Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the day of the defender of the fatherland, for the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten: event plan and script

Holiday for children of the senior and middle group

To the music of "Good Soldiers" the children enter the hall.


Dear Guys! Here we are again all together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. All of Russia these days congratulates your dads and grandfathers, and we congratulate our boys. Everyone gives them flowers, read poems in their honor and sing songs.

May there be as much joy as possible on this day in our hall.


All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

This holiday is without a doubt

It will cheer everyone up!


For everything we have now

For our every happy hour

Thank you brave soldiers

That defended the world once.


Listen only to these proud words - "Defender of the Fatherland"! The defenders of our Fatherland - Russia - are our soldiers, officers, pilots and sailors who are ready to defend us at any moment. Our boys really want to become like them: strong, courageous and noble.


Because the sun shines on us

Because there is no war

Thanks to those who keep

Peace of the native country.

2 Child:

Thanks to the Russian army,

Thank you fathers and grandfathers

Because the sun shines on us.


Our boys are still in kindergarten. but years will pass, and each of them will choose any military specialty: he will become a pilot, sailor, infantryman, tanker ... The army will teach them to be hardy and courageous.

1 Child:

The day will come when we grow up

Let's boldly lead rockets into space,

Let's go down to earth at happy hour.

With flowers, music will meet us here.


For a soldier training

Starts in the morning.

To the competition for funny, dexterous!

Get together kids!


Now we will hold a competition and see how clever, brave, and brave our guys are.

Let's play. We will be divided into 2 teams: boys and girls.

1 competition:

A soldier's day begins with a rise. They get up quickly, dress quickly. Let's try to get dressed quickly.

2 competition:

And now charging. But not simple, but to test the strength. Tug of war!

3 competition:

Physical training is over. Combat training begins.

- Squad, get up! March step. Sing the song!

Song "Good Soldiers"


Well done boys. Now let's swear. We have a riddle contest.

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it. What is this ... (Airplane)


Come on, pilots, pilots,

Get on planes.

The game is being played: they started the engines, flew, and with the end of the music they landed.

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

A few minutes later, the parachute descended.

Thunder roared, merry thunder. It sparkled all around.

Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly.

Splashes of light pour everywhere. This is a festive ... (Salute)

Takes off without acceleration, reminds a dragonfly,

Our Russian is taking off ... (helicopter)


Now let's go to sea.

Seagulls swirl in the open.

Good for all of us

Float on the waves.

Come on, kids

New game.

The game "The sea is worried" is being held. (The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - freeze the marine figure!)


Our boys really want to be like their fathers.

Do you guys know what professions are?

Children name the professions of their dads. The guys come on stage and read poems about their father's profession.

Boy with a steering wheel :

The pavement trembles and the motor howls -

This is our chauffeur dad.

Boy with an airplane

An airplane flies through the blue sky

They are piloted by their father.

Boy in a military cap:

Friendly walks with the military in a row

Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Boy with dumbbells :

Who is the record holder in the all-around?

We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

Girl in a white coat

Heals thousands of broken hands

In a children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

Screwdriver Boy:

The crane will install, clean the blockage

Dad is a plumber or fitter.

Girl with a bouquet of flowers :

Who performs on stage for an encore?

This is a famous artist dad.

Girl (to boy):

Why are you the only one silent?

Are you saying nothing?


My dad is the best, he can do anything.


What can he do?


Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

He can play checkers

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

(Children sing a song about dad (words by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky))


Well done boys. And now our guys will read poetry for all the guests.

1 Child:

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

He is the most beloved

And he is affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

He is always with him

Brings me something.

2 Child:

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He's on the shoulder

Even a difficult one.

He is also a naughty

A mischievous and a prankster.

With him every day

Turns into a holiday.

3 Child:

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad

Ride on sleds.

Nobody can

Laugh so loud.

4 Child:

My dad is a wizard

He is the nicest.

He instantly turns

For what you ask.

5 Child:

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But the best

He knows how to be a dad.

6 Child:

I will hug him

And quietly whisper:

- My daddy, I love you

I love it hard!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

7 Child:

Better than a man's dad

Not to be found in the whole world!

He can hammer nails

And rinse the clothes.

8 Child:

I love daddy

Like sweet candy

I won't replace him

Even chocolate.

9 Child:

If dad is sad

I look sad.

Well, if he smiles,

The heart beats with joy.

10 Child:

And my dad is the best

Loves all my friends.

He will cook semolina porridge for us,

Will not wash the dishes.

11 Child:

Dear daddies,

Our beauties

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We wish you all the best!

12 Child:

Today is the holiday of all fathers,

All sons, all who are ready

Protect your home and mother

Protect us all from harm.

(The song “Don’t be afraid, mom” is performed, lyrics by E. Shklovsky, music by M Protasov)


Because the sun shines on us

Because there is no war

Thanks to those who keep

Peace of the native country.

All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

All soldiers protect

Earth, sky, peace and labor.

To all children

They lived happily in the world.

We want to live only in the world. And we dream of those times when there will be no war on earth. But we will always need strong, courageous, brave and noble men. Happy Holidays, dear dads!

