What year does the wedding mean. 5 years - zinc wedding. Gifts for a zinc wedding. years of wedding - Silver wedding

The wedding day is one of the happiest in the life of a couple in love, which will forever remain in their memory. You can refresh your feelings, remember pleasant moments and express your love every year by celebrating an anniversary. What is the meaning of wedding anniversaries, their names by year and what to give spouses on such a holiday?

After all, a wedding anniversary is an occasion for a holiday that will remind the couple of the wedding day. And close people and friends will be able to rejoice for lovers who have preserved tender feelings for the years they have lived together. When celebrating wedding anniversaries, you need to know their names by year. Since they determine the subject of gifts that, according to custom, are given to a married couple.

Green wedding day

The first family holiday is called the "green wedding". The youth of a married couple is associated with green - the color of harmony, youth and purity. On the wedding day, in addition to myrtle flowers, the young couple is given various gifts: money, household appliances, honeymoon trips, jewelry.

Printed wedding - 1 year

The celebration of the first wedding date means that for the year the bonds of marriage are still quite weak. And relationships are light and like tearing gauze fabric. The newlyweds are given bed linen, decorative pillows made of chintz fabric, as well as silk products.

Paper wedding - 2 years

The two-year date referred to as "paper" indicates that the relationship between the couple is like a fragile material. Which is prone to change: breaks and burns. For two years of living together, paper things are often handed over: banknotes, paintings, photo albums, notebooks.

Leather wedding - 3 years

Leather is a flexible and durable material that will always look flawless if it is carefully cared for. That is why marital relations are compared with the properties of this material. The skin in this case symbolizes a strong relationship that is resistant to life's difficulties and trials. Therefore, the present should be made of leather (preferably natural): clothes, belts, briefcases, bags.

Linen wedding - 4 years

The linen (or rope) anniversary marks a period in marriage where the spouses have already settled in, strengthened their union and are similar to intertwining linen fibers. Often given: curtains, tableware, towels and expensive bed linen made from high quality linen.

Wooden wedding - 5 years

Wood is a cozy building material, symbolizing that during the specified period, a couple in love was able to build relationships, equip housing, and possibly give birth to a child. On this day, invited guests present various wooden interior items: panels, decorative ornaments, caskets, chests, kitchen accessories (wine jug, bread box, manual coffee grinder).

Cast iron wedding - 6 years

The name of the anniversary indicates that the time has come to strengthen the hearth. The most symbolic gifts are cast-iron items: pots, dishes, figurines, forged caskets, grates for the fireplace.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years

Individuals are designated by specific material that accurately describes private life at a particular stage. The onset of such an incomplete anniversary means that the relationship between a man and a woman should often be polished with attention and care. It would be appropriate for the celebrants to present galvanized kitchen utensils.

Copper wedding - 7 years

A seven-year relationship is identified with copper, a valuable metal. Spouses can exchange copper ornaments. And guests can give any household items: decorative candle holders, Turks, molds for cakes and muffins, copper utensils.

Tin wedding - 8 years

The name of this anniversary says that by the indicated time, the life of lovers was filled with warmth and stability, like tin metal. As a pleasant memorable gift, you can give kitchen tin items: chased paintings, caskets, coffee storage jars, sweets in tins, tin trays, sheets, baking sheets.

Faience wedding - 9 years

The symbol of this celebration is ceramic material - faience, which personifies a prosperous union. By tradition, the couple is given tea sets, a set of dishes made of porcelain or faience.

Rose Day (tin wedding) - 10 years

The symbols of the tenth anniversary are roses and tin. The scarlet rose is considered the indestructible flower of love. And tin is a malleable metal, which was correlated with a married couple, where a husband and wife are able to adapt to each other. For this holiday, they usually give a lush red bouquet, a bright picture with rosebuds, bed linen with a rose print, bathrobes, a set of glasses or tin dishes.

