How to communicate with a girl in contact: unwritten rules. How to start a chat with a girl? How to please a pen girlfriend

Talking to a girl who likes the Internet is easier than in real life. In a couple of clicks, you can find out everything about her: where she works or studies, what her hobbies are, what films she watches and what music she listens to. But what to write to her in the first message in a contact so that the girl pays attention and wants to continue the conversation? In our article, we will talk about what must be in the first message, and what should not be there, and at the end of the article you will find several examples of successful online dating ...

Preparing to meet: a few important rules

Before starting a conversation, you need to:

  1. Tidy up your page. We choose a good avatar, fill out the “About Me” section, publish beautiful photos, etc.
  2. Choose a girl. We choose a girl from our city, weed out fake accounts, we find common interests, possible topics for conversation.

How to properly prepare your page in the social. networks to meet and choose the right girl, we described in detail in. Be sure to read this article before you start writing your first post.

What should be the first message to a girl: 3 main questions

The first message should be brief, but should directly or indirectly answer the 3 main questions, which will surely appear in the head of any girl after she reads your "Hi".

These are the questions:

  1. Who you are: what is your name, how did you find it online;
  2. Purpose of acquaintance: chat, have fun, go on a date;
  3. Reason why you chose it: what do you have in common, what do you like about it.

The order of these theses may vary depending on the situation.

The main task the first message is to interest the girl, make her pay attention to you. To do this, you do not need to write a whole sheet of text or come up with complex greetings. 1-2 well-chosen simple sentences are enough.

Don't forget to say hello and introduce yourself the name your friends call you. Avoid too familiar forms ("Sanya", etc.). Yes, the page already has your name on it, but the introduction is a simple form of introduction etiquette.

Don't know what excuse to come up with? Desire to chat- this is already a great pretext for the first message. Do not intimidate the girl by talking about the desire to start a family and have children, even if you are really looking for a future spouse.

Carefully review her page - pay attention to books, music, films and publics. How is a girl different from others? What is she proud of? What unites you?

Write that you saw on her page a photo from a recent concert of your favorite band or that you noticed a selection of Nolan's works in her videos. Show her that she is not just another girl to whom you “copy-paste” the prepared text, but that she is special. She will at least be interested in what kind of person you are, if you point out the commonality of interests, and she will want to continue communication.

Examples of successful dating phrases

Here are 3 original examples from the life of starting a conversation on VK that can be used as a model.

Example 1. A beautiful compliment is an original conversation starter

Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I stumbled across your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. Painfully charming smile on the avatar :)

Well, hello, Vadim! Thanks for the compliment…

Or maybe we will meet and continue communication outside the Internet?

I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.

You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. You won’t learn so much about a stranger from the street if someone approaches you to get acquainted :) By the way, I also have a Rottweiler. Maybe we can meet and walk the dogs? How about tomorrow evening?

Good. Here is my number +79212345xxx

Example 2. Shared Passion - Travel

Hello Sveta! I was looking for posts on the hashtag Baikal in the news, and accidentally landed on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Wouldn't it take me a long time to ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha)

Hello! It's nice to meet you :) Few people get to Baikal from our city - now it's closer and cheaper to fly abroad than to such a distance. Ask what you want. I'll try to answer)

Or maybe we'll meet somewhere for a cup of coffee? I think that it will be more convenient. In general, I really like to travel around Russia. I can give you more interesting routes)

And why not?)) Today I'm busy, but I can tomorrow after work. I finish at 8 at Amethyst. Comfortable?

Yes, it's convenient. Leave your number please. In case I lose you there)

79213345ххх see you soon)

How not to start a correspondence: the most common mistakes

The most common mistakes are:

  • platitudes The first post must be original. You can’t start a conversation with cliches or hackneyed phrases, for example: “Hello! How are you?". If you write something like that - in 9 cases out of 10 she will simply ignore the message;
  • Hints of a sexual nature. And this includes not only messages like: “I would like to take a closer look at you!”, But also “compliments” to the girl’s figure, even if she herself put herself in a swimsuit with a profile photo;
  • Use of slang expressions and obscene words. It seems that this is understandable, but many of the first messages from men are still replete with various “che”. And if a girl decided to ignore you or immediately sent you off (albeit in a rude way), in no case should you call her names. Even if you never cross again, keep your face and don't stoop to that;
  • Presence of grammatical errors. Check what you write. Pay special attention to commas. No one will find fault if small punctuation errors slip through the message, but a complete lack of understanding of the grammar of the Russian language will definitely scare an adult girl away;
  • Deception. Using a "fake" page or one where there are no personal photos. Put yourself in the place of a girl: if you were in her place, would you get acquainted with a person who has no friends on the page, and a Hollywood actor or the latest Lamborghini model is depicted as a profile photo?

