Tulle fabric embellishments. How easy and simple it is to make flowers from tulle for curtains with your own hands

Fabric flowers are a wonderful accessory for clothes, headbands, hairpins, handbags. Of these roses, you can even make a necklace or brooch. Any girl will be delighted with such a gift.

Let's figure out how to make a rose from fabric with your own hands.

Everything is simple! All you need is scraps, scissors, a needle and thread and a little desire with patience. And after reading the article to the end, you will learn how to make patterns from the material, and sew the petals into a flower.

Well, let's get started! Consider several options for making roses.

For such a rose, a material of medium density and non-slip is suitable. The fabric can be either with a pattern or without it. Why leave the edges raw? The threads that stick out resemble a fringe, which is just right for such a flower.

The size of the rosette will depend on the width and length of the strip of fabric. If you want to make roses of different sizes, then the strips of material should also be different.

Let's move on to making such a rose.

Fabric rose master class.

To make such an unusual rose you will need:

Manufacturing steps.

  1. From the fabric, cut a strip measuring 40 by 1.5 centimeters.
  2. Fold the strip in half and tie a knot.
  3. Spiral the strip around the knot. Should be a snail.
  4. To prevent the spiral from falling apart, secure it with pins, and then glue it with a glue gun.
  5. Make the base for the flower. Draw a circle on the cardboard. Its diameter should be 2.5 centimeters. Cut out the circle with scissors, transfer it to the felt and cut it out as well.
  6. Glue the resulting rose to the base.
  7. Your handmade rose is ready!

Gallery: fabric flowers (25 photos)

DIY tulle rosette

To make this rose you will need:

Steps to make a fabric rose.

  1. From tulle it is necessary to cut petals of different sizes. The petals should be slightly smaller than the previous ones. The largest - nine pieces. Slightly smaller - six pieces. Even less - six pieces. The next, smaller in size - six pieces. There are four more small petals. And the smallest - five pieces.
  2. Spray the edges of the petals with a candle.
  3. Now let's move on to stitching the rose. You need to start from the middle, that is, from the smallest petals.
  4. The stitching point can be hidden with a glued bead in the middle of the flower.
  5. Your handmade flower is ready!

Master class on making satin roses

Consider two master classes on making satin roses.

DIY satin rosette option one.

To make such a rose you will need:

Steps for making roses from fabric.

  1. Cut two pieces of 10 centimeters long from two ribbons of different colors.
  2. Fold the pieces together, fold the corner from the edge and start twisting the ribbons towards the center. Should be a bud.
  3. Fix the bud with a glue gun.
  4. Now make the stem parts. From a ribbon of the same color, ten segments of four centimeters each must be cut. From the other tape, cut three pieces of six centimeters.
  5. Bend the edges of the segments to the center and secure with a glue gun.
  6. Fold the glued segments on top of each other crosswise. First, three segments - this will be the top, then ten segments - the bottom of the flower.
  7. Glue the finished bud in the center.
  8. Rose is ready!

DIY fabric rose

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Satin ribbon;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • Thread;

Manufacturing master class.

Master class on making roses from foamiran

To make such a rose you will need:

  • Marshmallow foamiran;
  • lighter or candle;
  • Glue;
  • Album sheet;
  • Pencil;
  • Foil.

Manufacturing steps.

There are so many varieties of roses you can make. How did you make sure, they are easy to make. Choose your favorite rose and feel free to start making it. Success in creative work!

From this master class you will learn how to make these flowers from fabric for curtains with your own hands:

DIY fabric flowers for curtains DIY fabric flowers for curtains

DIY fabric flowers for curtains DIY fabric flowers for curtains

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And how to make such roses for pickup, you can see.


You can download patterns for flower details from fabric at the end of this lesson.


I make stamens for flowers from fabric.

To do this, I string a bead of a suitable color on a wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm (you can make stamens in other ways, which are described in the section). I made the length of the stamen 8 cm, 10 cm is possible. but you can make your own length. The length of the wire itself for each stamen should be 17-20 cm. At the end I put on a bead, and then a bead:

Then I round the remaining end of the wire around the last bead and put the end of the wire into the hole in the bead:

Then I string on this end of the wire all the beads that were collected for the stamen:

So I collect 3 stamens for each fabric flower. Then I twist the ends of the wire of three stamens:

Stamens collected:


We make petals for a flower from fabric for curtains and leaves for a garland for curtains.

