How to use Veet Hair Removal Cream. We fight excess vegetation on the body with cream for depilation of intimate areas Veet

Modern fashion requires girls to get rid of visible hairs on their legs, armpits, bikini area, etc. Many methods have been developed for this. All of them are divided into two large groups: epilation and depilation. removal of the hair shaft along with the root. This type includes waxing, epilator, shugaring, etc. Depilation involves the removal of only the visible part of the bristles - the rod. This type includes shaving, removal with the help of special chemical compounds.

Cream Veet won the hearts of many beauties


The first method gives a longer and more stable result, the new bristle grows back softer and less noticeable. However, it is painful. The second method, depending on the method, gives a more or less long-term effect. May cause irritation, but is completely painless.

One of the best solutions is depilation cream. The chemical components in the composition of the product destroy the texture of the hair and “burn” it. Unlike shaving, this method does not cause irritation (provided there is no allergy to it). New hairs grow thin and less noticeable. While they become thicker and stiffer when shaving, the bristles are uncomfortably prickly. The tool is indispensable for delicate areas.

Cream Veet for depilation of the intimate area, bikini and face: for sensitive, normal and dry skin

The Veet brand produces a variety of hair removal products. These are compositions suitable for use in the shower, and products for, and sprays that are easy to apply and much more. The choice for the deep bikini area is a responsible matter, since the skin there is very sensitive and will normally respond only to the most delicate removal. It is best to choose a composition for sensitive skin - it is suitable for both the face and the intimate area. It has the following advantages:

  1. Nice smell;
  2. Slow down hair growth;
  3. Skin care;
  4. Fast action time;
  5. Delicate attitude towards the skin.

The cream for depilation is not expensive - about 300 rubles. You need to use it less often than a razor. With moderate use, one package is enough for 2-3 times.

Use in the shower: instructions for use

Walking around the apartment with a cream applied to your feet is not always convenient - it gets dirty, restricts your movements, etc. Yes, and the procedure for removing hairs, most people spend in the shower. Therefore, the company has developed a line of appropriate tools. The Veet shower depilatory cream can be used while standing under the streams of water. The line includes the following products:

  • This in-shower treatment for dry skin is fast-acting (only 3 minutes) and long lasting. The skin remains smooth twice as long compared to shaving, as the composition removes the hair close to the root, does not create an acute angle, as with a cut;
  • A product for sensitive skin gives long-lasting results. Enriched with vitamin E and aloe vera extract, thanks to which it actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, as well as heals and restores it;
  • Rose cream with shea extract is suitable for dry and normal skin. Works for 3 minutes. Applicable to any area except the face. The instructions for the veet depilatory cream promise that the skin will become smoother and silkier than even other Vit products.

The exposure time of the composition is minimal - depending on the density and other characteristics of the hair, it is 3-5 minutes.

How long is the spray

Veet depilatory cream is easy to use. The composition is applied to the area of ​​unwanted growth evenly. In this case, you do not need to ensure that the hairs are completely covered with it. It is enough that only their roots will be covered. After the time specified in the instructions, the product is washed off along with the remnants of the hairs. But Veet made this elementary process even easier by creating a depilatory spray. Developed lines for dry, sensitive and normal skin.

The exposure period of the composition is 5 minutes. Cream for dry skin works even faster - 3 minutes. Despite the short exposure time, it gives a long lasting result, slowing down hair growth. The skin is actively nourished and moisturized.

The composition is stored in a tightly closed vial. Before closing the sprayer must be wiped dry.

Depilation of intimate areas is a procedure that helps maintain beauty, charm and attractiveness. Removing excess hair is also of great importance for maintaining hygiene standards. Today, hair removal is in demand not only among women, but also among men. The procedure can be carried out mechanically using wax strips, an electric epilator. An alternative solution that is not accompanied by pain, cuts and inflammation, and is highly effective, is chemical depilation. Of the many products that are used to get rid of excess hair in this way, Veet depilation cream in intimate areas is the most popular.

Variety of products

The Vit product line is represented not only by cream and spray, but also by wax, strips based on it. However, creams and sprays are in demand among those who are afraid of pain or do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on depilation. Products are easy to choose according to skin type:

  • For sensitive skin - a solution for people who often have irritation. Moisturizing the surface to be depilated is carried out due to the components of vitamin E, aloe vera extract. These components keep the skin soft and smooth for two weeks after depilation. Also, their presence is of great importance when the cream is applied along the bikini line.
  • For normal skin - the product is recommended to use if the cover is not prone to irritation. The lotus milk included in the composition helps to avoid drying out.
  • For dry skin - contains shea butter, which is indispensable for softening and moisturizing skin prone to dryness. The presence of this component in "Vit naturals" eliminates the likelihood of peeling, itching, and keeps the skin smooth.
  • "Vit" with shea butter - effectively removes hair while caring for the surface of the skin. Ideal for use in the bikini area.
  • Veet Suprem Essence - suitable for normal to dry skin. The composition includes essential oils that have a complex effect on the skin. It moisturizes, disinfects, softens, soothes.

