How to speak any thing for money and luck. Spelling for a good weekend. The main parts of the conspiracy

Jewelry that you are accustomed to as an addition to your beauty, to your outfits, as an incentive for good mood, can become more serious helpers for you.

Do you know that since ancient times, jewelry could have magical and magical properties? Let us recall, for example, “The Magic Ring” from A. N. Afanasyev’s collection “Russian Folk Tales”.

The hero saves a dog and a cat from death by buying them from their tormentors, and then saves a snake girl from the fire, who turns out to be the daughter of the "underground king", the owner of the treasure. In gratitude, the king gives the hero a "miraculous" ring that fulfills wishes.

Researchers of beliefs and conspiracies noted that wearing rings, chains, etc. on oneself is a desire to create a protective zone around oneself, protect oneself from misfortunes, and achieve magical help in achieving goals.

Jewelry is made of metal, they are covered with a pattern, they are interspersed with precious and ordinary stones. All this enhances their magical properties - because they come into contact with your body and absorb your energies.

Conspiracies for rings

Conspiracy for good luck

Take the ring, get up at dawn and say, looking through the ring at the rising sun:

“The sovereign red dawn of Ogrofen, give me, the servant of God (name), good health and self-interest and joy in everything, from all people salary and honor and heartfelt love all the days and nights and hours of my stomach.”

A conspiracy that brings happiness

Take the ring, put it in front of you and clearly say three times:

“On the sea-ocean, on the island on Buyan, fate sewed with black silk; I didn’t sew, the blackness stopped.”

Spell for good luck in life

Take the ring, wrap it in a red cloth, wear it around the room and say three times:

“As an air cloud hovers over the whole earth, creating faithful and unfaithful, so appear to me, good luck, and lead my life from beginning to end.”

Conspiracy to attract good luck

Take the ring, put a handkerchief through it and say:

“There is a blue cloud, under the blue cloud there is a blue sea, on the blue sea there is an island of gold, on the island of gold there is a stone of gold.

And a golden stone will rise, and distant brothers will come out from under the stone.

They trample on one shoe, they are girded with one belt, under one cap, they will carry out distant axes and distant axes.

They will go on the island to step and find golden oaks far away.

The roots of the oaks are golden, and the tops of the oaks are golden, and the branches are golden, and all those oaks are golden.

And they will start whipping distant brothers with distant axes, distant axes from distant sides, distant oaks.

And an old mater man will come out of the sea and ask the brothers far away, why are you cutting those oaks?

And the answer is kept far away by the brothers: it is necessary to build a golden forge, and it is necessary to build a golden furnace, and it is necessary to kindle oak coal in this furnace, it is necessary that the house (name) shines with gold.

good luck spell for kids

Take the ring, rub it on your cheek and, clenching it in your fist, say:

“I burst into tears, my own mother, a slave (such and such), in a high parental chamber, from a red morning dawn in an open field, looking at the sunset of a beloved child, my clear sun (such and such).

I stayed until the late evening night, until the damp dew, in anguish, in trouble.

I didn’t beg to destroy myself, but I thought of speaking a fierce, grave anguish.

I went into the open field, took the wedding cup, took out the wedding candle, took out the wedding veil, scooped up water from the sunflower student.

I stood in the midst of a dense forest, outlined a prophetic line and spoke in a loud voice.

I speak to my beloved child (such and such) over the wedding cup, over fresh water, over the wedding dress, over the wedding candle.

I wash my child in a clean face, I wipe his sugary lips with a wedding dress, his eyes are clear, his forehead is red.

I illuminate with a candle the wedding man his camp caftan, his posture is sable, his underwear is patterned, his cats are embroidered, his curls are fair-haired, his face is valiant, his gait is greyhound.

Be you, my beloved child, lighter than the clear sun, sweeter than the spring day, lighter than spring water, whiter than ardent wax, stronger than the combustible stone, Alatyr. I take away the terrible devil from you, I drive away the stormy whirlwind.

I move away from the one-eyed goblin, from someone else's brownie, from the evil merman, from the witch of Kyiv, from her evil sister of Murom, from the blinker-mermaid, from the damned baba-yaga, from the flying fiery serpent.

I wave away from the prophetic raven, from the croaking crow.

I protect from kashchei-yadun, from a cunning warlock, from a conspiracy magician, from an ardent sorcerer, from a blind healer, from an old sorceress.

