The meaning of the proverb "friends are known in trouble." Book scans. Who is a true friend

Friendship is an important part of everyone's life. The meaning of the word "friend" in one dictionary is explained as follows: "the same, equal, different me." A friend is not just a person with whom you are interested. The meaning of this concept is much deeper and wider. True friends understand without words. They can think out loud, talk like they are with their reflection in a mirror. Strong friendship is based on love, sincerity, trust. Poems, songs are written about this beautiful facet of human relations, films are made. In one work, friendship is described as follows:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Not in joy with a magnificent feast,

And in a long separation, in captivity,

In a life-threatening environment.

How exactly these lines convey the meaning of true, faithful and devoted friendship. After all, when everything is good, there is health, money, stability, and there is respect from everyone. Everyone loves you, appreciates you, wants to be closer. And when misfortune happens, comes the test of whether this is true friendship. Even in small things you can see who truly loves and appreciates you. Who needs you just because you are in this world. Friendship has nothing to do with betrayal, deceit, selfishness and a sense of gain.

What is a real friend?

“Friends are known in trouble” - how to understand and see the meaning of this expression in practice? A friend in trouble will never leave, no matter what happens. Even if the whole world is against you, a loved one will be there, no matter what misfortune you meet on your way. A true friend loves at all times - both in favorable times and in difficult times. Of course, situations between life and death are rare when one saves the other. Or even risks himself, his life for the sake of a dear person. But everyday little things, in which friendship is also tested, happen all the time. It is in such trifles that friends are known. Everything starts small, because he is faithful in small things - he is faithful in many things. And a friend who does not fail even in something insignificant will be there in serious troubles.

Friends in deeds, not in words

For example, the following situation may arise: the temperature has risen sharply, and there is no necessary medicine at home. It is in such trifles that a friend is known. He does not need to be asked, persuaded. Having learned that you feel bad, he himself will offer his help, ask what is needed. It will only be a pleasure for him to help. A friend is known in trouble - and, perhaps, even to the detriment of himself, because for him the interests of another are higher than his own. The concept of friendship is around the clock, at any time of the day, the shoulder of a friend is nearby. Friendship knows no boundaries and distances, it is not a hindrance to it.

In separation, friendship only grows stronger, and a friend is truly known. Throughout life, someone goes into the past, new people appear. Sometimes friendships just end and they go their separate ways. But there are those who remain in your heart and life forever. They become not just friends, but family people. And there is nothing better than friendship that has stood the test of time. With such a person, both in fire and in water, he will not leave such a person in trouble. Nothing is scary with him, he feels confident, as in himself. It is time that a friend is known, passing through certain situations.

Friendship is a very strong feeling that requires a lot of effort and gives a lot of joy in return. This concept is two-sided. Everyone wants good friends, but it is also important to be such a person yourself. Friendship helps to discover all the best qualities, it gets rid of selfishness, teaches you to live for others. Great happiness is to give, to sympathize, to be supportive. The ability to make friends makes you kinder, cleaner, better.

A friend is known not only in misfortune, but also in joy. The ability to rejoice in the success of others is equally important. A real comrade will always be sincerely happy about achievements, victories, ups and downs. Friends are not rivals, but employees. They do not envy each other, but, on the contrary, help in achieving goals.

A friend in need will always lend a helping hand. You can cry and laugh with it. Better one, but real, than ten "fake". And this is one of the best gifts of life.

Elena Lukina
Conversation "What is friendship?"

Target: introduce children to the concept friendship to help unite the children's team.

Lesson progress

Today we will talk about friendship.

Friendship- this is a great value, a gift of fate. Friendship helps us learn, work, live. It makes us better, kinder, stronger. Having a friend is a great blessing.

So what such friendship?

Task number 1. Work is organized in microgroups.

Guys, think and answer these questions.


1." Friendship is---".

Sample responses from children:

friendship is mutual help, cheerful and interesting communication, the desire to help a friend in difficult times.

2. "A true friend is that ---".

