How to bleach a synthetic blouse at home. Whitening of synthetic and delicate fabrics. How to get rid of yellowness

Every woman must have a white blouse in her wardrobe. This color is almost universal, it is equally relevant for the office, special occasions or recreation.

But sooner or later one has to face the fact that the thing loses its former whiteness and acquires a gray tint. This does not mean that the blouse was washed badly or incorrectly, it is common for white things to lose their original color after several washes.

Today on sale you can find a huge number of products intended for whitening. However, many of them contain aggressive substances that have a bad effect on the fabric.

In addition, modern bleaches are expensive and not every housewife can afford such a purchase.

How to bleach a white blouse on your own and not lose your favorite thing? There are many ways to do this. But it must be remembered that when whitening at home, you will need to follow a number of rules in the process.

Rules for whitening at home

There are many ways to restore a white blouse to its original appearance if it has turned gray. But before you start work, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and strictly observe them.

  • When choosing a home whitening product, be sure to consider the type of fabric. Those products that are recommended for natural fabrics can be detrimental to things made of synthetics.
  • To prepare the solution, opt for an enameled container without a rusty coating.
  • Mix the ingredients in a separate bowl, not in a container with laundry. The prepared mixture must be poured into water, and only then put things there.
  • Do not overexpose the item in the solution, strictly observe the bleaching time.
  • Remember that you are working with chemicals and use gloves.
  • Rinse thoroughly after bleaching.

Strict adherence to the rules will allow you to return the original color to your things and not damage the structure of the fabric.

How to bleach a blouse made of natural or synthetic fabric? Here are the methods of working out at home, taking into account the type of material.

How to bleach a linen or cotton blouse

  • An easy way to bleach a gray natural fabric blouse is to boil it. Place it in a container, preferably enameled, and add a little laundry soap or washing powder to the water. Boil the blouse for no more than 30 minutes on low heat, then rinse thoroughly.
  • If the blouse is made of cotton or linen fabric, you can return the original color with ammonia. Add 1 tablespoon of the product to a container of water and place the item there for 10 minutes. Then rinse well and dry. It is advisable to dry clothes in the fresh air so that the pungent smell of ammonia disappears.

We bleach a thing from synthetics

Synthetic fabrics require delicate handling, so gentle methods are used when bleaching them.

  • If you need to bleach synthetic clothes, use salt for this. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. When the salt dissolves, place the item in the container for 15-20 minutes.

Bring back the whiteness of a silk blouse

  • A silk blouse is bleached using sea salt and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to pour 6-7 tablespoons of sea salt into a container of water and dissolve thoroughly, then add peroxide (no more than 1 teaspoon). The duration of soaking is 2-3 hours.
  • It is possible to whiten a blouse without damaging the silk fibers with the help of lemon juice. You will need the juice of 3-4 lemons and 1.5-2 liters of water. In this solution, the blouse is soaked for 8-10 hours, and then rinsed in a large amount of clean water.
  • Dense silk fabric can be boiled by first adding laundry soap to the water. The duration of boiling should not exceed half an hour.

Can wool sweaters be bleached?

  • If you need to bleach woolen clothes, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in water, the same amount of peroxide, 2 teaspoons of ammonia and a little washing powder. Place the pre-washed item in the solution for 15 minutes, then repeat the wash.

5 universal whitening recipes

There are ways by which you can bleach clothes from any fabric. Here are the most effective ones:

  • Rub a grayed blouse with 72 percent laundry soap for half an hour. If the product is made of natural fabric, subsequent boiling will allow to achieve the maximum effect.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide into warm water and soak the blouse in it for 15 to 20 minutes. For a uniform effect of bleach from time to time, "stir" the thing placed in the solution;
  • Take crystal-free toothpaste (the whole tube!), ½ cup baking powder, 5 tablespoons salt, and 1 tablespoon 9 percent vinegar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and dissolve the bleach in the water. Soak the item for 20-25 minutes, then wash as usual.
  • Dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in hot water until a pale pink solution is obtained and add a little washing powder. Place a white blouse in the mixture and cover the container until the solution cools. After the thing, it remains only to rinse.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of boric alcohol in hot water and soak the item for one and a half to two hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Bleaching can be done once every 3-4 washes. If you follow all the recommendations, your clothes will always look perfect and will serve you for a long time.

