Skin diseases in infants. Skin diseases of newborns

Quite often, after birth, a child develops skin diseases, and such diseases can be very dangerous. A newborn baby has very delicate skin. Its cover consists of keratinized cells. For this reason, it is very vulnerable and serves as a "perfect breeding ground" for all kinds of infections.

Skin diseases of newborns can be dangerous for the baby, so they need to be treated under the supervision of a specialist, identifying the cause of these diseases. Self-medication in this case is prohibited, because we are talking about an infant who is just beginning to adapt in this world.

Skin diseases of infants

In newborns, sweat glands are still underdeveloped and with frequent overheating, prickly sweat may appear. It is expressed in the form of small pimples that are located throughout the body. Prickly heat usually goes away on its own, but its frequent occurrence suggests that the baby often overheats, so do not wrap the baby too much, because severe overheating of the child can cause the worst outcome.

A few days after the birth of the baby, a spotty, swollen rash may appear - hives or urticaria. Urticaria mainly affects the baby's torso, it does not require special treatment, after a while it goes away on its own.

A skin disease such as scabies affects the feet and palms of a child and is accompanied by a rash and severe itching. Infection occurs through contact with a patient, the whole family can become infected with the disease. This disease must be treated according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Vesiculosis or small pemphigus occurs in newborns and infants. With this skin disease, the baby has small bubbles filled with a transparent, sometimes yellowish liquid. They mainly affect the neck, groin, scalp. Such bubbles burst after a few days, becoming covered with a crust. Without timely treatment, this disease can affect the entire body of a child. With this rash, the baby should be shown to a doctor. He will prescribe the right treatment. Such a disease can be confused with the most dangerous disease - pemphigus of newborns or pemphigus, which occurs due to pathogenic microbes.

Other skin conditions in newborns

After the birth of a baby, a skin disease such as "strawberry nevi" may appear. It is expressed by red spots that rise above the skin. Such spots grow during the first year of the baby's life. Affects the face, neck and body. With age, this disease disappears, but nevertheless, such a disease needs appropriate treatment, especially if the spots are located near the eyes. Also, immediately after birth, a baby may develop a disease such as simple nevi, also called a "stork bite". It is expressed on the back of the head and neck, in the form of reddened spots. Over time, such spots in the child disappear.

Some babies have skin conditions such as infants. The baby's skin is covered with small spots that cause itching. Such a disease must be treated with the advice of a dermatologist.

Seborrheic dermatitis in infants affects the face, chest, knee and elbow folds, but most of this dermatitis affects the scalp. The peak of the manifestation of such a disease is by the age of three months in a child. Dry and yellow scales appear on the head, and a red rash affects the body. This disease should be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

Tight swaddling of newborns, increasing friction between the skin and clothing, can lead to the disease - diaper dermatitis. From constant rubbing and urine on areas of the body, the skin turns red (especially in the groin areas), which leads to pain and irritation of the skin. Disposable diapers should be used, hygiene products (special oils, powders) should be used when changing diapers, baths should be done more often, the baby should be undressed more often so that the body dries up (the room temperature should be appropriate).

In newborns, treatment of skin diseases should only take place under the supervision of a doctor, since some skin rashes can be a symptom of various life-threatening diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate in the first place the cause of the formation of skin diseases in infants.

All skin diseases of newborns can be conditionally divided into three groups. The first group is diseases that are inherent exclusively in infants of the first days of life and never occur in people of other ages. The second group is skin problems in newborns, provoked by improper care. The third is pustular diseases caused by bacteria.

Skin diseases of infants: ichthyosis, erythema and prickly heat

The neonatal period is characterized by such skin lesions that do not occur in other periods of the child's life.

Sebaceous ichthyosis- skin diseases in newborns associated with excessive formation and delayed rejection of generic lubricant, which later turns into a film. With the disease, the skin becomes dry, rough, and acquires a brownish tint. It is easily covered with cracks, after which peeling appears.

Toxic erythema of a newborn appears on the 2-3rd day of life. This non-infectious skin disease of newborns is characterized by a polymorphic rash that quickly disappears; secondary eruptions are possible.

The doctor should decide on the treatment of these diseases.

Prickly heat- these are non-infectious diseases of the skin of a newborn associated with defects in child care

The causes of the disease. Miliaria occurs when the temperature of the child's body rises or when it is excessively wrapped.

