How we rest for November. Weekends. November what a holiday in Russia

In November, there are a number of dates that should be remembered, because they are dedicated to special events in the life of our country. There are also several holidays celebrating workers in certain professions. Every self-respecting citizen of our country should remember what holidays await him in November 2017.

Holidays and holidays in November 2017

November 10, 2017(Fri.) - International Day of Science, which is celebrated in Russia, albeit without a grand scale. On this holiday, it is customary to talk about the popularization of science, hold seminars and competitions, attract young people, focusing their attention on the need for technological and scientific progress in today's world.

November 18, 2017(Sat) - Father Frost's birthday. Surprisingly, it is on this date that the most famous fairy-tale character celebrates his birthday. On this official holiday in Veliky Ustyug, where the residence of Father Frost is located, the largest number of visitors comes to wish to congratulate the wizard and famous good-natured person on his holiday and order a gift for the upcoming New Year.

November 26, 2017(Sun) -. This holiday is celebrated all over the world, but in Russia its date in 2017 falls on the last Sunday of November. On this holiday, mothers and grandmothers should be congratulated on their well-deserved holiday.

Holidays calendar for November 2017

Orthodox holidays and fasts in November 2017

November 4 (Sat.) - Dimitrovskaya Parental Saturday. On this day, you should visit the cemetery to honor the memory of deceased relatives and friends. This year, this is the last Parental Saturday to take such an action.

November 28 (Tue) - the beginning of the Nativity Fast. It is also called the Phillip Fast or Fourtecost. Refers to one of several obligatory posts in Orthodox doctrine. will last until Christmas 2018.Food of animal origin and dairy products should be excluded from the menu (only on Sundays it is grown to eat fish), you should also avoid all recreational activities and devote yourself to prayer and repentance.

Russia is looking forward to the holiday of November 4, 2018 - National Unity Day. This holiday has appeared in our calendar relatively recently. It is now an officially accepted public holiday and is celebrated annually on the same date. Let's figure out how we rest in November 2018, how many holidays and weekends there will be, and whether Russians will work on November 4 and 5 this year.

For public holidays, the Ministry of Labor provides one additional day off for all workers on this day.

For clarity, we present the Production calendar, which will help you plan your holiday for the holidays. He will tell you how we work and relax in November 2018, what long weekend awaits Russians. The calendar will inform you about the working hours for this month.

Calendar of weekends and holidays for November 2018

According to the production calendar of Russia, in November 2018 there are 9 days off and holidays:

  • November 3, 4, 5;
  • November 10, 11;
  • November 17, 18;
  • November 24, 25.

How we rest on November 4

In November, Russia has one long weekend lasting 3 days - from the 3rd to the 5th day:

3 November, Sat - day off
4 November, Sun - Day of National Unity, an official non-working holiday (Art.112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
November 5, Mon. - day off, postponed from November 4.

Working days
In November 2018, Russians work 21 days.

Working hours

According to the production calendar of Russia, in November 2018 there are 21 workers in the country (including 1 reduced) and 9 days off and holidays.

Working hours:

with a 40-hour work week - 167 hours (21 x 8 - 1, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of shortened working days);
at 36 hours - 150.2 hours (21 x 7.2 - 1);
at 24 hours - 99.8 hours (21 x 4.8 - 1).

Public Holidays in November 2018

In November, Russia celebrates 1 public holiday - National Unity Day (November 4). He is ranked among the Days of Military Glory of the Russian Federation. Timed to coincide with the victory of the people's militia over the Polish invaders in 1612.

Celebrated for the 13th time in 2018. This is an official day off (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

November 4th what a holiday in Russia

National Unity Day - this holiday began to be officially celebrated, or rather, it was approved 12 years ago in December 2004. It began to be celebrated instead of November 7, the law made November 4 a holiday, which means a day off.

The holiday is dedicated to the events that took place in 1612. November 4 commemorates the events in which the militia, led by Pozharsky and Minin, drove the Poles out of our capital, who captured it.

For many citizens of Russia, it is still not clear what is celebrated on this day, the portal became aware. This led to the fact that the holiday had many incorrect names - this is the day of Reconciliation, and the day of consent, and even the day of veneration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The Interreligious Council of Russia proposed to celebrate this holiday. The date was selected taking into account certain historical events. This date was determined back in 1649 by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. After the October Revolution of 1917, the holiday was forgotten at the suggestion of the authorities.

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The main message of the holiday is a call to remember about unity and love. We must all remember that unity is our strength. Do not forget about the feat, which is more than 400 years old; in fact, it was accomplished on the basis of unity and brotherhood.

