DIY bouquet of socks and a bottle of beer for men - master class, photo

The original presentation is a win-win for the most common items in the men's toilet. The most unforgettable gift for any occasion for a man will be a bouquet of socks and a bottle of his favorite beer. The presented master class with a photo is simple and will not take you much time, but the result will definitely please.

We stock up on materials for a master class for a man's bouquet of socks:

  • socks of any color
  • a bottle of beer
  • rubber bands for money
  • braid

How to pack a bouquet of socks for men step by step:

  1. Lay out the socks (6 pieces) with the heel up, twist in the form of dense rolls. Then we wind the elastic band on one sock, gradually fold it. When the roller is almost ready, remove the coil of elastic and grab the second sock - and this should result in several connected rollers ("tank tracks").
  2. Take another sock and wrap our "tank" by inserting the tip into the wider part of the sock.
  3. With the help of a ribbon, you need to wrap the "caterpillars", fixing its edge.
  4. A bottle of beer will replace the "tower" of our "war machine" of socks. We tie the finished bouquet with a beautiful braid. It turned out original and stylish!

A bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands - a master class, photo, video, new ideas

With the holidays approaching, I want to pleasantly surprise my beloved man or boyfriend by giving an unusual present in an interesting design. How to beautifully make a bouquet of socks for men with your own hands? A master class with photos and videos will tell you new ideas for a "sock" bouquet.

How to pack a bouquet of socks with your own hands for a man, video with a master class:

How to make a bouquet of socks for men with your own hands? Here are step-by-step master classes with photos, videos, new ideas for decorating a beautiful gift-bouquet of men's socks, panties, beer bottles, decor items. Successful study and pleasant surprises for your beloved men!

A holiday is not a holiday without flowers. More precisely, without a bouquet. But what this bouquet will be made of - it already depends on your imagination. Nasal flowers can look no worse, but much better than real ones. They also have a lot of advantages. Such a bouquet will never fade, the person you are gifted will be able to pinch a pair of socks from it and admire further. All jokes, but it's very useful to learn how to make such a creative bouquet of socks with your own hands. You can buy ready-made gifts for men from us. But where are they to a bouquet of socks! We will learn how to make a bouquet for a man, child or beloved friend. The principle is the same, our site has prepared three master classes in the art of socks and bouquets. A bouquet of socks is a great gift for a man on February 23 or Valentine's Day.

How to make a bouquet of socks with your own hands

We'll need socks, cocktail straws or wooden sticks, crumpled green paper, and colored tape or duct tape. Leaves can be purchased at a craft store or made by hand. Leaves made of cloth or paper will do.

We take a sock, twist it into a tight roll and turn it over from one edge to make a flower. Twist so that the middle is longer than the petals.

Now we put cocktail straws into the finished flower and wrap it tightly with tape so that the bud does not slide along the stem. Better to take green sticks, so as not to wrap them with colored paper. This is a rather difficult and time-consuming step. If the straw is green, then you do not need to wrap it. Now you just need to attach the leaves to the stem and you can put the bouquet in a basket.

The second master class is a bouquet of socks for a man. All the same actions and nothing complicated. You can then attach the flowers to the same straw.

Another bouquet of socks for a man with his own hands. We will fasten the sock flowers with ordinary safety pins. We take any number of socks, straws and pins. We need a ribbon to decorate a vase.

We lay out the first sock on the table, as shown in the photo.

Bend one edge from the side of the elastic and begin to twist the sock tightly into a roll.

We twist not evenly, but so that the middle remains longer than the petals.

When the flower from the sock is ready, we pin off the edge with a pin so that it does not unfold.

We put a cocktail straw or a plastic stick inside the flower (wooden ones are also suitable). And we put flowers in a vase.

We fill the vase tightly with socks so that the pins are not visible. We decorate the vase with a cloth or ribbon.

