How can an idiot find a girlfriend. Where to find a girl: effective places to look. Places that require investment

In this article, consider two questions at once. The first question is the problem question, which goes like this: Why don't I have a girlfriend? I will first answer this question, as this will reveal the causes. The second question is a decision question and it sounds: "How to find a girl?" . This question is much more important than the first one, because it forces our brain to focus on the problem and not on the problem itself.

Why don't I have a girlfriend?

Many guys, and perhaps you yourself, know the answer to this question. When a guy asks: "Why don't I have a girlfriend?", he begins to think that something is wrong with him. Reading some forums, I found that a lot of guys think they don't have a girlfriend because they are shy. That is, if I'm shy, then I won't have a girlfriend. All this is complete nonsense. Many girls hang themselves around the neck of shy guys, as some girls are attracted to. I have seen many such couples, where the girl is nimble, and the guy is quiet and shy. Opposites attract and that's a fact. So forget about your shyness.

However, girls are all different. Girls are said to like bad guys. So now, to become a bad guy to find a girlfriend? Such a transformation will require a lot of effort, nerves and time. If you are a bad guy now, but you don’t have a girlfriend, maybe you should work a little on your character and behavior? Girls love faithful, and most importantly RELIABLE guys. Girls under 18 like bad boys. As they get older, they become more obsessed with the quality of reliability. Do you exude reliability?

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Why I don't have a girlfriend, how to find a girlfriend


The most obvious option. Modern life suggests that the easiest way to find a girl is on a dating site or in an application for them. However, not everything is so simple: those who met there rarely create strong alliances.

However, do not dismiss the Internet as an option. Think about your hobbies and head to the relevant forums and various websites to discuss your hobbies, whether it's paragliding or knitting (what if you're that weird guy who loves to knit?). So at least the probability of meeting a soul mate will increase and you will already have something to talk about.

The principle of "thematic" search extends to reality. If you are that lucky person who has time to pursue your hobby and go to meetings of the same enthusiasts, take a good look around there. Suddenly a lonely young lady is sitting next to her, but she is interested in the same thing as you!

Old school option: if you like good books and Turgenev young ladies, go for readings. They take place in libraries and bookstores, and the percentage of women among those present there is much greater than that of men. Then discuss the book - why not a reason for a date?

Actually, without reading, getting acquainted in a bookstore is also possible and necessary. It will be easier to understand what kind of person is in front of you, according to the books that he (in our case, she) is considering.

In gyms

There is a whole army of girls who go to the gym just to get to know each other. Seriously. They can be recognized by the presence of makeup and a neat hairstyle instead of a banal ponytail.

You can also get acquainted while jogging (although a puffing interlocutor is not very sexy), cycling, swimming - there are a lot of options.

By the way, winter is the time for dating at the rink. Girls are very disposed to this, because on skates they feel touching and beautiful.

On the game of "Mafia" or something else

You can sign up for such games and come at a prearranged time to a cozy cafe, being unknown to anyone, and leave from there with a voice torn from laughter and screams, a whole company of new friends ... and a girl! It will suit both those who have no experience in this game, and the hardened "Commissioners of Cattani".

At training workshops and courses

This is a whole unplowed field for searches. Cooking courses? Great. Call and ask who visits them more often: couples or singles. And if they are singles, then whether they are divided into pairs and what is the contingent.

Dance masterclass? Wonderful. Paired? Yes, they will tear you off with arms and legs: there are always not enough partners. Yoga seminars? You will also become calmer.

Attention, life hack: if registration for master classes, open lessons and games is conducted in social networks, you will be able to study the lists of participants and their pages. So you will come prepared and you will know who is married, who is heartbroken, and who is ready for a new relationship!

The advantage is that at a live performance of your favorite group, under the influence of the moment and emotions, acquaintances happen just with a bang.

Minus the loud music. Yes, we remember that you came for her. If you can't yell out guitar riffs to ask for the name of a beautiful stranger, then, at worst, show your sympathy for the young lady in the dance. Although no, suddenly scare. :)

At classical music concerts, it is possible to find a dream girl, but it is difficult. Firstly, the contingent there is specific, for the most part highly spiritual. Secondly, there must be silence. As an option: all three hours of the concert you turn your head, studying the environment, and at the end, run to get acquainted.

