Storing a large amount of information. How to learn large texts and memorize them. tips on how to quickly learn what is impossible to learn quickly

Bad memory? Forgetting important things? Need to quickly learn something new? Read how easy it is to memorize large amounts of information and become smarter!

This article will help you quickly prepare for exams, easily improve your qualifications at work, learn new languages, or easily master any new direction for yourself. At the same time, your brain will memorize large amounts of information better and faster, and your memory will automatically increase!

1. We remember information visually!
2. Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?
3. We connect hearing and sensations!
4. Sleep and sleep learning!
5. How to memorize large amounts of information correctly?
6. We combine new information with past experience!
6. How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?
7. Exercise to improve memory!
8. Program for synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres!

We remember information visually!

Scientists have found that despite the difference in the representational system (as you know, audials, visuals and kinesthetics are distinguished, you can determine your type), the brain of any person perceives basic information visually.

Moreover, vision greatly affects all other senses and often distorts the information they receive.

An experiment was carried out ...

Wine lovers and connoisseurs were asked to recognize what was in their glass. White wine was served in a glass, to which red food coloring was added.

Not a single participant in the experiment said that the wine was white, since it was red in color !!

How can you use this knowledge to memorize large amounts of information?

The brain does not perceive any text as a stream, but only as a picture. As we read a word or phrase, we use our imagination to capture the meaning. In other words, we translate alphabetic text into visual one.

But this significantly reduces the speed and quality of memorization!

But if we immediately see a picture in front of our eyes, then its meaning becomes clear without "translation" and is remembered much better!

Therefore, each new thought of the memorized text should be associated with a visual image. These can be explanatory pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.

Why is it worth mentioning the video separately?

Visual information is perceived especially well in motion. A static picture is much less effective than a dynamic video. Therefore, if you memorize new information, include thematic videos in the learning process!

We connect hearing and sensations!

Even if you are a kinesthetic or an auditor, hearing and sensations will still be additional sources of information assimilation for you. But even bright visuals should not discount them.

The more channels of perception we use during memorization, the better the information is assimilated, and the longer it stays in our RAM.

Therefore, remembering the text, do not be too lazy to read it aloud. Also use visual aids that you can remember by touch.

Sleep and sleep learning!

Sleep itself, especially before an exam or other important event, when you need to “cash out” the knowledge you have learned, already plays an important role. Several hundred students have been tested on this subject. Those students who slept peacefully the night before the exam showed much better results than those who were engaged in night cramming.

Therefore, if you sleep well, then you will have much more chances to remember what you have learned!

The phenomenon of sleep learning is also worth noting.

Scientists have found that the human brain memorizes information well in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, memorizing the information aloud, you can turn on the recorder and record it, and then turn on playback when falling asleep.

How to memorize large amounts of information correctly?

The final result also strongly depends on how you organize your training.

Many people use the cramming method and “waste away” over knowledge until they “learn”. However, this approach is not effective.

It is much easier and easier to remember a large amount of information if:

  • take breaks between studying each new block of information;
  • study new blocks interspersed;
  • make a short synopsis of what has been learned;
  • repeat what was learned in an hour, then after 3 hours, and then the next day.

What does it mean to study new blocks together?

When studying new information, you can go sequentially. First, learn one, then the second, which follows from the first, then the third, closely related to the second. It would seem that this approach should be correct. But no.

When a person shifts attention to a new aspect that is not related to the previous one, he perceives information much better. So, say, if you are learning English, take 15 minutes to memorize new words, then rest for 5 minutes and start listening to English for 15 minutes, then take a break again and start reading. Another break, then the translation of the text. And after an hour, repeat the learned words. The result will surprise you!

We should also say a few words about the synopsis ...

There is no need to write everything down there and turn the outline into a cheat sheet. It is enough to write down one word of each new thought, while the word should reflect this very thought. With this approach, you only need to look at the written word in order to remember everything that is associated with it.

We combine new information with past experience!

This is another important aspect! New knowledge should occupy its own department in your memory, then it will be easy for you to "pull out" it when required.

Let's look at an example ...

Many people have trouble remembering new names or numbers. To fix this problem, try to remember to associate this information with some image that is already in your head.

For example, the new employee's name is Ivan. You remember that that was the name of the hero of Russian folk tales. Everything! This name will be firmly imprinted on your memory! Or, let's say you were advised to contact Marya Ivanovna on some issue. In order not to forget this same Marya Ivanovna (after all, you have not even seen her yet), you just have to remember that that was the name of your first teacher ... In general, the essence is clear.