On this day, November 4, they try to arrange various joint festivities, concerts, rallies, processions. In memory of the feat, flowers are laid at the monuments, in particular, to Pozharsky and Minin. By tradition, various charity events are held. Different cities have their own program, taking into account the peculiarities of the city. It can be concerts, fireworks, light shows.

This year the holiday fell on Sunday, which means that Russians have three days off ahead.

For many years, November 4 has been an official day off in Russia. And all because it is on this date that the holiday is celebrated - the day of national unity. And if a holiday falls on a working day, then it becomes a day off. And if on a day off, then the holiday is postponed to another day according to the calendar. This year it happened so that November 4 will be Saturday, so there will be a shortened day on Friday, and the 6th day will also become a day off for workers, since it is postponed from Saturday from a holiday. To understand how we rest in November 2017, what dates will be the official weekend, look at the production calendar for November 2017 with different working weeks. And so, we will find out how we work and how we rest.

And so, the very first weekend of November will be the longest of the month. They will start as usual on Saturday and will last three days. It turns out that Monday 6th will also be a day off. At the same time, on Friday, November 3, there will be a shortened working day and it will be possible to leave work an hour earlier.

As we said, the first weekend of the month will be the longest. And then everything will be as usual. The second weekend is November 11 and 12, the third is on the 18th and 19th, and the last weekend of the month is on the 25th and 26th.

There are thirty days in total in November. Of these, there will be 21 working days, and nine days off and holidays.
With a forty-hour work week, workers will work 167 hours, if you have a 36-hour work week, then you will work 150.2 hours. But if you only have a 24-hour work week, then you work less than a hundred hours and only 99.8.

November 4 is the last public holiday in Russia of the year. The next will be the new year, which is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1.

It is worth noting that November is the 11th month of the year and this is the last month of autumn. Until November 21, the zodiac sign is scorpio, and from the 22nd it is already Sagittarius.

Now you know how we relax in November, and you can plan your vacation and trip to the sea or out of town.

Hello everyone!

The last autumn month, November, has arrived. Although it is almost difficult to call it autumn. This month there are already snowfalls and even severe frosts.

There are 30 days in total in November. Of these, 9 days are holidays or weekends and 21 are working days. Begins in November on Wednesday and ends on Thursday. But, unlike the previous months, there are already public holidays in November. Rather, one holiday. On November 4, we celebrate National Unity Day. And, according to the Federal Law of December 29, 2004, this day is a day off. Finally.

However, this day falls on Saturday, so it is postponed to Monday. As a result, taking into account Saturday and Sunday, we will rest for three days in a row.

Unofficial holidays in November are somewhat smaller. Only 36. However, this is enough to find interesting for yourself and celebrate them.

Working hours in November

In November we will have only 9 days off. As for working days, the working time norm for them is calculated as follows:

with a 40-hour work week - 21 * 8-1, we get 167 hours

with a 36-hour working week - 21 * 7.2-1, we get 150.2 hours

with a 24-hour work week - 21 * 4.8-1, we get 99.8 hours,

where 21 is the number of working days,

8, 7.2 and 4.8 - the duration of the work shift

From the history of the holiday

National Unity Day. The history of this holiday is rooted in the distant past. Troubled times began in Russia in the 17th century. One after another, False Dmitry claimed the Russian throne. The Poles approached Moscow. Minin and Pozharsky became the heroes of that time. One of the common people, the other is a prince. Subsequently, it became a symbol of the unity of the Russian people. During the storming of Kitai-Gorod, Pozharsky had an icon of the Kazan Mother of God with him. After defeating the Poles, Pozharsky promised to build a church in honor of this event. After 18 years, the Kazan Cathedral appeared on Red Square.

For the first time this holiday was officially held in 2005. And although initially opinions about him were completely different and ambiguous, he nevertheless took root and is celebrated to this day.

The result of the victory of the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky in 1613 was the accession to the Russian throne of tsars from the Romanov family. The first was Mikhail Romanov, and the last was Nicholas II, who was overthrown as a result of the bourgeois revolution of 1917.

In general, this holiday appeared instead of the red date on November 8, celebrated in the Soviet Union. Until that moment, it was celebrated as "Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles."