Signs of the disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of reddish rashes or small bubbles filled with transparent liquid on the child's body against the background of non-inflamed skin. Usually, the rash is located on the neck, groin and other natural folds of the body, but in advanced cases, it can cover the entire body of the baby. The child suffers from itching, but this does not affect his appetite and sleep. After hygiene procedures (and treatment, if required), the bubbles pass without leaving any traces.

Treatment. By itself, prickly heat is not terrible and is not even considered a disease, but it can lead to serious complications - bacteria (streptococci and staphylococci) easily penetrate into the damaged skin, which ends with pustular infections.

No special treatment is required, the main thing is to eliminate the cause of excessive sweating. The child is given hygienic baths with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If the bubbles are large enough and cause inconvenience to the baby, they are treated with a very weak iodine solution (1-2 drops of 5% iodine tincture in a glass of water), capturing the surrounding folds of the skin. They can also be washed with baking soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water), lubricated with 1% methylene blue solution, 1% brilliant green solution, Castellani paint, Lassar paste. Herbal remedies, for example, tricolor violet grass, also help well: 1 teaspoon of the herb is crushed, poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15-20 minutes (adjusting the heat so that the liquid cannot boil), filtered. This infusion is used to wipe the affected area, it can also be added to the water for daily bathing.

In very severe cases, the sites of the greatest lesion are lubricated with hormonal ointments 2-3 times a day: lorinden, dermozolone, etc., wipe with a 40% solution of urotropin.

To prevent this skin disease of a newborn, the child is bathed by adding infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs with antiseptic and astringent properties to the water: chamomile flowers, oak bark, sage herbs. After bathing and each washing, the baby's skin is thoroughly dried with a cotton napkin and powdered with baby powder or smeared with baby cream. You should not use oils (even for children) and glycerin - they are quickly erased from the skin with diapers and sliders, without having time to provide the desired effect.

Another necessary preventive measure is air baths, which are especially useful in hot weather.

Skin problems in newborns: diaper rash

Intertrigo is a skin disease of a newborn baby that occurs in places of excessive friction, in areas that have been exposed to urine and feces for a long time, in skin folds.

The causes of the disease. Irritation appears on the most sensitive areas of the skin, which are also often moist (groin). Sweat, urine and feces are breeding grounds for microorganisms that cause inflammation. Often, the occurrence of diaper rash is provoked by substances that are part of diapers, disposable napkins and other hygiene items.

Overweight babies with endocrine pathology, vessels close to the skin are prone to the appearance of diaper rash on the skin of newborns (the vascular mesh in such babies shines through the thin, delicate skin).

Signs of the disease. Diaper rash I degree characterized by redness of the skin without violating its integrity. They are located in the groin, where wet skin is most susceptible to external influences (friction).

About diaper rash II degree evidenced by bright red skin, covered with microcracks, sometimes even individual pustules. The baby becomes itchy, so the baby becomes restless.

Diaper rash III degree- very severe skin damage. The skin becomes bright red, covered with weeping cracks, pustules and even ulcers that cause severe pain. The baby is constantly crying, his body temperature may rise.

Treatment. Diaper rash I degree do not require special medical care, sufficiently thorough hygienic care, daily baths with a pale pink solution of manganese permanganate, air baths for 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to stop using diapers and switch to gauze diapers or wide sliders. The diapers should be changed as often as possible, thoroughly rinsing them after washing with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Treatment of diaper rash II degree start with the activities already listed; if no improvement occurs within the next day, wet compresses with infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, walnut leaves, etc.) are carried out, drug therapy is added. The lesions are smeared 2-3 times a day with protective creams and ointments (tannin, methyluracilic, drapolen, bepanten), talkers (talc - 20.0 g, zinc oxide - 20.0 g, glycerin - 10.0 g, lead water - 50, 0 ml or zinc oxide - 15.0 g, glycerin - 15.0 g, distilled water - 15.0 ml), UV irradiation of the skin is carried out.

Treatment of diaper rash III degree performed only by a pediatrician. Parents should clearly remember: do not treat wet skin areas with fat-based ointments and oils, they form an impenetrable film, under which favorable conditions are created for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Seeing a doctor for this skin disease in newborns is necessary if:

  • diaper rash does not go away for a long time;
  • despite the efforts being made, diaper rash increases in size;
  • against the background of irritated skin, cracks, bubbles with transparent contents appeared, and even more so pustules and weeping.

