How to iron trousers correctly so that the arrows are flawless. How to iron trousers correctly so that they are flawless How to iron men's trousers correctly through cheesecloth

Elegant trousers, with even and neat arrows, speak of the owner's composure and style. Not everyone knows how to achieve this effect: in inexperienced hands, the folds often turn out to be crooked, smoothed out, and lose their appearance. In the meantime, ironing trousers with arrows correctly is not such a problem. The main thing is to properly prepare and follow all the recommendations for ironing.

Before you start ironing your pants, you need to make sure they are clean. Even small, imperceptible stains under the influence of high temperatures can appear on the fabric and begin to rush into the eyes. At the same time, dirt penetrates deeper into the structure of the material and it is not easy to get rid of it.

Men's trousers are ironed through cotton fabric or white gauze. So there will be no stains, and light trousers will not turn into a different tone. Also, with the help of gauze, you can avoid the appearance of gloss, which appears if synthetic threads are present in the structure of the material. In no case should you use a newspaper instead of gauze: the typographic font can go to the leg.

Particular attention should be paid to the iron. If it does not have a steam function, you need to prepare a bottle of water with a spray: to achieve the desired effect, you need to wet the fabric when ironing. The dirty surface of the iron must be cleaned, otherwise the dirt may transfer to the product or complicate the ironing process.

The temperature of the iron must be set correctly: cotton and wool products can be ironed at high temperatures, while synthetic material can only be ironed at low temperatures, otherwise it will spread. A label sewn on clothes will help you accurately determine the temperature regime of ironing. If it is missing, the type of fabric and temperature will have to be determined by yourself.

It is necessary to iron trousers with arrows only on a firm, absolutely flat surface. The best option is an ironing board. If it is absent, a table covered with thick cotton material is suitable.

Preparatory stage

Thus, to iron trousers with arrows, you will need:

  • iron, preferably with a steam function;
  • ironing board;
  • trouser press (if any);
  • gauze or white cotton material;
  • pins or stationery clips;
  • soap.

Before you start ironing trousers with arrows, you need to look for a label on the clothes that indicates the temperature at which the product should be processed. Then prepare the tools: unfold the ironing board or cover the table with a blanket, pour water into the iron, turn on the appliance.

Rules for ironing trousers

To properly iron trousers with arrows, they must first be put in order from the inside out, and only then proceed to the front side. Arrows - the final stage of ironing.

To iron dress pants, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn pants inside out.
  2. Set the temperature on the iron.
  3. Iron pockets. To do this, put a clean sheet under them to avoid the appearance of creases and folds on the front side, which will not be easy to get rid of.
  4. Iron the belt.
  5. Run the iron along the legs, making sure that the fabric is even during ironing, does not gather into folds. Be sure to iron the front and inside side seams, paying particular attention to the top. To iron the inner side seams in the hip area, you need to “put on” the leg on the side of the ironing board.

After finishing ironing from the inside, turn the pants right side out and iron the seams in the upper part through gauze. So that they do not print on the other side, put the trouser leg on the side of the board again. If ironing takes place on the table, a soft, even pad should be placed inside the pants. Then lay the product in such a way that the internal seams lie on top of each other and iron the legs without touching the place where the arrows will be. Iron each leg through gauze, periodically moistening with water.

The next step is to get even and symmetrical arrows. It is necessary to unfold the leg so that the inner and side seams are exactly aligned with each other: their discrepancy even by half a centimeter will cause the arrow to deviate to the side. To prevent the material from shifting, it must be fixed at the top and bottom with pins. For the same purpose, it is convenient to use stationery clips.

Put damp gauze on the fabric, set the desired temperature in the iron. To prevent the material from shifting, it is necessary to iron carefully: you do not need to constantly drive in the direction of the arrow. It is enough to lift the iron from the fabric and apply again for a couple of seconds. The arrows will be smoother if you start ironing from the knee area. So that they do not lose sight for a long time, before turning the pants on the front side, you can draw a line from the inside with laundry soap, after wetting it in water. When you're done with one leg, move on to the next.

A household appliance such as an ironing trouser press is capable of facilitating the work with arrows. After the leg is fixed with pins, you need to put it between the heating plates and fix it for the time indicated in the instructions.

