How to make beautiful drawings. Nail patterns for beginners: step by step instructions. The process of painting with acrylic paints with a brush

Creating a beautiful manicure is a very troublesome business, especially if you want to express your individuality and surprise others with something. For such a case, it is worth leaving a monophonic coating of nails with bright varnish in the past. Now more and more popular is the application of an elegant pattern on the nail plates. At first glance, this is a very difficult task that requires experience and creative skills. However, almost everyone can create a simple pattern on a varnish basis. The main thing is desire, inspiration and perseverance.

Techniques for creating a manicure with a simple pattern

There are several ways to apply a picture on the nails. For this, the usual improvised means are used:

  • needle or toothpick;
  • brush;
  • scotch;
  • a piece of tulle;
  • nail file;
  • cotton swab;
  • nail polish remover;
  • varnishes of several colors.

Before you start creating a picture, you need to do a regular manicure on your nails.

  1. Disinfect hands.
  2. Process cuticles.
  3. Model the shape of the nails.
  4. Apply a base coat of clear varnish.

After that, we stock up on patience and turn on the imagination. Drawing can be done in any of the proposed techniques.

  1. First you need to cover the nails with a base layer of varnish and wait until it dries well. This is a prerequisite for obtaining a beautiful clear picture.
  2. Next, take a varnish of a different color and carefully, holding the brush vertically, put a few dots in random order.
  3. Between them, you can make several dots of a contrasting color.
  4. And immediately, without waiting for the varnish to dry, use a needle or toothpick to make several spiral or chaotic movements mixing colors.
  5. Thus, an abstract ornate pattern is obtained.

In this technique, you can create a very specific pattern.

  1. To do this, you need to put a bold point on the basis, for example, with varnish. This will serve as the center of the future flower.
  2. Then, with a toothpick from the center, draw the outline of the petals of any shape.
  3. Inside the resulting petals, you can drop droplets of another varnish and shade them with small strokes with free movements of a toothpick.

If the flower is small, it is even easier to create it.

  1. Make a middle.
  2. Around it, at a short distance, put droplets in place of future petals.
  3. After that, draw a needle from a point to the middle of the flower.

After completing the creation of the picture, you need to wait for the final drying! and cover the entire nail with a fixing layer.

brush drawing

It is not very difficult to create drawings with a brush. It should be thin and moderately rigid. It can be either a lacquer brush or a regular watercolor brush. You can use it in different ways:

  • use it in the same way as the toothpick in the previous method. in this case, you get a smoother one with smooth lines.
  • arbitrarily draw an invented drawing;
  • put dots of any size and shape, getting multi-colored polka dots or a "leopard" pattern.

You need to start and end such a manicure in the same way as in the previous technique.

Creating such a manicure is considered quite laborious, because the drawing must first be cut out on a piece of adhesive tape, making a kind of stencil.

In this way, mainly two-color drawings are performed.

  1. On the base layer you need to apply a varnish of a lighter shade and wait for it to dry completely.
  2. After that, glue the prepared one on the nail.
  3. Apply a different color varnish on top.
  4. Remove the adhesive tape carefully when the varnish dries so that the pattern does not spread.

Drawing with tulle

In this technique, a beautiful openwork pattern is created, and it is not very difficult to master it.

  1. Prepare a piece of tulle with a small pattern in advance.
  2. First you need to prepare your nails and apply two coats of varnish (base and base).
  3. Do not let the top coat dry on the nail, you need to put a cloth and press firmly.
  4. Wait a bit and take off.
  5. It will turn out very well, which will only be covered with transparent varnish.

For all nails, you can use the same pattern or choose a separate one for each. Instead of tulle, you can use a knitted fabric or velvet fabric.

Examples of simple drawings

Very interesting drawings - images can be created without special skills, but only great imagination.

For example, nails - sneakers.

  1. Apply foundation.
  2. Cast off the toe line.
  3. Color the sock.
  4. Mark the location of the holes for threading the laces.
  5. Draw lacing.
  6. Place holes.
  7. Draw a black line.
  8. Manicure - sneakers are ready.

Here are a couple more simple examples. Manicure - dominoes

Having mastered the techniques of applying simple drawings, you can move on to more original techniques, for example, aqua manicure.

Step by step manicure (Photo)


Sooner or later, every girl thinks about how great it would be to learn how to draw on her nails no worse than the masters in the salon. But what seems simple, in fact, turns out to be a virtuoso work. You should start with light drawings and patterns that will help you fill your hand and make a truly luxurious design in the future.