The principle of making a bouquet of socks is clear, and then it's a matter of technology. It may not work the first time, so you need to practice. A bouquet of socks can be presented to a man for any occasion. Just do not give such gifts to an unfamiliar man or, for example, an employee. Socks are a rather intimate thing, so you can only give them to loved ones. For decoration, you can use a vase, a beautifully decorated box, or even a bucket. Only not ten-liter, but for children.

You can add small artificial flowers and greenery additionally for beauty. You will get a nice decor.

Flowers in dollars are quite a worthy and material gift. Socks can be taken in solid colors, in several colors, or with stripes in a diamond pattern.

Very beautiful bouquets are obtained from women's and children's socks. "Plant" them in a flowerpot and decorate with tulle.

Additionally, you can tie the flowerpot with a satin ribbon.

Do you want to surprise your beloved man, husband, brother, father, but do not know how to make an original surprise? This question often stands in front of us on holidays, especially birthday, name day.

The first thing that comes to mind is socks, eau de toilette, a shaving kit ... stop. This is corny! There are many ways to do this differently. One of them is a gift to a man with his own hands.

It is no secret that the created on one's own much more valuable than store bought. After all, even if you make a gift according to some recipe, then in any case it will be different from the one in the pictures. After all, it will contain your soul, time, efforts, thoughts. And what could be more valuable than this ?!

In fact, there are a lot of ideas regarding a gift. The main thing is to believe that the souvenir will really succeed. Let's take a look at several different gift themes, they are simple to perform, do not require you very much time, and as a result, you can even surprise your man.

Sleeve earphones

Yes, it happens. This gift is best for music lovers or musicians - in a word, music lovers. Also, if your man expresses sympathy for firearms, then he should also make such a gift. We will hold a master class. For manufacturing, it is best to use 40 gauge casings. Of course, such a gift idea will not remain without emotions from the male sex.

Socks, but unusual

This gift is very practical, it is generally ranked among the commonplace. But such a gift idea can be supplemented with a "joke" in your performance. So, let's hold a master class on creating original socks. To do this, this thing needs original decorate.

You can roll up the socks in the shape of a rose, and create a whole bunch of them. The most banal, but very practical gift: socks can be decorated in a beautiful and unusual way. For example, in the form bouquet colors. To do this, after you roll up the sock, fasten it to a kebab skewer or to a cocktail tube.

Such a bouquet can be supplemented leaflets- real or cut out of paper. For the brightest effect, put the finished composition in a vase or wrap this beauty in the so-called floral net. If you can't find one at hand, then take a cloth. But you can make some weirdos out of socks, create some kind of themed performance with friends. Believe me, such a gift will be remembered for a lifetime.

Gallery: an unusual gift for a man with his own hands (25 photos)

Unusual tanks

But for lovers of cars, especially tanks, we suggest making such a mini-transport with their own hands from socks. At first glance, this is difficult, but in reality, nothing is impossible. First, we take the required number of socks, they need to be rolled up.

We then imitate the body of the tank and its turret. And we finish the composition with a cannon barrel; a cocktail tube is perfect for its role. In order for the souvenir to be durable, we bandage our gift ribbon... Everything! The tank is ready for the ceremonial presentation.

Sweet gift for a man

Needlework is good, but, as the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Many men are ready to kiss their hands for goodies. We recommend that you please your loved one with sweets.

The best thing is to make your own candies, cakes and original decorate them. The gift will look more impressive if you sign it on top. Write the name of a loved one, declare your love, or thank for something. This can be done with chocolate or cream using a special straw.

In addition, you will be surprised if the cakes, for example, are in the form of a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Car enthusiasts should make a steering wheel out of candy, they will also appreciate the “sweet” tires. It is important to pack the sweets beautifully. To do this, take a box or create it yourself from cardboard. You will spend more time, but imagine the eyes of your beloved, filled with happiness.

Custard sweets are also popular. They can also be presented in a more original way. It will help to unleash your fantasies if you decide to do cake... It is not entirely necessary to be an expert in cooking for this. After all, it is also possible to create a cake from sweets.

