Holiday romance, or a small sin of an exemplary wife. Love adventure in a holiday home

The comrade said that in his entire long history of being a member of the trade union, he did not have to be honored to get a ticket. It was not easy to buy such a ticket for money. I had to look for workarounds. An acquaintance helped him buy a voucher for a holiday in a sanatorium near Moscow at the regional department of railway trade unions. The ticket indicated - "Accommodation in a separate room." Such a record in itself spoke of the closeness of the client to the authorities.

- Of course! - he said.

- Let's go to the second one!

- I used to study.
- Let's try?
- Let's.

- So I'm lucky. On the very first evening I met a girl who was taught to dance. What is your name?

- What is impossible?
- To me. Mom at home.
- Come to my room.

- And you're still wearing out?!

- You know where to go!

Oh Nina, it's you!


- Me too!

And I got shy!

- Why?


- What's wrong with your eyes?

- Why are you surprised?
- Well, yes! What is it with you?

- Oh, how it hurt you!

Nina soon got tired:

Already leaving?
- Yes!


Registration number 0029180 issued for the work:


My friend told me about this adventure.
The described events took place in pre-perestroika times. The comrade was preparing to leave on a long business trip.

This was preceded by a hassle, from which he decided to take a break in the Moscow Region Rest House.

Rest houses and sanatoriums in those days existed at the expense of trade unions. The tickets were free. They were issued to the leaders of production. That was the order. But, as you know, a Russian person twists every “order” in his own way. Therefore, usually the heads of trade union organizations at enterprises distributed vouchers among acquaintances.

The comrade said that in his entire long history of being a member of the trade union, he did not have to be honored to get a ticket. It was not easy to buy such a ticket for money. I had to look for workarounds. An acquaintance helped him buy a voucher for a holiday in a sanatorium near Moscow at the regional department of railway trade unions. The ticket indicated - "Accommodation in a separate room." Such a record in itself spoke of the closeness of the client to the authorities.

He immediately felt this when the administrator of the Rest House respectfully asked:
- How would you like a view of the forest?
- Of course! - he said.
- On the second floor or on the third?
- Let's go to the second one!
The room was modestly furnished. Bed, bedside table, table and chair. All in one copy. But the main thing was the key to the room, in which no one will be accommodated.

This was an important circumstance. All other vacationers were accommodated in double and even quadruple rooms. What this meant was already known.

Imagine a railroad worker who gets a free ticket to a rest home. This means that he is freed from the vigilant eye of his wife for three weeks. The pocket "burns the stash", which must be spent. It is advisable to do this in a pleasant friendly company. Such companies with participants of both sexes get together in the first hours of the settlement.

Further everything is simple. "Snack" at lunch and dinner is folded into a newspaper bag. A bottle is purchased from a local shop. After a short discussion, a number for the party is chosen. Usually the choice falls on the female. There, for starters, everything is cultural, everything is decent and a snack on the coffee table. The table for order is covered with a newspaper.

After a short time, the corridors are filled with the sounds of the most popular folk song “Noisy reeds”. The resulting couples are distributed throughout the rooms and merge in love ecstasy.
All this noise and fuss remains behind the closed doors of the single room, which was required for my friend.

Looking at the rumpled faces of revelers of both sexes in the morning, my comrade felt a certain pity. Instead of rest, people arranged night work for themselves, which, however, they did not regret.
As the “stash” was spent, the parties gradually faded away. What party without alcohol?! People began to look for other entertainment. Hiking, lying on the river bank, throwing rings on pegs, that's all.

My comrade kept himself apart from the rest of the vacationers. He politely rejected any inclinations to bring vacationers of both sexes together. As a result, a vacuum formed around him.

On the one hand, it was good, but on the other hand, it was boring without communication. Attempts to single out men and women suitable for communication among the railway workers did not lead to anything. The difference in intelligence, and therefore in interests, was huge. So two weeks passed.

And suddenly ... How often it happens in life! Exhausted from boredom, in the next evening, our hero went to the dance. Dancing in rest homes is a meeting place for men and women. In the dance, you can set not only the physical parameters of a partner, but also feel the signs of intelligence, the ability to stay in a pair, which is not unimportant in the communication of a man with a woman.

For the sake of simplicity, I will continue the story in the first person.
It was Saturday evening. As usual, I stood on the sidelines, looking at the familiar faces of vacationers. They were so familiar to me that I recognized them instantly. This was getting boring and I was about to quietly retire. Suddenly... Again, it's all of a sudden. An unfamiliar girl's face appeared next to me. She stood in profile to me.

