Sign of freedom and independence. The Complete Encyclopedia of Symbols. Symbolism of the animal kingdom

Today we have prepared something interesting for you. I am sure that you are well aware of the Statue of Liberty - a woman with a torch in her hand, towering in the very center of the largest metropolis in the world. This is a real symbol of the United States of America, not only decorating one of the most densely populated and economically developed cities in the world, but also considered part of the world's cultural heritage.

Without further explanation, it is clear that the classic meaning of the statue of liberty tattoo is the same freedom, equality and tradition American people. This could have ended the article, if not for one BUT.

An interesting fact: in recent decades, fewer Americans have made tattoos with the Statue of Liberty, and more and more representatives of other countries. Moreover, the meaning of such tattoos does not at all coincide with the usual! We tried collect for you the most interesting options for this picture and tell a little about each.

Statue of Liberty with weapons

Very often you can find a tattoo depicting the statue of liberty, holding a weapon or banknotes. Such a symbol protests the American government, which is often accused of interfering in the affairs of other countries, pursuing an irresponsible monetary policy, and so on. We are far from politics, but the very idea of ​​such a performance appeals to us!

Statue of Liberty on the background of the flag

The painting on the background of the flag is considered the most classically patriotic tattoo with the Statue of Liberty, praising traditional American values. It only remains to add that in addition to realistic tattoos, you can think about using other styles. In particular, we suggest you evaluate the option in the old school!

Other options

In this block, we have collected several interesting works in which the famous monument is drawn in unnatural poses and with unusual objects. The image of organic parts on the body of the statue, hands covering the face, inscriptions and other details - all this gives the tattoo additional meaning.

It remains to show you our extensive gallery of photos and sketches of the statue of liberty tattoo and find out your opinion - what do you think about it? Write in the comments!

Photo tattoo statue of liberty

Nowadays, a tattoo is something ultra-modern and youthful, one of the most fashionable ways to “beautify yourself” among not only teenagers and youth, but also adults. It's hard to say what has more influence - fashion, the influence of the environment or the desire to stand out.

But, as they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. And the fashion for modifying one's body is an ancient phenomenon, existing for thousands of years among non-Christian peoples and African tribes. Could they then assume that someday the tattoo will become an element of the youth fashion of the third millennium?
What does a tattoo mean, how did it appear in the everyday life of our society, and what meaning did it carry and carry? Let's try to understand these issues.

A bit of history

So, the word "tatoo" is derived from the Tahitian word "tatau" and the Marquesan "tatu", which means "sign", "wound", "mark". According to one of the most common versions, tattoos appeared by accident. Noticing that if a dye, such as soot, got under damaged skin (wounds, cuts), then bizarre, indelible patterns formed on its surface, people began to cause damage intentionally.

The first samples of tattoos were found during excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. On the mummies discovered there, which, according to experts, are at least 4 thousand years old, tattoos are clearly visible.

It is believed that wearable signs of ancient people performed more informative (indicated the sign of the tribe, clan, social status of the owner), protective (against diseases, troubles, misfortunes) and magical functions than decorative. The location, pattern and size of the tattoo were determined by the customs and traditions of the tribe. Tattoos were also applied by the ancient Slavs, Greeks, Gauls and Germans - but only in order to perform the magical rituals of the ancient cult.

After the Christian religion was established in Europe, tattoos practically disappeared, except for the tradition of stigmatizing criminals. For example, cheaters were given a sign in the form of a hexagon on their bodies, those condemned to galleys were given the inscription “GAL”, vicious women were pierced with a lily on their shoulder.

Decorative tattoos in Europe were again remembered many centuries later, when the navigator James Cook discovered islands in Polynesia and Melanesia, previously unknown to the inhabitants of the Old World. Having visited Tahiti in 1773, he was surprised to find that the inhabitants of the island use tattoos to decorate their appearance.

Tattoo has long been the most important attribute of the criminal subculture. And in our time, at law faculties and police schools, students and cadets can study entire atlases dedicated to the meaning of this or that drawing among representatives of the underworld.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the tattoo has entered the everyday life of youth groups operating on the verge of the law, and often crossing it. It became widespread among bikers, among whom neo-Nazi ideas often circulated in the United States. The fashion for tattoos came to Russia only in the mid-1990s. This period became a time of romanticization and glorification of all that was once called antisocial behavior. It was then that the very process of tattooing acquired special significance, as an indicator of a person's familiarization with the group values ​​of a non-traditional culture. In the new conditions, the tattoo began to play a decorative and demonstrative function, and their carriers believed and still believe that they demonstrate their superiority, strength, originality, and uniqueness. Once upon a time, for people, body painting was both a sign of masculinity, and a sign of belonging to a particular community, and a brief biography.