To prevent these skin diseases in newborns, it is necessary to wash the baby after each toilet, regularly change diapers, lubricate problem areas with sterile vegetable oil or creams, and conduct air baths.

Purulent skin disease of newborns omphalitis

Omphalitis is a purulent disease of the skin of newborns in the area of ​​the umbilical wound.

The causes of the disease. The umbilical wound usually heals by the beginning of the second week of life. If an infection gets into it, healing does not occur in a timely manner, and omphalitis begins.

Signs of the disease. A simple form of inflammation is the so-called weeping navel. The umbilical wound does not heal for a long time (within several weeks), a transparent viscous liquid constantly oozes from it.

In more severe cases, the phlegmon of the navel begins: the wound and the surrounding tissues turn red, swell, pus begins to stand out from the navel. The child is restless at first, and then becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses to breast; its weight is rapidly decreasing. The baby's body temperature rises, vomiting appears.

If appropriate measures are not taken, phlegmon spreads to the anterior abdominal wall, and pus spreads through the vessels throughout the body, which leads to the formation of abscesses in the internal organs and even blood poisoning.

The most severe inflammation in this disease of the skin of infants usually occurs in premature and weakened babies: a long-term non-healing ulcer with uneven edges forms at the site of the navel, the tissues around it also become inflamed and begin to fester. The ulcer can penetrate the entire depth of the abdominal wall, which leads to very dangerous complications.

Treatment. To prevent this skin disease in newborns, it is necessary to treat the stump of the umbilical cord daily, and after it falls off, the umbilical wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate, etc. until the navel is completely healed.

A weeping navel after treatment with alcohol with a strength of 60 ° is cauterized with a 10% solution of silver nitrate or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The baby is given baths every day with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

In case of purulent inflammation, the umbilical wound is washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, bandages are applied to it with rivanol (1: 1000), furacilin on a hypertonic solution (1: 5000), chlorphilipt, chloramphenicol alcohol. If there is no effect, antibiotics are prescribed by mouth, UHF is performed.

If excess tissue (navel fungus) forms in the umbilical wound, it is removed surgically.

Skin disease in infants, diaper dermatitis

Pustular skin disease in newborn babies, pemphigus

Pemphigus of newborns is an infectious pustular disease of the skin of a newborn, characteristic of children in the first days of life. The disease does not apply to children over 1 month old and adults. The disease often occurs against the background of prematurity, birth trauma, in children whose mothers suffered from pregnancy toxicosis.

The cause of the disease. Staphylococcus aureus is the cause of this skin disease in infants.

Signs of the disease. Against the background of unchanged or slightly reddened skin, gradually increasing blisters with cloudy contents appear. They quickly open up with the formation of superficial erosions, which do not heal well. The baby's body temperature rises to 38-38.5 ° C, regurgitation, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea appear.

Treatment. With this skin disease of a newborn, antibiotics or sulfonamides, vitamins B6, B12, C are injected. Erosions are treated with 0.01% furacilin solution or 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, and then smeared with 4% heliomycin , or boron-naphthalic) ointment.

Skin disease in infants, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis

Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis- an infectious disease of the skin of newborns, characterized by its flaking, is observed in infants in the first 2-3 weeks of life. It is usually recorded in premature babies and formula-fed babies.

The cause of the disease. Like pemphigus, Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis is caused by staphylococcus aureus.

Signs of the disease. Against the background of edematous and reddened skin, extensive blisters appear, which almost immediately open with the formation of an erosive surface. If you touch (with your hand, tissue, etc.) the edge of such erosion, the epidermis begins to exfoliate, exposing the deep layers of the skin. Newborns suffering from this skin problem experience severe pain, cry constantly, and refuse to breastfeed. His body temperature rises (up to 38.4-38.8 ° C), vomiting and diarrhea occur. With this skin disease of newborns, babies lose weight quickly.

Treatment. For the treatment of Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis, the treatment is the same as for pemphigus in newborns.

Skin disease in young children, pseudofurunculosis

Pseudofurunculosis- purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, characteristic of children in the first and second years of life.

The cause of the disease. This skin disease of infants is caused by staphylococcus against the background of functional digestive disorders (frequent diarrhea), with special sensitivity to staphylococcus.