It's the same with numbers!

There is no need to look for some kind of logic in your reasoning when you are trying, for example, to remember the password for a new bank card. The thought may come like this: 18 - youth, 70 - old age. Now you will remember the password 1870 for the rest of your life!

You just need to pick up your association!

What if, for example, you are learning a new business or mastering a new ability?

All you need to do is analyze what aspects and details you already know.

Let's say you want to start a slate manufacturing business, and before that you were engaged in the supply of food products.

What can be in common?

Not as small as you might think. For any business, you will need to draw up a business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine the target audience, think over an advertising campaign, and resolve the issue with employees. And all this you already know how! You just have to focus on the differences and delve into the process of making this very slate.

Agree, it seems much easier than mastering a completely new and unfamiliar type of activity.

How to learn to memorize a large amount of information at once?

Remember in school there was such a form as retelling? But it is no coincidence!

Retelling the information received to someone, we immediately remember it, and for a very long time. Therefore, if there are "free ears", use them for the good of the cause. At the same time, it is better to retell by looking at the synopsis, then even a large amount of information will settle in your memory completely and completely.

But if there were no free ears at hand, a mirror will come to the rescue.

At the same time, try to explain everything to your reflection as clearly as possible - using facial expressions and gestures.

The more bodily movements you use in the retelling process, the better the information will be absorbed. And in the "X hour" itself (an exam or other similar event), you can remember your grimaces and gestures, while the accompanying information that you tried to explain to your reflection will pop up in your memory by itself.

Also, as mentioned above, for clarity, it is worth including images in the synopsis.

Exercise to improve memory!

This simple exercise is incredible!

It helps to expand the working memory of the brain and easily allows you to memorize large amounts of information.

Some schoolchildren who previously had difficulty remembering their lessons, after regularly doing this exercise, significantly increased their academic performance, became smarter and got rid of problems with their studies.

After a few weeks of classes, the adults noted that they stopped forgetting about important things, they began to easily memorize large amounts of information, it was easier to endure information loads and stresses!

Just 5 minutes a day will help you quickly memorize large amounts of information!

This exercise synchronizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to remember more, faster and better!

What do we have to do?

1. Stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart.

2. With your right hand you need to grip the lobe of your left ear, and with your left hand - for the lobe of your right.

3. While inhaling in this position of the arms, perform a squat.

4. As you exhale, stand up in the same hand position.

You can do several approaches so that the total squat time is 5 minutes, or you can do the squats at once. This time per day will be quite enough.

Yoga for the brain (practice) also has a beneficial effect on memory, as it provides additional blood flow to the brain.

A program for synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain!

To improve memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is also good to use a special audio program that synchronizes the activity of the cerebral hemispheres and increases its "throughput" ability to receive information. In addition, the program contributes to the self-development of the individual as a whole. It is advisable to listen to it every day during the day.

The program for synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Representative system - the concept of neurolinguistic programming, meaning the predominant way for a person to receive information from the outside world (

For successful preparation for the session. But we decided not to stop there and introduce you to at least four more effective methods of quickly memorizing text or any other information. Read, think, choose the right one.

All of the following techniques are based on repeated reading. But we are not talking about haphazard and meaningless reading, but about deep work on the text.

Assimilation of the text in 4 repetitions: the GDD method

The name consists of the first letters of the names of the main stages of memorizing the text:

  1. O main thought. The text is read for meaningful perception and highlighting the main thoughts, establishing relationships between them. You don't need to take everything in the text. If necessary, the main information is underlined or written out on a separate sheet.
  2. V nonessential reading. The second reading is distinguished by increased attentiveness and thoughtfulness, you should pay attention to small details, details. The text is read slowly. The main task of this stage is to mentally tie the details to the main thoughts. At the end of the stage, you need to try to remember the main thoughts and the details already attached to them.
  3. O review... The text is scanned fluently, without in-depth reading. Viewing starts from the end. The reader mentally asks himself questions on the main points, tries to draw parallels with the information already received about the text. At this stage, a rough outline of the text is drawn up and the sequence of the main thoughts is remembered.
  4. D gadfly... Repetition of the text from memory in a certain sequence: remember the main points, gradually moving on to the details. Peeping into the text should be avoided whenever possible at this stage. Then there is a second reading with mental "serifs" in those places that the reader missed or forgot. Why did it happen? If the missing information is material, it should be worked through.