White clothes need frequent washing, which can make them yellow or grey. You can restore whiteness at home using improvised means. It can be hydrogen peroxide, oxygen bleach, ammonia and others. The choice of method depends on the type of fabric and the degree of wear of the product. But in order not to damage things during bleaching, without resorting to the services of dry-cleaners, certain features of universal bleaching methods should be taken into account.

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    Proven and simple methods

    There are several highly effective ways to return white things to their lost original appearance at home. For washing white clothes, everything you need is at home. For whitening, you can use:

    • ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;
    • salt;
    • oxygen bleach;
    • washing powder;
    • baking soda;
    • laundry soap.


    Using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, you can easily wash a white blouse made of silk and other natural fabrics. You will need to take:

    • water - 5 l;
    • peroxide - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • ammonia - 1 tbsp. l.

    Mix the mixture thoroughly, heat to 70 degrees, place the blouse and rinse it after 2 hours. To bleach woolen and silk clothes, the water temperature must be reduced to 40 degrees to avoid shrinkage of the fabric.

    With the help of hydrogen peroxide, white blouses can be rid of dullness without the use of ammonia. It is necessary to increase the dosage by 2 times.

    This tool is also suitable for children's clothing, if it has stains. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and wipe them. Rinse the treated item thoroughly in clean water.

    Ammonia has an unpleasant specific smell, so the room must be ventilated.

    Salt for synthetics

    If synthetic clothing has turned gray, then it can be bleached in a saline solution. Would need:

    • dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of warm water;
    • immerse the item in the solution for 15-20 minutes;
    • rinse.

    oxygen bleach

    This tool allows you to quickly put in order school blouses with various types of pollution. It is able to give things their original appearance if the fabrics have turned yellow, as well as remove old stains. You can use bleach for natural fabrics.

    On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the soaking time for things. It must be followed exactly.

    soda and ammonia

    Baking soda combined with ammonia is an effective way to bring things back to their former whiteness. They need to be soaked in the prepared solution for 3-4 hours, rinsed and washed in a washing machine. Would need:

    • ammonia - 2 tablespoons;
    • baking soda - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • warm water - 5 liters.

    Chlorine-containing products

    These products are highly effective, but chlorine can cause irreparable damage to blouses. The order of work is as follows:

    • apply the solution to the stain with a cotton pad;
    • wash the item completely in warm water;
    • wash with washing powder;
    • rinse thoroughly and leave to dry.

    Laundry soap

    You can bleach a blouse with 72% laundry soap. It is necessary to rub the product with soap before washing and leave it in a basin with warm water for 2 hours.

    bleaching synthetics

    Synthetic material should be washed separately from other fabrics to keep its attractiveness longer. Do not use bleaches containing chlorine.

    White artificial products can be removed from gray plaque if they are immersed in a solution of white soap for 30 minutes. You can add hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

How often do you meet people in white clothes on the street? Most prefer non-staining neutral or colorful outfits. But you must admit that a girl in a flying white dress or a man in a snow-white shirt instantly becomes the center of attention. White clothes have a special charm and magnetism. How to bleach a white shirt at home? What means to use? Learn how to properly care for white clothes and indulge in the pleasure of being on top.

Circumstances themselves force you to have at least a pair of such shirts in your wardrobe. An office suit or school uniform must include a "white top". I want things to look like new for more than one season. It's good that there are many ways to bleach a white blouse if it has turned gray with age, yellowed with sweat or dirty.

3 categories of store bleach

The easiest way to wash a white shirt from yellow spots or dullness is with store-bought bleach. They can be divided into three categories.

