Kindergarten and frequent illnesses of the child. Why do children who start kindergarten get sick so often?

Growing up, and it's time to visit kindergarten. But often, after going to the kindergarten for a couple of weeks, the baby starts to get sick, which forces the mother to sit with him on sick leave. How inevitable are diseases with the beginning of socialization and visits to organized children's groups, are bad or dangerous bacteria and viruses to blame? What to do if the child becomes often or long-term ill? Let's talk about some of the difficulties of adapting immunity to new conditions of existence.

Today, kids can attend kindergarten from the age of one and a half to two years, or even earlier, starting from the age of one. And if at home they have been ill a maximum of a couple of times since birth, then from the moment they visit kindergarten, their incidence can increase sharply and actively. Due to the fact that during the illness the child must be at home (or in the hospital if the infection is severe) and requires care, there are difficulties in going to work for parents. They have questions - is it normal that, having barely started visiting, the baby coughs almost every month, suffers from a runny nose and fever? How useful is the children's team or should it be abandoned so that colds are not so frequent? Often, parents mistakenly read that children get sick often because kindergarten staff take poor care of the baby, or the child feels bad in new conditions for him. But in reality, everything is somewhat different.

New bacteria: their role in the development of immune defense

When a child lives in a family, interacting little with the outside world and other children, day after day he comes into contact with the same bacteria on the mucous membranes and skin of his body or the body of a close relative. All children and adults have their own, strictly individual set of bacteria in the composition of the microflora of the skin and mucous membranes, in the intestinal lumen, obtained at birth and acquired from the environment throughout life. In the course of close communication and contacts, people actively exchange microbial flora among themselves through the air, through hands, food, drink and objects. But those bacteria that are familiar to the baby from birth are not dangerous for him, and therefore diseases do not develop.

When a child enters kindergarten, there are always many other children around him, with whom he actively begins to change microflora. New bacteria, even included in the normal microflora of other children, are unknown and alien to the child, they are perceived as a danger - a disease is formed. Especially often, immunity gives in to unknown bacteria in the first weeks of visiting the kindergarten, since a new environment, the absence of a mother and a new regimen for a child is a lot of stress. The immunosuppressive property of stress in relation to the child's body has long been known; in such conditions, bacteria or viruses more actively affect the body, which leads to frequent colds.

Mother's problems with starting kindergarten

When a baby starts attending kindergarten, the mother has special problems: she has been on maternity leave from one and a half to three years, and often she needs to go to work or there is a lack of communication, she wants to lead a more active life. The mother believes that with the definition of the child in the kindergarten, she will be able to work more, do her own business and develop professionally.

The kid begins to feel the changes, and on the first day of visiting the kindergarten, where there are many other children, he begins to act up, clinging to his mother and not letting her go. The child who previously loved children and communication with them flatly refuses to communicate. He is left alone in an unfamiliar place with strangers to him. Taking the child after work from the kindergarten, the mother understands that she will have little time left for communicating with the baby, there are household chores, cooking and other family members. And if a mother experiences such stress easier, then after a few days of visiting the kindergarten, the child becomes ill due to stress, and often diseases are associated with a decrease in immunity and a simultaneous load on the immune system with new microflora.

In childhood, the rigidity of adaptive mechanisms is typical, babies are difficult and long-term adaptation to changing conditions and circumstances of life. And therefore, with a sharp change in the conditions of existence, against the background of stress, adaptive mechanisms work with tension, and this is invariably followed by diseases. The kid simply cannot cope with such a volume of new microorganisms that are around him. The more trained and hardened the body, the easier it is to adapt, and if you prepare your child for visiting the kindergarten in advance, slowly, this makes it easier to get used to the period, although colds are not completely excluded.

But often the parents themselves add stress to the child's life, forgetting to talk in detail about the kindergarten, to tell how and when exactly they will pick up the child. For them, this seems like an obvious trifle, while for a child it is extremely important. Physical stress is mixed with emotional, mutually reinforcing effects, and this is followed by a decrease in immunity and colds.

How to help a child?