Among all methods of assimilating information, this one is suitable for texts of small volumes.

Since new information is quickly forgotten after the initial acquaintance, it is worth repeating it a little later (after a few hours on the same day or the next). Over time, the dynamics of forgetting slows down.

Reading aloud and mentally reviewing: the HPGS method

This method of quickly memorizing information is similar to the previous one, but it also has its own differences.

An experiment was carried out at Kazan University, during which the subjects formed 4 groups. The challenge for everyone is to remember the text. In the first group, the text was read aloud 4 times. In the second, the text was read aloud 3 times and mentally retold by students 1 time. In the third, the text was read twice and retold mentally twice. In the fourth, the text was read aloud only once, and 3 times was mentally retold by the listeners.

The results showed the highest memorization efficiency among students of the fourth group. The listeners of the third group remembered information a little less effectively, the second group even less, the students of the first group remembered information worse than the others.

Thanks to this experiment, the HPGC method appeared:

  1. O orientation... When reading the text, it is important to understand its main idea. If necessary, write it down or underline it, repeating it many times in memory.
  2. H shadow... When you re-read the information, you are familiarized with the information more carefully, the smaller details are highlighted, a connection is established between them and the main thoughts of the text. The main thoughts attached to details are repeated in my mind several times.
  3. O review... A quick scan of the text determines if the main thoughts and their connection to details have been correctly identified. For a deeper understanding, you can ask questions for the main parts.
  4. G lavnoe... A mental retelling is performed, and, if possible, out loud. At this stage, it is important to remember the main thoughts, to answer the questions posed.

Try to keep the number of readings to a minimum. In this case, the number of mental repetitions can be absolutely any necessary for better assimilation in memory.

Methods of memorizing large amounts of information: Cicero's method

The previous methods are suitable for working with small texts. But what if you need to quickly master and memorize whole notes, books, works?

As you might have guessed, this technique was named after Mark Tullius Cicero, a brilliant orator and great statesman of Rome, who lived in 106-43. BC.

Glory to this man was brought not only by his cleverest thoughts. In his speeches, he never used recordings, reproducing from memory a huge number of dates, facts, quotes from historical events and names.

This is one of the best methods for memorizing information due to its simplicity. It is also called room system or method of places.

The key is to mentally arrange important facts in a certain order in a familiar room. Then, if necessary, you will just need to remember that very room to fish out the necessary information. It was this technique that Cicero himself was guided by, preparing for the performances: mentally he walked around his house, placing the main provisions of the performance in it as conveniently as possible.

Before starting to master the method, it is important to choose for yourself your own sequence of traversing the rooms, so as not to get confused in your own logic of placing information.

For the first acquaintance with memorizing information in this way, try to actually walk around your house, mentally placing information in its places. Then walking around the house will not be necessary at all, it is enough to mentally repeat the route passed.

And here are some tips to help you get the information right:

  • it is best to start with your own room. Take the door as the starting point, then follow the left hand rule (examine in order everything on the left side) and slowly move further clockwise;
  • when placing information sequentially, it is worth considering stationary objects that always stand in the same places (curtains, chandelier, floor lamp, sofa, picture, photo frame, cornice, shelves, etc.);
  • you should use sequential movement not only from left to right, but also from top to bottom, since often objects are one below the other (carpet under the sofa, table under the chandelier, etc.);
  • if you need to memorize multi-level lists, use not only your home, but also the homes of your relatives, friends, the lecture hall, and even well-studied routes from home to school, to the store, etc.

Over time, as you master this method more and more, you will be able to use more and more small objects from the rooms and find more and more secluded places to store information in your memory. But at the very beginning, it is better to limit yourself to the most noticeable objects in the room.

This method has proven itself perfectly when working with large texts, daily routine, memorizing the order of phone calls. Moreover, if important information is somehow connected with each other, and is not just a meaningless set of data, then you can reuse the same room several times.

The Cicero Method is great for memorizing numbers. True, first you have to translate the numbers from an abstract form into a more concrete one in any convenient way. And only then you can fill the places in the room with objects into which the numbers have been converted.

The huge advantage of this method is that 2-3 workouts are enough to master it, unlike many other techniques. In addition, it can be used in absolutely any situation and in any place. At the same time, the place where you are at a particular moment (audience, dacha, museum, dean's office) will serve you as a support and help. All you need is to remember in detail a familiar room or use the one in which you are at the moment.