In shops

Oh, yes, you are a sly one if you chose “female territory” for dating, like a cosmetics or utensils store. Approach a pretty young lady and ask for advice, making an unhappy face: “It is very difficult for such a lonely man like me to make a choice, can you smell me? How do you like this perfume? And let's pick some more pots together, you're doing so well.

Every girl hides the need to help, save, pity and so on. It would be foolish not to play on this, and even in such an innocent and sweet way.


In fact, it is not so important where exactly to look for a girl. Lifehacker gave you tips that are not limited to. If you look at young ladies in the subway or in a cafe and one of them smiles at you or holds a meaningful look, do not be shy, be a man and step towards fate. Is it really her?

Today, probably, most guys are asking this question: how to find a girl for a serious relationship? And to be a real friend for many years, a like-minded person, a good mother to future children, an understanding and caring person. And even if long-term relationships do not lead to marriage, even if they end in separation, but in order to stay together as long as possible, the chosen one must be as reliable as a hypothetical wife. But where to meet such a girl? Let's try to answer this puzzle.

Conversations. It's hard to talk to stupid people. If keeping up a conversation with her seems like real torture for you, then most likely you are not a couple. Even the cutest face will quickly get bored if a girl cannot talk to you on an equal footing. This applies not only to "silly people", but also to arrogant persons who initially put themselves above the rest. What is it like to feel like a "henpecked" when the relationship, in general, has not yet begun! Whims. If your chosen one lives only one day and whims, then perhaps she is still a child and is simply not ready for a relationship? If she is extremely dear to you, then you can wait. This, of course, is old-fashioned - this was done in the century before last, when a wealthy man could wait five or six years until his young chosen one, clearly of school age, matures. But who said that this is not your option. And now there are quite happy marriages between a professor and a student. And even if you and her are not so in terms of physical age, but in terms of moral, but a girl can someday overcome this teenage capriciousness. If you are ready not only to meet, but also to educate this “child” a little, then you can try.

Is it right to choose only beautiful girls when searching?

But no! First of all, because your own concepts of beauty may change over time. They say that you cannot build life with a face or a figure, and this is an occasion to pay attention to the beauty of the soul. By the way, you can also fall in love with the “gray mouse”, if she suddenly hooked with a well-aimed word or showed such helplessness that you had the opportunity to act as a noble knight. And if she can support this feeling in you - that you are needed, in demand and in general - a superman, then bravo to the “gray mouse”! Just don’t get carried away yourself and don’t try to provide the same services to the first beauty, because she can let you know that you are not a knight, but her slave. Of course, if the beauty is not proud, then you can make friends with her first. The main thing is mutual understanding, and not pride in having some kind of “treasure”.

I want to meet the girl of my dreams

So we got to the moment when we will tell you exactly how you can find a girl for a serious relationship: Vkontakte or dating site In the age of the Internet, many people get to know each other this way. Moreover, many families create, starting with a dating site. The advantages are obvious: if you are embarrassed to get acquainted, then on a dating site it is not so strongly felt. The disadvantages include the inability to immediately assess who is on the other side of the chat: the girl of your dreams or another disappointment, if not a scammer at all? Make new friends while walking around the city Walking around the city, you can meet a lot of pretty girls. Of course, they may be busy or not have a desire to get acquainted, but at least one of them will surely respond to your offer. You just have to start and wait. Of course, you should not approach everyone in a row, but if you liked the girl, why not decide? The main thing is not to be too importunate, so as not to frighten away this creature with your assertiveness. A butterfly should not feel that its wings are about to collapse. You should not become for her a spider, deftly spreading the net. The companion also has the right to think. Leave it for this time and wait until this timeout ends. Try to just meet her in this place and entertain her with innocent conversations. Ease and understatement - that's what will push her to seek meetings and try to get to know each other better. Pay attention to the girls from your environment (work, study, company) Maybe that's where your happiness lies. Moreover, if you know each other, then you can probably know if this or that girl has a boyfriend or if she is free. Either way, it's better than guessing.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself Having found a more or less suitable girlfriend, do not rush to lead her down the aisle. A lot of marriages fail because spouses decide too early that they are right for each other. It is better to wait first, then to understand whether you get along or not? After all, a serious relationship implies the creation of a family, and even the appearance of children ... It’s better to think it over and check everything in advance than to suffer from the wrong choice later.