Tight squeezing will allow you to make perfect folds. If the arrows did not work out, you should not despair. It is enough to moisten the gauze in a solution of 9% vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and steam the trousers from the inside out. After that, start creating smooth arrows again.

How to iron pants without an iron

Sometimes there is a need to iron without an iron and without gauze at home. For this purpose, several methods can be used. The simplest, but longest - method of tension and pressure. When tensioned, the material smoothes out well, you can improve the effect by pressing it down with something, moistening the creases. If the trousers are with arrows, it is necessary to process one leg at a time, after aligning the inner and outer seams.

Another method is to use a hot iron mug. Pour boiling water into the bowl, close the lid and start ironing. The same method can be used to iron out the arrows on the trousers. You can also use steam, for which boil the kettle, remove from heat and smooth out the wrinkles with the steam coming from the spout. A small bruise can be corrected with a damp palm, for which you must first wash your hands.

You can put your pants in order with the help of a hot light bulb. For this purpose, turn the trousers inside out and iron small creases. Be careful not to burn the fabric. For synthetics, this method is not the best option.

If trousers are needed on a trip, they must be properly folded. For this purpose, before the trip, the trousers should be rolled up. This will avoid wrinkles and headaches from thinking about how to put your pants in order.

The most important part of the business wardrobe for both men and women is trousers. Often classic models require proper care. It is difficult to imagine a strict outfit without trousers with perfectly ironed arrows, and we are talking about this today. Let's figure out how to properly iron trousers with arrows after washing, so that the arrows look like new. Science is not easy, but mastering it is real. It just takes a little patience and perseverance.

The history of arrows

The development of the clothing industry took place in the middle of the 19th century. At that moment, pants began to be sewn in factories and factories. The long journey from the manufacturer to retail outlets contributed to the fact that in tightly packed boxes, products acquired a fold at the point of inflection. The person who allowed himself such an expensive purchase flaunted these folds-arrows for a long time to show others that the wardrobe item was new, in other words, “from the needle”. Over time, it was noticed that the pleats on the trousers give the owner a slim, respectable and well-groomed appearance.

So the fashion for classic trousers with thin and even arrows came into fashion. The festive outfit was systematically updated, armed with an iron.

How to prepare your pants

To begin with, you need to properly organize the workplace.

  • Install an ironing board, and if it was not on the farm, then it is permissible to use any horizontal surface: floor, closet, chest of drawers, sofa or table.

Important! If you use an unsuitable coating, then be sure to protect it by covering it with a cloth in several layers.

  • Before you start ironing, pay attention to the label on the product. It should be written there that the fabric retains the ability to wrinkle under the influence of high temperatures.

  • If you have an ordinary iron without steam and additional functions, use a protective material in the form of any thin fabric or gauze.
  • Inexperienced housewives prepare pins in advance, with which they pin the legs to the board in order to fix them motionlessly and, accordingly, iron them correctly.
  • It is better if the material of the product is wet. This will help prevent the item from returning to its original position after ironing.
  • The temperature depends on the information about the composition of the fabric, which is indicated on the label of the product.
  • For insurance: natural fabrics are ironed at high temperatures, and synthetics at low or medium.
  • First turn the garment inside out and smooth out any wrinkles.
  • Having completed all the preparations, you can start leveling from the “face”.

How to smooth wrinkles

The style of men's trousers is significantly different from women's. In the latter case, the use of tucks is provided. They visually slim, emphasizing all the curves of the female figure. In addition, for the convenience of women, they make: straight, narrow and cropped trousers.

If you need to quickly solve the problem of how to iron trousers with arrows, all the features of the wardrobe item are taken into account. Preparation of things for ironing is identical for all men's models.

Women's styles

Iron the product from the inside. At the same time, do not disregard such complex elements as tucks, pockets, belt. The next instruction is:

  1. Turn pants right side out and lay flat on a flat surface.
  2. Women's skinny trousers are stacked so that not only the fold line is connected, but also the darts.
  3. To keep the thing lying evenly, attach it with pins.
  4. Lay damp gauze over the fabric.
  5. Start ironing.
  6. Once you have finished ironing the first leg, carefully move it aside and iron the second leg.

How to properly iron male models

Initially, it is better to iron all difficult areas - pockets, zipper areas and belts. It's best to do it from the inside out. The execution scheme is the same as for female models. The difference is that men's don't have darts. If a male novice takes up the case, it is better to see a photo or video of the process before starting.