Scenario of the holiday "We congratulate the Defenders of the Fatherland!!!" dedicated to the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" for older preschoolers

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: On the eve of the men's holiday, we decided to spend leisure time for dads in the older group. The material is aimed at team building.
Purpose: The script will be useful to educators, teachers of additional education.
Target: the formation of moral and patriotic feelings.
- Deepen knowledge about the Russian army.
- To instill in children respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.
- Creating a cheerful, festive mood in children.
Preliminary work:
Examination of illustrations of military equipment, conversations about different types of troops, learning songs, dances, poems.
Material and equipment:
Tape recorder, music recordings, 2 hoops, 4 bouquets of flowers, 15 potatoes, string, toilet paper, clothes from the Riazhenie corner, gifts for dads and boys.

Leading: Spring is rushing, the end of winter,
And our dads are all in the collection.
Today is a special day
He once a year with dads,

Therefore, with ties,
They are visiting us.
We'll try together
To make the holiday a success

The fun begins
After all, they did not gather in vain.

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! We have gathered today in our group to congratulate our defenders and heroes. I would like to wish them health, well-being, so that the children would be happy.
Outside the windows, blue evening thickens,
And you came to us to rest at this hour,
Let the parents straighten their shoulders
Let jokes and laughter resound among us!
Your beloved women congratulate you. And we want to give the floor to mommy and daughter, they will congratulate you on behalf of the entire women's team.
Mother: Our dear men!
We wish each of you:
Be like now, always like this:
Cheerful, joyful, simple.
Let there be no sadness in life
May happiness meet you everywhere.
Be kind, gentle, long-awaited,
Always loved and desired.
Daughter: Guys! You don't know my dad?
Meet soon, today he is here!
He came to the holiday, he is both happy and satisfied.
I'll tell you without embellishment:
At home, dad is the highest class!
All week with anticipation.
Looking forward to Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday is coming
Dad and I go for a walk
It's great guys
Walk side by side with dad.

Leading: We invite two dads and their children to come here. Listen to the task. We have two cars here (or rather two hoops), you need to get into the car with your child (get into the hoop) and run to the nearest flower shop, buy a bunch of flowers and thank our readers for the kind words. The main thing is to get to the store and return back, in the same composition in which they went. We wish you good luck and hit the road.

Leading: In the army, the main thing is discipline. Combat, drill and physical training is very important. Therefore, from childhood it is necessary to get used to the daily routine, temper, play sports, study well. The day in the army begins the same way as in kindergarten with exercises.
Child: To become defenders
The duty of a soldier to fulfill,
You need to be strong, be strong
Be friends with physical education.
Leading: Guys, let's invite our guests (or rather all the male guests) and do exercises together.

Charging "Daddy"

One, two, get up!

Pull up, pull up!

Step march!

Walking in place, arms apart

And hands together

On toes, don't rush

Breathe through your nose!

Jump and jump, jump and jump

Let's jump higher.

We finish the run together

And now you need to wash up!

Leading: Oh, what good fellows,

Work hard from the heart

Go to your places,

The games continue

Congratulations to the guests.

Child: All the guys came out together
To start our holiday
Everyone can use their strength
Show your skill!

Leading: I invite our boys to be divided into two teams.

Game exercise:"We are good guys,

We pull the rope from the heart.

Leading: And now I invite dads, grandfathers. We divide into two teams. Game: Hit the target
You need to get into the basket from two meters with sandbags (10 pcs.). Whoever hits the most wins.

Leading: And our girls want to congratulate the boys who, when they grow up, will also become strong, courageous men. And they will also protect and protect their country.
Dear boys, though you are bullies,
Girls congratulate you: Fields, Vika, Varya!
We wish you many bright days
We wish you many friends.
We want to be beautiful
Healthy, happy!
We wish you to listen to dads and moms more often,
Rather grow up to be strong and strong,
Become rich.
Leading: Our girls congratulated dads, and now we will check how our dads can collect the child in the garden, if suddenly mom is not at home. We invite two dads with children to join us. In front of you is a container with clothes, imagine that this is a closet, proceed. Competition: "Get the child to the garden."

Child. We want to congratulate dads
Wish them well.
And good luck to them in everything
And now let's sing for them!
Children perform "Beloved Army"
Leading. And now we will check what our dads can do. We invite our daddies, we have prepared potatoes for them and we really want to see which of them will quickly and efficiently cope with this task. Let them also try to cope with this task, because our mothers peel potatoes almost every day. And we guys will be the judges.
One - two - three - start. Let's play a game: "Who will peel the potatoes faster."

Leading: Our girls love their dads, the boys in our group. They also want to congratulate them on the holiday and have prepared a surprise for them.
We sing ditties: Sing my friend
I'll sing to you too.
We are with a cheerful ditty,
Inseparable friends.
I'll sing a ditty now
I'll tell you about dad in it,
I am friends with him, as with a girlfriend,
And I go for walks with him.
I love dad very much.
I always play with him
And then I hand it over for repairs,
Everything I break.
We are for dad, together with mom,
Prepared lunch:
Mom fried meatballs,
Well, I broke bread.
Better than a man's dad
Not to be found in the whole world.
He will be able to score a carnation,
And rinse the clothes.
Dear daddies,
Our dears!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you all the best.
Leading. Accurate soldiers of the Army are needed,
But girls are also important there.
There is a reason for the Red Cross Service.
Competition "Bandage a wounded soldier."