We invite you to practice and try to reproduce the words below from memory using the Cicero method: float, napkin, curlers, grass, mirror, album, comb, book, cat, light bulb, matches, blanket, scissors, scoop. You can use the picture as a sample room:

This technique is one of the most effective methods for effective memorization of text information.

Using visual memory: the pictogram method

A pictogram is a collection of graphic images that a person comes up with in order to memorize and then reproduce any words and expressions.

The pictogram method in psychology is often used to study, diagnose and strengthen people's memory of the "visual" image (s).

During the study of thinking using the pictogram method, the following plan was developed when working with text information:

  1. Key words or short phrases are highlighted in the text, which should be written out and underlined.
  2. A pictogram is drawn for each word or phrase - a kind of image, which later will help to remember this particular word / phrase. The image here plays the role of visual association. When drawing, you should not use sketchiness, as well as unnecessary details. The picture should not contain numbers and letters. The process of creating an image should not take more than 10-20 seconds. Example: To memorize the phrase “hard work”, you can draw a hammer or a person bent under a heavy load. You can associate fireworks, flags, Christmas tree, etc. with the phrase "merry holiday".

The pictogram cannot be right or wrong. This is an association that belongs to you and was created to fulfill the main goal - to remind you of the word or phrase to which it was attached.

It is much easier to draw a drawing for a specific object (ice cream, bear, nose) than for a process or an abstract concept (development, longing, thinking). But in this case, you can easily solve the problem - you just need to assign them a more objective association, transform them into something concrete. For example, for the word "development" you can use the image of a spiral, for the word "longing" - a tear or anti-smile, for "thinking" - a light bulb, etc.

There are also words of medium complexity of concretization, for example, a school can be represented by a desk, a blackboard, a hospital - by a bed or a red cross, etc.

Before you start using the pictogram method, you need to practice. This will allow you to get your hands on the drawing and prepare for the immediate task.

Sample exercise : Draw pictograms for the words below. Please note that words of different complexity are used here. Try to draw such a picture so that after a few hours you can remember the word for which you created the picture.

Using the method of pictograms in preparation for exams, you can use a sheet of paper with pictures as a cheat sheet, which will not be scary to put on the desk at the exam itself.

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Using the Accumulation System: The Atkinson Method

But Atkinson is sure that memory should improve gradually, without sudden jumps and overloads. Therefore, the only safe and proven method of strengthening memory is the accumulation method.

The scientist proposes to leave aside all artificial methods, using only what nature itself has given us. The brain, like all muscles, needs training and gradual exertion. As the workload grows, so does the memory efficiency.

The essence of the system is as follows:

  1. The text is selected (optimally - in poetic form). On the first day, learn by heart from 4 to 6 lines.
  2. On the second day, they repeat yesterday's learned lines and additionally learn from 4 to 6 lines.
  3. On the third day, new 4-6 lines are added to those already learned.

The more repetitions, the better the new material will be remembered.

It's okay if you peep at the book from time to time. Do not be upset if something is forgotten: over time, the amount of memory will increase, memorization will become easier.

After a month, double the amount of information you are assimilating. In another month, you can triple the amount of information.

Research has shown that as a result of this technique:

  • learned knowledge remains for a long time and easily pops up in memory,
  • the ability to memorize absolutely any thing is improving all the time,
  • with the help of willpower, any information is easily remembered.

The essence of this method is nothing more than repetition. Classes are best done in the morning, as our perception is still fresh at this time of day. Train every day and you will see: in a month your brain will begin to memorize many times more information.

What is important to remember?

Multiple haphazard repetition of information is unproductive.

And memory can and should be trained! Memorizing something new is useful not only when preparing for exams, but also for life in general. Soon after the start of using the chosen technique, you can see how the brain begins to remember other information that we use in life: remember phone numbers, addresses, regulate incoming / outgoing correspondence and much more.

The secret is that after repeated training, the memory automatically begins to apply the skill of memorizing more information. And this is without the use of any mnemonic techniques and training. However, it is still worthwhile to help your brain from time to time by sorting out important and unimportant information. For example, when preparing for an exam in a discipline that will not be useful to you in real life, there is absolutely no need to teach a lot of useless information. It is enough to ask for help from people who will do it for you.