Sample responses from children:

a true friend is someone who understands you, with whom it is interesting to communicate, who will never betray you, who will help and support you in different situations.

3. "Friends are always---".

Sample responses from children:

friends will always help you in a difficult situation, share with you both joy and trouble, understand you.

After work in microgroups, a discussion of the proposed issues is organized, and general conclusions are formulated.

If we want to have friends, we must feel what the other person needs. Friendship- this is a willingness to help a friend, to share with him failure and joy.

There are people who have many friends, and there are lonely people.

Let's listen to A. Barto's poem "A friend is required".

Everyone lives, does not grieve,

But not with me are friends!

Katya's bow is painted,

Red tights

And a meek character.

I whisper: - Befriend me---

We are the same age

Like sisters we are almost

You and I are like doves

From one shell.

I whisper:- Notes take into account:

You must go in everything

Concessions to a friend.

I suggest Ilyina;

You be friends with me alone!

Ilyina has a rank,

And a sports sweater

And girls retinue.

I will make friends with Ilyina-

I will become famous!

All fives one by one

At Svetlova Nadia.

I ask: - Are you with me make friends for a day!

We'll get along:

Will you save me

Let's write off the control.

And the girls on their hind legs!

They say: - Be silent!

Do not get on your knees to persuade girlfriends ---

I will write an ad:

Friend needed urgently!

Why didn't the girl have friends?

Sample responses from children: the girl had no friends, because she wanted a lot from others, but she herself did not give anything in return.

Many do not want to understand that they have no friends, because they themselves are not ready to become a true friend, they demand a lot from a friend, giving nothing in return.

Friendship- this is not only a great gift, but also a great work. You can find a friend, but it is very easy to lose. Many Russian proverbs contain wise instructions on how to save friendship. Pay attention to proverbs.

Task number 2.

Work in microgroups. Acquaintance of children with proverbs about friendship.

Guys, what proverbs about friendship you know?

There is no friend - look for, but if you find - take care.

Friend is known in trouble.

Money can't buy a friend.

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself gets into trouble.

To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Task number 3.

Work is organized in microgroups. Children are encouraged to develop rules friendship. After discussion in groups, the developed rules are read out and discussed. friendship.

Rules friendship(Example children's answers):

to help each other;

do not remember the offense for a long time;

do not trifle;

trust each other;

be tolerant;

be able to forgive;

do not envy;

be honest and loyal;

be benevolent.

Summary of the lesson.

So, friendship is wonderful! One thing is clear to all of us - without friendship is no life! So, in order to live, we must be able to listen to friends, understand and support. And in general, if you want people to treat you well, then you treat them with respect, kindness and understanding. Thank you all for your work.

One young guy asked a very rich man what was the secret of his success. How did he manage to turn from a poor boy into a successful businessman?

The answer was simple: “I learned how to choose my friends right!”.

Have you heard the expression "A friend in need is a friend"? the businessman asked him.

Yes! I am guided by this rule, - the young man honestly admitted.

Forget it, it's fundamentally wrong. A friend is known in joy!

Yu burden was embarrassed and very surprised by this.

Look, the teacher continued, when you have a problem, you feel bad, you run and share it with your friend. Now you both have a problem. You are both sad, both puzzled. Correctly?

Yes! - answered the young man, - and my friend helps me to solve it!

The first problem, maybe, will help to solve, but all the subsequent ones - definitely not. He will just sit and pity you.

This is also good, he supports me! - insisted on his young man.

This is terrible! After all, you also begin to feel sorry for yourself, instead of solving your problem.

I was lucky, - the teacher continued, - in my life there were friends who did not feel sorry for me, and even more so did not solve my problems. They just rejoiced with me my success! In fact, if you have a problem, solve it yourself, and only then go to a friend and celebrate your victory together. Feeling sorry for another person is very easy. But sincerely rejoice in other people's success - this needs to be learned. This is true friendship, the one that helped me become successful!

