Army wall newspaper for the new year. School newspaper for the new year

MEGA-ART company offers the following elements of New Year's decoration:

Poster for window dressing and entrance groups

Banner and billboards for decorating building facades and interior design

Greeting card, both with the proposed design, and with individual

Sticker and window sticker

State symbols (flag, coat of arms)

Individual decoration with balloons for the New Year

Light design

Illumination of trees (duralight, clip-light)

Spruces and Christmas decorations (balls, garlands, tinsel)

Inflatable and illuminated Christmas figures

In Russia, from the time of the introduction of Christianity, the chronology began either from March or from the day of Holy Easter. In 1492, Grand Duke John III approved the decision of the Moscow Cathedral to consider September 1 as the beginning of the year.

In addition, it is important to say that until 1700, Russia kept count of the years "From the Creation of the World." But this did not last long. Russia began to establish ties with Europe, and such a "time difference" was very disturbing. In 7207 (from the creation of the world, of course), Peter I resolved all calendar inconveniences in one fell swoop. Referring to the European peoples, he issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-man and January 1 instead of September 1. Celebrating the New Year on September 1 was simply forbidden.

On December 15, 1699, to the beat of a drum, the tsar’s clerk announced to the people the will of the tsar: that, as a sign of a good undertaking and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ordered “through the large passing streets, and noble people in front of the gates to make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. And for poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or branch over the gate. And so that it ripens by the 1st number of 1700 of this year; and to stand for that decoration of Invar (i.e. January) until the 7th day of the same year. On the 1st day, as a sign of fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when fiery fun begins on Red Square and there will be shooting.

The decree recommended, if possible, to everyone in their yards using small cannons or small guns "to shoot three times and fire several rockets." From January 1st to January 7th "at night, light fires from firewood, or from brushwood, or from straw." On December 31 at 12 am, Peter I went to Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky.

I must say that the new New Year's customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another Christmas holiday. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, tricks of mummers, sleigh rides, midnight divination and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the New Year's ritual.

From now on and forever this holiday was enshrined in the Russian calendar. This is how the modern New Year came to us.

Company "Mega-Art" congratulates you on the holiday!

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Traditionally, in various educational institutions and often in the offices of companies, congratulations are posted for the holidays in the form of wall newspapers, which they try to decorate creatively, brightly and colorfully. This is how a wall newspaper should be for the New Year, created with your own hands to cheer up the whole team.

The one who was born with a brush and paints in his hands is lucky. You can draw any suitable plot, different characters. You don’t always want to paint a congratulation, sometimes you just want to turn a wall newspaper into a colorful and memorable poster

There is no limit to creativity, as well as to perfection - you should not treat the creation of congratulations on paper as a boring obligation. The efforts made to design the poster and the words chosen from the heart will cheer you up and create an atmosphere of an approaching good holiday.

Do not worry if you are entrusted with the creation of New Year's greetings on paper. Today there are many ways and means for those who do not consider themselves an artist.

How to follow the rules for creating a New Year's poster or wall newspaper

Before embarking on an important task, you should decide on your skills, abilities and capabilities. It just seems that he took a pencil, applied a few strokes of paint and the masterpiece is ready. In order for people to actually admire the creation on paper, one should work hard.

We choose in which technique the work will be. If possible, someone will want to include scrapbooking elements in the poster, which greatly simplifies the matter. Someone is more interested in just drawing an interesting plot and coloring it, and who will go further and combine several different techniques on paper, such as origami, appliqué, quilling and others.

If a full-fledged informative wall newspaper is meant, then photographs of the collective, class, group are used to decorate and design it. With the ability, instead of photographs, you can draw cartoons, caricatures, recognizable silhouettes of participants.

Information blocks include material about the successes of both the team and individual individuals, summing up the results of the outgoing year, information about upcoming events.

Interest in a wall-mounted colored newspaper will be stronger if it contains an interactive block with a fun contest and awards for winners. It would be even better if a separate envelope is allocated for this.

The principle of creating any wall newspaper is simple:

Depending on the technique, the amount of space allocated for drawings is regulated.

We select ready-made templates for creating a New Year's wall newspaper

In the age of technology, it is not a sin to use a printer and a computer. Neat and beautiful posters have long been created and are waiting to be downloaded and printed.
How to print a large wall newspaper if the format is one sheet in an A4 printer. To do this, we go to the print settings through the keyboard shortcut CTRL + P. In the window that opens, we need to get to the "Parameters", uncheck the "Multi-page" item and select "Print poster". We choose the size and get a small puzzle from the sheets of the future wall newspaper.