  1. Oxygen. A new generation of bleaches based on chemical reactions involving oxygen. The most popular is Vanish. The advantage is that, in addition to whitening, complex and old stains are removed. In addition, oxygen agents act delicately, and even a thin guipure blouse will not suffer during processing.
  2. Optical. The products do not change the color of the fabric, but only provide a visual (optical) effect. During washing, the smallest fluorescent particles settle on the material, which, reflecting the sun's rays, create the effect of perfect whiteness. Optical brightener in its pure form is rare. It is added to the composition of oxygen products or washing powders.
  3. Chlorine-containing. Our grandmothers successfully used the good old whiteness. Modern housewives also like the remedy, despite the pungent smell. Inexpensive bleach quickly returns whiteness to cotton shirts. But frequent use leads to the appearance of a yellow or gray tint, and after repeated bleaching, the material loses its strength.

Instead of whiteness, housewives often use plumbing cleaners. But keep in mind that after Domestos and other aggressive compounds, the strength of the fibers is significantly reduced. In addition, if the thing is not rinsed well, irritation or an allergic rash may appear on the body.

10 homemade ways to bleach a white shirt

Our grandmothers managed to keep things white, not having an arsenal of household chemicals available to modern housewives. They were helped by well-known penny funds. There are ten proven substances that can easily bleach a yellowed white shirt.

salt and peroxide

  1. For 6 liters of water, take three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and fine salt.
  2. Soak the blouse for 20 minutes.
  3. Turn every five minutes to whiten evenly.
  4. Rinse. Washing is optional.

If you need to wash a white thing with black inserts or colored fragments, add a little salt to the water. This will help to give the clothes a spectacular whiteness without the risk of washing out a different color.


  1. Dissolve a few crystals of manganese in hot water. The liquid should turn light pink.
  2. Add a handful of powder.
  3. Put the shirt in the water, cover the basin with a lid.
  4. Let cool, remove and rinse.

laundry soap

  1. Soak your shirt in water.
  2. Rub it completely with a bar of laundry soap with a high alkali content (72%).
  3. After an hour and a half, wash in the machine.

In an hour and a half, the soap may begin to dry out. The shirt will not deteriorate from this, but the whitening effect will be significantly reduced. To prevent this from happening, place the soaped item in a bag or wrap it with foil.

Boric acid

  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of boric acid powder in 4 liters of hot water.
  2. Dip the shirt in the liquid and leave for two hours.
  3. Rinse several times.
  4. Machine wash to remove product residue from fabric.


  1. Pour the required amount of powder and half a glass of soda into a special compartment.
  2. Wash the blouse in the mode corresponding to the type of material.

Citric acid acts similarly to soda. Add three teaspoons of detergent to the detergent drawer. In addition, it will extend the life of the washing machine - acid fights scale.

Powdered milk

  1. Pour 250 g of powdered milk into a small basin with water and stir well.
  2. Soak the washed shirt and leave for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Rinse and wash again with powder.


  1. Pour water into a basin and add 15 ml of ammonia for every liter of liquid.
  2. Soak your blouse for a couple of hours.
  3. Wash with powder and rinse several times.

If you decide to wash your shirt from gray plaque with ammonia, keep in mind that the substance has a pungent odor. Work in a gauze bandage. Also make sure the room is well ventilated.


  1. Acidify warm water with vinegar. For each liter of liquid, you will need a quarter cup of a 9% substance.
  2. Soak your shirt.
  3. After two or three hours, rinse and transfer to a bowl of soapy water.
  4. Gently rub the shirt and rinse.


  1. Add turpentine (five teaspoons) to a five-liter basin of water.
  2. Dip the shirt in the liquid and leave overnight.
  3. Rinse a few times, then wash.

Peroxide, ammonia, salt and powder

  1. In warm water (6 liters), dissolve a tablespoon of detergent, ammonia and peroxide, as well as four tablespoons of salt.
  2. Immerse a pre-washed shirt in the solution for two to three hours.
  3. Turn things over constantly.
  4. Rinse.

Fight yellow sweat stains: 3 methods

Persistent yellowness in the armpits is one of the reasons to abandon your favorite shirt. Try to revive her. There are three ways to remove a yellow sweat stain from a white shirt.