And here you can watch a video on the techniques of memorizing GDD and HPGC - the most popular way to increase memory:

The question in the title of the article sounds very provocative, if only to warn you once again: if someone wants to teach you how to remember information easily and quickly, then such advice should be taken with caution.

Ask yourself the question: why do we forget? Under equally equal conditions (place, age, level of development and education, etc.) do some people remember information quickly, literally grabbing it on the fly, while others fly into one ear and fly into the other?

You are probably familiar with the situation when your classmate just needs to be present at the lesson in order to retell what he heard in his own words the next day. When you, a diligent student, have to almost cram a textbook, memorize whole phrases and sentences, individual pieces of text in order to look decent, if suddenly they call you to answer. Among my classmates they were so nimble, which cannot be said about me and most of the other students.

The recipe at that time was simple: you had to envy white envy and put up with this state of affairs. Put up and teach, teach and learn to retell. We didn’t know before about various ways and methods that help to remember any information and train our memory.

It would seem that today there are all possible ways, methods and trainings, but still a huge number of people are wondering what to do with bad memory, and how to train it?

First of all, you need to realize that we all have different memories. Our memory is very selective: someone can easily memorize cell phone numbers, and the name of a person from several letters forgets at once. Others gladly use their visual memory, which never fails them, and they memorize the multiplication table with a scratch. Why it happens? What is the reason? Here are five reasons for poor memory in order to better understand how to remember anything:

1. Lack of interest

The most common reason. With great difficulty, everything is remembered that is not interesting and does not cause a desire to develop oneself in this area. To remember at least something, requires a lot of effort and time. If you are not a fan of poetry, then learning poetry by heart will be akin to a feat for you.

2. Inability to concentrate, inattention and inability to manage your attention

In our time of excessive abundance of information, we view huge volumes of information, getting used to superficially absorb information without delving into the essence of the content. The habit of doing several things at the same time, in fact, only exacerbates the state of affairs.

3. Inability to memorize information and use your memory for this

Did you know that memory works according to its own laws? The ability to memorize information is not a gift from above, but a skill that can be trained. There are interesting techniques to help you memorize.

4. Lack of oxygen, lack of vitamins and unhealthy diet

I'm sure you know about this: if the brain lacks oxygen and nutrients, it will not be able to work efficiently. There is a way out: we eat healthy food, go in for sports and walk in the fresh air.

5. Poor health and depression

Remembering in this state is unlikely to succeed. We recover and return ourselves to an active life. Everyone has such periods, one must be able to experience them.

Well, now let's move on, in fact, to what can help remember information. That is, we will consider several methods that are most effective for most people. Although, I repeat once again that we are so individual that we will have to try to find for ourselves exactly the memorization system that will be effective for you.

It is important to understand that the process of memorization is voluntary and involuntary. Probably, we all want large amounts of information to be memorized by us arbitrarily. But not everyone is so lucky. Memory work is a rather complex process, depending on the physical data of a particular person and chemical reactions. We will not go that far, it is better to start with those techniques that can help most people.

Comprehension and understanding of the material

It is possible that for some it will be the only necessary thing: to read and understand what you have read. If you include logic, and build several associative chains, then be sure that such information will remain in memory much longer than memorized memorization. Important: to understand and comprehend what you need to remember.


The most important secret of many people. In order to remember what you hear or see, you need to accustom yourself to write down. Write, write and write again. Everything that you outline on paper will be remembered several times faster. And the records can be quickly reviewed and refreshed at any time.


The most universal secret. Remember in school we retell the lesson we learned by heart to mom, sister, or friend. And if it started to work out, then the desire to retell to someone was huge. The result was obvious - in the lesson homework bounced off the teeth. It would be nice to add a little logic and meaning here - there would be no price in this way.


Teach you how to separate spam and useful information. In our time, an abundance of information material leads to the fact that we clog our brain with completely unnecessary information, while forgetting to cleanse our memory and delete unnecessary information. It is impossible to know everything, but much can be learned, and important things must be remembered. By the way, read a few tips on this topic in the article.

Mass memorization method

Four types of memory work simultaneously: visual, speech, auditory and mechanical. At the same time, we listen to the information necessary for memorization, speak it out loud, and write it down in a systematic way, highlighting the lists with underlining, numbering the lists, and breaking it down into paragraphs. A very interesting method, try it - what if you like it?


This method is perfect for those people who have a rich imagination. If you need to learn a poem, you just need to imagine each line, the phrase is what they are for you. You can add gestures, connect intonation, in general, use everything that will help visualization.


