An infant has a high fever what to do. Norm and pathology. Acute inflammatory diseases

There are various reasons for a fever in a newborn. Many diseases, including infectious diseases, cause high fevers. The baby's condition can be alleviated by giving him an antipyretic agent for children. Mothers should remember that antipyretic drugs do not cure the disease itself - for treatment it is necessary to call a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the necessary medications.

Do not be afraid in advance of a high temperature in a newborn - usually it is a sign of the body's struggle with an external pathogen

It is also necessary to understand that the body reacts to illness with a severe fever for a reason. Dr. Komarovsky noticed that this activates the child's immune system, accelerates biochemical reactions, and increases the production of antibodies in the blood that fight infection. It is necessary to take antipyretic pills only at a very high temperature or with a concomitant unfavorable diagnosis (for example, heart disease), which was made by a doctor.

Intense fever also serves as a signal that the baby is sick. Parents should properly respond to such a signal - contact the clinic. It is not worth prescribing an antipyretic to an infant yourself. There are many medicines now, and the pediatrician will decide which one is right for your child. In addition to pills, there are other ways to lower body temperature, without taking medication.

Temperature measurement in newborns

For newborns, temperature can be measured in different areas - in the armpits, in the rectum, in the mouth, in the groin or elbow folds, in the ears, and so on. There are some features of temperature measurement for children.

The temperature of a baby in different areas of the body may vary. Armpit readings of a thermometer up to 37.4 degrees can be considered normal. In the rectum and in the ears, they are higher - the norm is up to 38 degrees. The temperature should be measured when the baby is calm and motionless. If at this time he sucks his mother's breast, cries, actively moves, the mercury in the thermometer will reach a higher mark than it really is.

The temperature of the newborn and baby can be measured with a special ear thermometer

What temperature should a child have?

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The rate depends on the age of the child. For a one-year-old baby, thermometer readings from 36 to 37.4 degrees are considered the norm. By the end of the first year of life, they are established in the range from 36 to 37 degrees.

If it's hot outside, the child is too warmly dressed, it's stuffy at home, the baby screams and worries, the mercury of the thermometer can reach up to 37.8 degrees. While this is not a reason to see a doctor. Ventilate the room, calm down and change the child according to the weather, repeat the measurement after half an hour or an hour. The reading should go down.

When there are no other symptoms of the disease, one should try to create comfortable conditions for the baby, and everything will return to normal. If the thermometer shows 38 degrees, you need to call a pediatrician at home. When the body temperature is above 39 degrees, it's time to call an ambulance. The arriving ambulance doctor will make the initial diagnosis and send the call to the district pediatrician the next day.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The reasons can be very different. If there are no other symptoms of any disease, a high fever in an infant is possible from:

  • overheating in summer from hot weather or in winter from too warm clothes;
  • conditions after vaccination;
  • teething;
  • an infectious disease, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately.

Depending on the cause of the fever, measures are taken to eliminate it. Each parent should know what measures are needed in a particular case.

Teething is one of the most common causes of fever

Overheating measures

Overheating occurs in children of different ages when the weather is too hot outside or they are dressed too warmly. Newborns can be overly insulated at home as well. Overheating manifests itself in the anxiety and whims of the baby. Parents understand that something is wrong with the child, put their hand to his forehead, find that the baby is hot. The thermometer can show more than 37.9 degrees. What to do:

  • bring the air temperature in the apartment to 22 degrees by thoroughly ventilating the rooms;
  • when overheating on the street, take the baby home or take him to the shade;
  • undress the baby, leaving the lightest clothes on him or hold him completely without clothes;
  • offer him an abundant lukewarm drink throughout the day.

In the case when overheating did take place, the child's body temperature will drop in half an hour or an hour. If this did not happen, then there was no overheating, the reason is something else.

Teeth are being cut

This reason is very common. There are additional teething symptoms that suggest that the child is not sick:

  • thermometer readings do not rise above 38 degrees;
  • a child from 6 months to 2.5 years old (just at this age, milk teeth are cut);
  • the little man pulls all objects into his mouth and tries to scratch his gums with them;
  • the gums are swollen, the edge of the tooth is slightly visible from above;
  • the thermometer readings are increased no more than 3 days, after which they become normal.

