Order clothes gloria jeans. Children's clothing in gloria jeans stores. Goods for girls

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Range: cheap clothes for adults and children of all ages, including newborns. Things are bright and inexpensive, but they do not shine with either design or quality. The best option if you need to take a child to a grandmother in the village: bright T-shirts for 100 rubles, cute sweatshirts for boys and neat dresses for girls.

Uniqueness: the company has repeatedly become the leader of local ratings such as "The most recognizable / bought brand". Offhand, you can't tell how Gloria Jeans differs from Modis or Familia. Trading floors are similar to second-hand shops: due to the large number of things and the eternal mess, it can be extremely difficult to find something you need.

Price policy: democratic prices continue to fall. Dresses cost an average of 899 rubles, during sales - 149 rubles, T-shirts - 499, jeans for adults cost 1699-1999 rubles, and for children - 699 rubles.

Story: In 1988, an enterprising merchandiser Vladimir Melnikov opened the first Gloria jeans cooperative, which has grown to a network of 500 stores and dozens of factories in Russia, Ukraine and Asia. Pay attention to the labels - for ethical reasons, we would recommend buying locally produced items.

Today, the company, which was founded by an ordinary worker Vladimir Melnikov, presents its products in more than 500 stores located in Russia and abroad. The creator of this company did not differ in special education or social disposition. Left without parents at the age of 12, the teenager already at the age of 15 began to earn his living at the Rostselmash plant. Very soon, Melnikov began to try himself as an entrepreneur back in the days of the Soviet Union. He organized an underground workshop for sewing jeans. After it was already allowed to create cooperatives in Russia in the 80s, Vladimir could already calmly begin to legally sell his business and not be afraid that he could be arrested for this activity. Melnikov chose the right time to develop his business, since the demand for jeans in the Soviet Union was huge, but it was very difficult to buy them in those days. The Gloria cooperative was gaining momentum at a fast pace, so after a while, the sewing of jeans turned into a whole production. Today, the company, as in the old days, still holds leadership in the market, and their users are children, teenagers, and adults.

Main trends

The main target trend of Gloria Jeans are strict urban motifs that delight a large part of the urban population. The colors of Gloria Jeans denim clothing are becoming brighter every year, and red-orange, blue, yellow, turquoise and other bright saturated shades can be seen more and more often in the color composition. It should be noted that Gloria Jeans is working today not only on the appearance of their models, but also on the quality of the material. Gloria Jeans constantly follows the latest fashion trends, so every season its collection is replenished with fresh ideas and the latest trends.

Just facts about Gloria Jeans

Gloria Jeans today collaborates with many world-class designers. So, for example, the Denim Premium collection line was developed jointly with Italian designers. In general, clothes after this cooperation have become not only practical, but also elegant. Thus, Gloria Jeans significantly expanded the circle of its fans and interested women, even with a sophisticated and strict style. Thanks to its dedication and dedication, in 2007, Gloria Jeans was awarded the title of "People's Brand No. 1" in the "Clothing" category. The company is not going to stop at these achievements, and for the greater popularity of this brand, Gloria Jeans wants to conclude an agreement with the largest company in the field of management, which, according to their assumptions, will bring them to the world level.

Many fans of the famous Russian brand Gloria Jeans are wondering if Gloria Jeans has an online store, whether it is possible to place an order and deliver the goods they like to their homes. Unfortunately, at the moment this is not possible, because the Gee Jay chain of stores does not have its own online store. Of course, on the Internet you can find reseller sites with a range of Gloria Jeans products, registration and access to your personal account. But there is no guarantee that these sites sell really original GJ clothes and shoes.

Despite this, on the official website gloria-jeans.ru, the buyer will be able to find a semblance of an online store. These are online catalogs with a full range of products of the famous Russian brand Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay, prices, availability of commodity items in the nearest offline stores of the chain.

Online catalogs 2018

Gloria Jeans online store is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with new models from the catalog and last year's collections. Colorful lookbooks will help you decide on the image of this season, choose trendy items and buy them in the nearest store in your city. To do this, visit the Gloria Jeans online store on the official website and go to the desired category on the main page of the resource.