Signs of the disease. On the skin of the back, buttocks, the back of the thighs, on the back of the head, multiple rounded formations up to a large pea appear, which gradually soften in the center, and then open up with the release of pus. This infectious disease of the skin of newborns proceeds cyclically: after one batch of abscesses dries up, others are formed.

Treatment. The child is injected with antibiotics, given the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the disease to them. Before detecting sensitivity, antibiotics of the penicillin series begin to be administered. If a child is allergic to such drugs, he is prescribed sulfonamides: biseptol, etazol, bactrim, etc. In order to increase immunity, antistaphylococcal gamma globulin is administered or autohemotherapy is performed.

In the treatment of this skin disease of young children, it is necessary to use nonrabol, chymopsin, antihistamines and other drugs, vitamin therapy is prescribed.

The skin at the sites of the lesions is lubricated with Alibura liquid, Castellani paint or a 5% solution of camphor alcohol. With a widespread process, a 4% heliomycin ointment or ointment with antibiotics (erythromycin, lincomycin, etc.) and corticosteroid hormones (oxycort, lorinden C, etc.) is applied topically, and ultraviolet irradiation is carried out.

Disease prevention: thorough hygienic care, regular air baths, hardening.

Skin disease of infants impetigo

Impetigo- superficial pustular skin disease of infants, most often children who are bottle-fed and suffering from diaper rash, prickly heat are ill with it.

The cause of the disease. The disease is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus. The disease is contagious.

Signs of the disease. In young children, bubbles often appear on the skin of the face, often around the mouth, first with transparent and then gradually dimming yellowish contents, surrounded by a reddish corolla at the edges. They quickly open up, forming weeping areas, which over time become covered with leaf-like crusts. Over time, a pinkish spot forms at the site of the lesion. Sometimes the disease is complicated by inflammation of nearby lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Treatment. To get rid of this problem with the skin of a newborn, the blisters are smeared with aniline dyes (methylene blue, brilliant green), and the skin around them is smeared with Alibur liquid or 5% camphor alcohol.

If the process is widespread, antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins C, A, E. must be prescribed.

All infectious skin diseases in newborns require hospital treatment.

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The management of newborns and infants suffering from skin diseases requires precise decisions and prompt actions from a dermatovecerologist, the effectiveness of which largely depends on correct and timely diagnosis. Pediatric dermatovenerology has now turned out to be not only an extremely responsible, but also the most difficult area for dermatovenerologists. Despite the fact that doctors of different specialties take part in the treatment of children with skin pathology, it is not possible to achieve satisfactory results in terms of reducing the level of the disease and increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive care. The number of diagnostic errors is especially high. Pediatric dermatology is closely related to the prevention of hereditary pathology, since the birth of a sick child encourages relatives to consult a doctor to determine the genetic prognosis. An increase in the level of professional nosological diagnostics is an initial and necessary condition for the development of medical, preventive and medicogenetic care. Brief reviews on the issues of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children suffering from skin and venereal diseases are offered.

The management of newborns and infants suffering from skin diseases requires precise decisions and prompt actions from a dermatovecerologist, the effectiveness of which largely depends on correct and timely diagnosis. Pediatric dermatovenerology has now turned out to be not only an extremely responsible, but also the most difficult area for dermatovenerologists. Despite the fact that doctors of different specialties take part in the treatment of children with skin pathology, it is not possible to achieve satisfactory results in terms of reducing the level of the disease and increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive care. The number of diagnostic errors is especially high. Pediatric dermatology is closely related to the prevention of hereditary pathology, since the birth of a sick child encourages relatives to consult a doctor to determine the genetic prognosis. An increase in the level of professional nosological diagnostics is an initial and necessary condition for the development of medical, preventive and medicogenetic care. Brief reviews on the issues of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of children suffering from skin and venereal diseases are offered.

To cure neonates and babies who suffer from skin diseases requires that dermatovenerologist should take accurate decisions and make prompt actions whose efficiency largely depends on correct and timely diagnosis. Pediatric dermatovenereology has proved to be not only a highly crucial but the most chalenging area for dermatovenereologysts. Despite rhe fact that physicians of various disciplines participate in the treatment of infants with skin abnormalities, there are no saticfactory results in reducing incidence rates and enhancing therapeutical and preventive care.
There are a great deal of diagnostic errors. Pediatric dermatovenereology is closely associated with the prevention of hereditary pathology as the birth of an ill baby makes his relatives to visit a doctor to determine a genetic prognosis. To enhance the level of professional nosological diagnosis is a primary and essential condition for the development of therapeutical, prophylactic, and medical and genetic care.
Brief reviews on 1) diagnosis, 2) treatment, prevention, rehabilitation of infants, with skin and venereal diseases are proposed.

