What should a girl do in a relationship. What should a woman do to be a perfect companion for a man?

First of all, if you want to please a girl, think about whether you like yourself, or how you treat yourself, with respect or not. If you do not love yourself, then those around you will definitely feel it, at the subconscious level.

Also remember, girls don't like men who pretend to be "tough" guys. It is very important to behave naturally, command respect and be a pleasant conversationalist.

What to do to please women?

To attract a worthy woman into your life, you need to pay attention to the basic rules that, from the point of view of psychology, will help you in this matter.

Can't fit all

To understand how to please a girl correctly, it should be understood that any woman is, first of all, a person who is distinguished by her individuality and uniqueness. You should not treat her as a primitive creature that can be lured into her trap with beautiful words and expensive things.

Also, it is worth understanding that each young lady has her own ideal of a man, and you may simply not be to her taste. Imagine yourself in the place of the object of attention, from the female side: you are given signs of attention by a young lady who is not to your taste, or simply unpleasant to you. As a result, no matter how hard she tries, except for irritation, you will have no other feelings. Therefore, if you like a girl, you need to try several times to win her heart, and in case of failure, do not despair and do not label yourself as a loser. Try to communicate with other women you like, and you will find exactly the one that will become your soulmate.

You have an interesting life

A beautiful and self-sufficient girl is unlikely to like boyfriends who cannot connect two phrases, or annoying fans who will bombard her with compliments, flowers, call and write messages for days. Therefore, you should have your own interesting and varied life, so that the lady she likes understands that you are not a bore, but a person striving for self-development. Do what you like: playing musical instruments, gym, exhibitions, attending trainings, foreign languages, etc. When you meet a girl with such a set of hobbies, she will see in you a self-sufficient and ambitious man who is not looking for casual connections. Without a doubt, a girl will like such an enthusiastic guy and will interest her.

Even if everything in your life is very neglected, boring and monotonous, let this rule serve as an incentive to bring it to a new, better level.


Again, imagine a beautiful "lady" approaching you, but with greasy hair, dirty shoes, garlic breath. In addition, she had not taken a shower for several days. Do you want to communicate with her?

Therefore, if you like a girl: beautiful, slender and well-groomed - you must match her, with your appearance. Your clothes must be clean and ironed, and your shoes must be in perfect condition. Do not neglect going to the hairdresser and dentist. Brush your teeth, take a shower more often, use men's perfumes. The scent of freshness should come from a man, not the smell of mountain goat musk.

Take the initiative

Many guys ask: how to please a girl who doesn't like you? What did you do to please? Most guys wait and dream that the girl will be the first to pay attention to them, and at that moment they will reciprocate. You can wait for this moment all your life, or until your chosen one is taken away by another man, since the psychology of a woman is designed in such a way that her heart must be won. Therefore, you should not hesitate and wait for a miracle. We need to quickly take matters into our own hands. To please a girl, or at least try to do so, take the initiative, take the first step, start at least doing something: give a compliment, present a pleasant surprise, invite her for a cup of tea, after school or work (if she is a colleague), invite her to the theater or cinema. In fact, there are a lot of reasons to be alone with the object of sympathy, and it is simply impossible to list all of them.

Remember, girls just love proactive guys who control the situation and take everything into their own hands.

First date - what to do?

When you met a young lady, or took the initiative to a familiar young lady, for example, at work, and at the same time, having agreed with her about a meeting, the question inevitably arises: how to please a girl on a first date? Although this is a broad topic that requires separate discussion, the following recommendations can be drawn from it:

  • The first thing to do is to choose a quiet and comfortable place to meet. Ideally, this is a cafe-tea house, with a small number of visitors and soft music. Otherwise, both of you will look stupid if you sit silently all evening, listening to deafening music. Also, do not make an appointment in a karaoke bar, it will distract the lady's attention from you.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the young lady, at first, will take the position of an observer and will study you. Therefore, watch your speech and manners. You must speak without using obscene words, calmly and without unnecessary gestures. For some reason, some guys act very funny, thinking that if they start to goon and gesticulate with spread fingers, then it looks “cool”. Do not do that. The lady will think that you are not too smart, and the date will fail. The main thing that a guy needs to remember on a first date is that he makes the best possible impression on the object of sympathy. The main sign that you are interested in a young lady, and she is ready to continue getting to know you, is the moment when she begins to talk about herself willingly. If the guy is indifferent to her, then she will answer questions superficially, without going into details.
  • Show interest in her person. People enthusiastically tell a pleasant interlocutor about themselves if he asks them about it. Such is the psychology of a person, he seeks to please his opponent. Ask the girl what you really might be interested in. Such a move can help out if you don’t know what to talk about and what to do next. But, it will look strange if you yawn while listening to the answer to your question. As a last resort, you can change the subject at any time. It is very important to be a good listener and let the lady talk. To please women, you don’t have to act like an owl, listening to a monologue, without blinking and without emotions. Nod your head occasionally, smile, agree, and don't interrupt.
  • Monologue or dialogue? Don't forget to talk about yourself too. For example, to talk about your hobbies, select the moment when the lady completed the sentence and insert your own: “And I snowboard, rollerblade, go to a club or cinema with friends, go in for sports ...” Some of this will interest the young lady, and you will smoothly switch to talking about you. Sometimes you don't have to wait to be asked. There should be a dialogue, as a result of which, the woman will have a certain opinion about you that can affect your future relationship.

How to behave after a pleasant tea party? Be sure to pay for the order yourself. It is hardly possible to please a lady if you follow the "American" tradition, when everyone pays for himself. On a walk, after a cafe or other meeting place, behave in the same way, restrained and decent. Be sure to take the girl to the very entrance, tell her how pleasant it was for you to communicate with her, and a couple more compliments - with this, your chosen one will like you even more. The date should end on a positive note.

We constantly want something from men and make various lists of the qualities we need. What do men want from us? Of course, in view of the widespread feminization and emancipation, more and more women wanted to sneeze at men's requests: according to the principle "you need it - you do it." Red Lips Journal got confused and compiled for you a list of what every self-respecting girl over 18 simply must be able to do. So, read on, put pluses and be proud of yourself!

1. Cook

7. Simplicity is worse than theft

This is my favorite, favorite phrase, and it really fits any situation. You can be a simpleton at the age of 15, but not at 30. Even the most beautiful face, spewing absurdity and a meaningless stream of consciousness from its wonderful mouth, will quickly lose all its fans. Nowadays, a girl simply has to be smart, educated and constantly improve her intellectual level. - and you never go wrong.

8. Choose me!

A girl with brains and a twist (and you are exactly like that, don’t even doubt it!) Definitely knows how to choose shoes and clothes. As they say, the appearance that you have at 18 is the merit of nature, and what you see in the mirror closer to 30 is entirely your merit. Or "unmerit". The ability to look like a queen even in a simple black turtleneck, of course, is not given to everyone, but learning not to hobble on high heels, like a wounded ostrich, is quite within your power. A sad impression is made by a girl who is trying to blindly imitate magazines.

9. Laughter prolongs life

Including laughing at yourself. A girl who is witty, capable of self-irony and does not take herself too seriously, always wins. Leave the bestial grin of seriousness for office meetings, and in ordinary life it’s just as fun to answer jokes.

10. One warrior in the field?

Yes! And you, finally, must understand that you and one can have a good time, have fun and develop. If now you have, and “all the girlfriends wandered off in pairs until the morning” - this is not a reason to lie on the couch with a mournful face. You yourself are already an interesting and self-sufficient person who can even go to the cinema, even to sports, even to the pool, even to a round-the-world trip on an elephant.

Many women think that in bed you need to lie like a log, and that a man should do everything himself.

And to excite, and "to love", and after that to say affectionate words, and a woman just needs to lie down, moan and enjoy. Rave.

