Intimate hygiene of a newborn: washing and caring for the genitals

Intimate hygiene of a newborn is an important procedure on which the health of the child's genitals depends. It is very important to pay great attention to this process. Care procedures should be carried out regularly and not cause discomfort to the baby. Personal hygiene for boys and girls is essentially the same, but each of the procedures has its own rules.

Children's humor! They brought a daughter from the hospital, we bathe in the evening, Sasha (3 years 3 months) looked and looked and said:
"Are you sure it's your sister?" I think it's my brother!

At first, parents may notice a creamy coating on the labia of a newborn. Normally, it has no smell and disappears after a month of the baby's life. Otherwise, resort to the procedure for its removal. The following principles for caring for the genitals of a child should be observed.

Important! Redness of the labia in a newborn girl and the appearance of a rash is a reason to contact a pediatrician.

We suggest watching a video of the correct instructions for washing babies.

How to care for the genitals of a newborn boy?

If you practice wearing a diaper all the time for your child, it is important to change it every three hours, therefore, wash the child at the same time intervals. After a bowel movement, be sure to wash from the baby's scrotum to the buttocks. No need to open the foreskin of the baby, it is enough to wash the penis with running water without soap. Many mothers do not know how often to wash a newborn: it is better to do this at any convenient opportunity. Keep an eye on the dryness of all areas after hygiene procedures, do not allow.

The kids are talking! We started a global cleaning with my daughter (4.5 years old). I:
- Well, we’ll clean up here, we’re still hostesses, or what?
- Let's better " or how»!

Important! After taking the procedures, leave the baby naked for 10-15 minutes to gradually harden the baby.

If a child has reddening of the penis, rinse the flesh with a syringe with furatsilin solution and lubricate the painful area with Levomekol for several days.

Evgeny Komarovsky is of the opinion that when washing a baby, a lot depends on the correct posture, how you will hold the baby. There are several rules for this:

  • to wash the child under the tap, he is placed breast-feeding on the mother's arm so that he is comfortably located on your forearm. This position does not require additional support for the baby's head.
Attention! Make sure that during the procedure there is no pressure on the baby's tummy, as he can spit up all the food.
  • They practice the “front” pose when the child is placed back on the forearm of the parent. The supporting hand holds the baby by the ass. This position is convenient for washing girls, as well as when using sinks and basins for hygiene purposes;
  • while bathing, the child is washed very carefully, first of all in the process of bathing. After all, after bathing, bacteria remain in the water, which can adversely affect the genitals of the child. At first, it will be difficult for you to get used to such a procedure, so enlist the support of your spouse.

Means for intimate hygiene of the child: how to choose?

It is advisable to use all kinds of cosmetics intended for babies in the first days of life, we immediately remind you that the frequent use of such products affects the health of the baby. Therefore, we choose the right items for intimate care:

  • we purchase baby soap, preferably from popular companies Pampers Happy, Hagies. It is better to limit yourself to solid, since liquid often violates the acidic flora of the genital organs;
  • buy a quality diaper cream. For babies in the first months, Bepanten or BoroPlus is perfect. Try not to change it throughout the entire period while the baby is wearing a diaper;
  • chamomile is better to buy in pharmacies, it is suitable for evening washing. Make a weak solution of manganese, it makes the water antibacterial, so you can not use soap;
  • wet wipes for intimate hygiene should not contain alcohol and have a neutral smell. It is better to purchase such funds in children's stores or pharmacies.

It is also recommended to use for washing babies' underwear. Today, the market is full of cleansers for washing baby clothes, you can use powders such as Eared Nyan, Stork, I Was Born.

A video instruction on how to choose intimate hygiene products for a newborn will come to your aid.