And be you, my child, by my strong word at night and at midnight, at one and half an hour, on the way and the path, in a dream and in reality, sheltered from the power of the enemy, from unclean spirits, saved from death in vain, from grief, from trouble , kept on the water from drowning, sheltered in the fire from burning.

And be my word, stronger than water, higher than a mountain, heavier than gold, stronger than the combustible stone of Alatyr, a mighty hero.

And whoever decides to fool and pattern my child, and then hide behind the mountains of Ararat, into the abyss of the underworld, into seething resin, into scorching heat.

And his charms will be, his fooling - not into fooling, his patterning - not into patterning.

Conspiracy for the welfare of the house

“I will lie down, blessing, I will stand, crossing myself.

I will go from door to door, from gate to gate.

I look into the open field - a hero is riding from the open field, carrying a sharp saber on his shoulder, he flogs and cuts over a dead body.

So fate will cut all the knots and bring happiness to my house.

Conspiracy to attract prosperity

Take the ring and, looking into it, say:

"Cross, cross, cross,

a man is born, a cross is erected,

and Satan contacted

God be glorified

in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

now and ever, and forever and ever,

Conspiracy to get rid of troubles

Take the ring, put it in front of you and say clearly:

"Dern, fight, earth, be strong, and you, misfortune, calm down with the servant of God (name)."

Conspiracy to avert misfortune

Take the ring, wrap it in black cloth, put it under your pillow at night, and say before going to bed:

“Bless, father.

Be you, ring, all comely; you, the ring, don’t resist anyone and are silent, lying here, you don’t hold your heart or grief on anyone.

So in this world, male and female, my friends and enemies, and my evil adversaries against me, the servants of God (name), would be silent in everything and would not oppose me, the servant of God (name), in nothing, not a heart , not all sorts of troubles on me, a servant of God, was anyone in anything all the days and nights and hours of my stomach and until my death.

Conspiracy to get rid of trouble

Take the ring, put it in front of you and say clearly:

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Before Seleva, under King Agaryan, the sky was copper, the earth was iron and did not bear fruit from itself.

As the rivers and streams, and small springs calmed down and sighed, so would the servant of God (name) calm down the hot trouble and pinch and ache, and you help a lot with all my words, like the key is heaven, and the castle is earth.

In the modern world, interest in conspiracies is growing more and more every day. Literature about them is published in huge editions and they can be found in almost every third store in any town.

Almost every day new editions are created, in which you can find new spells for all occasions. And it is important to be able to read conspiracies correctly so that they work.

People find collections with conspiracies, believing that with their help you can quickly solve all your problems without particularly straining: just read the words on paper that the author provides us - and the problem will be solved by itself.

By the way, if everything was so simple, humanity would have no questions and problems left, attacks would have no chance of survival. Neither poverty, nor grief, nor illness would touch him, everyone would live happily and with true love. And heavenly Paradise will come on earth. However, this is still not happening. Why?

Conspiracies are art

A long time ago, the art of conspiracy was a secret, not accessible to everyone. Not many could boast of knowledge of the tradition of the spell word, but there were exceptions: sorcerers, sorcerers, healers, and so on. There were never many such people, and if they were, they enjoyed their former popularity: people were constantly drawn to them, they were respected. But it is worth noting that it was difficult to find them, and they did not disturb them over trifles.

It is worth noting that words, however, like thoughts, have a remarkable ability to materialize. And it must be added that thoughts that we do not pronounce out loud, but put a lot of emotions into them, respectively, energy, are even more dangerous than pronunciation. It is worth remembering this and from now on control yourself during quarrels. What can we say about a conspiracy?

How to learn to read conspiracies

A conspiracy is a special language, soaked in secrets and complexities, it is unlike anything: no verse or song can compare with it. It is because of ignorance of this language that most of the conspiracies do not work. They are composed in such a way that when they are pronounced into the environment, special vibrations are created that affect the fate of people. With their help, a person turns to spirits and angels. These spirits are a special energy that nature harnesses, they work to make nature live. And the person who reads the conspiracy makes him work for himself. With him you need to behave politely and with respect, and he will be placed towards the person benevolently. It is worth noting that conspiracies should not be spoken, but whispered.

That's right, whisper.