Any of the listed products is recommended for use along the bikini line, as well as on the surface of the upper and lower extremities, in the armpits. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to use in the groin area, for shaving hair in the chest area and on the face. Also, do not allow the product to get on any mucous membranes. Therefore, when applying along the bikini line, special care should be taken.

Proper use of the cream "Vit"

The instruction on how to use the Vit depilator is quite simple.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the instructions for the Vit cream should be carefully read and all the above points should be strictly observed. Otherwise, irritation and chemical burns are not excluded. Such consequences are especially dangerous for the bikini area.

  • Before you start using the product, you must conduct a small allergy test. It consists in the following - a small amount of "Vit" is applied to the skin area and left for the time specified in the instructions. If there is no burning sensation before the recommended interval has elapsed, then the cream does not cause allergies.
  • Applying cream "Vit" should be preceded by a warm shower. Areas that will be subjected to the depilation procedure are cleaned of cosmetics and dirt. You can use soap for intimate hygiene if you plan to remove hair in this area.
  • The cream is best applied with a special spatula.
  • After the end of the procedure for the treated areas, it is recommended to use a cream that will slow down hair growth.
  • For 24 hours after depilation, the treated area should not be allowed to come into contact with deodorants, cosmetics, perfumes. Prolonged contact with the sun and water should also be avoided.

Spray for hair removal "Vit"

The product line includes, in addition to the previously mentioned creams, a spray. Their action is similar, the difference concerns only the method of application to the skin. The product is easy to spray, which saves time and facilitates application in hard-to-reach areas.

Spray "Vit" is of two types:

  • for sensitive skin - contains vitamin E, aloe vera extract;
  • for dry skin - shea butter and sweet almond moisturize the surface after depilation.

Each spray is equipped with a spatula, which is convenient to remove the remains of hair. Due to the method of application, the product is convenient to use in the bikini area.

Depilation in the shower

The pace of modern life is very fast. Often there is not enough time for depilation. But what if circumstances require the perfect appearance of intimate areas? In the Vit product line there is a cream for depilation in the shower.

The difference is in the method of application. A small amount of cream is applied to dry skin, after two minutes you can safely take a shower. The kit includes a double-sided sponge. The soft part is designed to apply the cream. Rigid, painted white - for removal. The small size of the sponge makes it easy to use in the bikini area. It should be remembered that the shower cream has a water-repellent structure, i. simple rinsing is not enough to completely remove the product. Another note - the depilator should not be kept on the surface of the treated area for more than five to six minutes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of burns on the sensitive zone of intimate places.

Like a traditional depilator, the shower cream is divided into three options depending on the type of skin. The product is recommended for use in the bikini line area, as well as underarms and on the arms.

Depilation for men

It is generally accepted that hair removal in the intimate area is the prerogative of exclusively women. Recently, however, more and more men are also striving for aesthetics. Veet for men is a special product designed specifically for the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

The tool differs from the female counterpart in composition - it includes a larger number of active substances. As you know, men's hair is thicker, stiffer and thicker, which makes it more difficult to remove it chemically.

Cream "Veet" for depilation in the shower is an ideal tool for modern women who are used to doing everything on the go. What could be more pleasant and faster than hair removal while bathing? Sugaring or waxing require many hours of spending time in the salon, using an epilator is painful and fraught with irritation, a razor is fast, but the result is enough for no more than a day. The company's specialists take into account all the desires of the fair sex - you can use Veet cream not only with benefit, but also with pleasure.

The Veet company is the undisputed leader among companies that produce products for depilation. The company has several dozens of different types of depilatory creams, wax strips, shaving foams, etc. on its account. Veet takes care of women's health with a line of products for sensitive skin.

Advantages and disadvantages of depilatory cream

Women have known about how to use a razor since adolescence, and the method of applying the cream is still a mystery for many. Before using the "new" tool, you need to understand how it works and what to expect from the procedure. The special components that make up the cream penetrate the structure of the hair, destroying the protein (protein chains inside the hair form a keratin sheath). After the destruction of keratin, only the “percutaneous” part of the hair dies, the follicle remains “safe and sound”. Do not expect a long-term effect after the procedure. The manufacturer manages to delay the appearance of "bristles" for several days by adding natural or chemical substances that slow down hair growth.

