Wedding calendar for the year auspicious days. Folk signs and traditions of the wedding in December. Other Superstitions About December Marriages

Every girl, from early childhood, has a dream - a chic, fabulous and fun wedding, where everything should be just perfect and at the highest level. The process of marriage itself is quite responsible. That is why there are no trifles here, every detail is important here.

The most difficult thing, perhaps, is to decide on the date of the wedding celebration. After all, if you believe the signs and beliefs, then the whole future life together depends on the day of the wedding. The wedding in the year of the Monkey 2016 was no exception. Let's try to figure out all the details of the upcoming celebration this year, from the choice of date to the signs.

  • January is not the most unfavorable month for couples seeking to bind themselves with family ties - there are no days at all that have a positive impact on the marriage process.
  • In February, weddings can be played on the 14th, 18th, 20th and 25th.
  • Spring 2016, according to astrologers, is generally the most inopportune moment for marriage. In March, April and May there is not a single auspicious day for wedding ceremonies.
  • In June, success is guaranteed if you get married on the 25th.
  • July, August, September and October, like spring, are marked by a complete absence of favorable days for a wedding.
  • In autumn, success is promised for a marriage concluded on November 3.
  • If the wedding has not yet been played, and you definitely want to tie the knot this year, then feel free to sign on December 6 or 11.
  • For people intending to start a family, it will be useful to know the unfavorable days for the wedding this year, which are in abundance.
  • So in January, the unfavorable days for the wedding will be 2, from 4 to 25, 28 and 30.
  • In February, this will be the period from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, and also on 23, 27 and 29.
  • The whole month of March will be unsuitable for marriage due to two eclipses (9 - the Sun, and 23 - the Moon).
  • In April, things are not much better either. Unfavorable days will be 1, 4 to 9, 11 to 12, 14 to 16, 18 to 23, 25 to 26, 28 to 30.
  • The period from May 1 to May 22 will be unsuitable for marriage due to the negative influence of Mercury. The period from 23 to 26, 28 and 31 are also not suitable for this purpose.
  • From 1 to 4, 7, from 10 to 17, from 20 to 22, 24, from 27 to 30 June are unfavorable days for a wedding.
  • In July, it is better to abstain from marriage on 1, 4 to 8, from 12 to 16, 19, from 22 to 23, from 25 to 26, from 28 to 29.
  • Due to the negative impact of Mercury from August 2 to 6, from 9 to 13, from 15 to 19, 22, from 25 to 31 will be unfavorable days for the wedding.
  • In connection with the upcoming eclipses of the Sun and Moon in September, astrologers advise against getting married this month.
  • In October, we refrain from weddings 1, from 8 to 8, from 12 to 15, from 18 to 19, 22, from 26 to 31.
  • In November, the following days are not suitable for a wedding: 1, 2, 5, 7 - 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, from 21 to 26, from 28 to 30.
  • Before the New Year in December, you should not tie the knot from 1 to 3, 5, from 7 to 10, from 14 to 16, and also from 19 to 31.
  • Although, if a couple has true and sincere love, then no eclipses and planetary influences can affect a happy family life. And, on the contrary, if the feelings were simulated, then no favorable arrangement of celestial bodies can keep you together for many years.

    Now, for many newlyweds, the wedding is considered incomplete if there was no wedding ceremony. Most often, astronomical and wedding calendars differ from each other. Therefore, before setting a date for the wedding, it is necessary to decide when the Orthodox Church allows such a Sacrament to be performed.

    The most favorable days for a wedding are the days starting from the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord to Oil Week. It is also considered good to get married on the first Sunday following Easter, in the days after Peter's fast up to the Assumption. In autumn, you can get married on all days, with the exception of pre-holiday and fasting days.

    Can you get married on a leap year?

    In our time, there is a belief that a leap year carries a lot of negativity for our entire planet. No important undertakings can be made this year - everything is doomed to failure. From this it follows that 2016 is generally unsuitable for a wedding. Let's try to figure out whether it is really worth delaying the marriage this year.

    Judging by the history of our ancestors, their leap year was generally considered special. It used to be called the "year of brides". It was in the leap year that the girl had every right to independently choose the groom. This year, matchmakers were sent by fragile girls, not strong guys. So, as we see, our distant ancestors did not worry at all about this.

    In our time, judging by the statistics of terrible events, the onset of which is directly associated with the onset of a leap year, such years are no different from ordinary ones. Also, the Orthodox Church does not impose any restrictions or special instructions on the time of leap years.

    So, as we see, everything here depends on our subjective attitude and perception. Therefore, you can get married in a leap year, because there are no obstacles for this. Unless they may be in our own thoughts.

