Basic wardrobe - what is it for and what does it consist of? Plain white t-shirt. Casual women's clothing

When I first started my stylistic searches, I was very passionate about the idea of ​​a capsule wardrobe. (And not only me: we still have one of the most popular search queries on our site -). At some point, it seemed to me an absolutely universal system. However, time passed, I figured out my wardrobe needs and preferences, bought a lot of good things, and the wardrobe remained scattered (more precisely, consisting of many separate parts-capsules, which were mixed together in random order and constantly caused annoyance and irritation). Now in my life the stage has come when I want minimalism - get rid of the superfluous, streamline the necessary, choose "less, but better." And this brought me back to the idea of ​​​​a single - basic wardrobe, which I am now gradually collecting.

In the roughest approximation, the basic wardrobe is the smallest possible wardrobe: several tops + several bottoms (a combination of “top and bottom” can replace dresses) + outerwear, accessories and shoes, which in the event of an atomic war of moving, a financial crisis and the inability to update the wardrobe will be enough to exist in them and fulfill all their social functions.

The first rule of a basic wardrobe that I formulated for myself: base can be any in color, style and patterns. All these canonical lists, like Evelina Khromtchenko's list, look very tempting (and beautiful), but already here questions arise.

Classic trousers and beige pumps may come in handy for an office worker from Moscow, but what should a mother on maternity leave from Jerusalem, a student from Shakhty, a local doctor from Petrozavodsk, a front-end developer from Pattaya do with them? Can they become the staple of everyone's everyday wardrobe? Of course not. The basic wardrobe should first of all take into account the lifestyle, climatic conditions, type of appearance and, in general, an understanding of who you are.

How individual should a basic wardrobe be?

There are two main approaches to the basic wardrobe. The first one is that it should consist of a rigid set of very simple and universal things (that’s why it is the base) and, in principle, the list of these things will be more or less common for everyone (hence all these canonical white shirts, pencil skirts, dress- case and so on). The second approach is that absolutely anything can be included in the base, even a tutu skirt and a T-shirt with Kurt Cobain, even a boho dress with pantaloons, there may not be black and white or there may not be other colors than black and white, the main thing is - what are you wearing. I prefer the second approach, but I think that it should be treated very carefully, and here's why.

Even if we accept as a fact that the basic wardrobe can be anything, this will only work if your personal style is expressed quite clearly (due to great awareness or character traits), and your lifestyle is moderately specific. However, what to do if you have neither a clear craving for something specific, nor a desire to stand out in some special way, nor an innate flair or observation that allow you to unmistakably snatch “your” things from the hangers? If you actually work in an office, wear a pencil skirt and just want to look normal and have a comfortable closet? Then there is the danger that after reading about the Very_Individual_Wardrobe, you will start to think, should you include boots (which you generally like) and an Indian sundress (which really suits you) in your base. And, perhaps, this approach will simply confuse your wardrobe, making it complex and non-universal. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine for yourself how bright and specific you would like to see your entire wardrobe and what deviation from the standard list you personally need.

In my opinion, the basic wardrobe can be like this:

And yet, how to understand that in all cases this is exactly the basic wardrobe, and not just random sets of things? If the basic wardrobe can be anything, why even bother compiling it? And the difference is that the base is not things, it is their combination. So that the base is just the base and you can string any images on it within the framework of your style and lifestyle, inside the base, all things must be completely combined with each other. This, in general, is the main problem of most wardrobes: there are good trousers, but only one sweater fits them, there is a warm sweater, but it only goes with a black skirt. It seems that everything matches in color, and goes, and looks stylish, but the combination algorithms are too complicated - and the wardrobe crumbles.

The common rule “when buying a new thing, imagine if you can combine it with two or three” in this case also does not work very well: if these two or three are not basic and do not make up a set, then the new purchase can lie dead with them cargo, because until the complete set, something will always be missing. Let's say I have great pants with arrows (classic, therefore, basic), they are combined with a white shirt (basic), one jacket (also basic) and shoes. Formally, the rule is observed, but I can only wear it in one combination and in one situation (trousers + shirt + jacket, formal look). it set, and not the base, despite all the outward signs of the “base thing”. But in fact, these trousers will become the base if they have a sweater (collect a more relaxed look on a cold day), a T-shirt (do the same, but with a jacket), a sequined top (go to an exhibition), a suitable coat, ankle boots of the right height (otherwise how to wear it in cold weather?), hat and so on. Then what comes to the fore is not what these things are, but how they are combined. Therefore, the basic wardrobe is easier assemble whole(for example, make a set in polyvore or a list that will become your plan, and gradually buy more things according to this plan).