Benefits of depilatory creams:

  • price (depilation with cream is relatively cheap compared to salon procedures);
  • painlessness (neither during the procedure, nor after it, you will not feel pain and discomfort);
  • no risk (the use of the cream eliminates the possibility of cuts, burns or provoke ingrown hairs);
  • simplicity (the use of depilators does not require special skills, like sugaring or waxing);
  • convenience (packaging with cream will not weigh down the suitcase during the holidays).


  • chemical components in the composition (to make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components, test the product: apply a drop on the back of the wrist 15 minutes before the procedure);
  • short-term effect (skin remains smooth for 2-5 days);
  • unevenness (often the hair is destroyed not near the root, but in the middle, which leads to an unaesthetic appearance after removing the cream);
  • negative impact on the nails (since the nail plate contains keratin, you can only work with protective gloves);
  • strict requirements for holding time (after applying the cream, it is necessary to clearly maintain the time so as not to get a chemical burn).

To make the procedure leave only pleasant impressions, use high-quality products of a well-known brand.

Classic cream

The classic line of Veet creams consists of 3 products:

  • for sensitive skin;
  • for dry skin;
  • for normal skin.

Soon the line was supplemented with creams from the Naturals and Suprem'Essence series. The kit includes a tube with a depilator and a special spatula for hair removal, reminiscent of a construction spatula. The manufacturer includes instructions for use in the package. Be sure to read the manual!

These products can be used to remove hair on the legs, arms, back and armpits. When choosing a cream, it is important to pay attention to the indicated skin type. The quality of the procedure and the reaction of your body to the remedy depend on this.

It is strictly forbidden to use general purpose hair removal creams in the groin area and on the face. For the treatment of sensitive areas, you need to use only specialized tools.

Depilatory cream while showering

Cream "Veet" for depilation in the shower is a novelty that has sharply earned positive feedback from users. How does it differ from the classic one? Instead of a spatula, the kit includes a sponge with two different coatings. One side is used to apply the cream on the legs, the second - to remove the product and hairs.

The principle of operation of the tool is not different, but the method of application is completely different. The cream must be applied to the depilated area of ​​​​the body before going to the shower. The time must be calculated in such a way as to wash off the "ointment" no later than after 7 minutes. Do not be surprised that water jets do not dissolve the cream. To remove it, a special washcloth is included in the kit (use the more “abrasive” side).

Why is depilatory cream in the shower so popular? It saves time. Depilation, combined with the usual shower, becomes invisible and does not bring trouble.

Like the classic line, a series of products for depilation in the shower consists of 3 types:

  • for normal skin type;
  • for skin prone to flaking (with shea butter for deep nourishment);
  • for skin prone to irritation (with aloe vera extract).

Cream for intimate depilation

Cream Vit for intimate depilation helps girls maintain hygiene and feel their own attractiveness. Depilators are the only affordable way to remove hair in the bikini area without the risk of cutting or burning. You are not threatened with the appearance of a terrible irritation that will attract attention on the beach or ruin the outcome of a long-awaited date.

In the kit, in addition to the tube with the depilator, there is a spatula-spatula and instructions for use. The procedure must be carried out slowly and very carefully. Do this in a well-lit bathroom. When processing a deep bikini area, use a mirror. The cream should be applied only to the skin, without touching the mucous membrane. If this happens, treat the affected area with clean water. The product is aged on the body from 7 to 10 minutes.

A depilator for the intimate area can be used to treat the face and armpits. The product is designed for more sensitive areas of the body, which reduces the risk of burning or irritation.


Making depilators in the form of a spray is a new approach to the procedure. Women who have tried aerosol products on their own experience note their effectiveness and ease of use. Since the product is applied to the body much faster, the hair is removed more evenly.

The main condition for working with the spray is to remove all objects that can be damaged by the depilator (carpets, clothes, towels, soft toys and furniture). It is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom. For the treatment of hands and feet, direct spray application is used. With an intimate area and face, you should be more careful. Apply the product on the palm (protected by a glove) and treat the desired areas. Like the depilatory cream, Vit spray is available in 3 types for different skin types.

The choice of depilation method for each woman is individual. Someone cannot refuse wax strips, someone likes the good old razor, and someone is saving money for laser hair removal. Having experienced the convenience of using Veet depilators, some girls quickly change their habits.

