The essence of the Apple Savior: the history, traditions and customs of the holiday. Apple Spas: an Orthodox holiday with pagan roots

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is popularly called Apple Spas. It is one of the first holidays coinciding with the harvest. Since the Apple Savior, according to signs, nature has changed, unfolding from summer to autumn and winter.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is called the Apple Savior because on this day, according to the church charter, the fruits of the new harvest should be consecrated. There is a long-standing pious tradition of bringing various fruits to the feast to perform a special prayer over them, which is read in churches after the Liturgy. In addition, on this day, Orthodox Christians are allowed to taste the fruits of the new harvest for the first time, since before the Feast of the Transfiguration there is a ban on the consumption of apples and grapes. This is a certain restriction on fresh fruit, which begins with Peter's Lent and ends with the Transfiguration. During the celebration of this holiday, the clergy wear white robes, symbolizing the eternal Divine Light, revealed by Jesus Christ on Tabor. On the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) in the Orthodox world, the use of fish is allowed as an indulgence of a strict fast in honor of the holy holiday.

Orthodox Christians around the world venerate the feast of the Transfiguration of the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ in a special way. There are centuries-old traditions of celebrating this event. On the eve, all Christians try to prepare a supply of fresh fruits. Many farmers store fruits grown on their own plot. On the day of the holiday, Christians bring the most beautiful and ripe fruits to the temple and put them on the central table, preparing them for consecration. Little children love this tradition very much: they wait with excitement and trepidation for the priest’s prayer “for the consecration of fruits”, they try to hold fruit baskets on their own, without the help of adults. In some families, there is a custom to congratulate each other, to give various gifts for the Transfiguration of the Lord. Congratulation is often issued in poetic form. After the service, Christians go home to have a festive meal. There is a pious tradition here to start the meal with consecrated fruit. Many Orthodox housewives at the Apple Spas (Transfiguration of the Lord) prepare a variety of dishes. It can be apple and honey pies, jams.

Folk traditions of celebrating such an event as the Transfiguration of the Lord are widespread among the people. The signs left in popular belief are mainly related to the harvest. For example, there is a tradition on this day to treat the poor or the poor with fruits grown in their garden. In this case, there is a belief that next year will be especially fruitful. In addition, if on this day it was not possible to meet a needy beggar, then this means that the next year will be poor. So the saying was born: "In the apple tree Spas an apple and a beggar will eat it." There was also a tradition on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord to eat at least one apple with honey. This was considered a guarantee of good health for the next year. Among other things, there was a tradition to harvest the entire grain crop before August 19, since it was believed that after this date any rain would be fatal for him (the so-called grain rain). The Church's practice of not eating the fruits of the fresh harvest is directly related to the degree of their maturity. It is known that apples and grapes fully ripen only by the end of August, becoming useful for the body. Also, the connection between the violation of the “apple fast” and the sin of the foremother Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, was deeply rooted in the public consciousness and thereby brought God's wrath on all mankind. That is why the common people in a special way monitor the observance of the tradition of not eating fresh apples in the period before the Transfiguration. According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, the Transfiguration of the Lord should be celebrated with purity and love.

On this day, in churches, in addition to the fruits and fruits of the new harvest, honey and grain ears were consecrated. The consecrated ears and seeds were kept until the next sowing.

There was a belief that in the next world, children whose parents do not eat apples to this day are given gifts (among them are paradise apples). But for those children whose parents tried apples, no. Therefore, many parents, and especially those whose children have died, consider it a great sin to eat an apple before the Second Savior. Women who lost children, in the morning of this day, had to take several apples to the temple, consecrate, bring and put on the graves of dead children. In the event that the grave of a child is far away or it is not at all known where, a consecrated apple should be placed on any children's grave or apples should be left in the temple. Many peasants carried consecrated apples to the cemetery and laid them on the graves of all deceased relatives.

In the villages, girls, breaking their fast with apples and thinking about their betrothed, said: “What is guessed is far-fetched! What is imagined will come true! What will come true - will not pass!

On the day of the Apple Savior, they baked apples, baked pies, pancakes with apples, mushrooms and berries. In folk traditions, pies were baked from lean dough.