To do this, I first glued the fabric with interlining. I did this for both the leaves of the garland and the petals of the flower, but I advise you to simply gelatinize the fabric for the petals of the flower. This will be enough. You will find how to gelatinize fabric in the section.

We circle the patterns of petals and leaves, cut them out:

For each leaf for a garland and a petal for a flower, two blanks must be made.

Then I simply cut off two cut-out blanks of the same size petals for a flower with tailor's pins, interlining inside:

And I glue the leaves for the garland for greater rigidity. You can do this with a cobweb for applications, but since in our city it is not always on sale, I found another way - I do it with an ordinary adhesive pencil, which is sold in stationery in unlimited quantities. You can also glue applications, only after gluing them with interlining . So, I smear one part of the leaf glued with interlining with an adhesive pencil, put the second part of the leaf on it, interlining inside. I press the two parts with my hands to each other, then I fix it all with an iron, ironing both sides of the leaflet. The field of cooling of the fabric, the leaflet becomes hard, like a cardboard:

Details for a flower made of fabric for curtains and a garland are ready, the petals are simply chopped off with tailor's pins, and the leaves are glued:

In principle, if the fabric is well gelatinized, and besides, it is also dense itself, then you can do without gluing it with interlining.

Now I'm starting to process these details with bias binding.

How to sew a slanting inlay I told in

I talked about processing an acute angle of a part with an oblique inlay in the lesson. It tells how to process a sharp corner in a mold with an oblique inlay , so I will not repeat myself, but just post a photo of how I do it. If you don't understand, refer to the above tutorials.

bias trim trim bias trim

bias trim trim bias trim

Here are the petals for our fabric flower for curtains:

how to sew on bias tape how to sew on bias tape

how to sew on bias tape how to sew on bias tape

Now I'm starting to process the leaves for the garland with an oblique inlay. See the sequence in the photo:

We iron the finished parts:

The garland of leaves is ready:

It can be hung on a curtain or lambrequin:

By the way, how to sew fabric flower with a garland of petals, I already told in the lesson

In that master class, such a curtain decoration was sewn:

Now I start assembling the flower.

Then I take the stamens and glue petal by petal to their base. The first row of three petals should be the smaller petals. Then I fasten this row at the base with several turns of wire:

I do the same with the petals for the larger flower, gluing them one at a time to the base of the top row of petals in a checkerboard pattern. Then we fasten this row of flower petals with several turns of wire:

We also fix this row of petals with several turns of wire, then twist the wire, cut off the excess and glue the base of the flower with corrugated paper:

After the flower itself is ready, it must be planted from the wrong side on a fixture with a clasp, with which it will be easy to attach our decoration to a curtain or lambrequin.

I decorated the composition of 3 colors with several turns of thin satin ribbon, which children buy in sewing accessories stores for making baubles:

And finally, I will show you how to sew a bell out of fabric. From several of these bells you can assemble a very original garland, for example, the one with which I decorated a lambrequin from

I cut out two parts of the bell from fabric glued with interlining. In this lesson I will make a bell from parts of different colors. Use for this pattern for the bell given at the end of the page.

We glue the two parts of the bell together in the manner described above:

Now you need to process the detail of the bell with an oblique inlay, using the methods already known to you:

I apply glue on the edge of the bell along the oblique inlay from the top of the sharp corner to the rounding (the side on which the glue is applied will be the inside of the bell:

I turn the two sides of the bell to each other. The top should be the side with the applied glue. I press the sides to each other, I try to wait when the glue grabs the fabric. But with hot glue, this happens very quickly.

I take bias binding and I stretch it through the folded corner of the bell (there remains a small hole):

I make a loop from the inlay, like this:

I tie the loop into a knot, tighten the knot, cut off the excess oblique trim, pull the trim up from the top of the bell. Ready:

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The bell is ready:

From these bells you can make a garland for curtains, as shown above, or you can assemble a fantasy flower arrangement. A matter of taste.