Steel wedding - 11 years

Eleven years of family life suggest that relationships have become like steel material: they have been tempered by time and feelings, they have become stronger due to life's difficulties. Therefore, gifts made of stainless steel will be appropriate: decorative ornaments, cutlery set.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years

The symbolism of this anniversary is close to the tin one: the shine of nickel shows how important it is to maintain cleanliness in relationships. Nickel-plated jewelry for your beloved wife is ideal for a gift. Invited guests can give various items consisting of nickel: caskets, photo frames, household utensils, cutlery, chandeliers, barbecues.

Lily of the valley (lace) wedding - 13 years

Life after 13 years of marriage goes on as usual and weaves a lace net. Which indicates the need to value family and feelings in a special way. As a surprise, there may be: a bouquet of lilies of the valley, openwork products for the interior, lace underwear.

Agate wedding - 14 years

Agate is an exotic stone, a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. The 14-year-old union that lasted until this anniversary is strong enough that he is not afraid of any adversity. A husband can please his wife with jewelry with an agate stone, and relatives can give souvenir items made of bone to match the mineral.

Glass wedding (crystal wedding) - 15 years

The onset of the "crystal" celebration indicates a transparent clarity of relations. Guests can give the spouses: a panel, a picture with illumination, a coffee table, glasses, vases made of durable glass or high-quality crystal.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years

The purity of turquoise symbolizes eternal love, which helps to overcome a difficult period and a number of problems associated with raising a child. By the indicated time, dawn comes, where marital relations again play with new colors. Friends and relatives present turquoise-colored items and decorative ornaments as a gift.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years

Wedding anniversaries and their names by year act as a new stage in the development of paired relationships, which has its own characteristics. So, twenty years later, the couple is as harmonious and excellent as the original porcelain. On the anniversary of the couple, you can symbolically hand over a porcelain service (tea or coffee).

Opal wedding - 21 years

For 21 years of marriage, the relationship has become strong, like an opal stone. Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated alone with a beloved woman, who can be presented with opal jewelry.

Bronze wedding - 22 years

The name of the anniversary symbolizes an inextricable relationship, like a resistant metal - bronze. Accordingly, the theme of the gift is obvious - bronze accessories for the home: figurines, candlesticks, watches.

Beryl wedding - 23 years

The symbol of the wedding is the exotic beryl stone, which is the keeper of the family hearth and peace of mind. Romantic pair gifts are given for the holiday, symbolizing the mutual love of the spouses: a blanket with photographs, a personalized calendar, a set of bathrobes.

Satin wedding - 24 years

It is believed that after the specified date, all problems in the past and relationships should be similar to satin material - dense and light. Basically, this date is not celebrated, but the spouses will be pleased to receive any products made of satin textiles: decor for festive serving, decorative pillows, satin ribbon topiary, plaid.

Silver wedding - 25 years

Some wedding anniversaries, their names by year carry a certain meaning. So a twenty-five-year marriage is identified with an expensive metal - silver, which is considered a sign of persistent union. Spouses can please each other with silver rings. And the guests hand over silver flasks, a silver box, a cigarette case, silver cufflinks and cutlery.

Pearl wedding - 30 years

The 30th anniversary is a relationship built up over the years piece by piece, which in essence turns out to be a true treasure. To emphasize the significance of the event, the husband can give his beloved pearl jewelry (earrings, necklace, bracelet), household items in white or pink shades.

Coral wedding - 35 years

Such a wedding is also called linen or linen. Corals represent longevity, and the canvas - comfort and well-being. Guests and relatives invited to the celebration can donate linen products, linen clothes, jewelry made from natural corals.

Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years

Relations in the family are compared with an elastic metal - aluminum, in which spouses easily cope with difficulties. Aluminum items can serve as gifts: dishes, engraved souvenirs, a mirror in an aluminum frame.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

Mercury is the only soft and flowing metal that is indestructible and can change. So a couple can transform their relationship, giving it a new look. There are no strict restrictions on the gift, but often they give objects with moving particles: a globe, an hourglass, pendulums.