More materials on this topic:


25 February, 2014 at 12:18
Grieving is hard for ONE. No one asks a friend to solve a problem, sometimes - in the event of the death of a loved one - there is nothing to solve. you just need to help get through the trouble. All you need is presence! And when a friend refuses this - is it a betrayal? And when a loved one refuses this, is this a betrayal?

4 August, 2013 at 11:16
I would like to draw a line under everything I read: yes, a friend is known in trouble. But it is tested by joy. It is not difficult to sympathize and help even a stranger in trouble, especially against the background of one’s own well-being, all the more so it increases self-esteem ... But to rejoice at someone’s new apartment, car, even a fur coat, travel, salary increase and a happy family life - sincerely, without envy , only his most devoted friends and family can. Check it out yourself!)))

Olesya K.
May 24, 2013 at 07:50 pm
Yes, everything is written correctly, you should not go to friends with your problems and expect that he will decide everything for you or console you, he has enough of his own. Friends are not needed for this, but for simple communication, spending time together, to get away from everything and just have fun together, and when you understand this, you will also have many friends. And you should exploit, load with your problems not friends and not those who are dear to you, but someone else: subordinates or any authorized persons called to solve your problems, but at least someone who is not friends. How long will the beloved man (or woman) endure if he is constantly bothered by his problems? Not! But he has much more motives to help you, listen to your torment, console you. So what do you want from friends if even a loving person does not last long in such circumstances?

February 27, 2013 at 02:15 pm
Scouring the sites in search of the truth about friendship! The fact is that I am convinced that true friends do not exist. There is a friend only according to interests, that is, common affairs, work; friend (family friends) - drinking buddy(s) or, to put it mildly, celebrate holidays, visit each other - but this does not happen for long), and as soon as this common interest passes, "friends" also disappear. I admit to myself that I don't have a real girlfriend. I read sayings, aphorisms about friends. It turns out, and there is somehow ambiguous, just like in this parable. Guys, tell me, please, DO YOU HAVE A REAL FRIEND (I don’t even dare to write in the plural)? And if there is, then how it is to be truly friends, please share. I have never experienced such a feeling in all my 32 years. I have classmates, classmates and classmates, colleagues. I have an equal relationship with everyone. I am a non-confrontational person. Call and say hi! how are you, how is the family? always can. But I just don’t understand why, and what to talk about with them further. And this is not friendship at all, but simply maintaining relationships. Help me to understand!!!

February 28, 2013 at 10:32 am
I'll try to answer your question. On the one hand, you are right, a person is inherently lonely, and even the closest person will not be able to feel and understand everything in the same way as you yourself. On the other hand, man is a social being and his life is 99.9% of communication with other people. So from the whole circle of communication, a friend can be considered a person next to whom you feel comfortable, to whom it is easy for you to trust your feelings and thoughts, from whom you feel goodwill and sincerity, with whom you are interested and you have something to learn from him, and you - to him, this is a person who does not take offense at you, but understands that everyone lives and feels based on their worldview. A friend can communicate with you after a year without communication, as if you had not seen each other for only 3 days. Like-minded people are good friends. If you have interests in life, it will be easiest to make friends with a person with similar interests. True friendship exists, it is different for everyone, but at the heart of everything is love. The one who knows how to love the people around him is capable of true friendship.

July 6, 2013 at 09:02
I completely agree with Irena, there are no real girlfriends, no friends, there are just friends of interest.

July 31, 2013 at 07:34
“If you ever want to find such a person who can overcome any, even the most difficult, misfortune and make you happy when no one else can, you just look in the mirror and say: “Hello.” Richard Bach

October 3, 2012 at 18:08
..It is the truth of life that it is easy to regret .. so many confirmations of this! And we ourselves pity those who need it, and they pity us if suddenly something .. Here the morality is subconscious - Lord, don’t let this happen to me .. ... But if you are successful, everyone will turn away from you, mostly out of envy, even unconscious .., due to the fact that you are more successful, more successful, achieved a lot, provided for “I can’t” ... And a friend, a real one, he will help when necessary (just don’t disturb him over trifles), he will rejoice at your success sincerely, unless you turned up your nose .. Suddenly you stopped recognizing him even, out of a sense of superiority? .. Friendship does not depend on material existence ..

