How to properly treat eyelashes with castor oil. Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows - application. Application for eyelashes and eyebrows

Long chic eyelashes - what could be more seductive and attractive? Many girls are lucky in this matter. Nature rewarded them with lush and thick hair on the eyelids. Those who are left out have to come up with various ways in the struggle for a beautiful look.

Beautiful eyelashes

Nowadays there is no difficulty in this situation. If there is time and money, girls can use the services of professional cosmetologists and increase their hairline. It is worth noting that such pleasure requires a monthly correction, which also costs a pretty penny. After removing such beauty, native cilia do not look the best.

What to do for those representatives of the fair sex who do not want to be beautiful with the help of artificial materials? If you want to have lush seductive eyelashes, then use the old recipe.

Castor oil

Natural to enhance the growth of eyelashes is sold in every pharmacy. You can also find this product in cosmetic stores.

It is worth noting that this tool has been widely used in cosmetology for a long time. Many people know about its laxative effect, but this is not the only property that this castor remedy has and is used to improve the nutrition of hair follicles, activate and accelerate the growth of the cover. This method is quite old, but very effective.

How to use castor oil for eyelashes?

Before you start using a miracle cure, you need to learn in detail about the methods of its application and precautions. So, how to use castor oil for eyelashes correctly?

How to apply the remedy?

Immediately after acquiring a medicine for hair follicles in women, the main question arises as to how to apply the healing agent. It is worth noting that castor oil is sold in ordinary glass vials with a screw cap.

Some women try to smear the solution with cotton wool or a make-up adjustment stick, but this is very inconvenient. Using this method, you can quite easily stain clothes or skin.

Take the old packaging from The brush in it should be soft, not rubber. Wash the inside of the package and remove all contents. You can easily do this with hot water. The ink contains wax, which will melt and separate from the inner walls. After that, dry the brasmatic and the packaging for several hours. When the inside is dry, carefully pour the castor oil into the tube. Before using castor oil for eyelashes, you need to let it stand for a while. In this case, the brush will be completely saturated with the treatment solution, and the application will be uniform.

When to apply the remedy?

Many of the fair sex prefer to carry out all cosmetic procedures shortly before going to bed. Ladies apply nourishing creams, masks and other products to the face and body. Before using castor oil for eyelash growth, you must carefully read this paragraph.

This medicine should never be taken at bedtime. Otherwise, you may wake up with swollen eyelids and get funds. It is necessary to apply the drug 2-3 hours before bedtime. In this case, the right amount of castor oil will be absorbed, and you will later remove the excess with a paper towel or cotton wool.

Precautionary measures

How to apply castor oil for eyelashes? Be careful and careful! This tool has a rather sticky and thick consistency. If a few drops fall on clothing, then most likely it will be irreparably damaged. You should also avoid getting the medicine on the delicate and thin skin of the eyelids.

Before using castor oil for eyelashes, purchase a rich cream. It can be a simple baby skin care product or regular panthenol. Apply a creamy substance to the upper eyelid with a thin cotton swab. The layer should not be very thick, but perfectly protect the skin. Also, at the first use, it is recommended to wear home clothes that you do not mind throwing away. An alternative would be a simple cape from an old towel. Thus, you protect the skin and body from the effects of castor oil.

and reviews

Millions of women, who once tried such an inexpensive remedy to improve the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, forever abandoned their previous cosmetic devices. Yes, castor oil is quite difficult to use, but the effect of it is amazing.

When everything is ready for the procedure, carefully remove the brush with castor oil from the tube and remove the excess product. After that, gently swipe the brasmatik on the eyelashes as if you are going to make up them. Remember that you can not apply the product to the base of the hairline. Otherwise, the oil will get on the mucous membrane and cause irritation and tearing.

It is better to apply the drug to the very ends of the eyelashes or from the middle of their growth. After application, let the castor oil soak in and after a few minutes, gently pat your eyelashes with a paper towel. You can also use a cotton swab to remove excess, however, small fibers of the material can remain on the eyelashes and deliver a lot of discomfort.

How much to use the tool?

So, now you know how to use castor oil for eyelashes. The procedure must be carried out daily for one calendar month. After this time, take a short break for one or two weeks. During the treatment period, it is worth refusing to use decorative cosmetics and other products for eyelashes and eyebrows.