Important! Periodically use a spray bottle to moisten the fabric. Please note that an even fold is a rather long occupation, and under the influence of high temperatures the gauze dries quickly. It is better to constantly keep it moistened.

Where are the arrows

Pay attention to a number of rules where it is better to place beautiful kinks on the legs.

  • the fold runs strictly along the shared thread;
  • the strip must be in the middle of the knee;
  • arrows run along the entire length from the very top to the bottom cut.

How to fold your pants for ironing

  • Focus on the position of the crotch and side seams. If the task is to iron the arrows, then try to match the legs as accurately as possible on the sides and bottom cut.
  • Make sure that the outer and crotch seams lie clearly on top of each other.
  • For reliability and insurance, pin the legs with pins.
  • Women's models are much easier to iron, because they have tucks, and for men's options, control and constant attention to the position of the seams are important.

Important! Pins sometimes do not solve the problem of skewed fabric, especially if you are ironing on a curved surface.

How to extend the life of arrows

Even if you tidy up your suit and make perfect folds, the first wash will negate your efforts. To save the result for a long time, you should take an interest in the intricacies of saving arrows. To prolong the life of the arrows, you can easily and simply use folk recipes, their cost is cheap, and the effect is long-term.

  • Soap application. Take laundry soap or any remnant and draw along the ironed lines from the wrong side. After that, just iron the legs again from the front.
  • Use of starch. In areas of the knees or buttocks (where the folds do not hold well) can be treated with a starch paste from the inside out. After it is completely dry, turn the product inside out and iron it “off the face”.

  • Table vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. Soak the cotton fabric in this solution, place it on the clothes and start the ironing process.
  • After the end of the procedure, do not immediately put on the product. Let it cool down for 6-7 minutes. In this case, the thing will stay neat longer.
  • If you have ironed your trousers in advance, then store them on a hanger, or hang them up without folding them.

Now you already know how to iron perfectly straight lines on your pants, so here are some useful tips for competent ironing or in emergency situations.

  • If the fabric on the knees has stretched and lost its shape, then go over the fabric with a damp cloth with tangential movements. Return them to their original shape, and only then iron them.
  • If the material is natural, then sew the arrows with thread before washing. That way they won't fall apart. Stroke in the usual way.
  • The crease on the leg, remaining after lengthening, you can try to remove with wet gauze. Iron inside out to prevent shininess. Set the maximum allowable temperature for a certain type of fabric. Place the iron on the gauze and wait for it to dry completely. If necessary, repeat the procedure for the complete disappearance of the crease.

The fact that I meet people by their clothes has long been known from folk wisdom. If you properly steam and iron your pants, you will look like a needle. Ideal arrows add a plus for karma in the eyes of others, and double or fuzzy arrows will spoil the opinion of you. The acquired knowledge and constant practice will help keep the wardrobe in order.

Video: How to iron the arrows on the pants

Pants are the main element of the wardrobe for both men and women. They are indispensable for office workers and those who want to look elegant in everyday life. There are many styles of trousers - classic with arrows, narrowed, shortened, with embossed seams. In order for them to sit well on the figure, have a neat appearance, you need to know how to iron them correctly.

How to learn how to properly iron men's trousers

First you need to study the information on the label well. Depending on the composition, the optimal ironing temperature is selected. The type of fabric also matters. In no case should fabrics with pile be ironed on the front side, especially without an iron! The same applies to synthetic fabrics. Too high temperature of the soleplate of the iron leaves streaks, in the worst case, melting, which, alas, cannot be removed. Natural fabrics, such as cotton and linen, are ironed at maximum temperature with steam, while woolen fabrics, if possible, are not ironed, but dry-cleaned.

Ironer - a piece of fabric through which the product is ironed

There are many tricks and tools that will help facilitate the ironing process and achieve the perfect result.

Gently pressed creases - the main attribute of classic men's trousers

  • If for some reason it is not possible to determine the composition of the fabric, first try ironing from the inside out at the hem of the bottom or from the inside of the belt to check how the fabric reacts to high temperature. Having picked up the optimal temperature, feel free to start ironing.
  • It would be good to purchase a special iron in advance, which is put on the sole of the iron. It makes ironing so much easier!
  • Tailor's pins and even clerical binders will not interfere in this difficult matter, with which you can fix the legs at the bottom so that they do not diverge during ironing.
  • To prevent the formation of creases, you can use a special ironing board for sleeves, which will be especially useful when ironing skinny trousers. The same function is performed by a terry towel rolled into a roller.
  • Be sure to inspect your trousers for dirt and stains. After exposure to high temperatures, stains can be "sealed" in the fibers of the fabric forever!

