What does a kiss on the neck mean. Kisses on the neck. What does a kiss mean, kisses on the neck? Gentle kiss dug into the neck

Kissing is one of the most enjoyable parts of a romantic relationship. A kiss on the neck can be playful, romantic, or sensual. Of course, you want the girl to like it. There are a number of tricks you can use to give yourself and your girlfriend a great experience. Do not forget that there are several components involved in an intimate relationship. A kiss on the neck is just one of the factors by which you can impress your girlfriend and woo her.


Choose the right time and place

    Look for positive signs. The most pleasant kisses are those that give pleasure to both. Watch your girlfriend before attempting to kiss her on the neck. You need to see signs of whether this is the right time or the wrong time for such a kiss. As a rule, body language and facial expressions can provide important clues.

  1. Make sure you are in good company. Before kissing her on the neck, make sure the setting is appropriate for the occasion. Many women are willing to show some degree of physical contact in public, but most are embarrassed if they show physical interest in public places. Be attentive to her mood. Is she relaxed and comfortable? Maybe then this is the right moment for a kiss.

    • Distinguish the environment. Are your girlfriend's parents extremely conservative? Then it might not be a good idea to give their daughter a sensual kiss on the neck in front of them. Likewise, it would be out of place if you spend time in the company of her boss and colleagues.
    • If you are relaxing in a public place, such as going to a sporting event or a concert, a kiss on the neck may be quite appropriate. Most importantly, make sure that you do not show your relationship in public and do not draw too much attention to yourself as a couple.
  2. Watch your hygiene. Women claim that physical chemistry affects the desire for kisses. Women are impressed by both the appearance and the smell of people. According to most women, they prefer kissing men who know how to take care of themselves. If you have a beard and mustache, make sure they look neat and tidy.

    • Breath freshness also plays an important role. If you're looking forward to kissing, take a moment to freshen your breath. Then kissing will be more enjoyable for both of you.

Give a girl a passionate kiss on the neck

  1. Flirt and play. A playful kiss can be extremely romantic. This is a sign that you are comfortable with your girlfriend and enjoy spending time with her. In addition, this is a sign of your confidence in the desire to care for her.

    • Slowly run your lips along her neck, only lightly touching the skin. This is a playful and teasing type of kiss. He will make the girl look forward to what will happen next.
    • Moving up the neck, you can playfully rub the girl's earlobe. Most importantly, do it carefully!
  2. Fits from the back. Approach the girl from behind and surprise her with an unexpected kiss on the neck. The element of surprise gives the kiss an aura of romance and spontaneity. Most importantly, do not forget to check the situation and do not frighten the girl by approaching too quietly.

    • If your girl has long hair, with a gentle movement of your hand, remove it from the neck area. And then cover her neck with quick and passionate kisses.
  3. Use a "sliding" kiss. Instead of several quick kisses, try one, long and sensual. Start at the top or bottom of the neck and, without stopping, move your lips along its entire length, up and down.

    • Since such a kiss is longer than others, it is better to use it at a time when the two of you are alone.
    • Put your arms around her waist or put your hands on her shoulders. Do what comes naturally to you. If it's a long kiss, you might be more comfortable pulling her in and hugging her.
  4. Give meaning to your kiss. Kissing conveys many emotions. The way you kiss a girl on the neck can say a lot about your intentions. For example, through a kiss, you can convey sympathy and affection. A brief kiss on the neck can mean, "You know, I'm really happy to be around you."

    • Kissing can also show that you are trying to arouse a girl and seduce her. If this is your intention, increase the intensity of the kisses. May they be longer and more persistent.
    • If you want the kiss to evoke even more sympathy, try massaging her arms and shoulders. You can also take her hand - this is a sign of special closeness.

You can talk about your attitude to a partner without words, using different types of caresses. Psychologists consider kisses on the neck to be the most intimate and frank, since this part of the body is an erogenous zone for the vast majority of the fair sex and gives more pleasure to girls than traditional kisses on the lips - according to statistics, more than 95% of women "lose their heads" from kisses on the neck. For men, this type of kissing is also desirable and excites sexual attraction to a partner. Such caresses are unacceptable between friends, so this kiss is possible only between close and loving people.