How to find the right woman to start a family

So, let's say you have found a worthy young lady that you love, you have already arranged a girl for a serious relationship, but you still don't know if this is the one with whom you want to share your fate? How to understand? What should you pay attention to?
    Honesty. Nobody likes liars, right? Think about it, can you live with someone who constantly lies to you? Therefore, be honest yourself, and look for a girl to match. Loyalty. Even one betrayal can destroy a marriage. Even in our enlightened times, treason is sometimes even killed ... And somewhere treason is even a criminal offense for which punishment is due, up to the death penalty. But on your part, the ability to forgive will be required, especially if the sudden betrayal was provoked by your own behavior. Sometimes a girl can cheat in retaliation if it seemed to her that you could not miss a single skirt or make eyes at a particular person. Be faithful yourself. Listening skills. Indeed, who wants to communicate with someone who constantly interrupts or, God forbid, allows himself to say that he is not interested in what you say directly. It's one thing when it's a friend or a total stranger, it's another thing when it's the chosen one of life. If you both know how to listen to each other, and interrupt only in vehemence, then this is all right. But you will have conversations in unison. Interest. Despite the previous paragraph, love and relationships are still not an indulgence for boredom. If you or she are simply bored in communicating with each other, then this is an occasion to think very seriously, but is this the person with whom you can live your whole life?

Why is it so hard for me to find a girl for life, what is the reason

It's definitely hard to say. Everything here is deeply individual, starting from your passivity in serious matters, ending with personal emotional trauma, which degenerate into complexes. Ordinary shyness often becomes a serious hindrance. But even it can be used! Shy guys tend to be intelligent. So, get to know each other in the library, planetarium, etc. Girls who like “nerds” “live” there. Perhaps you yourself, without realizing it, subconsciously do not want to find a girl for a relationship because of some kind of negative love experience. Anything can help here, from realizing problems in yourself, to going to a psychologist. It’s also possible that you’re just unlucky so far ... In this case, we can only wish you good luck and remember that sooner or later Cupid will still shoot your heart with his arrow !

You don't have to act cool or put in any effort; just be yourself. Do not go looking for a girl, otherwise you will look desperate. Self-confidence and self-sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities for a man, and you will not appear so if you beg every girl you meet to go on a date with you.

  • When meeting girls, try to make friends with them, and not start a romantic relationship. This means that you need to hang out with as many women as possible, not just the girls you directly like. Having a lot of good female friends will teach you how to talk to them and how women feel and think in general. Most importantly, you won't feel so alone and desperately looking for a girlfriend.

Flirt. In all your friendships, flirt a little so you don't get completely into the friendship zone. This does not mean that you should try to win over every girl you know, but flirting will help them understand that you can be considered not only as a friend, but also as a partner. Even if she is not interested in you, she may introduce you to a friend.

  • Cross the touch barrier. Take a small "touch risk". Be playful, but don't overdo it. Take her by the elbow or hug her waist to lead her through the crowd, touch her shoulder and laugh together if she says something funny. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know. Touch lets the person know that you find them attractive and that you have enough confidence in yourself. Both can make you more attractive in the eyes of a girl.

Part 3

Get hooked girl
  1. End the conversation. If you like the woman you're talking to, end the dialogue yourself. This will avoid awkward silence and also show that you are not jumping at any opportunity to get her attention. It also allows you to end the conversation on a positive note. At the end of the conversation, simply say, “Listen, I have to go, but I really enjoyed talking to you. Would you like to continue the conversation over a cup of coffee sometime?” If she says yes, take her phone number and go about your business. She's not the only girl you'll meet along the way.

    Be assertive. Many women love it when a man takes the initiative, at least during the candy-bouquet period. When you call her to set up a time and place for a date, keep in mind at least two options that are attractive to her. Don't call her and ask her what she'd like to do if you don't have your own pastimes, or she'll probably think you're lazy or not interested enough in a relationship.

    • For example, if you're talking to her and discussing a meeting, then say something like this: "Well, I thought we could go to this great new restaurant in the city center... But I also wouldn't mind going to the new bowling alley." in the mall... What do you think?” If she likes one of your suggestions, she will tell you, and if not, she will suggest something else. This is how you show your self-confidence. If she doesn't care, just choose one of the two.
  2. Be kind to her. Just because she's showing you attention when you tease her doesn't mean she'll develop feelings for you. Girls are much more vulnerable than you might imagine. It is worth making a rude remark to her, and she will never speak to you again. Praise her for every little thing and sympathize when she makes a mistake. But be careful in your words - they should not sound sarcastic.