On this day, they saw off the sunset in the field with songs. In the Novgorod province and neighboring districts of other provinces, a round dance of young people gathered in the evening, heading for the outskirts - into the field. On a hillock, young people stopped and watched the sun close to sunset. As soon as the sun touched the horizon, the audience stopped talking and sang:

Sunshine, sunshine, wait!
Gentlemen-boyars have arrived
From Velika de Novgorod
Feast on Spasov's day.
Are you, gentlemen-boyars,
You old Novgorod boyars!
Build a big feast
For the whole baptized world,
For all the brethren named!
The gentlemen-boyars built a feast,
The boyars of Novogorodsk built
About the whole baptized world.
You get along, good people,
To the great-called feast;
There is honey, wine about you,
There are sugary dishes about you,
And to you, baptized world,
We beat our foreheads and bow!

Among the southern and western Slavs, Apple Savior was considered the day from which the grape harvest began; after its consecration in the church, the grapes were allowed to be eaten. On this day, the people of Kapan were not allowed to eat red grapes, so that the person “do not change it”, that is, so that red spots do not appear on his face. On this day, in the vineyards, the owners performed magical actions aimed at increasing the yield of grapes. So in Negotinska Krajina (Eastern Serbia), the owner shot at the sunflower growing in the vineyard: it was believed that the farther the seeds from it scattered, the greater the grape harvest.

In Moravia and western Slovakia, a special rite called "locking the grapes" was performed on Apple Spas.

The Serbs had a belief that at the Transfiguration “heaven and earth are transformed” (Serbohorv. transforming all heaven and earth), the Macedonians had a belief that swallows fly away on this day. The Macedonians in Veles believed that the sky opens at the Transfiguration and you can see God and make a wish (a belief usually attributed to Epiphany or Christmas).

Sayings and signs

What is the second Savior, such is January.

What is the day on the second Spas, such is the Protection.

A dry day portends a dry autumn, a wet one portends a wet one, and a clear one portends a harsh winter.

Meeting of autumn - Osenins.

On the Second Spas, apples, honey and peas in pods are consecrated in the church.

Signs should not be taken seriously, they should not be treated as irrefutable dogmas.

In conclusion, it must be said that the Transfiguration of the Lord is very important in the Christian world. The history of the holiday reveals its symbolism. The mountain, no doubt, means silence and a solitary place - these are the conditions for mental connection with God in pure prayer. The name "Tavor" is translated as "light, purity", which symbolizes the cleansing of the soul from the burden of sins, its enlightenment in God. The Transfiguration of the Savior denotes the main goal of the Christian life - the complete victory of the spirit over bodily passions, purification from worldly dirt and the acceptance of the Divine Light, which is possible for any person striving for God.

According to open sources

Apple Savior is a folk holiday dedicated to the Orthodox celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in which church and folk traditions are closely intertwined - in 2018, as every year, they celebrate August 19.

In ancient times, several Spas were celebrated, which were timed to coincide with the ripening of crops, vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth - Honey, Apple and Nut, which are celebrated in August, have survived to this day.

In the church calendar, all three Saviors are associated with Jesus Christ and his deeds - the word "Savior" is an abbreviated form of the word Savior.

Second Savior or Savior on the mountain

Apple Savior, which is also called the Second Savior, the Feast of the First Fruits, the Middle Savior, Pea Day, the First Autumn, and so on, recalls the great power of nature and its invaluable gifts.

The feast of fertility in pre-Christian times was celebrated in mid-August, which was the end of the harvest. In gratitude to the earth for a good harvest, people sacrificed fruits to the gods and arranged fun folk festivals with songs and dances.

With the adoption of Christianity, the church connected this popular celebration with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. According to Scripture, Jesus was completely transformed when he prayed on Mount Tabor with his disciples - His face shone, and His clothes became dazzling white.

© photo: Sputnik / Grigory Sisoev

Thanks to this divine phenomenon, the holiday began to be called - Savior on the Mountain. The deep meaning of this holiday lies in the union of the divine and human essence of Jesus Christ.

In the Apple Savior, everyone should think about the righteousness of their lives, try to change for the better.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

In all functioning Orthodox churches, festive services are held on this day - believers go to church for confession and communion. People have long believed that on Apple Spas God sends His blessing to people.

After the service, fruits are blessed - this custom goes back to the Old Testament, when people brought grapes and cereals to the temple for blessing and as a token of gratitude to God.

In Russia, grapes did not grow everywhere, so the tradition was transformed, and they began to consecrate apples, the collection of which fell on the Apple Savior. Accordingly, apples, which represent prosperity and well-being, have become the main symbol of the holiday.