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The meaning of a male kiss on the neck

When a guy kisses his beloved on the neck, he wants to please the girl, show his serious intentions and arouse female passion. Such a display of tenderness is a non-verbal declaration of love and desire for sexual intimacy.

The representative of the stronger sex needs his woman in this part of the body, otherwise there will be a hickey:

  • You need to lightly bite the female neck and gently run your tongue over it, but not dig into it with all your teeth.
  • Intermittent and passionate breathing into the ear of his beloved to achieve a more vivid effect from kisses.
  • Kissing should be slow and sensual, not in a hurry and not show excessive aggression.
  • Even a short stubble on a guy's face can create severe pain, since the skin on this part of the body is very thin and sensitive.

If a man often uses this type of caress, he has unlimited trust in his beloved and has sincere romantic feelings for her.

The girl feels liberated and relaxed after such a manifestation of feelings, spiritually draws closer to her partner and is ready to fully open up to her man.

How to kiss a guy the right way

Women's caresses

The meaning of a female kiss on the neck is a trusting and close relationship with your partner, a strong sexual desire. This is the best way to hint without words about your desires to your loved one in bed and start a love foreplay. However, if a lover allows herself such caresses in a public place, this indicates her selfishness, strong jealousy and narcissism.

What is a kiss

The kiss is familiar to everyone from early childhood. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If we take into account the language of movements, these peculiar bodily messages that a person makes involuntarily, being under the influence of overwhelming feelings, then kisses at different points of the body can carry completely different messages. So, for example, a light kiss on the cheek means only a manifestation of friendly sympathy, and a passionate kiss on the lips means not only love, but also trust.

The neck is one of the most sensitive places in our body. A lot of nerve endings are concentrated on it (there are peculiar nerve "highways" to the head and back), which makes this area densely "populated" with erogenous zones. For those who are not in the know, these are zones, the impact on which brings sexual pleasure up to complete satisfaction. A person may not know about this, but the subconscious mind is pushing him to kiss on the neck if he wants intimacy. Although for girls, such a kiss can simply show confidence in a man.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Any kissing is a real art. No wonder teenagers train on tomatoes or soft fruits. Almost every guy in his life, while still very young, went through this under the supervision of more experienced acquaintances. But a kiss on the neck is not at all the usual "hickey", but rather a gentle touch of the lips on the velvety skin of this area. Moreover, the lips should be soft and completely relaxed. This creates an effect of tenderness, which brings additional pleasure. But this only applies to men.

How to kiss a girl on the neck

But girls can show their feelings by adding biting or sucking to a simple touch with their lips. And the more violent it is, the more passion she will convey to her chosen one, and the more clearly she will tell him about the feelings that fill her, which are about to start to beat over the edge. It is this passion that becomes the culprit of occasional bruises on the neck of the stronger sex - "hickeys". But, oddly enough, most men really like such kisses, despite the pain they may experience.

Kiss on the neck. The meaning of sleep

But what about those who happened to experience such a manifestation of passion in a dream? A kiss on the neck, presented to a girl in a dream, means that in a relationship with her you need to beware of rash acts, otherwise it can lead to a break. If a kiss on the neck was made to a loved one, then it means honor and respect for relatives and friends, especially if you kiss your mother in a dream. But if a kiss on the neck was made to a dead person, you need to wait for misfortune. What and where, is unknown. The main thing here is to take the warning and stay alert all the time. If an outsider makes a kiss on the neck of a loved one, this will mean a loss of self-respect in the near future. As a rule, the meaning of such a dream is almost always negative.

Kissing on the neck should only be those for whom you have love feelings and real passion. Such a kiss is regarded by many as very intimate, so do not give it to those whom you consider just friends / girlfriends. An exception may be cases when you seek to transfer relations with such a friend or girlfriend to a love plane. Purely theoretically, kissing on the neck is also possible in the presence of strangers. But, in order not to be considered ill-mannered and sexually preoccupied, it is better to resort to such caresses, being alone with the object of your passion.

