In the amniotic fluid, a finely dispersed suspension. Suspension in the amniotic fluid: what it is and what it threatens at different times

Nine months of pregnancy, despite morning sickness, mood swings and back pain, is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable periods in the life of any woman. Future mothers are always very worried about the health of their baby and look forward to each appointment in the ultrasound room to make sure that everything is normal with the child and at least look at him through the computer monitor.

Absolutely all mothers try to understand what the doctor says and try to understand the meaning of all these terms. Some women during the examination, in addition to the main parameters of the baby, have to hear that a suspension was found in the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. What is a suspension in the amniotic fluid, what are the reasons for its appearance and is its presence dangerous for the fetus?

What should be the amniotic fluid?

As amniotic fluid is known, or as doctors call it, amniotic fluid is the liquid environment that surrounds the unborn child inside the fetal membrane.

The amniotic fluid is involved in the metabolism of the baby, protects it from infection, creating sterile living conditions, and protects it from the effects of the external environment. Normally, it has no color, i.e. is completely transparent, but in some periods of pregnancy it may become yellowish.

If the amniotic fluid has acquired a pinkish or even bloody color, this is a very dangerous sign and may indicate that placental abruption has begun. In this case, the pregnant woman is urgently placed in the pathology department, an ultrasound examination is performed, which helps to determine the degree of placental abruption.

Suspension in the waters: what is it?

Sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, the amniotic fluid becomes cloudy, and impurities appear in it. The suspension found in the amniotic fluid is called the waste products of the fetus dissolved in it.

The so-called echo suspension may consist of vellus hair, desquamated epithelium, as well as particles of cheese-like lubricant, it is called finely dispersed. Such impurities in the amniotic fluid most often appear at the gestational age of 32-34 weeks and do not have a significant effect on the development of the fetus.

If a fine suspension appears in the amniotic fluid at an earlier date, this may indicate the presence of an intrauterine infection or be the result of an infectious disease of the pregnant woman herself.

In this situation, the baby may be born with pneumonia, conjunctivitis, or skin rashes. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an infection, tests are prescribed to identify it and make a diagnosis, followed by a mandatory course of treatment.

In some cases, the appearance of suspension in the amniotic fluid is due to an increased concentration of protein. This is considered normal, a kind of individual "constitution" of a pregnant woman.

In addition, the suspension in the amniotic fluid can be represented by particles of the original feces - meconium. An admixture of this "component" is found in 10% of women in labor, whose delivery occurred on time, in 40% of women who "endured" pregnancy.

Methods of detection and treatment

In order to determine whether there is a suspension in the amniotic fluid and how much it affected their transparency, diagnostics are carried out, various methods can be used, namely:

  • Ultrasound is the safest and most painless method;
  • Amnioscopy - assessment of the state of amniotic fluid is performed using a special device inserted into the cervix. This type of examination is often prescribed to determine the presence of fetal oxygen deficiency due to a delayed pregnancy;
  • Amniocentesis - puncture of the bladder often through the abdominal wall of the mother. This technique is used in the second trimester of pregnancy and, in addition to the presence of echo in the amniotic fluid, it allows you to determine what the chromosomal set of the fetus is.

In the event that, according to the results of one of the above studies, a conclusion is made about the presence of a hyperechoic suspension in the amniotic fluid, no treatment is required. In some cases, to prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus, it may be recommended to take Fobenzym, Actovegin or Hofitol.

If fetal hypoxia is already taking place, blood-thinning drugs are prescribed to improve blood flow in the uteroplacental system and increase oxygen exchange.

During the long months of waiting, expectant mothers experience worries about the health of their unborn child and every time they worry before the next ultrasound. It is this procedure during pregnancy that is considered the most informative and allows you to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Some mothers during the next study are faced with such a thing as suspensions in the amniotic fluid. Of course, a lot of questions arise why they occur in the amniotic fluid and whether their presence is dangerous for the developing fetus.

What is amniotic fluid

Experts define amniotic fluid by the term "amniotic fluid" and it is a liquid medium that surrounds the developing fetus. Amniotic fluid plays an important role in the formation and development of the unborn baby:

  • is a kind of protective barrier that prevents the penetration of infections to the developing fetus;
  • maintains the baby's habitat in sterility;
  • protects the fetus from the effects of various negative environmental factors.

Amniotic fluid is completely colorless and transparent, but at certain stages of pregnancy it can turn yellowish. One of the dangerous and alarming conditions is the staining of the amniotic fluid in pink or bloody color, as this may indicate placental abruption. When diagnosing such a pathology, it is necessary to place the pregnant woman in a medical institution, where, in the process of conducting an ultrasound examination, the degree of placental detachment will be determined.

What is suspension in the waters

The impact of adverse factors on the body of a woman during pregnancy leads to the fact that the amniotic fluid becomes cloudy and various impurities appear. Suspensions that appear in the amniotic fluid are dissolved waste products of the fetus.