Is it possible to iron without gauze

Use a piece of gauze folded several times or a white cotton cloth to avoid glossiness. Trousers without gauze or suitable fabric for ironing should not be ironed. If the house does not have it, use a sheet of thin paper. Loose thin paper will do, but not newsprint!

How to iron pants: step by step instructions with photos

  1. Start ironing the pants from the inside out. Hard-to-reach places are ironed with the help of an iron spout.
  2. Next, step and side seams are processed. First you need to unscrew each allowance, inspect it and remove accumulations of lint and dust, if any. The seams must always be clean. Turn one leg open and iron the crotch seams with a damp iron. It is possible without it, if the fabric is ironed easily. The side seam is ironed from the waist to the bottom of the legs.
  3. Open the zipper of the trousers, unfold and iron the middle seam. We iron well in the buttocks area.
  4. We iron the belt. We do this from the outside through the iron, so that there is no gloss in the places of thickening of the seams. Let the belt “cool down” a little so that excess moisture evaporates.
  5. If the trousers have a fold that turns into an arrow, then we process it. We do this if the arrows are preserved on the trousers after washing. We fold the leg, aligning the folds of the folds and arrows. We iron through a damp iron to about the step seam. We make sure that a double fold and arrow do not form, since it will not be easy to eliminate this!
  6. Do not forget about the places where the pockets are located. So that the seams and burlap of the pockets are not printed on the outside, we put cardboard between them.
  7. We process the codpiece and the upper front of the trousers. Inside, it is better to put a folded terry towel or pull trousers on an ironing board. This will make ironing easier and help avoid creases on the other side.
  8. Then we proceed to the most crucial moment - ironing the arrows:
  9. After ironing, the trousers need to “rest” for at least 15 minutes, and preferably 1-2 hours. During this time, the fabric will cool down, the moisture will evaporate, the folds and arrows will not lose their shape.

How can you save the creases on classic men's and school trousers until the next wash

To iron classic trousers, you need to have some skills, since not everyone can handle the arrows the first time. If the trousers are sewn from a classic fabric, that is, mixed, the arrows remain after washing. All that needs to be done is to carefully fold the legs in the places where the arrows form and iron well.

To keep the arrows until the next wash, you can use the following tools:

  1. With a solution of vinegar (it is enough to take 1 tablespoon for a glass of water), we moisten the trousers in the places where the arrows form, or we moisten the iron.
  2. To enhance the effect, you can spend a piece of laundry soap on the fold from the inside.
  3. If the trousers are linen or light cotton, you can use a weak solution of starch: 1 tsp. dilute in 1 liter of cold water, put on fire and boil for two minutes after boiling. Use chilled solution.

If the fabric from which the trousers are sewn does not hold its shape well and the arrows have disappeared after washing, do not despair! As a rule, the arrows on the front halves of the trousers are a continuation of the darts. Simply fold the legs together, joining the seams, iron gently. First lightly touch the iron to mark the arrows, then iron through the damp iron from the waist.

During ironing, the legs can be slightly pulled with your free hand - then the arrows will turn out to be even, without distortions to the left or right.

Some models of trousers have two tuck-folds on the front half, one of which turns into an arrow. In this case, first iron the one that is closer to the side seam. Then they proceed to the fold located closer to the codpiece.

So that the trousers do not shine, the iron is moistened with a weak vinegar solution (1 tsp of vinegar per glass of water).

How to iron women's trousers from different types of fabric

Ironing women's trousers is no different from ironing men's trousers. As for skinny trousers without arrows, to avoid the appearance of creases and unnecessary folds, you should use an ironing board for the sleeves. Each leg is “put on” on the board and ironed, turning in a circle. You can also use a terry towel rolled into a roller, putting it inside the legs. If the trousers have embroidery, applique and other decor, then such places are ironed from the inside so as not to disturb the relief of the decoration.