    Get the job done. Having met a nice girl who will show you sympathy, do not stop halfway. If you like her too, be confident and ask her out on a date. Keep a low profile. Dinner for two by candlelight on a first date can turn a girl off. Ask her out for coffee after school or work. If she refuses, there are two options: she is not ready or she does not like you. Don't push it, it will push her away even more. Be friendly and patient. Wait for the moment when she shows feelings for you, and try to invite her again.

    Go on a date. When you have met a girl with whom you feel a real connection, it is important to please her. If you followed all the above tips, then she is probably already interested in you; small thing is to strengthen relations. Ask her out on a date or for a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, walk her to a designated spot, or ride the bus together. This way you will not only be polite, but you will also have more time to communicate with each other.

    • Do not use chats or sms. Give her a call or invite her in person. At first glance, nothing unusual, but it is this small gesture that will show the girl that you are sincere in your intentions and that you are not looking for easy affairs.
    • Offer to pay yourself. Be prepared to pay for her and for yourself. Again, this will show the girl your good manners and let her know that you are not greedy. She will probably object out of politeness, but she will most likely be pleased with such a gesture, so insist.
  3. Imagine that a date is an interview for a new position. There's a big difference between a guy who goes out of his way to get a job and someone who knows he has a lot to offer the company, and the company has a lot to offer him. When you're with a girl, don't act like you're in a job interview to be her boyfriend. Imagine that you are interviewing her to become your girlfriend. If you control the situation, it will make you more attractive in the eyes of a girl. Otherwise, if you give up the slack, the girl may not be the one you dreamed of at all - because in such a situation they choose you, not you.

  4. Keep her hooked. After a date, do not call or write immediately. Some guys follow the general rule of waiting 48 hours before calling a girl back. Don't put yourself on a time limit, but don't get impatient either. Don't call or text her right after the date, at least wait until morning.

    • Finish the conversation yourself. Whether you're texting or talking on the phone, when you feel the conversation is coming to an end, try to end the conversation yourself. You will seem busier and she will always want more.
    • There is nothing wrong with starting a chat or calling first. In fact, it shows that you are interested and serious about your intentions. Don't worry about it. If she sees that you are serious about her, she herself will take the initiative in her own hands, without even noticing it. If she doesn't, then she's not that interested in you.
    • Please wait a few minutes to reply to the message. If you answer right away, it will mean that you were sitting and waiting for her to write. Wait 5-20 minutes before replying to a message. But don't wait too much long, otherwise the thread of the conversation may be lost.
  5. Become the initiator of the second date. If a week after the first date, the thought of her still flutters in the stomach, then ask her out again. Try to make it more romantic than the first - invite her to dinner instead of a cup of coffee, or spend the evening alone, rather than with a group of friends.

    • Kiss her! If you're in a romantic mood and you haven't kissed yet, take the opportunity to kiss her goodbye. When you get closer and look into each other's eyes, it's time to decide on a kiss. Take your time, give her time - she will either reciprocate or push you away. Pay attention to signs that she wants a kiss. If this is your first kiss with a girl, stop there, even if she invites you in. Just answer: "Not today, next time!" This will show her that you want something more meaningful than a fleeting fling and that you are interested in a relationship with her.
  6. Repeat. All relationships develop differently. Sometimes you will have to initiate all dates until you are officially a couple. Sometimes she will initiate. In the first case, you need to try to catch the signals that will let you know if she is interested in communicating with you or just shy.

