Test who is smarter husband or wife. Who is smarter - men or women

For the first time in 100 years, scientists have recognized that women are smarter than men.

“Over the past hundred years, the level of intelligence of men and women has been steadily increasing, but women are progressing faster. This is a consequence of modern life,” says world-renowned professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, James Flynn.

New studies by scientists have shown that only 4-5% of brain cells are actively working in men, while in women - 7%.

Scientists from different countries have counted more than 40 differences between men and women. This, of course, is not about appearance, but primarily about the difference between the brain of a man and a woman.

For example, it is known for certain that in general, on average, only 5% of brain cells are actively working in a person. But in women it is predominantly “activated” up to 7% of such cells, whereas in men - only 4-5%. In addition, the fair sex has a better developed right hemisphere of the brain. Therefore, they are better given the study of foreign languages. For the same reason, women are more emotional ... "

In addition, the main feature of the female brain is a developed intuition. It is thanks to her that the representatives of the weaker sex find solutions in cases in which the male mind is powerless. They can read the non-verbal signals of another person and nature, in other words, they have the so-called sixth sense.

Women have an innate ability to notice and decipher the smallest details, they read in the eyes- literally. Intuition is especially well developed in mothers, because during the first years of life they focus only on the child's wordless signals ...

And if the stronger sex is prone to generalizations, the weak one is to analysis. A woman always notices the depth, the essence of an event, and her husband fixes it, because his brain works technically. And it is because of these differences that we complement each other so perfectly.

The fair sex, for example, naturally has a stronger immune system in general. Therefore, they are more resistant to various ailments, in particular infectious ones. Although, by the way, the birth of a child can greatly weaken women's immunity.

According to statistics, life expectancy in almost all countries is greater than that of men. It is the fair sex that should thank estrogen - a hormone that has a beneficial effect on metabolism and protects their body from various adverse conditions. Also, the loss of a small amount of blood every month has a positive effect on bone marrow function in women ...

But the male hormone, testosterone, is “to blame” for the fact that after stressful situations, blood coagulates faster in the stronger sex, which often causes the formation of clots and blood clots in the vessels. As a result, they are more likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.

One more thing. Probably everyone knows that the male sex chromosome consists of an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. The female has two X chromosomes. Most of the "harmful" genes are concentrated in the Y chromosome itself, so they are more often manifested in men. In particular, these are genes that cause accelerated aging, the development of various diseases, early death, and even baldness.

In women, the reproductive system, bone and skin age faster. But immunity, the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, is slower than in men.

It is also interesting that in the stomach of a man there are more enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol than in a woman's. Therefore, men drink a lot and get drunk more slowly. There is such a feature of the male body - in the stronger sex, the body temperature is 0.2 degrees higher than in women. In general, a lot here also depends on genetics. But this may explain why men are less cold.

By the way, the hearts of men and women also fight differently. If a man's heart beats 70 times a minute, then a woman's heart beats 85. And all because women are less trained.


  • sense of smell in women is 20% better developed due to the activity of the female sex hormones estrogen;
  • in women already six times better with an ear for music, than in men;
  • the female body needs sleep an hour more than male;
  • Every day a man speaks an average of 7,000 words, and a woman - three times more. It turns out that women have shorter vocal cords and it is easier for them to speak.

Disputes on this topic have not subsided for centuries. Men and women furiously prove their intellectual superiority, with varying degrees of success. In the last hundred and fifty years, these disputes have somewhat subsided. Scientists explained to us that the work of the brain does not depend on gender. So, there are no differences in intellectual abilities.

However, in last years the dispute flared up with renewed vigor. Men began to prove their mental superiority, and women, of course, silently nod their heads with a slight smile on their lips. They already know exactly who is smarter. A lot of people just pretend to be stupid. After all, as they say, men do not like and are afraid of smart women.

So where is the truth? And she, as always, in the middle. Let's discuss what science says about this - men are smarter or women and statistics on IQ tests, what is known? So:

What the statistics say?

Experiments, research and testing about the difference in intelligence have been going on for a long time. In search of truth, scientists from different countries break their spears. Judging by the statistics based on the results of IQ tests, they show that men are a little smarter, but not so much that these data serve as the basis for far-reaching, cardinal conclusions.

Despite the general statistics, many representatives of the weaker sex are seriously ahead of men in the competition of intellects. For example, the American writer and journalist Marilyn vos Savant is recognized as the smartest person on the planet (according to the World Online Library). Her IQ is approximately 167-230 points.

Another example is a recent study on the Internet. The testing involved representatives of both sexes, from different countries of the world. The responses to the posted questionnaires (the questions were written in the nine most common languages) came to scientists within five months. Test result: women gave the highest number of correct answers, although not by much more than men.

