Forty eight years of marriage. Amethyst wedding (48 years old) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

According to folk customs, the Amethyst wedding is celebrated modestly, but an obligatory attribute of the feast is a festive cake, which the spouses are the first to try. According to tradition, a husband’s gift should be an amethyst necklace, and it’s enough for the wife to thank her beloved for loyalty and care.

On this beautiful anniversary, parents and close relatives can be presented with a souvenir tree made of beautiful stones or a box decorated with amethyst. Any useful things are also suitable for a gift: bed linen, dishes, household appliances, interior decoration items and health monitoring devices.

In your life has come
Gold autumn,
You've been together all your life
Marriage - 48.

Congratulations on a glorious date
And I wish you happiness
Take care of your quiet world
From insults, strife, drama.

Be an example for children
pure, devoted love,
I wish you much more
Together glorious years to pass.

grandma and grandpa,
Accept congratulations,
With an amethyst wedding
From younger generations!

You are forty-eight years already
We went through life together
We wish you happy
Live another two hundred years!

Comfort in the house, live without troubles,
And most importantly, health
So that many more wonderful years
You lived with love!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your amethyst wedding. You can truly be considered heroes of labor in family life, because for 48 years you have been able to overcome all troubles and bad weather, make the foundation of your home and your relationships strong. I wish that your love sparkles with an amethyst color, that children and grandchildren always rush to you, that your bowl is full of prosperity, understanding and all good blessings.

Dropped into your life
Gold autumn.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Date - 48.

May love and understanding
They give you strength in life.
Dwells in your house
Let prosperity and comfort.

48 years with each other
They flew by like a dream.
And today is your wedding
A sweet chime is pouring.

Toasts are pouring, congratulations,
Ringing laughter sounds for you.
So that the fire of love and passion
Not extinguished in your heart.

Today we shout "Bitter!"
Your couple is young.
And we wish you through the years
Survive until the golden wedding!

Amethyst wedding -
Forty-eight years you've been together!
Accept congratulations -
You are the bride and groom again!

You are younger than everyone today
All sweeter and more beautiful.
There can't be a better couple!
You for a century of love and happiness!

With the wedding of Amethyst!
We wish you love -
Big, simple, frantic,
So that there was fire in the blood!

You have been together for 48 years,
Not a joke, so to speak.
Let it be only dawn
To continue to live, to dream!

Today is a wonderful holiday in your family - the 48th wedding anniversary. For 48 years of marriage, your relationship has passed all the strength tests, and now you can be called the real keepers of the secret of family happiness. The symbol of this anniversary is the amethyst, a stone that represents loyalty and honesty. There is no doubt that only loyalty, honesty and love help people to be together for so many years. Take care of each other, and may family happiness always fill your home.

Forty-eight consecutive years
You live with each other.
You - to the delight of all the guys -
The best spouses!

Like bright amethysts
You radiate light...
Let them give you gifts
Ten more years!

We hasten to congratulate you on this date
And wish you happiness and love,
Let from dawn to dusk
Friends congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts.

Like a faithful amethyst stone
May your marriage shine with tenderness
And it will be long, not thorny,
And all problems - strengthen.

Let your dreams come true
May your every day be serene,
Live in abundance and love
Love forever, sincerely and tenderly.

Forty-eight years you live with the same family!
Congratulations on such a wonderful date.
Walk along the paths of life together,
Through the rays of sunrises and sunsets.

Your symbol is now an elegant amethyst,
May he, with his magical brilliance,
Your life will only turn into joy,
With a bright, gentle and happy light!

Time passes quickly, before you have time to look back, several decades are gone. The storms of life are far behind, but the love and mutual respect of the “newlyweds” on the 48th anniversary remained unchanged or even strengthened. 48 years of marriage flew by unnoticed. And despite the fact that this date is not an anniversary, such an important life event is worth celebrating.

Moreover, this holiday has its own name. 48 wedding is called amethyst, because amethyst is a stone of calm and balance. Leonardo da Vinci wrote that amethyst has the power to dispel bad thoughts and sharpen the intellect. It is also believed that amethyst stimulates creativity and sends prophetic dreams. Whether it is a magical stone or not is immaterial, but the day it symbolizes is truly extraordinary and worthy of a holiday.

Recently, no one is surprised by talk or news about divorces. More and more couples do not find mutual understanding with each other, people get hung up on their own individuality and do not seek to understand a loved one.