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How to make a New Year's wall newspaper for kindergarten

In the kindergarten, children always look with interest at the wall newspaper “Happy New Year!” Made by their own hands. Educators, parents and children can take part in its creation. The kids are entrusted with the setting of handprints and fingers smeared in gouache, the older children are given scissors in their hands and help to make decorative elements. Parents admonish children, draw, color. Such collective work brings together and helps to tune in to the festive positive.

In creating a poster, you can also use different techniques and decorate the work with tinsel, rain, carved snowflakes and sparkles.

Wall newspapers for the New Year: what to hang on the wall in an educational institution

School, college, institute - everywhere students will be pleased to admire the bright cheerful posters for the New Year. Even if a student pretends not to notice such art, this is not so: on the contrary, there is an interest in other people's work, and who knows, maybe there will be more wall newspapers next year? Schoolchildren are even more willing to get involved in the work, you just need to help them choose content, an image and suggest successful ways to implement their ideas.

We select images and content

A wide range of images are suitable for children of different ages. If teenagers aged 13-14 pretend that Santa Claus is something completely childish, and they are already adults, then students joyfully draw not only the Snow Maiden, but also give names to all the deer on the poster.


Do you need to make a New Year's wall newspaper? And you don't know where to start? Then stay with us and find out everything. Our ideas and templates will help you prepare your school wall paper for the year of the rooster.

So, so - have you done your homework yet? Which task? But didn’t they tell you in kindergarten and at school to make a wall newspaper for the new year 2017 with your own hands? New templates for the wall newspaper will help you complete the task and get five for it. Our authors have collected the most useful and interesting information so that you can easily do everything quickly and efficiently. And so, let's look.

To start making a wall newspaper, you need to think about the rules for yourself that will help you do everything efficiently and quickly. For example, you must clearly know what will be on your version of the wall newspaper. We have a plan that might work for you. Let's get a look.

1. The first is a beautiful inscription at the top in the middle. The inscription is a kind of table of contents, like a book. Here you can think about what to write. For example, like this: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Or on a larger scale: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Decide for yourself, we did this:

2. Next, we need to think about what inscriptions will be made on the wall newspaper. These are poems, congratulations, riddles or toasts. You can choose everything, but then the question is where to put it all? We offer to dwell on congratulations and poems. Congratulations can be written directly under the numbers 2017, and poems can be placed on the sides. Approximately like this:

At the same time, we highlighted the place where congratulations are written. Go ahead.

As you can see, we have decorated the top of the wall newspaper. Branches of a Christmas tree with toys were drawn in the upper corners. And near the inscription there are twigs with cones. Now let's decorate the bottom.

4. Our wall newspaper is almost ready, but it lacks the main characters of the new year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees and the symbol of the year - the rooster. Let's fix the situation.

It is known that nothing more than a wall newspaper is considered a model of mass congratulations. Today, many educational institutions, as well as families, prepare these crafts at home. After that, the congratulations are posted for everyone to see. The wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig 2019 may contain various pictures, poems, as well as congratulations.

This decoration is a traditional custom in which both adults and children can participate. But before you start designing such a New Year's greeting, you need to think in advance how to make this newspaper original and informational by the New Year 2019.

Important design considerations

Usually, whatman paper is used to create this masterpiece, where the entire plan of information is thrown with a simple pencil, and then colored paints are used. Drawings and inscriptions should be bright and clear. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare improvised tools for this and come up with a theme, since templates, pictures and inscriptions will depend on this.

Improvised means for making wall newspapers:

- gouache paints of different colors;
- markers;
- a simple pencil;
- eraser;
- scissors;
- stationery glue;
- ruler;
- pictures-samples for copying them on whatman paper;
- photos or templates for registration;
- watercolor paints;
- colored paper;
- colored cardboard;
- brushes of different thickness;
- container for water;
- New Year's accessories for decoration (sequins, rain, snowflakes, tinsel, serpentine).

holiday decoration decoration

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 can be done in various styles. All this will depend on where it will be attached, if in the office, then you can prepare photos of all employees in advance. If this masterpiece is being prepared for school, then it is better to take characters from Russian folk tales and use them to create an original image of congratulations. The wall where this work will be attached is decorated with multi-colored tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

After the theme is thought out, it is necessary to apply an auxiliary layout on the paper. Moreover, New Year's posters are prepared in exactly the same way. First you need to distribute where and what will be located. That is, using a simple pencil, draw a title and mark the places where photos, drawings and inscriptions will be located.

There should not be much free space, but if you go out like this, then you need to either stick it there or draw beautiful patterns. In the very center there should be a bright congratulation, which should not be too long. Closer to the edge are spruce branches depicting bright and beautiful Christmas decorations.

After that, you can post photos or fairy-tale characters. Poems, as well as congratulations, should be placed randomly all over the sheet, so the New Year's wall newspaper will look much more attractive. In the middle, they usually leave a little space so that each of those who wish can leave their wishes or congratulations.

Posters for the New Year are an integral part of the celebration, you just need to consider where it will be hung. After all, sometimes such a decoration is prepared specifically for the home, and then, interesting family photos can be fixed there. You can also come up with small quatrains in the form of rhymes for them.

For information, you can put interesting facts on the poster for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, which may relate, for example, to the predecessor of the year or New Year's traditions, as well as customs. Do not exclude riddles, proverbs and signs that are associated with such a wonderful holiday.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 do-it-yourself templates can be made of colored cardboard. A three-dimensional drawing can be made for the ruler of the coming year. Made by the Pig will fit perfectly in the middle of the wall newspaper. Around this wonderful bird, you can write congratulations for each employee of the enterprise and hang a selected small photo next to it.

The wall newspaper for the New Year should be designed correctly and not have spelling errors, so you should first write everything with a simple pencil, and then whoever has beautiful handwriting can simply circle all the letters. Anyone who knows how to draw beautifully can draw letters in some fabulous style, because it is not uncommon for people to have artistic talents.

You can also show your artistic talent for fairy-tale characters. To do this, you will need colored paper, glue, scissors, a simple pencil and an eraser. Further, on the reverse side of multi-colored paper, elements of fairy-tale characters are drawn, which are then carefully cut out and pasted onto whatman paper. You can use velvet cardboard or the same colored paper, then the drawn characters will not need to be painted.

If there are no artistic skills, then templates and stencils will come to the rescue. The symbol of the year can be drawn using a template, and then beautifully decorated. Also, do not forget about Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, who must certainly be on such an artistic masterpiece. Snowflakes, Christmas trees, New Year's toys, all this should fit on the wall newspaper of the New Year's plan.

Not uncommon for creativity, many artists draw various characters without a head, and then, cutting out their faces from photographs of employees, glue them to these images. It turns out very fun and interesting, such a wall newspaper will definitely cheer up everyone. You should not just portray the negative in this regard, because this masterpiece will be posted for everyone to see, and in order not to offend anyone, it is better to arrange everything in a fun and not offensive style.

Of course, knowing where it is being prepared, a wall newspaper can offer a lot of interesting ideas. Also, make auxiliary blanks in advance and then arrange everything at the highest level. After all, it is not uncommon for such a trifle to bring a lot of joy and gives a good pre-holiday mood. And wherever such a wall newspaper is posted, it will always come in handy, by the way, and will be interesting.

The New Year is getting closer and closer - a holiday that the whole world is waiting for with impatience and awe. The streets of the cities are already slowly changing, in the shops they begin to hang up holiday paraphernalia and set up Christmas trees. Very soon, bright garlands will sparkle in the apartments and Christmas toys on the fluffy branches of the Christmas tree will sparkle.

Preparing for the New Year holidays is a fun and carefree time, when even adults forget about all their affairs and begin to get involved in the work. As a rule, the room is decorated with various bizarre figurines, snowflakes, tinsel, but we would like to tell you about another original way - posters.

DIY wall newspapers and posters for the New Year 2017 will help you create a unique atmosphere of a winter celebration and reveal all your talents. It is not at all necessary to be able to draw beautifully, because ready-made wall newspapers can be downloaded from the Internet. All you have to do is color and add some of your own special additions and touches to them. This article will tell you how to make a holiday poster and what to depict on it.

Posters for the New Year

Today, there are many techniques that help create magnificent drawings on whatman or canvas. If you want to surprise guests, friends and relatives with an original gift, feel free to take on the creation of a wall newspaper.

This gift option can be done both collectively and alone. The main thing is to know what you want to depict on paper. A traditional wall newspaper is made on whatman paper (the format does not matter) and large details are drawn with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils or markers.

So, to create a festive wall newspaper, you need the following set of stationery:

  • whatman;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints (watercolor, gouache), brushes, pencils, pencil, eraser, felt-tip pens, markers;
  • colored paper;
  • various pictures or photographs of people for whom this poster is being made;
  • New Year's decorations (tinsel, snowflakes, rain, sparkles, etc.).

How to arrange a wall newspaper?

First of all, you need to create a layout of the future “edition”. To do this, you must clearly imagine what will be on the drawing paper. After that, draw with a simple pencil the approximate location of all the details of the poster. Try to keep the main information in the center and immediately catch the eye. If you do not have the talent of an artist, then you can take ready-made poster layouts from the Internet, save and print them.

Coming up with the design of a wall newspaper is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Even a child can cope with this task. Turn on your imagination, and it will tell you exactly where to insert, for example, a fancy snow curl, and where the smiling face of Santa Claus.

Do not forget that on paper there should be not only drawings, but also a text part. As a rule, it includes the following materials:

  • results of the outgoing year, plans for the near future;
  • sincere congratulations in prose or verse;
  • interesting details about the life of one person or a whole team;
  • a few facts about the symbol of the coming year;
  • various interesting traditions, signs, customs and superstitions, which you should learn about on the eve of the New Year holidays;
  • and much more.

For those who know how to write in beautiful calligraphic handwriting, it will not be difficult for a marker or felt-tip pen to write whatever they want. Everyone else can use a computer and pick up some original font, type the text, print it and stick it in the selected area on the paper.

The graphic design of a wall newspaper usually consists of various thematic drawings. It can be:

  • pictures of the Rooster and all his “relatives”.
  • snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree with toys, crackers, etc.
  • photo collages - are especially popular during the design of holiday wall newspapers. You can use photos of the team, friends, relatives, all kinds of collections of pictures on the New Year theme. Practice shows that such photo collages are the most pleasant and spiritual surprise.

An additional touch in creating a New Year's poster can be decorating it with tinsel, rain or shiny sequins. So that the wall newspaper is not too colorful and sticky, it is better to glue the tinsel around the edges. In addition, to decorate such an original gift, natural material is useful: cones, pine branches, moss.

Examples of wall newspapers and posters for the New Year

new year poster to kindergarten

Many people remember the kindergarten with warmth and love. Here each of us grew up, explored the world, found friends. Traditionally, before the New Year, posters with congratulations to colleagues, parents and children are hung on the walls of the garden. It is worth noting that in a similar way you can make a poster for a school or university.

To make a New Year's poster you will need:

  • whatman format A3-A4;
  • watercolors, colored pencils and gouache;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • photos of kids, caregivers, guides;
  • various clippings from magazines, pictures from the Internet, etc.

Step 1. On the sheet, place the selected photographs or drawings on whatman paper so that they occupy an advantageous position. It is much more convenient to first choose the right place, and only then stick it.

Step 2 Label each image. For these purposes, you can use poems or prose. If you know how to come up with jokes, then also insert them into the wall newspaper.

Step 3 Give your poster a festive look. Use bright colors, felt-tip pens, multi-colored tinsel.

new year poster for parents

Do you want to surprise your parents? Make them a New Year's poster with a selection of the best photos or a beautiful poem that is sure to touch their heart.

Drawing a wall newspaper is easy, the main thing is to connect your imagination and not quit halfway through. Choose the right colors, designs, design and you will have a great holiday newspaper that you can hang at home, in the office or anywhere else.

New Year's poster for beloved or beloved

It is necessary to surround a loved one with special attention and warmth in the New Year. Of course, your soulmate will appreciate the material gift, especially if it is a thing that she has long dreamed of, and you remembered him so well. But a gift made by your own hands will please no less than a gift purchased in a store.

It is not at all necessary to take a large format paper, A3 is enough. On it you can make a selection of the most successful photos or write everything that you would like to convey to your beloved / beloved.

Let's say more, such a poster can be a surprise. By gluing a small envelope to it and putting a gift into it (this can be a certificate for visiting a massage parlor or a subscription to a spa salon), you will incredibly please and surprise your loved one.

The upcoming New Year will be the year of the Fire Rooster, therefore, when creating a wall newspaper, it is advisable to place a figurine somewhere so that it brings good luck for all 365 days.

Do not limit yourself to the standard approach to this wonderful holiday. Show all your dexterity and creativity, because originality is valued everywhere: in work, study, leisure, friendship. A New Year's wall newspaper and a poster is a great way to show how well you feel about the person (team) to whom it is intended. Don't miss your chance to please someone. Draw. You will succeed!

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