The positive effect becomes noticeable after two weeks of regular use of castor oil. Use folk remedies and always be beautiful!

Any woman strives to preserve her beauty for many years. For this reason, caring cosmetics are so in demand. But before you spend a lot of money on special products or procedures at the cosmetologist, you should turn to "grandmother's recipes", which are based on natural ingredients. One of them is castor oil.

Treatment of eyelashes with castor oil: method of application

The treatment process with this remedy should be systematic, daily and last for 3-4 weeks, followed by a break. Irregular use of castor oil for eyelashes will not give positive dynamics. During such care, it is permissible to alternate pure oil and eyelash masks with a similar base, applying them every 2-4 days.

To carry out a medical and cosmetic procedure at home, you will need:

  • castor oil itself in a bottle or poured into a more convenient container;
  • a cotton swab, a small clean brush or an old brush well cleaned of cosmetics;
  • paper cosmetic or ordinary napkins.
Before applying castor oil to the eyelashes, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and eyelids. Soaps, lotions and other products should be thoroughly rinsed after use. After that, you should “warm up” the skin of the eyelids a little by massaging them, then making either short-term compresses from cotton pads moistened with non-hot water, or by applying a warm towel to the eyes for several minutes. Finally, the eyelids and eyelashes should be thoroughly dried.

Step-by-step instructions for using the oil, suitable for applying masks based on castor oil

  1. Dip a stick, brush or brush into the product.
  2. Carefully remove excess oil, as it must be applied to the eyelashes in a very thin layer.
  3. Castor oil should be properly applied to the eyelashes: from the middle of the cilia to their tips, trying not to touch the eyelid with a stick, brush or brush once again. Castor oil should be smeared with careful, unsharp movements. In order to avoid an unforeseen situation, the eyes must be closed.
  4. It is necessary to keep castor oil in its pure form for 40-60 minutes. During this period, it is undesirable to open your eyes.
  5. After the expiration of the action time, blot the excess oil with a napkin. You don't need to wash after.

It is worth considering that it is necessary to use this tool in the evening. At least 2-4 hours before going to bed. It is not recommended to apply oil in the morning, and then apply makeup.

How the result of using this tool for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes will look like in the photos before and after:

Benefits of castor oil

The beneficial effect that castor oil has on hair has been noticed for a long time. For this reason, it is this natural remedy that is used not only for healing curls, but also as part of eyelash care. Indeed, in their structure and essence, the hair on the head and the eyelashes in the eyes of a person are identical.

Why is it necessary to pay regular attention to the condition of eyelashes? Firstly, because they perform a protective function, preventing dust, grains of sand and other small debris from entering the surface of the eye. Secondly, they perform an aesthetic function. It is beautiful, long, well-groomed and thick eyelashes that can make a woman's look charming and enticing, as well as give the whole image an additional zest.

There are many factors that influence how eyelashes look and “feel”. Here, heredity plays a role, and external influences, and proper nutrition, with which the necessary vitamins and microelements enter the human body, and direct eyelash care. Castor oil is a first-class assistant in the fight for the health and beauty of cilia.

As part of this natural substance, obtained from the castor bean tree, there is a sufficient amount of acids that are important for the body. They have a positive effect on the condition of the eyelashes.

These acids include:

  1. linoleic;
  2. ricinoleic;
  3. palm (palmitic);
  4. oleic;
  5. stearic.
All these acids, successfully absorbed into the skin and hair follicles, enrich the eyelashes with nutrition, give them health, stimulate the growth of eyelashes and strengthen them, preventing loss and brittleness. And in particular, ricinoleic acid contributes to the fact that the eyelashes gradually become thicker, since it is it that stimulates the “awakening” of inactive hair follicles.

Additional Benefits of Castor Oil

  • Enveloping each eyelash with an oily film, castor oil acts as a “protector” against harmful external influences.
  • Being the most viscous natural oil, such a substance helps to “glue” the hair scales, which makes the cilia smooth and even.
  • Castor oil adds hydration and nutrition to the cilia. At the same time, it positively affects the skin of the eyelids, tightening and rejuvenating it.

Contraindications and precautions

Unlike a number of other natural remedies, castor oil has no contraindications. It is practically incapable of causing a serious allergic reaction, especially when used correctly. But before use, it will be useful to conduct a skin test to protect yourself. If after 20-30 minutes of exposure to the oil on the skin, for example, in the area of ​​​​the back of the wrist, there is no itching, redness, inflammation, then the remedy can be safely applied.