Much has been said and written about preparing for kindergarten, but often parents do not betray this at all, believing that it is their child who will go to kindergarten safely and diseases will bypass him. Therefore, they neglect the recommendations that doctors give, or they remember that preparation is needed a couple of weeks or even months before X day. lifestyle, get good nutrition. After a year, it is gradually necessary to transfer it to the regime that is followed in kindergartens, it is approximately the same. In addition, it is necessary not to limit, but to encourage active and frequent contacts with other children, visits to various development centers and groups of short stays in the garden. You should not protect him from every cold, he must be sick in order to teach the immune system the correct reactions to pathogens. And of course, parents should pay attention to the emotional mood, form it in a positive way regarding the kindergarten.

How not to get sick in the garden? One of the most asked questions among parents. Many noticed that as soon as the child was sent to a preschool institution, he immediately began to get sick. There are many reasons for this: weakened immunity, adaptation to a new place and team, stress and, of course, an increased concentration of pathogens of various diseases.

The most common diseases in kindergarten

Once in a preschool, you can be sure that the child will soon get sick. It is obvious. Climate control change, stress do their job. In addition, kids begin to communicate with their peers and some of them are carriers of various diseases.

We will name the most and point out their symptoms:

  • influenza, SARS - most often suffer from these ailments. The disease is accompanied by cough, fever, headaches, lethargy, weakness and runny nose. If such symptoms are noticed in a child, he should be left at home and consult a doctor. Self-medication is sometimes ineffective, as infections caused by SARS mutate and are difficult to cure. According to statistics, starting to go to kindergarten, children fall ill with ARVI already on the 5th-7th day;

  • chicken pox, known to everyone as chickenpox. A fairly common childhood disease. The first symptoms, in the form of small red pimples, appear on the stomach or back. The next day, the body of the baby is covered with a rash of bright color. After a few days, they become covered with a dry crust and crumble.

    Children tolerate the disease relatively easily, fever and weakness are very rarely noted;

  • listing childhood diseases in the garden can not be called scarlet fever. This disease is caused by streptococcus infection. The disease manifests itself acutely: the body temperature rises to +40 0 C, accompanied by weakness, nausea. The next day, a rash appears on the body, and the mucous membranes of the mouth become bright red. As a rule, with proper care and bed rest, the disease disappears after 10 days;

  • conjunctivitis is a common disease in kindergarten. There may be several reasons for the appearance: streptococcus microbes enter the eyes through dirty hands or when using someone else's towel. Accompanied by burning, redness, discharge from the eye. In this case, treatment should be started immediately;

  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common are colitis and intestinal infections. Colitis is not a serious problem. Often, children have a stomach ache, sometimes accompanied by vomiting or nausea. Colitis is associated with overeating and a strong load on the stomach. A more serious problem is intestinal infection. Treatment of such a problem should be carried out only by a specialized doctor. And you should apply immediately.

These are the most common diseases in the garden, but we must not forget that often babies suffer from otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, whooping cough, mumps and others. In all cases, treatment and home care are required.

Rules on how not to get sick in kindergarten

Sending the baby to a preschool, you need to know everything about disease prevention. We list helpful tips. They will help answer the question of how not to get sick in the garden:

1. You need to constantly increase immunity. In order for the body to receive the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet.

2. It is important to temper the baby. It will be enough to allow him to run barefoot on the floor, take walks in cloudy weather, do exercises in the morning and wash his face with slightly warm water.

3. To prevent childhood diseases in the garden, you need to teach the child to the elementary rules of hygiene: wash hands before eating, after going to the toilet, do not take dirty foods or objects in your mouth.

4. It is necessary to teach the child the rules of behavior in society. When coughing, cover your mouth with your hand, and if you cough or sneeze, step aside.

5. If there is quarantine in the kindergarten, but there is no way to leave the baby at home, then you need to lubricate the sinus with oxalin ointment and give several face masks. At the same time, caregivers should be warned to monitor the child and remind them to wear a mask.

6. You need to choose the right clothes for your baby. It should not be too warm or thin. The best solution is pure cotton products. The child in such clothes will not freeze, and will not sweat.

