A girl without eyes and a nose inspires people. Shocking characters that exist in real life Girl without eyes and nose after surgery

Incredible Facts

With the development of the Internet, we are given the opportunity to see and observe the most unusual characters.

The existence of some of the people on the following list is very hard to believe.

But they are all real and live not only on the screens of our computers, but also in everyday life.

Unusual people of the world

1. Miquel Ruffinelli - woman - hourglass

Mikel Ruffinelli is known as the hourglass woman. She has stunning hips. Their girth is 244 centimeters.

The woman is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Mikel is a mother of four and lives in Los Angeles.

The woman firmly states that weight loss is not included in her plans.

The longest dreadlocks

2. Asha Mandela - the owner of the longest dreadlocks

Asha Mandela (Asha Mandela) can safely be called the Rapunzel of our time ...

With only one caveat: Asha wears dreadlocks, the length of which reaches 17 meters.

Her braids are longer than the famous London bus.

But despite holding the world record, 47-year-old Rapunzel wants to break her own record despite doctors' warnings that it could be dangerous.

Hair that is too heavy can paralyze a woman's movements. And the weight of her hair at the moment is about 20 kg.

Photo of the longest hair in the world

3. The Rapunzel Family

If you think that Asha Mandela's hair is something unique, then you are mistaken.

Look at these girls. Members of this family have ponytail-like hair.

Meet Tara Lynn Svetlechich Russell and her charming daughters. The woman is raising five children, three of whom are shown in the photo.

The length of the hair of each of the girls reaches four meters.

To wash their hair, they have to kneel, as the weight of the hair is already very impressive.

4. David Matlock created the perfect wife

When plastic surgeon David Matlock met his future wife, Veronica, he decided he would turn her into the perfect woman.

With the eye of an experienced specialist, he immediately saw the girl's shortcomings and decided to correct them.

He put her on a strict diet, instituted a rigorous exercise regimen, and performed a series of plastic surgeries to reshape her body.

Both spouses continue to monitor their appearance and plan to improve their bodies for the rest of their lives.

People with an unusual appearance

5. Michel Kobke - the narrowest waist

Michele Koebke reduced her already narrow waist from 64 cm to 40 cm.

For four years, the woman wore a corset without taking it off.

The 27-year-old Berliner says her goal is a 38cm waist. The idol of the girl is the American Cathy Jung, who just has the declared parameters.

6. Elizani da Cruz Silva - the tallest bride

The height of one of the tallest models in the world, Elisany da Cruz Silva, reaches 203 cm.

But the height of her lover is much smaller and is 162 cm.

However, this difference did not prevent the lovers from being together. The couple is happy and does not pay attention to the gossip of others.

7. Janice Haley - owner of Bengal tigers

American Janice Haley is known for keeping Bengal tigers in her backyard.

The 270 kg white tiger, nicknamed Saber, and the 180 kg red tigress Janda feel great living among people.

According to Janice herself, the predators do not pose any threat to others and neighbors.

8 Romario Dos Santos Alves - The Hulk

Bodybuilder Romario Dos Santos Alves (Romario Dos Santos Alves) has made himself a real monster.

A 25-year-old man began injecting an oil cocktail, painkillers and alcohol infusions into his muscles.

Romario went to such shocking drastic measures to pump up his biceps.

As a result, the young man has acquired serious health problems.

9. Pakkirappa Hunagundi - lover of unusual food

Apparently, 30-year-old Indian Pakkirappa Hunagundi (Pakkirappa Hunagundi) suffers from an eating disorder.

A man eats bricks, gravel, dirt and other unfit substances. He developed this addiction at the age of 10.

The man himself claims that he is completely healthy, and he does not have any illness.

Unusual illnesses

10. Hunter Steinitz, suffering from Harlequin syndrome

Hunter Steinitz has a rare skin condition.

Harlequin syndrome is a disease characterized by painful symptoms: redness, rash and itching of the skin.

11. Mark Dumas is a brave swimmer

Mark Dumas is the only person in the world who can swim with a polar bear.