Parents consider increased salivation and poor appetite as a sign of teething. This is wrong, the child's salivary glands are actively developing in the third month, and the teeth are cut only at six months. Poor appetite occurs at elevated temperatures, which appeared for various reasons.

In case of heat in the process of teething, the doctor will recommend holding the baby at home and not bathing him whole. It is also necessary to maintain a comfortable climate in the room and give the baby more drink. If the values ​​on the thermometer have exceeded 37.9 degrees, you can give your baby the antipyretic medicine Nurofen (ibuprofen and paracetamol), which is also an anesthetic. It will relieve itching and pain in the gums. To numb the gums, there are baby ointments and gels that are used for teething.

Applying all these measures, it must be borne in mind that in most cases, a strong fever is a sign of an infectious disease - ARVI, influenza, intestinal infection, and so on. To exclude these reasons, you need to contact the children's clinic. The infection can also intensify during teething.

Vaccination reaction

When a newborn is three months old, it should be vaccinated against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (DTP) or only tetanus and diphtheria (TDS). The pediatrician decides which of these vaccinations to use. Some children develop a fever after vaccination. Because of this, you should not worry if the temperature drops to normal the next day.

A one-year-old child is vaccinated against measles and mumps. This vaccination can cause a fever on the 5-6th day after vaccination, and on the 8-10th day, the thermometer readings can be much higher than normal. Do not sound the alarm and call an ambulance. If the baby has no other signs of the disease, nothing terrible happens. There are also vaccinations that should not cause fever in children - vaccination against polio and against tuberculosis (BCG).

Throat infections

It is necessary to learn how to look down the throat of the baby and distinguish redness from the usual state of the throat. Small ulcers and pimples may appear on the throat. Since throat infections are characterized only by intense fever and sore throat, which a small person cannot yet tell his mother about, such skills will come in handy for parents. These infections have no other symptoms.

Not only the doctor can examine the child's throat, but also the parents.
  • Acute pharyngitis is very common. All of the above signs - redness of the throat, sores, pimples - speak of this disease.
  • Fever can begin in a toddler with herpangin. With it, bubbles also appear on the tonsils, the arches of the throat, on the back wall of the larynx.
  • Children who are three years old often have angina. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the tonsils and the back of the throat. Fever sets in. One-year-olds and younger children do not have this disease - they are protected by their mother's immunity, from 1 year to 2 years, angina is also very rare.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With angina, antibiotics are prescribed. Pharyngitis can be viral or bacterial. To prescribe a medicine, the diagnosis is first specified. Herpangina is a viral disease, treatment does not require antibiotics.

Acute stomatitis

Children who often pull dirty objects into their mouths have stomatitis. With stomatitis, the baby's saliva begins to flow profusely. His temperature rises, his appetite decreases. Treatment of the disease requires specialist advice. Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should be put on a diet of liquid and pureed foods. The mouth can be rinsed with sage and chamomile infusion or furacilin.

Acute otitis media

When bathing, water is sometimes poured into the ears of a newborn, which the parents did not wipe off in time. In a draft, the ear is supercooled, the infection is activated in it, otitis media begins. A thermometer for acute otitis media can show up to 40 degrees, the baby's ears hurt. He tugs at them and cries in pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for instillation into the ears or an antibiotic through injections. Sometimes you can get by with taking pills, not injections.

Acute otitis media in a child requires medical attention

Roseola (roseola rash)

Roseola (sudden exanthema) affects young children aged 9 months to 2 years. The disease begins with a rise in temperature to 38.5-40 degrees. The baby's lymph nodes swell in the neck. The elevated temperature can last up to 5 days. Then it subsides, a patchy pink rash appears on the body. Then the rash disappears. The disease brings with it a common type of herpes. About 70% of children get it in early childhood.

SARS, flu, colds

A common cold can cause a high fever. This means that the child's body fights the infection with the help of its immune system. Without pills, the disease should go away by itself in 7 days. You can give the little man tea with honey, boiled milk, raspberry jam and antipyretic in extreme heat. This will help cure a cold. Thermometer readings exceed the norm for ARVI and influenza. Treatment in such cases is prescribed by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient and his personal characteristics of the body. Only a doctor can understand what kind of illness your baby has started.