    • Recognize signals in person. If she responds to your flirting, laughs at your jokes, and seems to be comfortable with you, she's probably interested in you. On the other hand, if she sits away from you and crosses her arms, or if she refuses to make eye contact with you, then this is a sure sign of a lack of interest in you. Try taking her hand while walking, or put your hand on her knee while watching a movie or dinner. If she moves your hand away or makes it clear that she is uncomfortable, then she is probably not affectionate enough for you.
    • Recognize signals in messages. If you feel like you're constantly dragging out the conversation, or she constantly replies with short phrases like "good," "great" and the like, she's probably not interested in you. She probably knows that such words will not lead to meaningful conversation and is just trying to be polite and not give a reason to misunderstand her. However, pay more attention to signals in face-to-face meetings. In a difficult situation, talk to mutual friends to better understand her behavior.
  • Move on to touch gradually. Touch her shoulder, hug her waist, or give her a hand if she stumbles.
  • If she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, don't go to extremes. Maybe she's just not ready yet.
  • Have your privacy. Girls don't like guys who don't have their own personal lives that stick to them like a bath sheet. Some girls like it, but because of the wrong motives - they are either not confident in themselves or they need attention, and sometimes they are driven by a desire to dominate guys. If none of these scenarios suits you, make sure you have enough friends, hobbies, and goals in your life.
  • Lovers usually look into each other's eyes for a long time. You can do this when both of you are romantically inclined. Make eye contact while talking, but periodically look away and switch your interest to other things. Make sure you don't stare at the person's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever) for a long time, even with admiration and curiosity. In general, you do not want a person to feel like under a microscope.
  • If she already has a partner, don't interfere in their relationship.
  • One of the best ways to find out how you can find a girl is to understand why you don't have one now! Look inside yourself and think about what you can improve and what you are already doing well.
  • Any time you are in a setting where there are a lot of girls, talk to each of them and choose the one you would like to spend more time with. Get in the habit of exchanging contact information with at least one girl every time you are among them. If she's not interested, that's fine, you'll find the right one next time. If you've gone on a few dates and it didn't turn into a relationship, don't worry. The more often you go on dates, the greater your chances of finding a girl.
  • Be polite to every girl, not just the one you like.
  • Don't rush things. It may take a week, a month, or even several months before the girl realizes that you are "the one."
  • If you are very shy, invite a friend with you - in which case he will cheer you up.
  • Learn to read body language. Feel it or not, but people always express their attitude towards you with signals. If you learn to read these signals, you can adapt your words and behavior to make a girl like you more, or stop wasting time with someone who doesn't like anything you say or do.


  • Don't talk about past relationships. Under no circumstances should this be done. You will only give the impression that you cannot let it all go. If a girl asks about your past relationship, just say that you realized that you didn’t fit together the way you initially thought, so you decided to move on and find someone with whom you will experience great mutual happiness. Be concise and don't ask about her ex.
  • Be positive. If you're having a bad day, still greet her with a kind look and a big smile. When you're hanging out with a girl, don't complain about traffic, your boss, or your job. If you just need to complain, do it, but in moderation, and then say: "I'm glad that I'm here with you now!"
  • It is worth emphasizing that you should not go deep and talk about your unique hobbies and interests if the person does not share or ask them. a lot of questions. If she only asks a few questions, then she may not be as interested as you are. Most likely, she tries to be polite, so in a conversation you should not pay all attention to her enthusiasm. At the first meeting, it is better to listen to a person and find out what he has to say, and not talk about himself.
  • Do not use memorized phrases to meet a girl. Girls love sincere guys, not those who memorize phrases from the Internet.
  • Many guys are held back by the fear of being misunderstood. For example, she is carrying a bag, and you are afraid to offer help; it seems to you that in this way you hint at her weakness, and that she considers you to be "macho". Let go of your fears and think about what you are really doing. You help her because you really want to. What could be wrong with this? If you're not questioning her abilities in any way, then she's probably not that good that she thinks that of you, is she? Go ahead. If your actions come from the heart, then a decent girl will see it.

Sexual relations underlie the entire existence of mankind, running like a red thread through its entire history and culture. Romeo and Juliet put their lives on the altar of love. Rochester and Jane Eyre were together even after the betrayals of misfortune. The love of Lancelot and Guinevere changed the fate of an entire continent. There are many more stories sung in novels and films. Do you want to experience the same strong emotions that shake your world to the ground, or just lose your virginity at last? In this article, we will encourage you to take a series of actions that will allow you to easily solve such a problem as finding a girl.

Many say that you don’t need to bother, you just need to be yourself, and everything will work out. Perhaps so. But is it so rare that you liked a girl who did not pay any attention to you? Our task is to expand your “target audience” as much as possible and increase the chances find your soul mate. For it can take a long time to wait for water to flow under a lying stone.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is not “how to find a girl”, but “how to please girls”.