I noticed the unusualness of this face. Straight nose, fine features and well-groomed facial skin, slim figure. She just came and stopped next to me.

Feeling my eyes on her, she turned her face and smiled. There was both interest and invitation in that smile. The orchestra played the Boston Waltz. I have long loved this melody and the dance itself. It was taught to me as a child in the ballroom dance club of the House of Pioneers. My partner was a very beautiful girl. Her name was Inga. In the dance, she just fluttered like a butterfly. I was in love with her unrequited. But in a couple, she chose me.

These memories flashed through my mind instantly. And I looked at the stranger standing next to me through the prism of these thoughts. Of course, she was far from Inga. And most importantly, she did not have a braid to the waist. On the contrary, the hair was styled in a short hairstyle. This hairstyle suits her really well.

Under the influence of these thoughts, I turned and asked:
- Can you dance the Boston waltz?
- I used to study.
- Let's try?
- Let's.
She obediently put her hand on my shoulder and with unexpected dexterity began to repeat the intricate steps of this dance. She danced beautifully, was an obedient and pleasant partner. I, who was wise with the knowledge of the most difficult ballroom dances, liked to lead her in the dance. She obeyed perfectly, instantly adopted the rules of the dance and did all this with a light and joyful smile on her face. Already in the dance, I saw that her eyes were looking in different directions. The squint was strong. This first time confused me. Then nothing. All other women's articles she had were quite good and even attractive.

And you dance well. Sorry that I immediately on "you".
- Nothing. It's easier for me. And I studied dancing in our club.
- So I'm lucky. On the very first evening I met a girl who was taught to dance. What is your name.

It turned out that her name was Nina. She lives in a neighboring village. Works at an aircraft factory in Tushino. There is a husband with whom she does not live. He says he drinks heavily. From him she gave birth to a daughter, with whom her mother nurses.

So quietly talking, we left the dance floor. The evening was warm. Nearby was a young woman. And nothing that is cross-eyed, but ready for love games. She immediately confirmed this readiness, as soon as I put my arms around her waist. The kiss was hot, full of languor. Her lips, sometimes weak-willed, sometimes confident, enveloped me, piercing my whole body with languor. She knew how to kiss and loved. The kisses were followed by a desire to caress her breasts, cool belly and below. Nina trustingly gave my hands her body.

Our caresses were passionate and brought both to the last line, but she whispered all the time:
- Not! Just not today...Today you can't...
- What is impossible?
- To me. Mom at home.
- Come to my room.
- You are crazy! Everyone in the Rest House knows me. Immediately, gossip will go around the village that I am “sticking” to vacationers. So my mother gave birth to me from one such vacationer. Not! It is forbidden! - paused and said - Tomorrow mom will not be. Will you come?
- And you're still wearing out?!

She forbade me to take her home. We agreed in the morning to sunbathe on the beach together and pass the time until the evening.
After breakfast in the morning, I took a blanket from my room. I moved away from the rest home and, perched under a tree by the road to the beach, began to wait for my cross-eyed Ondine.

The agreed hour of the meeting came, but it was not. Five, ten, fifteen minutes, and she did not go. An hour later, quite sure that I had been swindled by the Dynamo, or, to put it simply, the girl had deceived me, I went to the beach.

Resting railway workers did not favor the beach with their presence. On this rather cool May day, they preferred other warmer places. Dejectedly looking around, I wandered along the grass on the banks of the river, quietly pitying myself. Somehow it was hard to believe that after such pleasant moments of last night, hot hugs and kisses, a woman could deceive you in cold blood.

To calm down, I began to collect wildflowers, which on this spring day were pleasing to the eye. When instead of a woman's body, holding in my hands a small cheerful bouquet of modest wildflowers, I went around the turn, I was stunned for a moment. The scene I saw was like vaudeville.

A soldier was sitting by the river bank, taking off his tarpaulin boots and dipping his feet into the water. His posture was imposing, and he himself, half-turning back, was saying something, smiling obscenely.

He turned to a naked girl lying a little higher on a hillock. Actually she was not naked. She was wearing a beach suit, which did not hide anything, but on the contrary emphasized the beautiful female statues. She was lying on her stomach, exposing her round white buttocks to the sun, slightly covered with strips of cloth. She unbuttoned her bra, revealing her back in all its glory, passing into a waist with dimples on the lower back. The whole girlish figure could well become a model of female beauty.