How to iron polyester pants

Polyester is a fabric that almost does not wrinkle and holds its shape well. As a rule, after washing, all the folds and arrows remain in place. If it turned out that your favorite trousers were wrinkled, and the arrows were deformed, it is worth remembering the features of such material. Since this is synthetics, you need to iron it with a slightly heated iron, setting the temperature control to a minimum. Such a low temperature may not be enough to form arrows, so it is better to use a moistened iron. If this does not help, increase the temperature by checking in an inconspicuous area how the fabric behaves.

If the trousers are very wrinkled after a long time lying on a shelf in the closet, then moisten them with a spray bottle before ironing or wash them. You can use a steamer if you have one.

The disadvantage of polyester is that if it is wrinkled, it will be difficult to iron. Try not to dry your polyester trousers after washing and straighten them well when drying so that there are no creases.

Woolen fabrics

Any clothing made of wool has a beautiful, neat and expensive look. Such products do not wrinkle, they are comfortable to wear. But woolen fabric often shrinks even after ironing. For this reason, wool trousers are ironed when wet, not allowed to dry completely after washing.

Pants, like any other woolen clothing, should dry completely only under the soleplate of the iron, and not on a hanger or rope. Otherwise, the fabric may shrink during ironing and your favorite thing will be small.

What are the nuances to consider when ironing wool

  • woolen trousers are ironed only through a damp iron;
  • ironing starts from the top of the trousers;
  • set the temperature controller to the number 2 or the “wool” mark (wool);
  • ironed without strong pressure, lightly touching the sole of the iron, i.e. the product is steamed more than ironed;
  • in places of pockets they do not press hard so that their burlap is not imprinted on the other side;
  • if the trousers are decorated with embossed patterns or seams, then such places are not touched in order to avoid deformation of the fabric;
  • trousers are put on or hung on a trempel 15 or more minutes after ironing.

An easy way to iron wool fabrics at home without an iron

If it happens that you don’t have a good iron or it breaks, and you need to iron your trousers, you can use a rolling pin to roll out the dough. Sounds ridiculous, but it's actually quite effective. Pants should be laid out on a damp terry towel, and put the second on top. The rolling pin should “roll out” the trousers for a while (the fabric should absorb moisture), and then the wet towels are changed to dry ones and “rolled out” again. Woolen fabric will give off excess moisture and straighten out. After this time-consuming procedure, the trousers are left to dry completely on the table. This method is suitable for fabrics with pile, since the pile is not damaged, as is the case with normal ironing.

How to iron velvet

Such trousers should be ironed with extreme care, since it is not easy to restore the pile after unsuccessful ironing.

  1. Velveteen is forbidden to dry and wring out in automatic mode.
  2. Pants made of such fabric should not be ironed wet. Overdrying is also highly undesirable, since the product is difficult to iron.
  3. It is ideal to use an iron with a constant steam function, as well as a Teflon soleplate.
  4. Corduroy is ironed in the “wool” mode or in the position of the temperature regulator on the number 2. At a normal temperature for ironing cotton, the pile loses its appearance and the “scars” characteristic of corduroy fabrics may disappear. Therefore, you need to carefully watch how the fabric reacts to the selected temperature regime.
  5. Velvet is ironed from the wrong side. If it is not possible to remove the creases, iron from the front side through a damp iron.
  6. When ironing, only the iron is moistened, not the fabric itself. Water can cause streaks.
  7. Velveteen is a delicate fabric. Velvet products are not ironed on hard surfaces, because because of this, the fabric is strongly straightened and you risk spoiling its appearance forever! Use a good ironing board or folded blanket.
  8. You can iron the pants on the weight. To do this, they must be hung on a trempel and “stroked” with steam in a vertical position. Light creases will go away, and the pile will straighten out.

How to iron corduroy pants - video

How to iron linen and cotton quickly and correctly

Linen, like wool, shrinks a lot, but wrinkles a lot. If the fabric is free of impurities of synthetic fibers, it will not be possible to iron it perfectly. Many do not even try to iron linen trousers, but shake them well after washing and smooth them with their hands when drying. If you still decide to iron these trousers, make sure that the fabric does not dry out. Iron the washed linen trousers in a wet state with the most heated iron. The use of an iron is optional. If the trousers have dried out after being in the sun for a long time, they will have to be moistened again until they are almost wet.

Clothes made of pure linen will take on a wrinkled appearance even after sitting on a sofa or chair for a short time.