The fearless Canadian regularly bathes in a pool with a huge predator. In addition, he easily embraces his favorite without fear.

12. Kang Tri Chan

A resident of Thailand, Kang Tri Chan became famous for his ability to fry chickens with his bare hands.

A man is not afraid of boiling oil and does not experience pain when hot splashes hit his skin.

13. Simon and George Cullen, Vampire Brothers

The two Cullen brothers from the UK are striking in their resemblance to vampires.

They even go by the last name Cullen, after the famous vampire saga character Edward Cullen.

The appearance of Simon and George is indeed unusual: white skin, pointed teeth and protruding ears.

It's all about brothers suffering from a rare genetic disorder called an ectodermal disorder.

The Cullen brothers cannot be under the sun, because due to non-functioning sweat glands, they are threatened with death from overheating.

Every time before they go out, they use an impressive layer of sunscreen.

Photos of strange people

14. Raji Narinesing, a cement-faced woman

After a series of unsuccessful plastic surgeries performed in an illegal clinic, it turned out that the woman was injected with ... cement under the skin of her face and thighs.

As a result, the Raja's face took on a very strange look.

She turned to qualified help in time.

The treatment improved the condition of the woman's face, and the unfortunate doctor who performed shocking experiments on her appearance was sentenced to prison.

15. Pia Martell, transgender without both legs

Pia Martell was born in California... as a boy.

Pia knew from childhood that she was a woman trapped in a man's body.

In addition, she was born with some abnormalities: she has 2 tiny legs that do not function.

Pia (who lost her mother at the age of 8 and then her stepmother) does her best not to despair.

The girl tries to live life to the fullest. Any healthy person can envy her activity.

The smallest person in the world

16. Charlotte Garside, the smallest girl in the world

Charlotte Garside has just started school. The weight of a 7-year-old Thumbelina is only about 4 kg, and her height is 68 cm.

A three-month-old child has such parameters. No wonder Charlotte is so different from her peers.

Despite such unusual features in her appearance, in all other respects the girl is no different from her classmates. She is a sweet, kind and smart girl.

The smallest man

17. Sean Stevenson, world's smallest husband

Mindy Niss fell in love with Sean Stevenson, who is only 90 cm tall.

But for the girl, this did not become an obstacle. After all, true love knows no boundaries.

The couple is living the normal life of being in love, including everything you would expect from a normal couple.

Vampires in real life

18. Lea Benninghoff and Aro Draven, Real Vampires

Meet the real vampires.

The British couple drink each other's blood and love to eat raw meat. Like vampires, they are nocturnal and have adopted vampire habits.

Such an unusual lifestyle shocks others, but the couple does not harm anyone.

19. Ibrahim Hamato, plays tennis without hands

Egyptian Ibrahim Hamato loves to play table tennis.

He likes this hobby so much that he learned to play even without ... both hands.

Ibrahim was born without both limbs. Such a zeal to play and win is living proof that everything is possible in this life if you have willpower, self-discipline, the desire to do something and determination.

20. Megan Leatherman, pregnant bodybuilder

Pregnancy did not become an obstacle for American Megan Leatherman (Meghan Umphres Leatherman) to continue intensive training.

The athlete did not stop her training program and continued to lift weights up to 100 kg, even while in position.

It is worth noting that Megan gave birth to a completely healthy child.

birth defects

21. Cassidy Hooper, a girl without a nose and an eye

American Cassidy Hooper (Cassidy Hooper) was born without two important parts of the body - eyes and nose.

But this strong-willed girl has great willpower and is currently undergoing a series of surgeries to remedy the situation.

I would like to hope that everything will work out for this brave girl in the best way.

22. Sam Burns, a man with progeria

This cute "old man", in the photo, is only ... 16 years old!

He looks like an elderly man due to a rare disease called progeria.

Sam Burns died at the age of 17, a few months after these photos were taken.

Sam dedicated his short but eventful life to raising awareness of the disease.

Model with an unusual appearance

23. Winnie Harlow, model with a rare skin condition

Canadian model Winnie Harlow is known for the rare skin disease vitiligo, which she has been suffering from since she was 4 years old.

