Healthy vegetables for children under one year old. What a child can and cannot eat

The first year of a baby's life is a very important and responsible period. At this time, his body "ripens", the base of his future health continues to form. A lot depends on the actions of parents, so moms and dads approach the main issues very seriously: nutrition and childcare. And in fact, and in another case, there are a lot of rules and restrictions. Some of them are really justified, others are from the category of superstitions and delusions. Consider what is really impossible for a child under one year old.

Diet prohibitions

Dietary restrictions become relevant after about 6 months, that is, when the child begins. Parents and grandmothers are always tempted to pamper their baby with sweets, surprise him, give him new products to try and experience new tastes. It is better to limit this impulse, because a child under one year old can eat far from everything. To help mothers - a list of foods that should not be given to the baby.

1. Confectionery and shop sweets.

This category includes sweets, chocolates, pastries and cakes, sweet baked goods in the store. Sugar is really needed and acceptable in the diet, but confectionery products are dangerous not so much by the presence of sugar as by the fact that they contain harmful confectionery fats, low quality vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), various artificial additives and dyes. In this sense, it is better for a child to just eat a sugar cube than a candy.

We should also dwell on the use of chocolate. Cocoa is a very allergenic product, therefore it must be excluded from the baby's diet. In addition, chocolate invigorates and can provoke overexcitement.

2. Salt and pickles.

When a baby is just starting to taste "adult" food, it is important that he gets a "pure" taste of the food, without any improvers. In addition, salt causes fluid retention in the body and increases the stress on the kidneys and blood vessels.

It is important not only not to add salt to what is on the plate, but also to exclude from the diet all salty foods, for example, salted crackers and straws, not to mention pickles or, even more so, fish.

3. Sausages.

Sausages and sausages should not be on the baby's menu. Even high-quality sausages contain a lot of harmful additives: dyes, preservatives, taste improvers. In addition, these foods contain so-called "hidden fats".

4. Fatty meats.

Fatty meat is considered pork, lamb, as well as the meat of waterfowl (goose, duck). The fact is that fatty meat is very difficult to digest and creates a great burden on the liver. Given the immaturity of the children's digestive system, eating fatty meat can lead to a breakdown in digestion.

5. Potentially allergenic berries, fruits and vegetables.

Traditionally, allergenic ones include berries, fruits and vegetables with a red pigment: strawberries, red apples, tomatoes, red peppers and others. In addition, citrus fruits and any exotic fruits alien to our climate are considered allergenic.

6. Products that increase gassing.

Some foods provoke increased gas production. Their use is not encouraged, because for the baby "" is a strong discomfort. These include legumes, cabbage, grapes, and melon.

Note to moms!

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7. Seafood.

It is impossible to argue with the fact that seafood is very rich in nutrients and protein, however, even fish in the feeding scheme is in the last positions, and seafood should be completely absent in the baby's diet. The reason is the high risk of developing an allergic reaction. In particular, we are talking about shrimp, squid, mussels.

8. Mushrooms.

Although mushrooms are called "second meat", they are not at all useful for a child. Mushrooms are quite heavy food even for an adult, they are difficult to digest and assimilate by the body. In addition, it is known that mushrooms "absorb" various poisons, heavy metals and radiation.

9. Shop spices, sauces, marinades and spices.

The composition of store-bought sauces for dishes, ketchup and mayonnaise completely contradicts the rules of a healthy diet: the basis of these products are dyes, flavorings, and a flavor enhancer. Also, flavor enhancers and a lot of salt contain dry seasonings. You also need to be very careful with spices: some of them irritate the digestive tract (onions, garlic), and some can even cause allergies. If you want to improve the taste of the dish, you can limit yourself to fresh dill or parsley from your garden, without losing your sense of proportion.

10. Carbonated and sugary drinks.

"Soda" is harmful not only for kids, but also for adults, for many reasons. First, it contains carbonic acid, which provides the magic bubbles. Once inside, these bubbles are very irritating to the stomach lining. Secondly, carbonated drinks contain colorings and flavorings. Thirdly, there is usually a lot of sugar in "soda". By the way, for the high sugar content from the menu of a child under one year old, it is better to exclude juices. In addition to sugar, they also contain fruit acids, which are too aggressive for a child's stomach.

11. Whole cow's milk.

Cow's milk protein is foreign to our body, therefore it can cause allergies in a child. In addition, cow's milk is difficult to digest. It is not recommended to use whole cow's milk in the nutrition of children under one year old either as a drink or as a liquid component when cooking cereals or preparing mixtures.

On this topic:(it is possible or not)

12. Chicken egg.

Many people consider the chicken egg to be a very nutritious and healthy product. This is true, but for a child under one year old, eggs are a dubious food. Chicken protein is a strong allergen, and the yolk contains a lot of fat, therefore it is useful only in very small doses.