The girl replied to the message: what's next?

So, you managed to interest a woman and she responded to your message. How to be further? The best solution is to go straight to your goal.

If you want a close relationship, immediately invite her on a date and take a phone number. You need to take advantage of the moment while her attention is completely focused on you. The longer you delay, the more likely it is that she will refuse to meet in person.

Remember! Pointless messaging is a waste of precious time.

If the girl agreed to go on a date, you need to immediately appoint a place. Here is a selection of where you can go on a first date.

A great way to make a good impression on a date is to surprise a girl, to surprise her. Here are a few how to do it.

If a girl did not agree to a date, this is not a reason to give up. No need to remove it from contacts and send it to the black list. You can communicate with her further. Do not forget, the more you communicate with girls, the better it will turn out. In addition, if you are interested in her correspondence, then she will definitely give a second chance. A few that can be used in correspondence here.

In any case, if you want success with women, then you need to develop.

Brief conclusions

In a word, for a successful first message, it is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the purpose of the appeal. Sometimes you can directly talk about the desire to get to know each other, but it is more effective to use some kind of pretext. Don't forget to clean up the page, double-check your grammar, and be prepared to handle objections.

Don't push the girl, keep a positive attitude and remember that the purpose of your first message is to meet. Communication just for the sake of communication in this case does not make sense. And if at first the young lady refused to meet with you, but continued the correspondence, then it’s just worth the wait. Give the girl a couple of days to get to know you better.

Yes, the problem is not simple. You sit, look at his or her photo on social networks, like it ... But how to start a correspondence? What would you say, so as not to repel, to interest, to please in the end. We will not blur the topic, sharing how to start a correspondence with a guy, like a girl, like a man, like a woman. Let's just try to look at the main options for starting a conversation with a stranger.

Correspondence: motives

In general, start with why you are writing to this person, that is, find out your motives. You will need to focus on them in the future, it depends on them what and how you write. To make it easier for you to get started, here are the most common motives that encourage people to write to strangers:

  1. You liked the person in the photo, and you want to get to know each other better (by the way, find out here too if you want to make a friend or maybe even thinking about starting a relationship);
  2. You just got bored and want to brighten up your pastime;
  3. You want to show yourself, so to speak, brag about yourself for self-affirmation;
  4. Your motive is to make useful acquaintances, contacts in a certain field or environment.

Where to begin

So, based on the motives we have proposed, let's try to consistently see how to start a correspondence with a girl or a guy on a social network.

Motive - sympathy

Perhaps the most common motive. It is logical that your goal is to please too.

  1. Since you can start a correspondence in a contact, for example, not only with a personal message, you can use this. Comment on any photo of a person with an original comment. Although, to be honest, if a person is interested in you, then a simple comment on the photo, for example, of his dacha, such as: "how beautiful!" If you are not so interesting, then even the most original comment is more likely to be ignored. But there are always exceptions! In the end, a person may simply not notice your writings. So take your time and move on.
  2. Banality. Write simply: “Hi, no, we don’t know each other, I just wanted to say hello to you.” Focus on the individual - "with you". And then how will it go.
  3. You can start a conversation with a compliment. For the most part, this is the lot of young people, however, a girl can afford it. The main thing here is sincerity (be honest at least with yourself), write compliments if you really want to do it.
  4. You can pretend to be wrong. The full namesake of your classmate (tsy), well, confused, with whom it does not happen. Perhaps the conversation will start.
  5. Write that you know the face, could you meet somewhere. You remember your sweet face very much.
  6. On the Internet you can find funny phrases, such as: “are there angels on earth?”, hinting that she is an angel (this is more about how to start a conversation with a girl). Although, for sure, there are similar “phrases” for guys too.

Rule to follow: do not try to drastically close the distance, it scares and repels (both guys and girls). Start acquaintance gradually, with abstract topics.

The main thing here is to rely on your main goal. You have to please the person. So build the whole conversation so that he (she) is pleasant to you. After all, there is such a phenomenon in psychology: we like those who like us. So show your affection.