The couple ignored me and continued their conversation. There was playfulness in him, but this playfulness was clothed in a simple exchange of words:
- Listen girl! Turn on your back. Let me see the boobs!
- You know where to go!
- I know! Let's go together! I'll tell you something, and if you want, I'll show you.
- See what you want. Ran straight away. I won't stop.

Saying this, the girl threw her hands behind her back and began to fasten her bra. Having finished this simple procedure, she sat down, bending her legs and folding her hands in her lap. When she turned her face towards me, covered with huge sunglasses, I shuddered in surprise:

Oh Nina, it's you!
- Hi. And I thought that you deceived me and would not come. He took me in and left me. This is the guy who hooked up with me. Hey! Soldier! Put on your boots and stomp to the unit. My boyfriend has arrived!
- And I was waiting for you on the road. Probably missed!
- I came here by a short way. This is how we always go.
- I didn't know. Come on, get going. You'll catch a cold. Let's go from here.
While she put on her skirt and buttoned her blouse, I once again admired her tightly tailored body. The glasses hid the defect of her eyes, and against the background of a green meadow, my new acquaintance looked charming.

Running up to me, she trustingly offered her lips for a kiss, and when she saw a bouquet of flowers, she was delighted:
- You are so kind. Is that what you got for me?
- For you. And I also thought you lied to me.
- What are you. You are so cute, I even missed the night.
- Me too!

So, exchanging affectionate words, we walked along the path, past the dumbfounded and confused soldier. Of course, he counted on continuing his acquaintance with such a beautiful girl, and then the gentleman appeared ... Everything started so well! As a man, I felt sorry for him, but today was my day!

Hugging the girl around the waist in a businesslike way, I confidently moved along the path past him. Nina could not resist and showed the guy her tongue! From this, the guy suddenly blushed deeply and lowered his head.
We moved away from the rest house and settled in a shallow ravine. It was all overgrown with young spring grass, which was pleasing to the eye and soothing. Calmed down but not everyone. As soon as we settled on the blanket, Nina covered me with her body, and I was instantly kissed all over.

Such a passion did not even somewhat embarrass me, but alerted me. You know, female pressure always confuses a man. It's not according to the rules. From a male point of view, everything should be the other way around. A man must conquer women's bastions. But here it was the other way around.

Nina didn't budge. She threw off her dress and, remaining in a bathing suit, pressed against me with her whole body. When I stood up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and around my waist with her legs, pressing against my groin with her pubis. Such an interweaving of bodies could well lead to bad thoughts of passers-by.

And I got shy!
- Listen! Well, you can't! There are a lot of people walking around here. What will they think?
- I don't care about them. Let them look and envy. Are you good with me?

I had to change position to a prone position in order to get out of the sight of strangers. The walls of the ravine covered our bodies, and I showed in practice how good it was for me.
With the movements of her body, Nina showed that she was ready for more. And she did it more and more persistently. Finally she could not stand it and said:

Ouch! How strange you are ... My boss at work correctly says to me: "All intellectuals are a little impotent!"
- It's not about me. You can be sure.
- Yes true. Why are you then...?
- There are a lot of people walking around here. I can't do that.
- Why?
- There may be too many advisers.
Chuckling, Nina nevertheless agreed that making love in constant fear of being seen "is not good."
I was intrigued by the boss's words. I began to ask:

And that your boss is your lover?
- Not! What you! Of course, he pesters me with various proposals, but I don’t want to have love relationships at work. They can kick everything.
Nina worked at an aircraft factory. Actually, her work was paper, but it was well paid. That was the main thing - she did not want to lose this job.

This daytime communication showed that Nina is not at all like a village woman. She expressed her thoughts very clearly and competently. It turned out that she had a secondary technical education. She thinks to continue it, but she has already failed twice in the entrance exams to the aviation institute.

And in appearance, she did not at all resemble Russian village women. Straight, not snub-nosed, facial features carried the signs of a good gene pool. When I asked her about it, she simply replied:

It's all a holiday home. My mother fell in love with an intellectual and slept with him. That's how I was born.
- What's wrong with your eyes?
- I was ill in childhood with something, but they did not cure it. They say they need an operation. Somehow I can't get it together. And what's stopping you.
- No, of course not, but still unusual.
- Well, what is it. As long as it is.

There was a note of some hope for a long-term connection in her answer, which worried me. But then I thought every woman, and even such a young woman, is looking for a husband in any man. Protector and provider for her children. Normal natural instinct.