However, the disease did not alienate the girl from the outside world.

Winnie is engaged in the modeling business and leads an active social life. Her name is known to many, and famous companies want to see her as the face of their brand.

24. Kelly Lee Decai, woman with a wasp waist

Kelly Lee Dekay is an avid fan of corsets and comic book characters.

She decided on body transformations to look like one of the heroines. Hard training and constant wearing of a corset reduced her waist to an unrealistic size.

At the moment it is 40 centimeters.

However, the woman is not going to stop there. She does not take into account the warnings of doctors that such persistence can adversely affect her health.

In addition, they not only managed to find the strength to live with such an unusual condition, but also manage to earn good money from it!

Sean Stevenson - the smallest husband in the world

Mindy Niss fell in love with Sean Stevenson, who is good at everything, but there is one small fact - his height is a little over sixty centimeters. But love knows no boundaries, and the couple leads a normal life.

Leah Benninghoff and Aro Draven are real vampires

It is rare to find a family of vampires. The two drink each other's blood and love to eat raw meat. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle. I would like to believe that they keep their hobby for themselves, and do not arrange holidays at night using local residents.

Ibrahim Hamato - plays tennis without hands

The Egyptian Ibrahim Hamato is very fond of table tennis. He loves it so much that he manages to play even though he was born without arms. This is proof that nothing is impossible if you have the desire, strong will and exceptional self-discipline.

Megan Leatherman - pregnant weightlifter

The desire to become a mother for Megan Leatherman did not interfere with training. She continued her classes and lifted barbells for all 9 months. The last record is 97 kg! Three days after setting the record, Megan gave birth to a girl weighing 3 kg.

Cassidy Hooper was born without a nose and eyes

American Cassidy Hooper was born without two important parts of the body - without eyes and nose. But she is a strong girl, with incredible willpower.

Kayol Khan - snake girl from India

The fact that the bite of these snakes is deadly does not stop Kaiol. The girl dreams of becoming a snake catcher - as skilled as her dad.

Mark Dumas is the only person who swims with a polar bear

Edgey, a 16-year-old polar bear, seems to be delighted with this. Otherwise, she probably would have killed him long ago. Regular swimming with a bear in the pool brings Mark a good income - 249 thousand dollars!

Sam Burns - progeria patient

The "old man" you see in the picture is only 16 years old. Sam Burns died at the age of 17 from a rare disease called progeria.

He devoted his short life to raising awareness of this disease.

winnie harlow rare skin condition

Canadian Winnie Harlow is a model. The girl is known for her rare disease - vitiligo, which she fell ill at the age of 4.

Winnie has become a kind of spokeswoman for this disease and is very proud of herself. She does not allow conditions to influence her life and modeling career.

Kelly Lee Decai - reduced her waist

Kelly Lee Dekai is into corsets and comic book characters, so she decided to train her body to improve it. Now her waist is only 40 centimeters! Although it remains to be seen how this will affect her health in the future.

It's hard to believe, but all these people live (or really lived) on our planet. All of them are different, but they are united by one thing - exceptional unusualness and uniqueness. In addition, they not only managed to find the strength to live with such an unusual condition, but also manage to earn good money from it!

Sean Stevenson - the smallest husband in the world

Mindy Niss fell in love with Sean Stevenson, who is good at everything, but there is one small fact - his height is a little over sixty centimeters. But love knows no boundaries, and the couple leads a normal life.

Leah Benninghoff and Aro Draven are real vampires

It is rare to find a family of vampires. The two drink each other's blood and love to eat raw meat. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle. I would like to believe that they keep their hobby for themselves, and do not arrange holidays at night using local residents.

Ibrahim Hamato - plays tennis without hands

The Egyptian Ibrahim Hamato is very fond of table tennis. He loves it so much that he manages to play even though he was born without arms. This is proof that nothing is impossible if you have the desire, strong will and exceptional self-discipline.

Megan Leatherman - pregnant weightlifter

The desire to become a mother for Megan Leatherman did not interfere with training. She continued her classes and lifted barbells for all 9 months. The last record is 97 kg! Three days after setting the record, Megan gave birth to a girl weighing 3 kg.