Walking while memorizing a text promotes blood flow and oxygenation of the brain. It will also save you from nodding into a notebook or textbook. It is best to use this method alone with yourself: retire specifically in order to learn a certain amount of information, and at this time try to make the most of various noisy techniques not sitting at a desk or on a sofa, but in a working, so to speak, position. Focus your attention on what needs to be learned.

Highlighting the structure

If you don't like to take notes, then this method is for you. Read it, understand what it is about, and write down what you understand in a few theses. Outline the text. Highlight the main point, and these theses will become beacons for you in the process of retelling.


It is clear that this method is not for everyone, but for some it will be ideal. In some types of information, your drawings can serve as beacons. It turns out to draw - draw for health! Create your own icons that only you can understand. But at the right time, such cheat sheets will restore the overall picture, and it will be much easier to cope with retelling the text.


Correct repetition will allow you to remember information for much longer. Repeat the first time immediately after studying, the second time after half an hour, the third time every other day, and the fourth time after a week.


If you need to learn numbers and numbers, try rhyming them. Make memorization fun. For example, you need to memorize 6 numbers: 358593, come up with a rhyme that matches the word three.

Three five eight five nine three

Never say anything to anyone.

You can put a deeper meaning in such rhymes))

We memorize sentences

It is possible that this method will seem ancient to someone, but it still works. How many percent, you determine for yourself. So, first you need to read the entire text, break it up into small pieces, remember that And then we begin to learn each sentence: first we memorize the first, then the second, and repeat the first and second sentences together, then we learn the third sentence, and pronounce the first, second and third sentence, and so on. We do the same with paragraphs when all the sentences in them are learned. Collecting, in the same way, blocks of text, we learn the entire text. This method is suitable for memorizing those texts that cannot be learned in any other way.

Create mind maps, slideshows, presentations

Presentations today are a working link in any business. In order to competently and interestingly tell and convey information to other people, sketch out a diagram of the text using a mind map or a slideshow - this is easy to do in a special program or online service. Key words, phrases and sentences will not let you forget all the material, they will serve as a guide and hints so as not to get lost and not go away.

Note that you cannot tell about all the working methods in one article. Therefore, in conclusion, I will give a few general rules to help remember information:

First you need to find out or understand why this information is needed (material, text, formulas, etc.). Ask yourself the question: what bad can happen if you do not remember what you need. Have you answered? Then - get to work!

Find out what to remember and what not (remember about spam).

Translate complex information into a language you can understand.

Select and block what you want to remember.

It is important to remember the essence, details can be omitted. So the main thing is to find the essence!

Add visual images, draw pictures - associations that only you can understand.

Repeat the material according to the correct algorithm.

Come up with a reward for yourself! Motivate yourself.

Set deadlines, take breaks, don't teach if you're feeling unwell.

Tell everyone that you have a phenomenal memory!

Memory training with such effective methods, if, of course, you are not lazy, it will certainly bring good results. With so many different ways and techniques, you now know how to memorize information and whatever! Successful work on yourself!

Watch a video on how to train your memory, I assure you, you will definitely remember this girl))

Often a person asks the question: how to quickly learn the text? Especially often the problem arises if the amount of information is large, and the topic has not been thoroughly studied. A person does not always manage to remember the material the first time, therefore there are several special techniques that will help to quickly memorize.

You should not thoughtlessly try to memorize information, such an action is not capable of leading to a positive result, therefore one of the main rules says that the ability to carefully read the material, try to understand and understand its main idea - these are two components of a positive memorization result.

Technique of fast memorization of text

There are several special techniques, the action of which is aimed at accelerating the memorization of information of any volume. These include:

  1. Complete parsing and understanding of read data, it is important to understand what is written and what is the main idea of ​​the information being studied.
  2. Reading visualization, namely, try to mentally choose a suitable picture for each sentence or word.
  3. After reading the information, it is advisable rewrite everything that was remembered on a sheet of paper. This will help you understand what data has been assimilated and what needs to be reworked.
  4. An excellent helper for memorizing the text is considered author's reading, that is, listening to data using audio recording.
  5. Try several times a day re-read what is being studied.
  6. In order to learn the text by heart you need read it before bed.
  7. To quickly memorize the text, you need take breaks during the period of work.
  8. Comfortable environment and absence of external stimuli will help you easily remember a large amount of data.