The woman's attempts to surrender to nature, and even in the immediate vicinity of the Rest House, I resolutely rejected.
- You know, I don't want to be seen in an act of love.
- Yes, I understand. But I really want...
- Be patient until the evening, and then we'll see about the impotent ...

Nina explained in detail how to find her house in the village. Said she had a TV. The latter was explained by the fact that the film "Cabaret" was to be shown in the evening program. I really wanted to see it.
I went to the village in my car. The house was found quickly. It was no different from an ordinary village building. Nina met me at the gate. She asked me to park the car in the back of the courtyard. Explained that the neighbors are very big-eyed.

The house inside was furnished with modern furniture, which put me at ease. I expected to see village shops. But everything was furnished like in a city apartment.
The TV turned out to be an old black-and-white Ruby. The antenna was bad and the picture was poor.

Nina frankly waited for the continuation of the afternoon hugs. The bed, therefore, had already been taken apart, and she herself was in a light dressing gown, thrown over her naked body. All this was supposed to show that the woman knows and even imposes on the man the program of the evening.

I saw all this, but I was in no hurry to carry out the proposed program. I was just interested in the movie. So we sat together drinking brandy, and I watched TV. The cognac did its job, and the young woman sitting on the bed, invitingly throwing glances at me, excited me.

I moved in with Nina and she readily continued the love game that she had begun in the afternoon. She quite confidently freed me from my clothes, and threw off her dressing gown without even noticing.
In the darkness of twilight, a beautiful female body was white on the bed, which Nina must have been proud of. The nipples of her breasts menacingly and invitingly rushed up. Their position indicated that the woman was very excited.

I do not consider myself a sex giant, but I know the main altruistic rule - first satisfy the woman! Where there! Nina rushed to action now and immediately. Nevertheless, somehow I continued my manipulations and it seems that I achieved what I wanted. The female body arched, legs hugged me with force, and we began to fly.

It all ended quickly enough, and both of us lay exhausted from the battle of taking women's fortresses. At some point, Nina got up, wiped me with a wet towel and busily left, throwing me - “I am now!”.

Surprised by these confident chores, I reassured myself - the woman is married and knows what to do. He turned over and dozed off. I woke up from the touch of a cool female body on my back. She tightly pressed her breasts against me and ... putting her hand in, tightly squeezed my main male pride in her palm.

Can you fall asleep with your male pride in someone else's palm? So I couldn't. While I was thinking like this, what lay in the palm of my hand came to life and demanded freedom.

I turned to the already falling asleep Nina, turned on my back and hoisted her on myself. She looked at me with surprise. In her eyes I read a silent question:
- Why are you surprised?
- Well, yes! What is it with you?
- Nothing special. I'll just prove to you now that intellectuals are not all impotent.
- Oh, how it hurt you!

With these words, the girl began to actively move on my knees. Soon she squeaked softly and fell on my chest. Either her palm did its job, or some other coincidence, but I continued gymnastic sexual exercises.

Remembering those moments, I am ready to argue with women's magazines, which firmly stand on the fact that good sex can last for hours. It's all lies. A normal couple is quite satisfied with moments of passion, and remain alive and satisfied.

Nina soon got tired:
- Oh, you're coming soon, otherwise I can't. You completely pissed me off...
- Now you agree that your boss is lying?
- Well, of course. Let's finish soon. I'm tired.

We fell asleep in the same position - my pride in her palm. I woke up first. The clock was half past six in the morning. The sun had already risen, and outside the window was a wonderful morning.

Nina lay wide on the bed, smiling blissfully in her sleep. No matter how I tried to do everything quietly, the girl's morning sleep was sensitive. She opened her slanted eyes, smiled at me and asked:

Already leaving?
- Yes!
- If you lay still, we would continue ...
- Is it not enough for you? She said she was tired.
- Then I was tired, but now I can again.
- Not. You have to work today. I'm the same in Moscow.
- BUT! Well, yes! Then of course. Listen, buy me shampoo for hair coloring in Moscow.
She busily explained what brand and color of shampoo she needed. How many vials. It seemed to me very businesslike with a hint of some kind of rights to me. How quickly women check on a man what rights she has to him in the morning after a night spent together!

I got into the car and left. Picked up my passport at the Rest House. To the surprised question of the administrator, he said that I had urgent family matters, so I was leaving earlier.

She immediately began to figure out what she could do with the remaining days I paid for. This efficiency was written right on her face. Then she caught on and wished me a successful journey.