Signs of a basic wardrobe

  • a single color scheme and a single style (it doesn’t matter if it’s a specific style - “boho”, “romantic”, “business” or is it your personal story - “Bonnie and Clyde”, “hipster”, “space ranger” or anything else);
  • all the tops of the base (the base, not the entire cabinet) are combined with all the bottoms of the base both in color and in shape;
  • thin alternates with voluminous, hard with soft, smooth with textured (this principle helps to avoid duplication of things that are identical in function and at the same time close the maximum possible combinations);
  • the wardrobe is self-sufficient within the framework of different situations of one season (that is, if necessary, these things can be dispensed with in the office, and on a walk, and in the theater, and at a party).

In fact, there may not be so many things in the base - 10, 12, 15, but they all make up such a rigid skeleton on which everything else is strung. Someone will be comfortable with this minimum, someone will add as much or twice as much - but both will have a reliable foundation that makes the wardrobe work.

A very rough list of basic wardrobe items

In each individual case, the composition of the wardrobe will be different (someone needs more dresses, someone needs more trousers), but if you are more comfortable focusing on lists (yes, for me), then here is the general ratio of basic wardrobe items, which I formulated from viewing numerous sets basic wardrobes. ( I remind you again that this list is just for the base - there can be at least 50 pieces / pairs of T-shirts / trousers / sweaters / sandals in the wardrobe, but among them there should be a minimum in which everything goes with everything ). And this minimum is:

  1. Tops - bottom layer (tops / t-shirts / shirt - everything to the body): 3 different items.
  2. Tops - second layer (sweaters and cardigans): 2-3 different items - something thin, something thick, something long: for example, a small tight-fitting cardigan or jumper, a large knit sweater, duster.
  3. Bottoms: 3 different items (more formal and less formal), eg jeans, trousers, skirt.
  4. Versatile quick top: for example, a basic dress or jumpsuit.
  5. Shoes: at least a pair for the season (boots, sandals) + 1 pair of universal comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, timberlands) + 1 pair of universal formal shoes (boats, pointy ballet flats, patent leather loafers - depending on the overall style).
  6. Tops - third layer (jackets and coats): at least one item per season
  7. Bags - large / backpack (less formal) and small / clutch (more formal)

Wait, you say, so little? It's a good old capsule! (Not really)

This is a capsule

How is a basic wardrobe different from a wardrobe capsule?

A capsule is a small closed system. . Moreover, additions here especially also will not get. There may be several capsules in the wardrobe. The basic wardrobe is precisely a universal skeleton that can be overgrown with meat and supplemented, such a necessary minimum for different occasions, but in order for it to work fully, not be boring, meet trends or fulfill some other goals, it needs additional accent items that, when these will not necessarily be compatible with each other.

And there is another important difference.

Basic wardrobe colors

The main paradox of the basic wardrobe is that the more monochrome and boring it is, the more diverse combinations can be made with this base.

Therefore, the ideal colors for a basic wardrobe, no matter how punning it sounds, are basic: black, gray, beige, brown, dark blue ... And the basic things themselves should be as simple as possible, without unnecessary decorative details that complicate compatibility.

For example, this base, as it may seem at first glance, belongs to a sad bore who, by the end of September, will howl with longing in these colors.

But if you remember what it is base, and not the whole wardrobe, then life becomes more fun. When there is a base that combines with each other, then you can buy a variety of things that echo in color - things to it, and they will give a lot of ready-made combinations. So, for example, a pink fur coat made of cheburashka could settle like a dead weight in any wardrobe, but in our case it can be worn with black trousers, and with leather leggings, and with a skirt, and with a white shirt, and with a coarse sweater, and with gray dress - and everything will be fine. You can take a “banana” bag without hesitation to any combination of basic things. And even the striped bell-bottoms that most women will rack their brains over in the store, calculating what to wear them with, our imaginary bore can easily fit into her wardrobe.

Of course, there are limitations here too. It is unlikely that you can add a cute retro to this base (although you can try adding something from the 1920s), it will argue with ethnicity, rustic style and so on. The set of combinations will still revolve around rock, grunge, pop art and romance, given by colors and basic things. But even in this form, this is already a lot, and for most people, three or four styles are more than enough to express themselves and not get bored.

(I made this seemingly obvious observation when I went through my entire closet and found that there were a lot of great things in it that suited me, but there was not one simple black top that would allow me to wear all my trousers. And only by drawing myself basic kit in polyvore, I saw things that need to be added).

Yes, as for "add"...

Should a basic wardrobe be expensive?