Motive - boredom

Well, you can start anywhere. Your goal is to brighten up loneliness and get rid of boredom.

  1. You can start right like this: "hello, I'm writing because I'm sad (put pressure on pity). I thought (a) this can be fixed by talking to a nice person."
  2. You can come up with a topic, absolutely any, and offer to discuss it. It's good if you write questions, because it will be easier for a person to answer. And then, if the conversation starts, then he will start asking. The main thing is not to forget that you are writing, just do not jump to talking only about yourself, be sure to also ask about the person.

Motive - self-affirmation

Actually, you probably already caught the essence of our presentation. The goal is to increase your own self-esteem.

Put your favorite photo on the avatar and show off.

Motive - benefit, benefit

You have found a person in a field whose connections are useful to you. Your goal is to show interest.

Start the conversation in the topic, area with which your interest is connected. There will be two parallel lines of conversation here: You need to interest the person in yourself (ie, to please him, as discussed above) and show your interest in the "case". You don't have to start from afar, you need to immediately show that you are interested in "the opportunity to join a club", "to do this and that". Make a person an expert, ask, show him that he is smart (admire).

Communication with a girl on the Internet is somewhat different from communication in real life. The main advantage of the interlocutor is that they do not see him and do not rush to answer. Remote communication takes place more easily and naturally, a person is less worried and worried. Chatting with a girl on the Internet, of course, is interesting, but first of all, you need to arouse her interest and desire to communicate. If a girl has a nice appearance, it is likely that she receives dozens of messages a day from strangers who want to start a relationship with her. In order for her to respond specifically to your message, you need to know a few tricks on how to please a pen pal.

Internet communication rules

For guys who are not too confident and have low self-esteem, the big problem is how to start a virtual acquaintance. As practice shows, women primarily prefer interesting, assertive interlocutors, and not "handsome" with a sporty appearance. Communication with a girl in social networks, on dating sites or various forums should be relaxed and easy.

Get your profile right

Everyone knows how to create a personal page on social networks, you should not focus on this. The profile must be filled out in such a way that the girl has a desire to correspond with you further. Your photo is a business card that deserves a lot of attention. You should not post a photo where you are standing next to an expensive car (especially if it is not yours). A photo from a fun where you are intoxicated will also spoil your reputation. Choose a photo where you are in an adequate state. First, the lady will look at the photo, and then decide whether she should continue the acquaintance or leave your message unanswered.

When filling out a profile, indicate as much information about yourself as possible, where you should look like a versatile person with a lot of hobbies. Write about your favorite movies, books, places you have visited. The more interesting information about you, the more attractive you look like an interlocutor in her eyes.

Analyze her profile

To please a pen pal, you need to know as much information about her as possible. For example, study her favorite books, maybe the girl is a fan of healthy eating or is a fan of Zenith. If the girl you like in the photo is against the backdrop of an easily recognizable area, develop this theme. She will certainly like your observation and non-standard approach to acquaintance. While everyone will write to her “hello, how are you?”, You will get a good chance to continue virtual dating.

First post

Do not be banal, come up with an interesting message that will catch and provoke a response. If the answer is nevertheless received, this is a good chance that should not be missed. It is necessary to write to a girl competently and interestingly, avoiding insipid expressions.

How to communicate with a girl

So, the answer to the first message has been received, and now the main thing is not to miss your chance. Now, based on her interests, come up with a plan for further conversation. If you get the impression that she is a “cool girl” and makes acquaintances only with wealthy guys for further material relationships, decide for yourself whether you need such an acquaintance or not. You only need to write to a girl with such requests about your material wealth, who your parents work for, and what countries you fly to on vacation.

How to communicate with a girl on the Internet if she is not interested in your financial situation, but is looking for an interesting interlocutor and an extraordinary personality? This is where you need to brainstorm. Talk, for example, about travels, tell about your own, and be sure to ask where she managed to visit. Let your conversation be mutual, not narrative only on your part. Talk about plans for the future, perhaps they will be somewhat similar to you. Every girl is interested in a man who has reached certain heights in his life and is moving towards his goal.

Do not lie

Often young people, in order to fill their own worth, begin to lie with inspiration and invent fables about their lives. It will come out sooner or later. Do not post other people's photos, do not attribute zeros to your salary, in general, do not embellish reality. If you plan to meet early or in reality, you should not lie. It is not necessary to write to the girl all the details about her personal life, keep silent about something, but do not lie.