As a result, after a short period, marriage begins to weigh on them, and the couple divorces. Although the attitude towards the wedding is still serious, meeting a couple who has been married for more than ten years is a remarkable phenomenon. People disperse even before the first wedding anniversaries. Therefore, against the general background, the 48-year-old day of the amethyst wedding looks especially worthy.

During these long 48 years of marriage, the couple shared a lot with each other. They spent together not only good, but also difficult times. Together, having overcome ups and downs, the spouses gained confidence in each other, peace and tranquility settled in their hearts, mutual respect strengthened. Each of them, after such a long period of time, knows his partner by heart, preferences and dislikes are already known. It is unlikely that anything can shake this marriage - is this not a reason for a big holiday.

When decorating a celebration, it is best to be guided by the symbol of the anniversary.

Amethyst motifs on the tables and in the room will emphasize the solemnity of a wonderful holiday. On the occasion of an amethyst wedding, noisy celebrations are not arranged. First of all, the respected age of the spouses makes you think about how much they need it.

The best solution would be to organize a family celebration, and the wedding scenario after 48 years of marriage may look extremely simple:

  • a walk through memorable places, fortunately for 48 years there have been a lot of such places in the city;
  • meeting with friends in a nice, cozy cafe;
  • family dinner with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, with the obligatory pie prepared by the mistress of the house.

It would be nice to capture the celebration of the 48th anniversary in the photo - in subsequent years it will be nice to look at yourself with your family. It is not necessary to cram holiday events into one day.

You can buy vacation tickets the day before and the next day after a family dinner, “escape” to a resort or even to another country. After all, it is so important to be together away from the daily hustle and bustle.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

Amethyst is one of the most popular minerals used in jewelry. It owes its name to the ancient Greeks, who believed in its protective properties. The color differentiation of amethyst depends on the place where it was mined.

These stones range from light green to deep purple. Amethyst is a stone that has a positive effect on the human psyche and brings spiritual harmony. Wearing amethyst is believed to help maintain inner peace and relieve headaches and migraines.

An amethyst wedding is a wonderful occasion to give this stone - beautiful, delicate and transparent. A husband can give his wife:

  • jewelry (pendant, earrings, ring, bracelet) with amethyst;
  • an inlaid box adorned with amethysts.

A wife can pick up a ring with a dark purple stone for her husband. If the "young" does not wear jewelry, then you can give:

  • a set of writing instruments decorated with amethysts;
  • a talisman with amethysts, a beautiful trinket (for example, a goblet with amethyst trim).

And, of course, the husband should not forget about the flowers. After all, women are always happy with flowers, and in this case, you can create a bouquet of different plants with purple flowers in different tones. It will be appropriate, symbolic and beautiful.

How to congratulate spouses to friends and relatives - tips

On the day of an amethyst wedding, spouses simply want to be with relatives and close friends.

Accordingly, invited guests should also present gifts symbolizing the anniversary of marriage, prepare a few kind words. If it is not possible to come to the holiday, then you definitely need to call, perhaps this call will be the most expensive gift.


Amethyst is a symbol of sobriety (this is its etymological meaning) and piety. This is the reason why he is often found in the church.

In the Middle Ages, it was highly valued by the clergy, which is why amethyst received the name "stone of bishops." Many ministers of the church still wear it today, which is probably why the "newlyweds" traditionally attend the morning service in the church on the day of the amethyst wedding.

Family friends, relatives, children on this day can give both jewelry with amethysts and gifts associated with the anniversary symbolically or externally. It can be an interior item of the corresponding color, a bottle of wine (some wines have a rich purple color), a voucher for visiting a relaxation center.

A pair of bowls decorated in the style of the 48th wedding will be a great gift.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

Traditionally, on such holidays, it is customary to give heartfelt words to the heroes of the occasion. You can, of course, shift this responsibility to grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who, in between eating sweets, will read poetry or sing a song.

But still, the more warm words are said, the more successful and brighter the holiday will be. A few simple words will bring a lot of joy to the "young". It is possible in prose:

“Today is the birthday of your family, friends, with which we congratulate you! We are proud of you and your love, which for 48 years has become stronger than amethyst. We wish you that you have more and more good memories every day, and plans for the future become more and more daring every year. Happy amethyst wedding to you, our dear ones!

A poem of one's own composition will also be received at least favorably.

“Today everything is for you – flowers and wishes!

Happy amethyst wedding, we congratulate you!

We wish you joy, smiles, prosperity!

And so that life is filled with happiness every hour!

To make unfulfilled dreams come true!

On the way, let the birds sing the anthem of love for you!

So as not to be bored, full of health!

And - most importantly, that the youth of the soul does not leave you!

Original and practical gifts

However, it is not necessary to focus all attention on amethysts. You can choose a gift that matches the color of the amethyst theme of the wedding.

For example, you can choose a purple service or cups with a delicate lilac color, or you can simply choose lilac bedding or a blanket. Each gift in this case will be appropriate, the most important thing is that it has useful functions and is beautiful.

Here you will learn how to celebrate the 48th wedding anniversary and what they give to the heroes of the occasion:

A special anniversary gift would be a trip for the couple to Thailand, India or Sri Lanka, which, for example, could be given by immediate family (or children) together. After all, it is in these exotic countries that charming amethysts, which are a symbol of the 48th wedding, are mined.

This anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to review the photos taken by a wedding photographer during a joyful event that took place 48 years ago, remember the wedding itself, friends, bring together children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Also on this day, you can discuss plans for the future. Are there many more anniversaries ahead?

An amethyst wedding is celebrated after 48 years of married life lived together.

The symbol of this anniversary is a valuable and unusually beautiful mineral - amethyst, which personifies a strong family union, marital love, fidelity and, undoubtedly, devotion to your soulmate for a long time.

Amethyst has extraordinary properties - it rejuvenates the body of its owner, cleanses the skin, brings good luck, family well-being.

Amethyst wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary of 48 years

wedding anniversary 48 years It is customary to celebrate in a narrow family circle. Everything on this anniversary should be restrained and modest. No special decorations, bright details, noise and music are needed. Just sit with your family at the festive table.

Create a romantic setting: You can decorate the room with shared family photos, wild flowers, hang delicate lilac or pink curtains. In a word, you need to create a light, relaxed romantic atmosphere for amethyst anniversaries.

There is no special dress code for an amethyst wedding. Let the couple put on their most beautiful holiday attire. The table also should not be full of cooked dishes: let it be a few favorite family treats, and be sure to bake a wedding cake, which first of all should be given to the anniversaries to bite off.

At the festive table, children and grandchildren congratulate the heroes of the occasion, say toasts, wish health, love and happiness, as well as peace and warmth to their family hearth. Guests can ask the spouses who have lived together for so many years to tell the secret of how they managed to keep their love and feelings and live such a long happy family life.

Then you can look at old photos, and just talk. Well, little grandchildren can amuse their grandparents with funny performances, playing out their life in their youth.

The most important thing is that the spouses feel happy, and they have fun and joy in the circle of their large family.

What to give your spouse for an amethyst wedding?

What to give a husband or wife for their 48th anniversary? Gifts for the anniversary of the amethyst wedding should be products with this beautiful mineral. These can be jewelry, souvenirs and other gifts, but they should be with amethyst decor.

Since ancient times, on this anniversary of living together, the husband gave his wife an amethyst necklace, which symbolized his fidelity, love, trust, respect for his wife. And she accepted the gift and thanked her faithful and loving husband for the years lived together, during which there was both joy and sadness, for the fact that he was her support and support in any situation, and simply because he made her happy.

Despite the fact that in the registry office young people swear eternal love in sickness and health, not every family can boast of well-being even after twenty years. The first ten years of marriage is a real test, allowing spouses to test both themselves and their love for strength. And live together for 48 years - an amethyst wedding is a reward for the most persistent.

Why amethyst

Of course, forty-eight years is not a round date, and besides, there is nothing left until half a century, but this does not make it less important and solemn. Husband and wife have long retired, raised worthy children, and even grandchildren. So why is amethyst considered a symbol of their love?

There is a legend that amethyst is a stone designed to protect lovers from the temptations surrounding them and gives peace and harmony, so necessary in family life. Only people who love each other to the core are able to live to such a date, going through life together and overcoming all obstacles together.

Amethyst was chosen as a symbol for a reason. According to the well-known Mohs scale, its strength is seven points out of ten possible. It's like in a family: the spouse is loved and their connection is strong, but there is still room for improvement - before the golden wedding (fifty years of marriage).

The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst was an extraordinary stone with truly magical properties. It was believed that the one who touched it would have eternal youth, good luck in all endeavors and a happy life without hassle.

An amethyst wedding symbolizes the good spirits of both spouses, their undying love and mutual understanding. Like a magic stone, they give each other happy moments and make them live on. The "newlyweds" have spent almost their entire lives together and know every little thing about each other, every mole or wrinkle. They can understand each other without words and communicate with one glance, for them there are no forbidden topics and omissions.

No holiday is complete without traditions. Some of them passed down from generation to generation and are constantly being added to. An amethyst wedding that gives loving hearts the opportunity to beat anew is no exception.

Amethyst wedding traditions:

What is the best way to mark

The couple lived with each other for almost half a century, which means that during this time they experienced a lot of grief and joy. It is already difficult to surprise them, so it is best to make the holiday quiet and cozy. The environment of close people is what any person needs in the first place.

Gifts from guests

Amethyst wedding - congratulations and gift ideas:

How to congratulate your soulmate

48 years of marriage - what is a wedding without gifts for the second half? If the organization of the celebration can be entrusted to younger ones, then the spouses will have to make the choice of presents themselves. They, like no one else, have learned all the habits and shortcomings of the second half and will be able to pick up something worthwhile. And be sure to have a gift in itself anniversary symbol - amethyst.

What to give your wife for an amethyst wedding:

And, of course, for the 48th wedding anniversary, it is important to choose a gift and a spouse:

Spouses can give each other a joint gift and buy what they have long planned to spend a large amount of money on: go to the sea or make major repairs. This gift can not be called original, but it will definitely please both spouses. The main thing is to act together so as not to quarrel over another trifle and not spoil the holiday.

The amethyst wedding has arrived. How many years the spouses have been together in love and fidelity, and romance has not left their lives! You can arrange a real date or take a walk in the park where the couple kissed for the first time. And it does not matter that they are well over fifty and they have probably retired. The more valuable will be their memories, from which tears will definitely well up in their eyes.

Holiday Ideas

48 years is a whole life, and, unfortunately, the spouses are no longer young. It will be hard for them to be in a noisy company with loud music all day long, so a quiet evening with their loved ones is the best option for celebrating an anniversary. A more magnificent celebration can be held at the golden wedding, when fifty years of a happy family hit.

Spouses can spend the whole day alone enjoying each other's company and remembering memorable moments from family life. It will not be superfluous to have a romantic walk in the park or the river bank, a candlelit dinner or just a festive dinner for two.

The anniversary can also be celebrated by going to the opera, theater. Why not a reason to “mark” the earrings donated by the spouse and the cufflinks by the wife?

And in the evening - to receive guests. Children, grandchildren and perhaps even great-grandchildren. Drink tea with an elegant cake, remember the best moments and the birth of your beloved children. Spouses will enjoy the attention of friends and relatives all the time and will definitely not be able to forget how much they are loved and desired.

There are no special restrictions regarding clothing. Of course, you should not wear a tuxedo and a ball gown, it is enough to limit yourself to a light dress for your wife and a festive shirt for your husband. You can wear donated jewelry and something from your "stock". But the invariable attributes are a bright smile and a sparkle in the eyes.

Witnesses should also be invited if the spouses still maintain good relations with them. Over a cup of tea, together they will be able to remember the organization and the marriage ceremony itself and give wise advice and guidance to the young.

You can arrange an evening of remembrance. Get family albums, ask friends and relatives bring your photos of the "newlyweds"- from childhood, school years, from the beginning of family life. You can combine photos and make a real family movie with memories that will not leave anyone indifferent.

If the "newlyweds" like to have fun and are still cheerful and energetic, the children can throw them a whole party. You should not spend all your savings on it, the main thing is to invest your soul and show how dear anniversaries are to everyone who surrounds them. To celebrate an amethyst wedding, you can order decorations in the appropriate colors, order a cake with wedding figurines and recite poems in chorus. After such happy tears of the spouses will not take long.

The most important thing is not to leave spouses alone. This is a whole life, 48 years old, what kind of wedding without congratulations from the closest? If the children have long gone away, and the grandchildren were born on the other side of the country, this is not a reason to forget about the congratulations. Send a message with a beautiful poem, call and personally say kind words, all this will show the couple that they have not been forgotten.

Attention, only TODAY!