Urinary tract and intestinal infections

Urinary tract disease can only be characterized by significant fever. The most attentive parents notice that it hurts the baby to urinate, that his legs or face are swollen. The diagnosis is made by the doctor, for which he prescribes tests. Urinary tract infection is bacterial in nature. In case of illness, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.

Intestinal infections initially cause only severe fever. Other manifestations - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - do not appear immediately. It sometimes takes several hours, or even a day, to these signs after the onset of the disease.

How to relieve a child with a high fever?

Pyretic is called a temperature from 38 to 40 degrees (see also:). If the marks on the thermometer scale are as follows, you should call a doctor. The child should be given a child antipyretic, non-drug methods of treatment can be used. Antipyretic is desirable to give in the form of a syrup, it acts faster and more effectively.

If the nature of the disease is viral, the fever will last no more than three days. When it does not subside further, this indicates the bacterial nature of the disease or a latent inflammatory process. We urgently need to see a pediatrician. He will give directions for urine and blood tests, x-rays and ultrasound, based on the results, he will make a diagnosis.

How to bring down the temperature without medication?

If your baby is less than 13 weeks old and has a fever, and the thermometer shows a value above 38 degrees, you can try old ways to relieve fever. For an older baby, you can try to bring down the temperature above 39 degrees (we recommend reading :).

  • No need to cover a baby with a fever with a warm blanket. On the contrary, it must be cooled. To do this, wet gauze napkins with warm water, put one of them on the baby's forehead, others on bare arms and legs. The water will begin to evaporate and the body will cool down. You can wipe the entire body of the baby with such a napkin from time to time. Pediatrician Komarovsky advises using warm water for rubbing, and not vinegar or vodka, since it will not harm the baby's body and will not cause intoxication.
  • In extreme heat, the baby should be given a lot of fluids, as he sweats and the fluid from the body evaporates. If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, during the fever, offer to eat more often than usual. For drinking, use baby tea, boiled water or rehydration solution. An abundant drink will be prescribed for the baby by the attending physician.
  • The patient should be at rest, observe bed rest. The air temperature in the room should be comfortable - 20-22 degrees. If you just undress the baby and keep him naked in the room for 10-15 minutes, the body will cool down and the heat will subside.

Air baths have a good effect - the body temperature immediately decreases

Sometimes, when the baby is hot, the limbs remain cold. In this case, the legs and arms must be warmed by covering them or wearing socks and mittens. Such cooling of the limbs indicates poor circulation. It is necessary to give the baby a warm drink and carry out warming procedures.

Medicines for extreme heat

After the parents carry out non-drug measures to eliminate the elevated temperature, the effect is achieved in half an hour. In the case when the measures did not help, it is necessary to give an antipyretic agent.

At the age of 3 months, medications are prescribed when the temperature has exceeded 38 degrees. Children who are already 3 months old are given antipyretic after 39 degrees on the thermometer. There are exceptions - if the baby is not feeling well, has turned pale, is experiencing chills, the medicine is given immediately, regardless of the thermometer reading.

There is a group of children who need to be given antipyretic at temperatures above 37.5. These are sick children who have been diagnosed with heart disease (cardiomyopathy or congenital malformation), kidney disease, and pathology of the nervous system. There are children whose fever leads to seizures. If your toddler has heart disease, a fever can lead to serious disruptions in his functioning. Nervous diseases lead to seizures in extreme heat.

To eliminate fever, babies are given drugs of 2 groups - paracetamol, on the basis of which the preparations Panadol and Eferalgan are made, and ibuprofen, of which Nurofen is composed:

  • The dose of paracetamol is calculated on the basis that 15 mg of the drug is given per 1 kg of weight at a time, and 60 mg per 1 kg of the baby's weight per day. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses. The doctor may increase the dose of the drug to 90 mg per 1 kg per day.
  • Ibuprofen is given in smaller doses - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per dose or 30 mg per kg of body weight per day.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given alternately.
  • Adult medications - Analgin and Aspirin, should not be given to children!