According to tradition, to this day, parishioners bring baskets of grapes, apples and other fruits to the church, which can be eaten only after the solemn rite of consecration.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kondratyuk

According to ancient belief, on Apple Savior, angels in heaven treat the souls of children with apples, and a woman who tasted the fruit before the holiday would deprive the soul of a child of treats. Therefore, after the consecration of the fruits in the church, the parents who lost their children went to the cemetery and left some of the apples on the graves or distributed treats in the temple.

Nowadays, after the church service, it is customary to go to the cemetery to honor the memory of all deceased relatives, and not just children.

To bless the sowing, people often invited the priest to the fields as well.

On the holiday, any housework, sewing, washing and construction work are prohibited - only cooking and harvesting is allowed.

On Spas, they bake pies, most often they use apple filling, add honey and walnuts. On the tables, there are also pancakes with various fillings, sweet cereals, pies, baked apples, fresh fruit compote. According to tradition, they treated all friends and neighbors, and in the evening they went to the field and saw off the summer with songs.

Since the Assumption Fast continues during the Apple Savior, any food of animal origin is prohibited, but on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, the church charter allows for eating fish and a little wine.

According to an old custom, on this day the housewives performed a ritual of cleansing the house, for which they used apples and a wax church candle. In particular, the apple was cut into two halves and the core was taken out - a candle was placed in one half and they went around the house with it, reading prayers and asking the Lord to protect the home from adversity, and to grant peace and harmony to the family.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

Icon "Savior Not Made by Hands"

Then the wax from the candle was transferred to the other half of the apple, the two halves of the fruit were tightly tied with a rope, taken away from the house and buried in the ground. Having completed the rite of purification, the hostesses began to prepare treats.

On Apple Spas, auctions were held, where whole carts with apples were put up, and people who had orchards considered it their duty to treat the sick, the poor and orphans with the fruits that day.

Signs and beliefs

A lot of signs and beliefs are associated with the Apple Savior, which have survived to this day.

So, according to popular belief, the first apple eaten will tell you what to expect from fate in the coming year. If the apple is sour, then trouble lies ahead, but if it turns out to be sweet, then life will be full of joy and happiness. Sweet and sour fruit has always meant a strong family, peace and comfort in the house.

Girls, eating the first apple, often dipped it in honey and made their most cherished wish. In the old days, it was believed that the wished for will surely come true if the thoughts are pure and the request comes from the heart.

Many signs were also connected with the weather - the rain on the Second Spas promised a wet and cold winter. But the sun and warmth on the holiday - they promised a snowy winter, without severe frosts.

People believed that on this day you can’t drive away flies, if they sit on your hand - you can frighten away happiness, so you had to wait until she flies away.

Ears of wheat will be large if the north wind blows during sowing.

If the bees gather in a swarm, and a light rain has begun, a cold and rainy autumn will soon come, and if bees flock to honey, then prosperity in the house is ensured.

If the leaves on the trees turned yellow on the Apple Savior, then it will soon become very cold.

Whoever sews for a holiday will shed tears all his life.

A lot of starlings on the trees - by the harsh January.

It was categorically forbidden to marry and get married on this day, as on other days of the Dormition Fast, as it was considered a great sin. There is a belief that young people who get engaged during the Dormition Fast will never be happy.

According to popular beliefs, Apple Savior means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. It is generally accepted that the nights after August 19 become much colder.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The second is called Apple, the third, the last saved - Walnut. Apple Savior is popularly called the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Orthodox believers celebrate it on August 19. MirSovetov will tell you about the traditions and features of this holiday.

Why is Spas called Apple?

Many folk customs and traditions are dedicated to the Apple Spas. But first of all, it is associated with the beginning of autumn, as well as significant changes in nature. This rescue even has one more name - autumn. And in the church calendar, this day is a holiday. This day is dedicated to the memory of the transfiguration of Christ to his disciples. This event took place on Mount Tabor. Christian and pagan traditions are very interconnected, therefore the Transfiguration of the Lord among the people became better known as the Apple Savior.

This holiday borrowed many folk traditions. For example, it got its name because it was at this time that a new crop of grapes was ripening. In those areas where it was not grown, people consecrated apples. Before the onset of the Savior, it was not allowed to eat either apples or any dishes from them. But on the holiday itself, they harvested, consecrated apples in the church, and then broke the fast with them.