Kissing your beloved on the neck is more often. Such affection is very important for women. She serves as a kind of identifier for the love and passion of a man. It is worth starting such a kiss with a small introduction. For example, first kiss the lips of your beloved, and then go down a little lower, to the neck. However, this is not necessarily the beginning. Before kissing her neck, try to bring your lips closer to this part of the girl's body and just pour your warm breath over her. For many ladies, this technique works better than some of the more frank caresses. If the girl doesn't mind, move on.

Do not try to kiss on the neck quickly and abruptly, this will spoil all the pleasure and even bring down the languid mood. Move from one area of ​​​​the skin of the neck to another: from the area behind the ear down, towards the collarbone, slowly, as if savoring them. Stay especially long where large vessels pass close to the surface (for example, the carotid artery). Such zones are especially sensitive to caresses. Kissing on the neck is not just lips. To give such a kiss sharpness and piquancy, use your tongue in it. You can also lightly bite the skin of the neck with your teeth.

Kissing on the neck is desirable with lips well moistened with saliva. Such wet kisses seem especially passionate to many women. Do not move your lips and tongue in only one direction, periodically return to the lips, then again to the area near the ears, etc. Kissing a man on the neck is not necessarily too often. A significant part of the stronger sex is indifferent to such caresses. However, if you have already decided to please your loved one with this kind of kiss, choose for him the side parts of the neck, from the ears down to the shoulders. Kiss and lightly pinch male skin with your lips.

In our life it is difficult to name anything more beautiful than the relationship between a man and a woman. An important role in their development is played by a kiss, which can both speed up the development of love events and slow it down, or even stop it soon. During the kiss, we determine how pleasant this person is for us and whether we will follow the path of further rapprochement with him. However, there are several tricks that can artificially win over a partner. It is possible not to become a victim of tricks only by carefully studying them. Such a potent factor literally for everyone is a kiss on the neck, to which researchers of human relations have paid undeservedly little attention. So, how to express feelings beautifully and effectively?

A kiss on the neck is not called the notorious "hickey", but a gentle touch on the neck with relaxed lips. On the part of the girl, such a kiss serves as an expression of complete trust in you and a sign of readiness to continue and develop intimate relationships. Outwardly, your girlfriend may hide her desires, but a kiss on the neck will clearly tell you that subconsciously she is ready to become completely yours.

If the partner kisses the chosen one on the neck, then this can serve as a sign of complete trust in her. And if a kiss consists of many gentle touches, then this means one thing - a passionate desire for intimacy between you. And kisses with gentle biting are a signal of falling in love with a guy who is afraid to admit it.

A kiss on the neck may have another, at first glance, a strange and implausible reason - the desire to warm a partner. The slight excitement that comes from this kiss helps the body cope with the cold.

neck kissing technique

How beautiful and effective to express feelings? Kiss the right way and where you need to! Men and women like different things. Strange as it may seem at first glance, but women prefer kissing with biting, and even carried out in a somewhat rude manner. They like strong tongue pressure and intense lip pressure. And men, on the contrary, prefer a gentle kiss with soft lips, occasionally using the tongue. And bites turn them on only with a violent intimate process, and with calm sex, biting can lead to a decrease in arousal.

Knowing how much a kiss on the neck affects a woman, a partner can use it to get the desired result. If the girl is not sure about the feelings of the chosen one, then she should be on her guard with such caresses and, if necessary, fight back.

Sensitive areas of the neck

How to express feelings beautifully and effectively: which neck area to choose? The area on the larynx, located under the chin, is best kissed gently, as they kiss, for example, on the cheek.

Kissing with biting at the passage of the carotid artery is more likely to cause discomfort, so you should not use them. And they will be appropriate on the side under the jaw line and above the collarbone. Here you can completely surrender to your passion.

Kisses on the back of the neck are extremely exciting. Women like it when a partner, located behind, frees their neck from hair and kisses in the hole below the back of the head. You can kiss lightly from the side, which will resemble the behavior of a vampire and add spice to love games.

Try kissing the nape area, also known as the feline area. It is by the scruff of the neck that the cat wears kittens, and predatory felines use this place to hold the female during mating.