  1. Soap and ammonia. Dissolve the laundry soap shavings in water to make a viscous soapy liquid. Add 15 ml of ammonia to half a glass of solution. Soak the sponge in the resulting solution and treat the stains. Wash the item after ten minutes.
  2. Alcohol . Soak cotton wool in rubbing alcohol or vodka, gently rub the stain, then wash the problem area with powder or soap. If the first time it was not possible to get rid of yellowness, repeat the procedure.
  3. Aspirin. To remove a yellow stain from a white blouse, you need five to six tablets. Drop some water on them to make a paste. Dampen the cloth and spread the product, rubbing lightly into the fibers. Cover the treated areas with polyethylene, and wash the shirt after a couple of hours.

How to make the collar and cuffs perfectly white: 4 ways

Cuffs, collar always get dirty first. Marks from perfume, cosmetics, dust quickly cover the material and can firmly eat into. How to wash the collar on a white shirt? There are four methods.

  1. Slaked soda. Lightly moisten the problem area. Apply the foam that formed after extinguishing the soda with acetic acid on the pollution. Wait five to seven minutes and wash.
  2. Laundry soap. Soak the item in the powder for a couple of hours, then treat the collar with soap. Don't spare money. Soak your shirt in the water again for 60 minutes. Rub the collar and rinse the item. Given the gentle effect of laundry soap, it can be used to wash a white collar on a black dress.
  3. Talc. Moisten the collar with water and sprinkle generously with talcum powder. In the most polluted places you need to rub lightly. Leave the item like this overnight. Wash in the morning. Instead of talc, you can use grated chalk.
  4. Lemon acid. Wet the soiled areas and sprinkle with citric acid. After a quarter of an hour, wash the item in the usual way.

Correspondence table of bleaches to fabric types

Whether you're looking to get a yellow stain out of a white dress, to clean off tarnished cuffs and collars, or are trying to revive a shirt that's been sitting for a long time, it's important to make the right choice of bleach. A product that works great on cotton can be detrimental to synthetics or silk. The following table will help you figure out which tool to choose for a particular thing.

Table - Correspondence of bleaching agents to fabric types

If the clothes have stubborn stains, they must be prepared for the main washing process. Reviews note that half an hour soaking in warm milk will greatly facilitate the whitening process. Life hack is relevant for any type of fabric.

The most difficult stains

There are many ways to bleach a white synthetic dress or cotton shirt. But what about difficult stains? If you do not want to spend money on expensive household chemicals, folk remedies will come to the rescue.

  • From a ballpoint pen. To get rid of the blue ink, soak the sponge in rubbing alcohol, apply to the stain for ten minutes.
  • From fat. Mix ammonia and water (1:3). Apply the solution to the stain and leave for five minutes.
  • From red wine. Wet the stain with water and sprinkle generously with salt. Leave for ten minutes.
  • From iron. Soak the scorched mark with a solution of boric acid or lemon juice. When the stain clears up, wash it.

If you notice that the thing has turned gray or a pale yellow spot has appeared on it, do not put off washing in the long box. The sooner you start to act, the more likely it is to return the whiteness of the shirt. The following five tips will help you maintain color and texture.

  1. Do not overdo it. All bleaches (including household bleaches) break down the fibers and make the fabric less durable. Therefore, you can not add them with each wash. The optimal frequency is once every three to four sessions.
  2. Read the instruction. If using commercial bleach, follow the recommended dosage. It is advisable to purchase a measuring cup. If the funds are used too little, the effect will not be noticeable. And a large amount of bleach will ruin the fabric.
  3. Sort things. Always wash whites separately, otherwise shirts may suffer from shedding.
  4. Observe the temperature. For successful bleaching, it is important to maintain the correct temperature. So, for cotton fabric, the optimal indicator is 70 ° C. If you are going to wash a white silk blouse, do not heat the water above 40°C.
  5. Check capacity. If you use an enamel basin for washing, make sure that it is not damaged. Because of them, rust can get on the white fabric.

When sorting clothes during washing, it is important to consider not only the color, but also the type of fabric. This is due to the need to comply with the temperature regime of washing.