One of the main purposes of the Savior has survived to this day - the spiritual transformation of man.

What is another name for the holiday?

Apple Spas has other names. For example, among the people it is also known as the Middle Spas, as it is celebrated between Medov and Orekhov. Due to the fact that on this day the mass harvest of peas began, Apple Spas received another name - “pea”. By the way, sometimes people organized “Pea Day” for this occasion. Also, the people used such names as "autumn" (associated with the arrival of autumn), "the second meeting of autumn."

About the history of the holiday

For the first time, church sources recall the holiday at the beginning of the fourth century. In the Gospel there is a description of the transfiguration of the Lord. It happened on the mountain in the presence of the closest disciples of Christ. During this time, they all prayed intensely.

Orthodox believers celebrate this day on August 19. The place where the Transfiguration took place is called the mountain in Galilee - Tabor. According to the gospel descriptions, Christ went up the mountain with his disciples to pray. At this time, His face shone more than the sun, His clothes became white and shone. The disciples who were with Jesus at that time (James, John and Peter) saw two prophets from the Old Testament. They talked for a long time with the Lord about the Exodus. Christ did not allow his disciples to talk about everything until he was resurrected.

Church significance of the event

For Orthodox Christians, the Transfiguration refers to the Twelve Feasts. Prayers are held in all churches, canons are sung. The clergy wear solemn attire. The holiday is celebrated during the Dormition Fast. According to the charter, the use of fish products of wine and oil is allowed. At the same time, there is a ban on eggs, meat and milk.

folk traditions

Many interesting customs and signs are associated with the apple spas among the people. People sacredly believed in them, so they believed that thanks to them you can stay healthy and get well-being for the whole family.

Traditionally, it is customary to treat people with consecrated apples in memory of all the dead. People believed that the more generously you feed them with delicious fruits, the better the Lord will treat the dead loved ones.

If the parents of the dead children do not eat apples before the holiday, the angels in heaven distribute them. Mothers who have lost their children are blessed on the day of the holiday and take them to the graves.

And the people also believed that on the day of the Savior, apples acquire miraculous power. If you bite off the fruit and at the same time make a wish, it must certainly come true.

People knew one more sign: a hot day came - do not expect snow in winter, rainy weather foreshadowed snowy winter months.

It was believed among the people - if a fly sits twice on this day, a person will be successful throughout the year. Therefore, they said: “Be patient on the Savior, even with flies, so as not to miss your luck!”

A hot season for the villagers began with the Apple Spas. The fruits are harvested for the future: all kinds of preserves and jams are made from apples, they are dried and soaked. And for the holiday itself, the hostesses prepared a lot of dishes, which were then distributed to the poor and sick.

It was from this holiday that the harvest of spring crops began in the fields, as well as the sowing of winter crops. And folk healers at that time were harvesting medicinal herbs. Among the people, these days there were mass festivities.

Love bulk apples - wait for excellent health

It is known that even in the diet of cavemen, apples were constantly present. And these wonderful fruits came to Europe thanks to the Romans. Today, apples are one of the most famous fruits in the world. They can be used both fresh and in the preparation of many dishes. Today, hostesses prepare all kinds of jams from them, make compotes and ciders, bake cakes and pies.

Doctors recommend eating at least one apple a day, as they contain a huge amount of all the substances necessary for a person. In addition, they are very easily absorbed by the body and help maintain excellent health.

What can be prepared from tasty and healthy fruits

Fruit dumplings.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 170 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 30 grams of butter (butter);
  • 300 grams of sour cream;
  • 1 kilogram of fresh apples;
  • salt.

How to cook:

From milk, flour, one egg, butter, twenty grams of sugar and salt, you need to knead the dough. Apples must be peeled. Remove the core. After that, cut the apples into small pieces, add 150 grams of sugar and a little water. Cook over low heat until the fruits soften, after which the apples need to be cooled.

The dough must be rolled out thinly. Put the filling on each circle cut out of it. Form dumplings.

Boil dumplings in boiling salted water over low heat for about 6-8 minutes.

Can be served with sour cream or any other sauce.

Apple charlotte "Lakomka".


  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 8 eggs;
  • lemon;
  • butter.

How to cook:

Wash the apples and cut them into several pieces. Take out the core. Cut the apple pulp even smaller, put it in a saucepan and pour over the lemon juice. While the mixture is infusing, beat the eggs until foamy. Without stopping, pour sugar in a small stream. Gradually add flour to this mass. Stir carefully.

Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour. Put the dough on it - apples and the remaining dough.

Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Apple soufflé.


  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • apples - 250 grams;
  • egg whites - 12 pieces;
  • butter - 10 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 20 grams.

How to cook:

Wash the apples, cut into several pieces and remove the core. Put the fruits on a baking sheet, after adding a little water. Bake until done.

After the apples are cooled, they should be rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar to the apples in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. When the mass becomes viscous and thick, add egg whites to it, whipped into foam.

Grease a baking dish with butter.

Using a confectionery syringe, put the protein-apple mixture into a mold. Bake in the oven at 200°C. Ready soufflé, if desired, can be decorated with powdered sugar.

August is rich in religious holidays. This month, as many as three Spas are celebrated, which are dedicated to the gifts of nature: Apple and Walnut. These products represent the harvest and play a huge role in human nutrition.

Of all the Spas, people single out the Apple one, because it is rich in signs and has a variety of celebration traditions. Spas is celebrated on August 19. According to Orthodox customs, the celebration of the Apple Savior coincides with the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and in the folk calendar - with the farewell to summer. Before the celebration, it is forbidden to eat the fruits of the new harvest. When the Apple Savior begins, you must definitely eat apples and other fruits that are lit during the liturgy. It is also recommended to treat relatives, acquaintances, friends, beggars and orphans with apples. It is even better if you first give apples or dishes from them to the needy to try, and then try them yourself.

Since the Apple Savior coincides with the Dormition Fast, it is forbidden to eat meat, butter and milk. However, permitted foods can be easily replaced with mushrooms, berries, fruits and vegetables. By the way, during the two weeks of the Dormition Fast, only on August 19, you can eat fish without fear of violating the rules of abstinence. On Apple Spas, it is recommended to cook jams, preserves, and pies, various desserts.

How did Apple Spas come about?

Many holidays have their own legend, and Apple Spas is no exception. The history of the holiday falls at a time when Christ was preparing his disciples for future events. There is a legend that the Messiah ascended with his closest disciples John, Peter and Jacob to Mount Tabor for traditional prayer. The tired apostles fell asleep and did not catch the moment when the Transfiguration of the Lord began. They were awakened by a radiance - an unusual light that Christ studied. Near the teacher, the apostles noticed Elijah and Moses, who were talking with him about going to Jerusalem to accomplish the feat of redemption. Suddenly a fog descended on the mountain and the apostles heard the voice of the Lord: “That is my chosen son, in whom there is my good pleasure.” The disciples were frightened, fell on their faces and lay like that until Jesus touched them. The saint turned to them with a request not to tell about what had happened until the execution was completed. Thus, the disciples became the first people to realize that Jesus was the Son of God. This is the reason for the celebration of Apple Savior.

In Russia, Spas became the most celebrated day of the summer. On the day when the Apple Savior was celebrated, holidays were held in the villages, which praised not only the religious holiday, but also the arrival of autumn. The peasants watched the sunset and as soon as the sun was compared with the horizon, they began to sing songs and congratulate each other.

Apple spas: traditions and signs

On the Second Spas, it is customary to treat everyone with apples and, of course, eat them yourself. Together with apples, you can give souvenir apples, textiles with the image of fruits to relatives and friends. An apple symbolizes the fertility and well-being of the family, so with your gift you wish your loved ones all the best.

In addition to apple treats and souvenirs, Apple Savior has many more signs that have a custom to come true. The main signs include the following:

  • If you eat an apple on the day of the Savior and make a wish at the same time, then it will certainly come true.
  • >
  • If a fly lands on you 2 times, then this is a good sign - good luck awaits you.
  • The weather in Yablochny Spas will be identical to the weather in January. If it rains during the day, then there will be a lot of precipitation in winter.
  • If it's dry, then autumn will come the same.
  • If you celebrate this Savior, then in addition to treats, include evening walks. Go to the park to spend a warm summer and meet autumn. Watching the sunset, thank nature for its abundance and gifts and ask that all other months be generous and fertile.

    Photos from free sources

    Apple Spas is celebrated on August 19 (August 6 according to the Julian calendar) every year. This is a folk-Christian holiday, the second of the three Spas. Its official church name is Transfiguration.

    According to popular beliefs, Apple Savior means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. The Eastern Slavs only from the Apple Savior were allowed to eat apples and dishes from the fruits of the new harvest. On this day they are consecrated in the church.