    Wedding, wedding and posts in 2016

    In Orthodoxy, there are four main posts: Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas. These days, the church does not allow the sacrament of the wedding. If you decide to bind yourself in sacred bonds before the Lord, then remember the fasts in 2016.

    Lent falls annually at different times and lasts until Easter itself. In 2016, it starts on March 14 and ends on April 30. All other fasts will take place at their usual time for Christians.

    In addition, the Orthodox Church has fasts lasting one day: before Baptism, before the service on the day of commemoration of the Beheading of John the Baptist, and before the Feast of the Exaltation.

    It is also not allowed to conduct a wedding ceremony on the so-called special days of commemoration of deceased relatives. This year it will not be possible to get married: March - 5 and 26, April - 2 and 9, May - 9 and 10, June - 18 and November - 5.

    Rules for the 2016 wedding of a widow or widower

    Leap year is very, very considered unfavorable according to popular beliefs for weddings. Marriage unions concluded in this year are considered short-lived due to the death of one of the spouses. Therefore, this year is called "the year of the widow (widower)".

    In order for the life of the newlyweds to be long and happy, there are certain rituals for weddings in a leap year. So, it is believed that if the bride is dressed in a long wedding dress, then this will contribute to a long marriage. And then in no case should the wedding dress be sold or borrowed either by close friends or relatives. Also, the newlyweds should never look back during the road to the wedding.

    Also, for a happy marriage in the year of the widow or widower, three prerequisites must be met for a wedding: the presence of a person with a high status and position, exceptionally cheerful and positive music, and an unusual atmosphere for the event. This may include an unusual picture or poem.

    Wedding signs and traditions for newlyweds

    Many kinds of wedding superstitions are associated with the wedding day. The most common is that the groom is not allowed to see the bride in her wedding dress until the wedding day. This also applies to rings - always smooth and without patterns, so that family life is smooth and calm.

    A very important place is occupied by signs about the wedding dress and its color. The wedding dress of the bride must be one-piece cut, otherwise each of the spouses will live their own lives. The bride's outfit should be white, pink, cream or golden. Black, gray, green, blue and red colors should be avoided.

    As for the signs about the wedding bouquet, according to custom, the bride throws it to the girls who want to get married. But you can’t throw your bouquet to the bride, because this is her happiness, it needs to be stored and protected. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, a spare bouquet is thrown.

    There are also a large number of signs for the bride. The most common of them is to carefully protect the wedding dress for up to a year of marriage, because it can easily be damaged. A veil and a wedding ring should not be allowed to be tried on, otherwise there will be a divorce. The bride should wear shoes with closed toes and heels, otherwise the husband will run after his mistresses.

    But whatever it was, in fact, a strong union is possible only between those people who truly love each other. Although extra caution never hurts.

    Wedding horoscope for 2016 for all zodiac signs

    According to competent astrologers, the zodiac sign plays a huge role in choosing a partner for life together. Let's try to figure it out and check with their forecasts.

    Aries. In 2016, Aries will certainly want to build their secluded nest. But in the case of high demands on a partner, the opportunity to spend the whole year in search of an ideal is quite high.

    Taurus. Taurus will be able to finally decide on marriage or marriage only if there is a good reason. Before deciding on such an important step, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

    Crayfish. A wedding in 2016 promises Cancers a long and happy married life. There is a very high chance of having children soon.

    A lion. The probability of marriage Lviv this year is reduced to zero. All year they will think about whether they really need it.

    Virgo. For Virgos, 2016 is a very favorable year. All representatives of this sign will certainly be considered marriage bonds, and single ones will find their soul mate.

    Scales. For Libra, even those who do not want to lose their freedom, circumstances in life will develop in favor of the wedding.

    Scorpion. The marriage union of Scorpios, concluded this year, will be short-lived. This matter should be delayed.

    Sagittarius. In order to get married this year, Sagittarians will have to be persistent and put in a lot of effort.

    Capricorn. Representatives of this sign are not set up for such a serious step. Capricorn's wedding is possible only in the event of a meeting with old love, in connection with the emergence of feelings with renewed vigor.

    Aquarius. The career growth of Aquarius will be beyond all feelings. But if the wedding takes place, a happy future is guaranteed for them.

    Fish. When concluding a marriage in 2016, Pisces should be extremely careful - there is a high probability of meeting with marriage scammers. Before agreeing to such an important step, you need to carefully assess the situation.

    A wedding is one of the turning points in any couple's relationship. The lovers move to a new level, when instead of "I" there is "We", now it's not just a couple, but a team that is called upon to overcome all hardships and obstacles together. But, you see, everyone would like to enlist the support of fate, and for this it is necessary to carefully choose the time of marriage.