Where to start drawing

To make the process of drawing on nails pleasant and effective, you should prepare the pens for the procedure. To do this, perform a series of manipulations that precede any manicure. It is necessary to remove the cuticles - cut or dissolve. You can’t be zealous in this matter, because the cuticle is the protection of the root of the plate from infections, so its complete removal leads to inflammation. There are living and dead parts of the cuticle, and only the dead part is to be eliminated.

After the cuticle comes the turn of the free tip of the nail plate. The surface must be disinfected and cleaned. Giving any form should take place according to the instructions. You can not hold the nail file at an arbitrary angle, because this way the tip is injured and subsequently cracks.

After washing down, the nails should be degreased. The surface is polished, burrs are removed. You should not resort to drawing without a clear plan, otherwise the drawing will not turn out beautiful. At the first failures, you should not give up, because nail art requires care and patience.

What tools create drawings and patterns in manicure

At first, you can use the usual tools that are easy to find at home. A needle or a toothpick, adhesive tape, brushes will help in drawing on nails. For decoration, you can take scraps of fabric. To work, you also need a nail file, cotton swabs, varnishes and nail polish remover.

These are definitely not the most convenient, but the most accessible tools. You need to wield the needle carefully, and when using adhesive tape, you need to wait a long time for drying. But even with such uncomplicated devices, you can paint your nails. First you need to practice to get your hand on easy elements. After that, it will be easier to recreate complex patterns and details.

Important! More professional tools - brushes, stamps, airbrush. They allow you to make clear and beautiful drawings without any problems, but they are not particularly suitable for study (except for a set of brushes for beginners).

Stamps do not give any idea about the drawing process, because the patterns are applied in the easiest way. Airbrush in inexperienced hands is useless. The easiest option is water stickers. With their help, unique patterns on nails for beginners are created in stages (photo below).

Techniques for creating simple drawings on nails

The simplest patterns that can be recreated are the usual stripes and dots. These simple elements allow you to make a stylish design without special skills and coming up with interesting ideas. It is enough to take adhesive tape and stick it on the nail as you like to get stripes. With dots it’s even easier: a toothpick is enough to set small droplets. In the same way, you can create other geometric shapes. Scotch tape will help to make a triangular jacket or a moon manicure with an unusual hole. Beautiful and simple drawings on the nails (step by step photo) to your attention.

It is interesting! The gradient is quite within the power of every beginner. It is possible that the first time it will not turn out neatly and symmetrically, but after a few attempts the manicure will be gorgeous.

The gradient is preferable because it allows you to embody the trend of the next year - the use of two colors. The smooth transition between shades looks stylish and luxurious considering how ridiculously easy it is to create. You need to take a sponge and two varnishes to get the perfect transition. You can decorate one finger with a pattern on top of the gradient.

The easiest way to make a fun manicure is to simply spray different colors of varnishes. Splashes were the trend of 2017. Ordinary drops of correctly selected colors are so amazingly combined that the manicure looks very expressive. You can supplement the technique: put a film on top of the drops so that they mix randomly, you get a good surrealism.

With the help of ordinary petals and leaves, you can create good drawings - for beginners this is ideal. It is enough to set dots with varnish and make the appropriate stains with a toothpick or needle. Gold and silver threads, rhinestones and broths will help add zest. The best drawings on nails with a needle (diagrams and photo novelties).

Monograms on the nails (interlacing of various curls and lines) are not difficult to draw, but first it is better to try to draw a pattern on paper. Initially, plexuses of initials were called monograms, but in nail art this concept is used more widely. All the details of such a pattern are a single element. It turns out an expressive and at the same time simple pattern that can be drawn in any color. You can try to depict the monograms on the nails step by step (photo below) in the way that is presented below.

With the help of adhesive tape, try to create an abstraction that has been popular lately. You need to cover all the nails with the main color, stick the tape randomly to get a separation into two parts, and cover one of them with a similar shade. Finally, you can make the lines smaller with some contrasting color. It will turn out an intricate abstraction with taste.

Even when picking up a brush for painting on nails for the first time, you can make a romantic manicure. This technique is based on a jacket, but the “smile” needs to be decorated with an unconventional bend. Also try filing your nails in the shape of a stiletto and draw hearts or diamonds. With an oval shape of the nails, you can make a triangular, angle inward. Primitive faces of emoticons, animals, flowers, butterfly wings can serve as “smiles”.