There are two main strategies for allocating your wardrobe budget (and both are logical). The first is to invest in basic items, because you will wear them more often than others, which means they should be of the highest quality, and complement them with inexpensive and short-lived, trendy or unusual items (which will quickly go out of fashion or just get bored). The second is to use the most simple and faceless basic things (including those from the mass market) and quickly change them as they wear out, and create an image with the help of more expensive designer accessories and shoes. ( It is clear that it is even better to be both healthy and beautiful, and to have the best in everything, but still most of us have to choose).

Both strategies have their own arguments, pros and cons, and which one is more appropriate in your case, only you can determine. I can only assume that if your wardrobe is focused on more demonstrative (for some reason you want to emphasize success, belonging to a certain social group or following the norms accepted in your circle), then it makes sense to choose more expensive accents (they are more noticeable). If a conservative approach is closer to you and comfort is more valuable, then most likely, investing in a base will give you what you are looking for.

Make Your Style where it is more convenient: in

After all, modern women value quality and comfort, despise and condemn overconsumption, love to read and travel. That is why in everyday clothes, many tend to look simple, but expensive.

In this article, we will tell you about everyday women's clothing, present stylish everyday looks, help you create a casual wardrobe for a girl, and show you casual clothes 2019 in a photo.

Casual women's clothing

As a rule, it is fashionable casual clothes that are the most difficult to choose. Many people throw all their strength and finances into replenishing their working wardrobe, and they treat everyday clothing style according to the residual principle. This is fundamentally wrong practice. Everyday life is a part of life, and casual stylish clothes for free time are very important.

One has only to create everyday fashionable images, and everyday life is magically transformed: immediately there is time for walks in the nearest park, holidays and sports. But don't dress up in everything you need. Many famous people go to the gym in a tracksuit, to school for a parents' meeting in a flowered dress, to an appointment with the Queen of England in a neutral-colored sheath dress that covers the knee.

Fashionable casual clothes in the photo

As you can see in the photo, everyday clothes are practical, but not banal, free, but not abusing permissiveness, light, but not frivolous, individual, but not defiant. And most importantly, it is comfortable, which is what everyone needs, regardless of occupation: whether it is working with seedlings, cycling or meeting a girlfriend.

Casual clothes 2019 (for both summer and winter wardrobes) are non-binding, do not dictate standards, are very affordable in price and far from high fashion.

It reflects your individuality, is faithful to family values, common sense and good taste, does not accept extreme sports in all its manifestations and is indifferent to eclecticism.

Fashionable casual wear 2019

Fashionable casual wear 2019, as in the collections of last season, is not aggressive and not overly sexy. Excessive tightness and spicy cutouts are for other occasions.

The most accurate description of this style is the American expression “easy to wea’r”, which means “easy to wear”. This means that the best clothes are those that are most comfortable and appropriate for the occasion.

Most likely, this look will be complemented by a roomy bag and massive jewelry. And what is great, this set will look different on each girl due to the length and texture of the jacket, the color saturation and wear of the denim or the shape of the bag. And most of all, a T-shirt and shoes bring personality to this look.

Casual stylish clothes

It is customary to distinguish four types of casual clothing: simple casual, respect casual, smart casual and chic casual.

simple casual- very "relaxed" and comfortable style. Look in this style consists of simple, unpretentious and comfortable separates (English separates - separate things that do not make up a set) - trousers made of loose, non-restricting fabric or, sneakers, jackets, etc. The fabrics are simple, easy to care for - denim, corduroy , cotton, raincoat fabrics. Lots of knitwear. More often there are monophonic things or with a slight calm pattern - it is easier to combine them with each other. As part of this style, the ability to combine and look elegant at the same time is important. The main recommendations for clothes are based rather on what is not allowed. This is not an image of an athlete, golfer or skier.

Dressing in chic casual style means wearing things as it were wrong. Combine incongruous: sports tights - with a blazer, a T-shirt with a hat, jeans - with sexy high-heeled sandals. This is really chic, available only to a fashionista who is not averse to drawing attention to herself.

Casual clothes 2019 in the photo

With respect casual and smart casual styles, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, these options carry the same desire for freedom as the first two. On the other hand, this is the style of elegant and wealthy people who prefer to wear high-quality items that emphasize their status.

Pay attention to the photo of casual clothes for girls in Respect casual and Smart casual style:

It borrows a number of its features from the classics. From her they got a lightweight version of the suit, consisting of a jacket, knitwear and a skirt or jeans, silk or cotton blouses, thin turtlenecks and pullovers, good leather shoes with low heels, high-quality accessories and jewelry.

The details are restrained, elegant, simple. The color palette is neutral, with the inclusion of trendy color in small pieces of clothing or accessories. Smart casual sets consist of fashionable separates: informal jackets, simple skirts and trousers, a lot of different knitwear.

Casual style 2019

The secret to creating casual style 2019 is quite simple. It is enough to choose comfortable and at the same time aesthetic clothes, to know the advantages and disadvantages of your appearance, to dress naturally, creating simple elegant images.