Women's, men's, children's, teenage clothing, special sales or the complete elimination of last year's lineup - you can find all this on www.gloria-jeans.ru.

Product range

The largest retailer of fashionable denim and knitwear in Russia, which is engaged in its design, tailoring and sale, takes care of its customers. Gloria Jeans does not have an online store due to the fact that it is quite difficult to organize home delivery by mail, it will be impossible to use a discount card when paying with a delivery person, the received product may not be to the customer's liking or may not fit in size. The result is a loss of customer confidence. Buying clothes or shoes is not an easy task. Her fitting is an important factor, because when ordering a thing via the Internet, you can not guess with the size, color, style.

Therefore, the administration of the Gloria Jeans official website created special online catalogs to get acquainted with new models of clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry and other products of the GJ brand. Gloria Jeans online store clothing catalog invites visitors to the resource to familiarize themselves with the following collections and products:

  • Girls - outerwear, active wear, Sport Style. Knitted and knitted dresses, skirts. Jeans Skinny, Leggins, Boyfriend, Flare. Pants, shorts, suits. Light T-shirts, t-shirts, polo. Underwear, pajamas, socks. Spring jumpers, sweaters, sweatshirts, sweatshirts. Comfortable boots, shoes and more;
  • Guys - sportswear, outerwear, trousers. Underwear, socks, accessories. Backpacks, hats. Jumpers, jackets, jackets, shirts. Jeans, T-shirts, polo. Spring boots with lacing, zippers;
  • Children aged 0-1, 0-5, 5-12, 9-14 years old - handbags, backpacks, school uniforms. Belts, basic underwear, T-shirts, socks. Hats, scarves. Body, overalls, sets for newborns. Leggings, jeans with a zipper and an elastic band, trousers. Dresses, sundresses, toys. T-shirts, polo shirts, warm sweaters and other knitwear.

Each product has its own description, photo, which can be viewed closer, cost. If you are interested in any position, then Gloria Jeans official website of the online store will provide information about which store in your city has this model in stock, whether promotions apply to it.

Other Features of the GJ Online Store

Familiarization with the assortment, new and old collections of clothes, commodity items - this is not all the possibilities of the official resource of the Gloria Jeans store chain. Here you can also find other useful information about the company for investors, employees, landlords, buyers:

  • The history of the creation of Gloria Jeans;
  • Awards, ratings;
  • Sales catalogs;
  • How to get a discount card, birthday discount;
  • Look books with ideas for creating perfect images;
  • Addresses of shops, location map of branches;
  • Contact information (email GJ, phone numbers);
  • Vacancies, information about career growth;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions;
  • Where to buy a gift card, Gee Jay certificate;
  • How to care for jeans;
  • Rules for the exchange and return of purchased goods.

If you wish, you can always register on a third-party resource that sells new or used Gloria Jeans clothes with free shipping, enter your personal account and order a couple of items of goods there, but first read the reviews of the site's customers. Is it really GJ products, is it worth paying for things to unknown sellers, or is it still better to walk to the nearest Gloria Jeans store.

Whether it's an adult or a child, everyone strives to look fashionable and trendy without spending a lot of money. Many will say that in order to achieve such a goal, you need to buy expensive things from famous brands. But this is far from true. Fashionable clothes or shoes do not have to be expensive, and budget shopping at Gloria Jeans is a prime example of this. Loyalty program for regular customers, promotions, discounts in Gloria Jeans will allow you to dress stylishly for a modest budget.


Gloria Jeans customers can always please themselves with high-quality women's, men's, and textile clothing at low prices by purchasing goods on sale. In Gloria Jeans, promotions are valid for all last year's collections, products left in one copy, and much more. In addition, weekend sales are held in the chain of stores. Branded clothes are not always expensive. In Gloria Jeans departments, the 2018 sale applies to the following product groups:

  • Accessories, bijouterie, stripes and applications;
  • Dresses, skirts, models from the Holiday collection;
  • Shoes, slippers;
  • Winter accessories;
  • Jeans Straight, Leggins, Boyfriend, Flare, Skinny;
  • Sports pants, leggings;
  • Underwear, T-shirts, pajamas, tights, socks;
  • Hats;
  • Backpacks and bags;
  • Outerwear;
  • Jackets, vests, jackets;
  • Children's overalls, bodysuits, sets, toys;
  • Jumpers, sweaters, blouses, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts;
  • T-shirts, polo shirts and more.