After the first attempts to draw, it is worth trying to depict roses. Flowers are drawn with a regular brush. Those chic flowers that can be seen in the design of eminent masters are actually created by ordinary semicircles. Rate these roses on nails (photo step by step).

After the roses, you can move on to the basics of Chinese painting. With its help, beautiful flowers are painted using different shades. This technique requires special tools, but the result is stunning. Chinese painting on nails (photo step by step) for beginners in this simple lesson.

Simple drawings on nails for beginners: step by step photos and lessons

Geometric pattern:

  1. Apply the base and let it dry.
  2. Divide the "canvas" into two halves and paint over one in blue. Experienced can separate the surface by eye, while others will need tape.
  3. Draw a thin black stripe between blue and transparent.
  4. Enclose the transparent half in a thin black frame.
  5. Draw three lines inside.
  6. Three figures will turn out, of which one can be sketched in blue.

Triangular well:

  1. Apply base.
  2. Apply base color.
  3. Glue two strips of adhesive tape so that they form a triangle at the root of the nail.
  4. Color the triangle with a contrasting color.
  5. Wait until it dries completely and remove the tape.
  6. With a thin brush, draw two lines in gold or silver along the edges of the triangle.
  7. Seal everything with clear varnish.

You can use thick strips of tape, fasten them sideways and make three curved strips in monochrome colors (for example, yellow, light green and green, or pink, lilac and burgundy).

flower pattern:

  1. Apply base coat.
  2. For convenience, you should arrange the working varnishes in the order of use.
  3. Apply white color to the entire surface of the nail.
  4. Add three small red dots around.
  5. Add a white dot inside each dot.
  6. While the drops have not dried up, you should make stains at your discretion. To create a flower, you just need to wrap the tips of the dots outward.
  7. After drying the picture, apply a fixing layer.

In such a simple way it turns out to draw beautiful and expressive flowers. By slightly changing the concept, you can turn them into surreal plants.

Summer drawing:

  1. Apply foundation.
  2. Cover the nail with yellow.
  3. Put some big dots.
  4. With a needle, draw from the top of each point to the bottom and a little further, creating a petal. It is best to wrap all the ends towards the center.
  5. Repeat with each point.
  6. Draw a line along the tips with gold lacquer. Branch it between the leaves.

Drawing on nails is a complex skill. It can be very difficult to portray something beautiful on such a small work surface. But do not despair, because everything can be learned. It is worth starting with something simple, gradually complicating the task, and then everything will work out.

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Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but you can make a beautiful manicure at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Consider beautiful and modern designs on the nails.

A beautiful manicure is an important part of the image for any woman. After all, men often pay attention to women's hands and how well-groomed they are. Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but you can make a beautiful manicure at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Today will give you ideas for nail designs that can be done without any special skills.

What tools and materials are needed

The drawing will not be neat if the nails are broken, have different shapes and untidy cuticles. First you need to qualitatively and put your nails in order. Next, you can proceed to varnishing and drawing a picture.

Modern nail art involves the use of various kinds of improvised means, with the help of which beautiful drawings are obtained. Absolutely everything is used as decor materials, from stickers to rhinestones.

To create drawings, you may need:

  • Scotch
  • Fine brush
  • Needle
  • Glitter Powder
  • Nail stickers
  • Glue and foil
  • Pebbles and rhinestones
  • Varnishes and paints
  • Toothpick
  • Sponge

The selection of materials will be easy if there is an exact scheme for the future drawing.

toothpick pattern

He needs a toothpick and colored varnishes. If everything is done correctly, the result will look neat, and a manicure is suitable both for a holiday and on a weekday:

  • The nails are covered with a monophonic dark varnish.
  • A little contrast varnish is poured onto a sheet of paper.
  • Draw a pattern using a toothpick.
  • When it dries, cover with a colorless varnish.

It is so convenient to draw a heart, a flower, a twig or any other pattern - it all depends on how much free time you have and what you want to depict on your nails.

Simple drawings with a needle

If you want to create a neat pattern, then you can’t do without a needle to draw thin lines. An ornament with a needle is created on nails of any length, constantly changing color and creating contrast.

To do everything right, follow these instructions:

  1. A transparent base is applied to the nails.
  2. Bright varnish put small dots with a brush. To make it more convenient, the varnish can be poured into a small bowl or onto a piece of paper.
  3. A drawing is drawn with a needle - all points are connected or other patterns are drawn.
  4. After all this should dry up.
  5. Fix the result with a fixative varnish so that the pattern lasts on the nails for as long as possible.