    Of course, if you choose the most favorable day for the wedding, this will not save you from all the troubles and quarrels that you have to go through. According to all predictors and numerologists, it is the right date that will help you overcome all obstacles without negative consequences and maintain peace, prosperity and harmony in the family.

    According to experts in this field, the most unfortunate dates for creating a family are full moons, eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, converging aspects of the Moon, Sun and Venus. To find a favorable date for marriage, it is necessary to completely eliminate all negative factors. It is quite difficult to do this on your own, so we decided to make this task easier for you and give some recommendations on choosing the right date for starting a family. In this article you will find information about favorable and unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016.

    Wedding in January 2016

    There are no favorable days in January, because the whole month will pass under the sign of "bachelor". This period is more inclined to create friendly alliances than love ones. A marriage concluded in January will only be able to resist the collapse if the couple does not infringe on each other's freedom and is not boring.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in January 2016: none.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in January: the whole month.

    Wedding in February 2016

    February provides young couples with several dates, starting from the 14th to the 18th. A wedding these days promises to bring a long and strong family life. This, of course, does not mean that you will not have problems at all, but if you marry during this period, then all problems will be overcome much easier. A suitable day will also be the 20th and 25th. In this case, it will seem to you that your soulmate is an extension of yourself. In such families, harmony and tranquility will reign.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2016: the last month of winter will give the newlyweds four especially successful days for a wedding - February 14, 18, 20 and 25.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February: you definitely shouldn’t have a celebration: from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, and also on February 23, 27 and 29.

    Marriage in March 2016

    It's better to skip it right now. During the month there will be two eclipses: on March 9 - Solar, and on March 23 - Lunar, which will make the month very unfavorable in all areas of our lives. March will not be able to please lovers with dates for the wedding, because they are not in it. During this period, partners are not too inclined to give love to each other. A wedding in March will only push people to disputes and rivalry, so it is better to refrain from entering into an alliance.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in March 2016: no.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in March: the whole month.

    Wedding in April 2016

    There are no suitable days in April for a wedding, because in 2016 Lent falls for the whole month. The church has a negative attitude towards weddings and other entertainment events during this period. In addition, astrologers say that this month the stars are already very negative about weddings, this can lead to the fact that one partner will say and demand one thing, and the second is completely different. such disunity will lead to numerous quarrels and conflicts. Therefore, it is better to wait.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in April 2016: no.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April: the whole month.

    wedding in May 2016

    It is believed that people who get married in May will suffer for the rest of their lives. Despite this, May gave us many days to connect two loving hearts into a strong union: from the 15th to the 27th. Of course, those couples who do not want to throw a magnificent banquet or get married pay attention to weekdays. If the plans include a grand event, coupled with a wedding, then it is better to pay attention to the weekend.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in May 2016: from May 15 to May 27.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May: May 1 to May 15, as well as May 28, 29, 30, 31.

    Wedding in June 2016

    Almost the entire month does not promise happiness in a future marriage, if it is concluded during this period. Many astrologers agree that a wedding this month will lead to the fact that after it you will be disappointed in family life, you will suddenly feel an urgent need for freedom and adventure. On this basis, serious conflicts with your soul mate can arise. Nevertheless, in June, one can single out the most favorable date for weddings - June 17th. It is also worth highlighting the 25th day - a day for a long and happy marriage. These are the days when beloved ones will be able to carry deep feelings through the years and no life can destroy and dispel them.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in June 2016: June 17, 25.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June: June 1-16, June 18-24, June 26-30.

    Wedding in July 2016

    It is very symbolic to get married on July 6, because this day is considered Kissing Day. Also a good day will be July 8 - the day of the Slavic patrons of lovers Peter and Fevronia. An official marriage will become strong if it is based on love and trust, and a wonderful date for concluding such marriages in 2016 is 13, 15, 18, 20, 25. In such families, no external circumstances can destroy the stability and peace of your family. In any difficult and unpleasant situation, you can group and make the right decision.

    • Auspicious days for a wedding in July 2016: July 2, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25 July.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in July: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16.17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 July.

    Wedding in August 2016

    August is not rich in favorable numbers for marriage. Considering all church holidays and fasts that fall in August, August 12 will be the happiest day. All other days will be an extremely unfortunate day, because the planets will be located in such a way that one of the partners, or maybe even both, will not take family life seriously. Subsequently, such a marriage will break up, and very quickly.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in August 2016: August 12.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August: from 1 to 11, and from 13 to 31 August.