How to start dating on the Internet and not be disappointed? It is not uncommon for a girl to like a photo, and in the process of communication you realize that this is not the person you need. First of all, decide what you expect from online dating. Perhaps you just want to chat without further meetings in real life, or are you looking for a one-night stand? Or maybe you want to find your soul mate on the World Wide Web?

Proper communication with girls on the Internet implies:

  • Be positive. Even if you have problems, you should not dump them on a new acquaintance. It is always easier to communicate with a positive person and perhaps your beginning correspondence will grow into something more.
  • Be a real man. Women do not like the representatives of the stronger sex, constantly complaining about the lack of money, a strict boss, and life in general. Solve your problems without the help of strangers.
  • Carry yourself with dignity. Do not run after a woman and beg her to talk to you. Ladies quickly lose interest in obsessive men.
  • If you often hang out on the Internet on dating sites, do not get hung up on just one person. Write to several girls at once, so you will get a rich experience of virtual communication. Be moderately self-confident, and women themselves will seek your attention.
  • Follow her new photos, check out her new hairstyle or unusual hair color, stylishly chosen clothes and fashion accessories. Every lady will like it if her outfit is appreciated.
  • Learn to listen. Your interlocutor herself will tell a lot of interesting things about herself, the main thing is to show interest in this. Communication is not a one-sided game, but a mutual exchange of information. If you talk only about yourself, it is unlikely that communication with a girl will last long.

You don’t need to write to a girl with a dry scientific text, dilute your written speech with emoticons, funny speech turns. The usual boring phrase: "What are you doing today?" may be left without attention, and a more emotional version of “Beauty! I invite you to a place where only the most beautiful girls go on weekends!” Thus, you made a compliment and at the same time intrigued your interlocutor.

How to go from virtual dating to real

So, you are actively corresponding and learned a lot of interesting things about each other. Based on the results of the surveys, we can conclude that if a virtual acquaintance did not take place in real life after three months, the situation is unlikely to change in the future. A meeting in real life does not always live up to the expectations of the two parties, here a deception about external data and other inflated information pops up.

The first real date is much more difficult than virtual correspondence. Here you do not have time to think about each answer, instead of emoticons you need to show real emotions, joke, in a word, be at ease and easy to communicate. To avoid embarrassing situations, think ahead about what you will talk about. Topics of problems at work, the global financial crisis, it is better not to touch on your ex-girlfriends. Agree, you will not be entirely pleased if the girl tells how her ex-husband communicated with other women on dating sites.

Communication with the opposite sex on the Internet always raises a lot of questions: how to start a conversation, how to please a girl from the first message, so that further virtual acquaintance develops into a real relationship. Psychologists and experienced users of social networks recommend starting correspondence with non-standard messages in order to stand out from the general mass of fans. If you want a long and open relationship, you should not start it with lies and deceit. Make sure you write messages correctly, use quotes from famous films and books, and in this way you will show yourself only from the best side.

Today, when virtual communication is available and relevant, getting to know the girl you like has become much easier. Of course, what we cannot say, we can write.

However, there are more and more self-confident womanizers every day, and the demands of beauties are higher and higher. That is why you need to know a few rules that will set you apart from the crowd and make it HER to wait for the moment when you finally appear “on the network”.

Is it possible to be interested by correspondence

Remember the most important rule: you must arouse the interest of the girl, and not just “dissolve” her into a conversation, and this must be done from the very first words.

BUT! Even if you failed to interest a girl by correspondence (whether at the very beginning or in the process of communication), you should not get angry, blame yourself, lose faith in your own strength. Maybe you're just not her type or she already has a loved one.

And even more so, you don’t need to be rude to her or assume that she “put you out as a clown”.

It is possible that she treats you quite well, and your communication will continue later, it’s just that now was not the best time to get to know each other (family problems, depression, and maybe even everything is much simpler: preparing for exams, interruptions in the Internet, etc.). ).

What to write to intrigue a girl

Avoid Templates

A guy will have little chance of communicating with a girl if he uses formulaic phrases like: “How are you? What are you doing?”, “You are beautiful”, “You are sexy”, etc.

It's beat up and unoriginal. That's what everyone does. So now is the time to stand out from the crowd!

Don't be afraid that she will laugh at you. No wonder they say that any nonsense said confidently can be called a point of view.