In other words, you need to learn to whisper long and hard for years. A special way of pronunciation, control of breathing and feelings, a sense of the subtle world - this and a lot of everything needs to be learned. Important points to be observed for whispering a conspiracy:

1. Breath control.

The plot must be read correctly, in one breath, literally. Whisper as you inhale and exhale. There should be no pauses, stops. This needs to be studied hard, because not everyone can do it. In addition, the voice should sound methodically, both on exhalation and on inhalation. There is one useful exercise: sit with a straight back, keep your hand on your stomach. Take a couple of deep breaths, and then as you exhale, start speaking (you can even sing) capital letters. Do this exercise regularly. The second exercise: you also need to sit straight. Place your hand over your heart and breathe under its heartbeat. For example, two heartbeats - inhale, then three beats - exhale.

It is worth noting that a person should exhale air from the lungs longer than inhaled. Nothing is impossible, you just have to want it. And breath control is an important factor that affects the plot as a whole and can even change its essence. There is another useful exercise - shouting. You need to shout in capital letters. For example: go out of town, get rid of all the fuss and shout: “aaa”, “uuu”, etc. As soon as you learn to control your breath, you can start conspiracies.

2. As you know, a conspiracy is a gift from God.

We pronounce it quietly so that kind, holy beings, angels, would hear us, and if we just talk, then the demons will hear us and do everything awry, however, there is nothing surprising here, the demons just want to harm people. Strictly speaking, faith plays an important role. When people read a conspiracy, they turn specifically to the heavenly forces, and they, in turn, are happy to help people and fulfill their requests. Therefore, if a person is an atheist, he should not take on conspiracies. If the wrath of God does not descend on him, then the conspiracy simply will not work. Faith connects us to the world. By the way, faith in one's own strength plays an important role. You need to believe with all your heart and everything will work out.

3. Evil will return with evil.

There is no need to use negative conspiracies, because, as you know, there is such an unsafe thing - karma. Evil will return with double strength. In other words, Divine and natural forces will turn away from a person, and evil forces and demons, on the contrary, will stick. It is no secret that jokes are bad with demons, they can not only send a person the opposite of what was said in the conspiracy, but also devastate him. You don't need to play with fire, and if you don't know how to do it, don't do it. Bottom line: if a person does not want to be rude to himself, he will not use the help of dark forces.

4. Control of the senses.

When whispering a conspiracy, you need to control your feelings - they play almost the most important role. The stronger the feelings, the stronger the conspiracy will work. Strictly speaking, we feed the conspiracy with our feelings, and the stronger this feed, the better the conspiracy will work.

5. First you need to learn how to help yourself with conspiracies.

Important condition. And only then will you start to succeed.

6. Word control.

It is important to follow your word in real life. Do not lie, speak consciously, clearly.

7. Before spells, you should enter a trance.

It is important. Correct spells are cast in ASC when the internal chatter is stopped, the body is relaxed, emotions are also stopped.

When a person has mastered the art of whispering, it is recommended to read simple conspiracies. For example, a conspiracy to protect against evil spirits or people (thieves, murderers, maniacs). And it is also worth repeating short conspiracies every day, for example:

  • "Guardian angels, pray to God for me, save my sinful soul, guide me on the right path, on the right start. Save me from the wrath of God. Amen."
  • "God, help my sinful soul get out of the networks of demons. Open my eyes, let me not fall for their tricks. Save me from the unclean. Amen."
  • "Son of God, help me, a servant of God, guide me on a bright path. Forgive all my sins, just as I forgive my debtor and my enemy. Amen."

12 rules for reading conspiracies

  • Cast spells according to the lunar cycle. For example, rituals to attract love and money are carried out on the growing moon. And cleaning, or getting rid of the bad, is done in descending order.
  • Before the conspiracy, to strengthen it, you can read the prayer "Our Father".
  • End the spell with words such as "True", "Amen", etc.
  • Pronounce the texts with your back to the west.
  • Before the ceremony, wash yourself, remove all jewelry.
  • Open a window.
  • Spells are cast an odd number of times.
  • Belief in magic is required.
  • The best time is sunrise and sunset. Spells work just as well if whispered in the moonlight.
  • See the end result. Visualization enhances the magic words.
  • Extreme concentration on words.
  • Before the ritual, fasting is desirable.

The main parts of the conspiracy

A conspiracy is the use of certain words to have the desired effect. Conspiracies were used in ancient Russia. They had the properties of protection or damage.