Cotton, like linen, is ironed at high temperatures. In places where the seams are thickened, it is rational to use wet gauze to avoid the appearance of gloss or yellow tan fabrics. Cotton fabric is well ironed both wet and dry. Overdrying is undesirable, since then creases and folds are much more difficult to eliminate.

Important nuances when ironing trousers

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to iron trousers without problems. Often, after ironing, lacing and tanning are formed on the fabric. Some fabrics do not recommend ironing, and creases and wrinkling after washing need to be eliminated somehow. Sometimes trousers shrink, they have to be lengthened, after which the old fold line does not look as perfect as before. Fortunately, most of these problems can be solved.

How to eliminate gloss and scorch marks (yellow spots)

It is not very difficult to remove gloss from most types of fabrics: you need to iron the damaged area through wet gauze folded in several layers. For the best effect, gauze is moistened in a one percent solution of vinegar with the addition of a few drops of liquid soap.

If the shine has formed on the woolen fabric, a solution of ammonia will help to eliminate it - just a few drops will be needed per glass of water.

If the gloss is poorly removed, the product should be washed again, and when rinsing, add fabric softener. Also, to eliminate gloss, black tea (costume fabrics of dark colors) and even gasoline (synthetics) are used. Moisten a cotton swab with these ingredients and wipe the stain. If necessary, the product is washed.

Removing burn marks is more difficult. Proven remedies are lemon and powdered sugar:

  1. Rub the lemon on the stain and then sprinkle it with powdered sugar.
  2. Leave to dry completely and then wash.

For colored fabrics, a bow is suitable:

  1. Onion gruel is applied to the place of tanning, left for a while.
  2. Wash the fabric.

How to steam iron trousers

If the fabric cannot be ironed in the normal way, you can use a steam iron (steam iron for vertical ironing) or iron the trousers in an upright position. This is only possible if your iron is equipped with a non-stop steam function. Pants are hung on a hanger, legs are straightened. Without touching the sole of the iron and turning on the maximum steam supply, the product is processed until the wrinkles and creases completely disappear.

Naturally, ironing perfectly even arrows will not work that way. You can try to steam the product through a damp towel folded several times.

How to iron trousers after lengthening

If the trousers had to be lengthened and you want to make the line of the previous fold less noticeable, you can use the same wet iron. It will not be possible to remove the fold immediately, the fabric will have to be moistened several times.

  1. First, steam from the inside, and then from the outside.
  2. In the water for moistening, you can add ammonia (helps straighten the wool fibers) or fabric softener, which will make the fibers of the fabric flexible and soft.

The steam generator works well for this task. The steam supply in it is much more powerful than in a conventional iron, so it easily eliminates creases and wrinkles. Since such a miracle of technology is not available in every home, you can contact an atelier or a dry cleaner.

Video instruction: how to iron trousers with high quality

Following the tips and instructions, you can quickly and correctly iron men's and women's trousers, turning the process not into a punishment, but into a joy!

Men's trousers today are an indispensable item in the wardrobe of every fashionista and man of respectable age. To look stylish and elegant, it is important to find the optimal style of trousers, choose the right size, and also keep the pants clean and in shape. The main question that interests the owners of trousers is how to properly iron men's trousers with or without arrows.

Today, the collections of designers and fashion designers offer several dozen models of classic, sports trousers, and others. These can be trousers made of wool, linen, silk, cotton, jeans and other fabrics, straight, tapered or wide cut, cropped, standard or cuffed trousers. It remains only to choose a model of trousers for your style of clothing and figure out how to iron them correctly.

To learn how to properly iron pants without arrows, a man first needs to stock up on all the necessary tools. The following improvised items are involved in ironing:

  • ironing board;
  • iron with steam spray function;
  • thin fabric or gauze as an iron;
  • sprayer with water;
  • remnant;
  • vinegar.

Next, before ironing, the man needs to determine the fabric of the trousers, in addition, the trousers must be clean and dry. Pants must be turned inside out, checking pockets for foreign objects. On dry trousers made of velveteen or linen, you need to spray a little water, then leave them to absorb moisture for 10-20 minutes. Silk trousers are wrapped in a slightly damp towel.

Depending on the type of fabric, a man needs to choose the right mode of ironing on an iron. Often, such information is specified by the manufacturer on the tag or label from the inside. Start ironing from the top of such a wardrobe item, you can moisten the iron for a better effect. The belt is ironed through it, then go to the pockets and lining.