Department of Dermatovenereology (Head - Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof. K. N. Suvorova) of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.
Prof. K.N. Suvorova, MD, Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training


In children of the first year of life, various skin lesions are found more often than in other age groups. The pathology of the skin during this period is distinguished by a pronounced specificity of the nosological profile and the unusual clinical manifestations of dermatoses, which are also known in adults, but manifest differently. A dermatovenerologist should know about the special conditions of the skin in newborns, about specific approaches to the treatment of dermatoses, the characteristics of the body of an infant that determine his reaction to medications or contribute to the aggravation and chronicity of dermatoses and the development of complications typical for this age. In the first months of life, suddenly severe and acute dermatoses may occur, when an accurate diagnosis and urgent assistance are urgently needed, which can only be provided by the joint efforts of pediatricians and dermatologists. Secondary skin lesions may occur in congenital metabolic defects and other multiple organ syndromes with onset in infancy; a dermatologist, having an adequate understanding of such diseases, must promptly refer the child to a pediatrician and another specialist in accordance with his diagnostic assumptions. On the other hand, often the most common skin lesions are first discovered by a pediatrician who is constantly observing the child. In such cases, he should be able to suspect a skin disease and refer the child to a dermatologist.
The task of the pediatrician is to identify and treat internal diseases that contribute to the exacerbation or torpid course of dermatosis, and the dermatovenerologist is obliged to correctly diagnose skin and venereal diseases, at whatever age they occur, on the basis of professional knowledge of the semiotics of dermatoses and sexually transmitted diseases, and the ability to use special methods of nosological recognition. Knowing the main etiological and pathogenetic methods of treating dermatoses, the dermatovenerologist must determine the stages of therapy, use different options for special treatment with various topical means, and carry out rehabilitation. According to the professional and job requirements for a specialist, every dermatovenerologist should know pediatric dermatovenerology, since there is no separate specialty in this discipline. In practice, this section, especially skin pathology in children of the first year of life, turns out to be the most difficult for a dermatovenerologist. Based on the experience of the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Children's Department of the Moscow Clinical Dermatovenerological Hospital No. 14, we propose to discuss some issues related to this area.


Reliable nosological recognition of skin diseases in newborns and infants must be carried out as soon as possible. This possibility is provided by the visual accessibility of the organ, subject to the professional performance of the clinical and morphological analysis of eruptive elements, the correct assessment of age-dependent symptoms, specific differential diagnosis within the nosological profile of each age segment, knowledge of the age-related evolutionary dynamics of skin pathology.


one . F. Zverkov. Diseases of the skin of young children. Saint Petersburg. - Sothis. -1994 - 235 p.
2. K.N. Suvorov, A.A. Antoniev, N.P. Kuznetsova, I.O. Malova. Skin and venereal diseases in children. . Irkutsk, - Publishing house of Irkutsk University. -1995.
3. Yu.K. Skripkin, G. Ya. Sharapova. Skin and venereal diseases. - M .: - Medicine. -1972.
4. Yu.K. Skripkin, F.A. Zverkova, G. Ya. Sharapova, A.A. Studnitsin. Guide to Pediatric Dermatovenereology. - A.; Medicine. - 1983.

In this article, we will analyze the main infectious diseases in newborns: how to diagnose, prevention and treatment.

Often such diseases occur due to weakened immunity at birth. Premature babies have not fully formed the immune system, increased permeability of the skin and mucous membranes.

Often, children get sick due to hospital infections, unsanitary conditions in the hospital, infection from hospital staff, from other children in the common ward (when the infection is transmitted through the air).


The disease is characterized by purulent inflammation on the child's skin. Small bubbles (vesicles) appear on the body, filled with a cloudy liquid.

They burst after a few days, and scabs form in their place. Later they fall off without leaving marks on the skin.

As a rule, this disease is not dangerous and does not cause complications.

Small bubbles (up to 1 cm in diameter) appear on the baby's skin, filled with pus and gray liquid. Usually appear in the lower abdomen, near the navel, on the legs and arms.