If your partner has his head thrown back, you can very carefully bite the skin with your teeth, running your tongue over it, then loosening the compression, then strengthening it.

Remember the magical power of a kiss on the neck and use it only for good purposes, bringing untold pleasure to yourself and your partner!

He knows no other places for kisses! I hate being kissed on the neck. It feels like there, on the neck, midges are running through - flies!

  • Irina:

I read that this (this kiss) sense of guilt means, or some degree of shyness. I don’t know what else is there, but I have never been kissed on the neck. And not willing to try. That is, there are many other kisses, as well as places for them.

  • Olga:

The usual sympathy, and nothing more. By the way, and in a friendly way, you can kiss on the neck. I remember how I did it completely by accident. She came to her boyfriend, and wanted to kiss (greet) his sister on the cheek. And she somehow bent down, and the kiss "reached out" to the neck.

  • Irishka:

And it seems to me so .... A kiss on the neck is an intimate kiss. And he will not “fly” a person to this place, if only sympathy is present. And remember about love? She is the reason for this kiss. Just kisses on the neck lack courage.

  • Inga:

A man kissing a woman on the neck wants to “prove” that patriarchy will always rule on earth! But you can't stop kissing your neck. For example, I love kisses on the neck terribly. Tenderness! Here's what's in them...

These men do not like kisses on the neck! They kiss themselves, but do not like to receive "neck" kisses. There are no erogenous zones in them, most likely. If a man loves to give a kiss on the neck, he feels that a woman treats with great reciprocity.

  • Manyana:

Wants! Yes, “wound up”, and waits for the girl to get excited. In many girls, erogenous zones, proroy, doze on the neck.

  • Elena:

If a loved one kisses on the neck, he silently says that you are the best, that there are no such people anywhere else, and never will be.

  • Anya:

Look at the meaning here... I dreamed three times that the one I like kissed me gently on the neck. And I felt the kiss! And three months later we started dating, all of a sudden. Are you jealous already?

  • Alexa:

If your boyfriend kisses you on the neck, then you can say that a kiss on the neck from a guy is cool. And why think about the meaning of “kissing”. When the soul and body are just fine.

  • Alesya:

And here, isn’t it about interpretation of dreams? That's exactly what I would have thought. Well, if not, then I confess: I have never been kissed on the neck. It's like they avoid places like this!

  • Ksyunya:

Coffee for me, coffee! These are hidden mats! I don't know how to get emotional out yet. What the hell are girls worried about? They are looking for what it means to kiss on the neck! Found something to think about! Personally, I'm more concerned about environmental issues.

  • Irina:

Afraid of the reaction to another kiss, if he often kisses on the neck. Kidding! Such a kiss is a reward. Only the one who receives such an award does not appreciate it. But this is the rule. And they forgot about exceptions! And I love them more than anything else in our world.

  • Lucia:

I only know the "dream book" of what will happen if a guy kisses her (in a dream, not during it). In short…. The guy is afraid of something. These words are enough, right? I like kisses on the neck. But my husband rarely kisses me on the neck .... Or rarely, or while under alcohol.

  • Milenka:

I don’t want to offend anyone here, but it’s such a shame, somehow, not to know! Kisses on the neck - intimate kisses. And I didn't come up with this. More precisely, like this: I didn’t come up with it. Who? Americans probably...

  • Stasia:

"Hickey" wants to leave on the neck. Instead of a chastity belt! Here! This is my opinion. I won't say anything else.

  • Rita:

If he kisses on the neck, and hugs with tenderness - he loves! Loves very much! And the word "very" can be up to a thousand "catch up."

  • Svetka:

And what is specifically discussed here: who kisses on the neck, or why kisses? I do not understand…. Some kind of "mixing" has occurred. I read and got confused. I like structure even in such things. Forgive me for calling the article a thing. I'm not evil.

  • Irishka:

"Hickey" is horror! He looks like a bruise! I would be offended if someone left me a hickey. Humiliation!


  • Oksana:

I don’t want to show myself as a bore, but we, for some reason, “dropped off” the topic. Need to come back! Do you mind if I do it? No, I hope. A kiss on the neck means that the man (guy) has fallen deeply in love with the girl.