Use castor oil for eyelashes should be carefully, taking into account precautions.

  1. It is undesirable to leave pure oil on the eyelashes overnight. Since the next morning the eyelids may be swollen.
  2. Castor oil should not be washed off even with warm water. It is better to blot excess oil with a cosmetic or regular napkin.
  3. It is necessary to apply this medicated oil on the eyelashes in a small layer so that the drops do not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes and do not cause irritation.
  4. The time of exposure to both oil masks and a clean product on the eyelashes should not be too long. Usually it is no more than an hour, only in rare cases, masks with this therapeutic component are allowed to be kept for several hours or even all night.
  5. There should be a break of 2-3 months between courses.
  6. It is forbidden to use castor oil, masks with it and cosmetics, in which it is included, after the expiration date.

Pure castor oil or products based on it: what to choose

Manufacturers of various cosmetics, including decorative ones, are paying more and more attention to natural components that are balanced with the chemical component of the product. Therefore, at the moment you can find many options, which will contain castor oil. Should I give preference to them or buy pure eyelash oil in a pharmacy?

Often the main reason that influences the choice is the price. Medical and cosmetic kits, which, in addition to castor oil, also contain other ingredients, usually cost an order of magnitude higher than pure oil. They come with a special brush for easy application. The minimum price of such sets fluctuates around 250-350 rubles per pack.

Castor oil can be produced in bottles of 30 ml, 50 ml and more. The price depends on the volume. How much does castor oil cost? Small bottles on average cost 35-45 rubles, larger bottles cost from 55 rubles. At the same time, the effect of pure oil will be the same as that of specially designed, but more expensive products. A positive result is especially noticeable if you combine castor oil with other components, the price of which is also meager.

Is it worth it to buy decorative cosmetics with castor oil? Here the answer is unequivocal - no. The fact is that the coloring pigments and substances found in such cosmetics prevent the penetration of the natural remedy to the eyelashes and hair follicles. Therefore, the therapeutic effect may not be observed at all.

When deciding to buy castor oil for eyelashes, it is necessary to give preference to a product that is labeled "cold pressed". Since it is in it that the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins are stored, which make this product useful.

Castor oil masks: an additional healing effect

Among the many natural remedies, there are those that have a beneficial effect on eyelashes. The combination of such components with viscous castor oil will allow you to get the best result from home care procedures.

Ingredients that may be listed in castor oil-based therapeutic mixtures include:

Mask to help strengthen eyelashes

The composition of the mask includes: castor oil, and almond, fish oil, as well as vitamin E in liquid form. The components, taken in the same amount, are mixed, the eyelashes are carefully covered with the product. The mask is kept for 50-60 minutes.

Healing mixture with castor oil and herbs

For cooking, you will need not only castor oil, but also decoctions of such herbs: chamomile, calendula, cornflower. It is permissible to combine all the ingredients, or alternate their use. Instead of decoctions of herbs, it is permissible to use their extracts based on oils. The components are mixed in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of oil and 2-3 tablespoons of broth. Eyelashes are covered with the resulting mixture, or compresses are made on the eyes with the help of it. You can leave the mask on the eyelashes overnight, and it is better to keep the compresses for several hours before going to bed.

Mask for accelerated eyelash growth

Option one: fish oil and castor oil are mixed in the same amount. After the mask is gently smeared on the eyelashes and lasts for about an hour. Already after 2-2.5 weeks of a regular procedure, you will notice that eyelashes grow faster and look healthy.

Option two: mix peach oil (can be replaced with juice) and castor oil, cover eyelashes with a mixture, hold for 60 minutes. After carefully wash off the mask from the face.

Mask with oil for eyelashes against brittleness, loss

It includes a number of important ingredients: castor and rose oils, almond and flax oil extract, grape and wheat seed oil. These components are taken in equal dosage (1:1), thoroughly mixed. Apply the mask on the eyelashes and keep for 50-60 minutes. After constant use, eyelashes will not only not fall out, but excessive brittleness will also disappear, they will no longer look faded.

Video review of castor oil for eyelashes, video

Castor oil is a popular and affordable remedy that will help strengthen, restore eyelashes and give them a healthier look. Proper application of oil and masks based on it will allow you to achieve results very quickly.

Also read.

The development of the beauty industry today allows us to solve almost all problems related to appearance and health. But most personal care products are expensive, not everyone can afford them. In addition, they contain artificial additives that can cause allergies or make the problem worse. It is risky to give a significant part of the money for a remedy that may not help, but only harm. Therefore, many girls and even men continue to look for budget funds from natural raw materials. For this reason, folk remedies for personal care do not lose their popularity. Among these is castor oil.

The article describes how useful eyelashes and eyebrows are, reviews of those who have tried it and methods of application are also presented.

About castor oil

The mention of castor oil in many causes an embarrassed smile. And no wonder - until recently it was known only as a laxative. It was used as a mild cleansing agent for the body, even given to children. The study of other effects on the body and widespread use in cosmetology, in particular, began relatively recently.

Castor oil, or simply castor oil, is vegetable oil. It is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant by cold pressing. The plant is a bush with fruits in the form of a box, in which the seeds are located. Africa is considered the birthplace of castor oil, but it is common in all warm latitudes of the globe, grows wild and partially cultivated. The seeds of the plant consist of fats (more than 50%) and proteins (up to 20%). It is these fats that are famous for their positive properties for the body.

What does it consist of?

To find out if castor oil helps to grow eyebrows, eyelashes, consider its composition.

The oil is a thick, yellowish liquid with a slightly sweet taste. It contains: ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which have a number of medicinal properties.

The original composition of castor bean seeds contains ricin and ricinin - poisonous substances. But since the oil is obtained by cold pressing, all poisons remain in the waste. The result is a pure and healthy oil. In pharmacies, it is sold in a refined form and is completely ready for use.

Benefits of castor oil

  • Laxative, healing, anti-cold effects.
  • Restoring the structure of the hair, their softness and smoothness.
  • Strengthening hair growth.
  • Nail and skin care, tightening loose skin around the eyes.
  • Treatment of warts, calluses, foot softening.

Disadvantages of castor oil

There are very few downsides to castor oil. It has contraindications only in case of individual intolerance, and during pregnancy it is used only externally. Before applying castor oil to eyelashes or eyebrows, you need to make sure that there are no pronounced problems on the skin around these areas - ulcers or other dermatological diseases. In this case, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of using it.

Castor oil and hair

The benefits of castor oil are associated with its positive effect on hair in general. Most often it is used to solve many problems related to the health of the hairline and scalp:

  • penetrating into the scalp, the oil nourishes the hair follicle with essential nutrients (fatty acids), which subsequently stops hair loss;
  • properly distributed oil smoothes hair scales, thereby making them soft, silky and shiny;
  • oil nourishes damaged hair, helps to cope with problems after dyeing and using hot styling products;
  • has a preventive effect on the problem of split ends of hair;
  • effectively eliminates overdrying of the scalp, so it is used in the treatment of dandruff.

The main problems associated with eyelashes and their causes

Eyelashes are one of the main weapons of women's attractiveness. They not only perform a natural protective function for the eyes, but also make the look more expressive and mysterious. At its core, eyelashes are the same hair. And in the pursuit of beauty, they suffer no less.

Eyelashes can fall out due to too much use of poor quality mascara, poor hygiene (for example, sleeping with makeup), use of hair curling tools. In addition, eyelash extensions, gluing false. Painting also causes severe damage to its own. As a result, they break off, fall out, become more rare. These are mechanical damage to which eyelashes are exposed. In addition to them, there are also internal ones related to the state of health (for example, changes in hormonal levels or lack of vitamins and fats). In this case, the treatment should be prescribed by a doctor and eliminate, first of all, the disease of the body. For cosmetic purposes recommend them - further.

How to accelerate the growth of eyelashes with castor oil?

Restoration of eyelash growth follows the same principle as that of the hair on the head. Castor oil for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes in this case may be the most affordable and effective method. It penetrates into the bulb of the eyelash hair, nourishes it, strengthens it. The regrown hair with the ingress of castor oil becomes more dense, resistant to damage.

The main rule that must be observed when carrying out procedures to enhance eyelash growth should be systematic. Do not expect a phenomenal result after the first two applications. Procedures are carried out in cycles. One cycle - 3-4 weeks of daily use.

It is recommended to apply it in the evening. Before applying castor oil to the eyelashes, you need to do a make-up remover. It is not recommended to keep it all night - there is a risk of oil getting into the eyes. Enough 30-40 minutes to hold castor oil (for eyelashes). "Before" and "after" the result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. Eyelashes will become more silky, strong. And at the end of the entire course, an increase in the number of cilia will become noticeable.

Eyebrow care: problems and their causes

Eyebrow care also takes up a significant part of girls' time and effort. This is a necessary measure, since even the facial expression depends on the beauty and grooming of the eyebrows. In search of their desired shape, women make many mistakes - they pluck heavily, which affects the density and proportions, remove hairs where they are needed, or even shave, after which not only the appearance suffers, but also the condition of the hairs. Eyebrows are tinted and tattooed.

All these manipulations do not pass without a trace. This is not counting the internal factors (the same that affect the condition of the eyelashes) that lead to hair loss. In addition, stress and ecology are no less detrimental to the condition of these parts of the body. Therefore, preventive procedures should be carried out even for absolutely healthy people.

The effect of castor oil on the eyebrows

The oil has the same principle of action as in the case of hair and eyelashes. This allows you to answer the question: does castor oil help with eyebrow growth? It helps if you follow all the rules for its application and carry out such procedures regularly. With the help of castor oil, you can activate the growth of eyebrow hairs in those parts where you want them to grow. It helps to make them softer, well-groomed and natural. Resuming hair growth in areas where they are lost, in the future it will be possible to correct the shape.

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: application

If you are using castor oil for the first time, then be careful. Most often, in its pure form, it is not recommended to use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. The use of this tool makes other components more effective, which are added to the composition for further use. These may be the most common recipes.

  1. With vitamin E. The addition of this vitamin to castor oil helps to saturate the hair follicle with a large number of useful substances, which enhances its growth.
  2. The same effect has a mask of castor oil and fish oil.
  3. Mixing with aloe juice. Eyelashes and eyebrows after castor oil with this juice grow much faster. The components must be combined in a 1:1 ratio and kept for no more than 30 minutes.
  4. A mask of such oils will help stop hair loss: castor, rose, almond, linseed. They are combined in equal proportions and applied for an hour.
  5. Eyelashes and eyebrows after castor oil will become more silky and strong if sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A are added to the base. This mask can be left overnight and washed off before applying makeup.

The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows are enhanced if it is preheated to a comfortable temperature.

Applying castor oil to eyelashes

The way to apply castor oil on eyelashes is rather unpleasant at first glance. But it does not require much effort, and over time, the procedure is performed automatically. Here are a few rules and application steps.

  • A prerequisite before applying the oil is to wash off the makeup. Even if a tonic is used that gets into the area near the eyes, it is better to wash it off with water first to prevent reactions.
  • The easiest way to apply is with a mascara brush. You can use any convenient brush that is no longer needed. It must first be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The brush should be soaked in oil, squeeze out its excess on the edge of the jar and gently apply with the usual movements on the eyelashes. If after that heaviness is felt on the eyelids, then there is too much oil.
  • You need to apply it as carefully as possible - getting oil on the mucous membrane of the eye causes discomfort and damages vision. If, nevertheless, it gets into the eye, you need to rinse it with plenty of water and carry out the procedure again.
  • If there are no allergic reactions, you can also apply oil to the area around the eyes. Regular use of it will help reduce the severity of "crow's feet".
  • Do not keep the oil for more than an hour. At the end of the procedure, it should be washed off well with warm water.

How to apply oil on eyebrows?

The method of using castor oil for eyebrows is simpler. Before the procedure, the face should be cleaned of cosmetics, washed with warm water and dried. You can apply the oil with the same mascara brush as on the eyes. You can use a cosmetic sponge soaked in oil or simply rub the product with your finger (hands must be clean). In this case, you can choose any convenient method. The main thing is hygiene.

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: reviews

To decide whether to try this tool to solve your problems, there is not enough dry description of the components and properties of the tool. About how effective castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, people's reviews will say more eloquently.

Most of those who have already conducted such an experiment note that the effect is really present. Many have managed to increase the density of eyelashes and eyebrows, making them look healthier. Some say that you no longer need to use mascara - castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows has helped so much. Many reviews also say that there was no noticeable increase in the number of hairs or their length, but the condition of the existing ones has improved much - they have a healthy sheen, do not fall out and do not break.

Girls offer alternative methods for masks and mixtures that helped them: mixing with cognac to enhance hair growth (alcohol promoted blood flow to the bulbs), with carrot juice instead of vitamin A. The first option, of course, is more acceptable for eyebrows.

Now that you know what effect castor oil has on eyelashes, how to use it in eyebrow care, you can try this method. Perhaps the result will exceed expectations, and a new way of self-care will become an alternative to expensive and ineffective means.

Eyelashes are not only a reliable means of protecting our eyes from the penetration of foreign particles, pollution, sun and water, but also a beautiful decoration for a woman, which is an indispensable part of her amazing image. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to eyelashes, to provide them with proper and systematic care. Castor oil will be an excellent natural assistant in this matter, it will significantly strengthen eyelashes, improve their growth, make them elastic, thick and fluffy.

Not all women have ideally thick and long eyelashes by nature. Cosmetics and various tricks (twisting or curling, building, tinting, and makeup in general) help to correct this deficiency, but women have to pay too high a price for this: over time, eyelashes become thinner, thinner, brittle, dull and begin to fall out. Healing procedures will help restore health, density and silkiness to eyelashes. The use of castor oil for eyelashes will become one of the simple, affordable and effective eyelash care products that have highly nourishing and strengthening properties, as well as affecting their growth.

Castor oil is obtained by first cold pressing from the seeds of an oil plant such as castor bean. It grows mainly in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate, in particular India, Brazil, China and some other countries. More than 90% of the composition of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which determines its truly healing properties in relation to eyelashes.

This amazing product has been used for many centuries by famous beauties in the care of eyelashes and hair to maintain their density, elasticity and health, to eliminate various problems (loss, dryness, brittleness, etc.). Nowadays, it has in no way lost its relevance and significance, many women successfully use it to grow and strengthen eyelashes, stop their loss.

Castor oil is easy to get at any pharmacy chain at a low (by today's standards) price. For eyelash care and treatment, it is better to use extra virgin oil.

The effectiveness of castor oil for eyelashes.
Castor oil has long been popular among products that are based on maintaining the health of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. It is even used for the face. This is due to its amazing composition, because all the components included in it work for the benefit of our cilia. Castor oil has a comprehensive effect on all areas responsible for the health and beautiful appearance of cilia. The saturated fatty acids included in its composition give the eyelashes a rich dark color, positively affecting their pigment properties from the inside. Further, monounsaturated fatty acids, due to their high moisturizing ability, have a regenerating effect on the eyelashes, strengthening them. Polyunsaturated fatty acids nourish them from the inside and stimulate growth.

Such a multifaceted effect on eyelashes and their structure makes castor oil ideal for restoring eyelashes and strengthening them.

Proper use of castor oil for eyelashes.

If you really want the desired result from the use of castor oil, it is important to know that such a procedure should be systematic. Remember, you need to do it necessarily in the evening and on a face cleansed of makeup. Never apply this product to the eyes with your fingers. This must be done with a special brush, ideal from under the old carcass (the brush should be with villi, not silicone!). It should be thoroughly washed and dried in advance. The same should be done after each application procedure.

So, lightly dip a clean brush in oil and apply it with light movements on the cilia, paying attention to the base and tips. The process will resemble applying mascara to the eyelashes in several approaches. After applying the oil to the cilia in this way, it is necessary to remove the excess by blotting with a cosmetic tissue. Rinse eyelashes thoroughly with warm water in the morning.

In order to strengthen eyelashes and solve problems of brittleness and loss, oil should be applied three times a week. This should be done with great care in order to prevent oil from getting into the eyes. Because of this, an unpleasant greasy film is formed, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, it can provoke conjunctivitis.

The effect of using the oil can be assessed after a month of regular application. Despite the safety, the oil can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness and swelling of the upper eyelid or under the eyes, which can occur against the background of individual intolerance or the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the composition (depending on the manufacturer). If the oil contains a small amount of alcohol, it is not recommended to use it to improve eyelashes. For prevention, castor oil for eyelashes can be used once a week.