Be positive

Few people can resist an interesting merry fellow, so your communication should be full of optimism and humor.

One of the easiest ways to show your positive attitude in correspondence is to use emoticons (from graphic to the most simplified ones, like “)))))”).

It will help you to diversify and at the same time simplify communication, but you don’t need to “spam” them.

Don't self-promotion

Nobody likes boasters. Stories about how wonderful and original you are are unlikely to interest her. Let her draw her own conclusions about you. It’s better to ask more, because girls love to talk about themselves so much.

Demonstrate the versatility of knowledge

She needs to know that you are versatile. But the demonstration should take place in an unobtrusive form, it should not be allowed to look like boasting (“Ay, yes I am! Ay, yes, well done!” - it’s not necessary).

The element of surprise can play a big role. For example, a girl meets a guy whom everyone considers the "soul" of the company, they are happy to see at any party, and not a single holiday is complete without his vulgar jokes. Accordingly, his new acquaintance develops a general opinion about him only on the basis of these observations.

But later, when she gets to know him better, he shows her touching poems of his own composition. Inevitably, the opinion about a person immediately changes, he becomes more interesting for her: there are new topics for conversation, there is a possibility that a little later there will be new similar unexpected “discoveries”.

Diversify communication with media files

Such communication is suitable for social networks. For example, on the popular Vkontakte website, there are many options for sending pictures, music, videos, GIFs, text documents, gifts, etc. All this will make it possible to diversify your communication, help you learn about her interests and demonstrate yours.

Also, sending media files will be an original way to hint at something to a girl, express your emotions, invite her on a date, etc.

Ease and pleasure

Your communication should not be tense, and then she will forget about all the problems with you.

Find topics that you both enjoy talking about (vacation, life goals, etc.), briefly describe some unusual or funny incident in your life, ask her about something neutral that will not cause her negative emotions.

Intrigue and intrigue

When communicating with her, use the pick-up scheme: stay closer, then further away. For example, while texting with her for two days, suddenly disappear for a day, but later find a reasonable explanation for this that will not offend her (they turned off the Internet, went to the dacha to help her grandmother, sat with her nephew).

Another way to create intrigue is to say that you have a surprise for her, but you will reveal the veil of secrecy a little later.

All this will not let you be predictable, it will make her think more about you.

Tell me about your active life

Make her want to spend every minute with you! Winter fishing, hiking, barbecue in the country with friends, ice skating, skateboarding, skiing, cinema, theaters, traveling by car…

Show her that you are not sitting still, that she will definitely not get bored with you! Of course, all your stories must be true, otherwise it will be considered a hoax.

Communication rules

In correspondence with a girl, however, as well as during real communication, do not forget about the rules of communication:

  • The interlocutor must be literate. Firstly, there is a high probability that banal mistakes will annoy a girlfriend, and secondly, some phrases can mislead her (remember “You cannot be pardoned to execute”).
  • Do not allow the use of obscene language. It is always more pleasant for a girl to communicate with someone who knows how to control his speech (and it doesn’t matter how he talks with friends, acquaintances). It is known that such words in written speech are more repulsive than in oral speech.
  • Can't be obsessive. The surest way is to find out if she is busy now and if she can give you some time to communicate (by the way, showing attention and some care for the opposite sex is a fairly strong psychological technique that immediately predisposes to the interlocutor). Otherwise, there is a chance that you will begin to annoy her, because at this time she may be busy with other things (work, meeting guests, or another inappropriate situation).

Also, in this case, obsession should be understood as the frequent sending of similar messages (for example, every hour “Hello! How are you?”), Long persuasions to continue communication (such as: “Well, don’t leave”, “Write / Tell me something” etc.).

Video: What to write to a girl Vkontakte

Sample phrases

Naturally, it all depends on your goals, character (both yours and hers). Here are a few win-win (in most cases) phrases as an example:

  • “I would like to meet you. You do not mind?"- here the young man immediately declares his desires, but at the same time shows that her opinion is not indifferent to him;
  • “I saw you today. You look great!”- here the guy is trying to attract attention in two ways at once: he is interested and makes a compliment;
  • "Beautiful pictures. Where were they made?– positive assessment and open expression of interest.

Giving a lot of templates for communication is useless, because the guy himself must take the initiative. In fact, you can come up with a lot of examples, the main thing is that phrases should not contain vulgarity, open flattery, ambiguity.