  • Nadyushka:

Thanks, Oksana! I already love my sweetheart! It was a mystery to me what he did. She asked, and he, with a smile, said only "I love you." That's all I heard from him.

  • Tanka:

If they kiss on the neck - be afraid to confess in love! This is my experience said, and my girlfriends experience.

If in the morning - wants to get married. If during the day - hides something, experiencing sympathy. In the evening - looking for romance in a relationship.

  • Anya:

And what is above - signs? Or did you, girl, come up with it yourself? I want to believe, albeit a fictional one. Thank you!

  • Nastyuha:

I think, personally, that this kiss is just a kiss. The guy does not forget that the girl has this place on her body. Laughed, right?

  • Natasha:

I am here for this purpose... I wanted to find the meaning of sleep. But I found something else. Thanks for this find. I read the comments - I forgot about the dream! Never thought about kissing like that. Kissed and kissed... Nicely! And here is the whole story.

  • Galinka:

Kisses on the neck - loves. If I didn't love, I wouldn't kiss at all. There are also these guys! And they will never move.

  • Yulechka:

I raised my boyfriend so that he would kiss me on the neck. I love this…. And he, as I see it, "brought up" well. For me it means something more than the strongest feelings. It's a pity that men don't like kisses on the neck.

  • Natasha:

If a guy kisses on the neck, he just likes it. But not like us! We love them more, because we have erogenous zones there. In men, all this (zones) are located in other places. A kiss on the neck - warmth, sincerity, respect, true love ....

  • Warbler:

A kiss on the neck received from a man means a lot. All this “many” is positive, not negative. I boast: I conducted a special survey. I'm a psychologist! Don't believe? Come, you are welcome, I will show you my diploma. On the Internet, somewhere, my research (my survey) "hangs". The meaning is this: it all boils down to the fact that men do not kiss on the neck of the one to which they treat too "with coldness." They will not kiss the one with whom they do not plan anything. They love you, girls, if they kiss on the neck! Love won here too.

Find out what you don't already know.

Probably everyone knows that kisses are not accidental, they express feelings, emotions experienced by a person. The World Wide Web is teeming with sites that talk about the meaning of kissing. One of the most intimate and exciting are kisses on the neck and lips. A woman at this moment forgets about everything and enjoys a sensual manifestation of sympathy. But these kisses have a certain meaning. So what did the man want to convey to you with this kiss? Today we will talk about kissing a man on the neck.

What does a kiss on the neck mean?

This is one of the most intimate kisses ever. As it turned out, women like a kiss on the neck even more than on the lips. The neck is a very sensitive erogenous zone. Kissing a woman on the neck, a man risks forever losing friendly relations with her. Such a kiss can sexually excite a girl, even raise her body temperature. If a man kisses on the neck, he is actually saying in plain text: “I want you. I want to give you unforgettable pleasure and I expect reciprocity. A kiss on the neck expresses a man's desire to possess you physically, a thirst for intimacy. The girl, from such a kiss, literally loses her head and is ready for anything, unless of course the partner is close and nice to her.

Have you thought about the feelings of a man whom a girl kisses on the neck? Men are creatures even more tender and easily excitable. Therefore, a kiss on the neck should be done gently, barely touching the skin with your lips, and preferably in combination with other caresses. Start with kisses on the face, lips, then smoothly move to the neck area. Take small pauses in the process, in men this increases even more desire. If a woman in this business, in most cases, needs passion, pressure, then men want tenderness and affection. Kisses can move on the shoulders or behind the ear. Guys, it literally starts to shake from gentle kisses, combined with hot breath behind the ear. Breathing into the ear is another trick in awakening a partner’s desire, which gradually develops into a wild passion. Use this simple set of caresses and ... That's it! Your man is ready to explode and longs for more...

With kisses, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Given the peculiar bodily messages that people perform involuntarily under the influence of feelings, kisses on different points of the body can carry different messages. A fleeting kiss on the cheek means a manifestation of friendly sympathy, a passionate kiss on the lips means love and trust. So a kiss on the neck has its own meaning. If they gently kiss the back of the neck, below the back of the head, this is a sign of trust in your partner. Aggressive kisses on the side of the neck are an expression of the desire to dominate in a relationship.