What scientific findings show?

Researchers from different countries have proven that the mass of the male brain slightly exceeds the mass of the female. However, later it turned out that this does not affect a person's intelligence in any way.

At the very beginning of the study, scientists relied on the hypothesis that a person's intelligence is completely dependent on the work of his brain. As a result, it was found that in both sexes the central part of the nervous system, located in the skull and filling the spinal canal, functions in exactly the same way.

However, despite the identity of the work of the brain, there are obvious differences in the thought process of men and women. But why? The fact is that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different thinking processes:

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to think accurately, logic, analysis, the ability to remember facts, names and dates, etc.

The right is responsible for emotions, intuition, processing of non-verbal information, musical abilities, imagination, etc.

It is also known that the left and right hemispheres in women have the ability to work more in harmony, complementing each other's ability to perform a specific task. The male brain does not have this ability. This is due to the fact that the corpus callosum, which connects both hemispheres, is slightly larger in women than in the opposite sex.

This so-called corpus callosum provides increased information capacity, in both directions. Because of these differences, girls begin to speak earlier than boys, they have more ability for foreign languages. In addition, in the weaker sex, the center for recognizing colloquial speech is 30% larger than in men, and the coordination center for speech muscles is 20%.

However, scientists also found that although the brain mass of the stronger sex is slightly larger, when solving a problem, in men only the right hemisphere is turned on, and the left one cannot participate in this at the same time.

This can explain the peculiarities of their thinking - men are not worried about problems "in general", but quite specific ones. Representatives of the stronger sex are pragmatic and realistic. They think logically, act quickly and accurately, and know how to navigate well in space.

Scientists' conclusions

Scientists have proven that men are still somewhat smarter than women. But not by much. So, in the world there are quite a few women whose intelligence is much higher than that of men. Already today, in many Western countries, women have caught up and confidently overtake men in this kind of competition. If we talk about Russia, then here the level of intelligence for women is 99.86, for men according to statistics - 100.01.

Why differences in intelligence are needed?

As you can see, the differences between female and male thinking exist and are quite significant. However, why are they needed?

Nature is arranged in such a way that both options complement each other. In particular, one version of thinking is needed to consolidate the indicators necessary for continuing life and passing on the necessary experience to descendants. Another option is important for the ability to survive and change in various life situations and options.

So, the weaker sex is aimed at survival: it stores in the genes all the information about the most important achievements of evolution. And the strong - for development: it moves forward, forgets the past, but assimilates, improves and remembers everything new.

The thinking of men and women is different - this is how wise nature works. And disputes about who is smarter are simply meaningless, because each of us fulfills his own, very important life purpose.

The eternal dispute about who is smarter - men or women - has been going on for a long time and so far to no avail. Opponents present various arguments, historical facts and results of scientific research, and each of the parties notices only those details that will serve as proof of their correctness.

The view of the strong half of humanity

Men are smarter than women - this is what most men think and gives a lot of arguments in favor of this theory. Firstly, the representatives of the stronger sex have a larger brain volume, higher intelligence quotient (IQ), among them there are many Nobel Prize winners, inventors, scientists, etc. Secondly, men also have a better developed spatial orientation, they are more consistent in their judgments. And thirdly, historically the situation has developed in such a way that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who are initially responsible for the whole family and must master many skills, which is unconditional

Opinion of beautiful ladies

Women are smarter than men - at least half of the female population of civilized countries believes so. Moreover, the arguments are very different. Ardent feminists emphasize that “males” for a long time appropriated all discoveries and achievements to themselves, because even some 150 years ago women were denied the right to property (only men became heirs of property), including intellectual property. Inventors of the 19th century could only obtain a patent in the name of a husband, brother or father, who became famous throughout the world. At present, according to supporters of the movement for the situation, the situation has changed a little for the better, and women will still catch up with men in terms of the number of brilliant writers, physicists, poets and other gifted personalities.

The other part of the beautiful half of humanity gives completely different arguments. When asked who is smarter: men or women, they confidently answer: "Of course, women!" Because the weaker sex often intuitively, without much thought, finds a solution to a problem that the representatives of the stronger sex could not justify in a logical way.

Who is smarter: men or women? Here are the proven facts:

Men have more brain mass, but they have developed connections between the hemispheres, and increased

The stronger sex boasts well-developed logic, spatial orientation and mathematical abilities, while beautiful ladies master foreign languages ​​better, have a large vocabulary and developed speech.

Testing among students determined that boys have a higher IQ than girls, and the latter have better academic performance.

Among men there are more people with outstanding mental abilities, but also more than among women, people with low intelligence.