Antipyretic syrups for children effectively solve the problem of high temperature

Antipyretics in syrups and suppositories

There are certain rules for giving medicated syrups to children. First of all, they relate to the dosage. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the child, not based on the age group. The syrup should not be given by taking it out of the refrigerator. It is necessary to warm the bottle in hand or in warm water. Different medicines help different children. If you have given ibuprofen and there is no result, you can give paracetamol after 2 hours.

In this article:

An increased temperature in a child, regardless of his age, always causes anxiety in parents. Especially when it comes to a newborn, as his immune system is weakened.

What temperature should a healthy child have?

We are all accustomed to the fact that a healthy person's temperature does not exceed 36.6 degrees, and, seeing 37 on the thermometer, we immediately begin to sound the alarm, since it is believed that this is the first sign of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. But this does not apply to newborn babies. Them the temperature can fluctuate around 37 degrees, plus or minus half a degree. It all depends on the physiology of the child.

To find out what temperature is normal for your child, you need to measure it every day at the same time. It is worth noting that newborn babies easily overheat and also freeze easily. A lowered temperature in a child can be observed in the morning, and an increased temperature in the evening, around 18: 00-22: 00 hours. Therefore, the best time to measure the temperature in order to find out the norm for the child is from 13:00 to 15:00.

Under normal conditions, the baby's skin is usually pinkish, clean, moist and warm to the touch. At high temperatures (above 38 degrees), the palms and heels of the baby remain cold (this is due to poor circulation), while the skin becomes hot and pale. A rash may appear on the skin.

How to correctly measure the temperature of a newborn?

You can measure the temperature of a child both in the usual way for us (in the armpit), and in the mouth and in the rectum. Usually, the temperature in newborns is measured through the rectum with a special thermometer. But it should be borne in mind that choosing this method of measuring temperature, it will always be above normal (from 37.6 degrees to 38). Therefore, you should not be afraid.

What can cause a fever in a child?

The reasons for an increased temperature in a newborn can be various factors - from harmless overheating to infectious diseases that pose a serious threat to life. The most common reasons are:

  • overheating (prolonged stay on the street in the summer or excessive wrapping of the child);
  • frequent;
  • prolonged crying;
  • excessively high activity;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases.

The exact cause of the increased temperature can only be determined by a doctor. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to tell when and how much the baby's temperature rose, as well as about the drugs that were given to the child for several days and in what doses.

It is not worthwhile to independently diagnose a child and deal with his treatment. After all, an elevated temperature in a child can be a "wake-up call" for parents, which notifies them that they urgently need to run to the doctor or call a specialist at home. If you do not have the opportunity to get to the hospital on your own, and the doctor will be able to arrive only after a few hours, do not wait. We urgently need to call an ambulance.

How to bring down the temperature of a baby?

Today there are a huge number of antipyretics for newborns. The most famous are Nurofen, Ibufen, Children's Paracetamol, as well as children's Cefekon candles. But before giving them to a child, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In no case should a child be given acetylosalicylic acid, as it can seriously harm the gastrointestinal tract. To reduce the temperature before the doctor arrives, wiping the baby's body with a cloth soaked in warm water diluted with vinegar will help. You should also provide your baby with plenty of fluids.

When should you call an ambulance?

You need to call an ambulance when:

  • the child does not lose temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • prolonged crying;
  • the baby refuses breast and bottle;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • a rash appears on the body;
  • convulsions appear;
  • if the child strains the neck and does not allow the chin to bend to the chest;
  • the color of the child's urine changes (becomes cloudy);
  • the child has rare urination;
  • heart palpitations and noisy breathing;
  • if the child rolls his eyes or pulls his arms and legs;
  • the baby becomes lethargic (does not eat, does not drink and constantly sleeps);
  • the child has chronic diseases;
  • repeated attempts to bring down the temperature are unsuccessful.

The presence of these signs requires an urgent call for an ambulance. The sooner the doctor arrives and examines the child, the faster it will be possible to eradicate the cause of the fever in your child.

The human body is so arranged that under the influence of the environment, our body temperature also changes. This process is called thermoregulation. Its main center is located in the brain. In a baby, this mechanism does not work quite well, so the baby is easily cooled or overheated.