In the case of determining the echo of suspensions, which may include vellus hair, particles of cheese-like lubricant and desquamated epithelium, they are called finely dispersed. They usually appear in the third trimester of pregnancy and do not have any negative effect on the developing fetus.

In the event that fine suspensions in the amniotic fluid are detected in an earlier period of pregnancy, this may be a sign of the progression of an intrauterine infection or indicate an infection in the body of the expectant mother.

This can lead to the development of various complications after the birth of the baby, and he can be diagnosed with such unpleasant pathologies:

  • pneumonia;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rashes on the skin of a different nature.

Sometimes the presence of suspensions in the amniotic fluid can be a sign of high protein concentration and such a phenomenon should not be of concern to a woman during pregnancy, as it is considered normal. The amniotic fluid may contain particles of meconium - the baby's original feces.

Diagnosis of pathology

To determine the suspension in the amniotic fluid, various diagnostic methods are used:

Specialists pay attention to the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid, since this allows you to determine the severity of the fetal condition.

Features of the treatment of pathology

In the event that the results of the studies performed show the presence of hyperechoic suspensions in the amniotic fluid, then no treatment is carried out in this case. As a preventive measure, in some cases, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • hofitol;
  • actovegin;
  • phobenzym.

Diagnosis of the onset of fetal hypoxia requires the appointment of drugs, the main action of which is aimed at:

  • blood thinning;
  • increased oxygen metabolism;
  • normalization of blood flow in the system "uterus - placenta".

During pregnancy, the condition of the fetus is constantly monitored and the main attention is paid to the following parameters:

  • baby weight gain
  • heartbeat;
  • the number of movements;
  • Doppler results.

In the event that there are signs of infection of the fetus or expectant mother, then antibiotic therapy and sanitation of the woman's genital tract are prescribed. If the condition of the child worsens, a decision is made to conduct an early delivery. In the event that the pregnancy is post-term, then the green waters are the reason for emergency delivery.

For a normal pregnancy, it is common to determine minor impurities in the amniotic fluid. The appearance of original feces in the amniotic fluid is considered a dangerous condition, since this is a sign of a child not feeling well. The result of such a pathological process can be the birth of a premature baby, the development of intrauterine infection and even the death of the baby.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods in a woman's life, which opens up new facets of her personality, inspires and fills her soul with pleasant warmth ... Every time, the expectant mother looks forward to meeting her baby with impatience and excitement in her chest, and let her so far only pass through the screen monitor in the ultrasound room. Carefully delving into every word from the doctor's lips about the condition of the fetus, you can hear: "There is a suspension in the amniotic fluid!". Well, having received such information, we do not panic, but try to understand the current situation.

What kind of “beast” is a suspension in the waters?

Suspensions are the waste products of the fetus (foreign impurities) that are in the amniotic fluid. It can be a desquamated epithelium, fluffy hair, elements of a cheese-like lubricant (hyperechoic suspension), which belong to a fine suspension. Such impurities, in most cases, occur at 32-34 weeks of gestation, are common, have virtually no effect on the development of the fetus and indicate the normal course of the gestation process. The presence of a suspension at the end of pregnancy is a sign of its overbearing.

Suspension in the waters at an earlier time, along with other individual signs, may be associated with the presence of infection. So, for example, ureaplasmosis can be the cause of this. Even despite the fact that ureaplasma is unable to overcome the placenta, the passage of a newborn through the birth canal of a mother with such a disease can be fraught with a disease of the genital organs in a girl, kidneys, skin and eyes of a child. Therefore, in the second and third trimesters, it is imperative to undergo special treatment.

Weakened immunity during pregnancy and its inability to resist infections, including viral ones, can also lead to the appearance of suspensions in the amniotic fluid with a high degree of probability. The intake of herbal immunomodulating homeopathic preparations prescribed by the doctor will support immunity, and perhaps there will be no impurities in the waters at the next examination.

Sometimes an increased concentration of protein in the amniotic fluid can act as a suspension, which is a normal phenomenon, the so-called individual “constitution”.

As for meconium, the original feces, which, due to intrauterine excretion, can also belong to suspensions (it occurs in 10% of all births and up to 40% in cases of post-term pregnancy), here opinions are divided regarding its effect on the fetus. Some representatives of medicine believe that meconium in amniotic fluid is a sign of intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus, while others argue that there is no connection between these phenomena, and meconium staining of water is only a factor for determining pregnant women at risk to prevent meconium aspiration of the newborn.

Suspension in the amniotic fluid - treatment

As a rule, if only “suspension in amniotic fluid” is diagnosed, drug treatment is not prescribed. To prevent fetal hypoxia as a risk factor, it is recommended to take Actovegin, Hofitol, Fobenzim.