There is an opinion that it is enough just to pronounce the conspiracy correctly or read it on a piece of paper without errors. This is fundamentally not true. You can read a plot on paper only if it is written with your own hand, in other cases, the plot is memorized and read from memory.

Energy plays a big role in reading a conspiracy. The energy of the one who pronounces the conspiracy and those forces that are turned to for help. In principle, a conspiracy is needed so that the person who reads it correctly tunes in to the impact. When reading a conspiracy, all spoken words pass through the magician, thereby facilitating the task for exposure. Thus, the energy reaches the goal in the right way.

The plot consists of several parts:


lock, fastening,


Introduction. As a rule, these are the words of the prayers "In the name of the father and son ...". These words warn about the beginning of reading a conspiracy, prepare the reader and the person being spoken to to perform the action.

Beginning (beginning). It describes a magical, special place where power is concentrated. It can be an island: Ocean, Buyan, or a mountain: Athos, Sinai, etc. These power places are on the border of the worlds. It is important to feel everything that is being said. With the correct pronunciation and penetration into words, a change in physical sensations is also possible (slight chills, trembling).

The beginning also talks about when and how the one who reads the plot is going on a journey. Dawn, dawn, or the time before dawn is usually mentioned.

Also in the beginning, difficulties that are encountered on a long journey are highlighted.

It is important to note the use of the word "go out" instead of "go". There must be a house, a real one, where the narrator will return later after completing all the deeds. Will return, so as not to stay in another world.

The next main part of the plot is the core, which is also a statement of requirements. This part represents all will and desire. Desire can be expressed directly or with the help of keywords.

To enhance the magical effect of the conspiracy, they resort to the help of magical assistants. For example, they can be forces related to the female side - the forces of nature, the world, the elements. The wind is a symbol of fate and movement.

Helpers use words that are conduits of desires to another world. These words must be strong and carry a special magical meaning. It is important when reading the plot to imagine an assistant who stands nearby and hear the words uttered by him. At the same time, it is worth drawing a picture of what is happening in the subconscious.

The last part of the plot is called a lock or bartack. This part is intended to consolidate the magical power of words. In this part, words such as lock, key are often mentioned. The text of the ending (lock) may not have a semantic link with the main part.

Sometimes a separate part is called amination. Taken from the prayers “Amen. Amen. Amen ”pronounce a conspiracy at the very end, thereby indicating the end of the conspiracy.

In most cases, all these parts in one plot are quite rare. Basically, there is a combined version of several parts.

The conspiracy must be alive. It must work through the strength of the one who reads it.

Any conspiracy must contain:

Appeal to the Forces that will help in the fulfillment of desire;

Announcement of the desired result;

Clarification of the actions performed with the one on whom the conspiracy is being made;

Gratitude to the Forces for achieving the desired result;

An anchoring statement that sums up the whole conspiracy and sets the conspiracy into action. For example, "so be it", "nima".

In the texts of conspiracies, there are necessarily means of expressive speech: symbols, epithets, comparison, personification. They play a magical role. With their absence, magic words lose their effectiveness.

In conspiracies, there are often Christian themes that interact with ancient spells. Prayer words could be combined with spells, or they could be merged into the text in small parts.

It is important that in this case, the difference between a magic spell and a prayer always remained. In prayer, you can see a request for support from the Higher Power and the Saints. A conspiracy in magic, on the other hand, more insistently wanted to have a certain result, resorting, for example, to the Forces of the elements.

If, when choosing a conspiracy, words are not remembered in any way or it seems unpleasant, then you should not use it. This will not lead to a positive result, moreover, it can be dangerous.

You should choose the option that you sympathize with, into which you penetrate with all your energy. In this case, it will be easy to work, and most importantly, your intention will be realized.

Reading conspiracies and the moon

On the decline, they use spells to get rid of something negative. They carry out cleanings, cleanse themselves of damage and curses, get rid of diseases and bad habits, make colds and lapels.

On the growing moon, magic words are spoken to attract money, rituals for love are performed, love spells are performed, and protective magic is performed.

New moon magic is used to start. Conspiracies for pregnancy, for new beginnings, or fulfillment of desires work here.

Some magicians do not consider this phase powerful, it is better to wait until the moon begins to grow. In the meantime, start planning your magical activities.