Other memorable dates in November

  • 1 november wednesday

International Vegan Day

Bailiff day

  • 4 november saturday

National Unity Day

  • 5 november sunday

Exploration day

  • 7 november tuesday

Day of the military parade on Red Square in 1941

October Revolution Day 1917

  • 8 november wednesday

International day of KVN

  • 10 november friday

World science day

International day of accounting

Police Day

  • 11 november saturday

World shopping day

Recovery Train Worker Day

  • 12 november sunday

Day of Sberbank workers

Security Specialist Day

Titmouse Day

  • 13 november monday

World day of kindness

Chemical protection day

  • 14 november tuesday

Sociologist day

  • 15 november wednesday

Day of Creation of Units for Combating Organized Crime

Conscript day

  • 16 november thursday

Designer's day

  • 17 november friday

Precinct day

  • 18 november saturday

Birthday of Santa Claus

  • 19 november sunday

Artillery day

Glazier's day

  • 21 november tuesday

Accountant's Day

World television day

Day of the employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation

World greetings day

  • 22 november wednesday

Psychologist day

  • 24 november friday

Walrus day

  • 25 november saturday

Black Friday

  • 26 november sunday

Mothers Day

International Shoemaker Day

  • 27 november monday

Marine Corps Day

- this is the official memorable date of the Russian Federation, established in memory of the adoption of Christianity as the main religion in the day-Russian state.

The history of the establishment of the holiday:

date July 28th(old-style July 15) was chosen because is the day of remembrance of the baptist of Russia- saint equal to the apostles great Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich... July 15, 1015 (according to the Old Style) is the date of the repose (death, "transfer" to the afterlife) of Vladimir the Baptist.

The main date of the Baptism of Rus is considered to be AD 988, although there are several sources based on archaeological excavations that indicate an earlier spread of Christianity. This is most likely explained by the fact that in 988 Prince Vladimir conducted the first official baptism, which was recorded in the annals.

In Russia, the Day of the Baptism of Rus was included in the number of official memorable dates from June 13, 2010.

Fireworks will begin at 22:30 and will last 10 minutes.

In the evening sky of St. Petersburg, 30 volleys from artillery pieces and more than 2,000 fireworks will be launched.

Where is it better to watch salute and fireworks on the day of the Navy on July 28, 2019:

For the festive fireworks and fireworks on July 28, 2019, 2 sites will be organized. The first will be located on the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the second - in Kronstadt.

Salute salutes on Navy Day 2019 will be visible from different parts of the city. However, it is best to observe the fireworks from a safe distance as close to the launch sites as possible. For viewing, it is better to take a place in advance on the Palace Embankment, the arrow of Vasilyevsky Island, on one of the bridges (Palace, Liteiny, Birzhev, Troitsky).

The salute dedicated to the Day of the Navy 2019 is clearly visible, from the water area of ​​the Neva... To do this, it is necessary to rent a place on the "floating craft" in advance, which will cost one and a half to two thousand rubles per person.

Within 10 minutes, 30 volleys will be fired by a battery of 12 D-44 guns, and two thousand fireworks will be launched using 12 fireworks installations at the KamAZ base.

Military-sports holidays in honor of the Day of the Navy, will be held in 7 cities of Russia: Astrakhan, Vladivostok, Baltiysk, Severomorsk, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk and, of course, in St. Petersburg.

Also in the Northern capital of Russia a naval parade will be held, which will be attended by more than 40 ships, boats and submarines, as well as 41 aircraft.

Parade start time ships of the Navy in St. Petersburg on July 28, 2019 - 11:00 (local / Moscow time).

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Navy parade in St. Petersburg:

Naval parade on July 28, 2019 will be shown live on Channel One... To prepare a colorful broadcast of this grandiose spectacle, about 100 television cameras will be used, which are located in the water, on ships, on the ground, in the sky (on airplanes), and even under water.

That is, the 2019 Navy parade in St. Petersburg:
* Start time - 11:00.
* Live broadcast - on Channel One.

The largest, most powerful and beautiful ships of the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets will take part in the naval parade dedicated to the celebration of Navy Day 2019. To carry out the festive passage, they arrived in the city on the Neva in advance. At the head of the parade on July 28, 2019, the magnificent sailing ship "Poltava" will proceed, which is an exact copy of the historical 54-gun linear ship of the Peter the Great era. And in the air show, more than 40 modern aircraft and helicopters of naval aviation will fly in a single formation.

When and where will "Europa Plus LIVE 2019" be held:

"Europa Plus LIVE"is the largest project of the Europa Plus radio station. It is held in the form of an annual outdoor concert. The first open-air Europa Plus LIVE was organized in 2008 in St. Petersburg. And since 2009, concerts have been held exclusively in Moscow.

The best DJs of the Europe Plus radio station annually become the presenters and co-hosts ("behind the scenes") of the summer open-air. Most of the concerts took place in Luzhniki, with the exception of 2008 and 2011. In 2019 Moscow's Luzhniki will also be the venue for the Europa Plus LIVE 2019 concert.

Traditionally, the summer music festival "Europa Plus LIVE" is held on the last Saturday of July... Therefore, the date of the "Europa Plus LIVE 2019" - July 27, 2019, Saturday.

That is, the concert "Europe Plus Life 2019" (official date and venue):