Gloria Jeans store offers to get acquainted with the cost of goods from the sale on the official website www.gloria-jeans.ru.

Just select the appropriate section and category (girls, boys, children). Here you can also find the best offers from Gloria Jeans on the Internet sale, see the prices that are relevant for your city. And also find out at what address the nearest store is located, where you can order and buy the item you like at a discount, how long the promotion will last and other useful information.

Loyalty program

Seasonal sales and discounts are far from all that the Gloria Jeans store chain has prepared for its regular customers. If you are making a purchase for the first time, then when paying a check at the checkout, fill out a special questionnaire for a guaranteed discount on subsequent purchases. In addition, the discount card allows you to receive birthday gifts in the form of -25% of the check amount. To get a discount in Gloria Jeans, fill in the information about yourself correctly, because then it will not be possible to correct it:

  1. Write first name, last name;
  2. Specify a contact phone number;
  3. Write the date, month, year of birth.

Your child can also receive a birthday gift, just indicate the date of his birth in the questionnaire. On this big day, or up to three days before/after the DR, you can arrange a profitable family shopping and save a quarter of the total check. At the same time, do not forget to take with you a discount card and documents confirming your identity (child's birth certificate, passport, driver's license).

You can get a guaranteed discount absolutely on any day of the week, because the card is not accumulative. When ordering goods through the online store, the discount is not available.

You can get acquainted with the conditions for obtaining a discount and purchasing gift certificates for the purchase of goods in the Gee Jay chain of stores on the official website. Here you will also find detailed information about what promotions Gloria Jeans has for today, tomorrow or holidays. On the shelves of stores and in online catalogs you will find many gift ideas for your loved ones.

What promotions are in Gloria Jeans

The largest chain of children's, teenage and youth clothing stores hosts promotions of various formats:

  • Weekend Super Deals;
  • Black Friday;
  • Discounts up to 90% on the entire range;
  • The best prices for goods for children, girls or guys;
  • Liquidation of summer, spring, autumn, winter collections;
  • Shoes at the best price;
  • Hot sales and other attractive offers.

You can view all offers in Gloria Jeans, promotions and discounts for today on the official website of the company by selecting the appropriate section on the main page. In addition, be sure to visit the nearest chain store, because many promotions and sales are held locally. If the store has a product in one copy, then you can buy it with a huge discount of up to 90%, which is not always indicated in the online catalog.

is your guide to the world of fashion and style, designer clothes for men, women and children who want to get a quality item at the lowest price.

Development and tailoring of branded children's clothing is a responsible job. When making things for children, Gloria Jeans uses only high-quality, hypoallergenic materials, bright ideas, pleasant shades. In addition, each model of clothing or footwear is comfortable and has a long service life, which is especially important for children. Agree, it is always nice to buy children's products at a low price. These are the things you can order in Gloria Jeans, an online children's clothing store. After all, the manufacturer has been working on the design and quality of clothes for babies for over 30 years.

Popular children's collections Gloria Jeans

Every season, the Gee Jay brand delights its regular little customers with new collections, as well as thematic models from limited editions. In addition to everyday items, Gloria Jeans catalog of children's clothing for girls and boys demonstrates a large selection of shoes, jewelry, and accessories. Thanks to this, parents will be able to collect any image for their fidgets: for school, kindergarten, walks, recreation, sports, sleep.

In the Gloria Jeans chain of stores, children's clothing is presented in a wide range. Any thing will be an excellent alternative to expensive branded counterparts, will delight you with its affordability, quality, style, bright prints and harmonious colors. The official website contains several popular collections for boys, girls and newborn babies:

  • Kids collection 2018;
  • winter walk;
  • Holliday Collection 2017;
  • Light and Fluffy;
  • Winter mood.