Dear Parents! In this section, we have tried to collect important and useful information for you. We hope that these tips will help you mentally prepare yourself and your child for kindergarten. The rich experience of educators, your love and care, knowledge of age and individual characteristics, the needs of the child and the necessary conditions for raising a child before entering kindergarten will solve the problem of adaptation at the proper level!

Visiting a children's institution and not getting sick at all - will not work. Some mothers whose children go to kindergarten will tell how they went to kindergarten for two days, and then were at home on sick leave for three weeks. Many of them will say that before visiting the kindergarten, their children did not get sick at all. And as soon as they began to attend kindergarten, medicines, runny nose, cough and other sores became their constant companions.

Why do kids get sick so often in an orphanage?

After the start of visiting the kindergarten, the child began to get sick often. What is the reason?

More often than not, the reason lies in weakening the immunity of the child by stress associated with the beginning of visiting the kindergarten. The opinion that everyone brings sick children to the kindergarten, and their child becomes infected from them is by no means always justified. Because of the new unusual environment, the child has a lot of new experiences and worries. It is they who lead to stress, due to which there is a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, can easily make the child sick, even if everyone in his group is healthy. That is, the reason for frequent illnesses in the kindergarten is often psychological, and it is the support and participation from parents that can help the child cope with stress, and therefore avoid frequent illnesses.

Adaptation of the child to kindergarten is not an easy process, and it takes all the strength of a small organism. The child's immunity is under tremendous stress, adapting to new social and psychological conditions.

Do not vaccinate immediately before entering the kindergarten.

It is quite possible to minimize the incidence of diseases

To prevent diseases in the kindergarten, boost immunity baby, you need to know some simple rules, and try to follow them. First of all, the child must be hardened. Readiness for minimal difficulties is also necessary. If you protect the baby from walking, especially in the cold season, from visiting friends, then the child will grow like a greenhouse plant, and will be completely unadapted to the difficulties of adult life, and when he goes outside, he will immediately start sneezing.

If the state of mind of the child is in balance, then the baby is less likely to get colds. And this is a very important component in the physical health of the child. When a child is protected from stressful situations, when his psyche is in balance, then his body is able to resist.

It is important that the fees for the garden are not associated with whims and crying. The child should be interested in visiting the kindergarten, be interested and encourage him to independent training - to put on shoes and dress himself. You can talk to the child, make plans together for the coming day, how he will play, and how he will have fun with friends.

In the prevention of diseases in the garden, an important place is given to a regular, at regular intervals, balanced nutrition, the maximum filling of it trace elements and vitamins.

It is possible to increase the immunity of a child with the regular use of natural immunomodulators. It is very good to give children fresh berries, or mashed, without cooking, with sugar from blanks for the winter. Rose hips and honey are especially good in the cold season, when the risk of getting a cold increases.

Of course, one must understand that even with all the precautions, it will not be possible to avoid a cold. But so that the sores were not so frequent and so severe, it is quite possible. If a child is not taken to a kindergarten in order to avoid illnesses, then the process of adaptation to the external environment will shift for school years.

Many parents are faced with the problem of pain in their children. Especially after the child is given to institutions. Why in kindergarten This is a very common question.

If you read women's forums and listen to what friends say, then a very definite picture emerges: before kindergarten, the child was almost healthy and only occasionally got sick, but now he does not go to kindergarten as much as he sits at home on sick leave.

This prospect is especially frightening for working mothers, for whom sending a child to an institution is not just a concern for his socialization, but also an urgent need. After all, not every boss is able to calmly endure the constant absences and sick leave of his employee. That is why the questions: “Why in kindergarten and what precautions to take?” - are always up to date.

General information

The fact is that with home education, the child comes into contact only with those bacteria that he has at home. And he gets sick only if he is given slack. This can happen for various reasons. Today the question is: “Why do children often get sick in kindergarten?” - remains open. And the problem is often not in the kindergartens themselves.

In kindergartens, the viral environment is much more aggressive and harsh than at home. In addition, varieties of bacteria and viruses are updated regularly. New children come, and those who were before have been somewhere and brought new bacteria with them.

However, it must be said that children who are ill with something serious, most likely, will not be able to come to kindergarten. Therefore, only respiratory diseases remain. These are the ones your child can pick up during regular communication with peers in a preschool educational institution.