Tattoos and youth

Tattoos are often taken as a symbol of protest. For some, a tattoo is a way to express their romantic feelings in such a specific way. Doctors say that in more than 30% of cases, the tattoo is removed by teenage girls who want to get rid of the name of their ex-boyfriend. For others, a tattoo is a work of art, for others it is a symbol of independence. For some young people, a tattoo gives them the opportunity to try something new - to feel that they have power over their appearance. Tattoos can also be a symbol of protest or an unconventional lifestyle. This explains why some of them contain offensive words and pictures, as well as defiant phrases.

However, for most of the youth, a tattoo is just a tribute to fashion. It is known that fashion reflects the cohesion of society and its psychology, offering certain patterns that help each of its members feel more or less comfortable. But, on the other hand, fashion is a terrible thing that creates standards. False standards are the result of following fickle fashion.

What effect do young people want to achieve from wearing tattoos? Surely, if you ask them why he needs such an extensive tattoo, he will, without hesitation, give a bunch of arguments in favor of owning it.

From the point of view of psychiatry, a tattoo often refers to a psychopathic-individual environment, and in most cases the phenomenon of a tattoo accompanies mass events and changes in society. And yet, tattooing on the body indicates a certain motivation of a person. We asked Archpriest Alexander Nemchinov, psychologist Natalya Kozhushkina and surgeon Igor Barinov to talk about what drives people, especially young people, when they decide to get a tattoo and what risks they face.

spiritual risks. Opinion of a specialist (Archpriest Alexander Nemchinov, head of the catechesis courses of the Dnepropetrovsk diocese)

The fashion for tattoos, the expanding infrastructure of tattoo parlors, in truth, is not only surprising, but also alarming. Even 25-30 years ago, a tattoo was a clear sign of belonging to the criminal world or simply youthful frivolity and recklessness. Today, students and doctors, representatives of the creative and technical intelligentsia put on “body painting”. Why, young people who consider themselves completely Orthodox come to the temple, confess, take communion, they can approach the priest and ask: “why does the Church forbid getting tattoos?” And even ask for this blessing. Moreover, it can be not only boys, but also girls ...

There are many reasons. This is also a youth subculture, where a certain tattoo pattern can be a sign of belonging to a particular movement. It can also be a desire to stand out in some way, to somehow show your “individuality”. Although today a tattoo no longer impresses anyone and therefore practically does not act as a means of shocking. After all, many wear them just for "beauty", it's "glamorous" after all. In any case, this is the pursuit of fashion, and there will inevitably come a time when this fashion will pass and most owners of painted bodies will, of course, regret it. In general, one can safely talk about fashion as one of the forms of addiction. And “fashion-addicted” people often look funny without realizing it. I remember how, somewhere in the late seventies, early eighties, imported women's T-shirts were distributed, which, of course, girls bought from speculators, I think that is not so cheap. The T-shirt was emblazoned with the inscription: “I’M EASY ACCESSIBLE”. Poor girls, their level of English did not allow them to understand what is written there: "I am easily accessible." But if the T-shirt is worn out and forgotten, then it is much more difficult to get rid of the tattoo. It is difficult, dangerous to remove it, and the scars still remain. Therefore, most stupid tattoos inflicted at a young age will stigmatize their owner for the rest of his days.

But this is not the worst thing about tattoos. The craze for "body graphics" testifies, first of all, that people today are completely incomprehensible to the immorality of drawings on the body. One can, of course, simply refer to the irrefutable authority of Holy Scripture, where bodily cuts and writing are strictly prohibited. (Lev.19.28) But for a modern person, including a believer, it is often not enough to show that this is written. It is important to explain reasonedly why it is written there. And to explain this to a person with gaps in education can be as difficult as why, for example, it is indecent to keep your hands in your pockets, sit cross-legged, whistle. This is not to mention the fact that many today sincerely do not even understand what is bad about profanity and nudism ...

To better feel the baseness of this phenomenon, imagine the state of an artist who has worked long and painstakingly on a portrait, and someone, even the one who posed, will paint his work with ink, ink and lipstick. Of course, for the author, this will be deeply offensive. But man is not just a creation of God, but His image. It’s scary to think, but it means that every person is, in a sense, a SELF-PORTRAIT of God Himself, which we distort internally - by our sinfulness, and externally - we can pick open and pierce with “tattooing”.

So, if it still occurred to you to get a tattoo on your body, and you cannot overcome your own contradictions, then, first of all, you need to stock up on the virtue of humility and simply accept on faith that it is obscene and shameful, that the desire to stand out in you are driven by pride. Well, and, finally, the fact that you will never get rid of this.

Psychological risks. Expert opinion (Natalya Kozhushkina, psychologist)

“The first - the most common motive - is a way of self-expression, caused by the desire to be more original and even more fashionable than others. Such tattoos are most often done in youth and, as a rule, they bother their owner after a few years. Youthful maximalism is understandable: following the anarchist fashion is a demonstrative speech against all laws and order. “How brave we are, we are not afraid of anything, and if anything, so we are! ..”

The second motive is beliefs. People put on religious signs, emblems of the clubs and organizations they belong to, the name of the team they play for, the flag of their homeland or another similar symbol. The reason for this step lies in the desire to show others who you are, as well as to convince yourself that you are really committed to your idea.
The third motive is caused by an inferiority complex and a sense of insecurity, of one's own weakness. People with such a complex make tattoos in the form of frightening animals or mythological heroes. This is an attempt by the weak to protect itself from external influences. Talking about self-doubt. The drawing that a person chooses for a tattoo often emphasizes or exposes some psychological traits.

Cosmetic motivation - to correct the mistakes of the past, mask scars or age spots.

Status motivation refers exclusively to the criminal world - there tattoos really serve as a document, confirmation of rank and status.
Summing up, we can say that through a certain symbol or drawing, a person is trying to change the attitude towards himself on the part of society. He also emphasizes his self-expression in relation to this society. Society means everything, indiscriminately.

physical risks. Opinion of a specialist (Igor Barinov, surgeon, Regional Hospital named after I. Mechnikov, Dnepropetrovsk)

- Tell me, what dangers exist when applying a tattoo?

- Firstly, during tattooing, the paint is injected into the epidermal layer of the skin so that the pigment is retained and does not peel off. Tattoo inks contain heavy metals (lead and arsenic), which can cause oncological diseases, and often congenital diseases (if mommy decided to “decorate” herself with a pattern during pregnancy), disrupt the reproductive system.

Secondly, the dye is a strong allergen. An allergen, entering the human body, provokes the development of a lifelong allergy to sunscreens, painkillers, as well as clothing and cosmetics that contain this substance. This dye can lead to the development of a number of dermatological diseases, such as eczema, dermatitis, etc.

A tattoo made with black ink is especially dangerous, since the composition of the ink, in addition to traditional henna, includes a substance such as paraphenylenediamine. This is a chemical substance approved for use in several types of cosmetic products in strictly defined small quantities.
You should also pay attention to the fact that during a tattoo there is a high risk of introducing microbes and viruses under the skin. You can get infected with HIV, hepatitis, syphilis. Tattooing causes prolonged irritation of nerve fibers, a decrease in local immunity, after which even herpetic eruptions may appear.

- If a person realized that he had done something stupid - are there methods for removing tattoos?

- There are various methods for removing a tattoo, but the scars that remain after do not bring joy to their owner.

It seems to me that after weighing all this, a sane person will pass by a tattoo parlor, thinking about true beauty. After all, the beauty of a person is not in appearance, true beauty is reflected in his soul, and eyes are beautiful when they shine with love and kindness.

Many people in the world have a statue of liberty tattoo. At the same time, not all of them have at least some relation to the United States. The statue itself was erected in New York, on about. Freedom. This is a worldwide symbol of the ideals of a democratic society that have won in the country. There are many people in the world who share these ideas and values. They come to tattoo artists to order such a sketch.

The Statue of Liberty

If you are planning similar changes on your body, we recommend that you read a short description of this tattoo. We have collected information about symbolism, existing sketches. There are also options in which styles you can make an image. This is not so much a guide to action, but a set of useful data that will help you make a choice.

Trying to understand the meaning of the tattoo of the statue of liberty, it is enough to turn to the history of the United States of America. The country has gone through a difficult path from a colony and a semi-recognized state, with slavery and internal conflict, to a world leader and hegemon. It seemed to be impossible. However, the very fact of the existence of the United States on the map suggests otherwise.

The tattoo statues themselves can completely copy a huge statue installed near Manhattan, or be its free interpretation. The standard version is a female figure with a torch and a book. On the head is a star-shaped crown. There is an inscription on the book, a reference to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. With one foot, Freedom tramples on the torn shackles.

Statue of Liberty Tattoo with city background

Interestingly, in America itself, the popularity of the statue and the tattoo with it is falling, while in other countries of the world it is growing. This is due to the fact that the Americans believe that they have already achieved what they want, while many nations are only striving for certain rights and freedoms of a democratic society.

However, not all clients order an image, demanding to make it canonical. If we are talking about fans of traditional ideas, they often ask for a tattoo of a statue of liberty with a flag, an American symbol - a bald eagle. Such sketches are applied by the customer, and usually occupy a large area. If you are not an American, you can use the flag and coat of arms of your country.

Statue of Liberty tattoo with American flag and eagle

When we are not talking about the exact execution, then any liberties are possible. For example, changing the original face to the appearance of a real person, or a fictional character. Often cartoon characters are drawn in the same pose, for example, Marge Simpson from the m / s "The Simpsons".

There are times when the image of a statue is used in a negative way. She is depicted with a machine gun in her hands, in a soldier's helmet. It usually signifies a person's attitude towards the militaristic foreign policy of the States. In most cases, customers are young men and women, activists of any public and political associations.

Statue of Liberty Tattoo

You can often see various non-standard items in the hands of the statue, from the iPhone to the Jedi lightsaber. This is nothing more than a person's desire to stand out, or to show their attitude to modern society.

Statue of Liberty tattoo with microphone and tape recorder in hand

An inscription next to the main image can significantly change the overall meaning of the image.

In every country in the world there are some monuments and statues that are of key importance in culture. Such colossi are constantly reminded of important things that concern every person and citizen. Brazilian Christ, arms outstretched, Motherland, Victorious Warrior, huge Buddhas. All of them carry a certain message to society and the world as a whole. Exactly the same is laid down in the Statue of Liberty.

Motherland Statue and Statue of Liberty Headless Tattoo

Values ​​may differ not only depending on the country. Different social groups also have their own interpretations. If the tattoo of the statue of liberty is done on the zone, it most likely means that the bars are not able to make a person less free in the soul. After all, the true concept of freedom is not at all the ability to go where you want and do what you want.

At the same time, the value in prison varies by country. For example, in the post-Soviet space, where people remember the Cold War, many perceive American symbols negatively. But this is not a widespread phenomenon. The image can mean a person’s desire to get free, or regret that he was behind bars.

Selecting and sketching

Numerous tattoo sketches of the statue of liberty, found on the net, confuse many salon visitors. How to find your ideal option, which would ideally suit you personally, look beautiful, harmonize with other tattoos on your body?

Many masters believe that you need to use close styles and colors. That is, if the image does not fit at all, we change its shade, redraw it in a different technique. It is not difficult to make three to five options on paper, or in Photoshop.

Someone believes that each drawing of the Statue of Liberty should be unique, other people say that there is no point in this, because there is only one original.

The color of the picture is a matter of dispute. Some people think that it should be green. But those who have seen old photographs know that this is far from the original shade. The original version is copper, and the “green” is the result of chemical reactions that the coating of copper sheets entered into. That is, the oxidation caused the red-brown surface to turn green. So both can be considered canon.

Green Statue of Liberty from Copper Oxidation

Sometimes religious people ask to give the lady on the pedestal not a tablet and a torch, but a bible and a cross, or other symbols that are traditional specifically for their beliefs. It is quite simple to do this, and tattoo artists go to meet clients who want to make adjustments to the original version.

Whether there will be a flag, coat of arms, or other signs, symbols next to it depends on what meaning is put into the image itself. It is important to remember that a statue is not just a pretentious building. It is a sign that the faith, work and struggle of people can change the course of history. After all, who would have thought that the colonists would be able to gain independence from Great Britain, and years later become one of the superpowers, pushing the former metropolis off the pedestal. Freedom is not an illusion. And your tattoo is not just a pretentious picture. She is an expression of your inner struggle. After all, the world is still not perfect, and what the ancestors fought against has not been 100% eradicated.

For this reason, many people prefer to order the development of a sketch from scratch. Some bring their sketches, or explain what the final version should look like.

Where would the Statue of Liberty tattoo look best?

American patriots and fighters for democracy around the world use the left side of the chest to apply. This means that these values ​​are in their heart. Usually the image rarely exceeds 10 - 12 cm in height. The second option is to get a tattoo on the side. There is enough space here to draw all the details.

The optimal area of ​​​​skin for a statue of liberty tattoo is the back. If it already has tattoos, ask the master to figure out how to fit a new image into the overall picture. It should be understood that if there are old green tattoos nearby, you will either have to cover them with a background, or simply redo them in the same technique and color scheme as the statue.

Statue of Liberty on the back

Another option is the thigh. The distance from the underwear line to the knee joint is large enough to fit a large vertical pattern. You can also get a tattoo on your arm - forearm, shoulder, or even wrist.

Statue of Liberty tattoo on the wrist and shoulder

Choosing a tattoo style

There are a lot of styles and their branches in the world. It is worth immediately understanding for yourself that each of them is someone's specialization. Some masters work better in realism, others prefer bright and original solutions - watercolor, new school, trash polka. Someone is still betting on old-school options. Sometimes a client wants high precision, while another salon visitor prefers a miniature in the form of a simple outline made in black paint.

A photo

Photos of tattoos of the Statue of Liberty - the national symbol of the United States on various parts of the body, made by different artists.

What is a tattoo? For one, it means a close connection with the criminal past, and for the other - just a nice picture, transferred to the skin by a skilled craftsman. Let's move away from stereotypes and let's not consider a tattoo as a stigma. Today, such drawings are firmly in vogue. Artistic tattoo

now regarded as a real art. Indeed, the creation of such a picture sometimes takes a lot of time, first-class materials, as well as the efforts of a master of the highest category.

Here are the most popular tattoos among modern personalities: bird, infinity sign, stars on the ankle or foot, Chinese style, dream catcher, stylized cats, etc. I must say that a rare person will decide on a really large-scale image. Most, alas, prefer monotonous and non-color sketches. And this sometimes turns the work of the master into a banal stamping of the same type of pictures. However, even the simplest tattoos (a bird, for example) can become a real masterpiece.

The most common place for such creativity is the wrist, shoulder blade or forearm. This tattoo is very popular among girls. They joyfully depict on the skin several black silhouettes of birds flying in a flock or one after another. But it can be much more interesting, because such a drawing carries a very deep and interesting meaning.

The image of a bird has always symbolized freedom, the flight of thought and spirit. The Egyptians put the departing soul of a person after his death into the image of a hawk. Vultures and crows are also a kind of personification of the gloomy side and dark mysticism. As you can see, not all such tattoos (a bird in this case can mean almost anything) carry a positive charge. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the sketch.

It is best to depict a specific bird. You can choose a realistic technique or add dark outlines so that the tattoo does not lose its brightness and clarity over time. But let the drawing be sure to be interesting and specific. Then it will immediately become purely individual.

Let's say you like Birds in this case should be very small, and small details are extremely difficult to draw. Therefore, stop your choice on one character. It will look much brighter and clearer. What bird to choose?

The stork is a symbol of eternal life, as well as the devotion of children to their parents. This noble bird has very strict and pleasant features. Therefore, her image is perfect as a tattoo.

Sparrow - sexual energy, sexual activity. In China, this lively bird carried a very specific meaning. Therefore, when making (a bird or someone else), be sure to first find out their true meaning. After all, this part of the body is almost always in sight.

If you want to decorate your body with positive designs, then in this regard, the best tattoos are a dove bird, a swallow, and also a crane. Don't pretend to be a swan. In some interpretations, it means tragedy and even death. But the banal chicken in Africa has always been associated with a conductor in So this bird is not so simple as it seems at first glance. For a man, an eagle is the best choice. This is a sign of honor, courage and pride. And the owl will get along well with a well-read and erudite personality.

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare version of the tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make tattoos of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a good soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high degree of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.