Boy. We are on leave today
And we want to dance.
Allow you guys
Our "Apple" dance!

Boy. Admire our mothers
How we got angry
Pull up, grow up
Muscles pumped up.
Let us be small in stature
But brave as soldiers.
Leading: We invite our daddies to us, they have already sat up, got bored, let them warm up a little.
We announce the competition: "Circle of Honor". You need to put the child on your shoulder and go through the lap of honor. (Turn on fun music). And we will support our participants with thunderous applause.

Leading: All the defenders of the country,
Today we congratulate.
The next competition, without a doubt,
It will lift your spirits.
We invite dads to compete in a fun competition.
A fun contest with dads, you need to assemble a paper boat. You can, who will make more boats, or you can make one, but beautiful.

Leading: Let's give our dads a break.
And while they are resting, the girls congratulate them.
Girls come out: One, two, three, four, five,
Let's congratulate dad
The Day of the Defender has come
Congratulations just flurry!
Once - do not know the diseases of the eyelids,
To flaunt health.
Two - work without anxiety,
And three salaries on time.
For four - bright days,
Good, devoted friends,
Never lose them...
Yours to flourish!
And for five - big love,
All: Happy Defender's Day, hero!

And now, our dear boys and daddies, let's play with you.
The task is very simple, you need to solve riddles!

Tips can be found in the presentation.
1. Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What? (Airplane.)
2. I take off without acceleration,
I remember the dragonfly.
Takes flight
3. Our Russian ... (helicopter).
I walk in an iron shell,
All lined with armor.
I shoot projectiles
I am very formidable in appearance ... (tank).
4. Under water, an iron whale,
The whale does not sleep day and night.
Day and night underwater
Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)
5. Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary ... (rocket)

Leading. An hour of fun has flown by

We were glad to see you

And now we wait more than once a year,

And every holiday be here.
Our holiday has come to an end. We sincerely congratulate our male half on the holiday. We invite everyone to a fun dance. The music sounds: “Dad can, dad can,
To be anyone
Only mom, only mom
There can't be a dad!"

Leading: We wish you health, prosperity and all the best. Be happy.

Children give gifts.


Boys love to play war. They all want to fight for a just cause, to be defenders. According to the "Explanatory Dictionary" by V. I. Dahl, "protect" means to protect, protect, defend, defend, intercede, not give offense. Love for the Motherland, respect for the army of one's country, admiration for its warriors begins with children's games. Preschoolers should learn about Russian heroes, the exploits of soldiers in the Great Patriotic War, modern defenders of the Fatherland - pilots, infantrymen, sailors. It is necessary to convey to children the need to protect relatives, their native country from enemies, the importance of serving in the army. Every boy should be preparing to become a good soldier in the Russian army. The guys get acquainted with some of the historical factors of the heroic past of our army, get an idea about the features of the military service of soldiers, pilots, sailors, border guards, note the qualities necessary for a good warrior - courage, bravery, physical fitness, resourcefulness, etc. The task of the teacher is to form in children an emotionally positive attitude towards soldiers, to arouse a desire to imitate them in dexterity, courage, speed, endurance, to strive to be like them. Holidays leave a particularly large and bright mark on the soul of a child. The historical material included in the script is presented in a form accessible to children - short stories and conversations; used poems of poets of the war years and contemporary authors. Solemnity is attached to the holiday due to the performance by children of songs, dances, exercises with various attributes (flowers, flags, balloons) to the music. Before Defender of the Fatherland Day, the guys are preparing an exhibition of drawings or works on military topics. They can independently make team emblems, game material, gifts for guests.

A sports festival dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland "A soldier was walking through the city" (For children of older and preparatory groups for school, with the participation of their parents, soldiers, participants in hostilities in Chechnya, a participant in the Second World War).

Purpose: to cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards the defending soldiers, the older generation, the desire to be as bold, courageous, noble.

Event preparation.

  1. 1. A selection of the soundtrack of the songs "A soldier is walking through the city" by V. Shainsky, "Indestructible and legendary" by A. Aleksandrov.
  2. 2. Learning games, rhythmoplastic movements, a selection of poems, attributes.


Leader (adult);

Holiday guests.

Decoration of the hall: balloons, flags, children's drawings, the image of the symbols of Mamaev Kurgan.

Props: hoops, soft balls, racks, baskets, medals.

Previous work:

The holiday is the result of the work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution on a joint project with teachers, parents, children and society "There is always a place for a feat in life."

Children, marching, enter the hall with a speech and stop near their chairs.

Moderator: introductory words.

Today is our army day.

She is not stronger in the world.

Hello defenders of the people.

Russian army "Hello!"

Poems for children.

1st child

Got a soldier with a rifle

And shoulder straps with piping,

I received boots from good leather,

He took an oath to the state flag,

I stood with a rifle at the border, at the river.