When should socialization begin?

In the last century, the practice was widespread when children were sent to kindergarten at the age of three months. Mothers returned to their jobs almost immediately after giving birth. Today, of course, hardly anyone agrees to this. But this practice was not without meaning.

What to do if in kindergarten if the difference between the bacterial environment of the home and kindergarten is very large? The answer is quite simple: the child must be sent to kindergarten at a certain age. Either after he reaches three months, when he is not yet sufficiently accustomed to the home environment and can successfully resist any other, or after four years, when the immunity is well enough formed, and the child can cope with the aggressive environment that has fallen on him.

When should parents start worrying?

If you are wondering if your child is in the category of children who are constantly sick, then you need to know: if the baby gets sick more than twelve times a year, this can be considered a dangerous symptom. Also, if you notice that a child often gets sick in kindergarten, then you need to carefully monitor the course of his illness.

With a constant exacerbation of viral infections and colds, the child's recovery period increases. If earlier the baby recovered in seven days, now he needs fourteen days or more to fully recover. In addition, the constant use of antibiotics can affect the body's immune system and overall health.

The danger of this situation is also that the child may develop a number of complications or chronic diseases. In particular, chronic bronchitis.

Psychological reasons

In kindergarten, which can be called vulnerable. After all, the state of the immune system to a large extent depends on the emotional mood of the child. People who are most stressed are more likely to get sick. A constantly frustrated child cannot properly defend itself against diseases and becomes an excellent bait for viruses and microbes.

If for your kids going to kindergarten and parting with you is torture and torment, then you should not be surprised that your children often get sick in kindergarten. Psychosomatics may be involved here. This teaching, which stands on the verge of psychology and medicine, should not be taken lightly. It is in this direction that one sometimes needs to look for answers to the question: “Why do children often get sick in kindergarten and how to prevent their frequent illness?”

Beware, worms

Hence the answer to the question of why a child often gets sick in kindergarten. Worms can not only poison the body with the products of their own vital activity, but also directly harm the integrity of the internal organs of a person.

What to do?

After it became clear why a child often gets sick in kindergarten, "What to do?" - the question is quite simple.

The easiest way to avoid frequent ailments is to monitor the health of your child. It is completely contraindicated to wrap him in wadded blankets and protect him from any drafts in every possible way. In this way, you will not strengthen your child's immune system, but quite the opposite. Turning a child into a "houseplant", you risk achieving the opposite effect - any "sneeze" will knock him down on the spot.

The child needs to be tempered, often played with him in the fresh air and exercise. The aspect of proper nutrition is also very important for improving immunity. If a child does not receive his dose of vitamins and trace elements, then what kind of healthy immunity can we talk about?

Also, teach your baby about personal hygiene. Tell him what is the danger of worms for his body and that children who do not follow the basic rules often get sick in kindergarten. Explain what is needed:

  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
  • Use only your own personal towel.

hardening methods

In kindergarten, children who are not prepared to stay in an aggressive bacterial environment often get sick. As mentioned above, this may be the result of a lack of hardening and an unfavorable emotional background.

The essence of hardening is that when performing procedures, an alternate expansion and contraction of blood vessels occurs. These exercises keep in shape not only the vessels themselves, but also the natural mechanisms responsible for the flow of these processes.

The influence of factors such as cold and hot water, fresh air and sunlight contributes to the hardening of the child's body. If your children often get sick in kindergarten, then at home you need to constantly deal with them.

Proper hardening occurs gradually, continuously and systematically. Only with continuous maintenance in good shape of all body systems, we can talk about any positive effect. If you abandon the procedures, then the body will no longer be as strong as during hardening. "In reserve", unfortunately, it is impossible to improve your health.

The gradual increase in the action of irritating factors enhances the beneficial effect produced by hardening.

The list of basic procedures that can be carried out with a child of almost any age includes the following activities:

  • Air baths.
  • Sunbathing.
  • water procedures.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Balanced physical activity.