August 14, 2012 at 03:32 pm
“Pitying another person is very easy. But sincerely rejoice in other people's success - this needs to be learned. Terrible nonsense. regret? Another person? Easily? First, it's not about some other person, but about a friend. Is it easy to feel sorry for a friend? And what's with all the regret? A friend in trouble is known not as a pity, but as a supporter, encourager and helper. It’s really hard for such a friend to just regret and do nothing. But to feel sorry for someone there is a stranger, and our time is really not characteristic of people. And this is what needs to be learned. Be sympathetic and compassionate. On the other hand, it’s usually not a problem for anyone to “enjoy” the holiday of another - to come together for a drink, or to eat for free delicacies - it’s unlikely that anyone will refuse, deciding that he needs to learn this first, but read the theory) If the “friend” doesn’t give a damn about his friend when he is drowning, then all the more he will not give a damn that he has a reason not to reap. And a person who is not helped even by the support of a friend in difficult times - he is so bad, will not be saved from his trouble alone with great enthusiasm. And the mass of cases of suicides of people whom no one supported in difficult times is proof of this.

14 August, 2012 at 12:08
Brad is complete. If a friend is able to help only once, and only sigh the rest, then this will reveal him as a fake friend and not a real one. And a true friend is not the one who spreads snot, but the one who supports each time, inspiring a friend to believe in himself, that he is not alone, that life is not lost, that he needs him and will never leave him, and helps him in a practical way. I advise everyone who disagrees with me to watch the film "I Can't Say Goodbye." In addition, the author's conviction that for a true friend to rejoice in the success of a friend is surprisingly wild. I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. Friendship is based on respect and love, and for love, wildness is not joy for the joy of a friend, but its absence. It's nice that at least for Shakespeare it's obvious: A true friend everywhere Faithful in happiness and trouble; Your sadness worries him, You do not sleep - he cannot sleep. And in everything, without distant words, He is ready to help you. Yes, the actions are dissimilar A true friend and an unfit flatterer. And, of course, this truth is confirmed in the Word of God - the Bible. "A true friend loves at all times, he is a brother born in times of distress." (Pr 17:17)

The Russian language has a lot of proverbs that reflect the realities of life. They were invented many years ago, and are relevant today. People who know and understand proverbs can successfully navigate in any situation, because they are instructive.


Friendship arises between two people and can last as long as you like. But true friends are known in trouble. After all, a person who is actually just an acquaintance can seem like a friend.

But we can conclude that not every acquaintance is a friend. A true and faithful friend will never leave you in trouble. He must know that friends are known in trouble and will come to the rescue in difficult times. Even if it is winter, summer, night, day, they should still help. It is absolutely easy to introduce yourself as a friend if everything is fine, your friend has no problems, has a lot of money, a lot of benefits and is ready to share them. Such pseudo-friends will not be able to be with a person for a long time and will give up at the first opportunity.

Because they do not want to sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone who is not at all dear to him. True friends spend a lot of time together, they take part in all the victories and defeats together. And no matter what the result of their work may be, they will always remain friends.

Famous proverb about friendship

Surely many people know that a friend is known in trouble. The proverb of the Russian people has been talking about this since ancient times. And indeed it is. Many do not understand what kind of relationship between two people, and it is in difficult times that it becomes clear. The meaning of the proverb "A friend in need is known" lies in itself. When one of the friends is in trouble, the second must help him. It often happens that these are serious problems, and people do not want to get involved in them. But a true friend will never think like that, because he knows that his comrade needs help, and no one else will help him. Sometimes you have to do something that you yourself do not like, but it will help a friend. So, in those relationships that can be called friendship, such actions are performed without problems. And mutual assistance of any kind is inherent in friendship.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

Of course, another proverb that speaks of friendship is relevant in our time. Its meaning is very simple.