Cassidy Hooper was born without a nose and eyes

American Cassidy Hooper was born without two important parts of the body - without eyes and nose. But she is a strong girl, with incredible willpower.

She tries to correct the situation with a series of operations. I want to believe that she will succeed!

Kayol Khan - snake girl from India

The fact that the bite of these snakes is deadly does not stop Kaiol. The girl dreams of becoming a snake catcher - as skilled as her dad.

Mark Dumas is the only person who swims with a polar bear

Edgey, a 16-year-old polar bear, seems to be delighted with this. Otherwise, she probably would have killed him long ago. Regular bathing with a bear in the pool brings Mark a good income - 249 thousand dollars!

Sam Burns - progeria patient

The "old man" you see in the picture is only 16 years old. Sam Burns died at the age of 17 from a rare disease called progeria.

He devoted his short life to raising awareness of this disease.

winnie harlow rare skin condition

Canadian Winnie Harlow is a model. The girl is known for her rare disease - vitiligo, which she fell ill at the age of 4.

Winnie has become a kind of spokeswoman for this disease and is very proud of herself. She does not allow conditions to influence her life and modeling career.

Kelly Lee Decai - reduced her waist

Kelly Lee Dekai is into corsets and comic book characters, so she decided to train her body to improve it. Now her waist is only 40 centimeters! Although it remains to be seen how this will affect her health in the future.

A girl born without a nose and eyes inspires a huge number of people

The headline "The Girl Born Without Eyes and Nose" immediately grabs attention, and you expect to read about a newborn baby with a disability, but in fact this is a story about a courageous girl with an extraordinary attitude towards life.

16-year-old Cassidy Hooper was born without eyes and without a nose. In modern society, such an infant is a typical candidate for abortion, especially since its innate effect appears in the first two weeks of pregnancy.

Yes, in this age of child planning and sex selection, when it is considered normal to have an abortion, if they simply do not want a child, or parents are not satisfied with the sex of the unborn child, why allow a child to be born who will have to endure so much pain and difficulties? Are people trying to play the role of God when they show such compassion and interrupt a life that will be full of suffering in the future before it has begun? Cassidy will categorically answer these questions: “No!”.

Had she been born in Holland, there would have been a possibility that the doctor, playing the role of God, would have killed her at birth by euthanasia.
According to ABCNews.com, Cassidy, despite her physical problems, has high hopes of pursuing a career as a radio host. She attends a special school for the blind in Raleigh, NC, but no challenge is too big for her: she's on the track team and recently qualified for a scholarship to the Charlotte curling club.

Is she running and blind? And also plays curling, an ice sport we only know about from the Winter Olympics?

According to her mother, Cassidy is very sociable. Wherever they go, she asks: "Sit me by the pool, and I will quickly make new friends." She loves to talk and is very confident. When she started attending a school for the blind, she told her mother: "Everyone here is blind, so I'm normal."

Since the age of 11, Cassidy has undergone several skin grafting and facial reconstruction surgeries. During the next three final operations, doctors will graft skin and cartilage from other parts of her body onto her face.

Cassidy said she was excited to be able to smell and breathe through her nose for the first time. “I will have a real nose like the others,” she said.

But even with a new nose, she will remain blind and will face certain problems, but she looks at life like this: “There will always be some difficulties, but I think this way: I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be possible ".

What would the world look like if each of us lived like this? No eyes? No nose? No problem! She rides a handcart, even tries to play baseball. She is an inquisitive, brave and independent girl.

With physical limitations that many of us can't even imagine, having survived numerous surgeries, she remains unstoppable in her aspirations. She also drew inspiration from the movie Soul Surfer, which tells the story of a girl named Bethany Hamilton, who at the age of 13 lost her arm after being attacked by a shark, but returned to the sport as a surfer champion.

It was from there that Cassidy took her motto: "I don't need it to be easy, I need it to be possible."

Cassidy and Bethany tell us that life can be hard, but that's nothing new. Life doesn't give anyone a free pass. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and if it doesn't break you, it will shape you.