Linen and cotton items are ironed without an iron due to the strength of the material. The trousers are ironed from the wrong side in front and behind, while it is necessary to bend the seams. The seams are ironed on a light setting at the very end. After that, the trousers are turned right side out, the iron is turned along the trousers on the ironing board around the axis, as when steaming, rearranging it from place to place.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

If the trousers are made of synthetics, they should be ironed extremely rarely and only in those places where creases are visible. It is important to use a gauze or other damp cloth. If the trousers are made of leather, they should be steamed from the wrong side, but not ironed.

How to iron men's trousers with arrows?

To learn how to properly iron men's trousers with arrows, a man needs to steadily follow the instructions of experts. To begin with, as in the previous version, the pants are turned inside out, ironing the area of ​​​​the belt, lining and pockets, as well as along the legs. After that, the trousers are again returned to the state of the front side out, laid out on the ironing board in a certain position.

How to fold

The trousers are returned to the front position, but in such a way that the outer and inner seams match. You can get this position if you take the trousers on their lower part, aligning all 4 seams with each other. Now you need to combine the seams in the same way at the top. In this state, the trousers are laid out on an ironing board, the belt is bent, all the seams are leveled from above, as a result of which the fabric of the trousers is straightened.

Fundamental rules

Many modern dress pants are made with darts in the front, which should be the end of the arrows along the legs. If such darts are not provided, the man needs to focus on the front loop. The fabric is folded exactly according to such marks, after which both trousers are combined. Arrows are equated from the back of the trousers to the upper point of the middle seam.

According to the rules of etiquette, the arrow on the front of the trousers should end at a distance of 7 cm to the location of the belt. When ironing, you need to iron the arrows, starting from the knees. To do this, apply a slightly moistened iron, apply an iron to it, and then wait a little time for the fabric to dry and get the result. In the same way, they iron along all the legs, wetting the fabric of the iron as needed.

Secrets and tricks

To keep the result of ironing longer, after the procedure, the pants should not be put on immediately, they must be thrown on a hanger, allowing the fabric to cool and dry. Experts advise using vinegar for a lasting and long-term result. To do this, water is diluted with vinegar or starch, while ironing it is sprayed onto the fabric of the trousers, but from the inside.

Advice! If during this procedure the trouser fabric becomes glossy, you can steam it with water and vinegar or apply refined or aviation gasoline with salt. After the fabric dries in this place, it will need to be ironed through a damp cloth.

At the end, when the arrows of the pants are ironed, the man will need to rub them on the inside with a remnant, and then go over them again with an iron. Also, you will need to moisten the iron with vinegar water if you dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Thanks to such tricks, the fabric will not shine in the sock for a long time, and the arrows will retain their shape and clarity longer.

Do you iron your trousers yourself?



More details on how to iron men's trousers with arrows about the rules can be viewed in the video instructions:

Also, experts advise you to read the instructions on what types of fabric this or that temperature and iron mode are provided for.

Textile Temperature Steam Iron pressure Peculiarities
Cotton 140-170 0 С wet
strong pre-moistening
Cotton with polyester 110 0 С Little
normal moisturizing, iron gently
Polyester "minimum" or
no steam weak iron gently, with minimal
Viscose 120 0 С Little
usual from the inside through a damp cloth
Cotton with linen 180 0 С strong steam strong pre-moisturizing
iron inside out with steam
Linen 180-200 0 С strong steam strong humidification, strong steam, high
temperature, inside out
Silk 60-80 0 С no steam normal with a dry iron without steam through a damp
fabric by share
Chiffon 60-80 0 С no steam weak do not moisturize, through wet gauze
Nylon 60-80 0 С vertical
weak very carefully, it melts
better not to iron
Semi-wool and wool 100-120 0 С steam is better
weak through wet cloth
Denim soft 150 0 С
coarse 180-200 0 С
steam strong from the inside, pre-moistened
from the face through a damp cloth
Knitwear minimum
or medium
very weak from the inside in the direction of the loops


Pants of a classic style and cut provide for the presence of arrows. This element of pants perfectly hides many of the shortcomings of the male figure, lengthening and making the legs visually slimmer. To do this, you need to learn the correct ironing and design of the arrows. Other styles of trousers in sports, urban or neoclassical style do not provide for ironing the arrows, it is enough just to iron the pants from the inside and outside.