Two processes always take place in the child's body - heat production and heat transfer. Heat production for babies is very active. A child produces much more heat than an adult, but babies can hardly give off this heat, since their sweat glands are underdeveloped.

Komarovsky, pediatrician: “If the parents are warm, then it may well be that their baby is hot. Touch the back of the baby's head, if it is cold, the baby is cold, if, on the contrary, it is humid, it means it is hot. The normal temperature of a baby fluctuates. "

In children of the first months, brown fat serves as a source of heat, which babies accumulate from the end of intrauterine life. The crumbs also do not know how to tremble, therefore, when they freeze, they begin to actively move their arms or legs.

The subcutaneous fat is too thin. Because of this, the ability to retain heat inside the body is reduced. Sweating is poorly developed. The kid cannot properly give away excess moisture.

Indicators of the state of heat or cold in infants are the nose, hands and the back of the head.

How to measure temperature?

To know the normal body temperature of a child, three measurements are needed - in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon. The average value should be chosen.

Body temperature can be measured:

  • in the armpit - the most common method;
  • in the groin fold;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the anus.

A thermometer is required for measurement. It is necessary to place it in the armpit, fix it with your hand for 5 - 10 minutes. If the child does not allow to measure, then at least for two minutes. At high temperatures, a mercury thermometer will have enough time to warm up.

We do the same in the groin fold.

When measuring the temperature in your mouth, never use a mercury glass thermometer. The child may break the tip.

When measuring in the anus, the thermometer must first be dipped in petroleum jelly. Then raise the baby's legs and gently insert the thermometer into the anus by 2 - 3 cm. Measure for three minutes.

An infant's temperature can change due to environmental conditions. The figure 36.6, to which we are all accustomed, cannot be attributed to children under one year old.

The body temperature of a newborn is considered normal:

  • in the armpit - 36 - 37.5 degrees;
  • in the anus - 1 degree more, that is, 37 - 38 degrees;
  • in the mouth - 37.2 degrees.

As a result, the amplitude of normal temperature in a newborn is 2 degrees - 36 - 38 ˚С.

Types of thermometers

  1. Electronic... Safe to use. But he is not always accurate in his readings, there are errors of half a degree. After the end of the measurement, it emits a sound or light signal.
  2. Mercury... Most accurate. The mercury ball heats up and expands due to the high temperature and cools more slowly. The disadvantage of such a thermometer is that it is easy to break. Or a child can chew on it, and mercury is toxic.
  3. Infrared(rectal, ear, frontal). They measure the temperature tactilely, in the ear or pressing it to the forehead. Its readings can be overestimated by half a degree.
  4. Dummy thermometer... A nipple thermometer will be useful for those children who suck pacifiers and are capricious during the temperature measurement procedure. It happens with various funny drawings on the ring.

Dr. Komarovsky: “In Russia, the main thermometer is a mercury thermometer. It's like a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The main thing is that the thermometer shows the exact temperature. "

Temperature increase

If the baby has a temperature in the armpit of 37.5 degrees, but at the same time he feels good - he eats, does not cry - then the worries are in vain.

If such a temperature is accompanied by mucous discharge from the nose, coughing, apathy of the child and poor appetite, then, most likely, an infectious process begins.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

  1. The child is warmly dressed... The rule for dressing babies in cold weather is "+1 layer from an adult." This means that you need to mentally add another layer to the clothes you are wearing now. In the heat, the rule is "-1 layer".
  2. It's hot in the children's room... The optimal temperature regime at home is 20 - 24 degrees.
  3. Dry air, heaters on... They can also artificially overheat indoor air.

A newborn baby does not move much, so its temperature is higher than that of an adult. As mentioned above - 36 - 37.5˚С. In a two-month-old baby, the temperature is also close to these figures. At the age of 3 months, a child already begins to be active - the baby turns over on his stomach, stands up on his arms.

Its temperature should be up to 37.3 degrees. A child at 4 months may have the first tooth, which is capable of giving rise to a temperature rise.