The full moon is the most powerful time, the results of conspiracies are strong. They do love spells, love magic, attract money.

Time is responsible for long-term requests and permanent results.

Days and conspiracies

If you are reading a conspiracy on a woman, then it is better to speak it on Wed, Fri or Sat.

Mon - start cleansing, love spells, rituals for attractiveness, water magic. Challenges are good on this day, all kinds of troubles and impenetrable.

VT - protection, victory, conspiracies for potency, strength. Black rites, such as punishing the enemy, doing damage, etc.

SR - trade, profitable acquaintances, sociability, conspiracies for good luck in business. Also self-initiation, spiritualism.

Thu - rituals for success, money conspiracies, assistance in learning, you can get rid of competitors on this day.

PT - rejuvenation, love spells, harmonization, all the magic of love.

SB - fertility, graveyard spells, getting rid of negativity, meditation, punishment of enemies, spells related to social institutions.

Sun - all good rituals, protective talismans can be spoken, attract good luck and success.

Never turn to magic for help, to get good luck, to enrich yourself at the expense of other people. You should rely only on the help of the Higher forces, and of course on your own strength.

No ritual will work if you don't help him. Magic has to do with emotions. You need to be confident in your desire to be lucky (to have money). Without faith in what you are doing, magic does not work.

When pronouncing effective conspiracies, one should not forget that these are only assistants acting on your subconscious level, attracting good luck. Conspiracies make you confident in yourself, in your abilities.

If there is no candle of the color needed for the plot, then you can use a white candle, it is considered universal (if there are no clear instructions in the plot itself).

You can dream of prosperity and good luck throughout your life - and die in an almshouse if you do not back up your dream with effective, practical methods. This means that you need to be methodical, organized, accurate and hardworking. All your energy, all your soul must be invested in what you are doing, in your business, profession, work, whatever they may be.

Strong conspiracy for good luck (Stepanova)

"Baba-sorceress, the one that lies in the coffin
And guards his coffin
You walked the earth boldly
You did your magic work
I collected happiness and took away from people,
I stole good luck and bestowed it on myself.
Give me, dead man, good luck,
Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition.
I command you the fortieth psalm
And psalm forty-one
And from black magic the first.
I take away your luck and happiness in addition.
Amen. Amen. Amen"

No ritual will work unless...

Conspiracy for good luck
Key to good luck

It is necessary to put the key to the house on a white tablecloth, light a candle, put a bowl of water. Read on the key 12 times:

“Hears fire, hears water, hears mother earth! I will get up az (name) blessed, I will go to my native Gods, praying, I will go between two pillars, I will go to the other side of the world, where there is living water, where there is dead water. I'll go find a dungeon, there in the dungeon my Candle languishes. I'll unlock the bolts with this key, I'll take my luck with me. As long as this key unlocks the bolt, Candle, luck does not leave me. Goy!

By daily opening and closing the doors with this key, you will attract more and more luck and happiness into your life.

Why is magic so dangerous? Let's try to figure it out...

ritual for good luck

Write on paper: "Aba + athai + agara + fato + aznax". All words are written in black ink, and crosses are drawn with blood taken from 4 fingers (except the thumb) of the left hand. Go to the mirror with this piece of paper and read aloud what is written on paper 13 times.

After the ink and blood have dried, you need to roll the paper into a tube and pour poppy seeds into it, then dip the ends of the tube into the melted candle wax, thereby sealing your good luck charm. Have it with you at all times when you are doing business and business.

Conspiracy on an unmarked grave

This conspiracy is more focused on restoring life balance to those who have a long black streak in their lives. It is necessary to read the plot on the growing moon or full moon.

You will need: a piece of cake, a glass of fresh milk and some coins. The ritual is carried out during the day. In the cemetery, find an unmarked grave;

Put a piece of cake, with the words:
“I will give you the food of the fleeting world!”,

Then put a glass of fresh milk there, saying:
"I'll give you a steamy drink"

We put the coins there with the words:
"I will give you my gold."

Bow three times and say a conspiracy three times:
“I gave you what I have, remembered you, dead man, and showed respect,
Now you take away from me all dashing, all my bad luck from now on and forever and ever! Amen".

Then, without looking back, leave.
You will be able to see the first results after a couple of weeks.