This, of course, is good if you enjoy drinking beer, playing DOTA and chatting with friends in your free time. But for success with girls, you could use something better than a beer belly, and stories about how you countered the combo with your ults. A lot of stories that begin with the words "We got drunk somehow with Kolyan ..." are also a dubious trump card. Although it happens that people agree on this. But more on that later.

In any case, the first thing that appears before the lady is your appearance. You don't have to be an Apollo, because girls are generally not obsessed with appearance. You just need to take care of yourself, and it will not be difficult for you to find a girl.

1. Wash regularly.

Preferably a little earlier than you are asked about it by others. Unless, of course, your goal is not a smelly lady from the Kursk railway station. A very important point - avoid greasy hair by any means if you want to find a girl. A lot of people complain about the greasy patches of quite nice guys.

2. Get yourself a normal haircut.

3. Be in good physical shape.

The ability to click on the mouse for 6 hours without stopping is not yet an indicator of good shape. Getting fit is a lot easier than it looks, and it will greatly expand the circle of girls who will like you. The ideal option is a passion for some kind of active sport: girls love athletes. If time is running out, then just 40 minutes of vigorous activity 2 times a week will keep you in shape

4. Update your wardrobe.

You can start small - take all your holey socks to the trash. Or at least let the grandmother
sew up.

The next step is underwear. Destroy truhans with matching colored markings on the front and back - it's a disgrace. Order yourself a fashionable set of your size, and trust us, girls will soon be able to appreciate it.

Next is the clothes. Go with a friend to the mall, with her you can pick up a thing that will hide the flaws and emphasize the dignity. Buy a few new things, and a couple of good ones are better than a mountain of rags that don't fit. Discover some new type of clothing - V-neck T-shirts, alcoholic tank tops, sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, polos, whatever - experiment.

Create your own style, focusing on the world's icons of masculinity and style, or simply on a womanizer friend. Girls are masters of noticing small details, so your image can tell a lot about you.

5. Buy a nice cologne.

Usually you can pick it up in the same store with the same friend with whom you updated your wardrobe. Smells have a huge impact on Homo sapiens, including girls. It's like the final touch to your flawless look.

We have dealt with external factors. But an attractive appearance is hardly half the success. After you liked the girl, you will have to talk with her about something else, interact. And here comes the time to involve the whole spectrum of your inner qualities.

Personal qualities that girls appreciate in a guy

It may take time to develop them. But this is the key point in communicating with girls, which determines the degree of your success. You need to develop these qualities in yourself in order to meet your love, and generally improve the quality of life. Of course, only soap opera characters possess all at once, but the more you have, the better.

1. Confidence.

Girls love self-confident guys, this is no secret to anyone. Show that you have it, or risk staying in the friend zone. But do not confuse this concept with insolence, otherwise you will get a red card. Just be confident in what you are doing, look at her with a look devoid of timidity, and everything will work out.

2. Responsibility.

Let her know that childish carelessness is not about you, that you are already a completely adult person (even if you are 15) and can take responsibility for your actions, yourself and loved ones. Every girl dreams of such a man - with him like behind a stone wall

3. Purposefulness.

The girl must see that you are not sitting still and you have a place to move, that you have goals that, ideally, should somehow intersect with her own. Then she will immediately imagine for herself the further development of your relationship, even if this is the first meeting, and she will be more willing to go for their development. If you know what I mean;)

4. Manners.

When you open the door for her or offer a hand to help her get off the bus, she already begins to imagine you in her bedroom. Be a gallant gentleman, and she will understand that you know how to handle girls.

5. Social approval.

This is what others say and think about you. Still, it has a certain meaning, no matter how many would deny it. If you have common acquaintances with her who unanimously say: “he is a tough guy, and even has a lot in common with you”, she has no chance to resist. And if you were approved by her best friend, then consider that it's in the bag (if you don't screw everything up yourself). Also, if she notices a demand for you among other girls, she will be forced to take a closer look at you.

6. Kindness.

As a rule, it is enough to show kindness to the girl herself. She will believe that she is really special if you hate the whole world except her. But it is also desirable to be kind to her and mother. And in general to animals and close people, yours and hers.

7. Mind.

Take an interest in the world around you. The wider the range of your interests, knowledge (or at least the baggage of useless information), the more possible points of contact with girls, and with the world as a whole. Yes, and you will figure out what's what. Intelligence is sexy!