Since the suspension determined by ultrasound at any stage of pregnancy is not a marker of its abnormal course, then as an additional examination and clarification of the result in case of suspected chromosomal pathologies, in case of hypoxia (checking meconium water color) the following procedures can be prescribed.

At a medical appointment, a pregnant woman may find a fine suspension in the amniotic fluid. What is it, what effect does it have on the condition of the fetus and is it dangerous?

Normal state of amniotic fluid:

Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb. It performs a lot of functions: nutrition of the unborn baby and metabolism. Also, this liquid medium protects it from mechanical influences and various kinds of infections.

Normally, amniotic fluid changes its color and transparency throughout pregnancy. At first it has a slightly yellowish tint (almost colorless), then it brightens and becomes completely transparent. By the end of pregnancy, general slight turbidity is allowed, but without flocculent inclusions.

A dangerous sign is a change in color towards pink or red - these are serious signs for suspecting placental abruption, requiring emergency measures to be taken to save the life of the fetus and the pregnant woman.

What is "suspension in the amniotic fluid":

The state of amniotic fluid is not only an indicator of the health or ill health of the baby, but also of the expectant mother.

Under certain conditions, flakes begin to appear in the amniotic fluid - the waste products of the child. These products include: fluffy hairs, desquamated skin epithelium, remains of cheese-like lubricant, etc. Such suspensions are called fine, and if they appear for a period of 31-34 weeks. If this does not change the overall color of the amniotic fluid, then this is considered the norm.

Coarse suspensions include original feces, the appearance of which in the amniotic fluid is not the norm, especially if it is detected in the early stages of bearing a baby. On the eve of childbirth, 40% of women have meconium in the amniotic fluid, i.e. allowed as an individual version of the norm, if this does not affect the condition of the fetus.

Protein is also considered an impurity. This is not the norm, but not a pathology, but rather a variant of the individual state of the pregnant woman. Some kind of anomaly. The protein in the amniotic fluid does not carry a special diagnostic load.

How to determine the presence of suspension in the amniotic fluid:

To accurately diagnose the presence of impurities in the amniotic fluid, the following research methods are used:

- amnioscopy (examination of amniotic fluid through the cervix using an amnioscope);
- amniocentesis (obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid, making a puncture of the abdominal wall of the pregnant woman along the front edge);
- the determination of the suspension actually at the puncture of the amniotic sac already at the discharge of water with the onset of childbirth.

It should be noted right away that the detection of floating flocculent inclusions in the amniotic fluid with the help of ultrasound is not always a reason for excitement and further - more complex - research. Determining the nature of suspensions becomes appropriate from 17-18 weeks.

The appearance of a finely dispersed suspension in the amniotic fluid in the first weeks of pregnancy is of diagnostic importance. This condition may indicate the presence of intrauterine infection. Coarse inclusions - traces of meconium (original feces) - are important at any time, because. this already speaks of the suffering of the baby right in the womb. Usually, only ultrasound and amnioscopy are used for diagnosis. Amniocentesis poses some risk to the life and health of the unborn baby, so this type of study is used extremely rarely (most often when severe genetic abnormalities are suspected).

Is treatment necessary for this condition?

When fixing the suspension in the amniotic fluid, usually no special therapeutic measures are taken. Those. there is no such thing as "treatment of suspension in the amniotic fluid", there is an impact on the causes of their occurrence, as well as improving the nutrition and breathing of the fetus against this background.

Suspension in the amniotic fluid, found in the early weeks of pregnancy, should alert. Most often, this indicates the presence of an infection, due to which a child can be born immediately with pneumonia, a skin rash, conjunctivitis, kidney pathology, etc. It is in such cases that additional examination methods are prescribed and the treatment of a pregnant woman is prescribed, based on what has been identified. Usually, broad-spectrum antibiotics and treatment of the female genital tract with special antiseptic agents are used.

If no infections were detected, but meconium was detected, then drugs are prescribed that prevent the progression of acute fetal hypoxia (Hofitol, Actovegin or, for example, Fobenzim).

If there was a lack of oxygen in the unborn baby, then drugs are prescribed that stimulate blood circulation in the placental-uterine system, delivering more oxygen to the fetus. At the time of the use of any drugs by a pregnant woman, the state of health of the fetus should be constantly monitored - heart rate and respiration, as well as the regularity and intensity of movement. In especially severe (irreversible) hypoxic conditions, the question of early delivery is raised.

Attention: blood as an admixture to the amniotic fluid is the most dangerous sign, indicating the onset of placental abruption and requiring immediate medical attention.