The disease can progress to a severe stage: large vesicles up to 3 cm in diameter. Intoxication of the whole organism occurs. Urgent medical attention is required!

The infection usually clears up in 2 to 3 weeks. May end in sepsis.

Treatment: pierce the bubbles and treat the puncture site with alcohol solutions of aniline dyes.


The disease begins as inflammation under the scalp and spreads further. After piercing the bubbles, pus is found.

Localization: on the head under the scalp, on the neck, back and buttocks.

The main symptoms: fever, mild intoxication, sepsis, an increased content of leukocytes in the blood.


The main cause of the disease is malfunctioning of the mammary gland. In the early days, it may not appear.

The newborn has an enlarged mammary gland. And when pressed, pus is released from the nipples.

The child is constantly crying, refuses to breast, symptoms of intoxication of the body appear.

Mastitis is dangerous with subsequent purulent complications for the whole organism. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor.


The infection usually occurs in the navel, groin, thighs, and face and spreads further.

This is a very serious illness: the temperature is up to 40 degrees, the child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, meningitis, diarrhea.

The disease can be complicated by toxic shock. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


This disease is characterized by purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. At the most severe stage, necrotic phlegmon (tissue necrosis) is observed.

The inflammatory-purulent process takes place on the chest and buttocks, rarely on the arms and legs.

It is easy to determine the onset of the disease: a slight inflammation appears, painful to the touch. It grows gradually. The skin becomes dark purple, then dies off (on the second and subsequent days of an infectious disease it becomes pale and or gray).

If you cut open an inflamed area of ​​skin, pus and dead tissue will be found inside.

Symptoms of the disease: intoxication of the body, temperature up to 39 degrees, vomiting, there are many leukocytes in the blood (leukocytosis).

With timely and appropriate treatment, infection, necrosis, and skin rejection can usually be prevented.


This is an inflammation of the skin in the navel area, possibly with pus.

The disease is not dangerous for the baby's health. It is recommended for mothers to treat the wound with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution 3 times a day. Then - with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In case of illness in a newborn: the temperature rises, vomiting appears, regurgitation after feeding.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal glands, edema, sulfur discharge from the eyes, constant tearing. It can be complicated by deeper inflammation and ulcers.

Infection can occur in the hospital or from the mother.

Treatment: with a separate cotton swab for the right and left eyes, carefully remove the purulent discharge. Rinse with antibiotic solution several times a day. After rinsing, put an eye ointment (penicillin).

Acute rhinitis

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Pus starts to come out of the nose.

Subsequently, swelling of the nasal mucosa is possible. The child's breathing is difficult. The baby cannot suckle (cannot breathe through the nose), constantly cries, loses weight.

If left untreated, inflammation can spread to the middle ear, pharynx.

Treatment: suction off the suppuration with suction. You can use sterile petroleum jelly swabs. Dip a solution of antibacterial drugs into the nose and insert gauze swabs (soaked in the solution) into each nostril for a few minutes.

In the acute course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic injections.

Acute otitis media

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear cavity.

Otitis media can be purulent or serous. With serous otitis media, edematous fluid accumulates in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane. With purulent otitis media in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane, severe edema and suppuration.

It is not always possible to detect the disease, it proceeds secretly. The following symptoms of infection:

  • swelling of the earlobe + soreness,
  • the baby refuses to breast - it hurts him to swallow,
  • body temperature: normal or slightly elevated,
  • noticeable twitching of the muscles of the face.
  • If you find an infection, see an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe dry heat and UHF to the child.


    This is the most common infectious disease in newborns. It is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. The baby can get sick while still in the womb or in the hospital.

    In premature babies, inflammation lasts a long time and can develop into purulent + necrosis of lung tissue.

    The first symptoms of the disease:

  • the baby refuses to breastfeed, sucks poorly;
  • pale skin;
  • breathing disorders: shortness of breath, holding of breath;
  • wheezing on exhalation.

  • Treatment:

  • the child is placed in a separate ward with the mother, free swaddling, regular ventilation;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • with prolonged pneumonia, metronidazole, bifidobacterin are prescribed;
  • Immunoglobulin is prescribed 3-4 times a day;
  • bury interferon in each nostril - every 2 hours;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • electrophoresis with calcium preparations, novocaine;
  • Enterocolitis

    An infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestine. Intestinal function is impaired. The main pathogens: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus.