At 6 months, the baby begins to sit, the heat transfer processes are already more pronounced, he can sweat during active games, so for him the upper limit is 37 degrees.

So, we found out that temperature fluctuations are typical for children of the first year. We also figured out what temperature a newborn should have.

To avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby, take a few actions as a rule:

  • humidify the air in the nursery;
  • ventilate the room several times a day for 20 minutes;
  • when dressing on the street, adequately assess the weather and the clothes that you wear on the child;
  • do not wrap the baby in several diapers if it is hot at home;
  • if the general well-being of the baby changes, consult a doctor.

Temperature fluctuations in newborn babies are a cause of concern for parents. After birth, the baby needs time to get used to external factors. The immune defense has not yet formed, which means that in the first periods various unpredictable reactions are not excluded. Therefore, the unwanted presence of strangers in the hospital. For a newborn, a common cold can turn into a significant illness, which an adult may not even notice.

The lack of a formed immunity affects the thermoregulation processes of a small organism. If in adults the temperature changes are small, then in infants the amplitude of fluctuations is quite large. Therefore, the normal temperature in babies during the day can rise from 36.3 to 37.1 degrees. This is an absolutely understandable process.

Parents need to know that pediatricians have set clear boundaries within which temperature changes are considered natural: 36.3-37.5 C. However, remember to consult your doctor, especially when the fever is accompanied by lethargy of the baby, poor appetite and other factors.

Temperature norm of a newborn baby up to 1 month

If the baby has a temperature of 37 degrees in the armpit, it's okay. After a while, this figure can be 36 - 37.5 C. Note that the temperature value of 36.6 C will be established only at the end of 1 year of your baby's life.

In newborns, regulatory processes are in the process of formation. Therefore, more heat is given off than it is generated. Babies often freeze, begin to hiccup, they have cold hands and feet. Therefore, it is so easy for babies to overheat or overcool.

In general, the body temperature of a newborn is not equal for everyone. It varies from 36 to 38 degrees, plus it depends on a number of physiological factors. To determine the normal value of the child's body temperature, it is necessary to determine it for several days in a row in the morning, at noon and in the evening. So you can set the average value of this parameter. Note that the highest value will be between 6:00 and 10:00 pm.

How does the temperature of a child change from 1 month to 1 year (newborn)?

2-3 minutes after birth, the baby's body temperature is approximately 38 degrees. After 5-6 hours, it falls, but in the first weeks of life it remains unstable. This factor is related to the temperature in the room where the child spends most of the time.

Within 5-6 months in an infant, a temperature of 37 degrees cannot be considered a manifestation of the disease. The well-known 36.6 degrees will be established by the beginning of 2 years of life.

Therefore, pediatricians consider normal temperature in a newborn:

  • 36 C - 37.3 C- fixed in the armpit;
  • from 36.6 C - 37.2 C- measured orally;
  • from 36.9 C - 38 C- installed rectally.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn?

Measuring a baby's temperature in the usual way is not as easy as it seems. Better to apply:

What temperature should be brought down in a baby?

In infants, a body temperature of 37–37.1 degrees is considered normal. A decrease in the parameter is especially important if it has reached the hyperthermic mark or tends to it. Temperatures over 38.5 C are knocked down, depending on the condition of the crumbs. Since the state of health does not always necessarily coincide with the readings of the thermometer.

If the child feels satisfactory and vigorous enough, then there is no need to fight the fever. It is only important to observe the condition of the baby. If the child does not tolerate the fever, you need to find a way to reduce it. Parents need to remember that fever is considered dangerous before a child is less than three months old. Therefore, you need to seek professional advice. Newborns need to lower their fever by more than 38 degrees. If there is a risk of seizures, the drug is used already at 37.5C.

What to look for if a newborn baby has a fever?

An increased temperature in a child without side signs may be the norm. However, not always. In some cases, a single increase in it can indicate the start of an infectious process as a response to pathogenic bacteria. For example, it can be measles or chickenpox.

In most cases, fever is indeed a threat when there are other signals in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, cough and runny nose. If the baby has a temperature of 37 and there are no additional symptoms, pay attention to how he is dressed and the temperature in the room. Perhaps the baby is too wrapped up and overheated as a result?