In the case when the presence of suspension in the amniotic fluid does not affect the course of the pregnancy itself and does not cause controversial issues with the observing gynecologist, then they do not bear any consequences. If meconium was detected in the amniotic fluid, then this is already a consequence of the fact that the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen. The consequences of this condition may already be early (out-of-school) childbirth, intrauterine infection of the child when meconium is swallowed and / or the risk of aspiration (it enters the respiratory tract and suffocation), the birth of a weak baby with a lack of weight, in very rare cases, even fetal death is possible .

Ultrasound machines provide a woman with a unique opportunity to see her baby even when he is in the womb. They allow doctors to monitor the development of the fetus and determine its gender. During the ultrasound, some problems are also revealed, in particular, the formation of suspension in the amniotic fluid.

What is a weigh?

Doctors call suspensions various impurities, which are essentially the waste products of the fetus. Such "additives" appear at the 32-34th week of pregnancy and usually do not pose a particular danger to the child's vital systems. Impurities may consist of:

  • exfoliated epithelium;
  • vellus hair of the fetus;
  • particles of cheese-like lubricant (hyperechoic suspension).

Photo ultrasound with a suspension in the amniotic fluid

However, suspensions can also appear as a result of intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as due to genital infections in a woman. The appearance of suspensions in the amniotic fluid in the last stages of pregnancy is a consequence of overcarriage of the fetus. In these cases, regular examination and treatment is required.

Causes of suspension in the amniotic fluid during pregnancy

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The reasons for the formation of impurities in the amniotic fluid can be:

  • ureaplasmosis, which provokes the formation of suspensions in the 1-2 trimester, at about 18-20 weeks of pregnancy (we recommend reading:);
  • weak protective function of the immune system, which does not allow the woman's body to effectively fight viruses;
  • the condition of the fetus at the time of childbirth, especially in the case when a woman is overstepping the deadlines;
  • an individual feature of a pregnant woman, in which a protein suspension appears;
  • detachment of the placenta (amniotic fluid becomes pinkish).

Varieties of suspensions

Suspensions in the amniotic fluid are divided into two types: fine and coarse. A protein admixture, which is rare, is considered separately. Finely dispersed impurities are formed from dead scales of the fetal epithelium, particles of its fluffy hair and cheese-like lubricant. A fine suspension is found, as a rule, after the 30th week of pregnancy and does not adversely affect the baby's condition.

A coarse suspension in the amniotic fluid is meconium (original feces) excreted by the fetus in the womb. Just like protein inclusions, it is rare, but it is not so harmless and can pose a serious danger to the health of the fetus. Meconium in the amniotic fluid is found in only 10% of women who delivered at the scheduled time, and in almost 50% of pregnant women who carried a child. The formation of impurities in the first two trimesters of pregnancy requires examination of the patient for the presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Diagnostic methods

Special procedures have been developed to check for compliance with the norm and detect changes in the amniotic fluid. The simplest and safest is an ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

According to certain indications, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • Amnioscopy. The study is shown when the calendar term of pregnancy has expired, and the woman has not yet given birth. A special device is inserted into the cervix to examine the condition of the amniotic fluid. During the procedure, the doctor also finds out the presence of hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Amniocentesis. This examination is resorted to in the II trimester in order to study the amniotic fluid and obtain information about the chromosome set of the child. The analysis allows you to determine the pathology of fetal development.

Methods of disposal

In most cases, the appearance of echo suspensions in the amniotic fluid does not require emergency treatment. As a preventive measure, the doctor may prescribe to a woman such remedies as Fobenzim, Hofitol, Actovegin (see also:). If a specialist suspects that the fetus has hypoxia, patients are prescribed drugs that can thin the blood, improve oxygen metabolism and blood circulation in the uterus and placenta.

With hyperechoic nature of suspensions, treatment is not carried out. If the examination revealed signs of an infectious process in the mother or fetus, antibiotic therapy and sanitation of the genital tract of the woman in labor is carried out. At the slightest symptoms of a deterioration in the condition of the child, an urgent delivery is performed. The green color of the amniotic fluid also serves as an emergency signal for preterm delivery.

The presence of echogenic suspensions in the amniotic fluid in most cases is considered the norm, but when it comes to meconium, doctors take the situation seriously. The very appearance of the original feces in the amniotic fluid indicates violations in the life of the fetus. The development of the pathological process creates a number of serious problems:

  • the mother may not bring the child to the due date;
  • the infection will affect the fetus and negatively affect its development;
  • if time is lost, the fetus may die.

Possible consequences

Suspensions classified by doctors as normal during pregnancy do not pose a danger and do not provoke any complications for the fetus and mother. If original feces appear in the amniotic fluid, there is a serious danger of oxygen starvation of the fetus. If urgent measures are not taken, the child may be born underdeveloped, with low weight and pathology of vital systems.

Regular visits to the doctor during pregnancy, regular thorough examinations and a woman's attentive attitude to her condition will help to avoid and eliminate in time a lot of problems that arise during pregnancy.