Ruby wedding - 40 years

This anniversary is associated with a ruby ​​stone - a symbol of burning feelings and strong love, tested by time and different life circumstances. It is believed that for forty years the couple's closeness has become almost blood, since the shade of the ruby ​​is very similar to the color of blood. A wonderful gift for your beloved on this day will be ruby ​​jewelry from your spouse.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years

Sapphire is a precious stone of kindness, warmth and fidelity. During the passed stage in marriage, the husband and wife must carefully guard each other from evil. Gifts for this occasion can be: sapphire jewelry and sky blue items.

Golden wedding - 50 years

A significant anniversary symbolizes the noble union that has been formed over the years with hard work for the couple. The key gift for the anniversary will be updated wedding rings.

Emerald wedding - 55 years

The emerald stone of a rich green hue is a symbol of wisdom, purity and eternity. This exquisite stone seems to symbolize love feelings, which become brighter and more colorful with time. Each invited guest, taking into account the taste and desires of the anniversaries, decides for himself what to give for the holiday. Spouses can exchange emerald jewelry.

Diamond wedding - 60 years

A diamond is a hard stone that represents lasting happiness and the strength of a union. The Diamond Jubilee says that no one can share the union of two hearts. Great gifts for parents are platinum or diamond jewelry given by their children. Guests, in order not to enter into material difficulties, give interior items made of crystal.

Iron wedding - 65 years

A married life that lasted 65 years testifies to the resilience of marriage. They give this rare anniversary: ​​iron coasters with openwork, iron souvenirs (flower vases, candlesticks, horseshoes), household items (tools, metal utensils).

Stone wedding - 67.5 years

Having lived 67.5 years, love relationships are indestructible, like a hard stone. For an intermediate anniversary, it is customary to give household accessories made of natural or artificial stone: a figurine, a table, a candlestick.

Gracious wedding - 70 years

The date of such an anniversary speaks of gratitude for the years passed together, for our beloved children and grandchildren. The gift is selected at the request of the couple: gifts illustrating their love (photo collage, life video story of the couple).

Crown wedding - 75 years

This anniversary is celebrated by a large family and crowns anniversaries with a happy family life. Something special for such a rare event: crown-shaped rings, a family portrait, decorative crafts, useful household items.

Oak wedding - 80 years

For a couple who lived to see this date, such an anniversary means that their relationship is as long-lived as the branches of a mighty oak. Usually handed oak rosary, furniture items, figurines and talismans made of oak.

Granite wedding - 90 years

The designation of the anniversary from the natural stone of granite - one of the symbols of longevity. There are no special traditions associated with certain gifts, but in theory, spouses are given granite items (sculptures, watches, candlesticks, vases).

Platinum (red) wedding - 100 years

100 years of marriage is a true rarity. The name of such a majestic date was given by a married couple from Azerbaijan. Feelings that have stood the test of time are truly excellent, like the color red. That is why gifts in honor of the centenary can be items of red hues.

Do you believe in wedding anniversaries their names by year? Is it worth keeping the old traditions? Do you know what to give for each date? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

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It seemed that recently there was a marriage, and now the young family is turning two years old. A memorable date is coming - a paper wedding. The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries originated in the early 19th century. and since then, according to historians and statisticians, more than half of all married couples celebrate the date of the creation of their family every year.

The first two years of family life are marked by a paper wedding. It is no coincidence that this name was chosen for the celebration. Paper is known to be different brittleness and fragility, what can be said about the young family at this time. The first year has passed when the young people lived for themselves, discovered each other from a new side and enjoyed love.

Two years later, new worries appear. It can be children, and everything connected with them. Sometimes life becomes more stressful, you have to work harder, pay less attention to each other, and there are often frictions in relationships. The whole situation is very fragile, and sometimes a family, from a wrong step or a sharply spoken word, can simply crack or even collapse. That is why, the wedding anniversary of 2 years is called paper, because family ties can easily tear like paper.

Paper wedding - traditions and signs

The second anniversary, like all others, has its own characteristics and traditions. Sometimes they are very unusual. In some countries, the heroes of the occasion are dressed in everything paper, that is, the bride flaunts in a light dress made of paper, and the groom in the same shirt.