A small organism does not yet know how to maintain an optimal temperature value. Therefore, it is affected by temperature fluctuations indoors and outdoors. Dehydration can cause fever. This means that you need to restore the fluid balance by normalizing the drinking regime, preferably with boiled water.

Temperatures up to 37 degrees in newborns in the absence of concomitant symptoms should not cause anxiety for moms and dads. The reason is the formation of thermoregulation processes. When the baby has a temperature of 38 without symptoms, a visit to a specialist is recommended. A slight fever can also be observed after the vaccine injection. Doctors believe that there is no danger in this. This is a natural reaction of a small organism.

The use of drugs is recommended in cases where the temperature reaches 38-38.5 degrees. Do not forget to consult a specialist. Give the baby more liquid, do not force it to eat. In case of heat, wiping with a damp cloth soaked in water at room temperature is allowed.

What if the baby has a high fever?

Many pediatricians believe that fever should be dealt with if the thermometer reads 38.5 C. Lower values ​​do not require a decrease. At this time, you need to create all the auxiliary conditions for a small organism:

  • create a comfortable cool temperature in the room (18-19C);
  • take off all excess clothing, you can also remove the diaper;
  • the humidity of the ambient air should be 50-70% (wash the floors with cool water, turn on a humidifier nearby);
  • give the baby some water well.

To bring down the temperature of a newborn, it is forbidden to wipe it with vinegar or vodka!

This can lead to severe poisoning. Only the use of ordinary boiled water is allowed. It is necessary that its temperature be several degrees lower than the body of the child. This is done to avoid vasospasm with contrasting cold water.

If the thermometer reads 38 C, heat the water to 37, take cheesecloth or a soft towel. Moisten with water and wipe the baby's body, starting with the legs and arms, and heading towards the chest. You can wet the head and hair a little. Dampen the cloth often with water.

This method of dealing with fever should be in every mom's healing arsenal. Other methods are not as reliable or effective for babies.

Many people advise using folk antipyretic drugs for the smallest children. But, if we are talking about various multicomponent herbal decoctions, then they can be used with caution for preschool children. For little ones, these folk recipes are not suitable.

A simple cabbage leaf will help bring down the temperature of the baby. You need to attach a cold cabbage leaf (from the refrigerator, you can at room temperature) to the child's head, and put on a hat on top. After 1-2 hours, the sheet needs to be changed. He will look faded and it will be clear that he has done his job. In a couple of hours, the temperature will drop by a degree, and maybe more.

How to prevent overheating in a baby? What to do?

The consequences of overheating can vary. Therefore, it is better not to allow this than to eliminate the problem later. In winter and summer, constantly monitor the temperature in the nursery. Comfortable for children are 18-22 degrees. There is no need to wrap the baby tightly. The indicated temperature value is normal, therefore a hat and socks are unnecessary.

Do not place the bed close to heating appliances; ventilate the room as often as possible. In the case of a baby's illness, especially if it is accompanied by fever, increased attention is paid to the water regime. During the period of illness, children may not eat, but it is also easy to refuse to drink, which is categorically unacceptable. In this case, dehydration of the body and further overheating may occur.

In addition, you need to follow simple rules:

  • go out into the fresh air every day, regardless of weather conditions (this helps the baby to adapt to temperature changes);
  • in the heat of summer, it is better to refrain from walking between 11 am and 4 pm, as well as in winter, when the temperature outside the window has dropped below minus 15C;
  • dress your child for the weather (he should have as many layers of clothing as you have);
  • do not buy clothes made of synthetic fabrics, it creates the effect of a bath, clothes made of natural linen and cotton are most preferable;
  • for a walk, you should definitely take a bottle of water and water the child more often, in the heat the amount of liquid consumed by the child increases by 1.5-2 times;
  • you can bathe the baby on hot days as usual, once a day, but it is better to wash it more often up to 5 times; - for greater comfort, you should abandon disposable diapers, you can use gauze, it is correct to do without them altogether.

Do not panic in case of a slight fever, remember the health of the child is in your hands. If you treat him carefully from the first days of life, then in the future you will be able to raise a healthy and happy baby. Remember the importance of timely consultation with a pediatrician and monitor the baby's condition. Joy to you, health, strong and smiling children!