    Wedding in September 2016

    In September, there will be 2 eclipses (solar and lunar), so it is undesirable to marry during this period. On the days of eclipses, it is better not to make any serious decisions at all, and even more so to start a family. The consequences can be extremely unfavorable. The first month of autumn is not generous for good days for marriage, but still, September 18 can be distinguished from all dates. It is on this day that marriage will bring prosperity, good luck and love to the newlyweds. Moreover, over the years, you can really become a real team that can overcome any troubles.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2016: September 18.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September: from 1 to 17, and also from 19 to 30 September.

    Wedding in October 2016

    In October there will be enough favorable dates for marriage, such days will be - 2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24 or 25. At this time, the planets will affect you in such a way that suddenly what was not clear in your partner will become clear. You can feel what he feels. And your partner, in turn, will be able to understand you. In such a family, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding usually reigns. But on October 1, 3-9, 12.13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26 - 30 of October, the planets will affect your young family with precision, but vice versa. Neither he nor you will understand why he does this, and not otherwise. Because of this, you can turn into completely alien people.

    The best day is October 14 - the Feast of the Intercession. This belief is explained by the fact that the veil with which the Mother of God covered all those present in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople was very similar to a wedding veil. According to the sign, marriages concluded on this holiday will be the strongest and happiest, and in the family, spouses will be able to keep their love for life, harmony and mutual understanding will grow every day.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in October 2016: October 2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 October.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October: October 1, 3-9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26 - 30 October.

    Wedding in November 2016

    November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27 are very good days for marriage. Your relationship will resemble a good and kind movie. Both partners will treat family life with irony and at the same time your feelings for each other will be deep and filled with tenderness and love. However, the wedding on November 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22 - 26, 28, 29, 30 will lead to the fact that soon you will cool off for each other and in some moment you realize that the time for this person was wasted.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in November 2016: 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27 November.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22 - 26, 28, 29, 30 November.

    Wedding in December 2016

    The end of the year is not very generous with good days. Before the upcoming New Year 2017, marriage is categorically not recommended. the astrodynamics of the planets suggests that families created this month will not be able to withstand external hardships and other people's influence. The wife will listen more to her girlfriends, and the husband to his friends, and in the end this will either lead to a divorce, or to the fact that the family will never learn to solve their problems on their own. Nevertheless, this month there are two days when the influence of the planets will not interfere, but on the contrary will help lovers. At the end of a leap year, it is best to start a family on December 6 and 11.

    • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2016: December 6 and 11.
    • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, from December 12 to 31.

    When determining favorable days for a wedding, astrologers take into account the position of the Moon in the sky - it is she who affects the good (or bad) time for concluding a marriage. The most successful periods come when the Moon is in the constellation of Pisces, Capricorn, Libra or Gemini - at this time it provides a strong and lasting union. If the Moon is in the constellation of Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Virgo, then a negative impact on future family life cannot be avoided. The rest of the zodiac signs are neutral for marriage. Of course, the date of the wedding can have both a positive and a negative impact on future family life. But believe me - couples break up not because of the wrong day, but for other reasons. And even the right date for the celebration will not save you from divorce if the family does not have mutual love and respect, the desire to understand and accept a loved one without breaking it for themselves. We hope that our tips for the “right” wedding date will minimize the chances of your marriage falling apart.

    long time ago January was considered not the best month for marriage registration. The thing is that the first half of the month is marked by Orthodox holidays and, according to tradition, at this time it is customary to rejoice at the birth of Christ, and not at the birth of a new family. It is better to plan a wedding for the last week of January.

    wedding in february promises a marriage as strong as the frost will be strong on the day of the celebration. Those wishing to tie the knot in February 2016 should focus on the end of the month. Astrologers say that the most favorable days will be February 18, 20 and 25.

    March the coming year hardly promises young people a long and strong marriage. In addition, two eclipses (solar and lunar) are expected in March 2016, which will charge the entire first spring month with negative energy.

    Favorable and suitable month for weddings in 2016 will be April, which will provide young people with a wide choice of successful dates for marriage. If you are planning to organize a celebration for the first half of the month, then the following numbers will be successful: 2, 3, 10, 13. As for the second half of the month, marriage registration on April 17, 24 and 27 will bring harmony in your personal life.

    Contrary to common beliefs that May you can’t play a wedding (a husband and wife will toil all their lives), in 2016 this month will become almost the most successful for those who want to tie the knot. This month, you should not plan a celebration only for May 10 and 19.

    Since in June Since two eclipses are expected this year, we can say with full confidence that this month is completely unsuitable for a wedding ceremony. It is believed that it is better to enter into a legal marriage two weeks before the eclipse or two weeks after it. Otherwise, the likelihood of an early divorce is high.

    hot and sunny July always attracted the newlyweds with its wonderful weather. But it so happened that this year the warmest and sunniest month will be full of unfavorable days for creating a new cell of society. From the July calendar, you can stop only on July 5, 7, 10, 11, 21 and 27.