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The meaning of the kiss

The neck is a very sensitive area of ​​the body. It is here that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated, for example, a kind of nerve "highways" that lead to the brain. Due to this, this area is rightfully considered one continuous erogenous zone, influencing which, you can bring unforgettable sexual pleasure.

Even if not everyone knows it, with a kiss on the neck, everyone is able to feel that everything is happening right. The subconscious mind itself pushes to make kisses on the neck when you want intimacy. But do not forget that for women such a kiss is often just a sign of trust.

Gentle touches with lips from behind are a frequent occurrence among couples who have been together for a long time and have been able to go through a lot hand in hand.

Such caresses allow you to feel serious physical and spiritual intimacy, confidence in the longevity and strength of the relationship. A man hugging his woman from the back in a dream and touching his lips expresses not only trust, but also the desire to protect. Not every man likes such caresses towards him; someone calls kisses on the neck purely feminine.

If a girl likes to leave visible hickeys on a guy’s neck, this indicates a desire to manipulate, which is typical for distrustful and suspicious persons. Often mistresses resort to such female tricks to make their legal spouse nervous and worried. In general, it should also be noted that men do not like aggressive kisses.

kiss technique

For kisses on the neck, the same rules apply as in the case of mutual contact of the lips. Many experts claim that they refer to a natural phenomenon and, by definition, they cannot be wrong or right, the main thing is whether a person likes or not this action performed by a particular partner. But still, it is worth asking a loved one whether it gives him pleasure. This is done simply:

  • can be asked directly;
  • freeze for a moment, provoking and thereby inviting the partner to continue;
  • analyze the behavior of the half.

If, after this type of caress, a guy or a girl immediately starts talking about abstract topics, then this should not be considered a good sign. Such an emotional action must necessarily turn a person on. In this case, it is worth resorting to the general recommendations of sexologists who will help to comprehend the art of sophisticated and passionate kisses:

  • Breath. He needs to be followed. Not enough chewing gum, toothpaste and mints. It is required to clean the base of the tongue twice a day - this is where bacteria accumulate that cause unpleasant odors.
  • Saliva. In large quantities, it is good for digestion, but not for kissing the neck. You can reduce salivation if you drink cold water before caresses.
  • Workout. Skills must be brought to automatism, so that when kissing, there is not even a question whether the partner likes them or not.

Execution rules

Any touch with lips is a whole art. But kisses on the neck cannot be called familiar - it is more of a gentle airy touch, a feeling of breathing on velvety sensitive skin. On the back of the neck (nape), where the hairs on the neck in men and women grow thicker, it is enough just to lightly touch them with your lips and tongue, without touching the skin.

  • For men. The lips in the process should be relaxed and soft, due to this, the effect of tenderness is achieved, which brings additional pleasure. It is necessary to slowly move your lips along the neck. This is a playful and teasing type of kiss. The girl is in anticipation of what will happen next. You can playfully touch your earlobe with your teeth, but you must act carefully so as not to cause pain. All of the above is enough if a man kisses his partner on the neck.
  • For women. The girl has more options. She can not only kiss a guy from behind on the neck, but also suck on the skin, bite it. And the more furiously she does this, the more she will convey passion to the chosen one, telling about her feelings, which overflow. Men may even experience slight pain, but in most cases they really like such kisses, as well as the passionate nature of their girlfriend.

Both partners should start giving meaning to their caresses. They can convey a lot of emotions, talk about intentions, show affection and sympathy. Just one short kiss on the neck replaces the whole phrase "I'm so glad you're with me." Kisses can show excitement: in this case, they should be persistent and long.

If you need to arouse great sympathy, then you can kiss the neck and at the same time massage the partner’s shoulders and arms. Girls love it when they are held by the hand or shoulders in the process.

You should not be limited only to the classic contact of the lips, when there are so many sensitive areas on the human body. Having found them all, you can add variety to relationships, learn to show feelings in a new way and delight your soulmate every day.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...