Trousers with arrows are an integral part of the men's wardrobe. Although women do not leave them without attention and wear them with pleasure. To make you feel confident and look neat, the fold should not “ride”. This is not difficult to achieve, it is enough to know how to iron trousers with arrows.

Many companies require employees to follow a dress code and wear suits. It is customary to wear them at business meetings, negotiations and other official events. Strict clothing makes the image elegant and status. But in order to look neat, you need to carefully take care of things, otherwise an expensive suit will turn into a crumpled and unsightly attire.

Who introduced this fashion?

Arrows appeared in the 19th century, when ready-made clothes from warehouses were transported in large volumes. Things were packed so tightly that it was almost impossible to smooth out the wrinkles in the pants. Therefore, men wore trousers with arrows - this emphasized their novelty. Thus, the problem disappeared and a new fashion trend emerged.


Before ironing men's trousers, be sure to check for stains or dried dirt on them. Sometimes dirt remains after washing and can be almost invisible. If you have a pet at home, you should completely clean your pants from wool. To do this, you can use a special brush.

In the case when a thing is ironed for the first time, you need to carefully study the information on the label. As a rule, manufacturers attach it to the inside of the belt at the back. In order not to damage the fabric, it is necessary to set the required temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bon the iron.

Before ironing trousers with arrows, they must first be prepared. Perhaps the first time the procedure will seem a little complicated, as this requires skill.

First of all, the thing should be carefully ironed. It is better to turn the trousers inside out so that the surface does not shine. Particular attention should be paid to the belt and pockets. Sometimes on the outside you can see traces of all the efforts during ironing. To prevent this from happening, you can put paper in your pockets and spread a towel. When the upper part is processed, you need to carefully go through the legs with an iron, without smoothing the arrows and seams.

Soap solution with vinegar

There are several ways to iron pleated trousers. Many housewives choose the most proven one, using a soap solution with vinegar. To steam the arrows, you need a damp cloth. In order for the arrows to be durable and not “crawl”, you need to add a little vinegar to a liter of soap solution. But you should use this method only if you already have some experience, and the arrows turn out beautiful and even. After applying the solution, the result will be securely fixed, and it will be possible to change something only by washing the product.

So how do you iron your pants? They need to be taken by the bottom and fold the inner seam with the outer one. If the thing is of high quality, the fold should fall exactly into the tuck. In this position, the trousers must be placed on the ironing board. Iron the fold very carefully so as not to move the fabric. First, the front side of the leg is processed, and then the back.

Fundamental rules

Many novice hostesses cannot figure out how to iron trousers with arrows, because they fold the legs separately. It is much more convenient to lay them out together and iron on both sides. If you move the iron in the direction of the arrow, it is likely that the fabric will move.

Trousers made of dense material require more thorough steaming. It is advisable not to put on the thing immediately after ironing, it is better to hang it folded for a while. So the arrow will hold better.

Alternate ironing

When the trousers are folded with seams and well ironed, it is necessary to bend the trouser leg lying on top. The other should be carefully aligned so that the crotch line matches the side seam. If the iron is not equipped with a steam function, normal water can be used during ironing. They do not need to move, just put the arrows at the beginning and wait a bit. Then move along the entire length of the leg. After that, it is necessary to process the inside of the other leg in the same way. It is very important to ensure that the fabric does not move, otherwise the arrows will be crooked. For convenience, some housewives carefully cleave the fabric with pins.

When the legs are processed separately, they need to be folded together and ironed again, pressing the iron well. By following the tips and knowing how to iron your trousers properly, you can achieve a flawless and neat look.

home secrets

In order not to imprint a trace from the iron, it is better to iron the legs through the iron and put a special pad inside. Soap solution is a reliable fixative, but it must be used with caution: sometimes it leaves stains on the fabric.

Before ironing the creases on the trousers, you can run a bar of soap dipped in water over them from the wrong side. And only after that proceed to ironing through a damp cloth. Be sure to let the product dry so that the folds are even and do not “ride”.

Classic trousers with arrows are worn by both men and women, so knowing how to iron them correctly will be useful to everyone without exception. Everyone can make an even fold on the legs, you just need to practice a little. Follow all the instructions and recommendations, and your image will always be perfect.