To get acquainted with the entire model range, just go to the official website of Gloria Jeans - gloria-jeans.ru, go to the "Children" section, select a collection, view the lookbook, then click the "Buy collection" button at the bottom of the page. After that, you will see Gloria Jeans online store with a clothing catalog "Children", where each item has its own description and price. In addition, the official portal of the company contains information about in which city, which store, at what address you can find the product you like in stock.

Now it is not necessary to take the child with you for long shopping, torturing him with trying on clothes, choosing the size. It is enough to show the kid a colorful lookbook, let the little princess or young prince choose a new thing for himself without leaving home.

Clothing catalog Gloria Jeans for girls

No matter how old a young fashionista is, in Gloria Jeans stores you can easily find an outfit for a princess of any age, for every taste and budget. On the shelves of the Gloria Jeans chain of stores are dresses for girls, soft blouses, fluffy skirts, comfortable trousers, cozy tracksuits, tights and much more. The range of Gee Jay stores is unlimited, especially when it comes to clothes for girls. In the catalogs you will find models for young princesses of any size and age: from 0 to 1 year old, 0-5, 5-12, 9-14 years old. Among the wide range of girls' products you will be able to find:

  • Undershirts, bodysuits, cute sets in pastel colors, overalls, trousers, dresses. Bibs, sweatshirts, hats, jumpers for newborns;
  • Turtlenecks, sweaters with bright text and other prints, dresses, sundresses;
  • Fluffy skirts, fluffy hats and scarves, stockings, socks, tights;
  • T-shirts, pullovers, jumpers, cardigans;
  • Jackets and parkas;
  • Boots, boots, low shoes, shoes, slippers;
  • Exquisite handbags, backpacks, clutches;
  • Fashion accessories and jewelry;
  • Basic underwear, swimwear and more.

Airy tulle, light lace, beads and rhinestones - everything that girls love. GJ designers tried to please little fashionistas with stylish models, bright patterns, colorful appliqués, a variety of colors, natural materials that are pleasant to the body. You can be sure that your princess will become a real queen of the school or kindergarten.

Gee Jay clothing catalog for boys

The Gloria Jeans store chain opens its doors to parents who want their kids to always look fashionable. Gloria Jeans children's jackets, comfortable jeans, tracksuits, stylish sneakers and other things will delight you with excellent quality and pleasant material. The main feature of each model for boys is a unique design. The store will delight you with a constantly expanding range of jeans and knitwear, the selection of which you can find on the official website of GJ & Gee Jay.

Gloria Jeans catalog of children's clothes for boys:

  • Sets for outdoor activities and sports;
  • Fashionable jeans and trousers;
  • T-shirts, polo, turtlenecks, T-shirts;
  • Jackets, jackets, vests, school uniforms;
  • Bodysuits, jumpsuits, sets, jumpers from the new Gloria Jeans Kids collection;
  • Sneakers, boots;
  • Outerwear (down jackets, jackets, parkas);
  • Hats and scarves;
  • Sweatshirts, hoodies, sweaters, shirts;
  • Bags, backpacks, belts and other accessories.

In addition, at the checkout you will find a variety of things that any boy will definitely like: markers, pens, decorative tapes, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc. If you decide to give your son a birthday present, you can use a discount card. To do this, just bring your card, your passport and the child's birth certificate - and you have a guaranteed 25% discount in your hands! Gift bags presented in a wide range of Gloria Jeans stores will help to present the purchase beautifully.

Additional Information

Each customer can learn about new arrivals and updating the collection of clothes for children in the official groups of the Gloria Jeans brand on Vkontakte, on Odnoklassniki, Instagram or Facebook, as well as on the company's website. Here you will also be able to see the full range of products, take a closer look at the quality of things in the photo, find out the cost of the model you like and choose a product for your child that is ideal for size and height. Regular promotions, sales, discounts on discount cards will allow you to make a profitable purchase. And the official portal will serve as a great way to shop with delivery without leaving your home.