Yes, dear, girls, which only with us beautiful and charming does not happen away from home. Both good and, of course, bad. It is up to each one to decide which of the categories a holiday romance belongs to, for someone a fleeting outburst of feelings is beneficial, and for someone it makes them suffer for many months, and sometimes even years. I would like to tell you, my dears, a story from my life that has changed quite a lot in it. It would seem that a chance meeting, but this very meeting inspired me and gave me new strength and a desire for life. So, let's begin.

I think, to clarify the picture, I should tell a little about myself, I am 26 years old, a "worn out" lady, I have been married for 7 years. My family life is not very prosperous in places, but in general, my husband and I seem to be a rather happy couple. Friends are jealous, relatives are calm, and we ourselves, it seems, are not at war with our husband, but we don’t feel the same feelings for each other anymore. We live as friends more than as lovers, or to be more precise, lived before my vacation trip.

Resort trip

It happened two years ago, being very tired from work and family troubles, I decided to give myself a gift - a trip to a resort, to Egypt or Turkey, in general, where it is warm. I didn’t want to go alone, and my husband didn’t really share my initiative, he said that, they say, if you want to go, go, I won’t keep you, but I won’t go myself, it’s up to my throat. Of course, it was embarrassing for me to go like this, to leave him alone at home, and all sorts of suspicions began to torment me, but, nevertheless, I decided that we were both adults and were fully capable of making decisions ourselves. I decided. I'm going. It remains only to choose with whom. My friends unanimously referred to work, my sister to the fact that there was no one to leave the child with, the candidates for a joint vacation were melting before our eyes, and I was upset, but then, a wonderful idea came to my mind, I seem to know a person who for sure won't refuse me. Well, of course! Why didn't I think of this before? Mother! She will definitely go with me.

Hooray! We go! Finally! My happiness knew no bounds. The four-hour flight passed unnoticed and, now, the airport of Sharm El-Sheikh is already meeting us with its hot embrace. Amazing weather, warm sea and great hotel, everything was top notch. There were two more weeks of unforgettable impressions ahead. My mother and I decided to spend this vacation calmly and relax as much as possible, because one routine was waiting at home. My mother of the old school, although still young, nevertheless advised me to do without adventures and be extremely attentive, not to enter into any contacts. By the way, I didn’t think at all that this was possible. It seems that I am still young, but I have already begun to doubt that I can like someone. My husband never spoiled me with compliments, my work colleagues also appreciated me exclusively as a specialist. They only said that my eyes are beautiful, deep, you can stare. And I don’t need anything, eyes are like eyes, it seems that everyone has such ... z

In the evening in a restaurant

And so, one evening, my mother and I were sitting in a restaurant, slowly sipping some of the local cocktails, and enjoying the view of the setting sun. At that moment, it seemed to me that I was happy, I was able to forget about household chores, I thought only about how I would lie on the beach tomorrow, or maybe book an excursion, or go diving. There were a lot of plans, but they all collapsed when behind my back I heard the phrase: “Girls, would you mind if I keep you company, so to speak?” I, immersed in my dreams, did not consider it necessary to answer the question, I just pulled my glasses over my eyes. This was still not enough, what impudence, we do not need company! But my mother decided otherwise. She agreed and now, when the stranger sat down at the table, I could clearly see him.

He was good-looking, about 35 years old, polished, well-groomed, rather large, with purely masculine features and an unusual profile, which for some reason reminded me of an eagle. I could not say that he is handsome, but something, completely incomprehensible, attracted me to him. He was interesting, the whole evening he occupied us with conversations, my mother was interested in him. I paid absolutely no attention to him, which seemed to make him a little angry. I answered his questions with short and caustic phrases, after which he was a little lost. To be honest, at that moment, I was waiting for the evening to end, and we will disperse. To be frank, at first glance I didn’t like him, he was too boring or something ...

When it was time to say goodbye, he decided to take us to the room and, oh, horror, as it turned out, we are also neighbors. He was overjoyed at this and made no secret of his pleasure. Saying goodbye, he told us that tomorrow we should definitely see each other. Mom was not opposed and sincerely did not understand my negative mood. I did not want someone else to interfere with our vacation. No, I wasn't jealous, I just wanted to take a break from people. I fell asleep with thoughts of how to quickly get rid of our new friend.

He came early in the morning

The next morning I was awakened by a sharp knock on the door. It’s strange, usually the room is not cleaned so early… Who could it be… Mom was still sleeping, so I put on a bathrobe and trudged to the door. Our yesterday's stranger stood on the threshold, holding a towel and a mask in his hands.