1. A woman must actively participate in the process, move, express emotions, take the initiative, and seduce a man in every possible way - not only before luring him into bed, but also after that. It is necessary to offer to do “this” not only at night, locking yourself away from everyone, but also when a man does not expect this at all - for example, to come to his beloved in the office under the pretext that he brought coffee and cookies, it is easy to close the door and whisper to him that you are not wearing panties, and that all the employees have left for lunch.

Or give him oral pleasure in the kitchen during a family celebration, when all adults and old guests raise another toast to the hero of the day. Such moments of unexpected sex can ignite your relationship for a long time and exacerbate feelings, writes

2. It is important to follow an intimate hairstyle. It is not necessary to shave everything “to zero”, but sometimes you need to go through the “lawn mower”. This also applies to the length and well-groomed nails - soft male organs do not always steadfastly overcome the “pressure of female nail power” during manual caresses of the penis and adjacent “accessories”.

It’s also not worth it to sharpen your teeth with toothpaste before sex - it’s not very pleasant to kiss with a “tube of strong-smelling toothpaste” - be it Colgate or Forest Balsam. Men are like animals: a hidden smell attracts, and a sharp smell repels.

3. It’s bad when a girl does not express her emotions at all during an act, and everything takes place in complete silence. You need to moan, say something (not crackle, as with a friend on the phone, but gently whisper something), depict emotions on your face. It is not necessary to close your eyes at all - you can also see how “it” happens. You can even slap a man, or scratch slightly. And kissing is something God himself ordered! Moan out loud, it's very encouraging.

Words like “Yes, Baby, faster, slower, yes. Yes! I love it, you're awesome!" - can also be applied. But here it is important not to overdo it. Also - do not be embarrassed by the creaking sofa - let all the neighbors know that you feel good. A man - he is always a bully at heart - and will definitely want to moan louder and creak more actively so that the eternally dissatisfied neighbors will become even more angry. No need to prevent him in these innocent pranks. But this should not be allowed when a sick grandmother or grandfather is behind the wall - after all, relatives must be spared.

4. You can also be patient a little if you lie / stand uncomfortable. It is clear that half-sitting with your legs up with your head hanging from the bed is not very comfortable (unless you are a gymnast or an astronaut), but the act actually does not last that long. And oh, how nice it will be for a man! After sex, he will ask for forgiveness for pressed hair, and for a broken nail, and for stretching his leg, and

if needed, and artificial respiration will do.

5. Why must the light be turned off? After all, you want to love not only with your hands, but also with your eyes: to admire the standing chest, and the “hairstyle”. And if a girl is embarrassed by her non-French underwear, then you need to take it off! Even better without it.

7. Why complex and whine: “I’m not in the best shape today, if I wasn’t tired, everything would be better” - thus the woman emphasizes that she is not the “ideal” that she may have been for a man before.

8. It is foolish to remember your mother or grandmother in bed, regardless of which of them is in the hospital and who has a birthday in three days. Rushing to cell phone calls is also undesirable - it can discourage any desire from a man.

9. And after "that" she does not say what a wonderful lover I am! Worse, if she compares me to one of her exes, or to some unknown movie star like Tom Cruise and George Clooney. Who are they. I'm the hero here and I need to be admired

It is no secret that harmony in family life depends, among other things, on the idyll in sex. What should be a woman in bed?

I'll start, of course, with a general sublime phrase that in the sense of sex, no one owes anything to anyone. Normal people have sex with whoever they want and who wants them. And if everyone mutually and strongly desires each other, everything else can be learned in the process. That's when feelings get cold and dull, when a person has already tried everything, seen enough and suffered several psychological traumas (where without them) - well then, yes, you probably need some additional skills, poses, outfits, accessories to awaken again interest. Although this does not apply to everyone. In general, there are individuals who enjoy the same thing all their lives.

In the old pre-Internet times, it was safe to assume that knowledge comes with age. Now, an advanced 14-year-old teenager, with even a dead Internet at home, knows much more about tricks in bed than all his parents combined. True, "knows" does not mean "can." And in that sense, experience does come with age.

Thus, if you and your partner are 19, you don’t have to worry too much about knowledge-skills. Both of you have about the same level, and nature itself will tell you what to do. Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins demonstrated this in the movie The Blue Lagoon. They had no knowledge - the old sailor died long before the couple had thoughts about sex. And nothing, they were happy and even gave birth to a child. But if you, for example, are 27-30, and he is 35, etc., then theoretically a man can already count on some of your experience. Let's try to figure out which one.

I have already written in various women's magazines that the most important of women's skills in bed is the ability to get an orgasm. A normal man wants to please not only himself, but also his beloved (and preferably several times). And the easier it is for him to do this, the more macho he feels, the more often he strives for you and the better your life together. And vice versa: if you are a log in bed, a man will quickly get bored with the role of a stupid planer. Then he’d better go to cut something with a jigsaw - for example, he’ll make a bread box, and then break it out of grief. No family happiness - only longing and languor of the spirit.

Therefore, for the hundredth time I conjure you: do not enter into relationships with those who do not excite you at all. Even if you really need it and by calculation. Marriages where the husband does not excite the wife never end well. All these “endure, fall in love” are nonsense and the Middle Ages. Give on the head with a yoke to the one who keeps telling you this “be patient, fall in love”, and look for the one from the mere sight of which you already want a lot. (I’ve read this now and I’m thinking: I’m writing obvious things. Only I wouldn’t write them if you all, as one, started relationships only with those who are crazy about you. You often manage to find the devil knows who, because “others even worse, at least this one doesn’t drink.”)

Let's say I convinced you, and the desired man is found. What else can impress him, besides his multiple orgasms, in terms of knowledge and skills? If you ask this question to Yandex Google, your eyes will be filled with various dubious courses, manuals, books, seminars and coaches who will teach you to achieve violent ejaculation from a banana in three days, even if he does not want you. These same mentally uninhibited characters will invite you to lessons in tantric striptease, anal yoga and God knows what else at a very considerable price per lesson. And tens of thousands of fools are led to this, diligently teach, try to repeat.

One diligent girl showed a very obvious effect from such classes to my friend. When they met, he had no idea what “training courses” she goes to 3 times a week after working somewhere in Sviblovo. And until the end of the course, they had a purely platonic relationship, because she was “so tired” and came up with a number of other reasons. But finally the courses ended, and the happy, modest accountant decided to demonstrate to this very friend everything that she had been taught there and even issued a certificate. Guess how it ended? That is, it did not even have time to begin, when he suddenly “realized” that he had contacted the most vulgar prostitute. The girl is madly sorry - she honestly wanted the best and learned everything. And she tried very hard. But it had the opposite effect.

I once interviewed Anfisa Chekhova, who is not only beautiful, but also smart. And she very rightly noticed that no matter how experienced a man turned out to be, a woman still needs to customize it “for herself”. Show what turns her on and what doesn't, well, and other little things. And, by the way, that's why sometimes it's a pity for a woman to part with a good lover - after all, it will take time not only to look for a new one, but also to reconfigure.

Of course, the same principles apply to the experience of women. A smart man himself will make it clear what he likes and how to do it, even if for some reason you have not attended vaginal acrobatics courses with paddles and do not have an appropriate diploma. Well, at least you should be able to do a blowjob. And not only know how, but love to do it. Or at least want to learn to be able and love. If you are still having problems with this, then at least learn not to be afraid of it. He's not a snake, he won't bite. A squeamish or bashful attitude to his organ is very depressing for a man - after all, during sex, he almost completely turns into a penis, and he is suddenly afraid and rejected. It’s not good and it’s stupid - you are adults!

Yes, I almost forgot about the most important of the skills: to protect yourself. Never count on the fact that your man will always take care of it. We have a bunch of temperamental idiots who scream that they don’t feel anything in condoms, and in general he has a certificate from school that he is healthy. Unfortunately, there are also enough idiots who categorically do not like to be protected, and therefore the variety of sexually transmitted diseases is large and extensive. Be smart and demand condoms. This is later, when you have a stable relationship, you can go to a venereologist together, cure everything that was there from each other, and slightly lower your vigilance.

Now, I don't seem to have forgotten anything. Good luck in bed!

Today it has become fashionable to look for the roots of all your problems in deep childhood. Yes, of course, parents are bad. Yes, the fact is, some parents traumatize their children for the rest of their lives. Yes, unfortunately, these childhood traumas will then have to be worked out with a specialist in order to finally heal happily. But, let's be honest: firstly, domestic violence is still not a ubiquitous story. Most of us, fortunately, have not experienced this. And secondly, you, I'm sorry, grew up. All. You are a big girl. And you have to solve your own problems. Stop whining about the fact that your parents didn’t give you something, cheated you in something, or didn’t bring you up that way. Your parents don't have to be perfect. They are not a function, but living people with their own problems. And you look pathetic when you whine about how hard life is for you now because 20 years ago your mom didn't buy you a Barbie.

Condemn someone else's appearance

You have to understand: Lookism is discrimination. You have no right to discriminate against people based on appearance. Even if you justify yourself by covering them with a false concern for the well-being of a person. You are not concerned with someone else's weight, and you do not need to hypocritically lament about the problems of someone else's cardiovascular system or joints. The person himself will figure out what to do with his body, with his health and with his appearance. And, if a person posts photos of his body on the Web, he should not at all be ready for veiled insults, which for some reason are called “criticism”: a woman with unshaven armpits does not shave her armpits, not yours. Nobody asked you if it looks beautiful to you. Someone else's body is none of your business.

Devalue other people's feelings

“Oh, come on, I had it worse!”, “I found something to worry about, me too!”, “Some have nothing to eat, and you whine because of such nonsense!” Have you said anything similar to anyone? If so, you were devaluing other people's experiences. We understand that the culture of empathy is still not in the best way: we have not been taught to empathize, we do not know how to properly express support, and advice from the psychological literature seems ineffective to us. Well, we really don't know how to say, "I'm really sorry this happened to you." Such phrases seem artificial to us. But it's never too late to learn, first of all. And secondly, it is often enough just not to consider other people's problems as meaningless nonsense, and this will already be a serious support.

do good

If you want to help someone, first of all, remember that you need to help on request. And without a request - it is not necessary. There is no need to do good and benefit anyone without a direct request. Because it will only hurt you.

Discuss someone else's reproductive system

Never do that. This is taboo. If one of your acquaintances does not have children, this does not concern you, and you do not need to ask questions on this topic. Because maybe these people are childfree, or maybe they want to have children, but they can't. And your questions hurt them. No need to ask a young mother when she plans to give birth to a second child. And finally, never ask anyone what they thought when they decided to give birth "in such a situation." And one more thing: you have the right to dispose only and exclusively of your own uterus. Not strangers. You should not be concerned with other people's pregnancies, other people's abortions, aspects of contraception and family planning. This is personal. No one has ever invited you into their bed, and breaking into it is unacceptable.

blame the victim

"What was she thinking when she did it?" and "It's my own fault!" - the most terrible phrases that you can ever say. To blame the victim is to support the perpetrator. Is always. You can’t say: “Yes, the criminal is to blame, but ...” You won’t be able to eat a fish and climb a Christmas tree. If you blame the victim, you support the perpetrator. Or or. There is no third.


Criticism, like help, should be given on request. If a friend asks you how you like her new hairstyle or dress, feel free to criticize. If a friend sends you an article, asks you to read and express an opinion, feel free to criticize. And if these same people show off a new haircut, a new dress, or an article on social networks, there is no need to criticize. Nobody asked you for this.

Tell that you are a "decent girl"

That you're not like that. That this will not happen to you, because you are smart, far-sighted, cautious, practical - underline the necessary. No need to explain to people in this way that they are fools, only you are smart. Because they'll think it's just the opposite, you know?