Important: your chances of drawing her attention to your person will help one very effective, but at the same time obvious trick - calling her by name.

This will show that you are truly interested in the person. Compare: “Hi, Katyusha. How did you spend your day today? and hi. How did you spend your day today? If someone did not notice a big difference, we recommend that you just take our word for it!

SMS correspondence

This way of getting acquainted is more difficult than in contact, in classmates and other social networks, where, by going to the user's page, it is possible to find out a lot of information about him.

However, if you are already familiar with the girl you are interested in, using SMS you can maintain communication (between correspondence in social networks, calls, meetings, etc.), because each message is not only a piece of attention, but also a process that has some kind of magical mystery.

Here there are confessions of feelings, proposals to go somewhere, romantic or funny poems, various wishes (have a good day, good morning, good night, etc.).

Video: Behavior on the Internet


Everyone appreciates the ability to ask the right question. It is necessary to ask in such a way that the girl must answer. The question should be simple enough so that she doesn't spend a lot of time thinking, and at the same time not too banal. Among the common ways of forming questions are the following: what happened during the day, how did the test or exam go. Do not ask philosophical and rhetorical questions about the meaning of life. It is better to ask about the most important events and plans for the coming holidays.

Rather, it is worth writing more capacious messages with meaning than empty conclusions about nothing. For example, “how was the evening?”, “what did you like about the concert?” Do not ask a question to which you will receive a short yes or no answer. It is important to set a topic and call for a conversation, otherwise the correspondence will end very quickly.

Spell checking is very important, because you can not make gross mistakes. The message must be read before sending. The most elementary mistakes are the incorrect spelling of words and violation of the rules of punctuation. It is important to fix everything before sending a message to the lady of the heart. It is necessary to build sentences grammatically correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to read them. It is better to spend more time spelling, capitalization, commas, than to blush later or be left out of work.

It's important not to overdo it. Too much effort in writing messages will be quickly noticed. The girl will understand that you have an unhealthy interest in her and write certain phrases for a reason. It's better to be yourself. Here are some tips to help you navigate the situation: it is important to control yourself and try not to send spontaneous messages, it is worth showing a natural sense of humor rather than inappropriate. For example, you should not exaggerate your own messages, using incomprehensible smiles or the phrase “ha ha” at the end.

Being interesting is also very important, because if a lady is bored with you, she will quickly stop doing it. Interest can create an event that can be reported and brought to the girl for discussion. It is advisable to make it clear that you are an interesting interlocutor, not only, but also in a telephone conversation when it happens. Do not change the tone of your voice, be natural. After all, her decision to meet with you depends on it.

When communicating via SMS, it is important to find common interests and understand what hobbies the lady of the heart has. It is advisable to make it clear that you devote a lot of time not only to work, but also to hobbies. You can reveal the essence of your hobbies and show that she can easily join your activities.

Light flirting will help set up communication in the right way. You need to do this in such a way that the lady understands that you are really interested. In this case, it is important not to cross the line and not overdo it. Otherwise, she will shut up and send off forever. It is desirable to be playful, but in moderation. Comments should be released only in the form of compliments, not greasy hints. It is necessary to joke not only in relation to others, but also to yourself. Self-criticism is very useful in this case.

It is important that she knows what you think of her. It is worth asking questions regarding the lady of the heart, but not too personal. For example, what she does or where she would like to go with her friends. It is also important to remember what the girl told you before. For example, she mentioned that soon the test at the institute. Wish her good luck the day before. Gently let her know that in your life you pay more attention to her than to your other friends and other activities. This will make her feel special and make her like you even more.

It's important not to overdo it. You should find out if she needs your communication, does the lady have reciprocal feelings? You should avoid the image of a whiner and make it clear that the girl is interesting. Here are a few ways: It's a good idea to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of messages in response. When a man sent 10 messages, and only 1-2 came in response, it is worth reconsidering the style of communication.

No need to respond immediately to her message. If she answers after 7-8 hours, try to wait too. If you always send her an answer at the same minute, it may seem strange. It is worth analyzing the situation and pulling yourself together. It is important to refuse a message written entirely in capital letters. This will scare the lady away.

You need to end the conversation in a positive way. And make sure that there is a reason to write a new message. It is permissible to say that you wish to communicate in the future. At the end of the conversation, it is important to let the girl know that you are constantly thinking about her. You can write a greeting message every morning and a “good night” in the evening. But it is worth determining whether this annoys the lady.