In this technique, it is very convenient to draw butterflies, flowers, twigs, since a thin needle is suitable for depicting small details.

Lacquer drawings step by step

If you are not comfortable using a toothpick or a needle, you can buy some varnishes with thin brushes and apply patterns with them.

For example, the youth pattern "sneakers" looks bright due to the use of different colors. But it will take a little time and patience to apply it:

  • Nails are covered with different colors of varnish.
  • With the help of white, draw a toe at the nail.
  • Lines are drawn along the length.
  • All stripes are connected diagonally.
  • Black varnish put dots on top of the "sock" and draw them.
  • Colorless varnish is used to fix the result.

Classic manicure became popular back in the 60s and has remained relevant ever since. This combination is suitable for both a young girl and an aged lady:

  1. Prepare your nails for applying polish.
  2. Special manicure stencils are glued to the base. They should form a semicircle.
  3. Apply 2-3 coats of base color polish.
  4. Dry it.
  5. Peel off the stickers and paint over the semicircle with a varnish of a different shade. It can also be left unpainted.
  6. Apply a top coat of colorless varnish.

brush drawings

In specialty stores there are a lot of varieties of brushes for painting. They have different lengths, shapes and thicknesses. Using them, you can create all sorts of masterpieces of nail art.

If you like to experiment, buy two different brushes. So it will be convenient to apply large and small details to decorate nails.

Tape design

Using simple tape, you can create a moon or French manicure, as well as apply complex geometric patterns to your nails. It is only necessary to think over the design in advance, and at the end cover everything with a fixative varnish.

Dots and how to work with it

Dots is a manicure tool that looks like a pencil with a ball at the end. With it, any patterns are applied. The technique of working with it is that a different shade is applied to the main color applied to the nail - the dots are gently dipped into the liquid and patterns are created over the entire surface. It is convenient for them to create points and draw lines, and the main rule when working is to apply varnish on a wet surface.

Acrylic drawings

Not so long ago, acrylic paints began to be used in creating a beautiful manicure. Their color scale is various, besides, brightness remains for a long time as paints are steady against steam and moisture.

This technique can be used to draw twigs, butterflies.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the drawings on the nails are limited only by your imagination. You can safely experiment with color solutions, combine techniques and choose the method that is less labor-intensive, but at the same time allows you to achieve better results.

Video “A simple drawing of a ladybug”

Have you already tried to show your imagination and create an original pattern on your nails? Show your result in the comments!

Simple and versatile designs are in demand not only for special occasions, but also for every day, in the office, school, travel. No wonder the most popular in professional salons is a monochromatic coating of red gel polish.

Color plus minimal decor is the formula for a successful manicure for a modern woman and a girl who leads an active lifestyle. Let's take a look at popular simple designs, easy-to-learn textures, and step-by-step two of the most requested manicure techniques for preparing nails for coating.

Easy manicure to prepare nails for design: cut and acid options

When there is not a single extra minute, and you want to make a simple and beautiful nail design, then half the battle is preparation for coating. It can also be minimized and performed at home. The simplest manicure options are edged and acid. Let's consider each of them step by step.

Edged or classic manicure:

Acid quick manicure

At home, I want to reduce manicure to a minimum and devote more time to creativity - drawing a design. This will help the acid version of the procedure. At home, it will take 15 minutes.

A simple and quick option is gel polish or shellac with a cat-eye effect. It is applied in two layers, each of which is processed with a magnetic stick to create a strip or ribbon of shiny particles as part of the product (photo).

Manicure "cat" eye in black and white palette

If you need to make a simple and quick manicure with an original effect, the "cat's eye" will come to the rescue. You can choose a combination of base and highlights in a variety of shades. Casual option - black and white or black and gray. It will suit most office and school outfits, basic accessories. If you do not use a magnet to draw a glare or strip, you will get an even flickering background.

Simple red manicure with matte finish and graphic design

A matte finish or matte shellac can bring down the red levels a bit for everyday looks, while still adding just the right amount of hue to them. The finish top with the effect of the same name gives the varnish a matte finish. Black lines can be drawn with a brush or a needle on the nails.

The manicure in the photo also illustrates a life hack - when the resistant coating grows, you can extend the line to the cuticle, and we get a new moon design. It will turn out to be like another week if the ends are in good condition.