    Apple Spas August 19 is considered the official end of summer and the arrival of autumn - after it the nights become cold, and it's time to harvest.

    Other names for the holiday: Second Savior, Middle Savior, Savior on the Mountain, Transfiguration, Peas Day, Feast of First Fruits, First Autumn.

    history of the holiday

    More than two thousand years ago, Jesus and the apostles - Peter, James and John - climbed Mount Tabor in Palestine. They came here to pray. During the prayer, the Transfiguration took place: the face of Jesus lit up with light, and his clothes suddenly became snow-white. At that moment, the apostles felt an indescribable joy.

    And then they saw two prophets suddenly appear, talking to Jesus about his imminent exodus, which would soon take place in Jerusalem. From everything they saw, the disciples of Christ were shocked, and Jesus himself forbade them to talk about the events that they witnessed during prayer. They were supposed to be silent until Christ was resurrected, as he was destined.

    According to the Gospel, the Transfiguration of the Lord happened exactly forty days before Easter. But since Great Lent was going on these days, the church postponed the great feast of the Transfiguration to August.


    Popular beliefs and traditions that have survived to this day are closely related to church rules. In particular, we must not forget that there is a post, so you can not refuse it. Here is a slight relief. On the Second Spas they eat fish. In preparation for the holiday, ripe fruits are harvested to consecrate them in the church. Until this day, it is forbidden to eat fruits of the new crop. The ban applies not only to the usual apples and pears, but also to grapes.

    On August 19, people go to temples with these fruits, where they spread them on a specially prepared table. During the service, the consecration of the fruits brought takes place. At the end of the service, people go home to celebrate this date with the whole family at the festive table. Among the treats, dishes with apples must be present, for example, apple pie, pancakes with apples. Mushroom dishes were also prepared here.

    Often the day of the Apple Savior is called a holiday that celebrates autumn. Also, prayers are held in the gardens, the harvesting, harvesting of apples and other fruits for the winter begins.


    • If you eat an apple on August 19 and make a wish, it will come true
    • If a fly lands on Spas, on your hand, twice, then this is good luck.
    • What is the weather on this holiday, such will be in January.
    • If it rains during the day, there will also be a lot of precipitation in winter.
    • If it's dry on Spas, autumn will be the same.
    • The Savior has passed - the summer has gone from us.
    • The weather is clear - autumn will be dry, rainy - wet.
    • The last piece of apple eaten that day has magical powers. If you make a wish immediately after eating it, it will come true.
    • If on August 19 you treat the beggar with an apple, then the next year will be prosperous.
    • Picking unripe apples on this day is a bad omen.
    • Clear cloudless sky - for a frosty winter.
    • Bees flock to honey - to prosperity in the house.


    Cut off the apple skin in one strip. Now throw it into the fire. And look closely at the shape of the apple skin. What letter does it resemble? The name of your betrothed will begin with this letter.

    You can strengthen feelings between lovers by eating an apple broken into equal parts at the same time with your loved one. The fruit should be beautiful, not spoiled.

    Having picked up three apples of yellow, green and red colors of the same size from the new harvest, put them in a basket or box, make a wish, imagine how it comes true. Closing your eyes, mix the apples and pull out one of them. Red means the fulfillment of the wished, yellow - you have to work hard to make it come true. A green apple means that the wish will not come true.

    For good luck for the whole year, they guess in this way: the top of the fruit is cut off to seeds. If they form a beautiful, symmetrical pattern, then luck, joy, love, material well-being will accompany. Otherwise, you will have to “deserve” the location of fate.

    You can find out if income will increase by throwing an apple up. Falls to the right - income will increase, to the left - will remain the same. An apple falling in the center can mean a difficult financial situation, which can force you to get into debt.


    There are no overly strict bans on Apple Savior, and yet the holiday falls on the time of the strict Dormition Fast, which does not welcome the violation of fasting food.

    You can’t eat apples before the Apple Savior, and even on this day, until the fruits are consecrated in the church.

    You can not sew, knit, do cleaning and construction work. In general, it is best not to do any physical work other than cooking and harvesting.

    Remember that the Dormition Fast is going on until August 27th. Therefore, you can not have fun, and also eat meat, eggs, fatty foods.

    Also, do not kill or drive away insects.

    On this day, it is customary to treat children, poor and sick people. Good housewives bake apple pies.