How to train your memory to memorize text

The human brain constantly needs to be trained, because without any load it “turns off”, and the information is not able to assimilate well. You can train your memory using certain techniques that will help you better remember information. Memorize the text as quickly as possible:

  • an effective method of training memory is the recollection of various unpleasant situations that have happened to a person recently, and best of all is a written note-taking of the mentioned;
  • a change of scenery, when memorizing certain types of information, for example, in different rooms, this method has a beneficial effect on the development of memory;
  • to quickly memorize text and train memory, experts advise trying to pronounce each word loudly and clearly;
  • you can train your memory with the help of gestures and expression, namely, help yourself with the help of expressing feelings and experiences, for example, if you need to learn a dialogue, you just need to play it with your interlocutor, and gesticulation of individual words and phrases will also be an excellent help;
  • in order to train your memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is enough just to listen to yourself from the outside, record a fragment of the text on a dictaphone, and listen to the audio in headphones before going to bed;
  • Another effective method is walking while memorizing data, the fact is that during walking, brain cells are activated, and information is quickly and well absorbed;
  • you can train your memory using the 60 words technique in 60 seconds, that is, in 1 second you need to pronounce 1 word, it can be both the names of plants and the capitals of the world;
  • memorizing foreign words can lead to an improvement in memory.

Thanks to these techniques, you can train excellent memory and logical thinking, which will help to improve the memorization of information, and the question "how to memorize a large text?" will disappear by itself.

How to read to memorize better

But, nevertheless, how best to remember and assimilate a large amount of information? A trained memory is capable of accepting a large amount of information, if we resort to improving the quality of their assimilation. There is a whole technique that can help you assimilate information and remember them as soon as possible:

  1. Concentrate and try to realize the goal, namely to think how useful this information will be and whether it will bring positive results.
  2. Read the table of contents and content of the material. The main purpose of this technique is to realize what the reader is about to learn. This method can not only train your memory, but also prepare the reader for long or short passages.
  3. To memorize and improve the assimilation of the information provided, it is advisable to choose only paper media, since proofreading text from an electronic media reduces productivity by 30%.
  4. Getting rid of external annoying factors is another important point for a productive result.
  5. A short summary of each chapter will be a useful method for better assimilation of the information.
  6. An attempt to retell the material read to the interlocutor will help the reader to get a good grasp of the information. You just need to read, not memorize the information, but try to delve into them.

How to quickly memorize text and retell it

Often in schools or universities they are asked a task - retelling the information read. This method is used so that the reader can not only improve and strengthen memory, but also learn how to correctly and correctly express their thoughts, especially for schoolchildren. In order to correctly retell the information read, you should follow some rules:

  • for better assimilation of the data, it is necessary to read at least once what has been stated in advance;
  • the correct timing of reading will help you to assimilate the material and interpret it accurately in your own words;
  • identifying difficult points to learn and repeating them separately;
  • determination of the key points of the text, the relationship and sequence of actions, this will help to fully and qualitatively retell the material learned;
  • good rest after learned material is a guarantee of high-quality retelling of information.

Not only schoolchildren and students are faced with the problem of the need to memorize a large amount of texts, but also people of various professions: lawyers, doctors, actors, etc. However, most people are used to memorizing texts using ordinary cramming and endless repetition of text material that flies out of their heads the next day. We will show you how to quickly learn the text, but at the same time meaningfully and for a long time.

How actors remember lyrics

If you need to learn how to quickly memorize a text, you should take advantage of the experience of actors who have to memorize scripts for films and theatrical performances almost word for word. Each of them has their own ways of memorizing information that help them cope with this task, so psychologists obtained generalized research results on this issue and found out what helps actors learn the text quickly and efficiently.

Division into fragments

The first thing anyone who wants to quickly learn a text should do is read the entire material once, and then divide it into parts. At the same time, it is important that they have a complete thought and are easy to remember. Dividing each paragraph into sentences will be most effective.

Grouping text

After you have divided the text into parts and have learned the first sentence, start grouping the material. Learn the first and second sentences. Once you've mastered this, memorize the first, second, and third. Continue to combine sentences until you have learned the first block — it could be the introduction or the first appearance on stage, etc. Then do the same combination again, putting together even larger fragments, for example, the first and second paragraphs.

Continue grouping with enlargement of parts until you have learned the whole text.