Good luck so that no one interferes

At the growing moon, look at the month through two rings and say:

"On the sea on the ocean, on the island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing,
the moon shines on the aspen stump, in the green forest, in the wide valley.
A hairy wolf walks around the stump,
he has all the horned cattle on his teeth.
That wolf's eyes are my two rings.
Month, month, golden horns!
Melt the bullets, dull the knives, wear down the clubs,
cast fear on every beast, man and reptiles,
so that they don't take that gray wolf
and they wouldn’t tear the skin from him warm
They gave their good to the wolf.
My word is strong.
Stronger than sleep and heroic strength "

Put the rings under your pillow at night, then take them with you when important things are waiting.

The fruits of magical power are bitter. A crippled psyche can sometimes become a lesser evil ...

Pin Spell (for good luck)

On Sunday, when the church is preparing for the service, light a candle at home and, when melting wax begins to run from it, you need to substitute a new safety pin under the drops so that the drops of wax drip into the round hole at its end. In the meantime, read the plot for good luck three times in a row. You should read it almost to yourself, barely moving your lips. The conspiracy is this:

“The spell of the spirits will penetrate this item.
Through this hole I conjure spirits
Stay in this subject
I conjure the spirits to protect me with their strength,
I conjure spirits to carry through this item
I'm lucky on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday
Morning, afternoon and evening. Amen"

Ritual for good luck

Strong rite with the use of a mirror. You will need: A clean large mirror; church candle; piece of white cloth.

The ceremony is held at midnight from Saturday and Sunday. Put the mirror on the floor, stand in front of it, with a lit candle. Read three times:

“Lord, my God, help me! Deliver from the evil forces and deeds of the ungodly Antichrist. Hide me under the net of Your Salvation. I will not back down, I will not renounce you and the church. Have mercy and pity on me, so as not to shed bitter tears for me night and day, in order to be with my daily bread. It is not greed that leads me, but need. Amen"

After reading, extinguish the candle. Wrap the candle end in the prepared cloth. This amulet should be placed under the mattress.

Attracting good luck

In order to invite good luck and luck to yourself, take two smooth pellet stones from both banks of the river and take them to the forest.
There you need to find a lonely aspen and bury these stones at its roots. Before covering them with earth, cross yourself and say a conspiracy to bury your bad luck and call for the fate of happiness and good luck. Conspiracy words:

When performing a ritual with a conspiracy, you must follow some rules ...

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I, God's servant (name),
Mother (name) born,
baptized by the Church of the Lord,
I dare trouble from myself,
I bewitch happiness and luck.
Like every person
He loves his blood child
So that happiness and luck love me
Now, forever, forever.
Until these stones
They will not go to their shores,
Until then, to me, the servant of God (name),
Trouble with bad luck will not work.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy for good luck

Read in the morning. Activates light energies in the human field, attracts positive events and situations. Before you go about your business, sit down, light a candle and say this spell three times:

Soil sol, atafeu, irride.
May luck be with me from morning to evening,
From evening to morning, every hour,
Every minute, every moment.
I am the sun that rises above the clouds
Let the darkness dissipate before me,
May my path be bright.
Soil sol, atafeu, irride.
Seo in OS. Let it be done!”

With the regular use of this spell, within the first week, an improvement in business will be noticeable, and within a month, the effect of the conspiracy will intensify.

Conspiracy on a pin "For good luck with blood"

New safety pin, disinfect in alcohol liquid. Hold the pin in your hands and say:

“I appeal to luck, conjuring with blood”
After that, you need to prick your finger with a pin so that blood comes out, and continue reading:
Only kind people meet on my way, I only pass along well-trodden paths.
Anyone met with kindness comes to me, with help in all my affairs.
As I say, so shall it be"

From time to time, touch the pin hidden in your clothes, saying:

"Luck is with me"

Talk in a whisper or to yourself.