Studies by psychologists have shown that the representatives of the stronger sex tend to exaggerate their mental abilities, while the ladies, on the contrary, downplay them.

So, who is smarter: men or women? Probably, they are still equal, just mental abilities manifest themselves in different ways. And the last curious fact: the best teams involved in intellectual activities are mixed. This allows you to solve any problems in a comprehensive manner, evaluating the situation from different angles.

It is traditionally believed that male intelligence is stronger than female intelligence. But is it? In a series of Hollywood beauties, there is one actress who stands out not only for her beauty and talent, but also for her intelligence. Thanks to Hedy Lamarr, we now use cell phones, navigators and Bluetooth with WiFi. It is her portrait that is depicted on the packaging of the CorelDraw software product. By the way, her birthday - November 9th - became Inventor's Day in the USA. It turns out that women are not inferior to men? Let's figure it out

According to Wikipedia, the smartest person in the world is a woman, Marilyn vos Savant, an American writer, playwright and journalist. According to other sources, the smartest woman on the planet is Bulgarian Daniela Simidchieva: she has 5 master's degrees, an IQ of 192 and 3 children. It’s hard to say which of them is really smarter, because testing gives different results in different years: Savant’s IQ ranges from 167 to 230.

Over the past 100 years, women have caught up with men in IQ. If a hundred years ago in most countries women lagged behind men in general intelligence by an average of 5 units, then the gap gradually decreased, and today in many countries women are already ahead of men in intelligence.

As for the exceptions, the number of men who showed the level of "genius" was almost 5.5 times more than women. On the other hand, among men there are more people with a serious lag in intelligence.

These data are yet another confirmation of Geodakian's theory, which states that evolution experiments on men, and puts more and more proven ones into women. Indeed, there is more variation among men: men are more often geniuses and more often mentally retarded. On the contrary, the intellect of women is distributed more evenly: among women there are few intellectually outstanding persons, but there are also fewer lagging behind.

Yes, men's brains are 10-15% larger and heavier than women's. It seems that the “mental advantage” is on the male side, but women have a larger set of nerve fibers connecting both hemispheres of the brain. Due to this, the emotional-intuitive right hemisphere and the rational left hemisphere “communicate” with each other better and more fully - as a result, women surpass men in emotional intelligence.

What is the best sharpened female mind? The female mind is specialized in everything related to human relationships. More precisely - the solution of operational issues in relationships, here women are definitely smarter. Women feel the interlocutor better, more accurately predict the development of relationships - which, in fact, is measured not so much by IQ as by the level of emotional intelligence.

But even in relationships, if we are not talking about the situation "here and now", but about issues of relationship strategy, then men are already better oriented here. Why? Because here you need to no longer feel, but think. Moreover, in business situations related to conceptual thinking and responsible decision-making, men act more balanced.

Undoubtedly, we are different. Different in everything and in all respects, because it is so conceived by nature. Is there any point in comparing us? Each is unique in its own way. The man creates and the woman saves. Men complement women, and women complement men. For decades, scientists and doctors have been trying to find an answer to a seemingly already philosophical question: who is smarter, men or women, and every time they discover new facts. There is no exact answer, and perhaps it is not so important. We are entering the era of artificial intelligence and very soon smart machines will put an end to this age-old dispute, ahead of both men and women.

Dialogue from childhood:

Why do male and female athletes compete separately?

- Because men are by nature stronger and faster, women in joint competitions simply would not have a chance ...

Why are chess and checkers competitions also held separately for men and women?

What qualities with the epithet "feminine" do you remember first of all? Surely this is " female cunning», « female deceit», « Woman's intuition”,“ female flair». What about the female mind? Except perhaps with irony, along with "female logic". Of course, now in a decent society it is not customary to raise the topic of intellectual differences between the sexes, but between us girls it is possible to be frank.

Why is the percentage of female scientists so small? Not scientists, but scientists, researchers, discoverers? Of course, everyone will easily remember Sklodovskaya-Curie or Sofya Kovalevskaya, but, you see, a few female scientists are remembered because they are a rare exception.

You can, of course, nod at the list of Nobel Prize winners, but if you take out the nominees " Nobel Peace Prize"And laureates passing in the nomination" Literature", then there will be, frankly, sparsely left.

Often this situation is explained by the lower social status of women who do not have the opportunity for education, development and self-realization. But after all, for almost a hundred years now there has been no smell of any oppression of the weaker sex in developed countries, all paths of development are open. Ladies-stars of the stage, screen, podium - as much as you like!

But with women stars of the microscope and test tubes, things are still there, women scientists are a minority. Why, even the ratio of the number of representatives of both sexes playing “What? Where? When? ' speaks for itself. It turns out that men are still smarter? Let's figure it out.