Here is a photo of the curtains that I found on the Internet:

Here is a lambrequin, decorated with leaves of black fabric, processed with oblique trim in the same way as I told you in this master class. The tieback for the curtain is also made from the same leaf and slanting inlay.

How spectacular to look!

See what wonderful fabric flowers for curtains were made by the visitors of this site using this master class:

Pokhilko Ekaterina:

Nechaeva Natalia:

Venus Yumaguzhin:

Also, you can see the article on how to make original curlicues for curtains and lambrequins.

Below you can download the promised patterns of details of petals and leaves for making flowers from fabric, which are shown in this lesson and in the lessons. patterns sewing curtains, hard and combined lambrequins for 300


You will need:

Tulle and chiffon (the quantity depends on the number and size of flowers you want to make, as well as the thickness of the material)
A pen
Needle and thread
glass beads
Hairpin or comb for the base

1. Make a stencil: draw a petal on the cardboard, then cut it out. Circle the template several times on a piece of paper to get an even, symmetrical flower. Cut out the flower pattern.

2. Take a piece of fabric and fold it in several layers to form a square a little larger than your flower. Pin the pattern to the fabric and carefully cut out. Repeat several times to get the desired number of layers of tulle and chiffon. The photo shows a flower with 26 layers.

3. Stack the cut layers on top of each other, alternating different fabrics and staggering the petals. Fasten the flower in the center with a needle and thread.

4. To create volume, pinch the center of the flower (on the outside) and secure with a few stitches.

5. Decorate the center of the flower with beads or beads.

6. Sew the flower onto the base of the hairpin, on the belt, or wherever you want.


The use of the material is possible exclusively in the presence of active links to source.

So let's get started. For our flower we need:

  • heavy fabric (from curtains);
  • Needle with thread;
  • big pearl
  • super strong adhesive.
  • cardboard.
  • candle

First you need to make circles:

  1. diameter 14cm -> 5pcs
  2. diameter 12cm -> 5pcs
  3. diameter 10cm -> 5pcs
  4. diameter 8cm -> 4pcs
  5. diameter 6cm -> 3pcs.

Our fabric is heavy, there is a wrong side and a front side.

On the inside we draw circles, you can even draw with a pen.

So, cut out the circles and lay them in size.

Now we take a candle, light it and singe the edges of each circle. Just be careful. We need to singe so that the matter does not roll up.

Take a circle, fold it in half, as shown in the picture.

We take a needle and thread and we baste the thread along the scorched ends.

Since we have a heavy fabric, the petal will not shrink much, but you still need to pull as much as possible. So we make all the petals.

We need to fold all the petals in one direction, I have a bent edge looking to the right.

When all the petals of the same size are pierced with a thread, we need to sew the first petal with a needle to make a flower.

Now that all the petals are ready, put them in a pile.

We put a smaller one on the first large flower, smearing the inner bottom with glue.

We try to make all the petals in a checkerboard pattern

Many of you, dear craftswomen, know how to make flowers from satin ribbons. It turns out that you can create such a craft from other materials, such as chiffon and tulle.

To make a chiffon flower hairpin - a wonderful hair ornament, you will need the following set of tools:

Chiffon and tulle. How much material to take, calculate based on the size of the flowers that you plan to create, their quantity and the thickness of the material used.
A sheet of thick paper and a pen.
Needle with thread.
Beads or beads.
Comb or hairpin for the base.

It is very easy to create your own hands, following the instructions below:

1. We draw a stencil. On a piece of thick cardboard, draw a petal of the future flower, then cut it out. We take a sheet of thick paper and circle the petal template several times, forming a symmetrical even flower. cut out.

2. We take a piece of chiffon folded in several layers. The resulting square of matter should be slightly larger than the flower template. We repeat the procedure several times to get the number of layers of chiffon and tulle we need. The flower in the drawings is made of 26 layers of matter.

3. Fold the layers of chiffon and tulle on top of each other, trying to alternate fabrics. Petals should be staggered. Using a needle and thread, we fix the center of the flower.

4. To give the flower volume, we pinch the outer side of the center of the flower and fasten it with small stitches.
5. We decorate the middle with beads and beads.

6. It remains to attach a chiffon flower to a comb or hairpin. Can also be used to decorate a belt, dress, or as fantasy dictates.