    Almost whole August in 2016 will be under the auspices of Mercury, which, as you know, does not bring anything good to newly minted families. Therefore, in order not to doom yourself to an unhappy family future, it is better not to set a wedding day from August 3 to 26. August 31 is also not the best day for the "connection of hearts".

    September one of my favorite wedding months. The sultry summer is behind us, and the rainy autumn is just around the corner. But will September be lucky in 2016? Hardly. In order to avoid a break in relations too quickly, it is better to postpone the event, or choose the most suitable days for painting - the 1st, 22nd and 24th of the month.

    October will captivate the young with its "golden" beauty, happiness and harmony in relationships, and this month does not promise. Astrologers can recommend only four successful days for marriage in October. If you have time to register a relationship from October 5 to 8, consider that you are guaranteed a smooth, conflict-free married life.

    November This year is also preparing an eclipse for us, which will happen on the 25th, so it’s better not to think about holding a wedding in the second half of the month. As for the first half of the month, the dates from November 6 to 11 will be quite acceptable for formalizing relations.

    If, when choosing a wedding date, you decided to stay on a cold december, then it is better to have time to conclude an alliance before the 19th. The only categorically unsuccessful date for the celebration will be December 10th.

    All lovers are anxiously awaiting the onset of 2016 - after all, it will be a leap year, and the belief has long been firmly established among the people that it is impossible to get married on a leap year. It is believed that such a marriage will be unhappy. But if there is no strength and desire to wait until 2017, and love burns in the hearts, can a leap year really destroy a truly strong relationship?

    According to the Eastern calendar, 2016 will be the year of the Red Fire Monkey, and astrologers unanimously claim that this year is ideal for creating a happy and strong family, in which love and understanding will reign. After all, the Monkey is a family creature, a faithful friend and a caring mother. She simply cannot imagine herself without a warm and calm home, which is reliably guarded by Papa Monkeys.

    Is it possible to get married in a leap year 2016

    Young people in love who decided to get married, but for objective reasons did not have time to do it before the end of this year, are wondering if it is possible to get married in a leap year of 2016? It is generally accepted that a year in which 366 days is rich in various troubles (natural disasters, wars or epidemics). Every person on earth wants to have a strong and friendly family. Every girl dreams of a chic snow-white dress and a luxurious wedding. Modern lovers prepare for marriage seriously, considering every little thing. The most important step in preparing for the wedding is the choice of the wedding day. Even people far from superstition, before applying to the registry office, study horoscopes, star positions, signs and beliefs.

    Is a leap year marriage compatible?

    Since ancient times, a leap year has been considered unfavorable and full of unpleasant events. People believe that at this time you can not start serious business. What is there to say about marriage. Lovers are afraid that the union of two hearts will be short-lived, accompanied by frequent quarrels, which will eventually lead to a break in relations. The coming year will also be a leap year. So is it possible to get married in 2016, or will couples in love have to postpone a joyful event? Let's look for the answer from our distant ancestors.

    How does the Church feel about leap years? The day of February 29 is considered among Christians as the name day of St. Kasyan, who angered God, for which he set him a name day every four years. Another belief says that God, having put him to guard the gates of hell, gives him a day off only on February 29th. Kasyan was a cruel, greedy and evil person, he created troubles and brought misfortunes. Many centuries ago, people tried to leave the house less on February 29. They feared for livestock and domestic animals. It is not known when the negative attitude towards February 29 passed to the whole year. If the church was against marriage in a leap year, then it would not perform the wedding ceremony. But according to church canons, it is impossible to marry only during fasting, regardless of how long the year is - 365 or 366 days.

    What will the astrologers say

    Orthodoxy, like other religions, is not against registering marriages in a leap year. And what do the stars tell us, do astrologers oppose weddings in a leap year? Although there is no unequivocal opinion among them, most predictors believe that the main thing is to choose the right wedding day, no matter how many days in a year. Today, lovers are serious about the choice of the day of registration of marriage. Astrologers say that the date of the wedding plays an important role in the future life of a young family, and the reason for disagreements, quarrels and family breakdown is the wrong day of registration. And in this the opinions of astrologers are unanimous. For the correct selection of the day of marriage, the predictors take into account not only how the stars will form, but also the personal horoscopes of lovers. In addition, the day of the week plays a big role in the choice:

    • Monday. The day is ruled by the moon. The relationship between husband and wife will be difficult, depending on any little things.
    • Tuesday. It is not recommended to marry on a day under the rule of a militant and aggressive Mars. The planet will bring quarrels and disagreements to the family. In such an alliance there will be no calm relations. There is ice and fire, love and hate.
    • Wednesday. Cool relationships will develop among spouses who marry on the day that Mercury took patronage.
    • Thursday. Jupiter ruling the day will doom the family to a constant showdown - who is more important in the family?
    • Friday. Thanks to the patroness Venus, the planet of love and peace, Friday is considered the most successful day for weddings.
    • Saturday. This day is suitable for marriage for those who are ready to sacrifice their career and personal life for the sake of their family. Saturn, under whose patronage she is, is the planet of self-denial and self-restraint.
    • Sunday, which is patronized by the Sun, is the best of all days for weddings, but the registry office does not work on this day.

    Favorable days for a wedding in 2016 according to astrology

    Astrologers say that the right date for a wedding is as important as the compatibility of partners. If a person makes a mistake and chooses the wrong day for the celebration, this can lead to divorce. Let's use their advice when choosing a date. So:
    1. In January, for a whole month, there is no suitable day for a wedding. It will pass under the so-called "bachelor" sign. It is in this month that it is best to make acquaintances, but not to enter into marriage in any way. But keep in mind, according to experts, such a marriage can be saved only if you do not limit the freedom of your partner.
    2. As for February, it "gives" two dates on the 14th and 18th. The union concluded on the above days will be strong, happy. No less suitable would be the 20th and 25th. These days will give family life passion and understanding that will not fade away for a long time.
    3. March is not suitable for a wedding, as it will lead to rivalry and argument. There will be two eclipses during this period.
    4. April is the month of Lent, during this period weddings cannot be held.
    5. There are beliefs that if you get married (marry) in May, then your whole family life will be toiled. However, in 2016, two favorable dates fall on this month - the 15th and 27th.
    6. The most favorable date of the year according to astrology is June 17th. You can also choose the 25th number.
    7. July offers us a wedding on the 6th. Please note that this is a holiday - Kissing Day. The 13th, 15th, 18th, 20th and 25th are ideal.
    8. August, unlike July, is not rich in favorable dates for this purpose. He offers only one day - the 12th.
    9. September has always been considered the month of marriage, but in 2016, the appropriate dates are the 18th (bring wealth and love).
    10. October is the worst month of the year for a wedding.
    11. As for November, here astrologers single out the 3rd number.
    12. But in December, the ideal days are the 6th and 11th.

    Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2016

    Yes, of course, the idea of ​​beautiful dates for a wedding is very subjective, since each of us has our own taste and concept of beauty. But be that as it may, most agree that the most beautiful dates for marriage are those dates in which the numbers match. So, for example, in the past, from 2001 to 2012, there were two very beautiful dates, which accounted for a huge number of weddings - 01/01/01 and 02/02/02. In order to make their dream come true on these dates, thousands of couples stood in line for hours in order to have time to book the time they needed.

    Unfortunately, there will be no such symmetrical dates in 2016. However, do not be upset, because you can still find beautiful dates for your wedding in the calendar. Here are a few of them, sorted by their attractiveness:
    - 06/16/2016 - Thursday
    - 01/16/2016 - Saturday
    - 06/06/2016 - Monday
    - 02.02.2016 - Tuesday
    - 03.03.2016 - Thursday

    You can continue this list until the end of the year, taking into account the number of the month and its day so that they coincide. We should not forget that no less popular dates for marriage are the Day of Fidelity and Love (July 8) and St. Valentine's Day (February 14). If you are looking for some non-standard solution to this issue, register your marriage on February 29th. This day is repeated once every four years. Tempting, isn't it?

    Favorable days for a wedding in 2016

    In 2016, as in any other, there will be especially favorable days for marriage. From an astrological point of view, the right date for marriage is no less important than the compatibility of the characters of the partners. Consider what days are best to get married monthly.


    Unfortunately, in January, the stars do not recommend formalizing the relationship. This month is more suitable for expanding friendly contacts. A marriage concluded in the first month of 2016 will be successful if the couple does not seek to infringe on the interests and freedom of each other. Married life will be happy for those couples who do not like to be bored.


    In February, there will be several especially favorable days for entering into family life - from the 14th to the 18th. A marriage concluded during this period promises to be long and strong. No less successful days for marriage will be February 20 and 25.


    There are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 in March. This month there will be no date for which a wedding could be scheduled. This is a period when partners are not too tuned in to the wave of love. A marriage concluded in March will bring more trouble than joy. It is better to refrain from formalizing the relationship.