It should be noted that if you follow all the hardening rules, you will very soon forget that you used to complain that children often get sick in kindergarten. The need for a constant supply of fresh air is explained by the fact that young children need twice as much oxygen as adults. This is due to the fact that the body of the child is not fully formed. Consequently, the blood runs through the full circle of blood circulation much faster, the oxygen exchange in the tissues is also accelerated. That is, the amount of oxygen consumed is much higher.

If a child is often sick in kindergarten, pay attention to his emotional state. It does not happen that a child is upset because he is ill. It happens just the opposite: the baby got sick because he was upset, and his immune system weakened.

Very often, the reason why children often get sick in kindergarten lies in the fact that they simply do not want to go there and be separated from their parents for a long time. It is important to identify such a simulation in time and stop it in the bud. See if your child has a good relationship with all the guys in the garden, if he gets along with the teachers and nannies, if there are any emotional frictions in the team as a whole.


Knowing and observing all the basic rules and recommendations of children's specialists, parents will forget about the problem and will be able to fully enjoy the success of their children. After all, it is very useful for a child to be in a team, in the company of his peers. There they get to know the world, learn to communicate and get the first and invaluable experience that will definitely come in handy in adulthood.

When faced with a preschool educational institution for the first time, young parents often ask why do children get sick in kindergarten? The endless "sick leaves" that mothers of preschoolers are forced to take can be reduced to a minimum, knowing the reasons for the situation.

Is pain normal?

Kindergarten is a collective place, and it is almost impossible not to get sick in it. Experts in the field of child health strongly recommend starting adaptation to kindergarten in the warm season. Pediatricians say that the later the baby enters a preschool institution, the less often he will get sick during the addiction period. So, after reaching the age of three, the baby's immune system is already strong enough to withstand the bulk of viruses. However, even an ideally flowing period of adaptation is accompanied by diseases. The question is frequency, because according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, up to 6-8 cases of viral infections in 12 months are considered the “norm”.

Before entering the kindergarten, the child's body had contact with a limited range of microorganisms, but in the preschool educational institution the situation changes dramatically - many children constantly “catch” viruses, fall ill again and again, barely having time to recover from the previous illness. The main reason for the high incidence was and remains the whole variety of viruses living in the outside world. "Sadikovskiy" child gets sick more often than "home". At the moment, experts know two hundred viruses that can cause a cold. Until the body "gets acquainted" with them (or at least with the 50 most common ones), it will get sick. Statistics show that in the first year of visiting the garden, at least half of the parents face the problem of permanent sick leave. By the second year of "kindergarten education" the number of frequently ill children is reduced to 20%, and only 10% of pupils often fall ill in the third year of study. By the way, pediatricians are sure that “kindergarten” children acquire immunity to the main part of viruses during preschool education, and, having started studying at school, they will get sick less than classmates who did not attend kindergarten.

Is it possible to take a sick child to kindergarten?:

The banal reason for the infection of children in kindergarten is ... the irresponsibility of parents. It is no secret that quite often children are brought to the garden with a beginning or untreated infectious disease. Parents turn a blind eye to the obvious or erased symptoms of their child's ill health - a run from the nose, coughing, sore throat, hoarseness and a slight increase in temperature.

Parents who bring sick children to the garden feel they are doing the right thing, because the symptoms of the disease are “not so significant.” The constantly high incidence rate in kindergartens shows that such irresponsible behavior of parents becomes fatal not only for their own children, but also for babies with whom the infected child has come into contact.

A sick child becomes a distributor of infection several hours and even days before the onset of obvious symptoms of the disease. Mild forms of viral infections can occur completely unnoticed by others. And only the mother of this baby knows that at night he is choking from a suffocating cough, and in the evening he had a fever. But for some reason, such a condition of the child is not a reason for his parents to be on sick leave - mommy gives him an antipyretic, and strictly orders him not to cough loudly in kindergarten.

There are only a few such parents, but this is enough to maintain a consistently high level of morbidity in kindergarten. First of all, babies with weak immunity become infected.

The teacher, having seen the signs of an acute infectious disease in the child, is obliged to isolate the baby in the nurse's room and call the parents. In fact, this does not happen so quickly as to have time to limit healthy children from sick ones.