After all, sooner or later the money will run out, and nothing can be done with it, and friends will remain forever and will always help in difficult times. Friends are known in trouble, but also in joy. You can always share happy moments with a friend. This is good for the general population. After all, it is possible to build peace on the whole planet on friendship. There will be no war, there will be no enmity, but there will be spring in the soul of the entire population for the rest of their lives. And this will bring grace, and everyone will live well. It is also always good to have many friends, as they also have acquaintances and friends, and through them you can make new acquaintances. After all, friends are known in trouble, which means that at a time when a person who has many friends gets into trouble, he will quickly be able to get out of it if each friend takes a little part in this.

A pledge of good and long friendship

In order for friendship to be long and real, you never need to demand something from a friend, but on the contrary, give everything that he needs. Then there will be no resentment. No need to substitute friends and do bad things to them. After all, sooner or later they will realize this and will also begin to betray. And you can always lean on a true friend and trust him with anything. Therefore, to maintain friendly relations, it is necessary to be kind and honest, responsible and devoted. And if all this is carried out, then such friendship will be forever strong and real. And when friendship reigns on the whole planet, life will become much better and calmer.

Lieutenant Eduard Uzbekov served in the city of Potsdam. Together with junior sergeant Mikhailov and private Fedorov, he walked along the street, adjoining almost close to the shore of a large lake.

Suddenly, the wind from somewhere far away brought them a piercing and disturbing cry:

Hilfe, hilfe...

Someone is calling for help... Follow me! - ordered the officer and rushed to the lake.

Seeing that children were drowning on the lake, about fifty meters from the shore, Lieutenant Uzbekov took off his weapon and overcoat on the move, took out documents from his tunic and, handing them over to Junior Sergeant Mikhailov, ran even faster to the place where two children’s children loomed in the ice gap. heads in striped woolen caps and from where came a heart-rending cry.

“You can’t run on the ice,” Uzbekov thought, “you have to pay.” And he, sprawled on the ice, quickly, in a plastunsky way, began to move forward.

Suddenly he saw that there were no striped woolen caps in the opening and that the black water was calm in it.

“The children went to the bottom,” Uzbekov decided, and crawled even faster towards the gaping gully.

At the very break, the ice caved in, the dent filled with water, and Uzbekov collapsed into the hole. Icy water burned the body, from the terrible cold, breathing stopped for a second. But Uzbekov quickly mastered himself and, taking more air into his lungs, dived deep. In the water, he came across a girl, grabbed her coat and pulled her to the surface. With one deft and strong movement, he threw her onto the ice and dived into the water again. The girl, catching her breath, slowly crawled to the shore. The second child was nowhere to be found. Then Uzbekov went to the extreme: he decided to look for the child away from the hole. Hungry for a breath of fresh air, the officer slipped back into the water and hid under the ice for a long time...

But then a hand appeared above the black lead, and people saw how it grabbed hold of the ice.

Then the head of Lieutenant Uzbekov appeared above the water, who was clutching a boy of seven or eight years old. The child's head drooped: he must have fainted.

Uzbekov tried to put the boy on the ice, but the ice broke off under him every time. Then the officer decided to break the ice with his body and swim to save the boy. So he advanced about ten meters to the shore, but his strength finally dried up, his hands went numb, and he realized that he would either have to leave the boy and save himself, or they would both drown. But he immediately put that thought aside and began to break the ice with his bloody, spasmodic fingers. Having made his way another two meters forward in this way, he suddenly felt something solid under his feet. It was some kind of pile, Uzbekov stood on it and took a breath ...

Noticing that Private Fedorov was crawling towards him, Uzbekov ordered the soldier to return to the shore and throw a rope that he could cling to.

The end of the rope fell into the water near Uzbekov. But he could not take it, because his hand was completely numb and did not obey. Then the officer grabbed the end of the rope with his teeth and, holding on to it, climbed ashore with the boy. German citizens immediately took them to the hospital.