- What, woke up? Come on, stop lying around already, pick up your mother and let's go swimming, ”he said in a cheerful voice.

To say I was mad at him is an understatement. Not only did he wake me up, he didn't even apologize. Ham! Muttering something dissatisfied under my breath, I promised him that we would come soon, which was completely unexpected for me. Closing the door, I thought about what a fool I am ... why did I agree? Sitting on the bed, I looked at the clock - 6 am ... What a nightmare. I failed to wake up my mother, she stubbornly refused to go to the beach at such an early hour, tearfully asking for another hour of sleep. Well, fun, now I have to entertain our friend myself. I put on a bathing suit and took a towel, I slowly left and headed towards the beach. Not halfway through, I heard a familiar voice.

- Have you come yet? I thought I wouldn’t wait…” he said with undisguised regret.

“I wish I hadn’t waited,” I quipped again.

He realized that I was out of sorts again and we walked the rest of the way in silence. He still strained me with his presence, but less so. It was a little gratifying. I seem to be getting used to it. And so, I even dared to break the hanging silence.

- What are you doing? I asked surprisingly timidly.

And then it began, he, inspired by my interest, began to animatedly tell me about everything, about nuclear physics, about computers, architecture, military aviation. He spoke so much and in such vivid colors that my unpleasant feelings for him disappeared by themselves. As it turned out, he is a designer, working on a new project, and would like to display in it some, at first glance, completely incoherent things. I listened to him and admired, but, indeed, he seems to have talent. I felt calm with him, calm and interesting, in the evenings I sat with him for a long time at a table near the pool and listened to his stories with a glass of something strong. Then I told him myself and, surprisingly, he listened to me, listened with genuine interest and a charming smile. He gave me all sorts of advice and sometimes I got the impression that I was talking to an older brother or dad. He understood me.

It was amazing

We went swimming together, fooled around, visited excursions and shops. He was the first person who was able to become almost family to me in such a short time. I went to visit him, we could lie on the bed for hours and watch movies, I was glad that he did not pester me, did not seduce me. I thought maybe that would continue. But I was wrong. One evening, he timidly knocked on our door and said that he was badly burned and he needed help. I, without ulterior motives, put on a dressing gown and went to his room, grabbing a few burn creams.

Everything that happened afterwards, I remember vaguely, I remember my hands on his hot back, then his hands on the belt of my dressing gown, then his lips whispering something in my ear. We were covered with wild passion, I could not resist, I was drawn to him. I could not even imagine that this could happen to me, with a girl faithful by nature, for whom the family was the true value ... With him, I forgot about everything. Every morning he brought me flowers and we went to breakfast together. He took and carried me in his arms when I complained that the sand was hot. He took care of me and looked after me in every possible way. I was pleased with his attention. But I knew for sure that it would not last long. I enjoyed every day with him, but I knew that I would not leave him any contact. We became even closer when we talked heart to heart with him, as it turned out, he is also married. We were very similar to him, but, at the same time, very different.

The time of my departure was approaching inexorably, I decided to spend my last evening with him. He was gentle and rude, very sensual and touching. Almost until morning we sat on his balcony. They talked about everything, about their difficulties, sorrows and thoughts. He told me that there are no unsolvable situations and in everything that happens you need to see only the positive side. We warmly said goodbye to him, wished each other good luck and success. At parting, he paternally kissed my forehead and said: “Take care of yourself, girl, you are the best,” and for some reason tears welled up in his eyes.

Sitting on the plane, I scrolled through everything that happened over and over again. Asked questions “why?”, “Why me and him? ', but could not find an answer. The only thing I know for sure, and for which I am grateful to him, is that he taught me to rejoice, taught me to find a drop of positive in a sea of ​​misunderstanding and unhappiness. He revived my heart and he, it was he who made me feel special. I am very grateful to him for this.

At home, I began to treat my husband differently, more reverently and with greater understanding, surprisingly, and he treats me too. We began to speak the same language, and he began to make compliments. I began to enjoy every day that I spend with him and every success. Our feelings seemed to flare up again. I didn’t tell him about my betrayal, and I never will. And, even if he ever cheated on me, I would not want to know about it either. Although, now, I began to relate to adultery a little differently. Maybe this is a terrible thing for someone, but it helped me save my marriage. I am still not a supporter of constant walking to the left and I still believe that the family is above all, but if it really happened ... why not?