    There are no good days for a wedding this month either. April is Lent. The Church does not approve of marriages entered into during this period.


    It is traditionally believed that people who get married in May will suffer all their lives. However, in May 2016 there will be many auspicious days for which you can schedule a wedding celebration. An alliance concluded between May 15 and May 27 will be favorable.


    In June, the most favorable day for marriage will be June 17th. It is also worth paying attention to the 25th. Marriage on this day promises a long and happy family life.


    July 6 is considered Kiss Day, and this day is very suitable for organizing a celebration. A marriage based on love and trust can be concluded on the following days: July 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.


    There are practically no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 and in August. August 12 can be singled out - a marriage concluded on this day will bring not only a long married life, but also family well-being. On other days, marriage is not recommended due to the abundance of church holidays in this month.


    In September, there are not many favorable days for marriage. Of all days, you should stop on the 18th. A marriage concluded on this day will bring love and prosperity to the newlyweds.


    There are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 in October. This month, the idea of ​​marriage is best abandoned. In October, there will not be a single suitable day for going to the registry office.


    In November, there will be only one day that is suitable for a wedding - November 3rd. On all other days, starting a family life is not recommended.


    At the end of the year, December 6 and 11 will be favorable dates for formalizing relations. Other days are not suitable for organizing a wedding celebration.

    Thus, in a leap year there are not very many favorable dates for a wedding, and therefore the newlyweds should be very serious about choosing a date for entering family life. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the unfavorable days for a wedding in the 2016 leap year of the Fire Monkey.

    Favorable days for a wedding in 2016 according to Feng Shui

    According to Feng Shui, the best days of the year for such a celebration will be February 01, February 09, February 23, April 07, April 27, May 17, June 17, September 18, September 22, December 26.
    Unfavorable dates: January 01, January 04, January 18, February 22, February 26, March 18, March 19, April 17, June 23, June 27, August 01, August 14, August 19, September 1, September 10, October 04 , November 23, December 01, December 10, December 29.

    Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

    Of great importance when choosing a date for marriage is the lunar calendar. According to him, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26 and 27 lunar days are favorable. Unfavorable - 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19 lunar days.
    Separately, I would like to highlight 21 lunar days. This is the most auspicious day for a wedding according to the lunar calendar. Its symbol is Pegasus - a mysterious, unusual horse. This is a day of growth, implementation of plans, achievement of goals. The oaths that are given on this day are the most powerful. It should be taken into account the fact that it will be most favorable for creative people.

    Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016

    According to astrologers, the periods of new moon, full moon and quarter moon change are especially unfavorable for a wedding. It is better to refuse marriage during lunar eclipses. It is also worth refraining from marriage on the days of great church holidays, Christmas time, as well as fasting and commemoration.




    All days of March are not suitable for marriage. There will be several eclipses this month (solar and lunar).

    December is not considered by many to be the best month for a wedding. Not only are the weather conditions harsh - frost and wind greatly complicate the wedding walk, but also the people around are covered in New Year's Eve chores. But this does not mean that a wedding in December has no right to exist. Two hearts in love will overcome any obstacles! They will create a wonderful winter fairy tale in their own way. The month of December is able to give the newlyweds an incomparable atmosphere, a beautiful and romantic celebration.

    Wedding in December - signs

    To the great joy of the newlyweds, the December wedding promises them a long, happy life together. An ancient folk sign promises that an excellent relationship will develop between the spouses, and things will go so well that the couple will not experience any hardships. If you don’t care about cold, and love warms you like intoxicated wine, even in the most severe frosts, feel free to choose the first winter month for your wedding. Signs of the December wedding are simple and understandable to everyone:

    • During the wedding it snows - for good and well-being.
    • A severe frost hit - the first child of the young will be a boy.
    • The bride's stocking was torn - for the imminent birth of heirs. One arrow on the stocking - there will be a daughter, two arrows - a son.

    Favorable days for a wedding in December 2017

    At first glance, only notorious daredevils will decide to play a wedding in the winter cold. But if you think about it, this month has a lot of advantages:

    • In winter, due to the absence of a huge number of people wishing to marry, the cost of the banquet hall, the services of musicians and toastmasters is significantly reduced. You can choose them according to your taste, and not from what is left unclaimed. The main thing is to plan a celebration for the first half of the month so that your wedding does not coincide with New Year's events.
    • Enchanted by the sorceress-winter nature will give you a lot of fabulous shots for a photo shoot. Pictures are especially good in December at night when it snows. Be sure to let the photographer know about your intention so that he is ready to shoot in the dark.
    • The colorful New Year's decoration of the streets of the city will play into your hands. Decorated with garlands, lanterns, Christmas trees, shops, restaurants, parks will make your wedding walk in December extraordinarily exciting.