Quality checking

Each stage of memorization of the material should be accompanied by a verification of the text without peeping. This allows you to highlight those fragments that are difficult to work with, so that later you can focus more on them. In addition, this step will help you consolidate what you have learned.

Immersion in context

If you have the opportunity to study the text in the very environment where the performance will take place, then be sure to use it. So, for example, you can associate parts of the text you are pronouncing with the movements performed on stage by you or your partners, interaction with props and decorations, which will make it easier to quickly learn the text.

Automatic memory

Although the main goal is to consciously memorize the material, you can use another mechanism of our memory that allows you to automatically reproduce the memorized text. Thus, for example, some people memorize prayers or texts that have to be repeated often due to duty, such as the speech of a flight attendant. Although this performance is not always felt and emotional, it allows you to remember the material well even in stressful situations.

Business is time

A very important role in memorization is played by the time spent not only on study, but also on rest. Many people are unable to effectively focus on material for more than forty minutes, so don't be tired or forced to quickly learn the text in one sitting. Take a break, take a walk, or change your activity for a while.

Don't forget about regular, full 7-8 hours of sleep. Although the memorization and reproduction of information occurs during wakefulness, its processing continues even in sleep. Lack of sleep leads to stress, as well as impairment of memory and performance.

The four-step method, or the GDD method

There is another way to learn how to memorize a large text quickly and effectively. Use one of the most effective methods of memorizing texts called GAD, which consists of four stages: Main idea, Careful reading, Review and Refinement. It allows you to quickly learn the text - in just 4 repetitions. GED differs from unsystematic memorization and repetition by a meaningful, analytical approach to the text. So:

  • First of all, you need to read the text and highlight the main idea in it. Do not try to immediately remember it from beginning to end, focus your attention only on what reveals the main idea of ​​the material. You can write these thoughts in the form of abstracts. When the reading is finished, put the text aside and try to reproduce it orally.

  • Next, you should read the text a second time, this time more carefully, taking into account all the details of the narrative. Remember the main idea of ​​the text and try to connect it in your mind with the details that you have just identified. How do they help reveal the main point, what do they add to the story? Now try to repeat the text, taking into account both the main idea and the details.
  • Review of the text is to create a rough outline of what you read. Read the material back and ask yourself questions about the points in your plan. They will help you remember what information is contained in each part of the text.

  • Refinement means finishing work on the text, bringing the memorization process to the end. Remembering the text, go from general to specific: start with the main thoughts, subsequently complementing them with details. Slowly repeat the text out loud, if possible, ask someone to check you. Do not peep under any circumstances. If you have forgotten something, then try to analyze this segment, to understand why you missed it.

After a few hours, repeat what you learned again. If necessary, fill in the gaps that appear, again using this four-step scheme.

How to learn text as quickly and efficiently as possible

If you need to learn the text as quickly as possible and not necessarily verbatim, then this method will help you.

  1. Break the material down into meaningful phrases or sentences. Determine the main meaning of each passage.
  2. Now describe each of the fragments with a small phrase, if possible, then with one word with which you associate each specific block. The main thing is to create a memorable image.
  3. The last step is to memorize a sequence of images that will allow you to recall the contents of the text step by step.

An example of a non-verbal memorization method

Let's see how this method works using this passage as an example:

The paradox is that people nowadays receive an excellent education, but they cannot boast of great intelligence, they have sufficiently broad knowledge, but they are not always able to assess the situation well. We have many experts, but there are even more problems, medicine is one of the best, but most cannot boast of health.

Now we will divide this passage into phrase fragments and select our own vivid image for each:

The paradox is that people nowadays receive an excellent education, but cannot boast of great intelligence ( Psychiatric patient holding a red diploma). We have many experts, but there are even more pressing problems ( A man in a business suit holding a screwdriver). Medicine is one of the best, but most cannot boast of health either ( A doctor in a dressing gown lies with a plaster cast).

As a result, you do not need to memorize the entire text at once, but memorize only the following images associated with it:

  • Mentally ill with honors.
  • Business man with a screwdriver.
  • A doctor in a cast.

To remember the sequence of images, combine them by coming up with your own story, in which the first image will interact with the second, the second with the third, etc. Our example was small and familiar, so for a large text volume you will need more images. All this will take you less time than learning the text itself, and most importantly, thanks to vivid images, it will remain in your memory for a long time.

And if you are interested in how to develop memory and learn poetry by heart, then you can get acquainted with one interesting technique in the following video:

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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