Drawings for February 14 are cool

Now postcards are made of paper, cardboard, fabric, valentines are knitted, embroidered, glued, heart-shaped soap is boiled and funny heart-shaped omelettes are baked. There are also congratulations-pictures on Valentine's Day, which are sent to beloved wives and husbands, young people and even girlfriends. Beautiful and funny pictures with inscriptions for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 can be downloaded for free and just send them over the Internet. There are so many ways to congratulate loved ones that every year you can give fantastic and original signs of love. And what else can real romantics need?

Valentine's Day is popular among young people, but older men and women are also happy to give each other cute valentines. There are also opponents of the holiday, who are very fond of refuting the famous legend about a priest who, in secret from the imperial power, married soldiers with their brides. It must be said that the official church also does not believe that Saint Valentine has any connection with falling in love. However, the sensitivity of young people to everything new and the beautiful custom of presenting cards with confessions did their job, and the holiday became traditional all over the world.

There are as many as three versions of the appearance of valentines. According to the first of them, the prototype of the modern love postcard was a letter of confession, which Saint Valentine wrote to the daughter of the governor of the prison before being executed for disobeying the will of the emperor. According to the second theory, the Duke of Orleans created a love card, sitting in captivity in the Tower and writing quivering letters to his wife. And the third version says that the first valentine was created by a young girl before the wedding and is now kept in the UK in a museum. One way or another, the tradition of exchanging confessions on February 14 has become so popular that it is difficult to find a country that does not have such a custom.

Funny pictures with Valentine's Day with inscriptions February 14, 2018

On a wonderful Valentine's Day, there is no need to walk in a romantic-sad mood. Despite the fact that love is a sincere and deep feeling, on the holiday of lovers it is customary to joke, laugh and send funny pictures with Valentine's Day with inscriptions.

Variants of funny pictures for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day pictures free download

Regardless of age or social status, many people celebrate Valentine's Day by sending each other beautiful pictures with valentines. Of course, a handwritten confession is more frank and personal. However, you can download free pictures for Valentine's Day and make your congratulations no less warm if you mention in the recognition the pleasant moments of spending time together or the positive qualities of a loved one.

Beautiful Valentine's Day pictures on February 14th for free download

Funny pictures for friends for Valentine's Day on February 14

In the countries of the world, they congratulate loved ones on this holiday in different ways. In the United States, they give gifts and funny pictures for Valentine's Day to loved ones, including parents and relatives. And in Italy, only the second half is congratulated. Russians even send valentines to friends, including in a comic form. Funny pictures for Valentine's Day for friends speak for themselves about your kind attitude towards your beloved friends.

Options for cool pictures with wishes for friends

Pictures with inscriptions for Valentine's Day to a friend on February 14

Sometimes, at certain moments in life, a good friend becomes more valuable than falling in love. At least on Valentine's Day, it's nice to receive postcards from girlfriends. Pictures and wishes for Valentine's Day to a friend always look very cute and good-natured.

Examples of pictures on February 14 for Valentine's Day with inscriptions for your beloved friend

Pictures for February 14 Valentine's Day to your beloved boyfriend

Sometimes loved ones are separated by distance. It's good when there is an opportunity to send pictures for Valentine's Day to your beloved guy, accompanying congratulations with sincere recognition. By the way, pictures for Valentine's Day can be used to make a collage, as a background for a joint photo.

Download free pictures for Valentine's Day with congratulations to the guy

Pictures for Valentine's Day on February 14 to her husband

There are many ways to congratulate your life partner on Valentine's Day. For example, fry eggs in the shape of a heart or draw a heart in milk using cocoa. The French, for example, love to make sausage valentines and bake sandwiches. Congratulations are also popular with the help of pictures that can be printed or sent over the Internet. Pictures for Valentine's Day for your husband can be taken as a basis for making postcards with your own hands.

Pictures with wishes for your beloved husband for Valentine's Day

Beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day to his wife February 14, 2018

Probably, there is no woman in the world who would not like to listen to tender words and confessions in
your address. Beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day for Wife will help you be inspired to express your sincere feelings. After all, the spouse, in any case, will be pleased to receive an ardent recognition after years of marriage.

Options for pictures with congratulations to his wife

Funny pictures and congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14

To be honest, many Russians don't take Valentine's Day too seriously. For couples with a good sense of humor, as well as for those who do not perceive this day as a real holiday, we offer funny pictures and congratulations on Valentine's Day on February 14.

Variants of cool pictures with inscriptions for February 14

You can confess a wonderful feeling in different ways, the main thing is to sincerely and heartily make an inscription of three main words. You can make a congratulation both in the form of a beautiful picture for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018, and in the form of a funny sandwich. Funny Valentine's Day cards can be downloaded for free, and they will definitely convey your romantic mood to your beloved husbands, wives and girlfriends.

Saint Valentine patronizes the lovers, so all couples, without exception, are eagerly awaiting him from year to year.

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, when every person in whose heart love lives is looking for ways to original congratulate their soul mate, once again demonstrate their feelings, trepidation and tenderness.

It is on the eve of the holiday that wishes for February 14, in the form of cute valentines, are in demand.

Valentines for boyfriend

Postcards that can be sent to your beloved boyfriend by email or on social networks are in great demand on Valentine's Day. Well, who wouldn't be delighted with a cute valentine, decorated with hearts, cute animals? And sincere lines will certainly awaken the most quivering and romantic feelings.

From all the variety of pictures, there will definitely be one that matches the character, disposition and even hobbies of a loved one. A banal postcard is able to demonstrate to a guy what his significant other feels, but he lacks the spirit to express.

Selected as a congratulation is the best way to congratulate a passion, declare your love and focus on the seriousness of intentions. And cute bears, bunnies, cats or iridescent hearts guarantee the appearance of a smile on the face of a dear person.

SMS congratulations

In the modern world, where the bulk of communication takes place on social networks, with the help of gadgets, SMS messages are the best option to congratulate your beloved. It can be a few lines about how strong the love for him is, what positive qualities are inherent in him, how much he means.

Short SMS congratulations are the best way to express your feelings, to demonstrate to your beloved how dear and loved he is.

Open this SMS very carefully,
because my loving heart beats in it!
Happy Valentine's Day, kitty!

On Valentine's Day, I write these lines:
I want from you, my dear, son!
And if the February night succeeds,
That will be your son and daughter!

I will share my old age with you
Joy, sadness, budget, car,
I will cook, I will take off the fatigue.
Please contact. With Valentine!

You can love only one person,
And I want it to be like this always
And there is nothing more important to me,
How to celebrate this February holiday together!

I have your heart
You have my heart
Happy Valentine's Day,
I hasten to congratulate you in love!

Happy holiday of sincere love,
Happy holiday of madness and confessions.
I only care about you
I am captive to your feelings and desires!

From February 14,
Congratulations dear!
You are sweet as raspberries
I want to kiss you darling!

I am confused by your gentle look
When you look at me.
And I am timid serenely
In short ... I love you!

Fate brought us together.
I will say without too much flattery:
That you are charming
And the most wonderful one!

My valentine to you
Flies like a snowflake.
I miss you very much!
You need to fix it in an instant!

Every guy will be pleased to receive short SMS with romantic overtones from his beloved girl throughout the day, in which she quotes phrases of famous people.

You can approach the congratulations creatively by sending the guy cool postcards that will certainly cheer him up for the whole day. These can be perky statements, quatrains, or awkward, but at the same time cute, soul-warming pictures.

Handmade postcards

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find pictures that will convey feelings to your loved one as much as possible, will once again remind you that he is loved, the best option for a postcard will be one that was made with your own hands. The value of such congratulations increases significantly.

With your own hands, you can make cute, romantic or funny postcards in which your soul is invested. Popular hand-made valentines are small heart-shaped posters inscribed with lines about the positive qualities of the chosen one, love confessions, and also decorated with sweets.

When making a congratulation with your own hands, you can use both your own artistic abilities and use pictures from the Internet, as well as short quotes, your favorite lines from songs or poems. As a valentine, there can be a joint photo, on which beautiful lines and wishes are superimposed.

On the holiday of all lovers, not a single person should remain deprived of attention and love, moreover, there are many ways to congratulate him. By sending your chosen one a cute postcard, writing funny or cute, touching lines in it, you can once again confirm its importance, give self-confidence, demonstrate the depth of your feelings.

Notes, SMS, flowers and gifts, soft souvenirs, greeting cards and pictures for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) ... Agree, it is not easy to find the best way to congratulate your soul mate on the holiday of lovers. And is it worth choosing? Valentine's Day is a case when there are never too many emotions. Feel free to use your imagination and make your romantic plans come true. And if the time for big gestures is sorely lacking, do not despair. You can open your feelings to your beloved or beloved by both a combination of all possible surprises and one short message. For example, a beautiful electronic picture with a cool inscription or a funny congratulation. For a boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, best friend or bosom friends, any manifestation of your feelings will be pleasant. Even if it was downloaded for free from our portal for Valentine's Day.

The best pictures for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 beloved

Postcards and pictures, nicknamed by the symbolic word "valentines", are presented on February 14 by all lovers to their chosen ones. Such congratulations have long become traditional in our area, but not everyone knows that this interesting tradition began in the distant 15th century. It was then that the Duke of Orleans sent his wife love notes from captivity, later recognized as valentines. Nowadays, it's not just guys who open their feelings to girls in such a romantic way. Women also choose the best pictures for Valentine's Day for their beloved to once again remind of their affection.

If you are looking for matching pictures for your beloved boyfriend for Valentine's Day, the best ones are located in the next section.

Funny pictures of your beloved happy Valentine's Day on February 14

Celebrating Catholic Valentine's Day (our Valentine's Day) has another grand backstory. According to her, a certain Valentine, who was one of the first Christians of the Roman Empire, paid for his "outlandish" faith with a death sentence. Sitting his last days behind bars, Valentine fell madly in love with the warden's daughter and secretly gave his beloved a note explaining his feelings. At that moment, the tradition of sending lyrical messages, colorful cards and funny pictures of your beloved on Valentine's Day began. Of course, having reached our days, the ceremony has undergone many changes, but its essence remains the same. Today, like hundreds of years ago, guys in love, men and grandfathers give flowers, gifts, paper valentines and funny pictures in electronic format to their beloved ladies.

Collection of pictures of your beloved girl on February 14 Valentine's Day

Congratulatory pictures for Valentine's Day 2018 to her husband

Love is the kindest, brightest and warmest feeling on Earth. Everything around us in this world was created exclusively with love. Nature is filled with it. And people, sensing this, begin to sincerely and infinitely love their relatives and friends. Do not forget on Valentine's Day to congratulate with a cute picture of the one who shared your feelings for life - your beloved husband. Unlike friends, colleagues, and good neighbors, your spouse shares with you not only joys, but also sorrows. This means that he deserves the most real congratulations. The best greeting pictures for Valentine's Day to her husband are collected in the collection below.

The best options for pictures for your beloved husband with Valentine's Day

Interesting pictures of his wife on Valentine's Day (free download on February 14)

If a gift for a dear wife has already been bought, the cake has been prepared, and the flowers are hidden in a secluded corner of the apartment, the only thing left to do is to download and print an interesting picture to his wife for Valentine's Day for free. Agree, without such a small but very traditional touch, the congratulation looks incomplete. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today: you can always download interesting pictures of your wife for Valentine's Day for free on our website.

Gallery of interesting pictures for wife on Valentine's Day for free download

Pictures for Valentine's Day to a friend with poems or wishes on February 14, 2018

Not everyone can speak beautifully! Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to express to a loved one exactly what is warm in the soul. At such moments, any congratulatory speeches sound absurd, and the intentions to be distinguished by originality fail at the start. To the aid of bad speakers, pictures for Valentine's Day will once again come to a friend with poems or wishes. They are charming both in appearance and in semantic content, therefore they will certainly delight the recipient. In addition, cute pictures with good wishes and short rhymes for Valentine's Day for a friend does not have to be bought at a sales stall. You can download congratulations for free in our next section.

Collection of congratulatory pictures with wishes and verses for a friend on February 14

Funny pictures from February 14 to friends with short inscriptions

There is something unusual in the holiday of all lovers: light and pure, tender and quivering, sincere and even spiritual. But at the same time, February 14 is filled with joyful moments of long-awaited meetings, humorous souvenirs for friends, funny wishes for loved ones and funny pictures with short inscriptions. After all, love is not only the subtle lyrics of spiritual closeness, but also the living joy of spending time together, the ability to understand and accept each other, to cheer up and cheer up even in the most difficult moments. Don't be too serious, choose funny pictures from February 14 to friends with short captions, amuse your company with funny themed humor.

A selection of funny pictures with inscriptions for friends on Valentine's Day

Pictures for Valentine's Day are funny and comic for the ex

On Valentine's Day, it is customary not only to congratulate loved ones with valentines, but also to open your feelings to new lovers and forgive old insults to the ex, sending funny and comic pictures to the mail and mobile. If your previous relationship left an unpleasant aftertaste, finally get rid of it. Choose from a selection of suitable pictures for Valentine's Day, funny and comic for the ex and send to the recipient with a clean soul and a huge "hello"!

Variants of comic and funny pictures for the former for the holiday on February 14

Beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day for screensaver and desktop

For the romantic holiday of all lovers, I want to dilute everything around with bright colors. Garlands of paper hearts hanging casually around the room, fresh flowers in pretty vases, cute figurines for bookshelves and beautiful Valentine's Day pictures for the screensaver and desktop on your home PC will help with this. Install one of the thematic images as a background image on your computer, smartphone or tablet - and plunge even for a short time into the world of quivering feelings and the most unexpected emotions. Choose the best picture, download for free and enjoy the most beautiful desktop screensaver.

Beautiful pictures for Valentine's Day on your desktop or screensaver

Pictures for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) are practical and versatile. They are presented to loved ones instead of valentines, sent as congratulations to friends and distant relatives, they are used to decorate a computer desktop and put on a screensaver in a mobile phone. Beautiful and funny pictures with inscriptions for a guy or a girl, husband or wife for Valentine's Day do not even have to buy or order. They can be downloaded for free on our website in any quantity at a convenient time.