Purchase for good luck

“There is a secret word, the right word - a purchase for good luck. Whoever knows the word, God himself helps him, and those who do not know the age in poverty and suffering are tormented. There is no consolation for those to whom the word given is not given. And in the word, the essence is yes, the truth, and who knows for those and life is sweet, but who does not know if so and there is no share for them. I, the slave (name), did not know this word, but I heard it out of the corner of my ear, and what I didn’t hear, I myself understood and put together. I will go, slave (name), now to the sea to the blue, to the waters of the horses and I will say the right word. Thunder will rumble in the heavens and a fiery army will appear from all troubles and misfortunes. It will be for me, the slave (name), a strong shield, forged with iron, and whoever covets me, so that death will come with sadness. Amen to my word"

Conspiracy for good luck

“God, God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the holy father with prayers. I will stand, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, I will cover myself with the sky, I will help myself with the earth, I will protect myself with a cross. I cover myself, the servant of God (name), heaven, gird myself in shells, gird myself with weapons. I covered myself, the servant of God (name), heaven from all sorts of dashing people and adversaries; against me, the servant of God (name), the sun, over my head is a month, my star is in heaven. And neither water nor dew can fill those words of mine, nor moisten them with rain. Amen. My words are the key and the lock, and the whole fortress of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen"

The Law of Attraction is always reacting to your thoughts...

A conspiracy to fulfill the plan

“I will become, the servant of God (name), blessing and crossing myself, I will wash myself with fresh cold, spring water, wipe myself, the servant of God (name), with a clean, scolded, thin, white towel. I, the servant of God (name), will stand in front of the holy image, bow and pray to the True Christ, and the Most Holy Theotokos, and the holy prophet of God Elijah the merciful. And I will pray to you Saint Elijah the merciful and worship for myself, the servant of God (name), and for my providence. And how you, merciful Saint Elijah, ride your gray horse in all four directions, over steep red mountains and yellow sands, and how you, merciful Saint Elijah, with your holy spirit, smoke and clean white snow from steep mountains and from yellow sands, and take care of washing, - and cleanse me, the servant of God (name), and from my providence, all damage, all parable, which happened before. And just as you, Saint Elijah the merciful, adorned the distant churches of God with the grace of God, so, Saint Elijah the merciful, decorate me, the servant of God (name), in an open field, in a dark, green forest with your holy spirit, the grace of God. be my words strong and molding, harder than stone, better than glue and sulfur, salty salt, sharpen a self-cutting sword, stronger than damask steel; what is planned will come true! Amen"

So that luck is not taken away

On the full moon, wash yourself with charmed milk:

“Lord, my God, I stand before You, my guardian angel, deliverer from evil hearts, save me, protect me. As a loving mother does not want to take a child from her breast before the time, so that no one, ever, at any time, takes, takes away my luck. Increase, Lord, my luck, let's go. Lord, deliverance from enemies. My angel, be with me, keep my happiness and good luck. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Conspiracy for good luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! Just as it is true that our All-Merciful Lord gave five loaves and that Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is Almighty. Turn, Lord, luck from west to east, from north to south, give her not three roads, but one road to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake's womb. There you have a place, there you live, there your being. And I will dress myself in an amulet, I will tie myself with gold and silver. Count me money, do not count, do not know grief and misfortune. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Prayer for all occasions in life

"God! Let me meet with peace of mind whatever the present day brings me. Let me completely surrender to the will of your saint. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is your holy will. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by you! Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without upsetting anyone, without embarrassing anyone. God! Give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it! Guide my will and teach me to pray and hope, believe, love, endure and forgive! Amen"

Salt spell for good luck

On a Sunday before sunset, pour 2 heaping tablespoons of table salt into a cotton bag. Sit down and hold the bag between your palms against your forehead. And read this conspiracy:

You can dream of prosperity and good luck throughout your life - and die in an almshouse if ...

“I won’t be dashing far,
Not close, not high, not low
Neither in a feast, nor in trouble, nor under the sky,
Not under the roof, not with relatives, not with strangers,
And sadness will bypass me
Sideways and will never come close to me.
These words are eternal, strong,
Now and forever.
Then put this bag at the head of your bed.

For good luck in all matters

For good luck in your affairs, you need to take a black or brown leather cord and tie three knots on it. When making the first knot, say:

“So that luck be with me in my deeds and thoughts!” On the second, say: “So that this is always and my word is true!” On the third: “So that it is not true, but the obvious cannot bring down my luck from me! This will be so!”

The nodes must be at the same distance from each other.

Spell for good luck on the mirror

You need to take a small mirror, a blue bag sewn for it and a sheet of paper on which write your date of birth, last name, full name and patronymic. Speak a conspiracy without letting go of the mirror:

“Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove from my path, only good, bring good luck and success to me. Amen, amen, amen"

A bag with a mirror should be worn for the entire first week, and then used as needed, as a talisman that brings good luck and protects from trouble.