Recipes with castor oil for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows.
To enhance the healing properties of castor oil in relation to eyelashes, it is recommended to combine it with various additives. In particular, as one of the options, this is the addition of vitamin A to the oil (in capsules, you can use Aevit). Just a few drops per 10 ml of oil will make your eyelashes irresistible. Instead of this vitamin, you can use carrot juice, only in this case a new mixture should be prepared for application each time.

It is also effective to mix castor oil with olive or burdock. It is recommended to pre-heat the oils slightly. In addition, a mixture of castor and burdock oil effectively removes makeup residue from the eyes and, in general, does an excellent job with decorative cosmetics. And if you add a small amount of aloe juice to the mixture, you will get an effective nourishing agent for eyelashes and eyebrows.

The combination of castor oil with almond (or peach) in a 1:1 ratio will accelerate the growth of eyelashes, as well as strengthen them, preventing them from falling out.

And here is another great recipe for eyelash care: combine 3 ml of castor oil with five drops of chamomile oil extract and the same amount of calendula extract, also in oil. This composition will improve the metabolic processes inside the cells, strengthen the hair follicles and improve their structure. This tool is good to use for the skin around the eyes, it has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

Such a mixture nourishes and strengthens eyelashes very well: combine small amounts of almond, burdock, castor oils, add vitamin E in oil and a little fish oil.

For eyelash growth, it is effective to use the following composition: combine castor oil in an amount of 5 g with 8 g of petroleum jelly and 2 g of Shostakovsky's balm (it can be replaced with Peruvian balm). You can apply twice a day for a month.

And this nourishing and moisturizing mask for eyelashes perfectly stimulates their growth, serves as an anti-falling agent: combine castor, linseed, almond, rose, wheat germ and grape seed oils in equal proportions. Apply the mixture on the cilia and eyelids, and after ten minutes wash with warm water.

To vitaminize eyelashes, combine castor oil with vitamins (one drop each) A, D, E, F.

It is necessary to apply castor oil in courses for two to three months, then take a break for three months and repeat the course. Only two courses per year (preferably in autumn and spring).

Castor oil for eyelashes, application

Beautiful eyelashes - dark, thick and long - a priceless decoration that makes any face more attractive. However, not everyone is given such eyelashes by nature. It will not work to grow cilia thicker or longer than those that are from birth, but it is even very possible to restore broken ones and strengthen them, as well as provoke their growth. Women have been using castor oil for eyelashes for a long time. Its application is very effective in their growth and appearance.

How can you strengthen eyelashes with castor oil?

Why, in fact, castor oil, which since childhood has been associated with a remedy used as a laxative? It contains vitamins A, E, which provide treatment for cilia. Castor oil for eyelashes, the use of which is regular, can also stimulate their growth even where the so-called gaps have appeared. They become strong, shiny and thick. Many even notice that the cilia have begun to darken.

Castor oil for eyelashes - application

You can buy castor oil for eyelashes or other needs in every pharmacy, and it costs, in comparison with other means for strengthening and growing eyelashes, quite inexpensively. Before you start using this tool, take care of the convenience and safety of application.

When treating eyelashes with castor oil, you can spread it with a brush, a cotton swab, but it is better to use a used brasmatic. You must first wash and dry the mascara brush. Having started treating cilia with castor oil, it is better to apply it in the evening, but not before bedtime, but two hours before it. Be careful not to get in the eye. Eyelashes must be smeared along the entire length, removing excess with a napkin or cotton swab. You can also apply castor oil on the eyebrows. It is necessary to conduct a course of treatment for a month in order to feel the result. Then you can take a break for 14 days, and then again conduct a course. You can also combine castor oil with burdock oil. Such a mixture will be even more effective.

Unpleasant little things

This effective and inexpensive tool that strengthens and provides eyelash growth has some minor drawbacks. The consistency of castor oil is sticky, thick, and not everyone likes its smell. Therefore, the use of it in some people can cause unpleasant feelings. It is also necessary to know that castor oil can cause allergies. If after coating the eyelashes you experience itching, or redness and swelling occur, the oil must be removed immediately and consult a doctor for advice. Quite often, after using castor oil at night, the eyelids swell by morning. That is why it is not recommended to apply oil on the cilia before going to bed and it is advised to remove well the excess of what has not been absorbed. A bottle of 30 ml is enough for a very long time, since only a couple of drops are needed for one application. Affordable, effective and needlessly forgotten by many means!