13. Gluten-containing porridge.

Gluten is a vegetable protein found in almost all grains. It is considered very allergenic, so it is better not to give gluten-containing cereals to children under one year old. These include almost everything, except for corn, buckwheat and rice. Semolina is especially undesirable in baby food. Our mothers and grandmothers love to talk about the 5% porridge that the baby should suck from the bottle, but in fact, semolina porridge, firstly, contains a lot of gluten, and secondly, it is very poor in composition and does not contain many necessary for growth and development of substances.

Superstitious prohibitions

Why it is impossible to give a child this or that product is clear to any literate mother. However, in addition to explainable prohibitions on food, there are prohibitions that are firmly entrenched in the minds of people, but it is very difficult to explain them. These prohibitions are from the realm of superstition, they are familiar to many from childhood, and, having become parents, people continue to follow them.

  • You can't cut your hair for up to a year. In many cultures, a child is not even given a name under one year old. This is due to the fact that in ancient times, infant mortality was very high and many simply did not live up to a year. Perhaps that is why the belief arose that it is not worth cutting such a baby - he is not yet a full member of the family;
  • You can not kiss the heels of the baby - he will start walking late. From the same series there is a superstition that you cannot kiss a child on the lips - he will speak late. Most likely, these prohibitions arose out of hygiene reasons. Kiss calmly, there is no connection between kissing and walking;
  • It is impossible for the baby to look in the mirror. According to superstition, in the mirror, a child can see the other world, his past lives and can be frightened. There are also such explanations: the child will overlook his happiness, may become fearful, may not start talking for a long time, teeth will cut through poorly, may cause frequent illnesses, may become a stutterer, promotes squint, the child's soul will go into the looking glass, the negative accumulated in the mirror may pass into the child's soul, and etc. In fact, kids love to examine themselves very much, and the prohibition was most likely due to the fact that in ancient times mirrors were a luxury item, and a child could break it through negligence. Psychologists believe that looking in the mirror is even useful for a child, because it contributes to the development of the child's psyche and personality. Already from the age of 4 months, the baby begins to understand that other objects and people can be displayed in the mirror, from the year the child begins to understand that he himself is displayed in the mirror. If a child experiences negative emotions at the sight of himself in the mirror, then this is a reason for contacting specialists for the possible exclusion of mental abnormalities;
  • You can't look at a sleeping baby - it will grow up fearful. This is only partly superstition, and partly a very real pattern. Suddenly waking up, the baby may be frightened when he sees an adult;
  • You can't put a child on the table - there will be a lot of crying in life. In this superstition, you can also see a certain pattern: sitting on the table is dangerous for the baby. Having fallen, he will really cry a lot, it's just that this meaning may have faded over time;
  • You can't blow the kid in the face - fate will get confused. Our ancestors once again tried not to touch the child's face. They believed that this would not lead to good.

You don't need to blindly follow all of these prohibitions, but you really should be careful. True, it is better to do this for reasons of common sense, and not out of superstitious fears.

In the life of a child who is one year old, a lot is changing, including nutrition. Now the baby will use completely different products that he has not tried before. And many children at this age generally tried little other than mother's milk. But if your child is one year old, this does not mean that you need to feed him everyone. After all, a young body needs to get used to ordinary food, and it will do this gradually. The nutrition of children under one year old was replenished every month each time, but now mommy can introduce even more products.


It is advisable to feed the child after a year according to the established regimen. This is important and pediatricians recommend feeding by the hour. What is it for? So that a conditioned reflex is formed in the baby, and the body knows how quickly it is necessary to assimilate food and after what time the next meal will come. There may be some deviations from the norms established by the mother, but not more than twenty minutes. It is recommended to feed the child 4-5 times a day. If in the future you plan to send your baby to kindergarten, then schedule his meals so that the time frames coincide at least a little.

So, there is an approximate scheme for calculating the time for feeding a child per year.

Breakfast should be arranged at about half-past eight. Make sure that by this time the baby is already fully awake, stretched and washed. After four hours, lunch can be served. It is advisable that your child be outdoors before dinner. Then the food is absorbed faster, and the appetite, as you know, is much it is better. After lunch, children usually go to bed.

After a nap, about half past four, you can have a small afternoon snack. But remember that it doesn't have to be a huge portion of porridge or other food. It's good if mom makes a curd casserole or offers fresh yogurt. And the last meal, dinner - at 19:00. It is possible that after dinner the baby does not eat anything, and after evening games and water procedures he goes to bed. But if your child does not sleep well at night, wakes up closer to the morning and simply does not fall asleep well, then it is better to give him a drink of warm milk before going to bed.