When creating everyday looks for girls, using sportswear or conscientiously copying fashion magazines will not help. The main thing is to show yourself through clothes, and not things and how expensive they are. Clothing should please, decorate, serve as a source of good mood. Self-awareness and comfort largely depend on the quality of things.

As a rule, everyday clothes consist of disparate items bought in different stores. This complicates the creation of sets, but also makes them more interesting, because it allows you to demonstrate your taste and personal style.

Jeans as casual wear for girls and their photos

Pay attention to the photo of casual clothes for girls - the number of trousers far exceeds the number of skirts and dresses. Having well-fitting, high-quality jeans in the closet solves the problem of everyday fashion by about 50%. A walk, a trip out of town, a Sunday shopping trip, a hairdresser, a visit to a friend - you will not have problems choosing an outfit if you have jeans. What is their versatility?

Firstly, they are outside the category of class. It is impossible to guess from them what social stratum you belong to and how much money you have.

Secondly well-fitting jeans make a woman sexy.

Thirdly, jeans are self-sufficient. There are almost no places where you can't go in them: change the top and accessories, and you will look different every time.

Casual fashion looks

Everyday fashionable images for weekdays are assembled on the basis of the bottom - trousers or a skirt according to the principle of layering. They are matched with matching style and color outerwear and a lot of accessories.

The urban style emphasizes naturalness, fashion and status. Quality fabrics, discreet cuts, and neutral colors contribute to the creation of elegant and comfortable sets. Together with comfort, relevance and individuality are expected. A special role is played by fashionable color and original accessories: a bag, shoes, a scarf, gloves, glasses.

In a country look, functionality and comfort are important, taking into account the climate. For picnics and nature walks, comfortable, layered and at the same time fun kits are needed. Avoid sportswear and accessories.

In the travel kit, the motto “less is better” rules. A set of easily combined comfortable clothes should not only be in harmony with the mood, but also be appropriate.

In sports style, the number of things depends on what role sport plays in your life, whether you are a member of a club, whether you often have to attend sporting events. Each sport has its own dress code, and therefore special clothing.

In the set "on the way out" along with comfort, elegance and individuality are expected. The kits will be appropriate at the opening of the exhibition, gallery, film premiere, in cafes, clubs and birthday parties.

Girl's casual wardrobe

Choose trousers or a skirt (if you don't wear trousers). Typical representatives of modern casual wear are blue jeans. Do not take a thing with a complex decorative finish and cut, as it will be very difficult to match other items of clothing with it.

We select additional things and many, many accessories

Match the basic jeans with additional pieces of clothing with which you can make sets for different looks. It can be a T-shirt, T-shirt, polo shirt in a sporty style and a blouse in a romantic style, an elegant pullover and a rough one, moccasins and ballet flats, sneakers and boots, a belt and suspenders, and socks. The main thing is that all this is good "friends" with each other in style and color. Solid colors go together more easily than prints or patterns.

Stylish casual looks for girls

To make your wardrobe meet the requirements of current fashion, and stylish everyday looks complete, add items that are interchangeable with the main ones to the set. They will allow you to create kits in other styles and images.

For example, jeans can be replaced with slacks, a denim sundress or overalls.

Images for everyday life

So that everyday wardrobe is not monotonous, we expand images for everyday life with actual things. Complete the look with outerwear and novelties of this season. With their help, the sets will look modern.

A pullover can be replaced with an angora jumper, a plain t-shirt with a printed t-shirt, a cardigan with a blazer or vest. With the help of these things, you can simultaneously develop the idea of ​​layering, put a bright accent, support one of the colors of the set.

The easiest option is to add to the kit.

everyday colors

Every season's stylish wardrobe calls for its everyday colors.

spring weather- a cocktail of warm sun, rain and evening coolness. The warmer the weather, the thinner and more concise the fabric becomes.

In summer the main thing- comfort and coolness. Therefore, light natural fabric and a minimum of effort for care.

Autumn wardrobe rule: in order not to freeze, "mix and shake" textures. All this gives richness and sensuality of sensations.

If it's winter outside you want maximum comfort. Lace, silk, organza suddenly take on a new life in combination with tweed, leather and fur.

How to make everyday look boring? How to assemble a stylish, memorable outlook from a limited set of basic things? How not to forget about individuality behind everyday life?

We will talk about all this in this article. She will reveal the secret of how to achieve all of the above by putting together a basic casual wardrobe of 10 essential items.

We've previously covered how to stay stylish in the workplace by using

Today we want to talk about street fashion and how not to get lost in the crowd of the metropolis.

By combining clothes from the basic wardrobe in casual style, you can create an endless number of new looks every day. Here are 10 things to help you get there.

"Smart" jeans

When choosing "smart" jeans, you should forget about the latest fashion trends and trends for a while, but it's better to be puzzled by how the new thing will sit directly on you. That is, it is worth buying jeans solely on the basis of the features of the figure.

So, for example, if you are the owner of long slender legs, then you can choose jeans that are very tight-fitting - skinny or slim fit. If you have slender hips, but pronounced massive calf muscles, the knee flare model that has returned to fashion is ideal for you.

If objectively your figure does not have model parameters, breeches with a low step line can always help you out.

In recent years, boyfriend jeans have gained wide popularity, which will also easily help to hide all the imperfections of the figure.

Practical advice: the simpler the model of jeans, the more versatile they will be. Plain blue jeans with flat legs are an endless source of inspiration for eternal experimenters.

Men's white shirt

Studies have shown that there is nothing more sexually attractive to men than a woman wearing his clothes. A fragile oversized girl is an image that has been repeatedly replicated and used in cinema.

So, a woman who chooses a simple boiling “boyfriend shirt” will look much more seductive in the eyes of a man than one who is dressed in a blouse with ruffles and pearl buttons.

Thanks to the simplicity and conciseness of this thing, it serves as an excellent "background" for wearing with various accessories - large metal, made of stone or fabric.

It will look equally impressive worn out or tucked into jeans. It is easy to combine it with a denim jacket or vest, with loafers or boots - a white shirt will be appropriate anytime and anywhere.

Practical advice : When choosing a women's white shirt for men, make sure it's the right length - not too short (so it can be easily tucked in) and not too long so it doesn't look like a shirt-style dress.


All kinds of wrestling shoes, "alcoholics", with a "boat" neckline - there are a great many models of T-shirts. The choice is yours. However, girls with sloping shoulders should still avoid tops with thin spaghetti straps - in this case, wrestling is best. Those who have a weakly defined waist should abandon models that are too fitted.

For any type of figure, solid-colored sleeveless and patterned T-shirts are best suited, not too narrow, but not too fuzzy - such things fit most easily into any look.

Regarding the color scheme, you can add that you should opt for the basic colors - white, black, red, blue. Ideally, you should have T-shirts of all colors of the rainbow in your wardrobe - this is not a big expense, but such a collection will incredibly expand the field for imagination in drawing up various outfits.

Practical advice: When choosing a T-shirt, pay attention to the composition of the material from which it is sewn. It is best if it is a mixture of cotton and elastane - after washing, such a thing easily acquires its original appearance, lasts longer and wrinkles less.

Floor-length dress made of natural fabric

Even for an everyday and absolutely non-binding exit, the most feminine detail of the wardrobe, of course, remains the dress.

If we are talking about a basic wardrobe item that will serve as the basis for creating numerous looks, then it would be unreasonable to buy a model that is trendy or burdened with a large number of decorative elements. The golden rule applies here: "The simpler, the better."

Any type of figure and appearance will suit one of the most stylish styles of women's dresses - maxi, floor-length dress.

There are many models, materials in which a long dress in casual style can be made - in this case, it all depends on your taste preferences and internal state.

If you want to give the appearance of a flair of romance and sophistication, you should pay attention to long-sleeve models made in plain, calm colors. In case you want to achieve the image of a Turgenev girl, it is advisable to stop at the style of a dress with three-quarter sleeves, made in an exaggerated Peisan style. For this purpose, dresses in a cage or in pastel colors with a wide rich skirt are best suited.

You can also consider options for long floor-length dresses with a detachable waist, in which the bodice and skirt are made of materials of different textures and colors. Such dresses are good because they complicate the image in the right way.

Practical advice: in order for the dress to become one of the elements of everyday look, you need to choose a basic model with long or short sleeves and a stand-up collar, preferably plain. Such a dress will be easy to combine not only with shoes and sandals, it is also perfectly compatible with summer boots - eclecticism has been ruling the world catwalks for many seasons!

Jean jacket

As one of the staples of a basic casual wardrobe, a denim jacket is good for its versatility - it will be a great addition not only to a T-shirt or T-shirt - thrown over a light dress, it will be a great option to wear on a chilly evening.

If the rest of the basic wardrobe in casual style should be concise, then in the case of a denim jacket, rich decoration and a complex style can be allowed.

Lovers of needlework and hand-made things can even take on the role of a couturier and decorate the thing they like themselves. For a denim jacket, any finish is perfect - lace, rivets, spikes, rhinestones, buttons - an inexhaustible source for creativity. So, you can transform the traditional "denim" beyond recognition.

With the onset of the first cold weather, you will appreciate the transforming models with a detachable fur collar or lining.

Optionally, a denim jacket can be replaced with a vest or a denim shirt. But ideally, all three options should be present in your wardrobe - this way you will significantly expand the number of images created using these things.

Practical advice: when purchasing a denim jacket or vest, make sure that its shade does not have a yellow or green undertone. It is better if it is a classic color: blue, ultramarine, indigo, dark blue.

Light jumper

Sweaters, sweatshirts, pullovers ... There are a great many options for a warm women's sweater. However, a jumper will look really stylish on city streets.

Strictness in this case is useless, because today we are talking about casual style. Therefore, it is worth sweeping away the black immediately. As well as other dark colors - brown, dark blue, terracotta.

In any case, a jumper for a basic wardrobe should be chosen in a solid color. It would be most rational to stop at things in the base color - white, gray, milky, mint - so you will not be forced to rush every time in search of a “bottom”, a scarf or a shade of lipstick suitable for it.

Alternatively, you can opt for a jumper in a bright color that matches your skin tone and hair.

Practical advice: do not choose models that are too long, similar to tunics, and also with flared sleeves. It would also be wise to steer clear of jumpers in nude or pale pink, as these shades tend to blend in with the skin tone. And for our purposes, it is not considered to look like a mannequin stripped to the waist.


A girl who does not have a single cardigan in her wardrobe is unlikely to be able to consider herself a fashionista in the full sense of the word. Over the years, this sweater model has undergone so many transformations that it is no longer associated with the older generation. On the contrary, it has become an essential attribute of a stylish city dweller.

A variety of styles, materials and styles in which modern cardigans are made will allow any woman to choose this part of a basic wardrobe in a casual style.

There is no simpler and at the same time universal way to warm up and hide excess volumes or curves of the figure at the same time.

In addition, a cardigan will help to easily complement any image, adding layering to it.


Such a thing will not take up much space in, but in the cool evening hours it will become a real lifesaver, adequately replacing a jacket or sweatshirt worn over an already completed outfit.

And if you feel confident in creating sets of several items of clothing, we advise you to go even further in your fashion experiments and form your own personal one.

And finally, we cannot but recall the parting words that the fashion guru said Evelina Khromtchenko: “Be sure to have a set of clothes “for yourself” in your wardrobe. You can wear it for your own pleasure - for communication and meetings with friends. Calm tones, layering without emphasizing the waist - all this contributes to your comfort.

Do not try to assemble a complete wardrobe in one style. It is better to make several fashionable images for different occasions. To sort out your closet with clothes and understand what you are missing and what you need to get rid of, use this algorithm:

  1. Think about the main life scenarios in which you participate, for example: office work, training in the gym, meeting with friends, dating, snowboarding, parties, active walks on weekends, etc.
  2. Open the closet and take a close look at your clothes and shoes. Try to make kits that are suitable for each item in your scenarios. You will immediately see what is missing!
  3. In order not to be bored, invite your sister or girlfriend to visit and ask them to help you sort out your wardrobe and form your own style. Try on everything you have and take a photo.
  4. After the photo session, you will have a visual aid that demonstrates the current state of affairs. Feel free to get rid of things that spoil your figure, look out of place and just don't like you. Put them in boxes and take them to a charity, you can easily find on the Internet where things are accepted in your city.
  5. Now there is room in the wardrobe for new, stylish sets! We have compiled a simple guide to this year's fashion trends. Watch and decide what is right for you.

Basic clothing styles for girls 2016

  • Linen style. Get a slip dress, which will be the best option for romantic dates. It can be both black and pastel colors.
  • Sports chic. Even if you are far from sports yet, a pair of trendy sneakers should definitely be in your wardrobe! After all, they can be worn everywhere, combining not only with sportswear, but also with dresses and formal suits.
  • Boho. Romantic floor-length dresses, hats, cozy knitted cardigans, careless curls... Delicate and trendy looks for every day!
  • Classic business style. Every year, designers offer us something new for the office, because we spend the most time at work. A fun way to diversify your office routine is to mix prints with polka dots, stripes, plaid and houndstooth, as many fashion bloggers do!
  • Minimalism. Do not like a lot of things and accessories? Pay attention to interesting things with an unusual cut, not overloaded with details and prints. Minimalist coats, dresses, trousers and shirts go well with flat shoes like loafers.
  • 70s. A relaxed look in the style of the 70s is now at the height of fashion! Long skirts, suede jackets and fringed bags are perfect for a spring walk in the park or dinner with friends.
  • 90s. Like the 70s, this era is now experiencing a rebirth. Do you miss those days? Create

Choosing an image, a self-respecting girl pays attention to fashionable bows 2017, photos, for every day the style should be original and feminine. The modern lady is not only beautiful, she works, takes care of children, goes on romantic dates. Therefore, the choice of clothing corresponds to an active lifestyle.

In the fall of 2017, you need to purchase a denim dress, a leather skirt, a trench coat or a cardigan and comfortable shoes for the arsenal. If you learn how to combine things, you will certainly get a bright original image for home, office and just shopping.

Fashionable colors of clothes

Choosing the right wardrobe is the basis of a woman's success. Comfortable stylish clothes for every day awakens femininity, beauty and style. However, it is not enough just to buy clothes from new collections. You should be able to combine colors, complement bows with the necessary accessories.

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary that there are red clothes in the closet. Hue doesn't matter. It is different for every woman, but stylists recommend paying attention to the Aurora Red color. It has a restrained brightness, saturation and taste.

In the green scale, you need to pay attention to the shade "juicy meadows". This color has a cold undertone and is darker than grass, but it looks aristocratic.

Don't forget about shades of pink. Lilac-violet, mustard clay and just spicy mustard are the choice of modern designers.

Advice!When creating a stylish look in 2017, you can combine 2-3 shades. However, you should not forget about multi-colored prints. They are at the peak of their popularity.

Denim in a new way

Every girl has jeans in her wardrobe. Often not even alone, because they are comfortable, fashionable and affordable. However, in 2017, designers insist that femininity should not be hidden. Therefore, the main trend of the season is a denim dress.

The denim dress became popular back in the forties thanks to the designer Claire McCardel. Her model was in the form of a hoodie with large pockets and a wrap. Since then, a lot of variations of a convenient thing have appeared.

This fall, you can buy a denim dress of any shade and style. It is self-sufficient, so it does not need additional accessories. The main thing is to pay attention to shoes. Sandals with thick heels or stilettos are perfect. An open toe with a beautiful pedicure always attracts the eyes of men, as does a slender leg. Pumps are versatile, so they will also be a good combination.

In 2017, it is important to wear dresses in tandem with sneakers, sneakers and even cowboy boots. The low travel is comfortable for the modern woman and the bow is perfect for everyday tasks.

If, nevertheless, a flat sole does not fit, stylists recommend returning to low-heeled ankle boots in the fall. Their style depends on the type of denim dress. The classic version is suitable for any tailoring.

A jacket can be supplemented with a straight dress without details in the form of buttons, locks, belts. White goes with a light shade. For dark and saturated, black, raspberry and even coral are selected. The bow is completed with graceful sandals. Heel height should be medium.

In 2017, it is important to wear dresses in tandem with sneakers, sneakers and even cowboy boots.

A short denim dress looks harmonious with a black leather jacket. Also, there will be no superfluous denim jacket. Bust in the material is not terrible. A stylish bow is complemented by brown moccasins.

A popular option is knee-length, as well as a shirt dress. They go great with pumps, sneakers, slip-ons and sandals. Straw hats and handbags are chosen as an accessory. Straw is replaced with brown suede. This is a more practical option. Originally choose an envelope with a leopard print.

Advice!The ideal accessories for a denim dress are a leather belt, silk scarves in rich colors and horn-rimmed glasses.

Everyone should have a leather skirt

Women all over the world have long preferred leather trousers, jackets, dresses. Finally it's time for the skirts.

The presence of a leather skirt in the wardrobe does not speak of the promiscuity of the girl, but of sexuality and style. Moreover, there are different styles that are suitable for any event.

The classic version is a black leather skirt. It is recommended to combine it with a gray jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan. A sporty look will turn out if you add stylish red sneakers. Business women come to the rescue pumps.

The black top looks elegant and sexy at the same time. Among the options are a blouse, a turtleneck, a leather jacket, a sweatshirt. White color, by the way, thanks to the contrast, also looks very good. Therefore, if there is a white blouse in the wardrobe, hurry up to put it on under a black leather skirt.

The black and white stripe has been relevant for several seasons. Do not put off striped t-shirts and tops in a distant drawer. They look great on skin.
If the girl is extraordinary, a pale blue jumper, mustard shirt or dark green blouse can become an eye-catching element.

Style Tips:

  • With a pencil skirt, a translucent or silk plain blouse looks elegant. The image is suitable for office and evening events. A replacement can be a top, complemented by a jacket. You can emphasize audacity by choosing a T-shirt with a cheerful print. For a warm autumn, an attractive bow is obtained with a crop top. Unusual fabrics and textures will attract attention and diversify everyday life, so do not forget about lace and voluminous sweaters.
  • A short leather skirt does not look vulgar if you choose a closed top. Balance ensures comfort. A long sleeve blouse, an elongated cardigan, a denim jacket are ideal. You can experiment with prints. Tight tights, a leather skirt and a warm sweater are the best choice for this season.

  • A sun skirt of different lengths looks great in tandem with any blouses. Shoes can be chosen with or without heels. The bright colors of the skirt form a stylish combination with plain tucked shirts.
  • A leather A-line skirt looks no less interesting than the previous options, along with a translucent blouse, denim shirt, loose top, T-shirt, striped jumper, turtleneck.

Advice!In the cold season, under a leather skirt, it is better to wear not nylon tights, but warm ones. They pair perfectly with any top and are very trendy for fall/winter 2017.

Raincoat - a constant companion in the offseason

In a classic style, you can wear a skirt, trousers, dresses under a raincoat.

Disco-style raincoats are designed in the style of the 70s and 80s. Wide turn-down collars, shortened to mid-thigh, hoods are ideally complemented by outrageous colors. Daring provocative models are the undoubted market leader in 2017. Such raincoats become the basis of the outfit and look most impressive with clothes of the same style (flared trousers, jeans, maxi skirts, platform shoes).

Girls who do not like to stand out from the crowd will do well in a military-style raincoat. It fits into a classic everyday look. Feminine outfits luxuriously complement this integral part of the wardrobe.

We must not forget about the new fabric solution for raincoats - multi-colored thin leather. The trendy asymmetric cut will give individuality to the image, character and special style. White skin looks noble and extravagant.

Advice! Under the coat, you can wear any shoes that are comfortable. Even sneakers will do. In combination with a short leather skirt, the bow will be unsurpassed.

Trench - stylish, fashionable and beautiful

For modern girls, stylists recommend choosing a trench coat. It is comfortable, protects from cold and wind and can be combined with different styles of clothing. Designers present a variety of prints and colors, so it is not difficult to choose an individual thing.

The classic model, which came from the last century, firmly occupies a leading position among the novelties in the fashion world. The product is most often made in beige or flesh color from genuine leather.

Woolen trench coats look stylish. They are warm and stylish at the same time, suitable for any type of appearance. The color varies from white, gray, black to beige shades.

A summer trench coat of any color gives lightness and freshness to the image. It is in harmony with denim shirts and blouses.

In the fall of 2017, it is the beige color of the trench coat that is the most relevant. It looks good on any figure and goes well even with white sneakers. Denim shirts make the look bold and original.

In the fall of 2017, it is the beige color of the trench coat that is the most relevant. It looks good on any figure

A stylish bow in combination with a trench coat is a dress made of light fabric. The fashionable midi length and the contrasting color of the trench coat will indicate the owner's courage and good taste.

Advice! The trench coat goes well with summer shoes, but it is better to give preference to seasonal models.

Women's handbag: a choice in favor of size or beauty?

A girl can not do without a handbag. Lipstick, phone, napkins are always at hand for a true lady. Therefore, the choice of this accessory should be treated with extreme caution.

In the autumn-winter 2017 period, the choice of futuristic prints, fur or other original finishes will especially please. Romantic personalities will love a chain clutch, small semi-circular bags and retro models.

In the autumn-winter 2017 period, the choice of futuristic prints, fur or other original finishes will especially please

Clutches have become so commonplace in everyday life that it has become fashionable to take them with you, even when the bow is sporty. Miniature products are suitable for attending fun parties. Rich fittings and decor will complement the image of a stylish girl.

Among the functional accessories, the first place in 2017 is occupied by backpacks. They are available in different colors, sizes and styles. The winter look is achieved through fur trim. Genuine leather, metallic finishes and sequins are the choice of Versace.

Among the functional accessories, the first place in 2017 is occupied by backpacks.

Suitcase bags stand out this season with clear lines, short handles and square or rectangular shapes. Suitcases, regardless of trends, can be of different sizes, but unusual shapes with an extraordinary color are welcome.

Advice! Fashionable and modern to carry the bag open. Therefore, when choosing an accessory, you should give preference to a variety of zippers and locks.

Fashion accessories in 2017

What distinguishes a woman from a man is her love of jewelry. Small details added to the image attract attention, emphasize romance and beauty. The autumn-winter 2017 season will not do without accessories:

  • the brooch is back in fashion and looks great on a jacket, dress and even a jumper;
  • pearls today adorn not only the girl’s neck, but also her hands, ears and even legs;

Multirings - a kind of brass knuckles on a gypsy motif
Natural stone perfectly diversifies the daily bow Large pendants of different styles, the main thing is a huge size

When choosing accessories this season, you need to remove modesty, restraint and meekness. Conciseness is also out of fashion. It is necessary to emphasize individuality and attract the attention of people around.

In the choice of accessories in the fall-winter 2017, the main thing is the size. Huge jewelry is on trend. They emphasize the originality, extravagance and originality of the owner.