For the future life of the couple to be successful, the table must be covered with a paper tablecloth and there must be the same napkins. The more paper that day in the house, the better for its inhabitants. There is another interesting tradition. The bride dances barefoot holding shoes in her hands, and whoever wants to dance with her must put paper money in her shoes. It is believed that such a dance attracts profit to a young family, and the donor - happiness in his personal life!

Recently there has been a tradition of writing a letter. It should be on paper, beautifully designed, where the spouses tell each other about their feelings. Such a message is presented at the celebration and can be read aloud. Depending on the wishes of its authors.

There are also special signs for 2 years from the date of the wedding, namely:

  • If the spouse is in old shoes, then the life of the family will be long.
  • If the first gift is a paper bill, then wealth awaits the family.
  • If you dream of a long paper tape, then you are expected to move far from your relatives.
  • If the bride (without preliminary hints) was presented with a paper bouquet as a gift, then the firstborn will be a girl.

Choosing gifts for a 2 year wedding

The question necessarily arises, what to give for a 2-year wedding, are there any special moments when choosing a present? Of course there is. Usually for all those invited, when they are going to a celebration, the simplest thing is to donate money. This is not always interesting, but in this case, the best gift for a 2-year wedding is precisely paper bills.

Of course, the choice of present also depends on the status of the guest. Friends and Witnesses, if any, are invited to present something paper. It can be:

  • paintings;
  • calendar,
  • tickets to a concert, theatrical performance or cinema;
  • beautiful sets of tablecloths and napkins;
  • books or rare magazines for connoisseurs.

Parents for 2 years from the wedding day bring more substantial gifts:

  • holiday vouchers;
  • securities;
  • cruise tickets.

If you want to give a very expensive gift that cannot possibly be paper, just wrap it in a beautiful paper wrapper or tie it purely symbolically with a paper ribbon.

2 year wedding anniversary is approaching, and what to give your husband, also a task for a young wife! Everyone solves it differently. Some give beautiful family albums, others share photos in an interesting and unusual frame. It happens that a couple of bottles of beer with your favorite fish wrapped in paper or newspaper. It is interesting that spouses can give similar gifts for a paper wedding. For example, a wife gives a book about do-it-yourself home repairs, and a husband gives a good collection of culinary recipes.

When donating jewelry or jewelry, they should also be placed in paper packages or at least paper ribbons should be used. A postcard with sincere and good wishes is considered mandatory. It can be purchased or made with your own hands, also from paper.

For a paper wedding it is not customary to arrange a too crowded feast. As a rule, only the closest relatives and a small number of friends are invited. The ceremony itself can take place outside the city, in nature. Celebrating 2 years of marriage, knowing what kind of wedding will cope, do not worry about its name. Let only she be paper, and family relationships long and lasting.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 2 years from guests and parents

Our beautifully designed congratulations can be saved, printed and put into a postcard.

// 21:17:41 06.05.2011

In life there is always a place for a holiday, especially such as wedding anniversary. Regardless of how old the family union is, remembering the happy moments of life and sharing the joy with your children, relatives and friends will be a pleasure for any married couple. How often in everyday bustle we forget that the main thing is family relationships, their sincerity, depth and durability. Symbolic names will help to remember this. wedding anniversaries and anniversaries:

  • wedding day - green wedding ;
  • 1 year - print or gauze wedding;
  • 2 years - paper wedding;
  • 3 years - leather wedding;
  • 4 years - linen, or wax, wedding;
  • 5 years - wooden wedding;
  • 6 years - cast-iron wedding;
  • 7 years - copper wedding;
  • 8 years - tin wedding;
  • 10 years - tin wedding;
  • 11 years - steel wedding;
  • 13 years - lace, or lily of the valley, wedding;
  • 15 years - glass, or crystal, wedding;
  • 20 years - porcelain wedding;
  • 24 years - satin wedding;
  • 25 years - silver wedding;
  • 30 years - pearl wedding;
  • 34 years - amber wedding;
  • 35 years - coral wedding;
  • 40 years - ruby ​​wedding;
  • 45 years - sapphire wedding;
  • 50 years - golden wedding;
  • 55 years - emerald wedding;
  • 60 years - diamond wedding;
  • 70 years - a blessed wedding;
  • 75 years - diamond, or crown, wedding;
  • 80 years - oak wedding;
  • 90 years - granite wedding;
  • 100 years - red wedding.

