Presentation and cesarean at 35 weeks. Planned caesarean section. Motor mode and nutrition

Labor that begins at 35 weeks of gestation is considered premature. The calming factor is that the internal organs of the fetus are already formed and able to function. Particular importance is given to the weight of the newborn, usually at this time it is from 1 to 2 kg - the greater the mass of the baby, the higher the chances that the child will be born healthy. In cases where further development in the mother's womb poses a threat to the fetus, delivery is carried out artificially.

35 weeks pregnant - features

At 35 weeks, the body begins to intensively prepare for the upcoming birth.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is rapidly preparing for the birth process, the uterus begins to descend, which causes pain due to pressure on the diaphragm and makes breathing difficult. When the stomach drops, breathing will become much easier. In addition, the situation is complicated by problems with sleep, pain in the back and legs, frequent going to the toilet.

To avoid heartburn and frequent belching, a pregnant woman is recommended to eat 6-7 small portions a day, and you should not drink a lot of fluids before bed. It is advisable to sleep only on your side, for convenience, you can use a special pillow for pregnant women. The expectant mother, carrying her baby under her heart, must remember that all these phenomena are temporary and soon her long-awaited baby will be born.

Important! It is believed that babies born in the eighth month are less likely to survive than in the seventh. In fact, this judgment is unfounded, but in practice everything happens exactly the opposite, since the development of vital systems has been completed in the last two months.

It is not worth leaving for long distances from home - at the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman should be prepared for the fact that labor can begin at any time. Therefore, it is desirable that close people are always nearby.

What does a baby look like at 35 weeks pregnant?

At 35 weeks of gestation, the baby's height varies from 42 to 47 centimeters, weight is from 1 to 2.5 kg. Every week, the weight of the fetus increases by 220 grams, so the ability to stay in the mother's womb as long as possible is very important. Soon the baby becomes cramped in the tummy and movements occur a little less often.

The internal organs of the fetus are already practically formed, hormones are released that contribute to the normalization of the mineral and water-salt levels. Muscle and adipose tissue grow rapidly, the child's body is rounded, facial features are determined. The skin becomes smooth and pinkish. Marigolds reach the nail plate, and their growth stops.

Baby development at 35 weeks

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

The condition of a woman in the period of 35 weeks is unstable. Pain in the lower abdomen is a signal that the body is preparing for labor. The height of the bottom of the uterus reaches a peak, resulting in strong pressure on the internal organs. Since the lungs are also compressed, a pregnant woman may experience shortness of breath. In this case, you should kneel down, relax and slowly inhale and release air. It should get easier soon. There are false contractions. Some doctors recommend lying down and waiting a bit, if after 10-15 minutes the uterine contractions have not subsided, you should call an ambulance.

Quite often, pregnant women complain of pain in the lumbar region, back and lower extremities. This is due to the weakening of the hormone relaxin, which supports the ligaments of the spine. To relieve pain, you should often rest, do not lift heavy objects, it is recommended to use a bandage. If you experience pain in the mammary glands due to their sharp increase and strong pressure, you can buy a special nursing bra that will support your breasts.

If a woman often has stomach pains at night, it is recommended to make circular movements of the pelvis before going to bed to relax the muscles of the uterus and reduce tone. Many girls develop insomnia, but you need to remember that taking pharmaceutical drugs with a hypnotic effect during pregnancy is contraindicated in most cases.

At 35 weeks, a woman may be bothered by back and lower back pain.

Discharge at 35 weeks pregnant

At this time, you should pay attention to the color and structure of the discharge. Usually they remain light, almost white, and have a uniform consistency. A woman should be alert if she notices on her underwear:

  • Mucus - this can inform the pregnant woman about the complete or partial discharge of the cork.
  • The discharge is greenish or brown in color, which indicates the penetration of the infection into the body.
  • Discharge with a watery structure - this indicates the leakage of amniotic fluid, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, labor stimulation may be indicated.
  • Detachable curdled structure, which indicates the occurrence of thrush. In addition, itching, burning and swelling of the reproductive organs appear.
  • Bloody discharge - in this case, it is urgent to contact an ambulance to prevent placental abruption.

At 35 weeks, the expectant mother may have colostrum, so you should follow all the rules of personal hygiene, wipe the discharge and wash the breasts daily.

The presence of false contractions

Contractions at this time are not uncommon - they can be false or be the beginning of labor. Training contractions of the uterus are irregular and do not cause much pain. Real contractions are accompanied by severe pain and an increase in uterine activity. Can stony the stomach.

If false contractions last for a long time and cause severe pain, the woman should inform the doctor about this. In some pregnant women, the stomach drops during this period, which is a sign of an imminent meeting with the baby. However, this does not always happen, so other factors must be taken into account.

Premature birth - causes

When the 35th week of pregnancy approaches, childbirth can begin unexpectedly. The risk group includes women under 18 and over 35 years of age. The main causes of premature labor are:

  1. Viral diseases of the genital tract.
  2. Diseases of a chronic nature in a woman in labor. These can be pathologies of the heart or urinary system, diabetes mellitus.
  3. Bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
  4. Surgical interventions on the uterus before pregnancy.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the fetus.
  6. Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  7. Lack of folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman.
  8. Rh-conflict of the fetus with the mother.
  9. Viral diseases, it can be an acute respiratory infection or flu.
  10. Aging, abruption or placenta previa.
  11. Penetration of infection into the fetal bladder.

If a woman has weight loss, a mucus plug is coming off, or she has frequent abdominal pain, she should tell her doctor and take the necessary measures.

Important!The weight of the baby at week 35 ranges from 1000 to 2000 grams, the internal organs and systems are practically formed, therefore, in most cases, the prognosis is favorable. If the weight of the fetus is less than 1 kg, the risks of losing a child increase significantly.

At 35 weeks, you should be prepared for possible preterm labor.

Signs of preterm labor

Signs of preterm labor may vary depending on the duration of pregnancy, at 35 weeks of gestation these include:

  • Hypertension of the uterus.
  • Pain in the lumbar region and coccyx.
  • Contractions, if they are regular and have an increasing character. During preterm labor, the cervix stretches faster, the duration of uterine contractions increases.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The discharge is brown in color, sometimes there is a little blood in them, which may indicate a cork discharge.
  • Frequent urination, loose stools.

Is premature birth at 35 weeks pregnant

Birth at 35 weeks is considered premature.

Childbirth at 35 weeks is considered premature. If a born baby has a mass of about 500 gr. the probability of death is very high, so everything possible must be done to prevent an irreversible process. You can learn about possible threats using an ultrasound of the cervix, if its length is less than 3 cm - the risks of premature labor are high. In this case, the doctor must determine the approximate date the baby was born and advise the woman what needs to be done to avoid various pathologies. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed hormone-based drugs for the development of fetal lung tissue.

With multiple pregnancies, the situation is a little different. If a woman has twins, then delivery is optimal at 36-37 weeks, triplets at 33-34 weeks, and with a quadruple it can be only 31 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to judge whether preterm birth at 35 weeks is, given the nature of the pregnancy.

Ways to prevent early labor

To prevent early labor activity, the introduction of special agents is prescribed - tocolytics, which help to relax the uterus, due to which the uterine tone and contractions decrease. Also, drugs are prescribed to improve placental blood flow in late toxicosis.

However, there are contraindications for the introduction of tocolytics. These include:

  • Placental abruption.
  • The death of the fetus in the mother's womb or anomalies in which the baby may die at birth.
  • Chorioamnionitis is an inflammation of the membranes.
  • Bleeding.

Treatment is carried out for two days. When opening the amniotic sac, delivery is mandatory. Most often, the birth process ends with a favorable outcome, but sometimes you have to resort to a caesarean section. Often an indicator for surgical intervention is the incorrect position of the fetal head, since not all babies have time to roll over. In any case, a pregnant woman needs to remain calm, because the child she carries under her heart feels her feelings and excitement. Therefore, the expectant mother should set herself up only for the best.

There are ways to prevent preterm labor

How is childbirth at 35 weeks pregnant?

In most cases, the birth of a child at this time does not pose a particular threat, since all its organs and systems have already been formed. If about 40% of newborns die during childbirth at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy, then at 35-36 weeks 90% of babies survive. At this time, the baby is already able to breathe on its own, but if there are threats to life, the baby will be transferred to a special pathology department for premature babies. There he will receive the necessary medical care and intensive therapy. All premature babies are prescribed drugs to accelerate development and growth.

It happens that childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy begins due to infection of the fetal bladder, in which case it will be contraindicated for a woman to give birth herself, since this will lead to infection of the child. A caesarean section is scheduled. If there are no risks for adverse effects, natural delivery is possible. Since the weight of the child at this time is very small, the likelihood of perineal tears will be minimal.

Intimate life during this period is not always useful. On the one hand, sperm increases the elasticity of the walls of the uterus, but on the other hand, it can provoke premature birth. Contraindications to sex at week 35 include the threat of premature labor, too low location of the placenta, pain syndrome and multiple pregnancy.

Possible deviations and consequences of childbirth at 35 weeks

Sometimes preterm birth can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Childbirth at 35 weeks does not pose a strong danger to the newborn, the most common risk is pulmonary insufficiency. As a prevention of preterm labor, hormone-based drugs are used to accelerate the development of the lungs, so that in the event of a birth, the child can breathe on his own.

In addition, complications such as:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Some babies are fed with a tube at birth, only a week later they are transferred to natural feeding.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Hyperactivity and increased fatigue.
  • Underweight and short stature. In this case, these parameters are measured daily.
  • Sepsis and hemorrhage in the heart or brain due to inadequate development of the walls of blood vessels.

In general, children who were born at this time do not lag behind in physical and mental development from babies who appeared at the right time. If a woman decides to give birth again, she will be under the special attention of a gynecologist in order to prevent premature birth.

Effects of preterm birth on the baby

According to statistics, 80% of babies born at 35 weeks do not have health problems. The internal organs of the baby are already formed and can function. And although childbirth at 35 weeks is still premature, they do not pose a big threat to the health of the baby.

With the birth of a child in the early stages, special responsibility lies with the medical staff, so a pregnant woman should choose in advance a suitable maternity hospital and an experienced, competent specialist. Then the expectant mother will know that a professional doctor will take care of her and her baby, who, in which case, will be able to reduce all the risks of complications to a minimum.

“Caesarean,” said the respected doctor. But I did not agree ... (or the first birth at the age of 35 in a maternity hospital with 29 GKB)

To begin with, by the time of the birth I was already 35 years old, the birth was the first, the baby was large. And one more thing: a respected, well-known doctor, who managed to get an ultrasound, calmly and weightily said: “Caesarean”. To my question: “What evidence do I have for this?”, He confidently answered: “Age”. I tried to clarify: “And the medical indications?”. In response: “And no more evidence is needed ... AGE !!!”. I didn't agree...

My criteria for choosing a doctor and a maternity hospital did not differ from the traditional ones. However, my husband and I did not have a question about the need for a contract (of course, “YES!”), but we were ready to thank, in addition to this, the medical staff.

I haven't written a review for this site for quite some time. And the main reason was not the lack of time, although I did not take maternity leave, but the fact that I had to make sure that everything was in order with the baby and with me, and I can recommend both the maternity hospital and doctors, based on my difficult experience.

Monday morning. Exactly 40 weeks pregnant. The waters began to unobtrusively recede at home at night, they arrived at the maternity hospital in the morning. My doctor met us on the first floor in the Reception Department, told me to get registered, and my husband to get ready (they gave birth with my husband). It turned out that the cervix was not ready at all, i.e. it is not only not open, it is not even softened.

All procedures carried out upon admission to the maternity hospital have already been repeatedly described. There is nothing terrible, unpleasant, shameful in them. Everything went on normally.

We got up to give birth. There is not a single free rodblock. Birth Boom! Yes, and Monday, a hard day! They gave me a set of bed linen and offered me a sofa in the hallway, they brought me a device for a dropper. It was clear that they would stimulate (the waters had already begun to recede more than 10 hours ago!). But my determination to give birth on my own only grew stronger. My stay in the corridor was supposed to last until the road block was free. The husband came in a blue medical shirt, trousers and a hat. Cheerful, happy, a little excited. Not every day instead of work you go to give birth with your wife!

I didn’t have any sensations: nothing ached, didn’t pull, didn’t hurt. At least go to work. But the waters are receding!

It was about 13:00. day.

And then the rodblock was released and stimulation began. It looks quite ordinary: a needle is injected into the arm, fixed with adhesive tape, and a dropper is placed. At first, nothing happened and I waited for the process to begin, but then ...

Wild, unbearable, indescribable pain, control by a doctor and equipment, a lot of medicines poured into me through this very dropper (and if in the first 3-4 hours I still tried to count them, then after the first ten I lost my way ...), midwife Faina with with the words: “Nothing, even if it’s a caesarean, it’s good that we open the neck, the lochia will come out easier later.”

But I do not agree to a caesarean! I remember how at first, holding a dropper in my hand, leaning on my husband, I crawled to the toilet or could go to the window and look at the babies discharged from the hospital with escorts of relatives, and later I lay down and could not even imagine that I could be able to get out of bed. I remember the incredible pain when the doctor looked at the neck during the contraction (later I realized that I was not only watching, but also helping to open up). I remember that my husband was not present at these examinations, he went out into the corridor. I remember the terrible fetal position (and this is with the stomach), which is necessary for epidural anesthesia. I remember that this anesthesia is a miracle! But how painful it was (and for some reason, only on the left lower abdomen for me) when this anesthesia ended. I remember that I constantly asked the doctor: "How much is left?" I remember how I vomited, and more than once (and if at first there was something, then there was only the urge to vomit, but nothing!). I remember how the doctor leaned over to me and said loudly: “Look at me! Open your eyes! Do you see me? What's your name? And I see. And I hear. And I remember the name. ” This something bad was shown by the devices connected to me and the doctor was on the alert! Didn't let me "fly away". I remember that I discovered for myself the magic number 27: with the start of the fight, I started counting and I had to force myself to count to 27! Then the fight ended.

I didn't scream at all! I BREATHE! I breathed, I think, correctly: firstly, it really helped, and secondly, my actions were more than once approved by others. I breathed the way everyone is taught, but at first I tried several options and then “caught” my own. I remember that I heard that the opening is 10 cm, but you still need to be patient for 1-1.5 hours until the baby's head falls into the pelvis. It was a "low blow". Another 1-1.5 hours! I, being an optimist, reassured myself that I had already endured 10 hours of this hell!

Monday ended. The husband was pleased: he didn’t want his son to be born on Monday (it was firmly in him that “you can see their mother gave birth on Monday” J).

What was good (in my opinion): the doctor was only with me during all 11 hours of childbirth, he came out 2 times for 10 minutes. drink tea. The whole process was controlled EXACTLY by the DOCTOR, and not by the midwife! It is good when everything is good. What if it's not very good? Who makes the decisions? Who takes responsibility for these decisions? Another good thing is that the doctor consulted with other doctors. Such collegial decision-making on specific genera, in my opinion, deserves approval. After all, each doctor has his own luggage, and maybe your doctor has not previously had a case similar to yours, while another had such cases ... One head is good, but two are better! There must be modern equipment. Monitoring the strength of contractions, the vital signs of the baby helps to make the right decisions. And here the DOCTOR is important! Specialist!

It is absolutely right to give birth with a husband (in my opinion). Arguments "FOR": increased responsibility of medical personnel, moral support (at least at the beginning, because then I was no longer up to such support). You can list further the benefits of the presence of a husband at the birth, but this is already enough! If one of the men is shy, disdainful, afraid, etc., of the physiological nature of the process, then no one interferes at certain moments to leave the birth block in general, or turn away and not look at certain moments of childbirth while in the birth block. But after all, this is MOMENTS, and childbirth can last for hours ... And a husband is needed, his presence is important!

The pushing period passed with a bang. I gave birth in three contractions. Here it is very important to push CORRECTLY. Do not shout! Do not push "in the face"! Only down! Listen to the commands of doctors. At first, I didn’t succeed, I myself understood this, and the doctor said. It is necessary to concentrate very clearly on the fact that all efforts must be directed towards “going big”. My efforts were initially directed to the perineum. It seemed to me that since the baby comes out “from there”, then it is necessary to push there. But ... there are established instructions ("poop"), and they are the only true J.

Synulka was born at 00.05. on Tuesday. Dad saw him before me. He took pictures. They didn’t put a little one on my stomach, they didn’t put it on my chest. I can't find an explanation for this. They also injected me with drugs, they sewed me up. The husband left. The neonatologist on duty (children's doctor) took the little one, and they left me in the maternity ward.

Interestingly, I was still lying on a gurney in the maternity unit and looking at my son lying on the children's table under the lamp, and another woman in labor had already been placed on my bed in the same maternity unit. I really wanted to help her and I began to give her advice about breathing. There was neither a doctor nor a midwife in the Rodblok. She gave birth out of contract.

The midwife brought me to the postpartum ward. It was about 3 am. I didn't want to sleep. In general, I had a cheerful mood and a feeling of a surge of strength, and I also walked along the corridor. That’s how interesting the body is arranged, what a mysterious process of BIRTH it is: 2-3 hours ago you were incredibly hurt and you almost “flew away”, but now it’s all over and you seem completely healthy to yourself, despite the seams, for the night, for hanging like a rag, belly J. But, I suspect that in my case this, among other things, is the result of the action of drugs.

Childbirth is not difficult. The hard part started later. They didn’t bring the little one in the morning, they didn’t bring it in the afternoon either. He was not on my floor at all. He was in 4th. It is there that children's resuscitation and there is always a pediatrician. Only in the afternoon on Tuesday I saw my little son. I saw him lying by the incubator with droppers in small hands. Apgar 7/7, short umbilical cord, entanglement of the umbilical cord, a long anhydrous period, my lack of labor, stimulation, hypoxia in the baby, etc., etc.

This is where the scary thing started. UNKNOWN. In maternity hospitals, most likely, it is customary not to say anything, not to comment, not to give forecasts. They don’t give me a little one, he doesn’t suck his breasts. Immediately - an incubator (this is a special apparatus where children are placed, a microclimate is maintained in it, equipment is connected), bottles with a mixture.

After childbirth, especially after the first one, completely unaware of reliable information that now it is more useful for your child with his diagnosis, unknown to you, to be close to your mother and breastfeed or to be under the supervision of doctors and on medication in an incubator - you cannot adequately respond to ongoing events. STRESS. Strong stress. Something happened to your baby, the doctor avoids talking to you, you have milk coming in, and try to drain your breast without a suckling baby! Only with hands! You do not receive any professional psychological support in the maternity hospital at all. It’s good if you have a mother (girlfriend, etc.) who can tell you: “Pull yourself together! Don't sag! You must save your breast milk! Your baby will need it in a few days! And he needs a strong, healthy mom! I didn’t answer the calls of my friends and relatives (except for my husband and mother), I cried near the incubator (this can’t be done! You convey negative energy to the little one.), I tried to catch a pediatrician, I asked the nurses who were on duty in the nursery near such heavy kids. I was unlucky: on Tuesday, when they brought my little one to the nursery, there was only an abandoned baby with a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. And now, in this room there is only an unfortunate little baby and my little son. The feeling that EVERYTHING, ALL mothers with babies are together, but only you are separated, only you see your little one through the glass - this is a terrible feeling! This is a challenge! If you got it, you must pass it with dignity! I understood all this, but I could not believe that this happened to us. And she did not know what to do, how to help the baby. We were not going to be discharged from the maternity hospital. They referred to a possible intrauterine infection, they did not predict anything.

Never in my life have I considered myself weak. She has achieved a lot. But in the maternity hospital in that situation, I ... cried. And ... she was pumping. She expressed it in a small 2 ml syringe and carried these drops of colostrum to the baby.

And the sisters were different!

It is incredibly important that in such a period of life there is a person who would instill hope in you. For me at that moment, such a person turned out to be not at all my doctor and not a pediatrician, but a children's nurse who took over the shift on the morning of Wednesday, April 20th. Her name is Elena Vasilievna (from the 3rd floor, larger than her namesake from the same department). That's who low bow! The simple words that those children who are helped in the first days of life in the same way as they help my little son to adapt to life, then “go through life” more easily, turned my attitude to the current situation!

But all the same, there was uncertainty, and postpartum stress “started up” and began to work.

Here it is impossible not to say about the accompaniment of my doctor after the birth. I'm lucky. My doctor came to see me every day. He checked uterine contractions, looked at stitches, checked breasts, showed me how to pump. And now ... it was on him that the first blow of my indignation at the current situation with the child fell. It was he who had to listen to my complaints about the behavior of children's doctors and the head. children's department. And after my speech (at first with tears, and then with raised voices), everything began to spin. A representative of the insurance company came, and a children's doctor came (the one who took the little one and observed him in the first hours of life). Then the manager came. children's department - Zayakina Lyudmila Borisovna. I think that this is a professional with a capital letter. And all the actions regarding my baby were competent and timely. But ... I had to insist that we be treated not with what is in the maternity hospital, but with what is needed. And if the maternity hospital does not provide this “what we need”, then they should tell us and we will buy everything, and if they cannot help us in this maternity hospital, then they should tell us where they can and we will find an opportunity to get there. It’s hard to say what specifically helped the baby (maybe time just passed, those 3-4 days in the life of a newborn is a very important period!), But we bought an expensive medicine and after we injected it and looked at the result, Lyudmila Borisovna began to doubt in the expediency of sending us to the Morozov hospital (in the beginning it was only about such a continuation of treatment). But I was aware that as soon as we were discharged from the hospital, no one would need us and we could lose time looking for the right specialists and observation. We agreed with the department that she would allow me to show a small pediatric neurologist from a specialized neurological hospital. I think that the steps we have taken to “pull out” the situation were correct. The neurologist looked at the baby and recommended that we go to her department for aftercare. So we were discharged 8 days after the birth to the neurological hospital.

Treatment in the “hospital” (as we called it), pumping at home at night (mothers can be in the hospital from 9 am to 7 pm), driving through traffic jams while driving with stitches on the perineum, a disinfectant solution in the hospital, from which I got bright red spots all over my body, perplexing the doctors and again doubting what is more useful for the baby: this treatment and nights without mom, or being at home with mom without treatment - all this was later and you can talk about it separately.

Again, I need to write about my doctor who took delivery: a month after giving birth, I regularly went to him for examinations and he “accompanied” my uterine contraction. Everything went well. And for this - a special thank you. As well as for the seams, to which after 1.5 years there are no complaints.

And now my son Stepa is 1 year and 7 months old. The kid is healthy! It develops according to age. From the side of the neurologist - the norm! "A decent boy," an independent neurologist told us at a 6-month follow-up. and was surprised that it was 7/7 Apgar and that “bouquet” of diagnoses that we have in extracts from the maternity hospital and from the “hospital”. We also see the doctor who treated us at the Children's Neurological Hospital and visit other neurologists.

Now, 19 months later. after childbirth, it seems to me that I can say that having the result that we have, I can recommend VITALY VALERIEVICH PROZOROV. Reticence, restraint, responsibility, professionalism, accurate forecasts regarding the passage of labor (he said that we would give birth in 24 hours, and that’s how we gave birth J), and what was important for me was support for my decision to give birth myself, although I am sure that, if necessary , a decision would be made that would correspond to the current situation.

I will not specifically write anything about living conditions, food, postpartum care (suturing, ultrasound, straining, etc.), nannies, nurses, etc. My opinion: you need to ask more, not be afraid to communicate with neighbors and medical staff . There is no need to wait for individual attention, our health care (even paid, even for big money) is a team of PEOPLE who are not yet able (no Traditions, no School, no Mentorship, no Control) to serve us for our money in the way that we want it. And there is no need to make such demands on them at that period of life, when all your energy, all thoughts should be given to the little man who came into this world thanks to you.

And what is important in the contract (again, based on my own experience) is not a TV and a little prettier plates and tastier food, namely, individual support of the BIRTH OF BIRTH BY THE DOCTOR, the possibility of the presence of the HUSBAND at the birth, the observation of the baby by the MANAGER OF THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, and PROFESSIONAL conduct of the postpartum period. Especially when “not everything is good.” But who knows in advance how it will be?

Separately, a few lines about discharge from the hospital according to the option that we went through, i.e. not home with bouquets, relatives and a beautiful envelope with a bow in her hands, but like this: a children's nurse ran into the ward, grabbed the baby, having managed to shout on the go, “The ambulance has arrived. They can’t wait” (The ambulance was called in the morning, and, as usual, no one knew the time of her arrival at the maternity hospital). Nobody was going to let me into the ambulance, I was waiting for the promised discharge and my husband, who brought me after me to the “hospital”, where they had already managed to feed the little one with a different mixture, perform a puncture of the spinal cord (without my consent), and where they refused that day let me in, referring to the fact that it is customary for their mothers to come the next day, they say, mothers should rest and put themselves in order after the maternity hospital, as well as find a dressing gown, scarf, slippers necessary in the “hospital.” It is important to insist on your own , even if it is necessary to refer to Chap. doctor or manager department.

So, about the statement for this option. This is very difficult psychologically: after all, every mother, and especially those who gave birth for the first time, somewhere in their dreams sees a festive picture of discharge, and suddenly she, this picture drawn in the imagination, SO does not coincide with reality!, it is very hard physically: it will take 10 days (at best), or even a month or more to go to the baby and spend time with him not at home, but as usual in the "hospital" (by the clock, following the routine), but in such "hospital" QUALIFIED help, they really raise very heavy children in the first days of their lives. And, apparently, in many cases, it is timely assistance IN THE FIRST MONTH of life that is the key to successful treatment and development of babies.

I didn’t have girlfriends who would have walked our path before me, and it was very difficult for me both in the maternity hospital and during my stay in the “hospital”, I constantly tormented myself with questions: “Was I right that I didn’t go for a caesarean? Am I to blame that the baby had to suffer so much in childbirth? We must not forget that this period is described everywhere as a period of “postpartum depression”, that at this time it is difficult for any woman, and if it’s so bad with a child, if you also torment yourself with questions, if you still ride around Moscow like that at “hour peak"!

Dear mothers (those who have taken place and those who are going to become them), if suddenly such a test has fallen on you, you need not to become limp, but to direct all your strength and all your thoughts to a favorable outcome. Our medicine already knows a lot and can! You need not think about yourself and your “holiday pictures”, but try to preserve breastfeeding, your health, your maternal tenderness in order to give all this to the baby. They are discharged from such “hospitals”, thank the doctors and, often, do not return there! Just because it's not necessary.

In my story, more about the postpartum period than about the birth itself. But this is precisely what, in my opinion, little is said and written about. And that's why I felt so bad. I just wasn't ready. Let your situation be different. Happiness to you, health, safe delivery, healthy children.

And the kid turned out - lovely! We are planning a second one.

Lena and son. She gave birth in April 2005.

Height - 45 cm, weight - 2500 gr.

The date of the planned birth is getting closer and closer. All organs of your baby are viable and childbirth at 35 weeks is, of course, undesirable, but almost not dangerous for him. True, the gastrointestinal tract of the child is not yet quite ready for the assimilation of mother's milk. After birth, there may be problems with digestion of food and, as a result, a temporary weight loss. But it's all fixable.

The amniotic fluid becomes viscous and sticky, and particles of meconium, the baby's original feces, may appear in it. This is normal for the last weeks of pregnancy and is nothing to worry about.

The kid is gaining weight more and more, he already has plump, pretty shoulders and legs. The skin has ceased to be wrinkled and acquired a natural color. Although many say that babies are born red or blue and shriveled, in reality this has nothing to do with the color and condition of the skin of a very premature baby.

Marigolds decorated the child's fingers. Now they have grown to their natural length (to the edge of the fingers), and many will have a decent manicure by the time of birth. Some babies even manage to scratch themselves in the womb - because now it is cramped and uncomfortable there, and you have to sit upside down.

In one case in 170 births, during the development of the fetus, placenta previa occurs, that is, such an incorrect attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus, in which it partially or completely closes the uterine os (the path your baby will take to be born into the world).

This is a serious pathology, as it leads to life-threatening bleeding during childbirth and during pregnancy. It most often occurs in those who give birth late and in those who have previously had a caesarean section.

At the same time, according to the ultrasound data, it became clear to scientists that placenta previa in the early stages occurs in many women, but with the development and growth of the baby, the placenta seems to move up and clear the way for him.

A sign of placenta previa is bleeding, but without pain and uterine contractions, most often after 32 weeks of pregnancy. If you suspect a presentation, the doctor should in no case examine you in the gynecological chair; only ultrasound is used to obtain the necessary data.

Very often, with placenta previa, the baby is located in the uterus with the legs down. Because of this, as well as the threat of blood loss, a caesarean section is usually prescribed.

Future mom

The average weight gain this week is about 12.5 kg. The height of the bottom of the uterus is 35 cm.

It is already very difficult to move, and I do not want to. However, you can not sit or lie down all the time, otherwise you risk earning complications in the veins. Best of all - walk: quietly, slowly, preferably in the park. Enjoy the last weeks of peace and quiet. You don't have to rush anywhere, you don't have to worry about anything.

In 4-5 weeks, and maybe even earlier, your baby will be born and you will begin a completely different life, full of diapers, sleepless nights and worries for any reason. And now save up strength, drink vitamins, breathe oxygen.

You may suffer from insomnia and back pain. You are unlikely to get rid of the latter before childbirth, and regarding the former, we can say that this is how the body prepares you for night shifts at the baby's crib. However, everything is good in moderation. You must sleep and get enough sleep.

You should not take any sleeping pills, with the exception of a weak infusion of valerian (weak!). Better use natural remedies that promote healthy sleep: evening walks, relaxing warm (but not hot) baths (not for long!), turn off the TV so that it does not make you nervous, do not drink a lot of fluids at night.

How does the course of childbirth depend on the position that your baby has chosen?

Head presentation - head down, facing the mother's back (about 60% of cases). This is the standard position, childbirth goes according to the usual scenario.

Head presentation, but facing the mother's stomach (35% of cases). Slightly incorrect position, since the baby's nose is facing the mother's pubis, but is not an indication for a caesarean section. In general, the baby himself does not care at all, but it can be very painful for the mother, since the child will put pressure on the sciatic nerve with his whole skull.

A very unpleasant pain will be felt by the mother in the entire lower back, abdomen, upper legs. In addition, with this position of the head, a rupture of the mother's perineum is possible. In this case, in order not to suffer, we recommend that you think about anesthesia.

Facing forward (and not the back of the head, as usual). A rather rare (0.17% of cases) position of the baby, in which they rush into the birth canal with their face. There is a risk of infringement of the baby's head when it passes through the pelvic bones. The doctor may recommend a caesarean section, although vaginal delivery is possible.

Frontal presentation (0.02% of cases) - the child moves forward with the forehead and most of the skull. But in this way he cannot pass through the birth canal (just the size of his head in this case will be too large). The doctor will perform a caesarean section.

Breech presentation (about 4-5% of children) - the child is located with the ass to the cervix, the legs are stretched up or folded in Turkish. Childbirth will be difficult, the child will come out in three stages: the ass and legs, the torso, the last is the head.

Before deciding whether to have a caesarean, your doctor will need to examine your pelvis. If the pelvis is too narrow, then a cesarean delivery will be made. Otherwise, childbirth will begin naturally, but with any complication, a caesarean section will be performed, and a perineal incision (episiotomy) is also possible.

Shoulder (transverse) presentation (0.2% of cases) - the child lies obliquely, as if in a deck chair. It is often found in mothers who have given birth to many children by this time. Their uterus is too stretched, which cannot support the child in an upright position. A caesarean section will be done.

And the last. At these times, the expectant mother's anxiety increases, she can be afraid of everything, even childbirth, no matter how much she wants them to come as soon as possible. Remember that whatever happens to you happens to most pregnant women. You have to be patient a little.

Read again our recommendations for week 23, which describes in detail the state of prenatal depression. Brace yourself! Cry, relax, allow yourself everything that can make you happy, even if it seems strange to others. Remember: you are pregnant, you still can’t do this!

35 weeks pregnant is already a very long time. This is 8 calendar months and almost 9 obstetric. Most women are already preparing for the upcoming birth. The kid, even if unconsciously, does the same. What changes in the organisms of mother and child occur these days? What signs show that everything is going well, and when should you urgently go to the hospital? What is the optimal daily routine for this period?

Child development

The 35th week of pregnancy is the period when the fetus is already almost formed. There are only a few touches left - and he will be completely ready for life outside his mother's body. A child who was born at 8 months (calendar) usually quickly adapts to a new environment.

Here are some characteristics of the changes that occur during this period:

  • Since this week, the weight gain is 200-220 g, the weight is currently 2400-2600 g. But the baby weighs a little more or less, do not worry too much, because each child is individual and has its own set of genes. If one of the parents weighs little or even both, most likely the baby will be miniature.

  • The body length of the fetus is 45–47 cm.
  • All organ systems are already fully formed, but some are not yet quite ready to work on their own.
  • At 35 weeks, the fluff on the body of the fetus disappears.
  • Active accumulation of subcutaneous fat begins. Shoulders, arms, legs become childishly rounded. Cheeks appear, skin folds are visible.
  • The skin color is already almost the same as that of a normal newborn baby. Its surface is not as wrinkled as before.
  • The nails have grown. They have already reached the ends of the fingers, they even protrude a little, so some babies even manage to scratch themselves with them.
  • The color of the eyes at this time is blue, no matter what it will be later.
  • Movements have become less active due to the fact that there is less and less free space. They are more like rollovers than somersaults like the previous weeks.
  • Often it is at this time that the fetus occupies the position in which it will be during childbirth. But if this does not happen, you should not worry too much - some babies turn over correctly just a few days before birth.

All these changes can be seen on the ultrasound, which should be done this week.

Ultrasound at 35 weeks

To assess how correctly and timely the development of the child occurs, whether it corresponds to the gestational age, an ultrasound scan is performed. Ultrasound diagnosis at 35 weeks also helps to make a decision, or at least make an assumption about the tactics of childbirth.

What can you find out during an ultrasound at 35 weeks of gestation? The following data:

  1. Height, approximate weight, gender of the baby, its location in the uterus.
  2. Make a conclusion about the absence or presence of malformations.
  3. The position of the placenta and the degree of its maturity and functionality.
  4. Condition and amount of amniotic fluid.
  5. Location and condition of the umbilical cord.
  6. Correspondence of the size of the pelvis and the head of the fetus.
  7. The activity of the child, how many times he moves in a certain period of time.
  8. The correctness of the rhythm of the fetal heart.

After this ultrasound, the doctor may recommend a caesarean section if he notices that there may be difficulties with conventional childbirth. This decision is yours to make. But it is worth remembering that this operation is not so terrible, but in some situations it saves the life of both the child and the mother.

Mom's well-being

By week 35, the abdomen is already very noticeable, the skin is taut, which can cause itching (you can use special creams to increase the elasticity of the abdominal skin), the navel is convex. It may seem to a woman that she is big and clumsy, weighs a lot. Weight from the beginning of pregnancy should normally increase by about 13 kg. You need to make sure that the weight gain is not too large, as this can complicate the process of childbirth.

When the 35th obstetric week begins, many women complain of severe shortness of breath, nausea, almost constant heartburn, and swelling. This is due to the fact that the stomach presses on the internal organs. Nausea, heartburn, vomiting can be observed after a heavy meal, a sharp change in body position, which greatly limits the woman. Also, back pain is often due to a strong load on the spine.

Heartburn can be especially annoying. Almost all pregnant women complain about the presence of this unpleasant phenomenon. Why does heartburn occur? The cause of the symptom is squeezing of the stomach and weakening of the smooth muscles. Because of this, the contents of the stomach easily enter the esophagus. What is felt at the same time is called heartburn.

By the end of the week, the stomach will drop, heartburn and nausea may stop bothering you, but the pressure on the bladder will increase. Now the expectant mother will need to go to the toilet often, which may even develop insomnia.

The sudden appearance of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, especially with severe edema, may be a sign of late toxicosis. In this case, it does not hurt to go to the hospital and pass the necessary tests, for example, for the presence of protein in the urine.

Motor mode and nutrition

In order not to suffer from nausea, vomiting and heartburn, you need to eat often, but in small portions. The diet should be similar to a child's: rich in vitamins, with dairy products, without fried, salty, spicy and foods that can cause allergies. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt, coffee, strong tea. You also need to monitor how much the expectant mother weighs, and if weight gain occurs too quickly, exclude high-calorie foods (buns, pies, sweets). With such a diet, heartburn is observed a little less often.

Heavy physical activity, especially heavy lifting, is strictly prohibited. But lack of movement is also bad for bones and joints. It can also aggravate swelling. Therefore, you need to walk a little, and often change your posture when resting. It is best to sleep on the left side.


Discharge at the 35th week of pregnancy is one of the most important indicators by which one can judge how correctly metabolic processes are taking place, whether the expectant mother is healthy, and how soon the birth will begin.

Possible selection options and what they say:

  • White or transparent, odorless, in moderation - the norm.
  • Mucous membranes are also the norm, but indicate that the mucous plug is moving away.
  • White, cheesy, accompanied by itching, redness - thrush. It is often aggravated in pregnant women, but it needs to be urgently cured so that by the time of birth the birth canal is clean.
  • With an unpleasant odor, with a green or brown tint, they indicate the presence of some kind of infection. You need to see a doctor urgently.
  • Bloody discharge, especially if it hurts in the lower abdomen, is a sign of premature placental abruption. This is a direct indication for hospitalization and caesarean section.
  • Abundant watery - amniotic fluid departs. Emergency medical intervention is needed.

As you can see, any changes in the nature of the discharge may indicate a serious pathology, the consequences of which, without treatment, can become deplorable. Therefore, in no case do not ignore such signs.

Sex at 35 weeks

In most cases, in late pregnancy, women are not very interested in the question of whether sex is allowed in their position. But if the expectant mother feels well enough, and there are no contraindications, sex at 35 weeks of gestation is not prohibited.

It used to be thought that uterine contractions during orgasm could trigger preterm labor, but modern medicine does not confirm this fact. On the contrary, studies show that sperm increases the elasticity of the cervix, which is positive for a woman who will soon give birth.

Possible contraindications:

  • An ultrasound revealed a multiple pregnancy.
  • The threat of premature birth.
  • Physical or psychological discomfort, soreness.
  • The presence of a sexually transmitted infection or other sexually transmitted infections in a partner.
  • The process of removing the mucous plug. As soon as it is discharged, the child becomes open to external infections, even those that may be safe and invisible to parents.

Doctors advise against using condoms, as this can disrupt the microflora, and avoid positions in which pressure is applied to the stomach.

Twin pregnancy - features

If pregnancy is joy, then pregnancy with twins is doubly joy. True, this option has its own characteristics and difficulties, because it is much more difficult for the body to ensure the vital activity of two children.

Consider how the 35th week differs during pregnancy with twins:

  • Babies are usually slightly smaller in terms of height and weight than their "peers" who are born alone. Their normal weight is 2100–2500 g.

  • The last weeks are even harder for a woman, as her internal organs are squeezed. Even more often than during normal pregnancy, nausea, shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling in the legs by the end of the day, and back pain are felt. But by the end of the week, the woman will definitely feel how her stomach drops and most of these unpleasant symptoms will pass.
  • Very often, childbirth occurs earlier by a couple of weeks. Therefore, if you are expecting two children, by week 35 everything you need to enter the maternity hospital should be completely ready. Doctors advise to go to the hospital at 36-37 weeks, even if it does not look like labor will begin soon.

Childbirth at 35 weeks

Delivery at 34–35 weeks is not normal, but is usually relatively well tolerated by the baby. At this time, the most important organ systems have already formed, so he will be able to breathe on his own and develop no worse than other children. Of course, some problems may arise, for example, in the early days the baby may experience digestive problems and associated weight loss, but this does not have a big impact on further growth and development.

Delivery this week is not uncommon. Therefore, a woman needs to be careful not to miss the symptoms when she needs to call a doctor. But it is worth remembering that contractions can be training, in order to talk about the onset of childbirth, other signs are needed.

Childbirth at 35 weeks of gestation may begin with the following symptoms:

  1. It hurts a lot in the lower abdomen, contractions occur. Compared to training, they are much more pronounced, repeated more often, and their duration gradually increases.
  2. The mucous plug comes off. In some cases, it departs gradually, over several weeks. But a variant is possible when everything happens very quickly and childbirth occurs in the near future.
  3. The amniotic fluid has broken. If a large amount of fluid is secreted from the vagina, you should immediately call a doctor. Even if the birth does not start on its own, the pregnancy cannot be continued, because without amniotic fluid, the baby can suffocate. The doctor will decide to either induce labor or perform a caesarean section.
  4. The fact that childbirth is approaching at the 35th week of pregnancy can also be indicated by the fact that at the same time as the contractions, the woman is very sick and vomiting occurs.
  5. There is a feeling that the stomach turns to stone. At the same time, it has already fallen, compared with the situation in previous weeks.

When is a caesarean section necessary?

A caesarean section is prescribed in cases where there is a considerable likelihood that complications will arise during normal childbirth, the consequences of which can be dangerous for a woman or baby.

Indications for surgery:

  • Prolapse of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord delivers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. When it falls out, it is clamped, and access to nutrition and breathing is blocked. Emergency intervention is necessary so that the fetus does not die.
  • Placenta previa or malposition. This is a fairly common pathology in the early stages. The placenta is attached in such a way that it partially or completely blocks the exit from the uterus. Often, before the start, she takes a safe position, but if this does not happen, normal childbirth becomes impossible. To track the position of the placenta, it is important to do an ultrasound in a timely manner.
  • Placental abruption occurs. After placental abruption, life in the abdomen becomes impossible, so a caesarean section is performed.
  • Transverse position of the fetus. If childbirth begins, and the child lies incorrectly, it is removed surgically.
  • Umbilical cord wrap. If the baby is entangled in the umbilical cord, strangulation may occur during passage through the birth canal. The location of the fetus and umbilical cord is easiest to determine using ultrasound, so it is mandatory to conduct it before childbirth.
  • Mismatch between the size of the fetal head and the woman's pelvis. This can also be judged by the results of ultrasound. In most cases, even if the fetal head is large, but it is correctly positioned, childbirth should take place without a threat to life. But they will last a very long time, the risk of complications and ruptures in the birth canal will increase. Therefore, in this case, it is safer to do a caesarean section.

Be attentive to your well-being, lead a healthy lifestyle, cooperate with doctors, do ultrasounds regularly and have no doubt that your baby will be fine!

It all started with the fact that my second pregnancy was not going very well for me, most of the time I lay down, did not walk. One fine night at 35 weeks, I had a severe headache. Waking up in pain, I decided to measure the pressure, the device showed 140/90, I was scared to death, I never had such pressure, 110/70 barely ran. It was decided to call an ambulance. The ambulance, of course, took me to the district office, to the nearest one. To be honest, I didn’t care where, as long as it was under supervision. They met me at 4 in the morning not very friendly in the emergency room, because we woke them up, measuring the pressure there, it was already 120/80 there, they said "what are you riding for nothing?" but apparently decided to play it safe and began to make out. The process dragged on for an hour or even more, taking into account the fact that there was no one except me in the emergency room. Finally, they lifted me into the ward, at about 6 in the morning. The department of potology somehow seemed to me so homey, cozy, although there is no European-style renovation there, but it is very clean and tidy. The beds are old, the mattresses are the same, the pillows are from the 80s if not older. But for me it was not important. I just lay down to rest, when a nurse came for me, called for blood, then there was another painkiller injection for a headache and an appointment with a doctor. In general, they told me to lie down for the weekend and observe, if everything goes well on Monday, write a refusal letter and go home. I was very happy. It was Thursday.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner were brought directly to the ward, the food is not restaurant but you can eat, some dishes were very tasty, some disgusting. There is no buffet service there. Every evening, pressure, temperature and weight are measured at the post. The nurses there, of course, are horny, sometimes they gave them a hand, sometimes they sat down in the wrong way, but there are enough of them everywhere.
The toilet and shower were opposite the ward, there are only two of them per department. The latch does not close, but simply hangs a "busy" or "free" sign. The toilet was always, in principle, clean, the trash bin was always full, apparently taken out once a day.
On Thursday, they looked at me twice on the armchair, the morning doctor and then my doctor, they didn’t look very pleasant, I had a pessary, and everyone just wanted to feel it.
Friday was held under the motto "would survive the weekend and go home"
There were 5 beds, a refrigerator, and a bedside table in the ward. Every morning, the attending physician makes a round right in the ward, listens to the child’s heart tones, pressure, etc.
Saturday began with silence, it feels like the hospital is dying out on weekends, there are no rounds, there are no doctors running around the corridors.
On Saturday evening, at 16:00, my stomach began to stony, somehow unusual. I did not betray the value of this, but it was uncomfortable to sit. I decided to go to the post to find out if there is a doctor on duty today with whom I could consult. To which I was kindly answered now we will call. The doctor came in 40 minutes later, looked at me on the chair and said everything is fine, lie more and walk only in a bandage, since I have a tone. After listening to the doctor, I lay down and tried not to get up. All evening we laughed with the girls in the ward. At about 20:00, I realized that my tone did not go away, but seemed to increase. I went to the post again, the doctor came again, but with assistants. This time they looked at me in a chair together. The verdict was: "dear, you are in childbirth, you have two fingers open, the pessary is no longer holding back, but it just stands there, you are already having contractions" I say what kind of contractions if nothing hurts me. In general, after all these words, I "floated" on a chair, what kind of birth at 35 weeks, plus a baby in a foot presentation. To which I heard "we are preparing the operating room, we are doing an emergency caesarean"
From that moment until the anesthesia, I was shaking like I don't know who.
It was said to collect things and prepare for the operation.
First, a pediatrician came, I don’t remember his specialty, who is responsible for premature babies, like so, warned about all the consequences of prematurity, signed an agreement. Here, tears were already flowing like a river from uncertainty and fear for the baby. Then the doctor who is responsible for anesthesia came, it was decided to do general anesthesia, which I did not regret, I could not bear to watch all this. At 22:00 I was sent for CTG in order to determine the frequency of contractions, it turns out they were already going on, but I didn’t feel it. At that moment, the nurses from the post supported me very much, although in the morning they seemed to be grumbling))
At 23:00 I was taken to the operating room. I go in, my legs are wadded, tears are a river. There are 7 doctors around, someone puts on operating gowns, someone wears masks, someone tries to invigorate me and asks about all sorts of nonsense. I lay down on the table, the catheter, pressure, they take out the pessary very painfully, they put a circle on the stomach for the operation, they treat the stomach with a cold liquid. And I hear the word "start" introduce anesthesia, I look at the clock 23:05.
I realize that my name is, "shift on a gurney" and I can’t even lift a finger, I can’t say a word, but I really want to ask about the baby. I fall asleep again. I wake up from the fact that I am abruptly rolled from a gurney onto a bed already in the intensive care unit in the postpartum ward. I fall asleep. I wake up at 02:00 at night, trying to see the tag on my hand in the dark to see the gender and weight))). There are only devices around me, and a dropper. A tube from a bottle is stretched to the mouth to drink water. The nurse brought the phone and put it next to me, I call my husband, I barely say something and fall asleep again. At 8 in the morning, the same pediatrician comes and says that you had a wonderful baby and lay him next to him, and tears and happiness overwhelm. After 30 minutes, they take him away, since he still does not keep heat well, at 9:00 I am already trying to get up myself and go to the toilet. Here at the post, the nurse is different, one is angrier than the other. Injections are given apparently with all the anger)
The next day, after lunch, I was transferred to a regular ward. Chamber for two, I was very happy. They tied me with a bandage and it became easier to walk, which cannot be said about lying down and getting out of bed. A day later, it was decided to transfer the child to me, the struggle for breastfeeding began, and I won))). Every morning a nurse came to us, they weighed the baby, the navel is not processed now according to the new rules. The pediatrician was a very pleasant woman.
Then the baby developed jaundice, for two days we lay under the lamp, these were the most terrible nights in all this time in the maternity home, it was both physically and mentally difficult. Billirubin began to decline, and on the 7th day after the caesarean we were discharged, I was very happy.

She gave birth to her first child herself, these are completely different emotions and sensations.

My opinion if there is a choice it is better to give birth most.
What can I say, you should not expect from the staff that they will lisp with you or feel sorry for you, this is not a kindergarten. Stay positive and everything will be fine)