    Disease symptoms:

  • loose green stools with mucus;
  • intestinal motility (often contraction of the walls);
  • the child refuses to breast, lethargy;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • constant gaziks;
  • swelling of the lower abdomen and genitals;
  • stool retention, may contain mucus and blood;
  • dehydration of the body due to frequent vomiting, stool and regurgitation - the tongue and mouth become dry;
  • bloating;
  • severe weight loss.

  • Treatment: proper nutrition and hydration therapy. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, therapy with large doses of bifidumbacterin and bactisubtil (normalize the normal functioning of the intestines).


    A very dangerous infectious disease. Inflammation occurs due to the penetration of infection into the blood against the background of reduced immunity. Often the infection penetrates the navel, damaged skin, wounds, mucous membranes, eyes.

    After infection, a slight inflammation first appears at the site of penetration, then spreads to adjacent skin areas.

    Purulent areas form on the skin, intoxication of the body occurs. Purulent metastases in the brain (meningitis), liver and lungs are possible.

    The main symptoms are:

  • breast refusal,
  • constant vomiting and regurgitation,
  • lethargy
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes,
  • enlarged liver,
  • the infected wound does not heal.

  • Duration of sepsis in children:

  • 1-3 days - fulminant sepsis;
  • up to 6 weeks - acute sepsis;
  • more than 6 weeks - protracted sepsis.
  • Mortality among newborns with sepsis is 30-40%!

    Sepsis treatment the attending physician appoints and carries out it under strict control. Usually, children are prescribed the following procedures:

  • Optimal care and feeding.
  • Elimination of foci of infection.
  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Detoxification therapy.
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • At the beginning of treatment, drugs of general action are prescribed, then, based on the results of the effect on the flora, specific ones. For prolonged sepsis use metronidazole... Along with antibiotics, you can give lactobacterin 3 times a day, vitamins.

    Prevention of sepsis consists in strict adherence to sanitary and epidemiological standards in hospitals and at home. Remember, newborns are most susceptible to infections, the risk of infectious diseases is very high. In premature babies, a weakened immune system is added to this.

    Attention! The information in the article is given strictly for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate your child. Seek help from a specialist.

    Well, here you are with your baby and at home. Now you are responsible for his health. And since the baby's body has not yet adapted to the surrounding conditions, the baby's skin is very sensitive, it would be good to know what skin problems may await you. The most important thing is to recognize the problem in time and contact the pediatrician.

    Acne in newborns

    In the first days after birth, small pink spots or pimples may be observed on the baby's face. This is the so-called neonatal acne. It is not dangerous, it is the result of the fact that maternal hormones are still preserved in the body of the crumbs. Within one to two weeks, everything will go away on its own. The main thing is to organize and care for the child. Acne can be confused with allergies, so it is best to consult a pediatrician.


    Many years have passed, but I still remember my horror when I saw the unclothed newborn daughter: all her skin was yellow - red! Fortunately, the doctor immediately reassured me. It turned out to be the jaundice of newborns, it is completely harmless (if we are talking about physiological jaundice)... Yellow skin color causes large amounts of bilirubin in the baby's blood. It is quickly excreted in urine and feces, so apply it to your chest more often. After one and a half to two weeks, the baby's skin will regain its normal color. If the jaundice is more severe, then you need to see a doctor. It can be pathological jaundice.

    Erythema: physiological and toxic

    The baby's skin actively adapts to the environment. Soon after birth, the baby's skin may turn red, and redness can be both general and separate areas. This is physiological erythema. It does not require treatment, the redness itself disappears in four to seven days.

    Physiological erythema with overheating can turn into toxic. It is manifested by the appearance of pimples (or bubbles). It also does not require special treatment. Short-term air baths will help.

    Prickly heat

    If you wrap your child too much, he sweats, then a small red rash may appear on certain areas of the skin. Sometimes the whole body of the baby is covered with a rash. These are manifestations of prickly heat. There is only one advice here - dress the baby according to the weather, maintain the temperature in the room that is optimal for the baby - about 22 degrees Celsius, bathe more often, do air baths.

    Seborrheic dermatitis

    The main manifestation of dermatitis is fatty yellowish crusts (also called milky) under the hair on the head of a newborn. You cannot rip them off, you can infect the wounds under them. Lubricate the crusts with baby cream (it will soften them), bathe the baby, only then carefully comb out the crusts.