These names reflect not only the essence of the relationship between the spouses, but also suggest what to give for an anniversary or wedding anniversary and how to celebrate this event.

Names wedding day - green wedding- symbolizes the youth of lovers, their naivety and vulnerability to life's trials, which strong feelings for each other, patience, loyalty and understanding will help them pass.

After the lapse of 1 year from the wedding day young family celebrates its first anniversary - print wedding, whose symbol is chintz, thin but bright fabric - reflects the relationship between the spouses at this time: they have a strong passion for each other, vivid emotions that at any moment can destroy the relationship, “break” the fragile chintz. The best gifts for first wedding anniversary - chintz tablecloths, napkins, bed linen.

In the first years of marriage, relations between spouses do not differ in strength, because it is known that most of the divorces occur during this time. However, over time, the family becomes stronger and the relationship more stable. This situation is reflected in titles next three wedding anniversaries: 2 years - paper, 3 years - leather, 4 years - linen wedding. From thin, unreliable paper to more durable leather and linen. Donate to anniversaries best products from these materials: postcards, calendars, leather gloves and belts, linen tablecloths and napkins.

Five years since the wedding is the first real anniversary living together, called wooden wedding. Tree- an ancient symbol of the family - creates an image of a strong union of two lovers who have overcome the first life trials and saved the family. Good gift idea for this wedding anniversary there will be wooden utensils, as well as caskets and jewelry.

From year to year, family relationships are getting stronger. Their reliability and strength are compared with the qualities of metals and are laid down in the names of wedding anniversaries: 6 years - a cast-iron wedding; 7 years - copper wedding; 8 years - tin wedding; 10 years - tin wedding. The longer the spouses live together, the stronger the bond between them. And the eleventh anniversary of the marriage, the first anniversary second ten - steel wedding- confirmation of this: in the crucible of problems and everyday troubles, the relationship between the spouses was tempered like steel. A anniversary 13th wedding anniversary - lace wedding- reminds the husband and wife how difficult it is to create a strong marital bond: the process is similar to the skillful weaving of fine lace, the symbol of this day.

Next important date - 15 years from the date of the wedding. This anniversary is no coincidence glass, or crystal, wedding: after one and a half dozen years of family life the habit of being together becomes so strong that the halves begin to forget about feelings for each other. Children, work, financial difficulties - all this turns relationships into a routine and can destroy a family. That is why the symbol of this anniversaries- glass, a material that is so easy to break. Festive feast with family and friends glass and crystal gifts help spouses remember their feelings for each other and understand that their love is still alive.

But the symbol of the fragility of relations can be not only glass, but also, for example, porcelain, which gave the name 20th anniversary of weddings, porcelain wedding. For this anniversary the best thing give a beautiful porcelain service that the spouses will use when gathering at the table with the whole family.

twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage- a certain milestone in the life of the family, beyond which the relationship between husband and wife, in addition to strength, durability and reliability, acquire a precious brilliance. After all, to live together more 20 years and to keep tender feelings for each other - this is aerobatics. That's why in the titles wedding anniversaries and anniversaries next years there are so many names of precious stones and metals: 25 years - silver wedding, 30 years - pearl wedding, 35 years - coral wedding, 40 years - ruby ​​wedding, 45 years - sapphire wedding, 50 years - gold wedding, 55 years - emerald wedding, 60 years - diamond wedding. Silver, pearls, rubies, sapphires, gold, emeralds and diamonds of sincere feelings have been presented to each other by loving spouses for several decades, and items made of precious stones and metals will be the best gifts for these wedding anniversaries.

seventy years- a respectable age even for a person, and what can we say about family relationships that celebrate such anniversary. Behind 70 years of marriage the spouses experienced a lot, by this time their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren had grown up. A strong house has been built, and at the table there is a large and friendly family. Why not grace? 70th wedding anniversary called blessed wedding, emphasizing the harmony in relations between people who have lived together for so many years, achieved a lot and are now contemplating the fruits of their labors.