Nutritional norms

If you follow all the nutritional norms for the child's diet per year, then the mother is supposed to know that her baby should consume no more than 1200 milliliters of food per day. Why is volume measured in such units? This is due to the fact that the food of such small children has a predominantly liquid consistency, only small lumps are allowed. Next, let's try to figure out what the diet should consist of for a child at 1 year 1 month.

Fermented milk and milk products

It's no secret that dairy products are the basis of the diet of a one-year-old child. Such products are very high in protein, which is necessary for strengthening bones, as well as for the health of teeth, which not everyone has during this period. Milk contains a high concentration of carbohydrates and fats. Fermented milk products are also extremely necessary, because the live bacteria that are contained there have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and improve the digestion process. And we cannot do without cottage cheese and cheese, where there is quite a lot of calcium, which we need so much. However, you need to be careful with these products and do not give cheese and cottage cheese more often than once every three days.

There are children who have an intolerance to cow's milk. It is better for them not to give dairy products at all until they are 2.5 years old. A good substitute is milk powder, which simply does not contain whey.


Cereals are another source of minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. You can cook a variety of cereals from cereals, which will be not only healthy, but also tasty, especially if they are cereals with milk. As for their varieties, children who are underweight are recommended to cook semolina more often, but buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most useful. But semolina does not contain so many nutrients, and some babies have an allergic reaction to it due to the gluten content.

If your little one has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then include rice porridge in the baby's diet 1 year 3 months and older. But remember that there are not many vitamins, so it is better not to give it every day. But it is better not to give corn porridge to those who have stomach and stool problems. Since it contains starch, which causes fermentation. Although this porridge is absorbed quite well, but only after prolonged cooking.

Fruits and vegetables

The baby begins to taste fruits and vegetables even before twelve months. However, when the child turns 1 year and 2 months old, the food changes slightly, and vegetables and fruits begin to be combined with cereals. For example, you can add slices of banana to oatmeal or simply cook pumpkin porridge with milk and rice. And also fruits such as strawberries, apricots and plums can already be given. But start with small doses, as strawberries can cause allergies, and plums and apricots are not always normal for the stomach. However, it is necessary to provide products of natural origin. They contain a lot of fiber and vitamins that your crumbs need so much.

At this age, you can already offer your child legumes: peas, lentils and beans. But keep in mind that the fiber in them is heavy and often causes not only bloating, but also diarrhea. These vegetables need to be boiled well and then mashed. Don't give legumes more than once a week.

Meat and fish

When a child turns one year old, development and nutrition is impossible without fish and meat. These are indispensable foods, which are high in protein, phosphorus and other substances that are essential for the baby. As for meat, you can cook steamed cutlets, soup with meatballs, meatballs from it. Try to compose the menu in such a way that the baby eats meat products in the morning. This is important, since proteins of animal origin will be absorbed much longer in a child's body.

If before you gave your baby only rabbit meat and beef, now you can already include lean pork. But it is better to abstain from the meat of waterfowl for now. And also it is better not to feed the crumbs with sausages, smoked meat and sausages.

There are no less useful elements in fish, but it must be given with caution, since some children have an allergic reaction. Choose less oily types, such as hake or pollock. Pollock is also good because there are practically no seeds in it. The baby should eat the fish no more than twice a week. Try not to give just boiled meat. Steam fish cakes, meatballs. It is allowed to give caviar, but in limited quantities. After all, it can also cause an allergic reaction.


As strange as it may sound, eggs are among the strongest allergens. If you have already tried giving egg yolk before and redness was noticed in the baby, then at the age of one you can repeat this attempt again. After all, eggs have a lot of useful substances, and the most important of them is protein. If after the first use there were no side effects, then it is worth including this product in the daily menu. You can just give boiled eggs, or you can add them to various dishes. If you show your imagination, you can find a lot of different delicacies: scrambled eggs, cheese cakes, pancakes and much more. Never give raw eggs to children.

For the child's diet per year, quail eggs are considered more useful and they can be safely given instead of chicken eggs.


Oil is another must-have product that needs to be given to the baby. But most importantly, not after heat treatment, but fresh. And this requirement applies not only to butter, but also to sunflower oil. The first can be a part of cereals or can be smeared on bread, and the second is a good salad dressing or one of the ingredients in soup.

Flour and sweet

Bread can be given to children, and preferably white, because it is much better absorbed. And try to refrain from spoiling your toddler with cakes, sweets and chocolates. From sweets, preference is given to marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. These products are the easiest for a child to eat, they contain few dyes and harmful substances, and some even carry considerable benefits.

Sugar is recommended to be replaced with fructose, but it is not necessary. Honey can be given as a delicacy, it is not only tasty, but also very useful. However, you need to be careful, as this is one of the strongest allergens. The first few times you need to give honey in a minimum amount and observe the reaction of the body.