    In a severe form, dermatitis can manifest itself in other places of the child's body - in the groin, behind the ears, on the skin of the baby's arms and legs, and is complicated by diarrhea, a general malaise of the small body. In this case, you must immediately call the local pediatrician.


    A fairly common skin disease in infants is diathesis. It is caused by the intolerance of the child's body to certain foods.

    The main sign of diathesis is acne rash on the baby's body. The diathesis is dangerous in that inflammatory processes are also manifested on the internal organs. It is necessary to find out the causes of the diathesis as soon as possible in order to carry out the necessary treatment. Usually it is enough to follow a diet, excluding foods - allergens.

    If the diathesis is not treated, it can acquire more severe forms - allergies, eczema.

    You need to see a doctor.

    Food allergy

    If the diathesis rash persists for a long time, the baby's skin itches, flakes, then we are talking about food allergies.

    How do you distinguish a rash in this case from other types of rash? Allergy rashes form many small pimples (sometimes large red spots protruding slightly above the skin), but pimples and spots do not merge with each other. They do not have a specific site of localization, the rash can be both in separate places and located throughout the body of the baby.

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

    Be sure to show your child to an allergist, do the necessary tests for allergens, follow the doctor's recommendations. Otherwise, food allergies can trigger the development of other types of allergies (drug, respiratory, etc.)

    Eczema (or atopic dermatitis)

    The development of eczema is most often due to heredity. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, then your baby is at risk.

    You should be alerted by the appearance on the baby's cheeks and chin, as well as in the anus and perineum of red flaky spots. They itch, the little one combs them at times to the point of blood. If no treatment is carried out, then the spots turn into rough crusts, gradually capturing more and more large areas of the child's body.

    After treatment of advanced eczema, scars remain on the skin. So do not postpone a visit to the doctor, strictly follow all recommendations, completely exclude foods that cause such a reaction in a small organism. Existing drugs for atopic dermatitis have to be selected individually. If one drug does not help, the doctor will prescribe another.

    For external treatment, there are creams that relieve itching, remove red crusts, and heal lesions on the baby's skin. They act quickly, the child ceases to experience discomfort almost immediately after the first application. Already on the second day, the spots brighten, and after 4 - 5 days, a maximum of a week, they disappear.

    Diaper rash

    Almost every mommy faces the problem of diaper rash. It is worth overheating the baby a little, not to change the diaper in time, and, please, - the delicate skin of the armpits, groin, under the knees, on the buttocks has already turned red and swollen.

    Prevention and treatment measures will be changing the diaper every 4 hours, using baby cream to treat problem areas, frequent air procedures for 6-8 minutes, maintaining the air temperature in the children's room within plus 20-23 degrees.

    Diaper dermatitis (candidiasis)

    One of the varieties of diaper rash is diaper dermatitis. It develops if remedial measures against diaper rash are not taken in time, and candidal fungi multiply in their place. The edges of the inflamed areas acquire uneven, as if fringed, outlines, a rash with white purulent tips appears. Candidiasis is treated with special antifungal creams prescribed by a doctor. Important: Apply medicated creams only to the affected skin. If this product comes into contact with healthy skin, irritation may occur.

    Purulent infection (staphylococcus aureus)

    It manifests itself in various purulent eruptions on the skin of a newborn. It is better not to engage in self-diagnostics and self-medication. Contact your pediatric pediatrician for an examination.


    Chickenpox is extremely rare in newborns. A child can become infected with it if the mother contracted chickenpox during the period just before childbirth, or the mother did not have chickenpox at all, and the baby was in contact with the sick person after birth.

    Drinking plenty of fluids, lubricating external blisters with Fenistil with gel or brilliant green, acne on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity with sea buckthorn oil or Kalgel remedy will help alleviate the suffering of the baby.

    Chickenpox before the age of one month is difficult, serious complications can occur, so the treatment is taking place necessarily under the supervision of a doctor! If your doctor suggests you go to the hospital, agree to the hospitalization.

    The skin of a newborn is very delicate, easily damaged and irritated. Take care of her daily, do air procedures, use baby cream, change the diaper on time, make sure that the clothes do not chafe the skin. If you notice a rash, redness, other skin lesions in a baby, do not self-medicate, but show the baby to a specialist doctor. Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. ...

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope you find this information useful!