A gift that brings warmth

It will take more time, but the bound gift will warm not only the soul, but also the body. It is not necessary that these are deer that your husband will be embarrassed to wear. Can be done stylish the thing that he, on the contrary, will brag about. So take the knitting needles, hook and go for it. There is nothing complicated.

And besides, you will have a reason to relax, calm your nerves from everyday problems. You can knit a scarf or pullover... Such gifts for men with their own hands will be able to give them a feeling and a clear understanding that they are being cared for.

In addition, this surprise will be appropriate not only for a young guy, but also for a man of middle and respectable age. You can also create original cufflinks with your own hands.


It is quite simple to create a book (notebook) of desires. The souvenir will become a cool and original gift. The idea of ​​the gift is that absolutely every page will be filled with interesting things. Their highlight is that they are your wishes. For example, you wish your loved one a new car.

We look for a picture of a supercar in magazines or on the Internet, cut out and paint, glue it into the “Book of the wishes of our beloved”. Don't forget to create instructions for using the book. Its content lies in the fact that one must believe in the fulfillment of desire: this is the first and most important thing. Second: when the desire is fulfilled, the page on which it contains needs to be burned. You can create a book with 100 pages, but 15-20 pages is optimal.

We bring to your attention other options for desires:

  1. barbecue with friends;
  2. football evening;
  3. massage;
  4. an evening of computer games;
  5. do-it-yourself cufflinks;
  6. the ability to one-time refuse any action, etc.

Photo memory

A loved one will remain extremely grateful to you if you remind him of the brightest moments of the past year and at the same time hint that brighter events await him in the future. The best way to do this is to create an original photo album.

This memorable souvenir gift valuable in that it will not remain eaten or just lying on the shelf. He can become the epicenter of constant attention when friends visit you. And also when you create new photos and replenish your album. But there are other ways, for example:

  • wall photo collage in the shape of a heart or the word Love;
  • pillow or blanket with a photo print;
  • Wall Clock;
  • painting on canvas or graphic portrait.

Gift set

You can also pamper your man with a whole host of gifts. This option is suitable for those who have certain hobbies. That is, you can prepare a whole thematic set for the holiday.

For example, for football fans, you can create kit, create a scarf with the appropriate ornament, it can serve as the symbolism of the team for which your man is rooting.

It is also better to take a pipe, a few bottles of drinks that he usually drinks while watching a match, of course - crackers, nuts. It is better to put the whole range of gifts in a basket or in a box, which should also be thematically decorated.

Will be original, and if you create certificate in the form of a red or yellow card. Red, for example, can free him from absolutely all household chores for one evening, or this certificate can be for a massage from his beloved, an evening of goodies, etc. It all depends on the wishes and tastes of your man.

Original box: guaranteed unforgettable

Let's give a small master class on how to make a box in the form with our own hands suit with sweets.

So, we need:

  • wrapping or decorative paper;
  • a large matchbox or other box;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • pencil;
  • button.

Let's get to work. Measure the box first. You need to measure it along and across: length (hereinafter - D), width (hereinafter - W) and depth (hereinafter - D). Now let's get down to the costume. Let's start with the trousers: we cut out a rectangle, its length is equal to this indicator, which is subtracted using the formula: W + D + 2.5 cm. We add 2.5 centimeters for overlap. Now we turn to the shirt, its size is the size of the front side of the box (W and L). The size of the jacket is calculated as follows: W + D + 6 mm. Additional millimeters are required for overlap and for further folding of the product. The tie can be cut as you like.

We wrap the piece called “trousers” around the box and glue it from the back. Shirt collar: make two small slits at an angle at the top of the shirt part and fold them at an angle. We trim the excess so that they eventually converge at one point. Glue a tie under the collar, and a collar to the shirt.

For a spectacular look, it is worth writing on such a shirt wishes or the name of a loved one. This will make your shirt a truly exclusive item.