    The frost will not allow the bride to wear an open wedding dress, and the guests will have to buy warmer clothes. But from this, the December wedding will not lose its special charm. Couples wishing to get married should take into account that in December there are no days at all suitable for the ceremony. The entire month of Christmas is fasting. If you cannot imagine a wedding without a wedding, it is better to have a wedding ceremony and a banquet in December, and plan the wedding for the next month or postpone it to the summer.

    lucky days

    • December 1 - 21 lunar day, the most favorable for a wedding and in general for any new undertaking.
    • December 5 - the newlyweds will be satisfied with each other in all respects.
    • December 11 - a friendly family will be created, where the spouses will forgive mutual reproaches and insults, try to improve relations.
    • December 15 - everything will go according to plan for the newlyweds, the craziest dreams will come true.
    • December 17th is a good day for a long-planned wedding. It is as if shrouded in an aura of love and romance.
    • December 20 is a very kind, positive day. It is suitable for romantic relationships and marriage. The union will be harmonious and lasting.
    • December 31 - 21 lunar days. Astrologers recommend making new deals and getting married on such days. The newlyweds will create a happy union, they will have time to do a lot for the benefit of their family.

    You should not plan a wedding for December 4, 14, 22 and 29. A marriage concluded on the indicated dates is unlikely to be happy. Relationships will quickly cool, which will inevitably lead to divorce. Listen to the advice of astrologers to choose an auspicious day for a wedding in December. So you build a family life, according to your places, save the family hearth for many years.

    The best day for a wedding

    The best for new beginnings, and especially for a wedding, astrologers consider 21 lunar days. It symbolizes forward movement, creative energy, self-sacrifice for a common goal. In December 2017, there are two such days - the 1st and 31st. The oaths of allegiance and promises given on these dates will certainly be fulfilled, because those people who dared to break the lunar oath will face cruel retribution. Such days are good for communication with friends, relatives and for entertainment. For newlyweds who have planned a celebration for the month of December, astrologers recommend taking a closer look at the indicated dates.

    December wedding ideas

    In the middle of winter, it would be appropriate to make a wedding in the traditional Russian style. Newlyweds on a trio of white horses, snowdrifts around, costumed guests, an accordion, a lot of laughter and fun, tables bursting with various delicacies. Choose warming alcoholic drinks - grog, mulled wine, cognac, rum. The dishes on the December wedding table should be high-calorie, fresh and hot, because after a walk in the cold, guests will want to drink and have a good snack.

    On the eve of the New Year, hold a wedding in the style of a winter story, based on the plot of popular children's fairy tales: The Nutcracker, The Snow Queen. If the celebration is scheduled for the second half of the month, feel free to use the New Year's style. The bride will not miss the opportunity to become a participant in a theatrical performance and marry Santa Claus. Popular in December weddings in color - blue, pink, burgundy. Choose wedding accessories, a bridal bouquet associated with winter. Let icicles, cones, spruce branches, miniature snowmen, candles be at your fingertips.

    What to wear to a wedding

    In the month of December, when choosing outfits for yourself and your loved one, first of all, take care of warming. You will have to spend a lot of time outdoors during the wedding walk and photo shoot. An open dress made of light airy fabric will not fit here, no matter how much the bride likes it. You should opt for a warm outfit made of dense fabric that covers the body as much as possible. Trimmed with brocade, satin, pebbles in the form of snowflakes and ice floes, wedding dresses will give the bride a truly royal look.

    The bridal outfit doesn't have to be white. Lovers of extravagant images can experiment with color in December. Against the background of snow-white snowdrifts, blue, pink, red, purple wedding dresses look bright and attractive. Just do not forget to choose a shirt of the same shade for the groom, then the couple will look perfect. A well-chosen fur coat, cape, muff will protect the bride from frost. And from shoes, so that your feet do not freeze, get warm white boots with fur trim.

    The strong half of humanity also wants to feel comfortable at the celebration. The groom's wedding attire in the month of December is classic - a warm dark suit, a white shirt, and a tie. A black coat is recommended as outerwear, which must necessarily be longer than a jacket. A stylish black hat will not only become part of the wardrobe, but will also help create an elegant look.

    Photos of weddings in December

    Taking into account the frosty and snowy weather of December, choose the route of the wedding walk and photo session near the registry office or the venue of the banquet. You may be suddenly caught by strong winds or snowfall, be prepared for this. In winter, interesting photos are sometimes obtained even in the most unexpected places - shopping centers, exhibitions. It all depends on the skill of the photographer and the ability of the newlyweds to express their feelings at the time of shooting.