8. Sense of humor.

If you have it, it will be much more interesting, more fun with you, which means that girls will like to spend time with you. In addition, with a sense of humor it is much easier to find friends, overcome life's trials, and generally live. If you wish, you can also develop it - love yourself, do not be afraid to be funny and make fun of yourself, watch humorous shows, and over time you will develop a great sense of humor. An integral part of it is a sense of proportion, so do not overdo it, and do not joke about her late Barsik, and the like.

However, you should not stick out the presence of these qualities in you. Show them unobtrusively, as if by the way. Boasting is not in your best interest. Modesty on top of each of these qualities decorates them twice.

And one more important tip:

  • Get to work. To have a good time together, one way or another, money will be required. Even if a girl is used to always paying for herself, you will have to pay for yourself. You can, of course, ask your mother for ice cream for a girl, but having an independent income will present you in a much more advantageous light.

If you followed our advice, then at this stage you are ready to find the girl of your dreams, if she has not found you yet. After all, working on yourself in all these areas gives a real result - girls begin to pay attention to you. Below we will tell you the most effective ways how and where to find a girl.

Throw a cry for girlfriends-friends-classmates.

They will help you find a girl, because for sure someone will have a friend, or even a few who are to your taste. In addition, if you are a friend of a friend of the third great-grandson of the grandmother's grandfather of a good friend of a girl, then you will immediately be more trusted than just a guy from the street. Many people just get to know each other, and for you, this is a great way to find a good girl. Tell your friends about your tastes and they will search for you. When something interesting comes up, don't forget to ask for a photo before you get started.

After the girl you are interested in is found, try to arrange a meeting with her with the help of mutual acquaintances, have friends invite both of you to a party or meeting where you can chat with her. Next, act on a hunch - take the phone, contact or other method of communication, and continue to communicate.

Take advantage of online dating.

How can you find a girl without getting off the couch? Of course, with the help of dating sites. True, you still have to go out for a walk with her. Is it difficult to find a girl due to lack of free time? Dating on the Internet is the most gentle way in this regard. You will have to spend time only filling out the questionnaire and photoset.

Sites are easy find a single woman any age in a number of ways. It's also easy on the internet. find a girl for the family: you can immediately pick up a thematic site, you can immediately see the purpose of dating a lady, and there are really a lot of people who have already settled down on the Internet, not like in nightclubs. Of course, there are also disadvantages, for example, you can miss with the appearance, a person may smell from the mouth, or something else that you could not notice by communicating on the network.

We have already talked a lot about dating on the Internet in our articles: and. If you decide to try to get acquainted on the Internet, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with them.

Meet wherever you are.

Be open to what is happening, look at the world around you and act according to the situation. After all, there are girls almost everywhere, wherever you go (unless, of course, this is a military town). Let's take a look at a few situations as an example:

If a girl looks lost, looks at signs on the subway, or looks around in a puzzled way, walk up and ask her if she's okay. At least you will communicate, as a maximum - a chance to find a new girl.

A girl with a huge wheeled bag in front of an even bigger staircase. Offer her your strong male hand, at the same time you can ask how the holiday in the Maldives went. She will probably say that she was in another place, and get to know each other.)

And in general, there are girls around us who need help all the time. In the gym, on the bike path, in the cloakroom, by the elevator. No wonder they are the weaker sex. Don't be a misogynist, help the ladies. And they will help you.

At a get-together or at a party, in a nightclub and in general at a festive event, it is easiest to get acquainted - everyone is relaxing, ready for social contacts, including new ones. Come up, introduce yourself, ask if she often comes here, if the organizer knows how she is here at all, try to start a dialogue. At the same time, you can briefly tell about yourself if you notice a counter interest. Everything is as usual.

Yes, depending on the place and event, the willingness of girls to get acquainted varies. But history shows that find a soul mate real and in a nightclub, and at a funeral. All you need is to identify girls who like you and are ready to make contact. How? We touched on this issue in detail in our article about.

There are many more places where you can find a girl. The above postulates will help you to get acquainted with each of them. But such large-scale goals as finding your love are not solved in a second. Live life to the fullest, do not focus only on women, rejoice and develop, and you will have everything.

Good luck! ;)


Already found a girl, but you can’t talk to her? Read