Children, like adults, need to drink a lot. However, at the age of one, they are not yet able to explain to their mother that they are thirsty. And parents, for some reason, forget about this fact and then are very surprised when the baby is very naughty, although he ate, slept and recently went to the potty. Therefore, to make life easier for both yourself and your baby, pour some water into a bottle, which you place next to the baby so that he can drink on his own at any time. Give the crumbs boiled water, not too strong tea, you can cook various compotes. It is best not to give juices or other purchased sugary drinks.


You can draw up a menu for feeding a child a year, which, of course, will be approximate, since each baby has its own characteristics, but the overall picture should be just that.

There are children who, after a year, still continue to eat their mother's milk. For them, the menu will be like this: in the morning you can breastfeed, because you have enough milk during the night; then you can offer the baby porridge, a little butter, which can be added there, and 1/2 of the yolk; and for dessert, make fruit puree and a little juice. The next meal will be the most dense: some kind of vegetable dish, such as soup, to which you need to add a little vegetable oil and a few meatballs. You can also make a steamed cutlet with minced fish or minced meat. And wash it all down with fruit juice. The next meal will be light and quite tasty: cottage cheese, some baby cookies and fruit puree, and you can wash it down with a fermented milk drink, such as kefir. And before going to bed, to better sleep, you can give breast milk.

For those children who no longer eat mother's milk, the diet will be slightly different and some meals should be more satisfying.

Several good recipes

  • Puree soup. You will need a few sprigs of cauliflower and half of one potato. Vegetables need to be peeled, rinsed, cut into pieces and covered with boiling water so that the water completely covers them. They are boiled over low heat until cooked. Next, the vegetables need to be turned into mashed potatoes and a few teaspoons of cooked rice prepared in advance are added to them. All this needs to be poured with broth and put on fire to boil a little. Don't forget to add a little salt and a little sour cream.
  • Rabbit cutlets. One hundred grams of rabbit meat will be enough for you, which you need to grind using a meat grinder. Separately, the bread is softened in water and mixed with the resulting minced meat, and then this mixture must again be passed through a meat grinder. After that, you can add a little more water to the minced meat, form small cutlets and steam them until fully cooked.

  • Fish pudding. You will need some boiled fish fillets and the same amount of minced fish. Bread softened in milk is added to the minced meat. After that, the fillet and minced meat are mixed, half of the yolk and a little butter are added. After mixing thoroughly, add half of the protein and mix again. The resulting mass is laid out in tins and steamed.

Although everyone recommends that the menu be made up mainly of mashed potatoes for feeding a child at 1 year old, you need to gradually move away from this. The child should get used to eating lumpy food. Indeed, at this age he already has teeth and is able to chew small pieces. And it is important to accustom the baby to this in time. And do not be lazy to cook meatballs, cutlets, cheesecakes, let's gnaw slices of fruits and vegetables.

No need to fry a year. For his body, such food is still too heavy. Continue to cook, simmer, and steam. These are the healthiest cooking methods. In addition, steamed food retains a maximum of useful substances that are lost during other types of thermal processing of products.

In the first months of a baby's life, breast milk or an adapted milk formula completely provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. However, as the child grows, his needs increase, and the usual nutrition already at 4-6 months is not a sufficient source of energy and minerals. There is a need to expand the diet and introduce additional elements into it that will increase its calorie content.

For many parents, it is important to teach the baby to eat adult food as soon as possible, but is it possible to start at four months?

What should be the diet at 4 months?

Compliance with a certain daily routine creates the foundation for the harmonious and full development of the child. With the right routine, not only will the child feel comfortable, but it will also become much more convenient for the parents to carry out the daily care of the toddler.

TimeSchedule and sequence of actions
6.30 First feeding.
until 8.00The period of wakefulness. Hygiene procedures, gymnastics and games.
8.00-10.00 Morning sleep. It is the strongest and most useful after the night.
10.30 Second feeding.
until 12.30Wakefulness, which includes games, communication, massage.
from 12.30Daytime sleep. It is advisable to spend it while walking in the fresh air. This benefits the respiratory system and brain activity of the baby.
14.30 Third feeding.
until 16.30Wakefulness.
from 16.30Evening sleep.
18.00-18.30 Fourth feeding at the request of the baby.
From 18.30Wakefulness. During this period, in addition to games, it is recommended to carry out gymnastics with the baby, aimed at strengthening the muscles, and bathing.
22.30 Fifth last feeding before bedtime.

Time values ​​are approximate and may vary in both directions. It is important to feed your baby on this schedule so that the intervals between meals are 3-4 hours.

The daily routine and nutrition are important components for the proper development of the child.

How much should a child eat?

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In the baby's menu at 4 months, the main component remains breast milk with hepatitis B, an adapted formula for artificial feeding, or their combination with mixed feeding. One meal is usually 150-170 ml, as a result, the daily volume of how much the crumb should eat ranges from 900 to 1200 ml.

Diet and its components

With GV at 4 months, complementary foods are not introduced. According to the WHO recommendations, for infants on HB, it should be started at six months of age. It is advisable to feed the baby and introduce new products into the diet at 4 months only if the baby has already been transferred to artificial feeding or is on mixed feeding (for more details, see the article :). However, there are limitations in the situation with artificial people. Expanding the menu is not worth it if the toddler has:

  • there is a tendency to allergies;
  • there are diseases of the digestive system;
  • has been vaccinated in the recent past or is about to be vaccinated in the immediate future.

Early complementary feeding at four months of age refers to children at risk - with insufficient weight gain, functional digestive disorders, iron deficiency anemia.

You should not introduce complementary foods to a healthy baby who is breastfed.

Where to start complementary foods? Option two - vegetables or cereals. From the first, they begin to feed babies who are prone to constipation or are rapidly gaining weight. Next, cereals are introduced. Micronutrient-fortified baby cereals are ideal for feeding babies with low weight gain or a high likelihood of developing anemia.

The very first vegetables are introduced:

  • zucchini;
  • any varieties of cabbage, except for white cabbage;
  • potato.

These products are the smallest allergens. After them, you can try to diversify the vegetable menu with carrots, pumpkins or tomatoes.

Modern baby food manufacturers offer a wide selection of all kinds of vegetable purees. Three types of puree are distinguished depending on the degree of grinding:

  1. Homogenized. Designed for children from 4.5 months.
  2. Puree. Children at 6-9 months can eat.
  3. Coarsely ground. For children aged 9-12 months.

Vegetables are the first foods introduced into baby food.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made puree, it is easy to make it yourself from fresh or frozen vegetables. First, the selected vegetables must be boiled, then mashed potatoes with a regular crush or in a blender. Vegetable or melted butter can be added to the finished puree no more than 3-4 grams.

Along with vegetables and cereals, oil is introduced into complementary foods as a new product. Crumbs can be introduced to vegetable oil as early as 4.5 months, and with butter not earlier than 5-6 months. The oil provides the child with nutrients, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and the necessary amount of energy.


When introducing cereals into the diet, the first to choose cereals that do not contain gluten - rice, buckwheat and corn flour. Gluten is a protein that can cause pain and bloating in babies. Cereals such as millet, rye, barley and oats are gluten-free.

The principles for introducing cereals are similar to those for introducing any new product. First, you need to introduce the baby to one of the types of cereals - on the first day, offer 1 tsp, on the second - 2, on the third 4, etc. (doubling the product). After getting acquainted with several types of cereals, the baby can be offered multi-grain dishes.


As soon as the child begins to feed, water is introduced into his diet (if the crumbs were not fed earlier). The standard daily water intake recommended by pediatricians does not exceed 100 ml.

Water, like any product, is introduced gradually, starting with a spoon.

As for juices, it is better to postpone their introduction until the moment when the crumb has already tasted cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat. They contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals, and therefore they do not play the most important role in the growth and development of the baby.

Daily feeding rates at 4 months

The feeding regimen of a child at the age of 4 months has its own characteristics and norms. The table below shows a typical diet for a 4 month old baby. Let's see what and how much he should eat for 1 feeding:

* Scheme of a gradual increase in the volume of the product up to 150 gr. is presented below.

You need to feed the child in small portions, gradually increasing them.

The introduction of complementary foods requires adherence to elementary rules that will help to protect the baby's acquaintance with new products:

  1. Any unfamiliar product should be given in the morning.
  2. For the first time, the product is given in a volume of 1-2 teaspoons before feeding with formula or milk.
  3. In the absence of an allergic reaction or other negative manifestations from the digestive system, the next time you can increase the volume, gradually reaching the daily rate.

At the initial stage, the crumb may refuse a new product. This is normal - for all children, the addiction to new food proceeds individually. Continue to periodically offer your little one a new product.

Proper nutrition is the main component of a child's life. The state of health of the baby and his adaptation to environmental conditions depend on how well and balanced his diet is.

What can a newborn and a child under 6 months eat?

Newborn babies whose mothers have breast milk do not have any problems with feeding. To date, nothing more valuable for a newborn child has been invented than mother's milk. The World Health Organization does not recommend giving breastfed babies under six months of age anything other than breast milk.

It has been established that an infant receives all the nutrients necessary for its development and growth from mother's milk, which satisfies the baby's need even for water. Therefore, breastfed babies can only be given water from six months of age.

If, for some reason, the mother experiences a lack or complete absence of breast milk, as well as if there are contraindications to breastfeeding, then the child should receive a specially designed infant formula from birth. Other milk (cow, goat, buffalo, etc.), and even more so semolina or other products, should not be given to a child of the first six months of life. Violation of these rules can lead to serious consequences for the health, and sometimes for the life of a small child. The gastrointestinal tract at this age is not ripe for other food, and animal milk contains insufficient vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary to meet the needs of a growing human body and antibodies completely alien to humans.

Infant milk formulas are highly adapted and adapted. A highly adapted infant formula is best suited for feeding the baby after birth. Its composition is as close as possible to breast milk. There are also medicinal mixtures intended for children with deviations in health (allergies, indigestion, prematurity, lactose intolerance, etc.). However, such food should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician.

Sometimes it happens that the mother has milk, but not enough. Then the baby must be fed with a mixture. At the same time, breast milk is first given, and the child receives the missing amount of food in the form of milk formula from a bottle with a nipple or a spoon. The hole in the bottle must be very small, otherwise the baby will soon give up breastfeeding because it involves a certain amount of effort. With mixed or artificial feeding, when the child reaches three months, you can introduce a mixture with the addition of buckwheat, rice, corn or oat flour into the diet. These mixtures are sold ready-made in stores or pharmacies.

What can a child eat from 6 months to 1 year old

From four to six months, breast milk remains the staple food, but there is a need to expand the diet and introduce additional foods (complementary foods). Mother's milk at 6 months can no longer meet the needs of the baby in calories and micronutrients, especially in the gland, to ensure its normal growth. Complementary foods are foods that are introduced in addition to breast milk (formula milk, in the case of artificial feeding). In this case, we mean porridge or vegetable puree.

Where to start, you ask? And it depends on the child's body weight. If the child is overweight or prone to constipation, then the first complementary food should be given in the form of vegetables, otherwise it is better to start with porridge. In any case, the introduction of a new product should be gradual. You should start with a teaspoon, and bring its amount of complementary foods to 150-200 grams within two weeks, with the final replacement of one breastfeeding with complementary foods.

The consistency of the food should be in the form of a liquid puree. Two weeks later, when the child is accustomed to one complementary food, they begin to give the second, and they also gradually accustom the child to it. At 6 months, the following vegetables are allowed: zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squash, peas, beans, carrots. You can also give buckwheat, rice, corn, and later oatmeal. Semolina does not contain any substances useful for the child, therefore, it is simply useless to introduce it into the diet until at least ten months. Barley, pearl barley, millet porridge can be offered to a child no earlier than one year of age. To improve the taste and healthiness, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or corn) to cereals or vegetable purees, starting with three to five drops and bringing to a teaspoon.

Thus, by the age of seven months, the child should eat complementary foods 2 times a day: porridge and vegetable puree. The rest of the feedings continue to be breastfeeding. Between the main meals at 6 months, it is recommended to give fruit in the form of juices or puree, offering the child from 1 teaspoon per day, bringing their amount to 100 grams by the year. Apples are best tolerated by children. To avoid allergies, buy green or yellow varieties. A baked apple is very useful for a child. It is good if the child likes pear juice or puree, which are allowed to be consumed by children from the age of six months. But children should eat bananas, peaches, apricots, nectarine no earlier than from seven months, plums and cherry plums - from nine months. All exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapple ... the child should try only at 1.5 years old. Give the child a little at first, observe if an allergic reaction has appeared, if not, you can give a larger piece. It will not be superfluous to remind you that all dishes, intended for infants, must be ground or liquid.

Starting from 7 months, a child can eat chicken egg yolk, cottage cheese, butter. The yolk is added to the vegetable puree in the amount of ¼ part and by the year it is brought to the whole. The child must necessarily receive rabbit, turkey or calf meat. At first, it should be mashed potatoes, at 9 months a soufflé, and at 10 - you can cook steam cutlets or meatballs. It is not recommended to give children meat of waterfowl, pork and lamb. It is advisable to eat chicken fillet for a child from a year. It is necessary for the baby to receive beef liver and white bread. Offer homemade cakes and kefir when he is 10 months old. From drinks, unsaturated compotes from dried fruits, from fresh soft berries, still water are shown. Nowadays there are quite a lot of teas for children in stores. They are intended for children from 2 months of age, but from this age only children who are artificial can be given tea for children. For those who receive breast milk, tea can only be drunk from six months.

Small amounts of sugar and salt can be added to meals from 10 months. If possible, instead of sugar, use fructose, a fruit sugar that does not require insulin to digest, so it is harmless to the baby. Green onions, dill and parsley will be useful.

That's the whole set of products that can and should be fed to children under one year old. When accustoming a child to complementary foods, keep in mind that they are given before breastfeeding, while the baby is hungry, otherwise, having eaten up mother's milk or a mixture, it will be difficult to persuade him to eat something else.

All of the above applies to the nutrition of healthy children. The presence of a particular pathology or disease in a child requires a revision of the timing of introduction and diet.

Taking into account the timing of the introduction of fruits and other products, the mother should always remember about the individual characteristics of the child's body. When offering a new type of food to a child, you need to watch the reaction of his gastrointestinal tract and skin, and if any pronounced changes appear, cancel this type of product, postponing its introduction for several weeks.

Now on the free sale there is a large variety of baby food that you can feed your baby. However, it is worth using it only from time to time, because the food that the caring mother prepared herself is much more useful for the baby.

What can a child over one year eat

In the second year of life, the nutrition of children changes significantly, although the same dishes prevail as before the year. The consistency of food and its quantity change. However, it is too early to seat the baby at a common table. What new things can you give a child at this age?

Instead of meat, give him fish without small bones 3 times a week. It can be both sea fish (cod, hake, pike perch) and lake fish. Use it to cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, or simply simmer in your own juice with carrots and onions. Occasionally, after two years, it is allowed to give soaked herring (herring) with a side dish as an appetizer.

Sausage, ham are excluded from the menu of children of the second year of life. In the third year, occasionally, instead of meat, it is allowed to use dairy sausages, small sausages, low-fat boiled sausage ("Doctor", "Milk", "Ostankinskaya", etc.), lean ham. But such food should not be the rule.

The range of vegetables is also expanding. In summer, a child can enjoy radishes, lettuce, eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, turnips. In winter, it can be sauerkraut. It is useful to give vegetables to the child in the form of salads, grating them on a grater and seasoning with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Instead of cereals, periodically cook pasta for your child, combining them with cheese, cottage cheese, meat or vegetables. After two years, you can eat flour dishes (pancakes, pancakes). But do not feed your baby with sweet pies, shortbread cookies. Let him eat dry biscuits, bagels or white bread croutons. For dessert, after the main meal, the child can eat a small amount of marshmallow, jam, lollipops. Chocolate in any form is unacceptable until the age of three.

First courses are allowed to be cooked in unsaturated low-fat broths, without adding any seasonings (bay leaves, fried onions, hot peppers).

Up to two years old, the milk that a child drinks should be 3.2% fat, and after two years, he can be given milk with a reduced fat content. Prepare cocoa in milk for your child, this is a very healthy product that can be drunk by children of the third year of life.

What can a child eat from 3 to 7 years old

At the age of three to seven years, children's activity reaches its peak, so there should be 4 times more carbohydrates in food than proteins and fats.

Children of this age can periodically cook fried foods, but it is still better to give preference to oven-baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Avoid adding ketchups, soy sauce, hot peppers, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise to them.

As a seasoning, you can give children homemade mayonnaise made with lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid fatty meats until at least high school age.

Use onions, garlic, as well as parsley and dill in moderation. To improve the taste of food, it is good to use fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, use cranberry sauce, lemon juice.

If you go out into nature with your whole family, then you usually use the opportunity to cook barbecue over the fire. In this case, the child will certainly ask you for a piece. Therefore, make sure that the meat for the barbecue is not fatty and of high quality. Be sure to fry it well and give the child that piece that will not have a fried crust. It is very good if the kid eats it with vegetables, drinks it with juice or compote.

From the age of 3, a child can eat sandwiches with hard or soft cheese. Include sour cream and cream in your diet, as well as yoghurts, cottage cheese. At this age, offer your child kvass, just be careful - kvass should be natural, without preservatives and dyes. There are many homemade kvass recipes that are good for the whole family.

In addition to kvass, in the fourth year of life, children can be given regular black or green tea. However, you should not get carried away with them, it is especially not recommended to drink meat food with tea. Tea contains tannin, which slows down the absorption of iron from meat in the intestines. Children under 18 must not use natural coffee.

A product such as mushrooms can be consumed by children only at school age. Mushrooms are useful, but difficult to digest, so they are not recommended for preschoolers.

After 7 years of age, normal dietary recommendations similar to those for adults should be followed.

You can end this article with the following words: "everything is good in moderation." Let the child eat everything, but little by little. Of course, provided that he is healthy. In the presence of chronic diseases, the child's diet will be significantly changed by the doctor.

Doctor pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

After a year, a new stage begins for children. At this age, babies still continue to learn about the world, but they already know and can do a lot. Their body is growing and changing rapidly. Changes take place in all organs and systems, the digestive system is no exception.

By the time they are one year old, most babies already have about eight teeth, their chewing skills are developing rapidly, and they are showing an increasing interest in solid foods. The enzymes produced by the digestive tract are becoming more active, so the child's body is already ready to process and absorb more complex food than a few months ago, and the stomach has grown stronger and slightly increased in size. Despite such changes, it is not recommended to significantly change the child's diet at 1 year old and to abruptly introduce "adult food" into it.

How to feed a baby at 1 year old

With the correct introduction of complementary foods and a carefully thought-out diet, as a rule, by the age of one year, children are already familiar with all the main types of products. From this age, the baby is recommended to very smoothly begin to transfer to more solid and varied food. The basis of food should still be semi-liquid dishes, but not only mashed, but also containing small pieces of food. Too dry food should not be given to the baby for now, as he may have difficulty swallowing.

The nutrition of a child at 1 year old, however, like at any other age, should be balanced, containing all the necessary substances. The calorie content of food consumed per day should be about 1300 calories, and its volume should be about 1200 ml. For every kilogram of the baby's weight per day, there should be about sixteen grams of carbohydrates, four grams of fat and four grams of protein.

When drawing up the menu, it should be borne in mind that the child's body needs not only the required amount of proteins, but also their high-quality usefulness. Therefore, use different amino acid composition, animal and plant proteins. Of the total amount of proteins, animals should account for 75 percent. Their main sources should be meat, poultry and fish.

Main products on the menu of a one-year-old child

  • Meat... Every day a child needs about one hundred grams of meat products. This can be a rabbit, lean pork, veal, chicken, turkey, as well as offal - heart, tongue or liver. It is recommended to use them to cook steamed meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, meat soufflés, etc.
  • Eggs... In the child's menu after a year, as before, it is allowed to introduce only chicken eggs, but only if the child is not allergic to them. After a year, babies can be given both yolk and protein. It is recommended to include eggs in the menu every other day or three times a week, one piece at a time. They should only be hard boiled or cooked as an omelet.
  • A fish... It is recommended to give it to babies no more than twice a week, 30-40 grams, and these days meat dishes must be excluded. Lean varieties with the lowest bone content should be preferred. Cod, pike perch, hake or sea bass work well for a children's menu.
  • Fats... As a rule, the child receives the necessary portion of animal fats along with meat dishes. But besides that, he also needs vegetable oils. It is recommended to add them to dishes at the end of cooking, so as not to undergo a large heat treatment, during which harmful to the body are formed. in addition, it is allowed to add butter to ready-made food, for example, to porridge or mashed potatoes.
  • Vegetables... A variety of vegetables must be included in the diet of a one-year-old child. It is especially good to combine their consumption with protein products, as they improve the absorption of protein. The vegetable diet can now be diversified with green peas, tomatoes, turnips and beets. In a year, vegetables should be given to the crumbs in the form of mashed potatoes, by about one and a half years he can already be offered stewed or boiled vegetables in pieces.
  • Fruits and berries... After a year, the crumbs can slowly be offered unfamiliar types of berries and fruits - peaches, apricots, kiwi, cherries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, cherries, citrus fruits, strawberries, cherries, currants. But only enter each of these products into the menu one at a time and in small quantities, and then carefully observe the baby's reaction to them. Give your child small pieces of soft berries and fruits, such as strawberries and peaches, but chop hard or dense fruits, such as gooseberries, in mashed potatoes. They can be offered to the baby separately after the main meals or together with cereals, cottage cheese or dairy products. A child should consume about two hundred grams of fruit per day.
  • Milk products... The baby's nutrition after a year must still include dairy products. At this age, the baby should receive about 600 milliliters of them per day. It is recommended to include up to two hundred grams of kefir or up to two hundred grams of yogurt in the daily children's menu. In this case, the yogurt must be made specifically for small children or be containing live bacteria. Cottage cheese can be offered to the baby simply grated or as part of casseroles or puddings, its daily allowance is now seventy grams. Sour cream (but only low-fat) should be used only for adding to the first courses.
  • Cereals... It is impossible to imagine a children's diet without cereals. The most useful for children are buckwheat and oat groats, and you can also offer crumbs semolina, rice, millet, corn. Nevertheless, despite the usefulness of the porridge, you can give the crumbs no more than once a day, since cereals interfere with the absorption of calcium.
  • Sweets... A baby's diet at 1 year old still excludes confectionery and candy. From sweets, children of this age can occasionally be given marmalade, jam, honey (but only if the child is not allergic to it), dried fruits and cookies. It is allowed to add sugar to dishes, but only in small quantities (no more than 40 grams per day).
  • Bread... Before the baby turns one and a half years old, only white bread should be included in his menu, since it is digested better than others. Its amount per day should not exceed one hundred grams.
  • Pasta... This type of food is not recommended to be included in the menu too often; it can be done no more than once, maximum twice a week. This is due to the fact that pasta contains a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates. You can offer pasta to your child as a side dish or add it to soups.
  • Drink... Never forget to give the crumbs clean water (try to use a baby bottle in bottles), there are no restrictions on its amount. In addition to her, the baby can drink vegetable and fruit juices, dairy products, compotes, weak tea and herbal teas, for example, from mint, fennel or chamomile.