A white shirt is a universal thing. You can wear it to work and for a walk, combining with any wardrobe items. To be on top, you need to keep it in perfect condition. Knowing how to whiten a white blouse and shirt with affordable means will save you from having to buy expensive household chemicals.


Have you bought a snow-white blouse and enjoy its lightness and purity? This is not surprising - a white thing makes a person self-confident, more disciplined and well-groomed. However, over time, the blouse loses its radiance, becoming gray or yellow. How to return a snow-white color to an item of clothing? How to remove stains and whiten a blouse so that it shines again? Here are some effective and realistic ways to bring clothes back to their original look.

How to whiten a blouse with bleach

Bleach is the most popular and common way to clean a blouse. Chlorine-containing products perfectly whiten white blouses, making them crystal clear. Among them are Domestos, Whiteness, Chlorin, ACE. However, with frequent use, the aggressive substance gradually corrodes the fabric, it becomes damaged and breaks with light friction.

Recently, oxygen bleaches have gained popularity. These include Vanish, Persol and other products. They delicately clean the fabric, do not corrode the colored inserts.

There are also optical brighteners that do not remove pollution, but simply mask it. The microparticles lighten the fibers of the fabric, and the blouse becomes visually crystal white.

It is necessary to bleach things strictly according to the instructions that are indicated on the packaging of the product. Usually the manufacturer suggests diluting the product with water (if it is in a powdered state) and applying the slurry to the stain. After a while, you need to wash a white thing in a washing machine at 90 degrees, with the addition of the same bleach to the washing powder. Usually this is enough and after washing the clothes shine like new.

How to whiten a blouse with improvised means

Sometimes it happens that a damaged blouse needs to be brought back to life, but there is no bleach at hand. It doesn’t matter, because you can return crystal whiteness to clothes with the help of improvised means that can be found in every home.

Hydrogen peroxide. To bleach a blouse, you need hot water. Cotton can be bleached in water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, synthetics are bleached at 40. Add hydrogen peroxide to the water - one bottle per two liters of water. Hydroperite can also be used as peroxide - it must first be crushed and diluted with water. Also, one tablespoon of soda is added to two liters of water. It will help remove the yellowness from the blouse. Clothes should be soaked in the prepared solution for about half an hour, then washed and rinsed thoroughly.

Laundry soap and boiling. This is an old way of bleaching shirts and blouses, which was used by our mothers. It gained its popularity due to the low cost and effectiveness of the presented method. Rub laundry soap on any stains and dirt that you can't get rid of with a normal wash. After that, place the blouse in a saucepan, pour water, add regular washing powder and boil over low heat. Usually half an hour of boiling is enough. After that, rinse the blouse in cold water - just do not burn yourself. This is a fairly effective way, it helps to get rid of the yellowness and grayness of white fabrics. The disadvantage of this procedure is an unpleasant odor during boiling.

Ammonia. Dilute a tablespoon of ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide in a small amount of water. Previously, the blouse must be washed from dirt. After washing, soak the clothes in the prepared liquid for half an hour. Water should be moderately hot, but not boiling water. After soaking, rinse the blouse in plenty of water to remove any remaining ammonia. You need to dry the blouse in the open air so that the smell of alcohol completely disappears.

Potassium permanganate. This is a simple potassium permanganate, which can be found in any housewife. You need to add a few crystals of this substance to the water so that the liquid becomes slightly pinkish. A lot of potassium permanganate should not be added, otherwise the blouse will get a pink tint. Soak the blouse in the hot solution for several hours. Then rinse and dry your clothes.

Salt. This bleaching method only works on synthetic fabrics. Hot water dissolves a lot of salt. Approximately 3-5 tablespoons per liter. The blouse is soaked in salt water for about half an hour, after which the synthetic fabric shines with purity and whiteness.

Boric acid. Add boric acid to the water - a tablespoon of the liquid composition per liter of water. If the acid is in a powdered state, then one sachet (15 grams) per two liters of water. Soak a blouse in this solution to bring it to a snow-white state. Boric acid not only bleaches things, but also disinfects them.