Diamond wedding is celebrated on the 75th anniversary of family life. Diamond- a precious stone that combines noble beauty and amazing strength - a wonderful symbol of reliable, long-lasting and sincere relationships. Congratulations on your diamond wedding, attention from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the best gift for spouses-anniversaries.

Often throughout our lives we waste ourselves on trifles, pay attention to bright trinkets, not noticing the most important thing. But over the years, wisdom comes to a person, and he learns to separate the wheat from the chaff and the essence from the tinsel. Spouses living together 80 and 90 years old, note oak and granite weddings, whose symbolic names speak of the triumph of content over form. A thin green sprout on their wedding day, their family tree has grown into a mighty, strong oak tree, the strength and durability of which are like granite. Behind were the shine of expensive stones and the ringing of precious metals, and only the ancient oak stands, majestic and proud, connecting generations in eternity.

Few are destined to live a life long in a whole century. And for marital relations - this is a kind of record, which was “set” only once. The Agayevs from Azerbaijan lived together for a hundred years. And they gave the name to this anniversary date- red wedding. Red color - a symbol of beauty, solemnity and strength - perfectly characterizes the relationship of people who have dedicated each other one hundred years of life. This is a reason for admiration and pride.

May your family life be long and happy!

Julia Granina
Especially for the wedding site "White Dress"

What to gift:

Print wedding - first wedding anniversary

A year after the marriage, the young spouses celebrate their first joint anniversary - the wedding anniversary. This important date for the family is called the “chintz wedding”, and it has a lot of traditions. You should know what to give to each other, with whom to celebrate the 1st wedding year, where to celebrate the festive event.

Much depends on how the first anniversary will pass, so it is important to observe all the customs and have fun celebrating the celebration with loved ones. Such a holiday should be remembered for many years.

Explanation of the name "chintz wedding"

To the question why the first wedding anniversary is called calico, there is a simple answer - it symbolizes the degree of strength of marriage. Chintz is a very thin material that can tear without the slightest effort. However, it has many bright colors, and the cost per meter is low. This is the meaning of the name "calico wedding" - relationships after 1 year from the date of the wedding are still fragile, fragile, can collapse due to turmoil and quarrels.

Love between young spouses does not subside in 1 year of marriage, it is as bright and varied as the colors of chintz. Even frequent quarrels are not worth attention, quickly forgetting after hugs and kisses. In addition, it is believed that it's time for the young to have a baby. Often thin diapers for newborns, undershirts, scarves, bed linen are sewn from chintz, this is another hint at the name of the anniversary.

Previously, guests gave spouses cuts of chintz fabric for baby diapers, wide strips of chintz for sheets with duvet covers for a family bed. They wished health, strength, long life to the future or born baby, so that he jumped out of cotton diapers faster. Young spouses, on the contrary, were advised not to get out of bed longer, washing clothes on it with active actions to the state of gauze. It is because of such hints that a cotton wedding is also called gauze.

Traditions associated with the first wedding anniversary

The first anniversary of living together is rich in interesting traditions and customs that are remembered for many years. A year after the wedding, the spouses must take several actions that contribute to the longevity of marriage bonds, strengthening family life. Do not neglect the signs on the first common anniversary, because every year of marriage involves the observance of its customs and rules.

Chintz wedding has long had the following traditions:

  • on the first anniversary of their life together, the spouses are obliged to invite all friends, relatives who were present at the wedding, witnesses of the marriage;
  • on this day, a husband and wife open one of the two bottles of champagne that have been kept at home since the date of the wedding celebration, the second had to be uncorked after the birth of the first child;
  • the husband should give his beloved wife an elegant chintz dress, and the wife is obliged to prepare a new chintz shirt as a gift for her husband;
  • the room for meeting guests should be decorated with chintz curtains, a bright tablecloth made of this symbolic material should be laid on the table, napkins and towels should be prepared;
  • guests should give calico items to young people for their anniversary, accompanying the gift with wishes and instructions to live in happiness for many years.