Spell for good luck with a mirror

Buy a new mirror and church candle. Before going to bed, light a candle and look at your reflection in the mirror. Then put some wax on it and say:

“My luck will never leave me. My success will always be with me. I am a servant of God (name), I strive and try to achieve happiness. Let me be lucky. Amen"

Bury the mirror on the river bank. If this is not possible, bury it in the yard of your house. If necessary, the ritual should be repeated.

ritual for good luck

In order to attract good luck, weave a magic cord. To do this, you can take threads of different colors. Red is a symbol of passion and physical strength, green is a symbol of wealth, blue is a dream come true. If you have only one goal, you should take three threads of the same color and weave a small pigtail out of them, the ends of which must be connected together: so that you get a bracelet.

Stand in front of a mirror and put on a bracelet on the ankle of your left leg. Look only in the reflection, you can’t look at the leg!

Removing the spell on failure (helping another)

"In the name of the ninth cohort
And not a spoken name
And the forces of the four sides:
South, north, west, east;
Sunrise and sunset
moon and sun,
earth and water,
Thunder and lightning
And the scales on the Day of Judgment.
In the name of the troops of the Most High:
I order you to leave
How uncontrollably the smoke goes away.
This curse and those who
Holds this spell
Near (person's name). Amen"

When casting a spell, a person is turned to face east, then west, then south and north. In his hands he must hold a vessel-censer with birch bark embers.

The master and the one for whom the spell to remove bad luck is recited should try not to sneeze or cough from the smoke, which will entail bad luck. Clothes must be clean and loose. There must be no presence of blood (menstruation, wounds, etc.)

The best time to work with spells is the full moon. Ideally, the sky should be clear: calm and that there are no signs of bad weather (rain, snow, etc.)

Money conspiracies have always been popular, people read conspiracies to attract money and wealth in order to avert poverty and live in wealth with prosperity. In the villages, people perform an easy ritual to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? Read the money plot for money in your wallet and the whole year

  • Conspiracies that need to be read for money really work and quickly give the expected result, subject to accurate execution and faith in the power of white magic. Luck has always been not superfluous, so that it accompanies you need to read a conspiracy for good luck. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky, luck will literally accompany him in

  • If you read this plot, then the money will be found all year. In ancient times, thanks to a light ritual for money to attract wealth, people who knew signs and customs got rid of poverty by reducing lack of money in one day! In our time, anyone knows how important this day is in the Orthodox world. White magic with rituals and reading Easter conspiracies on

  • If you are looking for a real way to quickly become a rich person with the help of magic and quickly get a lot of money, perform this magic ritual with reading a strong conspiracy to bring a lot of money and wealth into your life. To conduct a ceremony to attract money, you need a bowl of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. Since the moment

  • A plot for money should be read on a tree with foliage, which you can easily fully embrace. Prepare a linen bag in which you put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and any one paper bill. Sweep the edges of the linen bag with money yourself with a red thread so that evil spirits do not seduce your money and jinx your monetary wealth.

  • To gain wealth and attract big money to yourself will help this strong conspiracy for wealth read on an egg from a "ripple chicken" - a brown chicken egg with white spots. You will have to walk around to buy such an egg, although the most fortunate ones find such eggs very quickly and, having read the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living all their lives in wealth and

  • Those who know the text of the prayer - the white conspiracy once a year can fulfill their most important desire. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday, you need to go to church in advance and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, put and light 12 candles around you and holding a glass of water in your hands, while the candles are burning, read the plot on

  • A plot from poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money to buy the most necessary things in the old days, they read this good white conspiracy from poverty, which very quickly restored monetary prosperity by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (excess change in the store, finding money for

  • Vanga's conspiracy, which will be discussed, will help to attract good luck in business and luck for life. A strong conspiracy that can quickly become the luckiest person is done in a quiet deserted place sitting by stagnant water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water on which the magical conspiracy of the lucky ones is read is not flowing. If you already know where there is such a place, early in the morning on

  • On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth so that the money in your wallet never ends. The ritual of the white magic of money performed on the night of January 19 at the Epiphany of the Lord will very quickly relieve the needy of poverty and make those people who live in prosperity even richer. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew him - he acts

  • Special conspiracies for money is a very simple money ritual. At 7 pm, take a coin with the number 5 and spinning it on the table, say this conspiracy for money that attracts wealth. The rite with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered over after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy made