Classic facial massage contraindications. How to do Thai massage for yourself. Where to get a massage

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to preserve the natural beauty and health of the skin. Among them: therapeutic techniques, hardware procedures, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of drugs. New, more effective methods of rejuvenation are constantly emerging.

Despite the rapid pace of development of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, manual massage remains relevant. It is used as an independent procedure and is included in complex programs.

Properly performed cosmetic facial massage procedure:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes: more oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues, toxins are removed faster;
  • strengthens the muscles of the face;
  • increases firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • promotes the opening of pores and the penetration of cosmetics.

Facial and body massage has been known since ancient times - for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, it was used in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, when scientists became actively interested in human anatomy, the main massage techniques for the face and body were described and scientifically substantiated.

Currently, there are various types and schools of cosmetic massage. Each variety has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications. The unrelenting interest in the procedure on the part of cosmetologists and visitors to beauty salons leads to the emergence of new massage techniques for the treatment, rejuvenation and tightening of facial skin.

In this article, we will analyze the most popular and sought-after types of massage.

Classic facial massage

This is the most common massage technique. It is used to improve skin tone, improve the appearance and complexion.

The procedure promotes blood flow and lymph outflow from the dermis and hypodermis. The muscles are directly and reflexively affected, as a result of which they are strengthened, and the skin of the face is slightly tightened.

Technique and features

When working out facial tissues, the alternation of the following techniques is used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. All movements are smooth and sliding, they are carried out with the fingertips. The emphasis is on stroking and rubbing.

The procedure is carried out with massage cream or facial oil.

All movements correspond to massage lines (lines of least skin tension) and are directed from the central part of the face to the peripheral:

  • from the chin to the earlobes, and then down, along the sides of the neck;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the lower third of the auricle;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the forehead to the upper third of the auricle;
  • in the eye area - from the outer part of the eye to the inner along the lower eyelid and from the inner edge of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid.

The forehead is additionally massaged in the middle part and along the hairline.

The neck and décolleté are worked out with similar techniques. All movements are carried out along the lymph flow, towards the axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes.

A specialist performs a classic facial massage without taking his hands off the client's skin.

The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out every other day. The total number of sessions is 10-20.


  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Thinned skin.
  • Mimic wrinkles.
  • Loose skin.
  • Puffiness.
  • Dull, "tired" skin.
  • Dryness.
  • Reduced skin tone.


  • Infectious process in the body.
  • Inflammation and abrasions in the affected area.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Arterial hypertension.

Classic facial massage is recommended for women and men of any age. After a course of procedures, the face looks fresh and moisturized, the severity of wrinkles and folds decreases. The skin becomes more elastic, but a pronounced lifting effect cannot be achieved using the classic massage technique. For this, other methods are used: myofascial and plastic facial massage, bio-reinforcement with hyaluronic acid, photorejuvenation.

It is used to treat various skin diseases, in particular acne.

Deep pinching techniques with the capture of subcutaneous fat, which underlie the technique, favorably affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improves blood and lymph circulation. Manual exposure promotes cell renewal, improved trophism and skin healing.

Technique and features

The most commonly used for therapeutic purposes is facial massage according to Jacquet. It is performed with exciting pinching movements of the thumb and forefinger along the massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. Deep tweaks alternate with vibration, stroking and kneading techniques. The procedure is carried out on talc.

Jacquet facial massage is used as an independent treatment technique or as one of the stages of facial cleansing.

The duration of 1 session is 10 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions on average.


  • Oily skin.
  • Open and closed comedones.
  • Acne disease.
  • Post-acne phenomena (stagnant and age spots, scars).
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Scarring


  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Eczema.
  • Rosacea.
  • Couperose.
  • Viral skin diseases: herpes, flat warts, molluscum contagiosum.
  • Hirsutism in women (facial hair).
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin.

Plastic face massage

The main feature of the technique is a deep study of the skin, subcutaneous fat and facial muscles.
Only experienced specialists with a medical education can carry out plastic facial massage. With the correct work of a specialist, the modeling result of this procedure is comparable to the lifting effect of injection and hardware rejuvenation techniques.

During the massage, blood actively rushes to the tissues, and the course of metabolic processes is accelerated. With each session, the skin and muscles are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


With plastic facial massage, special products are not used. The procedure is performed on a dry face or talcum powder. For the study of tissues, methods of superficial and deep kneading are mainly used.

Kneading, fixing, vibrating and stroking movements are carried out strictly along the massage lines and alternate with each other. All movements are made with effort and pressure.

The course includes 10-15 procedures with an interval of 1-2 days.


  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Reduced turgor.
  • Flabby and flabby skin.
  • Prolapse of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Changes in muscle tone: hypotonicity or hypertonicity.
  • Edema.
  • Excess adipose tissue (flews, second chin).
  • Unhealthy complexion.
  • Oily and problematic skin.


In addition to infection, serious general diseases and acute inflammatory skin diseases, plastic massage is not recommended for rosacea and increased vascular fragility.

Myofascial facial massage

The technique involves the impact on the fascia (connective tissue membranes) of muscles and neurovascular bundles. The master works out all muscle clamps, as a result of which muscle tension is removed, blood circulation is restored, and headaches disappear.

After a course of procedures, the skin is noticeably tightened, fine wrinkles disappear, deep ones become less noticeable.

Myofascial facial massage is primarily recommended for women aged 30-40 for skin lifting. The effect of the procedure is comparable to the results of injection and surgical circular lifting.

Technique and features

Myofascial facial massage is most often performed without the use of cosmetics. The technique provides for a deep study of the connective tissue using kneading, stretching and twisting techniques.

Procedure sequence:

  1. Makeup removal.
  2. Application of talc or cosmetic oil.
  3. Kneading the tendon helmet of the head, kneading the fascia of the face and neck.
  4. Twisting of the skin under the chin.
  5. Twisting techniques in the parotid zone.
  6. Ear massage.
  7. Stretching the forehead and cheekbones.


Myofascial facial massage is indicated for the treatment and prevention of age-related changes. It is recommended for flabbiness and swelling of the skin, excess subcutaneous fat, omission of soft tissues, expansion of skin pores. Also, the technique is used as a rehabilitation procedure after plastic surgery.


  • Inflammatory changes in the skin.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Scratches, abrasions, hematomas in the affected area.
  • Couperose.
  • General and local infectious process.
  • Severe somatic diseases.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

When the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels slows down, excess fluid and toxins accumulate in the tissues. As a result, edema appears, the skin becomes pasty, the complexion becomes unhealthy.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is aimed at activating the outflow of lymph, so all massage techniques are carried out along the course of the lymphatic vessels towards the nearest lymph nodes.

After a course of procedures, puffiness disappears, the face looks fresh and rested, and overall well-being improves.


All movements are carried out along the lymph flow towards the regional lymph nodes.

Area of ​​influence:

Movement direction:


From the center to the periphery: to the behind-the-ear, submandibular, submental lymph nodes:

  • from the middle of the forehead - to the temples.
  • from the bridge of the nose along the edge of the upper eyelid to the temples.
  • from the temples along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes.
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples.
  • from the middle of the upper lip to the earlobe.
  • from the corners of the lips to the earlobe.
  • from the middle of the chin to the behind the ear area.

Movements are carried out from top to bottom, to the supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes.
The treatment of each area of ​​the face (forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin) ends with movements along the edge of the neck (the thyroid gland is not affected) towards the lymph nodes.


Movements are carried out from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top to the axillary and subclavian lymph nodes.

Lymphatic massage is carried out with the fingertips over cosmetic oil or cream. Previously, the skin is warmed up by stroking and rubbing techniques. All movements are smooth and sliding.

The duration of one session is an average of 15 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions at intervals of 1-2 days.


  • Swelling on the face.
  • Pastosity and puffiness.
  • Blue circles under the eyes.
  • Reduced skin tone.
  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Dull, "tired" skin.


Contraindications to the procedure are also infectious diseases, fever, swollen lymph nodes of the face and neck.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is not performed in pregnant women.

General rules for any type of massage

  1. Interview with the patient before the procedure to determine contraindications.
  2. The choice of technique, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin:
    • lymphatic drainage massage of the face - with edema and pastosity,
    • therapeutic - for acne,
    • myofascial - with wrinkles and omission of soft tissues.
  3. Thorough cleansing of the skin of the face before the procedure.
  4. Using professional facial massage products.

Special creams and oils for massage procedures have a balanced composition. They do not clog pores, do not cause rashes and allergies (with the exception of individual intolerance to the components). The consistency of cosmetic products facilitates the massage, makes it more pleasant for the client.

In the online store "Smart Buy" you can buy a universal massage cream for all skin types Beauty Style:

  1. Compliance with periodicity. The optimal result gives a full course if the patient does not miss sessions.
  2. Properly compiled complex programs with the inclusion of cosmetic massage.

Compatibility of cosmetic massage and other procedures

1. Cosmetics.

Any kind of manual massage, be it classical, myofascial or lymphatic drainage, activates blood circulation processes and helps open skin pores. This means that the susceptibility of the skin to cosmetic products immediately after the procedure increases. That is why it is recommended to perform a massage before applying active masks, serums and creams.

Ideally, if the massage technique and cosmetic products work in the same direction. For example, it is recommended to finish a plastic facial massage with wrinkles and reduced skin turgor by applying an active anti-aging serum and a lifting mask over it.

In the Smart Buy online store you will find a large selection of anti-aging products for professional care from Beauty Style. Cosmetics are used for manual and hardware procedures. It contains plant extracts and vitamins necessary for the skin, and has a gentle, natural effect on the skin.

To get acquainted with the range and purchase cosmetics, follow the link.

2. Hardware cosmetology.

You can alternate and combine in one program lymphatic drainage facial massage and myostimulation, classic facial massage and microcurrents. These procedures enhance the positive effects of each other.

3.Injection rejuvenation.

A course of cosmetic massage is recommended before injections of Botox, hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy cocktails in order to prepare the skin and muscles for invasive procedures. After manual exposure, tissues perceive drugs better and heal faster.

Performing massage after injection rejuvenation is not recommended. The procedures will speed up the metabolism and excretion of drugs, as a result, the effect of injections will end faster than desired.

The main advantages of cosmetic massage compared to other techniques:

  • soft and physiological effect on the skin;
  • no serious complications;
  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • positive effect on the nervous system (strengthening, tonic or relaxing);
  • a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism after the study of biologically active points and the removal of muscle clamps.

In order for the cosmetic massage procedure to be effective, the specialist must have a medical education, know the anatomical and physiological features of the face and neck, and perform all massage techniques in accordance with these features.

The older people get, the more they appreciate the beauty of their body and face, trying in every possible way to stop the process of skin aging. A whole arsenal of procedures is being used, starting with cosmetic masks and ending with a surgical facelift. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that among the extravaganza of anti-aging techniques there is that very “golden mean”, which is both effective and painless. We tend to perceive it as an appendix to some other block of procedures. Yes, yes, not everyone knows what a classic facial massage is capable of, which is in the price list of any beauty salon. About him and will be discussed further.

Video tour to the world of classic facial massage - says the expert

Possibilities of classical facial massage

This procedure is not only incredibly pleasant, but also extremely useful - both for the skin and for health. Firstly, classical massage has a calming effect on the nerve endings located on the face, and thus frees a person from stress and tension. Secondly, massaging done in the morning provides a daily boost of energy, both to the skin and to the body. Thirdly, the procedure is rejuvenating, so with regular use of classical massage, the face will retain its beauty, youth and attractiveness.

In addition, the technology fights skin defects that have already arisen, because in the process of massaging the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is activated, which means that the process of regeneration (renewal) of the skin is greatly enhanced. Thus, it would seem that a relatively ordinary and simple procedure is actually capable of much more, but we do not always know and remember this.

Agree, massage is always nice

What effect can be expected after a cycle of sessions

A well-timed massage course can delay the acquaintance with such techniques as Botox injections, mesotherapy and plastic facelift, or even completely avoid the use of these technologies. Meanwhile, get ready that you will need to regularly make efforts and spend time on this, but beauty is worth it, isn't it?! So, what is a classic facial massage capable of?

  • delay the aging process of tissues;
  • tighten the skin of the chin, cheeks and forehead;
  • rejuvenate the face;
  • smooth out wrinkles, folds and creases of the skin;
  • remove tissue swelling;
  • improve muscle tone;
  • free from bruises "bags" under the eyes;
  • return blush;
  • remove congestion in tissues;
  • correct the oval of the face;
  • solve the problem of post-acne;
  • improve skin tone;
  • make the face well-groomed and flawless in appearance;
  • remove the second chin;
  • improve overall well-being.

Doctors recommend taking a course of massage in order to prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases. What's the secret? On the face there is a mass of biologically active points, the stimulation of which improves the activity of the internal organs of a person.

Photo of a woman's face BEFORE and AFTER a classic massage cycle

Details of the procedure - how it all happens

The massage session begins with a consultative conversation. A beautician-masseur will examine your face in order to identify defects, determine the type of skin and create a schedule for the procedures. After the consultation, you will understand what problems can be solved with this type of massage, how many repetitions and financial investments are required. Agree, it is useful to know all this before starting a cycle of procedures?! After all, in times of total employment and a reasonable approach to capital investments, we plan everything in advance, don't we?! So, if the decision to undergo a massage course is made, get ready to enjoy and be amazed at the results.

But how will all this happen? As a rule, salons and cosmetology offices offer their clients comfortable accommodation during the procedure, so count on a soft and comfortable chair or couch, a pleasant atmosphere, relaxing aromas and relaxation music, and, of course, the magic of the hands of true pros.

The stages of a classic facial massage are as follows:

  1. Facial cleansing.
  2. Apply cream or oil according to skin type.
  3. Removal of residual funds with a tonic.
  4. Moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.

In addition, you may be offered to do a peeling before massaging, and after it a cosmetic mask. If finances allow, you should take advantage of this comprehensive offer, because each of the procedures included in the block enhances the effect of each other, which, of course, does not introduce you into extra costs, but, on the contrary, saves your budget.

At the beginning of the procedure, the beautician will thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face. Before massaging, you may be asked to do a peeling. Do not give up, the combination of these two procedures gives an excellent result.

How long does each session last? As a rule, about a quarter of an hour, meanwhile it all depends on the characteristics of the skin, for example, if the cover is very thin, then the procedure will last no more than 10 minutes. To see with your own eyes the details of the procedure, you will be helped by a video of a classic facial massage, generously posted on the Web by professional cosmetologists and beauty centers.

Some women are interested in: "Why do massage in youth?". And the secret of such efficiency is simple, because the skin begins to age from about 25 years old, but until the age of 30 it is visually imperceptible. The wilting process appears a little later, when it is too late to take preventive action. In this regard, cosmetologists recommend starting to take care of preserving beauty from a young age.

After the massage, make a cosmetic mask - this will enhance the effect of the procedure.

Schedule of classic massage sessions

The intensity of the procedures depends on the condition of the skin, the number of defects on the face, and your age. Meanwhile, cosmetologists have deduced the most common classical massage scheme for maintaining the beauty of the face. She is like this:

  • if you are between 25 and 30 years old and there are no special skin problems, then go through a cycle of 10 sessions annually;
  • if your age is 30-35 years old, you will need a complex of 10-15 massage repetitions in combination with nourishing masks twice a year;
  • have reached the milestone of 35 years, which means that you are recommended to visit the cosmetology office three times a year and take a course of 15-20 sessions (depending on the condition of the skin of the face), actively combining massage with peeling of different directions, and with cosmetic masks according to your type skin.

As for the schedule of visiting the cosmetology office within one course, the interval between massage sessions should ideally be 1-2 days. Meanwhile, it is permissible to do the first 5 procedures daily, and the rest of the sessions - every few days.

If you are under 25 years old, but there are problems with facial skin, do not wait for your 25th birthday, sign up for a beautician without delay, because only a professional can decide what exactly will help save you from problems. It is possible that classical massage will be among the leaders.

The procedure is so pleasant that you can even fall asleep

Technique and movements

Classical massage is not among the procedures of aggressive influence. All movements during the session are light and delicate, the movements are smooth, there is no pressure on the skin. What movements does the classic facial massage technique include?

  1. Stroking.
  2. Trituration.
  3. Pat.
  4. Vibration.

The most important rule of this procedure is movement exclusively along massage lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth, the middle of the chin and the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • from the center of the forehead towards the temples;
  • around the eyes - to the outer corner along the upper eyelid, and from it along the lower;
  • in front and behind the neck from the bottom up, and on the sides - vice versa.

Video of a classic massage session - you can see all the details of the procedure with your own eyes

Who needs to refrain from classic facial massage

Despite the fact that the procedure is relatively simple, it still has a number of contraindications. I am glad that basically all of them are temporary, that is, you just have to reschedule the massage course at a time when there will be no restrictions. So, the list of conditions in which classic facial massage should not be done:

  • open wounds, burns, cuts, pustules, abrasions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases.

With classical massage, it is important to adhere to the correct direction of movement.

If you find a restriction on the list that prevents you from going through a massage cycle, consult a beautician, it is possible that he will find an alternative way to solve a specific problem, because cosmetology has a whole kaleidoscope of anti-aging techniques.

Massage perfectly fights wrinkles, the main thing is the regularity of repetitions of cycles. Classic facial massage is an effective technology for preserving youthful skin, pleasant to use and accessible to everyone.

It seems to many an optional and easy procedure, a pleasant addition to skin cleansing and nourishing masks, although in reality this is not the case. The face is what people first of all pay attention to when meeting. And it is on how attractive a person is that further events largely depend. And in order for the face to always be attractive and toned, it is enough to at least regularly do a classic facial massage, which does not take much time in duration. Anyone who is familiar with the procedure can do it.

Effects of classic facial massage

Regular facial massage allows you to:

  • prevent wrinkles;
  • improve skin tone;
  • improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • increase the shape of the eyes and the volume of the lips;
  • tighten the skin of the forehead, cheeks and chin;
  • remove swelling from the eyes;
  • significantly rejuvenate the skin of the face;
  • improve the condition of the teeth;
  • improve eyesight;
  • improve complexion;
  • warm up the muscles, while making the skin and muscles soft and sensitive.

During the massage, due to the stimulation of blood circulation, the skin is saturated with a large amount of oxygen, as a result of which regenerative and metabolic processes are enhanced. It also allows you to mechanically cleanse the skin, free it from excess secretion of glands and from the horny cells of the epidermis, due to which the toxins that have accumulated over this long time in the skin are removed.

Massage can not only prevent skin aging, but also helps to get rid of wrinkles on the face. It is thanks to this massage that you can keep the skin fresh, healthy, toned and young.

This massage technique helps in the treatment of acne and congestion on the face, which is explained by the effects achieved during the procedure.

It should be noted that manual massage of the neck and face relieves not only muscle spasms, but also stress, affects well-being and mood. In addition, there is a huge number of biologically active points on the face, which are a projection of the internal organs, for this reason, the stimulation of these points has the best effect on the functioning of the internal organs. And it is for this reason that classical massage brings both beauty and health, and also creates a feeling of both mental and physical comfort.

Classical massage involves the use of basic techniques, of which there are four: stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. In most cases, during the massage, only stroking and rubbing movements are used, during which, in order to achieve a greater effect, they resort to the use of creams and massage oils.

Both stroking and rubbing movements are made along the main massage lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth towards the bottom of the auricle;
  • from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw towards the earlobe;
  • from the wings of the nose towards the top of the auricle;
  • from the inner corner of the upper eyelid towards the outer corner;
  • from the middle of the forehead towards the temples;
  • from the outer corner of the lower eyelid towards the inner corner;
  • from the corners of the mouth towards the bottom of the auricle.

Contraindications for the procedure

Although classical massage has a number of advantages, there are some contraindications for its implementation.

So, it cannot be carried out if in the area of ​​​​the procedure, that is, on the face, there are violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, abrasions, cracks, etc.), if the patient suffers from an acute illness, especially if there are ulcers on the skin of the face or there is an exacerbation of herpes infection.

Sessions and courses of classical massage

According to cosmetologists, it is recommended to carry out a classic facial massage for 15-20 sessions, the interval between which should be 1-2 days, while each session lasts 15 minutes. But, by the way, the duration of the session depends directly on the thickness of the skin. That is, if the skin is thin, the session will be 10 minutes or less.

It should be noted that such a massage can also be carried out for a greater number of sessions, including at home, for example, after taking a bath or shower.

Facial massage classic video

In ancient times, the healing properties of touch were studied by healers in different parts of the world. Tapping and stroking techniques were used in both healing and wellness procedures. Today you can make a facial massage at home without having special skills. The main indications are the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, the improvement of skin tone, and the removal of fatigue.

The benefits of massage for the skin

Massage is recommended as an alternative to surgery. Various techniques allow you to influence the muscular frame and the deep layers of the dermis, where collagen and elastin are synthesized. We also recommend using a mesoscooter for facial skin rejuvenation at home.

How useful is the procedure:

  • Rejuvenates and refreshes;
  • Corrects the line of the oval;
  • You can fashion a new relief;
  • Make the epidermis soft, elastic;
  • Increase immune performance;
  • Improve blood flow, strengthen blood vessels;
  • Smooth out all types of wrinkles;
  • Deals with puffiness and swelling.
  1. Before carrying out the face, it is necessary to prepare, remove decorative cosmetics, carry out a deep cleaning;
  2. For better glide and saturation of the surface with nutrients, various products are used - oil mixtures, cosmetic milk, cream and emulsions;
  3. During the procedure, there should be no jewelry on the hands, the manicure is very short so that the nail plates do not accidentally injure the skin;
  4. How often to use anti-aging techniques depends on the condition of the dermis, usually used in courses of ten sessions, two / three times a year, with elements of gymnastics are used regularly to maintain muscle tone;
  5. All movements are performed strictly along certain lines - from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ear tragus, from the chin to the ear tragus, around the eyelids counterclockwise;
  6. The points of the lymph nodes should be considered, intense pressure, vibration are not allowed in these areas, only stroking is possible;
  7. You should not use anti-aging procedures at a very young age (up to 25 years), this is not necessary, if you wish, you can make a face sculpture.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are a number of temporary or permanent restrictions that do not allow the use of cosmetic manipulations.

Main contraindications:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • fragile vessels, the presence of rosacea;
  • postoperative period;
  • neoplasm;
  • purulent formations - acne, acne, pustules;
  • a large number of moles, papillomas;
  • wounds, burns, cracks;
  • recent procedures - thread lifting, hardware cleansing, chemical peeling.

Facial massage techniques

Consider the most popular and which technique is better to learn.

Japanese massage

Japanese massage Asahi (tsogang) is not performed according to classical Western rules. It contains ancient rejuvenation techniques that were successfully used by geisha, today they have found a new life thanks to the beautician Yukuko Tanaka. A perfectly flat surface of the face was achieved by constant repetitions.

This is one of the self-massage techniques, performed exclusively along the movement of the lymph. Two main techniques are used - stroking and pressure, which includes the activation of beauty points. Each zone is worked out separately - eyelids, forehead, nasolabial triangle and cheeks. Zogan massage is a panacea for wrinkles and sagging after 35 years. The effect of rejuvenation lies in a tougher effect on the integument, even bone tissue is affected. Only three fingers are involved in the manipulations - ring, middle and index. Consists of 11 exercises, but the whole procedure lasts no more than ten minutes. Starting to learn Japanese massage, it is worth applying all movements without pressing, when the technology is mastered, power efforts can also be used. We also recommend using Japanese masks for skin rejuvenation and whitening.

Useful video: Japanese facial massage Asahi - gymnastics for wrinkles

The results will be most noticeable on aging skin, wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and swelling disappear, including the eyelid area. Elasticity is restored due to the natural activation of synthesis.

Russian massage

He combined several techniques to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. The main techniques are used - stroking, kneading, vibration, tapping. With the help of ancient practices, you can prevent age-related changes, improve the tone of the integument.

Ten minutes before the start, you need to clean, steam your face and apply a moisturizer. Then comes stroking with smooth sliding movements along the lines of the lymphatic flow. This stage is the longest from three to five minutes, it allows you to relax the muscles and prepare for the next manipulation. Kneading and tapping is performed with fingertips, vibration is a slight circular motion at one point in a circle. Each is repeated eight/ten times, the eyelids are not affected. Sufficiently intense impact is designed for only a course of ten sessions. As a result, you can get rid of sagging, dull, unhealthy color and lowered cheek and chin lines.

Make your own anti-wrinkle massage, easily and at home. After 45 years, it allows you to increase blood flow, strengthen blood vessels, and restore elasticity. Simple regular actions help with different types of wrinkles.

Have you tried using a snail for the face, an effective anti-wrinkle remedy. If you have a desire to renew your skin, smooth or whiten, then we recommend applying a chemical peel, for more details follow the link:. Do you have puffiness under your eyes? See methods of treatment.

The prepared face is treated with a special cream, it is possible with serums with active ingredients. Stroking begins with smooth movements, after which there is a more intense kneading with the fingertips, the maximum possible surface is captured. The popular pinching technique is performed very carefully, they do not cause pain, they have a tonic effect. Tapping, unlike the body, where the palm is involved, uses the pads of all five fingers. Proper facial massage eliminates the appearance of hematomas and venous asterisks, the thinner the epidermis, the more gentle the touch should be. Each is performed five to eight times, takes no more than seven minutes.

To preserve youth and freshness, as well as reduce the number of wrinkles that have already appeared, it is worth using proven methods.

A persistent rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the dosed effect of negative pressure. In the salon, they will often use a hardware, a massager, as well as special silicone jars. With the help of these devices, air is removed from the treated area and dynamic and static pressure is applied to the skin.

It is recommended to take courses of ten sessions after 30 years. The face is cleansed, then treated with a special cream or oil. Air is removed from the jar, and it is installed in the selected area, fixed for a few seconds, after which it moves to another zone with rotational movements, followed by fixation. It is repeated 8–10 times on each part of the face, up to 5 times on the eyelids. The massage time is from 5 to 15 minutes, starting with a minimum period, gradually increasing the duration and intensity.

The technique improves oxygen breathing, relaxes facial muscles, accelerates cellular regeneration, tightens the contour, especially in the double chin area. The impact is on fibroblasts that trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Helps shrink pores and relieve puffiness.

It has a pronounced cosmetic effect, allowing you to look 10 years younger. This is due to the outflow of lymph, the violation of which leads to obvious signs of aging and fatigue - bruises, loss of tone and swelling. The movement of venous blood improves, giving uneven color, forming an excess of fluid and slowing down metabolic processes.

Technicians usually combine both hardware ultrasonic and manual exposure. The main rule is the strict observance of the lines of lymph flow. Circular, stroking, tapping manipulations are used. Duration from 10 to 15 minutes. Professional facial treatment will allow you to improve firmness and elasticity, refresh and rejuvenate your face in a few sessions.

Home appliances help you take care of your appearance, improve skin condition. There are several varieties - preventive, therapeutic corrective, the choice depends on the condition of the face and age-related changes. It is usually used in combination with other procedures - masks, scrubs to enhance the action of nourishing and cleansing components.

Self-massage is performed along the lines, starting from the forehead, then the nasolabial triangle and eyelids. The main ones are used - smoothing, pressing, tapping, also ends with smooth stroking movements. Each is repeated 5-8 times, caring manipulations do not take more than 10 minutes. Helps to maintain elasticity and freshness, strengthen blood vessels, restore surface relief.

A kind of sculptural massage, the French cosmetologist Joel Siocco came up with the original technique. The method allows not only to cope with fine wrinkles, but also to forget about flabbiness forever. The ideological inspirer personally teaches all specialists a wonderful way of rejuvenation.

The master performs all movements in sterile gloves in the oral cavity. Cheeks and gums are intensively massaged, rather painful sensations last 15 minutes.

Despite the differences from all types of manipulations, reviews of massage are the most positive. The result is comparable only with facial contouring.

The action of cold is often used against wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to improve the general condition of the skin. Cryoprocedures are one of the few available for do-it-yourself procedures. For carrying out, you do not need to have the skills of a master and deep knowledge of anatomy.

Performed with two ice cubes, you can freeze decoctions of herbs with oils and even concentrated whey. Smoothing movements are carried out along the massage lines. It is important not to dwell on the points so as not to overcool the fabrics. Duration is about 5 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions. The outflow of lymph improves, oxygen respiration is restored, facial vessels are strengthened.

Lifting massage

After 45, a good massage will help to cope with flabbiness, a second chin and a lowered eyelid line. It may include the basic techniques of Western and Eastern methods - action along certain lines, with varying degrees of pressure. Affects muscle tissue, restores tone and elasticity of fibers.

It is performed within twenty minutes, using stroking, tweaking, kneading with both two fingers and the whole palm. Before mastering corrective manipulations, you need to practice preventive procedures. Uncontrolled pressing force can lead to vascular injuries, hematomas. A professionally performed course will help you look younger, reduce the number of wrinkles, and tighten your cheekbones.

Spoon massage

The main advantage of the procedure is the ability to do at home. The technique available to everyone is effective against nasolabial folds, swelling and bruising under the eyes. The knowledge of Chinese healers about Qi energy is successfully used to maintain the freshness and elasticity of the face.

The technique is quite unusual, and cupronickel or silver spoons serve as the main tools. You will also need a decoction of chamomile, olive oil and honey. The bottom line is to immerse the spoons either in a warm or a cold decoction, lubricate with oil / honey and apply, tap, massage and hold on separate parts of the face in turn.

As a result, blood circulation improves, tone is restored, wrinkles are smoothed out.


The Eastern practice of shiatsu is based on the doctrine that there is a whole network of vital points on the human body. It is their activation that leads to improved health indicators. If they are connected, channels are formed through which positive Qi energy circulates freely.

To perform massage on points, it is convenient to use the scheme of their location. They are located mainly on the tendons, in the pits of the bone tissue, between the muscle fibers and on the arteries, where the pulsation is felt. Pressing is carried out with the pad of one finger, if paired points are stimulated, two fingers of both hands are used. Pressing lasts from three to ten seconds, there are no strong pain sensations, only warmth and force of touch.

After the procedure, there is a general improvement in the condition of the skin, dark spots, swelling disappear, turgor improves.

It is used as an alternative to surgery after 50 years. All problem areas are worked out, a tightened oval frame is re-created. The result is quite stable, it can last until the next course in six months.

It is carried out exclusively by a specialist with a higher medical education. The technique consists of pressing, pressing, vibrating and fixing manipulations. The main difference is in the method of kneading, using superficial and deep in a circle with reciprocating movements.

An effective cosmetic procedure does not leave hematomas, sensations also do not cause discomfort. Smooth, well-groomed skin and a beautiful complexion will please you after the first session.

The main effect is on the muscular system and tissues. It is used to prevent age-related changes and correct existing ones. Efficiency is achieved due to the complete relaxation of the muscle frame.

The main techniques used by the master are stretching, twisting, squeezing, superficial and deeper. All movements are very slow and smooth, gradually introduced into a relaxing state. A certain hand placement provides a professional result that lasts for another two months after the course. It is recommended to use to maintain elasticity, improve the color and relief of the covers.

Spanish massage

It is used as an anti-aging procedure, as well as for lip augmentation and elimination of individual features of the facial structure - pronounced nasolabial folds, absence of sharp cheekbones, overhanging upper eyelid. A combination of different methods allows you to create a relaxing atmosphere. Conducted by a course of 10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days, you can repeat after six months.

Basic manipulations are performed with fingertips and palms. The force of pressure alternates, circular strokes and pats relax and tone. The difference is in the artistic approach - the master rarely repeats the same movement, guided by his own inspiration, which helps to alternate the processes of relaxation and activation.

Blood circulation improves, mimic folds are less noticeable, and facial features and oval become more expressive.

Honey massage

The main component will be a quality bee product. It should be liquid, without solid grains, so as not to scratch the integument. Harm is possible only if there is an allergy, so be sure to check the reaction before the procedure.

Apply a thin layer of honey paste, you can enrich the effect with fatty oils and esters to enhance the effect. After waiting five minutes, proceed to the massage itself. Correctly massage the face following the direction of blood flow, alternating stroking, tapping, vibration, performed with fingertips. When honey gathers into a grayish mass, rinse with warm water.

Interesting video: Honey facial massage for wrinkles

In the first hours, redness may be observed, it quickly passes without additional effort. The result is a cleansed, renewed integument with impeccable color and structure.

Chinese massage

Ancient knowledge is still used in Chinese medicine today. Exposure to the skin through various techniques helps to stop aging. One of the types includes many different techniques.

The main techniques are kneading, pressing, stroking, rubbing, pushing, sticking, vibration, sawing. Alternating palm movements and using the energy of one finger to activate important points. Toxins and slags are removed from the covers, a persistent rejuvenating effect is observed. All metabolic processes are restored, the vascular network is strengthened.

Tibetan monks have always amazed with incredible youth. The secret of longevity lies in special manipulations, the knowledge of which has been collected for centuries and was inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Today, popular procedures are used to smooth wrinkles, restore turgor and freshen the face.

Particular attention is paid to massage oil - it is selected individually for each type of skin, the composition of esters is very carefully compiled. The main movements are smoothing and kneading with the fingertips. Smoothly and slowly move from the chin gradually moving up to the forehead.

As a result, nasolabial wrinkles are smoothed out, overall elasticity improves, and excess fluid is removed.

Pinch massage

One of the effective ways of rejuvenation available for home use. The principle of action is to enhance metabolic processes and blood circulation. It is used for tired aging skin, as well as to restore color and increase collagen synthesis.

The grips are held with the thumb and forefinger in parallel with both hands. Starting from the forehead along the lines, then from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the tragus of the ear. Repeat three times on each area, the duration of the entire procedure is from 7 to 10 minutes. As a result, freshness and radiance of the skin is ensured, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and pores are narrowed.

Modeling massage

A sufficiently deep muscle massage allows you to find the desired contour of the oval, effective for facelift. Without knowledge of anatomy and appropriate practice, it is not recommended to carry out on your own. Impact on muscles, blood vessels should be performed by a professional for maximum effect and safety.

It is carried out in two courses of ten days with a break of a week, after which the caring manipulations can be repeated no earlier than six months later. Participate in the conduct of both fingers and palms. The movements are soft, smooth, continuous, pain does not occur, despite the entire depth of the layers being worked out. Classic stroking and kneading techniques alternate with pinching. The procedure takes about half an hour.

The number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease, the clarity of the chin and the oval line in the cheek area will return, and it will be possible to forget about the impending eyelids.

The best oils for facial massage

At home, to enhance the effect of massage, it is worth using natural ingredients. Fatty vegetable and essential oils help to additionally nourish and moisturize. Useful components reach the deep words of the dermis, allowing you to saturate the integument with vitamins, minerals, and essential acids.

Effective oils:

  • olive and sunflower are universal, you can prepare various compositions based on them or use them in their pure form;
  • for oily, problematic teenage dermis, choose with a light structure that does not clog the ducts - stone fruits, almond, grape, peach, apricot, also sesame, rice;
  • for dry, thin, sensitive - St. John's wort, avocado, coconut, shea butter, cocoa, jojoba;
  • essential - mandarin, bergamot, rosemary, ylang - ylang, patchouli lemon.

A necessary component of the overall care of the skin of the face and neck is cosmetic massage. Without a combination with it, the effectiveness of many cosmetic procedures is absent or is insignificant. Proper and systematic cosmetic massage, one of the varieties of which is plastic massage, helps to prevent and even eliminate some of the symptoms of premature aging.

a brief description of

Plastic facial massage is a unique sculptural technique that improves the relief of the face, reduces the tension of mimic muscles and normalizes its tone. The technique is based on special movements of the base of the palms and the palmar surface of the fingers, resulting in a sculptural restoration of the contours and oval of the face.

In addition, the results of plastic massage are:

  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  • increase in the rate of lymph outflow;
  • normalization of the course of metabolic processes in tissues, an increase in the speed of their purification from toxins and toxins, an increase in skin temperature;
  • normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • acceleration of skin cell regeneration;
  • increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin, it becomes elastic and tender, there is a correction of static and a decrease in the depth of the nasolabial folds;
  • reduction, restoration of healthy color.

Thus, the main indications are:

  1. Change in the shape of the face, loss of clarity of its contours.
  2. Age-related thinning, decreased turgor and elasticity of the skin of the face and neck.
  3. The appearance of static deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
  4. Puffiness under the eyes.
  5. Recovery after plastic surgery.
  6. Significant professional load on facial muscles.

Contraindications for plastic massage:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the skin, pustular rashes and skin lesions.
  2. The presence of tumor-like and, large or a large number of small birthmarks,.
  3. , telangiectasia, .
  4. Acute respiratory diseases and rashes of a herpetic or allergic nature.
  5. Acute or chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, otitis media, sinusitis).
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes (submandibular, cervical, etc.).
  7. Increased fragility of blood vessels, frequent nosebleeds.
  8. Excessive growth of hair on the face, in women - according to the male pattern.
  9. High or, conversely, low blood pressure.
  10. Increased or decreased intracranial pressure.
  11. Epilepsy.
  12. Increased skin sensitivity to physical impact and insufficient expression of the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue.
  13. Neuralgia or neuritis of the branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  14. Condition after chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, contouring, Botox, surgical interventions on the face and neck.
  15. Blood clotting disorders.

Technique for performing plastic facial massage

Before the start of the procedure, sterile talcum powder is applied to the skin of the face and neck, which enhances the adhesion of the massage therapist's fingers to the skin surface and, thereby, prevents uncontrolled slipping. Lubricants are not used.

The technique of plastic massage is somewhat different from the classical one. It requires direction and special clarity of movement. Part of the movements is carried out at the expense of “four” or “eight”, taking into account the direction of the skin massage lines in circles inscribed in each other. Through such movements, the tissues are pressed, but without displacement, to the underlying bones. In the process of applying pressure on the tissues, the direction and location of the skin lines is taken into account.

The basis of the massage is the deep, voluminous, energetic (but not rough) and rhythmic movements carried out by the palmar surfaces of the hands of the massage therapist in the form of longitudinal pressures and pressures, combined with light vibration and without it, and transverse surface pressures and pressures without vibration with palms located parallel to each other. to each other and perpendicular to the wrinkles. During the procedure, the patient should not experience pain.

Plastic massage is carried out by four main techniques - stroking, superficial kneading, deep kneading, tapping, vibration.

Scheme of the main massage lines


It is carried out in accordance with the main massage lines (along them) and ends with the fixation of tissues at the end of each of them. The movement lasts with a count of up to "four" and is repeated 3 times. Lines of massage movements:

  • I - from the median line of the forehead towards the temple;
  • II - along the circular muscles of the eyes, starting from the root of the nose and ending with the temporal cavity;
  • III - from the corner of the mouth to the tragus of the auricle;
  • IV - from the median mental line to the exit point of the facial nerve, located under the earlobe;
  • V - from the point under the earlobe downward along the edge of the trapezius muscle;
  • VI - from the handle of the sternum upward along the anterior cervical surface with fixation in the region of the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Surface kneading

It is carried out with the palmar surface of the first and second phalanges of the II-V fingers. Directly movements are described by spiral circles inscribed in each other. Along each massage line, the massage therapist performs 6-8 such circles three times, each time ending with the fixation of tissues. In this case, all the movements necessary for the transition should have the character of a dotted line - the end phalanges of the fingers carry out small pressures to the point where the next movement begins.

Lines of movement during surface kneading:

  • I - from the midline of the chin in the direction of the earlobe;
  • II - from the corner of the mouth to the ear tragus;
  • III - from the root of the nose along the lower edge of the circular muscles of the eyes towards the temporal cavity, where fixation is carried out;
  • IV - then from the temporal fossa, with pressing movements along the circular muscles of the eyes, they move to the nose area, where 2-3 circular movements are made;
  • V - pressing pressure on the outer edge of the circular muscles of the eyes with the transition to the middle of the forehead through the bridge of the nose;
  • VI - from the middle frontal line in the direction of the temporal region, the frontal muscles are kneaded in 6-8 circles with fixation in the temporal cavity, after which they descend along the lateral buccal surfaces with pressing movements to the region of the mandibular angle and then - with dotted pressure along the upper edge of the lower jaw to the median chin line ;
  • VII - muscles are warming up from the submandibular zone to the earlobe;
  • VIII - with movements ending in fixation, the lateral surfaces of the neck are processed from the mandibular angle downwards to the collarbones, then the muscles of the subclavian zone are stretched to the sternum handle, after which they rise along the anterolateral surface of the neck back to the angle of the lower jaw, ending with fixation;
  • IX - tissues located under the earlobe are fixed, dotted pressure is shifted to the middle section of the chin, from where the next movement begins.

deep kneading

It is carried out by the palmar surface of all fingers and, in part, by the palm itself along the lines of surface kneading with completion on the chin area.


Or staccato is carried out with the tips of all nail phalanges. The movements look like circles inscribed into each other along the same massage lines. The direction is from the chin region upwards, along the front side surface to the neck, chest and back to the midline of the chin, after which they beat with straightened fingers not in circles, but upwards, while descending on the handle of the sternum.


Spend the entire palmar surface of the fingers. The beginning and direction of vibrational movements - the middle of the sternum to the sides, the middle of the clavicles to the earlobe with the end of the movements in the temporal regions.

The end of the whole procedure ends with stroking. The duration of plastic massage sessions is from 10 to 20 minutes. The course of treatment is an average of 15-20 sessions, but it can be reduced or increased. Depending on the severity of cosmetic changes in the face, sessions are carried out with a frequency of 1-2 to 3-4 times a week. The older the patient, the longer the course of treatment should be and the shorter the intervals between procedures.

After the end of each session, the skin of the face and neck is treated with a swab moistened with lotion or herbal decoction, followed by the application of a decoction mask or a collection of medicinal plants selected at the discretion of the cosmetologist for 20-30 minutes. After removing the mask, a cool compress is applied to the skin. Sometimes sessions of plastic massage can be combined (alternate) with hygienic cosmetic massage, which is carried out using not talc, but various lubricants.