Our family life can hardly be called calm and stable: shortly after the wedding, quarrels began, after which we often scattered to different apartments. Reconciliation did not come for a week, or even two, sometimes we even forgot what caused the scandal. My sexual needs are not great, so I experienced such separations easily, there was not even a thought that I would cheat on my husband. I don’t know about my husband: it’s not in my rules to follow and sniff out, but I didn’t notice anything suspicious. After a while, we again converged, passionate love continued for about a month, and then everything went in a new circle.
So we lived for three years, even the little daughter was unable to pacify our long quarrels, but one day something completely inexplicable happened to me. The girl was with her grandmother, I went to visit my friends. We sit, talk, and suddenly I felt that I want a man. The desire intensified with every minute, this has never happened to me before. A neighbor with a bottle of cognac looked into the light, and after a couple of glasses, I became completely unbearable. There was a continuous ringing in my head, I did not hear conversations, it was impossible to think about anything but a man.
I jump out into the street, dial the number of my friend, whose wife is away, and start talking nonsense into the phone. It seems that he understood my condition and said: "If you are bored, then come." I didn’t even say goodbye to my friends, I didn’t think that cheating on my husband could destroy our relationship, and rushed to the man. It was unforgettable sex! We caressed each other for several hours, he was tireless, and so was I.
Someone rang the doorbell, the phone rang, but we were not up to it. We parted from each other only to drink a glass of wine and smoke a cigarette, and again merged in violent passion. I wondered to myself: why so much fire in me, which my husband often called an iceberg!
In the morning everything that happened seemed like a dream to me. This man was not at all attractive to me, the husband, both in appearance and intellect, is much more interesting than him. I have never had a need just for sex, I have always considered intimacy possible only with a loved one. What kind of hormonal surge has occurred in my body? The cruel joke of my friends, who could add some powders, is excluded: the desire began to take possession of me when I had not yet drunk or eaten anything at their place.
I tried not to communicate with this man anymore, although he hinted at me many times to continue the relationship. Nobody knew that I cheated on my husband, we soon reconciled, and the usual cycle: quarrel - parting - the world continued to repeat itself, as usual.
Several years have passed since the first and only betrayal of her husband. Our half-guest marriage continues, such a relationship suits both. Memories of how I cheated on my husband do not cause any emotions, except for surprise: what happened that day? Where did the wild African passion that attacked me once in my life come from, and where did it disappear to? I have not found answers to these questions.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Women dream of love. Everyone dreams, big and small. And if kindergarten dreams cause a smile and tenderness, then women's love claims, when you are already far beyond ..., sometimes look ridiculous - many women think so and carefully hide their endless, ageless expectation of love.

Probably, there is no point in objecting, because there is no need to dissemble in front of yourself. Yes, and from the side it is often noticeable what we carefully hide from ourselves! But it becomes sad and insulting for women who are looking for love and do not find it, they are ready to give all the warmth of their souls, and this is not in demand ...

In the sanatorium where I am being treated, there are significantly more women than men. Yes, and the age here, what is called retirement. No, of course, ladies from 35 to 45 years old will pleasantly diversify the overall picture, but there are not many of them. Between themselves, they have such a silent rivalry, approximately, as in a beauty contest. But all this is done in such a way that no one guesses. Although the outfits are changed several times a day, you can’t get into the hairdresser’s, perfume and jewelry are instantly swept away from the shelves of visiting peddlers.

Seen off by the jealous and captious glances of the older ladies, the young (relatively) sanatorium divas proudly defile in high heels, in bright dresses with evening make-up, even in the medical building and at physical exercises.

But the most interesting thing is to watch dance evenings, which are an integral part of the entertainment program of any sanatorium. Men who have drunk for courage and courage arrive early and occupy strategically advantageous places for observation. And, then, speaking in an undertone, evaluate each newly arrived lady, giving marks and deciding whether to invite to the dance or not.

Men rarely love and even less often know how to dance, so a disco in a sanatorium is a place for dating, and not, in fact, for dancing. But women love to dance. Even those who do not dance for various reasons enjoy sitting in chairs and watching. In addition, it is in the dance that women noticeably become younger, are distracted from everyday life, become liberated and look very attractive, as if they had thrown off a good ten years.

And, if you think about it, women who are already over ... do not often get the chance to dance in ordinary life, especially like this, on the floor, in the dance hall, surrounded by a large number of people, in full dress and late, not thinking about getting up early tomorrow, and even a bunch of unfinished business left. And if you also got a worthy partner, then this is generally a small female happiness!