Soda and vinegar. Soda and vinegar will help get rid of old stains. Sprinkle some baking soda on the stain and pour vinegar over the top. Immediately a reaction will begin, which will clean the fabric of stains. However, this is a very aggressive remedy and can be used when all other methods have already been tried.

How to get rid of sweat stains on a white blouse

Yellow sweat stains on a white blouse are not uncommon. Most often they are localized in the armpits. To bleach a white blouse or shirt and get rid of unpleasant yellow stains, ordinary laundry soap will help. Rub it on yellow spots and leave for several hours. Laundry soap contains special fatty acids that break down sweat stains on clothes.

You can get rid of this kind of pollution with the help of aspirin. Dissolve 10 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in half a glass of water and gently rub this mixture into the fabric. Leave for 40 minutes, then wash the blouse in the washing machine on the usual cycle for this type of fabric.

To remove yellow spots, you can use another recipe. Dissolve a tablespoon of table salt and the same amount of ammonia in a glass of water. Soak in the prepared composition the part of the clothing that needs to be cleaned. After soaking for half an hour, the clothes should be thoroughly rinsed and hung up to dry.

Often the spots on a white blouse are of various origins. And in order to get rid of them without a trace, you need to know how to remove this or that stain.

  1. Traces of chocolate can be washed off as follows. In hot water, dissolve a tablespoon of flour and three tablespoons of liquid soap. Soak the blouse in the prepared mixture and leave for a while. After that, you need to wash the thing as usual.
  2. Many mothers of schoolchildren are faced with such a problem as stains from a ballpoint pen. You can get rid of them with the help of cologne, alcohol or alcohol-containing lotion. The selected agent is applied for some time to the stain, after which the blouse is completely stretched.
  3. Fruit stains should be sprinkled with salt immediately. Especially, this applies to plums, cherries, sweet cherries and other fruits with dark shades.
  4. You can get rid of a fresh or old wine stain with the help of curd whey or milk. Soak a blouse or shirt in a dairy product and leave for a few hours. After that, wash and rinse the clothes as usual.
  5. You can get rid of grease and oil stains with dishwashing detergent. Apply a little gel to the dirt and leave for an hour and a half. Dishwashing liquid perfectly breaks down fat not only on plates, but also on clothes. After processing, wash things in a typewriter or by hand, after that you will not even be able to determine where the greasy stain was.

To keep whites in their original condition, they should be washed separately from colored clothes. Do not add bleach with every wash - this will ruin the fabric. It is better to bleach a piece of clothing every 4-5 washes. And do not forget to look at the clothes label before washing - you can wash and iron the product only according to the indicated recommendations.

If the blouse has turned gray or yellow, if a stain has appeared on it and it has lost its original appearance, do not rush to discount it. Clothes can be saved using our tips. Wear your favorite thing for a long time and with pleasure!

Video: the old way of washing white clothes

A white blouse is an indispensable thing in the wardrobe of both men and women. These clothes in any combination look very impressive and elegant. But on the condition that it is really white, and not gray from repeated washing. Knowing some secrets on how to whiten a white blouse at home, you can look your best even in far from new clothes.

On white clothes, even the slightest pollution will be visible, and it can ruin your whole look. But you can try to get them out.

Home remedies can perfectly whiten a blouse

  • If you spilled wine on a white jacket, you must immediately cover it with ordinary salt. After some time, wash it in cool water using powder or liquid soap for washing.
  • Often office workers and students stain white shirts with a ballpoint pen. This is where cologne comes in handy. They need to fill the mark from the pen for a couple of minutes. Then wash. If the stain is not gone, the process can be repeated immediately.
  • Contaminants from chocolate are removed as follows: boil water, add half a glass of liquid soap and one tablespoon of flour. Soak the blouse for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse in water at room temperature.

How to bleach a white blouse if it has turned gray

Any white item, including a blouse or shirt, can turn gray after several washes. This can happen when washing in poor quality water, the wrong water temperature, or after washing with clothes of different colors. To update your favorite shirt, you can use home remedies or household chemicals for bleaching.