The most important tradition is tying knots on scarves. In the morning, spouses are obliged to give each other, in addition to outfits, a new cotton handkerchief for the first anniversary of their life together. Moreover, it is necessary not only to exchange handkerchiefs, but to tie knots on them. The handkerchief should be taken by the opposite ends, holding it diagonally, tie a knot from the side of the husband and wife, wishing each other long years of marriage and love.

Charmed handkerchiefs should be kept throughout their life together in order to get them out after many years, remember this ceremony and enjoy the happy years of marriage.

Tips for guests on what to give for a calico wedding anniversary

A print wedding involves a noisy celebration and inviting friends to the anniversary of their marriage. No matter how many other anniversaries there are over many years, this one is the very first, which is why it is so important for spouses. Guests must decide in advance how to congratulate the newlyweds, what to give for the anniversary.

The very name "calico wedding" dictates to the guests the requirements for souvenirs and presents - they must be made of chintz. There are many options for gifts for the anniversary of a joint family life. How many guests are invited, so many different packages or boxes with chintz items should be received by the spouses at the holiday, because in any store they will offer a lot of options to choose from.

Here are some gift ideas for your first wedding anniversary:

  • chintz bed linen, bright beautiful pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover;
  • sets of thin diapers, if the family already has a baby;
  • tablecloths, chintz napkins, colored curtains for the kitchen;
  • apron with tacks for wife, towels;
  • handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs with bright patterns;
  • toys with soft fillers, panels.

Girlfriends, a sister or mother can give a young wife a chintz dressing gown for the house, a dress, a sundress, a shirt, wrapping the gift in a bag tied with ribbons with a bow. In turn, the mother-in-law or sister can give her husband a shirt, bright sliders for her son. Spouses will also like funny toys sewn with their own hands from colored patches.

For the first anniversary of a joint family life, you can give a pair of identical soft toys, made by yourself or bought in a store. It can be two hares, a bear cub, a hedgehog, funny little men, soft fabric hearts. After many years, the couple will take them off the shelf and remember the bright moments of the first year of marriage.

If you have the ability and talent, the donation of hand-made crafts from calico is welcome. It can be:

  • fashionable apron with lace inserts;
  • upholstered sofa cushions;
  • a napkin or tablecloth embroidered with bright threads;
  • fabric letters, for example, can be stenciled and soft three-dimensional letters sewn for the words “wedding”, “1 year anniversary”, “anniversary”.

You can give anything to choose from, the main thing is that the gift pleases the spouses and even after many years of marriage reminds them of the first anniversary of their life together.

Ideas for celebrating the first wedding anniversary

There are many options for celebrating your first wedding anniversary. It all depends on how many guests will come to the celebration and where the holiday will be celebrated. If the guests have the main question - what to give to the young, then the spouses have thoughts about how to celebrate the date.

Here are some interesting tips for a fun party:

  • if the anniversary fell in the summer, you can gather friends and celebrate the anniversary in nature - you only need treats, drinks and a good mood;
  • you can celebrate at home, in the country, by the river, in a cafe or restaurant - it all depends on the desire and capabilities of the couple;
  • if you want to spend a holiday together, you need to prepare dinner in advance, decorate a room, a table, pick up music at home or book a table in a restaurant;
  • in the design of a room, a hall, it is better to use white color, decorating walls, windows, tables with chintz stripes;
  • in the warm season, you can ask all guests to come to the anniversary in chintz clothes, just like spouses should dress;
  • It would not be superfluous to arrange a fun photo shoot with all the invitees, using fabrics and toys for decorations;
  • in order not to get bored, you should think over the script in advance, select contests, tasks;
  • you can end the holiday with fireworks, firecracker shots, lanterns launched into the sky or bundles of balloons.