2nd child:

At the very border in secret

I vigilantly serve

For every hillock in the answer,

For every tree in the forest.

3rd child:

covered with thick branches,

And I listen and I look

And heart with native land

I speak at times like this.

4th child:

And everyone gets closer to me

As if through the darkness of the night,

I see all my homeland,

And she's all next to me.

5th child:

And the swallows flap their wings

And somebody's oven is burning

And all this is our Motherland!

And the Motherland must be protected!

Long ago there was a war

Long ago she passed

For those who are alive, she was once

But we remember how we went into the flames.

And how the country was saved for us.

All in unison:

Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers.

On this day, we congratulate your dads, who also once served in the army, our soldiers who are now serving, and congratulate our boys - future defenders.

Our children have many questions they would like to ask our guests. Ask children.

Questions and answers.

Where does your day start?

From charging.

Yes! We also start the day with a charge.

And let's start our holiday with a warm-up.

Rhythm "Sailor". O. Gazmanov.

Children, soldiers and parents perform rhythmic movements to the music.

Many years ago a soldier walked through his land

Behind them was a country - great and huge.

All the people rose to fight against the Nazis.

"For the Motherland!" - shouts the soldier goes into battle.

"For the Motherland!" - Planes fly into the sky.

"For the Motherland!" - ships go into battle.

"For the Motherland!" The soldiers fought and won.

Moderator: And how do you conduct training exercises?

Soldiers: answer.

And now we will practice all together.

1-relay race "Defuse the mine"

In front of each team at the finish line - a pile - small of various large objects, in the center of which is a "mine". The pile must be dismantled, and the mine must be taken out and brought to the start line. Each player can only pull one item from the pile at a time. Items need to be laid next to a pile on the line. After the "mine" is removed from the heap, it must be "collected" again - again adding one thing at a time.

2-relay "Runway"

Stage one

The first member of the team puts a landscape sheet of paper on an outstretched hand with an outstretched palm. In this position, he must reach the conditional place and leave his sheet there. You will have to move carefully, because the sheet is light and always strives to fly off your hand. The next player will place their sheet next to the first sheet. And so on. A “runway” is laid out from the sheets.

Stage two

2-3 players are selected from each team. Who will have to walk along the runway carefully without breaking it.

Now let's see who can sing better.

The soldiers sing their marching song.

Children sing the song "Good Soldiers". Muses. A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

we continue training.

3-relay "Border"

Each team must lay out a line of small objects - corks, reels, small cubes, etc. This is the "border". The border is laid out from the end closest to the start. Items must fit snugly against each other so that a saboteur does not get through the border. Which team will lay out a longer line for a certain period of time, that one wins.

4-relay "Sea knot"

The team is built in the sequence "child - adult". The child runs to the appointed place, where a thick rope is fastened, ties a knot on the rope and returns back. An adult runs next, who must untie this knot and again pass the baton to the child.

Poems for children.

1st child:

The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars are burning in the sky.

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

2nd child:

The border guards are not idle.

At home border:

Our sea, our land

Our sky is guarded.

3rd child:

Let the machine guns not scribble

And the formidable guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the sky be blue.

4th child:

Let the bombers over it

They don't fly to anyone.

People and cities don't die.

Peace is always needed on Earth!

A soldier needs rest

Well, future soldiers

I suggest you play!

Game "Catch saboteurs"

The game is played in two stages. Each involves children from one team and parents from the other team. Children portray scouts - violators of borders, parents - border guards. The sequence of stages of each team is determined by lot.

Children and adults sit on gymnastic balls with horns. Adult "border guards" have hoops. Children jump on balls, dodging adults. Adults must throw a hoop on the pursued child. Then the "saboteur" is considered caught.

What is the soldier about

Sings in line?

About the most expensive.

What is the soldier about

Dreamed in battle?

About the most expensive.

What is he thinking about

Under fireworks in February?

About what you and I are about.

About peace on earth.

May the children be happy

Let the guns fall silent

When on guard of the Motherland

Our Russian soldier!

The word is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the soldiers.

Rewarding. Presentation of medals, flowers. Invite guests to groups.

The script for the Defender of the Fatherland Day was developed by Elena Ivanovan KOROBKINA, music director of the highest qualification category, MADOO Kindergarten No. 29, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region.

The sports and music festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day is held in a group of children of older preschool age, with the participation of military personnel and parents.

Target: instilling in children a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in the heroic past of Russia.


  • to form a positive attitude towards the image of a military man, a defender of his Motherland;
  • to cultivate respect for dads, grandfathers;
  • generalize and concretize the knowledge of children about the Russian army;
  • to activate the cognitive abilities of children;
  • develop volitional qualities in children;
  • to consolidate the skills and abilities of the main types of movements in children;
  • develop creative abilities by involving children in the performance of poems, songs and dance compositions;
  • to consolidate in children the ability to act together, to rejoice in the success of comrades;

Hall decoration: the central and side walls are decorated in the style of a military theme (Russian flag, military-patriotic composition, inflatable tricolor balloons).


  • multimedia projector;
  • notebook;
  • video "In memory of soldiers";
  • music discs with records of songs about the war, music for dances and games.

Sports equipment:

  • benches (2 pcs.);
  • bricks (8 pcs.);
  • hoops (6 pcs.);
  • soft module with sand (24 pcs.);
  • baskets (2 pcs.);
  • skittles (10 pcs.);
  • climbing rings;
  • rope.

Attributes for songs and dances:

  • flags of different colors (for dance and for the jury);
  • handkerchiefs of different colors;
  • Red flag;
  • drum;
  • automatic machines;
  • baskets (6 pcs.).

Attributes for games:

  • bandage - 2 pcs.;
  • cotton wool - 2 pcs.;
  • syringe (dummy) - 2 pcs.;
  • tablets (dummy) - 2 pcs.;
  • ointment (dummy) - 2 pcs.;
  • a paper bag with a report;
  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • plates - 4 pcs.;
  • knives - 2 pcs.


  • sailor suits (for girls and boys);
  • soldier costumes (for girls and boys) according to the number of children.

Video footage: in video clip "In memory of soldiers" (authors Tsybrovs E. and I.)

Music material:

  • march "Triumph of the Winners" (recording, "Holidays of Mom and Dad", M., 2001);
  • song "Soldiers went to war", music. and sl. I. Russians,
  • audio recording of the march "Farewell of the Slav", music. V. Agapkin;
  • song "Smuglyanka" music. A. Novikova, sl. Ya. Shvedova;
  • song "Good Soldiers", music. M. Protasova;
  • song "February 23", music. and sl. I. Russian;
  • "Defenders of the Fatherland", music. I. Frolova, sl. T. Frolova;
  • song-dance "Hey sailor!";
  • song "My army", music. E. Hanok., sl. I. Reznik, performed by the group "Fidgets";
  • "Border", music. L. Agutina;
  • song "A soldier is walking through the city", music. V. Shainsky.


  • Kartushina M.Yu. "Defender of the Fatherland Day": holiday scenarios for preschool educational institutions and elementary schools. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 160 p.
  • "Eternal song fire" A cycle of classes dedicated to the 610th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War "- magazine" Music Director "2, 2005. - p.9;
  • “Live for centuries, my Russia!” scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day: - magazine "Music Director" 1, 2004. - p.35.

Preliminary work:

  • learning poems about the war and defenders of the Fatherland in groups;
  • memorization of proverbs and sayings about soldiers, Motherland, friendship;
  • learning songs about the war in music classes;
  • learning dances in individual lessons (pair dance "Smuglyanka", song-dance "Hey sailor", dance composition with flags).


To the march “Triumph of the Winners”, children enter the hall, perform rebuilding and sit down.

The song "Defenders of the Fatherland" sounds, two girls and two boys come out.

1st girl:

For everything we have now
For our every happy hour

1st boy:

Thank you brave soldiers
That defended the world once.

1st girl:

- Thanks to the Russian army,
Thank you fathers and grandfathers
Because the sun shines on us.

1st boy:

- We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniforms,
That the glory of the flag is multiplied.

2nd girl:

— And in a difficult and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

2nd boy:

— In all ages, the Russian warrior
He won the wars with his heroism,

2nd girl:

He deserves praise
He gave his life for the honor of Russia.


We praise all those
Who is on guard of the Fatherland -
Our best sons of mankind.

Music sounds, the host comes out.

Presenter: - There are protectors in every family: grandfathers, older brothers and, of course, your beloved dads. I propose to greet the dads with applause, wish them health, success in all their endeavors and pride in their children, who love them very much. And also our guests today are real soldiers of the Russian army. We ask them to go into the hall.

Under the march "Military March" cadets pass into the hall.

- Now I suggest you watch a short film about this glorious holiday, about the soldiers who defended our Motherland.

Watching the video presentation "In Memory of Soldiers".

Presenter: “Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Children come to the middle of the hall.

1st child:

- So that under the peaceful sun
We lived with you
Army native
Protects peace.

2nd child:

- We have soldiers visiting us,
Pilots, sailors.
They have machine guns
They are not afraid of enemies!

3rd child:

- About the beloved army
Sings our kindergarten.
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.

The song “Soldiers went to war”, lyrics. and music. I. Russians.


- To always be strong
The war game will help us!

We are starting our military sports festival. Today two teams "Sailors" (training group No. 2) and the team "Infantry" (training group No. 1) will compete.

The facilitator invites the teams to introduce themselves.

The motto of the team "Sailors":

- We are sailors, merry sailors,
The entire Russian glorious fleet greets you with a hot helmet!

The motto of the team "Infantry":

- Native infantry is glorious and strong,
She saves the world in the whole state!

Presenter: - Your resourcefulness and ingenuity will be evaluated by the jury.

- Let it be the whole course of the battle
Follows the commands.
Who will be friendlier -
He will win in battle.

The presenter introduces the jury and invites them to take their seats.

Presenter: “Guys, today we really need to deliver a message to the General Staff. And in wartime, signalmen were assistants in such cases, they overcame various obstacles in their path:

"Obstacle Course"

  • Minefield (brick by brick).
  • On the bridge across the river (bench).
  • Through the swamp (from hoop to hoop).

Contest "Deliver a report to the headquarters"

At the end, the host invites the representative of the winning team to send a message to the headquarters, and the jury member to read the report.

Presenter: So, we begin our exercises. In the next task, you will need to unload the armory. Soldiers will help our guys.

Competition "Armory warehouse"

Presenter: - Soldiers are sharp shooters. Now we will check how you can shoot, hit the target.

Competition "Snipers"

6 people from the team participate, 2 soldiers each.

Presenter: - You all know that after difficult exercises, soldiers must rest and gain strength. At a halt, they remember everyone who is waiting for them at home. I invite you to support the morale of the soldiers.

1 girl:

- Here is a halt for the fighters,
Brave fellows.

2 girl:

- All the soldiers have time:
And serve and rest.
Hey guys! Hey soldiers!
Come out to dance!

3 girl:

- Everyone sings "Smuglyanka"
The girls are invited to dance.

Pair dance "Smuglyanka"

Presenter: - So that our fans do not get bored, I suggest playing with them, supporting our teams.

Game with the audience "Attack, artillery, infantry"

Presenter: We continue our exercises. Everyone knows that a soldier can be wounded in battle. Who will help him then, who will bandage the wound? (children's answers) Of course, nurse. She will be the first to help. Now our girls will show their skills, show how brave, fast and dexterous they are. They will need to collect everything they need in a medical bag.

Relay "Medsanbat"

It is necessary to put a bandage, cotton wool, a syringe, tablets, ointment in the bag.

Presenter: - A nurse in the war did not only bandage wounds. If necessary, it was she who carried the wounded soldier from the battlefield. And now I invite our soldiers and dads to participate in the next competition.

Competition "Transfer the wounded"

There are 8 children, 4 adults.

Presenter: “After the exercises, it’s time for the fighters to rest. Soldier friendship is strong, there are many poems and proverbs about this. What do you guys know?

The presenter invites participants and fans to tell proverbs and sayings about soldiers, the Motherland, friendship. The jury evaluates this competition.


- Hey, soldiers, don't yawn!
Sing a song together.

Song "Good Soldiers" A. Fillipenko, sl. T. Volgina

Presenter: - Guys, do you think soldiers know how to peel potatoes? (children's answers) Of course, they will do a great job with our next assignment. I invite them to come to our field kitchen.

Child: - At the rest of the cook, they opened the kitchen!

- Very tasty food!
Eat up, bro!

Competition "Peel a potato"

Soldiers are participating. Peel four potatoes.

Presenter: — Our jury evaluates each competition. Our members are really smart and strong. But how talented they are, the music competition will show.

The sailor boys come out.

1st sailor:

- North, south, east and west -
A true compass at hand.
Don't be sad, don't cry
Said the law of the sea!

2nd sailor:

- I'm on the stars and on the map
Swimming forward for sure.
That all storms and all shallows
For such a sailor!

3rd sailor:

- Sailors are experienced people,
Will never let you down.
Captains grow up
Their big seas are waiting!

The boys perform the song - dance "Hey, sailor!"

Presenter: And our training continues.

"Well, do you have any strength?"
Let's check it out now.
Soldier's military silushka.
Come out to pull the rope!

Game "Drag the Rope"

The first time children participate, the second - soldiers and dads.

Presenter: - Well, it's time to sum up the results of the competition. The floor is given to our jury.

The jury announces the results of the competition. Gives prizes to each team.

An audio recording of the march "Farewell of the Slav"


Our dear dads,
We want to congratulate you.
We made gifts ourselves
Our gifts are top notch!

Children give soldiers and dads gifts that they made with their own hands.

Presenter: Our wonderful holiday has come to an end. Today there are no losers, today there are only winners!

1st child:

- Let the machine guns not scribble,
Let the formidable guns be silent,
Let there be no smoke in the sky
Let the sky be blue.

2nd child:

“People and cities don’t die.
May the sun always shine on us.

Presenter: - And now, kids, let's shout to the army ... Hurrah!

Soldiers and popes go to the middle of the hall to the music, everyone greets them with applause.


- Our army of the Russian
Birthday in February
Glory to her, invincible,
Glory to peace on earth!

1st child:

— Soldiers of Friendship, Peace
Going to the parade
Fighters and commanders
They stand next to each other.

2nd child:

- Soldiers guarding
And life, and the world, and work.
So let all the guys
They grow up happy!

3rd child:

- The trumpets sing loudly,
Our army...

All in unison: - Salute!

4th child:

- Ships sail into space
Our army...

All in unison: - Salute!

5th child:

- Peace and labor on the planet,
Our army...

All in unison: - Salute!


Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ural Military District.

To serve in the army
You need to be strong, dexterous,
Do not squeak and do not whine
Go out to study
love your homeland

I order:
Conduct exercises
All departments!

The sports holiday is designed for children of senior preschool age and is held as part of the celebration. The scenario was prepared by a physical education instructor Ershova Olga Alekseevna, Children's Educational Institution No. 91, Sevastopol.

  • To support children's interest in games with elements of competition, to teach them to be fair.
  • Develop agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements.
  • To cultivate love for the Fatherland, a sense of patriotism and a desire to serve for the good of the Motherland.
  • Cultivate honesty in evaluating behavior in the game, show friendly mutual assistance.
  • Involve parents in the development of the physical qualities of children.
  • To develop the interest of parents in joint activities.

The course of the holiday

Children under the march "Defenders of the Fatherland" enter the hall. Fanfare sounds.

Leading: “Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a wonderful holiday – Defender of the Fatherland Day. I congratulate you all, I wish you health, a peaceful sky over your head, harmony and homely warmth in the family. Boys, future defenders of the Fatherland, grow up brave, strong, dexterous and kind. And we wish dear dads:

Children (in chorus): - Health, peace and courage!


- So that every your usual day
It has become a wonderful holiday.
And never sadness shadow
It didn't show up in your eyes.

Child 1:

- Today is a special day.
For boys and men -
Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Every citizen knows!

Child 2:

- In defense of the Motherland
In rain and snow
Every day comes out
Valiant soldier.

Child 3:

- Locked border
And order in the sea
Freely fast birds
In blue space.

Child 4:

- Apple trees bloom in the gardens,
The fields are spinning.
Peaceful rest, peaceful work.
Be a happy country!

Child 5:

- We walk bravely
Left and right
Because all the soldiers
They were preschoolers too!
Hurry up, grow up
To join the army.

Child 6:

We congratulate the boys
And we wish them good health
To grow big
And they were defenders.

Child 7:

- And our adult half
We send our congratulations,
There are reasons for congratulations.
Hurray for the defenders of the country!


NOTE TO THE EDUCER: you can buy role-playing costumes for children in a specialized store "Kindergarten" - Caps, peakless caps, airborne berets, sailor suits, military suits and much more! Low prices, fast delivery! We are waiting for you!


The song "We are preschool children" is performed.

Under the march, the children sit down.

Leading: - Today you, children, will show what great fellows you are, and your dads will help you with this. Three teams of brave and resourceful, dexterous and fast will compete:

Team 1: "Sailors!"
Motto: "Paper boats sail,
We ourselves will learn how to drive large ships!”

Team 2: "Pilots!"
Motto: “Who flies faster than a bird, who guards the borders?
Who is always ready to fly? These are the pilots!

Team 3: "Tankers!"
Motto: “Tanks pass quickly, the kids are happy with them.
We will all shout “Hurrah!” to the famous tankers.

Leading: — We are glad to welcome friendly sports teams.

Everyone owes their strength
Show your skill
Be healthy and cheerful
And, of course, do not be bored.

- Competitors will play honestly, according to the rules, rejoice at each other's victories and not be offended by losses. The important thing is not to win but to take part! Our competitions will be serious, so we invited the referee commission.

- Judges are strict, get ready
Give them ratings.
Just give me your word of honor
Don't offend anyone!

- For each victory, the team will receive an asterisk. The team that earns the most stars wins. Try hard guys. I wish you all success. And now I invite the teams to the warm-up.

Sports warm-up "Salute to our army!" (author L.I. Alekhina).

Our warriors are coming (Everyone walks in place.)
One-two, one-two!

The drums beat loudly: (Imitate drumming.)
Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

At sea, our ships: (Hands to the sides, swaying from foot to foot.)
Today - here, tomorrow - there!

Long swim in the distance (Circular movements of the hands.)
Over the seas, over the waves!

Border guard at the post: (“They hold the machine gun”, turning to the right, to the left.)
"Who's coming, who's coming?"

Tanks are driving across the bridge: (They make “motor” movements with their bent arms forward, backward; circular movements with the hands, arms forward.)
"Trr-go, trr-go!"

Airplane above the ground (Hold arms to the sides - back, turn the body to the right and left.)

Missiles allowed to take off: (They squat down, palms folded in front of the chest, quickly get up and throw their hands up.)
"U-uh, uh-uh!"

Our guns hit accurately: ("Boxing" - throw forward the right, left hands.)
"Bug, bang!"

Salute to our army! (Raise hands to the sides - up.)
"Hooray!" "Hooray!"

Relay "Passing the ball".

12 people per team participate. Teams need to pass the ball back overhead. The last one in the column receives the ball and runs forward and passes again until the team captain is again the first.

Children and fathers participate in the relay race.

Leading: - And now we will find out how well the guys understand military affairs. To do this, answer the question, what types of troops do you know?

Children: - Infantry, artillery, tank, cavalry, airborne, landing, reconnaissance and others.

Leading: - There are many branches of the military in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving. Let's recall some of them.

Game for children "Continue the sentence."

  • The tank is driven...
  • Shooting from a cannon...
  • Sitting at the controls of the aircraft...
  • Shooting from a machine gun...
  • Goes on reconnaissance...
  • The border is guarded...
  • The submarine is serving...
  • Skydiving…
  • The ships serve...

Leading: - Well done! Let's focus on tank troops. You know that the main equipment in these troops is a tank. And without what would a tank not be a tank?

Children: - No caterpillars!

Leading: - Correctly! Here is your next task.

Relay race for boys "Caterpillar".

Team of 6 people. Participants squat on the floor one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and thus reach the flag and back.

Children and fathers take part in the relay race.

Musical number of the "Tankers" team.

Leading: - Guys, who brings ammunition? (Drivers.)

Relay "Bring the ammunition."

8-10 people from a team participate. The player of each team, holding the steering wheel in his hands, runs around the cones placed at a distance with a snake, returns to the starting point and passes the steering wheel to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

The game "Border guards and violators."

— To learn more about the everyday life of border guards, let's play a game. The game is called: "Border guards and violators." Parents will join hands and form a circle. And the children will be local residents. Border guards carry out their service, they are on patrol. If the border guards raised their hands, it means that the border is open, and local residents, that is, children, can run in and out through this gate. But as soon as the word "Patrol" sounds, the fighters give up, and those who are inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.

Children and parents are involved.

Children read poetry.

1 child:

- My dad is resourceful,
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.

2 child:

- My dad is funny
But strict and honest
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

3 child:

- And bored without dad
ride on a sled,
Nobody can
Laugh so loud!

4 child:

- My dad is a wizard
He is the nicest.
He instantly turns
For what you ask.

5 child:

He can become a clown
tiger, giraffe,
But the best
He knows how to be a dad!

6 child:

- I will hug him and whisper softly:
“My daddy, I love you very much!
You are the most caring, most dear,
You are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!”

Song about dad.

Leading: - What needs to be built so that the troops can move from one coast to another?

Children: - Crossing.

Crossing Competition.

Teams of 6-8 people participate. It is necessary, shifting two hoops, to move from one "shore" to another - to the landmark, take the hoops in your hands and run back. Pass the hoops to the next.

Musical number of the "Pilots" team.

Leading: - Who can transport the wounded, ammunition in places where it is impossible to drive by car?

Children: - On horseback.

Competition "Riders".

8 people participate. Participants jump on fitballs, moving forward to the landmark and back.


- I, cheering for the guys, got so excited,
On the bench, she could hardly resist the excitement.
Enough of you sit girlfriends!
Isn't it time to sing ditties?!

Girls run out and sing ditties.


1. Put your ears on top,
Listen carefully!
We'll sing about dads now
The most wonderful.

2. Dad cleaned up in the kitchen.
He interrupted the entire service.
When mom comes home from work
It will be a surprise for her!

3. I don’t understand, guys,
How can this be?
They wanted to bake a pie with dad,
And I had to put out the fire.

4. My dad is a noble fan,
He loves football.
At the screen day and night
He shouts: “Scored a goal! »

5. Dad promised for the holiday
Mom has a new vacuum cleaner.
Just messed something up
And he brought a drill as a gift.

6. Dad reads poetry to me,
jokes, fairy tales,
Will solve all riddles -
If there are hints.

7. Maybe a hundred cars at once
Dad to bring from the market,
And, believe me, even mom
Can be carried on hand.

8. Dads do not want to clap,
Moms smile.
We love our dads, believe me
Let them not be offended!

Leading: - Who is the most accurate in the army?

Children: — Snipers.

Competition "Get in the basket."

12 people per team participate. Children throw balls from the chest into a basket standing on the floor from a distance of 2-2.5 meters. The way of organization is in-line. An equal number of people from
each team. The team that scores the most goals wins


  • basket,
  • balls according to the number of children.

Speech game for attention "Yes or no".

The host asks questions, and the children answer them “Yes!” or not!". It is important to be careful and not make mistakes.

  • Is our army strong? (Yes!)
  • Does she protect the world? (Yes!)
  • Will the boys go to the army? (Yes!)
  • And will they take the girls with them? (Not!)
  • And Pinocchio with a long nose? (Yes!)
  • Was he a sailor on a ship? (Not!)
  • The pilot serves on the border? (Not!)
  • Does it fly higher than a bird? (Yes!)
  • Are we celebrating today? (Yes!)
  • And congratulations to your beloved mothers? (Not!)
  • Is the world more important than anything? (Yes!)
  • Even kids know this? (Yes!)

Musical number of the Sailors team.

Leading: - What does a paratrooper use when jumping from an airplane?

Children: - Parachute.

Paratrooper game.

Leading: - And now I ask dads to come to us. The landing sites will be chairs, but there are one less than you. At the end of the music, you need to take a chair.

Leading: “This concludes our competition. And while the jury sums up, listen to the song.

Song about Peace.


- You played very well
The tasks were done correctly.
It's time to count the stars
Find out the winners.

The jury is summing up. Awarding of winners and participants of the holiday.


- Our beloved Army
Birthday in February!
Glory to her invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!

Leading: - Loud trumpets sing, our army ...

All: - Salute!

Leading: - Ships are sailing into space, our army ...

All: - Salute!

Leading: - Peace and labor on the planet, our army ...

All: - Salute!


- Soldiers guarding
And life, and the world, and work,
So let all the guys
They grow up happy!

Leading: Teams, line up! Attention! Right! Step march!

Children under the march "Defenders of the Fatherland" leave the hall.