How to whiten a blouse at home

Home remedies are in no way inferior to store-bought bleaches and powders. With their help, you can also achieve the perfect result. You just need to know which bleaching method to choose.

We offer these options:

  • It is necessary to add 5 tbsp to 5 liters of water. l. soda and 5 tbsp. l. ammonia. Soak the blouse in this water and leave overnight. Rinse and wash in the washing machine.

You can also add baking soda directly to the washing machine drum just before you do your laundry. This will also help whiten.

  • You can also whiten a blouse at home with laundry soap. It's better to use the one that says 72%. Lather thoroughly and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash and rinse.
  • The use of boric acid will also give a whitening effect. To do this, mix it with hot water. For 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of acid. Mix everything and immerse the grayed shirt there for an hour and a half. After - rinse thoroughly, wash as usual.
  • Surprisingly, potassium permanganate will also help whiten a blouse. It is necessary to make a very weak solution of potassium permanganate so that the water becomes barely pink. Add the powder here and soak the clothes for 10 minutes. Then wash.

Using household chemicals for bleaching

Using specialized whitening products, you will significantly save your time. Now there are a huge number of tools that can restore the former whiteness of your favorite blouse.

Always read the instructions and follow them!

  • Chlorine-containing products will perfectly bleach and disinfect any of your items. But these agents are very aggressive, they destroy the structure of the fabric fibers. Such bleaches should be used with extreme caution.
  • Oxygen bleaches are much safer for fabric fibers, but more expensive. They do their job well in water of any temperature. They can even be used for white blouses with colored patterns or inserts.
  • There are also whitening powders. They will gently clean the product, but not at once. For complete whitening, you will have to wash the blouse several times.
  • Whitening gels are also effective if clothes are soaked overnight. And in the future, always add such a gel to the laundry detergent. This will prevent the item from changing color in the future.

It is necessary to use all household chemicals for bleaching strictly according to the attached instructions, so as not to aggravate the situation, or not to spoil the thing at all.

You also need to rinse your clothes thoroughly after using them. Some means remaining in the fibers of the fabric, may cause an allergic reaction.

How to bleach a thing by boiling

This bleaching method was used by our grandmothers. But for some housewives, it is relevant to this day. The process is quite simple. It is necessary to pour water into a large enameled pan and put on the stove. Can add whiteness, soap shavings, soda ash or ammonia for the best result. Bring all this to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. It is strictly forbidden to immerse a thing in already hot water.. Thus, you can damage it. After the pan has completely cooled, the blouse should be transferred to the bathroom or into a basin with warm water and rinsed well.

Do not boil things too often. You can do this only after 5-6 washing processes.

This whitening method also has its downsides.

Only soft products are suitable for lace

  • During boiling, a very strong odor is released.
  • When boiling your favorite blouse, be prepared that it will become less and less durable with each process.
  • Boiling is not suitable for delicate fabrics.

How to bleach synthetic

To clean a synthetic blouse, do not use chlorine-containing products, they can contribute to the yellowing of the fabric. You can’t boil it either, otherwise it can become deformed, and you can’t wash it in hot water. And also, after bleaching, it is not recommended to use a machine spin. If you will be drying your blouse outdoors, avoid direct sunlight.

The best means for bleaching synthetic clothes are rock salt, ammonia and laundry soap.

How to bleach silk, chiffon

When bleaching silk and chiffon blouses, you definitely cannot use chlorine and chlorine-containing bleaches. It will just destroy your item. It is better to use bleaches that saturate the water with oxygen. They gently and delicately cleanse delicate fabrics without damaging them. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are also perfect for these fabrics.

After the whitening procedure, the blouses do not need to be twisted. This can damage the web fibers. Hang your clothes up so that the water runs off on its own.

How to bleach linen, cotton

For bleaching products made from durable, natural fabrics, any of the above products will do. But do not be too zealous - the frequent use of bleaches adversely affects the structure of the fibers of even the densest fabrics.

If you take care of your favorite white blouse, wash it on the right cycle and at the recommended temperature, you'll be less likely to turn to bleach for help.