Lightweight everyday design with gossamer gel

The new viscous texture has become a real discovery of 2018-2019. A simple monochromatic manicure can be transformed with a contrasting graphic pattern, even if it is abstract, chaotic lines. The consistency of the gel resembles melted chewing gum. For application, a drop is placed at one point of the nail, and lines along the perimeter of the plate are drawn from it with a brush or a needle.

In the figure, a shiny foil was additionally fixed before applying the gossamer gel. It creates the effect of depth.

simple french sequins

Continuing the theme of a simplified lunar design, a jacket can be made with the same approach. The base is made with a pink camouflage base, and transparent shellac or gel polish with sparkles is applied to the tips of the nails, and stretched with a brush from the edge to the middle of the nail. You will need a flat wide brush - comb, for example.

Simple nail designs with stickers or stamping technique

Original, bright, even mischievous manicure ideas are given by nail slider stickers. They are attached over a plain base, and then sealed with a top. You can pick up inscriptions, animals, flowers, patterns, abstraction and even a gradient.

In a similar stamping technique, spectacular and original designs are obtained. Stamping requires a special kit and time to practice. The drawing is engraved in a template into which the varnish is poured, the seal is pressed against it, and then the imprint is transferred to the nail. We fix the result with a top. In this technique, it is most easy to draw patterns and abstraction.

Simple nail designs: ideas, photos, patterns, drawings for inspiration

A beautiful gentle manicure in a minimalist style can be done with varnish, gel polish, paint and gel with the addition of sparkles, rhinestones, rubbing, powder, velvet sand and airbrushing. Consider the ideas of simple and easy nail designs for every day, for the office, school and special occasions.

Gray plain manicure with sparkles

On short nails, solid neutral designs look even more expressive if you emphasize the color with sparkles. In the photo, they are stretched using the gradient technique from the base to the edge. The plate is visually lengthened due to blurred lines and shine. It is easy to make a manicure using a brush and small sparkles with a transparent base. .

Black and white simple drawing on the nails: abstract graphics

If it is difficult for you to draw compositions beautifully when drawing a design, use small graphics. Broken lines, dots, blots - everything will look beautiful in contrasting black and white and other colors. Use a thin brush to make the graphics neat. This design is also suitable for small nails.

French in black and white

A win-win option for a simple manicure for short nails is a black and white jacket. In the photo, the design is complemented by original vertical lines to visually lengthen the plate and draw attention to the style. If it is difficult to draw three nails in this technique, draw only one of your choice.

Red manicure with a small simple pattern

It is easiest to draw thin lines, strokes and abstraction. Take advantage of the graphics, and draw the transitions between shades in contrasting tones, as in the photo.

The second option is to complement the small pattern with rhinestones. In the photo, this is one pebble that complements the heart. The composition is based on contrast, voluminous lines and brilliance of decor.

Rhinestones in the decor of the picture

Even the most unpretentious drawing, decorated with rhinestones, immediately acquires volume and attracts attention. Draw such simple branches with leaves, and decorate each with a small rhinestone or bouillon. Stones are recommended to be mounted on a gel for building up or a rubber base, fixing with a top at the final stage.

Rhinestones on a plain background

The design will be mastered by a beginner. We apply a background coating of any shade, in the photo it is white, and complement it with a composition of colored or plain golden, silver rhinestones. A simple combination of color and glitter is perfect for evening looks. .

Blue manicure with a large flower on the ring finger

It is not easy to draw painted flowers in designs, but if we take a dandelion as an example, even a beginner will be able to do the task. Light technique, black and white combination, simple pattern of base and dots around the perimeter. Look at the photo, and you will succeed.

Colored stains with acrylic paints

When you want to get creative, but a specific drawing doesn’t come to mind, you can make simple abstract stains on a contrasting background. Acrylic paint adheres well and dries quickly. Before applying, mix a little pink, black and white on the palette, and then transfer the drop to the nail and make stains. Secure it well with the top. You get a simple spring manicure, even without drawing flowers and butterflies.

Rhinestone ring on the nail

The beloved design with rhinestones is easy to perform and suitable for beginners. After applying the background, lay out the rhinestones in the form of a ring on the nail of the ring finger. It is important to use the extension gel as a base, and choose the size of the rhinestones for the size of the nail plate.