Contests for guests at the anniversary of the print wedding

In order not to get bored at the festive table, you can play fun games or contests with the guests. Here are a couple of examples for a cheerful mood.

Compliment Contest

All guests should be divided into 2 teams - a husband and wife support group. Spouses should be at the head of the teams, let them stand opposite each other. Guests should take turns calling compliments and gentle affectionate words, praising spouses from someone else's team. Whose team, husband or wife, will be more talkative, she will win.

button competition

The hostess should prepare in advance 2 cuts of chintz, 2 needles and threads, scissors, various buttons. Guests are divided into equal teams. For a while, for example, in 10 minutes, team members should take turns sewing a button on the fabric each, while saying a compliment to the husband and wife. Whoever turns out to be more original and faster will receive a prize - an oven mitt, a handkerchief or a napkin from the spouses.

You can remember the fun competitions from the wedding and repeat them with the guests, pick up your favorite music, hire a toastmaster and a photographer - let the memories of the anniversary of the calico wedding remain in your memory even in photographs even after 30-40 years. The more interesting the anniversary is, the stronger the relationship between the spouses will be in the future.

How else to please each other.

Green wedding- wedding day. Her symbol is myrtle leaves in a wedding crown.

print wedding - one year life together.

paper wedding- two years of marriage. Usually donate albums, notebooks, books on art.

leather wedding - 3 years life together.

linen wedding - 4 years life together. Linen is a symbol of wealth and luxury that few could afford.

wooden wedding- 5 years of marriage. On this day, various wooden things are usually given as gifts.

cast iron wedding - 6 years of married life.

Zinc wedding- six and a half years of marriage, reminds you that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time.

copper wedding- noted through seven years. Spouses exchange copper coins as a pledge of future happiness.

Tin wedding - 8 years life together. On this day, shiny homemade items, such as cupcake tins, are given away.

faience wedding - 9 years married life. For the anniversary, faience dishes and crystal products are given.

rose day (tin wedding) - 10-year anniversary of living together. On this day, people who were best men and bridesmaids at the wedding are invited to visit.

steel wedding - 11 years life together. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools.

nickel wedding - 12.5 years family life.

Lily-of-the-valley (lace) wedding - 13 years of marriage

agate wedding - 14 years family life. On this anniversary, gifts made of ivory or agate are given.

glass wedding (crystal wedding) - marked through 15 years marriages, when they give glass objects as a sign that the relationship between spouses should be as clean as glass.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years of marriage. The ancient Persians considered turquoise a stone of happiness, and the Arabs - a stone that brings victory.

porcelain wedding - Anniversary. 20 life together. The festive table is served with a new porcelain service as a sign that there is no trace left of the old services.

satin wedding - 24 years. When you have been together for 24 years, you look back realizing the happiness of the past years, realizing that your soulmate should remain unchanged.

silver wedding - 25 years of marriage. The whole family is gathering. On this day, a silver one is worn next to a gold wedding ring.

pearl wedding - 30 years of married life. She recalls that 30 years lived together are "strung" like pearls in a necklace.

coral wedding - 35 years of marriage.

aluminum wedding - 37.5 years of married life- speaks of the long and lasting happiness of a married couple.

Mercury wedding - 38 years of marriage- provides a rare opportunity to transform everything in your life that you would like to change.

ruby wedding - 40 years life together. A ruby, a stone of love and fire, is embedded in a gold engagement ring.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years from the day of the wedding.

golden wedding - 50 years of marriage. On this day, very often old wedding rings are replaced with new ones. After all, the fingers that wore these rings have changed, and the gold has worn off.

Emerald wedding - 55 years marriage.

diamond wedding - 60 years family life. It means that nothing can already dissolve this marriage.

iron wedding - 65 years old life together.

stone wedding - 67.5 years of marriage life.

blessed wedding - 70 marriage life.

oak wedding - 80 years old life together.

granite wedding - 90 years old family life.

Platinum wedding - 100 years life together.