For the most part, women who come to the sanatorium do not initially think about romantic relationships and resort romances. They hope to take a break from home and other fuss, heal, and just sleep off. In addition, at home, after all, a husband, a family ... But a woman always remains a woman, and if suddenly a quite handsome man of the right age lavishes compliments, treats him to champagne and tries with all his might to impress, then how can you resist and not respond with at least a slight sympathy? !

My roommate fell in love. And, although she tries not to tell anything, everything betrays the relationship that has begun in her: here is an irresistible desire to please, again, as once in her youth, to feel all the hops of flirting, compliments, courtship - all that any novel consists of. True, a holiday romance is different in that here you can do much more in a unit of time, but everything is felt much sharper than in ordinary life.

And this is understandable, because on vacation there is more time, and it is occupied only with thoughts about oneself: what to wear, how to look better, how to spend time, etc. In addition, a couple in love can not part around the clock, and so the entire period of the tour . If we calculate how much time two people spend together in a normal setting, it turns out that in 24 days of rest, communication between the formed couple is as much as a total of those who meet for at least six months, or even more. Moreover, nothing distracts - no work, no household chores, no ordinary life worries.

Maybe that's why many people fall in love at the resort in such a way that they then experience this sudden love of theirs for many years, all the time giving it new touches, embellishing the details and reliving what happened again and again with the sweet sharpness of a committed sin.

And so the revelations of Galina, my neighbor, began. She is 54 years old, married. Children have grown up and live their lives for a long time. Relations with her husband are generally good - normal, as Galya said. But she forgot to think about love, she says, what kind of love, they say, when for so many years side by side - she got used to it, became related, and that's it.

And then the cavalier: he invited me to dance, we met, we started talking. And it turned out that they are such kindred spirits that, like in the movies, they love the same thing, they think the same about everything. And he is so understanding, so attentive and caring that she seemed to be reborn.

The gentleman also has a family, children, and relationships are also boring - there is no joy and flight in them. So the two met with an acute need for love, understanding, tenderness. Galina said that in a few days she heard from her new friend as many affectionate words as her husband had never said in his entire life. And also attention, from which she has lost the habit, and flowers, and walks - all that is not in her ordinary life.

Once upon a time, in sanatoriums and rest homes, the staff considered it their duty to vigilant morality and fiercely control the moral character of vacationers. For a delay in someone else's room after lights out, they were accused of immoral behavior, discharged from the sanatorium ahead of schedule, reported to work, etc. Now this is not the case, except that the violation of the routine is very significant and prevents others from resting.

But Galina and her friend are not hiding in the rooms. They usually sit side by side in armchairs or walk together in the sanatorium park. And they talk passionately all the time. In the evening, having come back from a date, she cannot sleep for a long time, and we talk with her about the female lot, about why, by the age of fifty, all feelings are replaced by duty, responsibility and habit. Why does a husband forget to show his love and care, why do they teach only women all the time how to stir up a man and do not bring up the same in men ?! And, most importantly, why do all desires disappear?

24 days flew by quickly. Galin's cavalier left the day before her - the holiday was over. On the day of departure, I went to the site from where the bus with vacationers departed. My familiar couple said goodbye: he was already sitting on the bus, and she was standing near his window and could hardly hold back her tears. The man, probably, mentally was already at home, with his family, because he clearly felt uncomfortable under the suffering gaze of his temporary girlfriend. And cheerful music was heard throughout the territory - a fashionable singer repeated: “Why did you come up with something that didn’t exist ?!”

In the evening, Galina did not go anywhere, we decided to spend the last evening in the room. She didn’t say anything anymore, but it was clear that she was sorting through pleasant memories in her memory. Then the woman sighed and said: “I don’t regret anything - I felt like a woman. At least there will be something to remember in old age ... "

Someone will say - what's good, because a holiday romance is adultery! But I was not interested in how far Galina went in her sudden love, and, of course, I do not presume to condemn other people's actions - here all people are adults, and they themselves have long known what is good and what is bad. Only for almost a month of communication, my neighbor never mentioned the happy moments of her married life. She talked a lot about the family, about her husband and children, but never about her feelings. And it turns out that, having lived more than a quarter of a century of life with her husband, a woman will remember the holiday romance as an episode in her life that left the strongest mark. Who is to blame that a strange man, and not a native person, gave her the opportunity to feel desired and in demand, an attractive woman who can please?