What does a pregnant woman feel before childbirth. Nutrition before childbirth for a few weeks. Three phases of labor

Without exception, all mothers are concerned about the date of the upcoming birth. And it is impossible to give an absolutely exact answer to it. Even if a woman knows the date of fertilization up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors that affect the birth of a child.

Doctors believe that a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. Based on this period, they calculate the date of birth. There are several ways to calculate the date of birth of the baby. For example, this can be easily determined by menstruation. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This will be the possible date of birth.

There are also ways to calculate the day of the upcoming birth, which are available only to the doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and the volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not give full confidence in the correct determination of the date of birth of the child.

Now doctors are increasingly inclined to the conclusion that dividing children into full-term and premature babies does not make sense. They explain this by the fact that if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing to worry about if the child is born a little earlier or a little later than the due date. The main thing is that the child should be physically ripe for birth by this moment. Therefore, pregnancy is now considered normal, occurring in the period from 35 to 45 weeks.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur.

1. Breathing becomes easier

As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing becomes easier. Heartburn may go away. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking becomes a little more difficult. After the child has moved down, a woman may experience difficulty sleeping, at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

2. Change in appetite

Appetite may change just before childbirth. Often the appetite decreases. It is good if a woman at this time trusts her intuition more when choosing products. You shouldn't eat for two.

3. Weight loss

Before childbirth, a woman may lose some weight. The body weight of a pregnant woman can decrease by about 1-2 kg. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before childbirth, the body must be flexible and plastic.

4. "Omission" of the abdomen

A woman may notice that the stomach has shifted down. The "omission" of the abdomen occurs due to the lowering and insertion of the presenting part of the fetus into the entrance of the small pelvis and the deviation of the bottom of the uterus anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic area. In primiparas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before delivery. In re-children - on the eve of childbirth.

5. Sudden change of mood

The woman is looking forward to her time. She can’t wait to give birth (“hurry up.”). The mood may "suddenly" change. Mood changes are largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. A woman prepares to meet a baby: she sews, cleans, washes, tidies up. Just please don't overdo it.

6. Frequent urination and defecation

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of a woman, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Like before an exam.

7. Pain in the lower back

After the child is shifted down, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the sacroiliac connective tissue.

8. Change in the motor activity of the fetus

The baby can calm down a little, then move very actively. He, as it were, chooses the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.

9. Irregular uterine contractions

After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Perceptible, but irregular uterine contractions in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman may feel certain contractions a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then, as a rule, they do not mean the onset of labor at all.

10. There are three main signs of childbirth:

The beginning of childbirth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From that moment on, the woman is called a woman in labor. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy, pressure can be felt all over the abdomen. The importance of the feature is not in the very fact of contraction, but in its rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (other periodicity is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. Between contractions, the abdomen is relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, you should try to rest.

- Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - mucous plug. The mucus plug can go away 2 weeks before delivery, and maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the onset of uterine contractions to dilate the cervical canal - thus expelling the mucus plug. The mucus plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of the mucous plug is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Discharge of colorless, yellowish, or slightly blood-stained, slightly pink mucus may occur.

- Discharge of water. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water slowly flows out. It can break suddenly, then the waters "gush in a strong stream." From time to time this happens before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. More often this occurs in multiparous. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. If the waters receded immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions, you should go to the family home immediately!

Childbirth as it happens

Every woman starts labor differently. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "quickly", that is, the contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. In the third, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although all women develop and proceed in their own way, there are some points that are the same for most women.

Has it started?

The long wait should soon end - the mother will be able to press the baby to her chest. She is happy, but as the deadline approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Can pain be relieved?

There are a lot of questions about the upcoming birth of a young woman who has not given birth before. Of course, this process is different for everyone. Many pregnant women begin to feel restless the day before labor starts, sometimes experiencing palpitations, fever, or headaches. In some people, painless uterine contractions may intensify or appear for the first time. There may be an upset bowel or an increase in pressure, the appearance of pain in the back, in the lower abdomen or in the bones of the pelvis. In most cases, there is an increase in mucous secretions, including with ichor - the discharge of the so-called mucous plug.

It comes on suddenly

However, there may not be any precursors - in some cases, childbirth begins suddenly, with the onset of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that help open the cervix and gradually move the baby forward through the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic pulling pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, which becomes more regular and stronger. If the contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it's time to get ready for the hospital. If the maternity hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, do not try to drag out time while waiting, for example, for your husband (or mother) from work - immediately call a specialized ambulance.

It is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby's head through the uterine os and the birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but, experiencing it, the woman gains confidence that the matter is moving forward vigorously. When attempts are added to contractions, the final period of the birth of a child begins. During attempts, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push with all her might (at this moment she needs to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor in charge of childbirth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. Understandably, contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods of pain relief.

Dispelling fears

Some women in labor are afraid that they will not be able to cope with labor pains, and therefore they ask for pain relief in advance. As with a normal headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out into the fresh air, others immediately grab the medicines.

It is good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And future mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively, as before - they can consciously influence the birth process. For a pregnant woman, it is important to find out in advance what kind of help this or that clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with a gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and inspire firm confidence in a successful outcome.

In this article:

Carrying a child is a long and emotionally intense process. By the end of the term, a pregnant woman may experience a variety of sensations. Ahead of the main moment - the day of childbirth. It is usually preceded by physiological and psychological changes. The body is gaining strength before childbirth and itself suggests that soon everything will happen.

The psychological state of a woman

Usually, before childbirth, emotional sensations slow down, a woman becomes absent-minded, drowsy and forgetful. Mood swings are frequent: sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you laugh with happiness. Accumulated fatigue and a long wait leads to a desire to bring the onset of labor closer.

Many expectant mothers before childbirth are seized by a strong desire to equip a home, clean everything to a shine and wash, rearrange furniture. This is due to the subconscious desire to bring a newborn child to a clean and comfortable home. And also to occupy yourself with some kind of work and drive away fears and bad thoughts. Indeed, the course of the process of childbirth itself largely depends on the emotional state of a woman. Fear is known to increase muscle spasm and make cervical dilation more difficult.

Physiological state

1-2 weeks before delivery, the abdomen drops. A woman can see this for herself by looking at herself in the mirror. The fetus descends lower to the pubis, the pressure on the stomach and diaphragm becomes less. Before giving birth, it becomes easier to breathe. But now there may be discomfort in the pubic area and numbness in the bend of the thigh and leg. A woman's gait a week before giving birth may change - become more clumsy.

It becomes too crowded for a grown child. His activity is going down. Since his head is close to the cervix, he can only move his arms and legs. Sometimes the day of childbirth begins immediately after the moment of prolapse of the abdomen.

The pressure of the fetus on the bladder increases before childbirth, and the woman experiences frequent urge to urinate. Another sign of approaching childbirth is the frequent and thinning of the stool.

An increased amount of vaginal discharge indicates the imminent approach of the day of childbirth. The surest sign is the discharge of a cork - a colorless lump of dense mucus, sometimes with a small amount of blood. The state of the cervix is ​​changing, it is preparing for disclosure.

Before the onset of childbirth, a woman can lose a couple of kilograms in weight. The body gets rid of excess water. There may not be any weight loss, but weight gain stops before childbirth.

Pain that portends the day of childbirth

A few weeks before the day of delivery, pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back, characteristic during menstruation, may appear. This is due to stretching of the ligaments and muscles.

Weak training contractions are also characteristic before childbirth - but they are usually painless and are irregular. The sensations with them are similar to the petrification of the uterus.

What sensations can be the day before childbirth?

Most often, there is a lull before childbirth. All their harbingers subside. To the question of what a woman felt on the day before the birth, they often answer: nothing!

On the day of childbirth, there may be slight pain - this indicates the beginning of contractions. They can be long lasting. If they have a growing character, you can not hesitate - you must immediately go to the hospital.

No one can know the exact date of birth. A pregnant woman should listen to her body. His physiological changes and emotional sensations will tell you when an important moment is close.

Useful video about the last week before childbirth

The last weeks of pregnancy, starting from 36-37 weeks, are already considered the prenatal period. Now the baby can be born at any time. Therefore, pregnant women have various experiences and fears.

Some are afraid of pain, others that they have not completed the necessary preparations, and still others of sudden childbirth. Therefore, you should know all the actions of a woman in the prenatal period.

At that time a pregnant woman's body is preparing for childbirth, the fetus is formed and ready to be born.

From the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, doctors advise to undergo sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to cleanse pathogenic microflora and ensures cleanliness during childbirth.

Herpes, STDs, or thrush increase the risk of babies being infected during childbirth.

If there is even the slightest inflammation, then the woman in labor risks getting a crack in the mucosa. With pathogenic microflora, there is always inflammation.

During sanitation, pathogenic microflora is removed and normal microflora is planted. Therefore, this procedure lasts three weeks.

There are many rehabilitation methods. Each woman is selected individually. In the prenatal period, visits to the doctor should be as often as possible, at least once a week.

Each time, the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the size of the uterus and determines the position of the fetus.

There are also regular weigh-ins. Weight gain should be 9-13 kg.

But in the last days before pregnancy there is a slight weight loss. The body loses a lot of fluid and weight loss reaches up to two kilograms.

Before each visit to the doctor, a woman does a urine test to check the amount of protein and sugar. Protein is a symptom of gestosis (late toxicosis) or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, while sugar signals diabetes.

The doctor also measures blood pressure, an increase in which is a sign of preeclampsia - a strong stage of preeclampsia.

A woman needs to be examined for the last time by a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, a neurologist and an ultrasound scan. Before giving birth, I can prescribe no-shpu, suppositories with belladonna to prepare the cervix. It is prescribed for those who have given birth for the first time or have had cauterization of cervical erosion.

What do they do in the hospital before giving birth?

Shaving the pubis and enema in the hospital before childbirth is not necessary to do lately. Doctors have found that even extremely careful shaving leaves cuts through which the infection penetrates.

Therefore, pubic hair should not be shaved; it may be sufficient to shave the perineal area.
The same goes for enemas. Many experts doubt its useful effect. But you can also do this procedure so that there is no stool during childbirth. These things must be learned in advance at the hospital. Each institution may have its own rules.

You can shave your hair and do an enema with warm water and chamomile at home. Just be aware that enema stimulates labor activity.

Before giving birth, you need to find a specialist who will take delivery and maternity hospital. You need to find out if the hospital is closed for washing, how best to get there.

Also before giving birth, you must follow a strict diet. A month before childbirth, it is necessary to remove animal protein - meat, fish, eggs, butter, milk. Add sour-milk products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water and herbal teas to the diet. But regarding herbs, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as some can stimulate uterine contractions (thyme).

The closer to childbirth, the stronger the diet. The intestines do not need to be overloaded. Fourteen days before the birth, cereals and bread should be excluded from the menu. Leave only vegetable and dairy products. But after 7 days, exclude sour-milk.

Eat nothing on the day of delivery. Since it can vomit during contractions, the intestines should also be empty, as it is difficult to go to the toilet. Drink water with lemon, but it can also make you vomit.
Also follow the diet after giving birth. Meals should be as light as possible.

This diet will help to avoid problems with the intestines in the prenatal period. Also, some foods help the body adapt to childbirth. So, vegetable oil is useful, as it contains vitamin E and makes blood vessels and tissues elastic. It is also used to prevent hemorrhoids. It can be added to grated carrots or juice.

Before giving birth, a pregnant woman can make herself a collection of herbs: thyme, mint, lemon balm, oregano, rosehip, currant or raspberry. Brew tea from this collection. Drink it little by little during labor and in the postpartum period. Also, after childbirth, you can drink strong tea with honey, lemon and the addition of a small amount of sweet red wine.

The psychological attitude of a woman is also important. You need to be sure that the birth will go well. Listen to music, read books, watch movies and walk more.

Gymnastics and swimming continue until the birth.

You can do needlework. It has a calming effect. It is important to get enough sleep. Sleep should be at least 8-10 hours. It is possible and more. Before going to bed, do airing, you can sleep with an open window or balcony.

Be careful and do not miss the harbingers of childbirth.

Two to three weeks before childbirth, the bottom of the uterus descends, the diaphragm stops tight, and it becomes easier for the woman to breathe. During this period, full maturation of the fetus is observed.

The presenting part of the fetus also falls and the head of the child is pressed tightly against the bones of the small pelvis. This can cause back pain. To make it easier to carry them, you need to change the position of the body: walk, squat, lie on your side. You can massage the sacrum by pressing with your fist or wrist.

Before the onset of the birth process, thick mucus is released sometimes with an admixture of blood. These are secretions from the glands of the uterus. They happen before childbirth, but do not signal their onset. The birth process begins in a few hours or days.

You can determine the time of childbirth by the color of the mucus: white liquid - another 2-3 days before delivery, brown - a few hours. Bloody discharge means the beginning of the opening of the uterus.

You should be scared only if the discharge is accompanied by heavy bleeding. It occurs as a result of premature separation or placenta previa. In these cases, you need to urgently see a doctor.

Before childbirth, the appearance of false contractions increases. They do not cause the birth process, they appear weakly, for a short time, at different intervals.

Water may also break at the same time. According to statistics, after the outflow of amniotic fluid and rupture of the membranes of the genus, they begin in 10-12 hours.

The supervising specialist must be informed about the departure of water. Since if childbirth does not occur within a day, the child will be at risk of infection. If water leaks, do not visit the pool, do not take a bath, wash from front to back.

Sometimes there is a prolapse of the umbilical cord to the cervical canal or into the vagina. This requires medical assistance.

Pay close attention to the color of the liquid water. If they are yellowish or greenish, then this is a sign of oxygen starvation in a child.

It happens that Nausea occurs a few hours before delivery, diarrhea, vomiting begins. This is fine.

If there are harbingers of childbirth, then the pregnant woman does not need to go far from home, childbirth can begin at any moment. You need to be calm, go to sleep. Go to the hospital should be at the beginning of regular contractions.

Before the onset of labor, contractions begin with periods of 10-15 minutes. They get stronger over time.

For nine months, a woman is preparing for one of the main events of her life - the birth of a child. Although childbirth is a relatively short process, it takes a lot of time and effort to complete it. This is a very important and difficult stage for a woman, after which her life changes radically. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, it is necessary to prepare for it. Prenatal or prenatal period is considered to be the last month of pregnancy. At this time, the woman's body is already tuned in to childbirth, and the fetus is already fully formed and almost ready to leave the "house". Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman changes in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Way of life before childbirth

For a good physical condition of a woman, so that the muscles are in, throughout the pregnancy it is necessary to do, which are included in the gymnastic complexes designed for women "in position". Exercises in the pool have a very beneficial effect on the physical condition.

Of course, we really hope that if you smoked before pregnancy, then, having learned about the baby, you immediately gave up this nasty habit. If (and sometimes this happens!) No, then find strength in yourself. This is for both you and your baby. You must understand that smoking, like smoking, is incompatible with the birth of a healthy child.

Relax, walk in the fresh air, do gymnastics for pregnant women, read good books - all this will ensure you not only a good pregnancy, but also an easy birth.

Health status before childbirth

It's no secret that a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Before giving birth, check your health again. It does not hurt to visit a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a neuropathologist. Do not forget to go to the dentist, because bad teeth can become and cause complications in the postpartum period. If you have a very pronounced one, go to a vascular surgeon. The doctor will determine if the condition has worsened and if a caesarean section is needed. A month before the birth, doctors recommend undergoing a complete sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to clean them from pathogenic microflora. This is especially true if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.). Such procedures are necessary in order to protect the baby during his passage through the birth canal. Sanitation will also help protect the woman in labor from cracks in the vaginal mucosa, the occurrence of which is possible due to inflammation.

As for the gynecologist, starting from the 36th week, a woman must visit him once a week. At the appointment, the doctor measures the size of the uterus, listens to the fetal heartbeat, determines its position.

Nutrition before childbirth

If a pregnant woman needs to monitor the quantity and quality of what she eats for all nine months, then on the eve of childbirth, special attention should be paid to this issue in general.

A month before childbirth, nutrition does not change in favor of meat: its amount should be limited, and two to three weeks should be completely eliminated. It is also recommended to remove from the diet and others containing animal protein (fish, eggs, butter, milk). At the same time, fermented milk products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas are very useful.

A week before the expected birth, cereals, bread, sour-milk products, salt should be excluded. The diet should be only plant foods. It is very important that at this time vegetable oil enters the body of a pregnant woman. Vitamin E contained in it helps to make both blood vessels and tissues of the birth canal more elastic. Besides, it's lovely.

On the day of childbirth, it is better not to eat anything at all, however, if contractions have begun, then it is unlikely that you will have an appetite. Moreover, during contractions, many experience nausea or vomiting, so an empty stomach, in this case, is very good.

Weight before childbirth

The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is from 9 to 13 kg. This figure includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus, placenta, breast. Of course, everything is very individual, and an increase of 15 kg is not at all a problem. But you should be wary if the weight has increased by 20 or more kg. In this case, the doctor prescribes a diet for the woman. After all, a large increase in weight can significantly complicate the birth process.

An interesting fact: as a rule, before childbirth, approximately in the last two weeks, women experience a weight loss (on average, by 2 kg). Experts attribute this to the loss of a large amount of fluid.

Sleep before childbirth

The closer the moment of childbirth, the more the pregnant woman tends to sleep. Thus, the body tries to sleep off and gain strength before hard physical work. That is why proper sleep in the process of preparing for childbirth is very important. At this time, you need to sleep as much as you want, but not less than 8-10 hours. Pregnant women should sleep in a well-ventilated room. It is possible even with an open window. It is important that a woman feels that she has rested and slept, because very soon she will hardly be able to soak up an extra couple of hours in bed.

Fear of childbirth

Fear occurs in a pregnant woman for all nine months. But, the closer the birth, the stronger the fear of them. A woman, especially a primipara, asks a number of questions: How will the birth go? Will it hurt? Will the child get hurt? How to avoid complications? These and many other questions do not allow a woman to sleep peacefully. The situation is significantly aggravated by the stories of "well-wishers" about difficulties, difficult personal experiences, labor pains, negative postpartum consequences, and fatal births. Believe me, this is not at all the information that a pregnant woman should be interested in when preparing to become a mother. If you haven't taken a pregnancy class yet, do so now. Many maternity schools offer prenatal crash courses. In these classes, a woman is explained a lot: the mechanism of childbirth, ways to relieve pain, teach breathing techniques. All this knowledge is very helpful during childbirth. Moreover, it is quite natural: the more a woman knows, the less she is afraid. If attending courses is not possible, special literature will come to the rescue, as well as Internet pages.

The most important thing that you must understand is that the fear of childbirth negatively affects the course of childbirth itself, holding down, squeezing the muscles, causing the tissues to lose their elasticity. All this leads to pain, cracks,. It turns out that the more a woman is afraid, the more she feels pain. Pain breeds fear - and so on in a circle. To escape from it, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to relax long before the birth, and when the time comes, calmly apply the acquired knowledge.

Psychological attitude before childbirth

The mood must be fighting. Of course, in the best sense of the word. We do not mean an aggressive pregnant woman, but one that is firmly convinced of a favorable outcome for both the baby and herself. A woman must understand that childbirth is a step towards her dear little man, who from now on will become for her the greatest treasure of the world. A pregnant woman must be sure that the birth will go well, because she loves her baby very much and is ready to do everything possible to help him be born healthy.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur. For example, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach, as the child sinks down. At the same time, it becomes a little more difficult to sit and walk. Before childbirth, urination (increased pressure on the bladder) and defecation (birth hormones act on the intestines) also become more frequent. There are pains in the lower back. The woman has an unexpected change of mood and state: she is either tired and passive, or energetic and “subversive”. Many can no longer wait for "it" to happen. 2-3 weeks before giving birth, the instinct of "nesting" is manifested in pregnant women. It is called so because a woman equips a “nest” - it is now very important for her to make her own home cozy. She is ready to spend hours cleaning, washing, cleaning, tinkering. All this, of course, is good. Only in moderation. Remember that it is contraindicated for you to overexert yourself now.

Naturally, one of the most obvious signs that labor is near is irregular uterine contractions. Thus, while exercising, the body prepares up to the “X” hour. One or two weeks, or even a few days before the birth, the woman leaves the mucous plug, which closes the cervical canal throughout the pregnancy. may be yellowish or slightly pinkish, or may be completely colorless. Sometimes a woman clearly sees that her cork has come off, and in some cases this happens imperceptibly. A woman who is expecting childbirth from day to day should know that her amniotic fluid can leave at any moment. This is a clear sign that labor has begun. In this case, there is no time to waste. Urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital by car (naturally, as a passenger and not driving at all).

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

Before childbirth, women experience a whole range of indescribable feelings: among them, insomnia, fear, impatience. They also feel some physiological changes, such as lowering of the abdomen, discharge of the mucous plug and slight weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what is happening with the expectant mother in recent weeks, what she needs to be prepared for and give some recommendations.

How to get rid of anxiety and sleep well

Fear of childbirth occurs in all women in labor, even those who go through this process is not the first time. Fear of pain, that something will happen to you or your child, poisons the pleasant expectation of the birth of a baby. What can be advised? Rather switch to something else, interesting. Have you been wanting to watch a series for a long time? Right now! Stock up on DVDs and go headlong into the experiences of the characters, so you will be distracted from your own. Don't want to watch TV? Then buy books. And don't forget to walk. You don't have to spend the whole day at home. Baby, and you yourself need an influx of fresh air saturated with oxygen. For mom, this is also a plus because fresh air and little physical activity provide a calm, deep sleep before childbirth.

By the way, about the night rest. Insomnia often worries expectant mothers in recent weeks. Too frequent and strong movements of the child, plus a huge belly, with which it is not easy to take a comfortable position, force you to think about sleeping pills. But their expectant mothers should not drink. And valerian, which is so often prescribed by doctors, provides more of a placebo effect. But if you believe in the effectiveness of this herb, then you can safely drink it, it is not harmful.

But it would be much better to take care of your sleep differently. Before giving birth, the baby calms down, as there is too little space in the uterus, which means that you will fall asleep much easier and sleep longer. You need to find a comfortable position. Doctors recommend sleeping on a medium firm mattress on the left side. Pillows can be placed between the legs and on the right side. It is very important to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room where you sleep. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, and always before going to bed. Do not drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise you will have to get up several times at night to go to the toilet; in expectant mothers, and so urination at long gestations is quite frequent.

Before going to bed, do not watch TV, so as not to gain impressions at night. This is especially true for heavy films - dramas, horrors, thrillers, etc. Gynecologists recommend watching only comedies that evoke positive emotions before giving birth.

Shortly before the onset of childbirth, and sometimes even a few hours before the contractions, the expectant mother sneaks in for general cleaning, the “nesting instinct” is triggered. Just do not overwork too much, do not lift weights, otherwise placental abruption may begin, or amniotic fluid will depart.

Physiological changes

In the body of the future mother, 1-3 weeks before the birth, changes begin to occur. Preparations for the birth of a child are in full swing. So, what can the expectant mother feel and notice.

1. Contractions before childbirth, the so-called preparatory. They do not lead to the opening of the cervix, last a few seconds, do not differ in regularity and are painless. No need to be afraid of them and just go to the doctor or call an ambulance. It is a completely different matter if these contractions are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina or discharge of amniotic fluid - then urgently see a doctor.

Before childbirth, the stomach and lower back hurt, contractions are regular, their strength is growing. Painful sensations cannot be removed by non-drug methods. Here's what you need to know about the onset of labor.

2. The cervix also begins to prepare in advance to release the baby from the uterus. This is especially noticeable in multiparous women, in whom a dilatation of 1-2 fingers can occur even 2 weeks before X hour. Usually, at the same time as this small dilatation, the cork before childbirth departs. This is such a rather noticeable, voluminous lump of mucus with bloody streaks. These veins appear due to the fact that small vessels burst in the cervix as a result of its opening. It should be noted that the cork can move away even during contractions. Some expectant mothers do not even notice it, especially if you have to lie under a drip during contractions.

3. And another common phenomenon is weight loss before childbirth. Usually, expectant mothers lose up to 1 kilogram. This physiological weight loss is associated with ridding the body of excess fluid. You may notice that the swelling becomes smaller or disappears. The elastic bands of the socks no longer leave traces after being worn for a long time, and the wedding ring can be easily removed from the finger at the end of the day.

4. Belly drops. All 9 months, your uterus has been growing upwards and has already begun to support the ribs quite strongly, which made it impossible to sit exactly for more than a few minutes, breathe calmly. Heartburn often occurs. But shortly before childbirth, the presenting part of the fetus (most often the head) moves deeper into the pelvis, respectively, and the uterus drops a little. Relatives of the expectant mother will easily notice these changes in her belly shape, and the woman herself will feel that it has become easier to breathe. Life is getting better! The gynecologist determines that the child has sunk deeper into the pelvis by palpation of the presenting part. In the case of the head, it practically loses its mobility.

Prenatal medical procedures

Without them, unfortunately, it is unlikely to succeed. But take them as a necessity that will make the process of bringing your child into the world more pleasant and civilized, so to speak. What are these procedures?

1. Shaving before childbirth - you must get rid of hair in the pubic and perineal area. Of course, it is better to do it yourself, although it is not always convenient due to the large size of the abdomen. In extreme cases, honey can also do this cosmetic procedure. sister upon your admission to the hospital. If you are shy, then take care of shaving in advance. By the way, it doesn't have to be shaving. Many women get rid of hair in the bikini area with wax - the procedure is performed in the salon quickly and inexpensively. The main thing is to monitor sterility. But if you have never tried waxing before, this is not your choice. Since the pain for the first time, while the skin is not accustomed to this procedure, is quite pronounced.

2. Another not too pleasant, but not painful procedure - enema before childbirth. Although they say that abroad women are not “mocked” anywhere else, but believe me - it is necessary not only for honey. staff, but also you. In the second stage of labor, when attempts begin, and even in the process of the child passing through the birth canal, all the contents of your intestines will come out ... You can do an enema before childbirth at home, or you can trust honey to do this very simple procedure. sister in the hospital. Some women who have already gone through childbirth recommend that their pregnant friends use glycerin-containing preparations instead of the “classic” enema. The most famous of them are microclysters microlax and glycerin suppositories. But at present, unfortunately, they are not on sale in Russia and it is not known when they will be. And the intestines alone cannot be cleansed well with glycerin.

Here are the basic things you need to know before giving birth. Good luck!