An increase in body temperature in an infant is not a disease in itself, because it is only a symptom of the disease. In most cases, the causes of this phenomenon are viral and bacterial infections, as well as emotional stress, overheating, dehydration, teething, or a vaccination given the day before.

At the same time, a temperature of 38 in a baby is the body's performance of its protective function. Often, babies tolerate it well enough, maintaining their former activity and good appetite. But in this case, the child needs a large amount of warm drink, which will be able to improve his general condition. When the temperature of the baby rises to 38 degrees, you should not rush to knock it down, since at this time the body's defense systems are working. The use of funds to lower the high temperature is justified when significant changes appear in the child's condition or when it rises significantly to 38.5 degrees or more.

The reasons for the increase in temperature in infants

It should be noted right away that a temperature of 36.6 degrees is the norm for adults, but not everyone takes this factor into account - many parents, as soon as the thermometer shows 37 degrees, begin to think. At the same time, for babies, indicators in the range from 32.2 to 37.2 degrees are considered normal, which is explained by the peculiarities of the children's thermoregulation system.

At the same time, in babies, the indicated temperature interval is normal only when the child himself is in good health. That is, in the case when the baby has a temperature of 37, but he is cheerful and vigorous, he does not have stool disorders, rash, manifestations of cough, runny nose, etc., there is no reason for concern. Do not forget that a child's temperature can change even during the day, which is largely due to a change in activity and other factors.

Among the main reasons that can cause the temperature in an infant to rise to 38 degrees, one can single out:

  1. Bacterial and viral infections.
  2. Teething.
  3. Constipation.
  4. Continuous cry.
  5. High physical activity.
  6. Constipation.
  7. Vaccinations.
  8. Lesions of the central nervous system of a different nature.

If a baby has a temperature of 38, when you need to see a doctor

Temperature rises in babies up to 38 degrees are not uncommon. At the same time, the fastest increase is characteristic of the youngest children. Such a rapid rise speaks of the reaction of a small organism. Doctors have found that almost all viruses are afraid of fever and die if it reaches 38-39 degrees.

One way or another, when the temperature of the baby rises, parents should consult a doctor. It is he who will help in reliably identifying the cause of this phenomenon, and, if necessary, will prescribe further treatment, including. It is an experienced pediatrician who will unambiguously deal with the reasons for the rise in temperature.

Ways to lower the temperature in babies

By itself, a temperature of 38 in a baby is not an obligatory signal that it needs to be knocked down. But if it has risen sharply or continues to grow, then it is simply necessary to take measures. Among the effective ways to lower the temperature in infants, there are medicinal and non-medicinal products.

So, to reduce the temperature of 38 in infants, even rubbing with a sponge soaked in warm water is effective. With this procedure, the skin is cooled due to evaporation of moisture from its surface. In this case, the area of ​​the neck and face is wiped, as well as the arms, legs and trunk. At the same time, rubbing with cold water or alcohol for babies is unacceptable, since they lead to a too rapid decrease in temperature and vasospasm. In this case, the heat transfer decreases and soon the temperature rises sharply again. In the event that chills are observed in the baby at an elevated temperature, the baby needs to be covered warmer.

Drinking plenty of fluids also helps to lower the temperature. In order for the baby to agree to this, it is worth offering him his favorite drinks - juice, tea, fruit drink, etc. And if you sweat, you will need frequent changes of both underwear and bed linen.

In addition to those listed above, to reduce the temperature in infants, you can also turn to medication. At the same time, only those drugs are suitable for children under one year old, in which paracetamol acts as an active substance, that is: Efferalgan, Tylenol, Panadol. Syrups, suppositories, solutions and drops are also acceptable options for babies.

Over the last time, other drugs, such as "Hexapnevmin" or "Vibrucol", are gaining more and more popularity in lowering the temperature in infants. But aspirin is not suitable for young children, as it can cause serious complications.

Mixing drugs in a drink or formula for a baby is not permissible. Also, parents should remember that only a doctor can prescribe this or that remedy, as well as determine its dosage for a baby at a temperature of 38 or higher.