Blue manicure with rubbing and small pattern

A paw, a footprint, a heart, the first letter of the name and many other simple details will decorate nails in everyday manicure. This option is also suitable for school design, if you adjust the length. For drawing, use gel paint, varnish or gel polish. Choose contrasting shades. I can't help noticing :)

Spring manicure on short nails

A simple drawing, a delicate background, a spring theme - such a successful combination will be mastered even by a beginner. Use acrylic paints and a thin brush. If it is difficult to draw, you can pick up a spring theme in stickers or stamping bases. For short and small nails - only small drawings. .

Choose a few of your favorite ideas for every day or for a special occasion. Think about what materials you would be interested in mastering in simple designs. Start experimenting and getting creative!

Simple and easy manicure - ideas and techniques for pros and beginners

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An important feature of the modern image is a beautiful manicure. You can go to the salon or show your imagination and decorate your nails with patterns and drawings on your own. To do this, you need a needle, multi-colored varnish and a little patience.

Using a needle to create a manicure

With the help of a needle, you can create unusual patterns and make a spectacular fashionable manicure. Needles are used in different diameters. To create large patterns, a larger diameter needle is required, for a more elegant pattern, a thin one. The drawing turns out to be neat and intricate, you can’t draw this even with the thinnest brush.

Workplace preparation

For work you will need:

How to work with a needle at home: basic rules

The technique of drawing with a needle does not require artistic skills, you just need a little patience.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you can practice drawing on glass.

  • You can paint both on a dry base and on a wet one, however, for beginner artists, working on a wet one is preferable. In addition, when working “wet”, more interesting color transitions are obtained. But you need to work quickly before the varnish is dry.
  • For convenience, the needle can be placed in an automatic pencil instead of a lead.
  • During operation, it should move at an angle of 90 degrees to the plane of the picture.
  • When performing a drawing, do not press hard on the needle so as not to scratch the nail plates.
  • After performing each new action, the tool must be wiped with a napkin so that lumps of hardened varnish do not get on the drawing.
  • The procedure is repeated sequentially for each nail.

Technique for drawing "sun"

  1. The drawing is applied to the prepared nails, so you first need to do a regular manicure and shape the nails.
  2. We cover the nail on which we will apply the drawing with green varnish. If necessary, a second layer can be applied. This is the basis for the drawing. Since the drawing is carried out on a wet base, it is not necessary to wait for the base to dry, but it is worth acting very quickly.
  3. We choose a contrasting varnish, for example, white and put a dot in the middle of the nail.
  4. With a needle we draw lines from the center of the point, drawing rays, as in the diagram.

    From the center of the white dot with a needle, draw rays, pulling out the pattern

  5. items 2,3,4 are performed on each nail.
  6. After the pattern has dried, we fix it with a transparent varnish.

    The picture needs to be fixed with a top coat to give it shine.

You can decorate the drawing with sparkles and glue rhinestones, or complicate the scheme by making the pattern multi-colored. To do this, first a dot of blue varnish is applied to the main coating, and red on top, and “stretched” according to the “sun” pattern.

Making a pattern from two colors of varnish will add brightness to the pattern

Varnish drawing "twig": a step-by-step lesson

  1. We process nails and cover with red varnish.
  2. We put multi-colored dots on the nail plate, for example, white, in one line.

    Dots are applied on a wet basis in one line

  3. From top to bottom, we draw a needle through the center of the points, connecting them. In this case, the drawing is stretched, and a branch with leaves is obtained.
  4. If dots of a different color are applied on top of the whites, the pattern will become more expressive. Smaller dots can be applied with a needle or toothpick.

    Complicate the drawing by adding another color

  5. At the end of the work, we apply a transparent finish.

How to make a flower pattern "Tulip" on nails (video)

Zigzag pattern: a simple pattern for beginners

A simpler version of the pattern - "zigzag", is performed using two colors of varnish, without putting down dots. To execute it:

Abstraction technique: do it at home

This technique allows you to depict fancy patterns on the nails. She is easy to perform.

  1. We apply a purple base on the nail plate and put down dots of colored varnish - white and beige, alternating them along one line.

    apply base coat and put colored dots on top, not allowing them to dry

  2. We draw loops with a needle, and the needle should not come off the surface. An abstract drawing is performed according to the scheme:

    abstract pattern can be applied to any part of the nail plate

  3. We fix with a finish coat.

Performing a complicated abstract drawing (video)

Parallel scheme

Very interesting and varied drawings can be made based on this scheme.

Drawing in blue tones (video)

How to make a gossamer pattern

This is another nail design that requires several matching nail polish colors to complete. The drawing is applied to the corner of the nail plate or from one edge. The execution order is: