Poems about winter fun for preschoolers. Poems "Winter Fun" for elementary school students. Felt boots. folk amusement

Greetings, friends!

One by one, the December days go by, inevitably bringing us closer to the hour when the old year will hand over the reins of power to the new, young one.

Children memorize poems, think about gifts and compose letters to Grandfather Frost.

For us adults, this period is probably the most difficult of the year. Completion of annual cases, purchase of gifts, procurement of products - everything has to be decided simultaneously and on the go.

But as soon as a Christmas tree with bright balls and sparkling tinsel appears in the house, everything starts to change.

The pre-holiday mood fills us, and we manage to solve all the problems in a short time, sort out all the rubble and prepare for the coming of the New Year.

Our family is also in full swing preparing for the New Year celebration. We decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the rooms, think over the menu, pack gifts.

From personal archive

From personal archive

from personal archive

Children are happy with winter and snow - the elder and dad hurry to the skating rink, and the younger one is happy with the snow scooter, and there are many other entertainments in the yard.

from personal archive

from personal archive

from personal archive

from personal archive

And how are your preparations for the New Year's holiday going?

Don't forget the kids! After all, it's their holiday!

Read poems about winter, Christmas tree, New Year and winter fun to children.

Maybe your child will want to learn some poem in order to tell Grandfather Frost later.

N. A. Nekrasov

In the winter twilight the nanny's tales
Sasha loved. In the morning in a sleigh

Sasha sat down, flew like an arrow,
Full of happiness, from an icy mountain.

The nanny shouts: "Don't kill yourself, dear!"
Sasha, driving his sleigh,

Fun running. On full run
Sled on one side - and Sasha in the snow!

Braids will be knocked out, a fur coat will be disheveled -
Snow shakes off, laughs, dove!

You're frost, frost, frost
Don't show your nose!
Go home soon
Take the cold with you.
And we'll take the sled
We'll go to the street.
Let's sit in a sled.

On the window, silver from hoarfrost,
During the night the chrysanthemums bloomed.
In the top glasses
the sky is bright blue
And stuck in the snow dust.
The sun is rising
cheerful from the cold,
The window shines golden.
The morning is quiet, joyful and young.
Everything is covered in white snow.
And all morning bright and clean
I will see the colors in the sky
And until noon they will be silver
Chrysanthemums on my window.

I. A. Bunin

S. Mikhalkov

I will cut down the tree in the forest,
I'll bring the tree to school.
All in icicles of ice.
In strong resin cones,
With resin on the trunk
With a snowflake on resin.

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest, -
I can't look!
We hung crackers
We lit a star on it,
From the stand to the crown -
One hundred and fourteen lights!

Flags hang on the branches
golden roosters,
Under the branches - Santa Claus,
Cotton snow covered him.

Come to us, friends!
I chose this tree!

Winter came with frost
With frosts, with blizzards,
Snowdrifts under birches,
White-white under the fir trees.

We love frosty days
Elastic ice rink,
night sky starry
And a noisy New Year!

O. Vysotskaya

There is a Christmas tree in the outfit,
Above, a star burns on it.
Snowflakes bright all around
Your work is a red house.
There's a shiny ball over there,
Next to him is your flashlight.
If the toys were made by myself,
Pleasant for everyone: you and us!

Winter night

The midnight stars are burning in the sky
Girls and boys are already sleeping.
The lights in the houses are extinguished at night.
And a frosty wind blew from the river.
An old snowman stands on a hillock.
And he counts the stars in the sky.
Though his nose is red and very large,
The snowman considers himself handsome.
And I'm glad that it won't melt soon.
Grandfather admires the snow-covered garden:
He sparkles so under the moon
So bright snowflakes on the branches shine,
That the poor grandfather can not sleep.

Y. Nikonova

Reindeer riding

As you look - a feast for the eyes! -
Reindeer are harnessed to the sled.
Their posture is proud,
Everyone's step is easy
And the guys are sitting in a sled -
Four riders.

The wind blushes their cheeks,
The fur on the fur coats stirs.
That will lag behind the sled,
That will hurry to catch up with them.
Here he jumped smartly on the tree,
He dropped a snowball from a branch ...
Then two troikas run at a trot,
Then they go step by step.

In our northern capital
Did you have to be?
Come have fun!
We can everyone who agrees
Ride on reindeer.

Y. Nikonova

Blizzardy, cheerful,
Karelian winter.
Above the garden
over the school
Snowflake mess. -

The winter is coming! The winter is coming! -
We eat happily.
The winter is coming. Snowstorm sweeps
Wide sleeve.

Filled up the windows
garden paths,
Passed through the city -
The whole city was swept up.

By noon it got quieter
The houses are in the snow.
Our janitor Uncle Misha
Went out with a shovel. garden.

He is in a red coat,
Earflaps to the eyebrows.
And we grabbed the skis
And - to the shore soon.

There, too, the snow sparkles,
And we rejoice
Because he doesn't melt
Under the winter sun.

Father Frost

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is walking alive.
- Well, Santa Claus! ..
What cheeks!
What a nose!
Beard, beard!
And on the cap is a star!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes are ... daddy's!

A. Shibaev

Who's come?

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Father Frost,
gray-haired grandfather
With beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light the Christmas tree for us,
Sing songs with us.

E. Blaginina

Snow Maiden

At the entrance, on the site
I collected snow with a shovel.
At least there was some snow
I made a snowman.
I put it in the corridor
And she ... melted!

Y. Shigaev

Father Frost

Santa Claus walking through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -
Christmas trees dressed up in beads.
This New Year's Eve
Bring them to the kids.

Silence in the meadows
The yellow moon shines...
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

Z. Alexandrova

Snow Maiden

She is wearing white boots
And in a blue coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.

White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm-warm
Radiant eyes.

In transparent ice mittens
And she has a hat on.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.

Tatyana Gusarova

Our windows with a white brush
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the field with snow,
Snow covered the garden.
Can't we get used to the snow
Can we hide our nose in a fur coat?
How will we go out and how will we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
We ride, have fun!
Sledges are light - take off!
Who rushes like a bird
Who will roll right into the snow.
Fluffy snow is softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake it off, let's run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold.

L. Voronkova

Why is it snowing?
Why is there ice on the river?
This winter has come to us -
Got a lot of snow.
Why are we visiting
Christmas tree in bright lights?
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday - New Year!

N. Veresokina

There is a lot of light in every house
The New Year is coming!
snow white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.

Exactly at midnight will flash brightly
In the sky garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday Santa Claus!

Will gather near the tree
Cheerful round dance:
Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone welcomes the New Year.

Winter fun
Winter forest - as if in a fairy tale:
The beauty of the snow beckons.
There is a lot of white paint everywhere;
Under the ice - the stream runs.

On a snowy meadow
Children's hubbub, sonorous laughter:
Someone's sled is rushing down the hill,
After all, winter is the season of fun!

On wet eyelashes - frost,
But the snowball fight is on...
The blue evening is coming -
So it's time for us to go home!

Winter Games

It always happens in the winter in December
What are the children to do, how can they walk?
You just need to play winter games!

We will build a fortress, we will make snowballs,
We will bring bags from home with shovels,
We will build a tunnel, a hill of ice,
And even the cold won't hurt!

And there are sleds, skis and skates,
And on our Christmas tree - balls and lights,
It's cold, frosty now in the yard,
But it won't hurt the kids!
Bondaruk Olesya

snow woman
They sculpted a snow woman,
They even forgot dinner.
Instead of a nose - a carrot,
On her shoulders is a new thing.

In her eyes - glasses,
Badges on the chest
Instead of hands - crooked branches,
And in the palm - two sweets.

We named the woman Dasha,
She is not more beautiful in the world.
Well, in the same manner,
Let's blind Dasha's cavalier!
Akmalova Anna

Wet snow has been falling since morning,
Like plasticine.
I made a snowman
Big and beautiful.

Eyes made embers,
Red nose - carrot,
Pinned on the crown
Baby bucket.

Mom called home
I'll only leave tomorrow
Leave a friend alone
Somehow it's a pity.

Bring him home?
It melts right away.
How should a child act
Maybe someone knows?

Aunt Gorka

Aunt Gorka, Aunt Gorka!
Allow me, aunt
Ride, ride
Sliding down your back.
- Good aunt grumbles,
Kindly says:
Well, of course I will,
If you want, I'll ride
And slap like a ball
Then don't cry.
(translated by I. Mogilevskaya)


Climbed up the hill like a Christmas tree
I was afraid to go down.
The skis got very angry
They rolled down the hill themselves.
Boldly jumped from the springboard -
Waiting under the hill for Valentine.
(A. Taraskin)


The boys are arguing in the yard:
Why are there cones on the trees.
- I know, - shouted Taras,
- The Christmas tree fought with the Christmas tree.
(V. Lanzetti)

ski trip

Follow me to the birch
parallel stripes.
And going down from the mountain
Suddenly they moved.
The ski track let me down
Isn't it fun:
Ski on without me
Let's go downhill.
(A. Beresnev)


A locomotive rushes down the hill
No pipes and no wheels.
With a locomotive - three wagons:
Mikhail and two Antons.
The train rushes without a break
Past Pavlik and Grishka,
Flying past a tree
And buzz, buzz, buzz.
Vadim was the locomotive.
We are sitting in a snowdrift with him.
(O. and K. Solovyovs)

Snowball game

We tumbled in the snowdrifts
And they skated.
And then they fought in the snow
Behind the village in the bushes.
Just started the fight
How suddenly from a friend
They flew on my back
Two heavy snowballs.
The bear hid behind the branches.
But in vain: at the same moment
My well-aimed snowball pleased
Right on target: behind the collar,
The sun has set on the aspen.
The winter day is fading.
We go home in an embrace
Hats tilted to one side
(A. Beresnev)

Poems about winter for older preschool children

Purpose: These author's poems on a winter theme may be of interest to: children of senior preschool age, educators, parents, elementary school teachers.
Description: In poems about winter, we most often want to feel the charm of winter nature, the joyful mood from winter games and fun.
Target: Acquaintance with the diversity of winter nature.
- to teach the ability to respond emotionally to the perception of a literary word;
- develop the vocabulary of children, enrich the inner world, develop imagination.
- to form knowledge about the native nature and its beauty;
- educate the desire to observe nature in winter.

Winter, winter, winter.
Brought a lot of snow.
All the guys are happy for her.
Your winter beauty.
You can run and ride
And roll in a snowdrift.
Oh what fun in winter!
But it's time to go home.
Winter fun

I really love when
Winter is upon us again.
There's a lot to do
And tobogganing.
Run fast down the track
And skiing.
Everyone can play snowballs.
Everyone is happy and friendly.
Russian Winter
We'll take the blades.
And let's go to the street.
Let's have fun playing.
Meet the Russian winter.
Let's rake up a big snowdrift,
And let's all play.
We are building a hill in the morning.
There is a crowd in the yard.
All shoulder blades are carried.
They are rowing snow, rowing.
We build, we sculpt, we craft.
We want to ride it.
I'll take the sled in my hands
I roll them along the path.
I will walk with them
And ride your friends.
Oh, how happy the kids are!
Winter has come to us again!
winter beauty

What a beauty!
When it's winter outside!
All trees are in silver.
And snowdrifts in the yard.
And on the windows Santa Claus,
I drew patterns.
Forests, rivers and fields.
Wide spaces.
It's cold outside.
You can freeze your nose.
I'm not afraid of frost
I'll just be friends with him.
I'll dress warmly.
And I'll go for a walk.
Winter forest

I'll take the skis.
I will go for a walk in the forest with them.
Good in the winter in the forest.
You can meet a fox there.
I don't get close to her.
I'm the only one watching her.
And the fox is cunning
Runs away from me.

Wind whirls snowflakes mischievous.
Snowflakes only come in winter.
We love winter for what it is.
Brought a lot of fun to us.
Skiing and sledding, ice skating and hockey.
Do not spare your strength in winter.
Winter walk
Jacket, boots and hat.
All the boys wear.
To walk on the street.
To ride sleds.
It's good when it's winter.
Winter is happy for the kids.
Winter mittens
I went out to the yard for a walk.
I need to take my mittens off.
But you can't, why?
I will collect all the snowflakes.
I can't take them in my hands.
Freeze, that's the trouble!
Put on your mittens quickly.
And play all day long.
Santa Claus
What a Santa Claus!
Pinches ears, pinches nose.
I'm not afraid of frost
I'll just be friends with him.
I will run and play.
Roll snowballs.
And then frost me,
Never get cold!

New Year round dance

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree
colored balls,
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold!

A smart branch
Drop it below
Us chocolate
Feed the fish.

Let's get under the tree
In a friendly round dance,
fun, fun
Let's meet the New Year!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

New Year's masquerade

We have smiles on our faces -
We're going to the masquerade!
- in a fish costume
- cat and me - pirate!

Sanka prepared a song
True, if you're lucky,
He's much more interesting.
An anecdote will present!

Lyubochka, of course, will dance,
He will wink at me and Sanka,
Waving a fish tail
And arrange a round dance!

Well, I'm with a black eye
I'll take everyone on a b o r d a w!
In a word, a holiday to failure!
New Year's Eve!
(S. Oleksiak)

New Year's carnival

Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale!
In our fairy tale
In our fairy tale
in the middle
Merry dance
magic snow
going down
For everyone!

hedgehog dancing
Near the Christmas tree
in a serpentine
All needles.
- Oh yeah hedgehog
Oh yeah hedgehog:
To whom
You look like?
"On whom"
Yes, "to whom",
To myself
On the most!
- What is there to ask
- dancing tree!

Dancing in a fairy tale
Father Frost,
Like a sailor on deck.
Maybe he was
And walked
Over the oceans?
And fourteen
Took on board
His frigate?

The waves are howling
Like wolves
black eyes
They don't take it off the tree.
The bell rang
in the mist

But hit
Like little guns
And the pirates
like frogs
To the ocean!

Hedgehog got out
From the tub
Tret needles
On the crown
And laughs at the hedgehog
New Year's Captain!

put on
run in
To a fairy tale!
In our fairy tale
In our fairy tale
in the middle
Merry dance
magic snow
going down
For everyone!

(Yu. Kushak)


Having put on Leo's outfit,
I arrived
To the masquerade
Proud look…
Toothy mouth…
I express
How did you enter
I stood at the entrance.
Without changing
royal posture,
looked around
Huge hall -
Hare, zebra, tiger, dragonflies…
Counted the animals
Already a hundred!
Not afraid
I see -
The waltz just sounded
Spinning in the dance
Well, Leo
What's worse than a wolf?
I'll invite...

(S. Ostrovsky)


First, generous, loose snow
I fell asleep, everything was leveled.
I'm more likely, without interference,
Got on skis. Ran.
There, in the forest, there is a path.
In the summer I walked on it.
To find and eat a beetle,
The woodpecker was chiseling the tree there.
The squirrel there with a chalk tail,
The birds sang, the moss rustled.
And from the warm hollow
On a dark night, the owl screamed.
For a very long time I ran
Through the ravines, over the mountains.
Somersault flew more than once
To the laughter of winter sparrows.
The dawn was already in the sky
The edge of heaven to light ...
Suddenly fate helped me
Find that path.
Legs and back hurt
It was nice to rest.
How the silence caressed!
How blue was my ski path!
"Hello!" I said softly.
- "Hello! Snow creaked from below.
- Came running this winter
You're skiing first."
(S. Gorodetsky)

winter pictures

Like a snow maiden, in a white fur coat
Masha rides boldly down the hill.
Vasya rolls a snowball
He decided to build a house.

Under the window Tamara with Fedya
Sculpt a polar bear.
Their brother, little Oleg,
Teaspoon wears snow.

Lena is skiing
Leaving an even trail
And behind her is a red-haired Bobka,
Only Bobka has no skis.

There is a good ice rink on the pond,
Ice sparkles like glass.
Alyosha runs on skates,
And he's warm in the cold.

(G. Ladonshchikov)


There is a mountain in the yard.
We've been riding since morning.
The poor snowman is angry
That can't roll.
(V. Nesterenko)


Here is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep;

Here the sled turned
And I clap on the side!
head over heels
Downhill into a snowdrift.

And boy friends
Standing over me
merrily laugh
Over my trouble.

All face and hands
Made me snow...
I'm in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys - laugh!..

(I. Surikov)

That's such a hill!

They put Yegorka on a hill,
They put Yegorka in the sled.
Tied laces on earflaps
And the sled pushed forward.

Ah yes, the sleigh, this is the sleigh:
So they rush down the hill themselves!
Blizzards are rising...
And then somersaulted.

Jumped up, rolled over
And with Yegorka they stuck into a snowdrift.
The guys on the hill got scared
The crowd ran up to Yegorka.

They slow him down: "Egor, are you breathing?
You - alive? Get up!
Do you hear?!"
Our strange Egor got up,
And not only alive
- rosy.

All covered in snow, but Yegorka laughs:
"Oh, what a good slide! .."

(N. Starshinov)

Tricky sled

My sled drives by itself
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.

I can't get on top
Sledge - from a place and run ...
My sled drives by itself
No motor, no horse.

And under the hill my sled
Behind the snowdrift they are waiting for me.
Naughty, bored them
Climb up alone.

(I. Bursov)


We fly to squeals and laughter
Down the hill, head straight into the snow.
Our dads used to be here
They also slapped a lot.

Even grandfathers and those
Ride on your stomach
And grouchy great-grandmothers
Grandfathers were paid.

I'm going!

I'm going! I'm going down the forest path!
I greet oak, birch, pine.
I'm going! I catch snowflakes with my hands.
I'm going! I love sledding.
Downhill faster. Up is harder.
And the birds chirp: "Have pity on the horse!
Run with your feet to the house
And help grandma to carry the sled."

(T. Bokova)

This will be a cat house

I'm rolling a snowball
This will be the cat's house.
I'll make a path to the house -
To make it more comfortable for the cat.

There will be a room inside.
Cat, here is your house, look!
You don't need windows
Cats see everything in the dark!

I will crumble crumbs for a cat -
There will be a snow sandwich!
For some reason, a cat
In his cat's house ... Does not go ...

(M. Lapisova)

Spoke ski ski

Said ski to ski,
Going down the hill:
- You stay close to me.
- Yes, you yourself do not stumble.

And rushed at full speed,
Raising the snow fluff.
A tree got in the way
Prickly hedgehog...

- Left, turn left!
- Right, it's better here! ..
- Ski knocked ski confusing,
And overclocking both
- into the tree

(I. Bursov)


Winter storm,
Winter storm,
Winter storm,
Winter storm.
Can't see
Completely each other
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We are a blizzard!
Everything is faster
skis flash,
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce
Through the bushes
From the pass
From high.
No for skiers
Who will rush
Earlier then others?
On the way to
We're rushing
All forward.
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
lifts, -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Whirlwind run!
Fur tree, pine tree,
Step aside!
Let it rage
will take place
Ski cross!

(L. Kvitko)

On the rink

The skates shine, the skating rink shines,
Fluffy snow sparkles
Put on your skates, my friend,
Try to ride.

Let the frost bite you -
Look, don't be afraid.
Let him freeze to tears
Don't give in to him!

Don't back down, slide forward
Fly faster than a bird.
The angry frost lags behind
From those who are not afraid!

(V. Donnikova)


Just get stronger
The first ice
Painter Easels
Runs to the rink.

Swiftly ice
Cutting skates...
The artist draws
Landscape by the river:

Draws a village
draws bridges,
Brings out the roads
Trees, bushes,
draws snowdrifts,
Draws haystacks...
Until the leg gets tired.

(A. Usachev)


Standing with sticks facing each other
Boys in red and blue.

In helmets, like knights, but don't be shy,
The fight here is training - they play hockey!

There are power tricks here -
Players get knocked down very often.

Who is skating and agile, and faster -
He wins by playing hockey.
(A. Veona)


Alena Kazakova

Some confusion in my heart
And in the heart, like a revelation,
That a white snow blanket is all around,
And a house in silver sequins,

Snowdrifts, slides and skates,
And very short days
She arranged everything for us -
She, the Prankster Winter...

Winter in the yard

Anna Vishnevskaya

It's snowing outside
Snowdrifts piled up!
Thin ice in the puddles
And everything is white - white.

There are trees in silver
Covered in snow.
Kitten shakes its paws
Runs faster to the house.

And the yard is full of guys
There is a snowball fight
Proud of the red carrot
There are snowmen.

Noise on the hill, din on the hill
Childish laughter all around
Fun game in progress:
Who will go the furthest.

The big ice rink has already frozen,
Trampled ski track.

And the wind blows
Ride, kid!

Winter fun

Anna Vishnevskaya

We were going up the hill.
Dressed for an hour!
They took the sled and ice cubes,
Oh, let's ride now!

Our mother knitted a scarf
I gave mittens in my hands!
She put on boots for us
And took me up the hill!

White snow, fair wind!
We rush with you from the mountain,
And when the evening comes
Quickly to the house: me and you.

Our cheeks blushed
Our nose is frozen.
Powdered our coats
Good Santa Claus.

At home, near the battery,
We will sit with you!
Warm up arms and legs
And let's go see a movie.

I'm on the hill again tomorrow
I'm going with my brother!
I'll ask him for ice
I'll give him my sled!


Angela Betsko

Good for winter
Slides do not need to make
And she herself is so happy
Make hills overnight!

And in the morning again the mountain
So that the sled rolls quickly,
To ring early
Ice cubes, birds, kids!

And a funny snowman
With a warm scarf around your neck
He said: - I'm not sick! -
He smiled at everyone: - I'm used to it!

It's good that winter
There are crystal icicles.
We do not suck icicles with Yulia:
We are terrible adults!

fun days

Antonina Teslenko

Our sleds are rushing down the hill
It's not boring here, kids,
We will take the spatulas with us,
Build a fortress in the yard.

They threw a lot of snow
Ice house is so good
All the guys were invited here
Happiness to us, winter, bring!

Let's have fun and play
Sledges, skis and skates,
We don't get bored in winter
Ah, happy days.


Valentina Kaleva

Warmer - plus one,
So we don't sit at home
Building a snow fort
The whole yard, of course.

To her stock of lumps-shells
All for the "enemy units"!

Again frost, snow sparkles,
And we have the game "Zarnitsa"!

snow fortress

Vladimir Kryakin 2

They decided to build a snow fortress,
To, as a matter of fact, in the war there to play.
They collected snow, drove on sleds,
Strong came out, should resist.

The lot was cast, who will be in the fortress
Feel free to hold on, and who to attack.
With a cry of Hurray who will wake up the district,
Someone inside will stand to death.

Finally, all issues have been resolved.
The fortress is under siege, the enemies are mocking.
But the walls are strong - they did not crush,
They could not beat the brave inmates.

The enemy obsessively approached the walls,
He received only a fitting rebuff.
In the fortress, everyone fought back as best he could,
I did not notice fatigue in fights.

Evening. It was getting dark outside
Everyone had to go home.
Decided - everything, stop fighting,
Peace must be concluded before morning.

Winter holiday

Elena Brulina

Winter has come again
It became fun to walk.
Once a snowdrift, two snowdrifts,
And a snowball flies on my forehead.

Winter days again
The skates are ready.
Oiling the sled
Skis and ice rinks.

We fly from the mountains on sleds,
We skate on ice,
We decorate the Christmas tree brightly
And we will give gifts to everyone!

On the eve of the New Year
Christmas follows him
The holidays are over
Who listened well done!!!


Elena Krasavina 2

Everything is white in the eyes of white,
There was snow everywhere,
No road, no way
No drive, no pass.
White fluff covered the houses -
Winter is to blame
The people are making their way
Between the snowdrifts forward.
I see the bearded uncle
Waves furiously with a shovel,
On snow removal
Real champion.
There the kids are frolicking,
Ringing with joyful laughter
And the doves flutter
white snowballs,
Scattering anywhere,
Even I got a little
I'm not at all evil
I fasten a handful of snow into a ball,
I make a sharp throw,
The snow hit right on target.
Let the kids play
Well, it's time for me to go home.

Winter fun

Enka Enka

Well, who else is waiting for winter, like children?
They simply do not understand "stupid" adults,
How can you endlessly be sad about summer?
But do not dream of a snowy hill!

We waited for the snow, then we are glad!
Dress warmly, don't yawn.
White tracks for the guys as a reward,
Rather, get the "winter economy"!

Ledyanka, snowscooters and "cheesecakes"
Rushing in a whirlwind, joy cannot be appeased
For a while all the toys are forgotten
Home now the kids do not drive!

Jackets pulled up, mittens flew off,
Nothing will stop the kids.
Overtaking each other, they climb to the goal,
And the hands are red, like the paws of geese.

The mountain teems like a ruined anthill
And if you fell, rather crawl away
Here everyone is nimble, like an "electric broom"
And such a cry, at least plug your ears!

In icicles entirely from snow rolling,
The kids barely go home
And at times the snowmobiles became heavier,
Their mothers are being carried by the rope!


Irina Veoret

The sorceress Winter has arrived.
Covered the ground with white snow.
Frozen houses stand
Under blue frosty skies.

Waving the magic wand
She dressed ponds and lakes with ice.
And looking into our window,
I left patterns on it.

And how happy the kids are!
There are so many things to do in winter:
Seryozha on the rink in the morning,
Sasha and Zhenya play snowballs.

And I'm making a snowman.
Let it stand under the winter sun.
Will melt in the spring, but for now
A passer-by will smile at him.

Winter fun

Irina Zhuravka

The fun of winters transforms us:
Skates and skis - more for health,
But - fortresses, snowballs, sleigh reins -
The opportunity to become a child, at least for an hour ...

And roll down the icy hill
Under the whistle of a mischievous tramp - the wind
So great with friends! No ban
Jump into the snowdrifts to the girlish squeal!

And, blushing - from the cold? shame? -
Again look openly and lovingly ...
And in the evening with a friend enthusiastically
Day to discuss and ... past years,

Wrapped up in a downy stole,
Taking a sip of mulled wine from a glass ...

How little time we have for "childhood"
Where is Santa Claus and the reflection of brigantines ...


Irina Zuenkova

Played snowballs in the yard of the kids,
And mothers from the windows shouted:
- It's time!
You'll catch a cold, Vovka!
- Freeze, Marina!
And Vovka so deftly aimed at the back.
The cocky Vovka took aim at the back -
And I want to quit
I feel sorry for Marina...

snow fortress

Irina Senchukova

The fortress was built in two days,
Snowy and strong.
The whole family helped
And grandma and grandpa.

Now let's have a fight!
Get the balls ready!
As I command: "Fire!"
Aim: in the back, in boots.

Oh what a fun game!
We fought until evening.
Just time for dinner
Well, there is nothing to do.

We need to strengthen the strength
Become stronger than your opponents!
We can win tomorrow
We are all of them, I guess...


Lana Lukanova

What a wonderful time!
The kids are having fun.
Sledges, skis and skates,
We'll play in the snow.
Winter is here,
Laughter, fun, mess!


Larisa Tereshchenko 8

Winter whitened our neighborhood.
How bright and elegant he is:
Fairytale castles, miracle tower.
This is what Russian winter is like.
And the snow is still falling, there is no end to it,
We'll clear the path right off the porch.
We will build slides, sculpt snowmen.
From winter delighted, how not to fall in love
Skiing and snowball fights
Make bold jumps from the springboard.

Fun in winter!

Lyubov Aleinikova

Parents and children are waiting
Snowy winter, blizzards,
To be together in the cold,
In a sled to race a steam locomotive!

Kubareshka, plop in a snowdrift!
All face covered in snow! Prodrog!
And I don't want to go home
That's how fun it is in winter!

Winter fun

Ludmila Gulyeva

Frost invigorates weak,
And childish fun
They change instantly.
Here we are selflessly -
On skis, early in the morning,
And an hour later - on a sled,
And to the dark, for the time being
We are rolling down the mountain.

Snowballs then throw
And we'll finish the granny.
Of course, bastards
You can't give misses.
We catch snowflakes with our mouths
Let's warm up later!
We do not know fatigue
After all, we always play!

Ice has been waiting for us for a long time -
People go to the skating rink.
Of course we are on the rink
And we spin lightly.
Then forward, then back,
We even jump in a row!
And finally, the evening
We shout: - Until we meet again!

A new day will come in the morning
It will bring fun to everyone!

Go to the snowballs!

Marina Novitskaya 13

Take out the gloves
Winter-sister has come to us!
In the yard white-white,
It snowed at night.
Happy, happy kids
It's time for everyone to play snowballs!

Winter fun

Marina Novitskaya 13

Snow sparkles in the sun
Silver cloth!
We do not sit with friends -
There is a lot of work on the street!

Fight on the ice hockey rink
And have a snow fight
Dashing down the hill
Friendly, fun, crowd!

Break a bouquet of rowan
And, laughing, dive into a snowdrift!
And then ... crystal frost
Gently shake off the branches.

Gift of Zimushka-Winter

Marina Novitskaya 13

The sun is shining
bright in the winter sky
Frost crackling
became a little angrier.
Snow fell at night
as a present -
Now walk
much more fun!

We'll take it to the yard
sledges, gloves,
Skates and skis
take with you -
Today for sure
we will need everything!
We are beckoned by snow
sparkling blue...

snow fun

Marina Terekhova 2

It's frosty outside.
All in hoarfrost at home.
But don't scare the kids
That it's winter outside.
Up the hill in the morning
And after that from snow to darkness,
Sculpt snow figures
Ready kid.
Here is a fortress under my window,
And the snow fight is on
Snowballs are flying from behind the wall,
The enemy won't get through.
And here's another mess
All deep in the snow
The boys are rolling a snowball
To the snowman
Stay on watch at night
Until everyone is asleep.
So that the insidious enemy does not dare,
Take their fortress at once!


Mikhail Pridvorov

If everything is covered in snow
If snow mountains
I can wallow in it
Or dig a hole.

I can crawl,
Run with a jump
Turn into a snowball
And roll sideways.

And when I come home
Somewhere in the evening
Mom will say: - My God!
Snow man!

Be careful passerby!

Morozov Nikolay

Be careful passerby
And you beware of the pedestrian
You see on the playground
A terrible battle is underway!

Snow fort built
And in it the garrison, combat,
He deflects attacks
Fearlessly, one by one!

Snowballs fly like bullets
And with a cry, cheerful, cheers,
Attacking the fortress again
From the surrounding houses of the children!

But the fortress "enemy" does not surrender,
Here is a team of heroes
Of the most reliable and faithful,
Proven guys!

Here is Pasha the brawler and bully,
He is the first hero in the kindergarten,
Stronger than all our boys
Behind him are all the girls in a crowd!

Seryoga, Deniska and Slavik,
Fight like never before
And even snotty Valerka
Bravely goes to the "enemy"!

Be careful passerby
And you do not yawn pedestrian,
You see, one stared
And immediately without a hat!

Blizzard, blizzard...

Nadezhda Radchenko

Blizzard, blizzard
She started her dance.
The snow drifts like this
The earth is white.

Bushes that were bare
Shine in silver.
Snowmen are funny
They crowd in the yard.

Returning from school
Home students...
What a great game
Today they are in the snow!


Natalia Gubskaya

Lots of snow outside!
All birches in silver.
Baba Snow was blinded,
We decided to fill the hill.

And they rode down the mountain all day,
Everyone was so covered in snow!
Mom didn't recognize us.
Yes ... Walking is the highest class!

Winter has come!

Natalya Tata Zubareva

Finally, snow! Hooray!
Get to work, kids!
Sculpt a snow woman
And hit the target with a snowball
Skating on ice
And rush from the mountain on a sled!
It's time for the winter games
Hello Zimushka! Hooray!

Winter fun

Olga Borisova 5

There is a snowstorm and cold in the yard.
Snow in the morning sweeps and circles,
But don't scare me
I run to the yard for a walk.
Sledge, I'll take the skis!
Quickly from the hill I roll!
I will build a snow woman.
-Get out! Who is with me?
Who said it's cold here?
I'm not cold at all!
Reinforcements are rushing over
We will build fortifications.
Snowballs will fly at each other.
We are not afraid of snow and blizzard!
In the cold we "puff" the ferry
It's hot, we've had fun!

Snow is to blame

Nina Zhelezkova

Snow sparkles, snow plays,
Melting on my palm
Strives for the collar
Fly me, mischievous!
Only I do not lose heart:
I roll snowball into snowball -
Wonderful projectile...
I'll call the guys now:
Hey, who was bored there?
Come out to test your strength!
It turned out a mess -
This snowy "war" -
Here, brothers, do not yawn,
Dodge well!
By the evening I was a little tired,
And from my mother I got:
Steadfastly defending the rear,
I forgot about lessons...
I'm not happy with the snow now -
He, the prankster, is to blame!

Happy snow kids

Olga Borisova

All around joy, ringing laughter!
The first snow fell in the morning!
We are soon in the yard in a crowd,
Let's start the snowball fight!

There will be "ours" and "strangers",
No, "strangers" are not bad,
All the guys from the yard
This is a winter game.

Here the snow is flying at me,
I look pale!
But I don't cry, I laugh
And I'm on the attack.

We roll in the snow
We do not surrender to the "enemy"!
"Ours" go to battle! Hooray!
Happy snow kids.

Pretty body to amuse with bliss

Olga Lyabina

Enough to amuse the body with bliss,
Lying on the couch under a blanket!
Hurry, hurry into the arms of snow
And the day of the January radiance!

Rolling down from a high mountain,
Or, at least, from a small hill,
To go through a wide ski track
Nature's white bedspread!

And admire the new feeling
Back in childhood for a moment.
Make a big snowman
Remembering the old skill!

Tumbling on light sleds
crashing into chubby snowdrifts
play snowballs, shout, laugh
To dispel all bad things!

With a blush to return hot,
Walking home with a tired step -
Winters - sorceress gifts
Hurry to turn for good!

Sledges, skis have become closer

Olya Korneeva

Sledges, skis have become closer -
We got them from the balcony.
Don't make noise, just be quiet!
Do you hear? At the window frames
It rang, it blew
It became closer to call
Swirled, cold
It was covered with fresh snow.
Winter invites us
Fun until dark!
Look, our hill
It's full of guys!
Let winter blizzard, whistle,
City of snowdrifts-mountains,
Let them not look for us at home,
And the hand writes:
“We went for a walk in the yard!”

Winter fun

Regina Novikova

In the gloomy sky, the trio rushes,
And in the sleigh - Winter is the queen.
White coat, white hat.
Doing something important

Sprinkles with snowy silver
To the fields. trees. house.
And fly, fly snowflakes,
Like light fluff.

Snowflakes are friends with the wind.
In a smooth dance they circle, circle.
They fly up, then down,
And lie down on the ledge,

On our shoulders, on our face,
On the railing, on the porch.
Snow, of course, we are happy.
This is a winter treat.

Can they play snowballs?
Roll up a snow woman
Make a snow zoo:
And make a row of animals.

Bear, bunny and fox,
Wolf, squirrel and mouse...
This snow zoo
Will make the kids happy.

You can rush down the hill in a sled,
Skating on ice
Or arrange a ski cross
The cold doesn't scare us.

snow games

Regina Novikova

The wind is blowing, the snow is spinning.
Quiet, slow down
To the trees, to the fields.
The earth became white.

Hiding dirty paths.
Look in your window
How much snow in the yard!
He is to the delight of the children.

I'll run to the yard.
I roll in the snow
And I'll build something.
This I love. I won't hide.

Come out into the yard, Yegorka,
Together we will build a hill.
We'll shovel the snow,
And from the watering can we will cover.

Dima sculpts "Snowman".
The gloves got wet.
Here Anton blinded a bunny.
Kolya and Sasha are making a bear.

Sveta is making a kitten
Nastya is a white mouse.
Incredible zoo!
This snow rallied the guys.

They worked hard together,
And now it needs to dry.
Let's run home soon
We dry everything, we warm the tea.

winter picture

Svetlana Pshenichnykh

It snowed
For people and houses.
The passerby sighed.
- Winter came!..
And looked around
And there was fear on his face ...
He didn't like winter.
And we?..
And we made snowballs!
And we sharpened our skates!
On a sled from high mountains
Rushed at full speed
And scattered laughter
In white fluffy snow!

Winter day is a magical holiday!

Sergey Nikiforov-Sr.

After all, in winter, from year to year,
Santa Claus, gray-haired prankster,
Turns water into ice!
Ice show!
For boys and girls
All day surprisingly
The skates are clinking on their feet.

Thickly covers the ground
Loose white powder.
This (all the guys know!)
It's called snowball.
Scatter early
Santa Claus is not in vain -
Let skiing and sledding
The kid will frolic.

And lie in a snowdrift?
How about building a snowman?
And leave the snowballs -
Really, great? Aha!
Winter day is a magical holiday!
It is a pity that in the summer Santa Claus,
Mischievous, gray-haired prankster,
Doesn't show nose.

In a fairy tale

Tamara Eidenzon-Black

In a wonderful fairy tale
In white paint
They suddenly drowned at home.
For skates and sledges
The kid got it.

Laughter, fun, games, jokes.
White frost in hair...
How bright these minutes -
Happiness sparks in the eyes.


Tatiana Voilokova

We built a fortress, we make snowballs.
But we were surrounded in an ambush by enemies.
I threw a snowball, flew back
Hit me on the forehead, not very nice.

But we are not timid, we went on the offensive,
Hooray! won the hard fight.

Pleases winter

Tatyana Dergunova

I will put on a fur coat according to the weather,
because it's winter outside.
Snowflakes are spinning in a round dance.
I will become like a snow maiden myself.

Lush snowdrifts are silvering,
soft like white fluff.
I'm not afraid of any disease
and with a run into those snowdrifts - bang!

We play snowballs with you skillfully.
Dodged - then you are a hero!
The snowman is cheerful, the nose is a carrot,
our third comrade dear!

The Christmas tree is dressed up in garlands,
and on it flashlights randomly.
I want cookies and candy.
Come to us, Santa Claus!

And on the hill, cheerful laughter is heard.
Sled at the ready - and go!
Higher, higher, higher...
Happy winter and new year.

On a winter afternoon

Tatiana Cheskidova

On a winter afternoon at the yard
The kids are fumbling.
Quickly, for distillation,
Snowballs are falling.
They need to build a fortress.
Come on together! Come on together!
They raised you for half an hour.
These are the miracles.

Winter fun

Yuri Zaitsev

Winter is a blessing
Hug with natural softness.
And give yourself all to her -
In snowdrifts, as if in fluff, wallow.
In the snowballs, playing, running away
From all problems and kiss.
No need to whip horses
They run like the wind.
Let the sea get tired of waiting for us -
We have nothing to fear from the heat.
Winter. What a blessing-
Skiing and skating.

What is winter for?

Yuri Myshonkov

What is winter for?
in the world -
know for sure
only children:
for playing
for walking,
for skiing,
for snowballs
from steep mountains
on the snow
well, and skating,
well, and skiing,
well, and winter swimming,
icicle chewing:
such knowledge is
just bullying
for vacation!

Don't sit at home

Yana Klyk

It snowed in the yard
come out soon buddy.
How beautiful look!
Take your mittens with you.

White snow near the house
and laughter is heard everywhere.
Builds a grandmother of children,
And it's time for you too.

The hill is already ready there,
don't sit at home.
go for a walk soon
It will be more fun with us!

Winter has fallen to the ground

Yana Klyk

Winter has fallen to the ground
Leading the blizzards.
Forests covered with snow
Bringing frost and peace.

And I thought, what is all this for?
Snow covered all the houses.
And summer hid somewhere
The beautiful winter has come.

All meadows, glades fell asleep,
The bear is already sleeping in the den,
And the cheeks are rosy from the snow.
Now winter is here to own everything.

The earth is in solidarity with winter,
She needs rest and peace.
She is very grateful to her
And sleeps contentedly.

She served well
Growing a rich harvest
Well, while the earth fell asleep,
My friend, you better not be bored.

Take your skates and sleds
On a hill or on a skating rink.
We go with you early in the morning
And the snow is falling harder!

Snow fight!

Yana Klyk

Snow fight! Snow fight!
We play with the whole crowd.
We built the fortress for an hour,
our fortress is higher than us.

She stands strong
no one will defeat us!
We play snowball
having fun with the whole crowd.

Snowballs flew dashingly at us
well, we laughed quietly
We tried for an hour
We have a strong fortress!