Weak immunity is the cause of diseases:

The practice of attending kindergarten in an unhealthy state is universal, but some children in the group fall ill more often than others. It's about the immune system. To prevent this, parents of babies need to know how to increase the child's immunity even before entering kindergarten.

Complete set of groups and the condition of the premises, in which children spend most of their time, is another important point in the issue of morbidity. Old buildings that have been operated without major repairs for decades, drafts and cold floors in playrooms, poor heating, old windows are the realities of many kindergartens of the present. If the defects were not eliminated at the personal expense of the parents and on their initiative, then premises with such conditions pose a threat to children's health. Due to the lack of places in kindergartens, groups are conceived to the maximum - from 25 to 35 children, who should fit in a group of 30-60 m2. What hygiene standards can be discussed in such conditions?

Psychological factor is another point worth mentioning when discussing morbidity. Stress due to adaptation in the garden, possible conflicts between children, unstable morale due to the child's psyche - all this contributes to an easier onset of the disease.

Reminder for Responsible Parents:

What can be done so that the child does not get sick often in kindergarten? We will give you some simple but effective recommendations.

Harden the baby. Tempering recommendations are all over the place, but few people take them seriously. Meanwhile, hardening procedures will help your child not get sick from every draft or lack of socks on his feet in cool weather. As long as you wrap your child in three scarves and allow him to drink exclusively warm drinks, the baby's immune system will not be able to provide the child with full protection against infection.

            Do not abuse drugs, especially antibiotics . It is no secret that at present the use of antibiotics for ARVI is becoming more and more popular. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed by pediatricians for any sneeze and cough, because the doctor, not wanting to take risks, tries to play it safe in this way. But the frequent use of antibiotics undermines the immune system, and the child will get sick even more often.

         Complete nutrition . No matter how trite it may sound, but the child's nutrition should be balanced and complete. All parents know this common truth, but in reality the situation is the opposite - harmful chips, sweet soda and chewing gum become constant companions of the child. Together with them, the body receives a sick stomach and planted immunity. A growing body needs vegetables, fruits, cereals and soups, and not fast food at all.

            Mandatory morning exercise . From childhood, teach your child that movement is life, and the best start to the day is morning exercises. Back up the word with deeds, and do the exercises with your child. In return, you will get good posture, healthy sleep, strong nerves and immunity.

         Wash your hands often. Washing hands before eating is an important rule that parents teach their children from childhood. But this simple hygiene procedure should be performed not only before eating, but as often as possible throughout the day. Thus, you will reduce the number of germs that accumulate on your hands in large quantities.

         Harm of passive smoking . A smoking parent may think that he does not cause any harm to the child if, when smoking in an apartment, he opens a window or a balcony. In fact, this is how the unpleasant consequences of passive smoking that a child experiences. And reduced immunity is one of the results.

            Protect your child from family quarrels, because stress - one of the factors for reducing immunity. The little man should grow up in a friendly environment.

         Summer holidays at the sea - the best prevention of SARS for the whole year. Try to spend at least 3 weeks at sea, during which time the body will get stronger, and its defenses will increase.

            Teach your child not to touch other people's things, especially towels, scarves and other personal items. Nail biting habit - a way to pick up an infection, so get rid of it as soon as possible.

            Get to know the teacher, inspect the group and the kindergarten as a whole before sending your child to it. If the conditions in the room do not suit you - there are strong drafts or the poor condition of the old windows, raise the issue of these shortcomings at the meeting. In order not to be horrified later how often your child gets sick, you should not be inactive!

            Do not attend kindergarten when you are sick. Even if a child only has a mild runny nose, they can pass the virus on to other children. Each organism reacts individually to the disease, and for other babies, the disease can turn into a serious condition and even hospitalization. Be a responsible parent!

            Spend more time with your child on open air .

            Accept the fact that everyone has difficulty adapting. More often, it is the parents who are not ready for kindergarten, and not the children at all. Mommy's overprotection in the form of hours of idleness at the group window, scandals over the slightest scratch, the use of a full arsenal of medicines at the first sneeze ... From now on, you need to be prepared for the fact that the child becomes part of society, and you just need to accept some moments.