We measure intelligence

At one time, the question "who is smarter?" was akin to the question “who is more beautiful? or “Who is cuter? ". After all, in order to compare, you must first measure it, and there was simply no way to measure " smartness ".

But finally, at the beginning of the last century (more precisely, in 1916), scientists managed to measure the numerical expression of mental abilities for the first time. You probably already guessed that we are talking about all the now known intelligence quotient or IQ. After that, the question “who is smarter” has acquired quite measurable numerical specifics.

Of course, scientists did not miss the opportunity to answer the eternal question of who is smarter than a man or a woman. Fortunately, the times of aggressive political correctness had not yet come, and it was possible to compare the intellectual abilities of representatives of different sexes and races.

Large-scale testing of representative groups of both sexes was carried out, after which the average IQ values ​​​​of the general and group were compared with each other. The results obtained were quite expected (for men) - the average IQ of the stronger sex turned out to be 2-4 points higher than that of the weaker one.

It would seem that the issue is resolved, and the topic can be closed. However, constructive criticism of the research methodology soon appeared.

Lies, damned lies and statistics

You are probably familiar with the aphorism in the title. Indeed, sometimes the result of statistical studies very much depends on the chosen method of calculation. So in this case, to change the result, it turned out to be sufficient to change the methodology.

The scientists were asked the question: what will happen if we compare not the average male and female intellect, but the intellect of the average man with the intellect of the average lady. Same? And here it is not.

Everyone remembers the method of determining the arithmetic mean from school days: all values ​​are summed up, then the resulting number is divided by the number of values. Having performed similar actions on IQ, we will get the average value of the intelligence quotient. But in order to determine the intelligence of an average man or an average woman, this method is not suitable. Let's look at an example.

Imagine that we have two groups of subjects A and B:

  • Each person from group A has 100 rubles in his pocket;
  • And in group B, everyone has 100 rubles, except for one. We will give 300 rubles to one subject.

If we calculate the average in the usual way from school, we get that the average amount of money for each subject in group A is 100 rubles, and in group B 120. It turns out that, on average, the subjects of group B are richer than the subjects of group A by 20 rubles.

But we know from the condition that this is not so, that practically all subjects B have the same amount of money as subjects A, one single "oligarch" B introduces a significant perturbation into the picture of the distribution of banknotes.

To avoid the influence of small groups with unusually large values ​​of the studied indicator, the median method is used in statistics. Let's arrange all the values ​​\u200b\u200b" by height", Just as boys and girls are arranged in a physical education lesson. And then we'll see what value will turn out clearly in the middle. Obviously, in both groups, the median values ​​will be the same - 100 rubles.

Applying this method to the comparison of male and female intelligence, it was found that the intelligence of an average man and an average woman aged 20 years and older is almost the same, the difference does not exceed the value of the statistical error.

As for the age group under 20, the average girl turned out to be half a point-point even smarter than the average guy. Why were the results of comparing the averages so different?

The male intelligence average was "pulled" up by a relatively small group of males with very high IQs. Yes, there are more geniuses among the strong half, but in the same way there are more mentally ill people (but they just forgot to count them during the initial testing), but how often have you heard about women serial killers or maniacs?

This phenomenon is connected with the fact that males are the testing ground for evolution. Among them, both successful evolutionary "innovations" and explicit genetic marriage are more common. By the way, this is also related to the fact that many genetic diseases (for example, hemophilia) are characteristic only of males.

But proven and proven evolutionary solutions are fixed on women. This explains why smart women are loved by men, such ladies are the darlings of evolution. Doubt they love it? In vain, but more on that below.

So who is smarter?

So, we found out why the average man is not smarter than the average woman, and also found that the percentage of geniuses is small. Why are there so few female scientists? And here's why: the mind is the same for both, but the representatives of the sexes use it in completely different ways. To understand the differences, it is necessary to turn to distant antiquity. What did male and female humans do in prehistoric times?

A man hunted a mammoth, explored the territory, fought with the enemy. My wife cooked mammoth meat, sewed clothes, dried scalps. The male mind is directed to research, finding solutions, unraveling the mysteries of life.

The weaker sex is better at solving repetitive tasks of the same type. It does not at all follow from this that someone's mind is better or worse, both types of intelligence work in symbiosis, effectively complementing each other. Men explore, discover, conquer, their fighting girlfriends master.

Because of this difference in the use of one's own mind, legends arise that men do not like intelligent women. This is not entirely true, one might even say - not at all. Naturally, men love smart women, and not very smart, and even very stupid - in general, any.

In taste and color, as they say, all candy wrappers are different. What men really can't stand is women who are "manly" smart, that is, those whose minds are "attuned" to the masculine type.