Among the many hair removal products, Veet is one of the most popular. This article will talk about the positive qualities of Veet depilatory cream, how to use it, what types of creams and sprays are, and for which parts of the body they are intended.

"Veet" is a different line of products for removing unwanted vegetation, among which you can find wax strips, wax, sprays and creams. The latter occupy a special place, because are a compromise for those who are afraid of pain and want to spend as little time as possible on the procedure.

Varieties of creams for depilation Veet

Photo: different types of creams Vit
  • For sensitive skin. This tool is designed for girls whose skin is prone to irritation. It contains aloe vera extract and vitamin E, so that the skin does not dry out and is not irritated during depilation. After the procedure, your skin will be tender, soft and smooth for up to 2 weeks.
  • For normal skin. This cream is suitable for girls who do not have skin problems. The composition includes lotus milk, which protects the skin from drying out and gives a pleasant aroma.
  • For dry skin. Contains shea butter, which perfectly softens and moisturizes skin prone to dryness. After depilation, there will be no itching and peeling, and the skin will remain smooth for a long time.
  • Cream "Vit" with shea butter. A product based on this oil perfectly removes hairs, and at the same time cares for the skin, softening, moisturizing and protecting it from irritation.
  • Veet Supreme Essence. This cream is designed for both dry and normal skin. It contains essential oils that have soothing, softening, moisturizing and antiseptic properties. Your skin is guaranteed the best care!

Each of these creams is suitable for use on the legs, arms, underarms and bikini line. Do not apply to the groin (deep bikini), face and chest. Make sure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.

How to use Veet depilatory cream?

Photo: apply the cream on the skin
Photo: remove the cream from the skin with a spatula

The instruction for Veet cream is very simple, and at the same time it requires careful reading and strict adherence, otherwise negative consequences are possible in the form of irritation and chemical burns of the skin. Just do as it is written in the instructions, and the depilation will go off with a bang!

  1. Before using the cream "Vit" every time you need to do an allergy test. Only after that you can start depilation.
  2. First you need to cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics. Ideally, take a warm shower.
  3. Apply the cream on the skin so that it completely covers the hairs. Easy to apply with the included spatula.
  4. Keep the time exactly according to the instructions - for different creams this time may vary, but usually no longer than 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the cream from the skin with a spatula against hair growth, and rinse off the residue with warm water under the shower.
  6. You can use a cream to slow down hair growth after depilation.
  7. During the day, do not use cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes on this part of the body, do not sunbathe in the sun and avoid being in the water for a long time.
  8. If irritation, burns or other unpleasant consequences appear after the procedure, consult a dermatologist.

Spray for depilation Veet

Photo: 3 types of Vit spray

In addition to the usual creams in the line, there are also spray creams that are very convenient and easy to use. Sprays work in the same way as regular creams, but are applied to the skin differently. You simply spray them on the desired area, saving time and getting the opportunity to "get" to hard-to-reach places.

There are two types of Veet depilatory sprays:

  • the first - for sensitive skin with aloe vera and vitamin E,
  • another spray for dry skin with sweet almond oil and shea butter.

Depilation cream in the shower or bath

Photo: 3 types of creams for use in the shower

There is also a series of creams "Vit" for hair removal in the shower. This is very convenient, because you do not spend extra time on the procedure. The agent must be applied to the skin with the sponge included in the package, wait a minute or two, then get under the shower and do the usual "bath" procedures. After another three to five minutes, wash off the cream with the same sponge along with the hairs.

After this procedure, when you get out of the shower, the skin will be moisturized, soft and smooth! Can be used on arms, underarms, legs and bikini line.

Veet men's cream

All of the above funds are created for the beautiful half of humanity. However, modern men are increasingly resorting to depilation, and especially for them, "Vit" made a cream-gel "Veet for men", which perfectly removes male hair.

The difference from the “female” one lies in the composition, where there is a greater amount of active substances, since male hair is much thicker, thicker and denser than female hair, and accordingly, it is more difficult to get rid of them. Cream "vit" is suitable for arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders and armpits.

Precautionary measures

When using a veet depilatory cream or spray, remember that you are dealing with a strong chemical. That is why you can not use it often - more than once every two weeks. If you neglect this advice, even when used correctly, you can expect severe irritation.

In no case should you remove hair with Vit creams if you have scratches, irritations, wounds and other skin problems or diseases. It is also better to refrain from such depilation in the presence of a large number of moles, papillomas or warts.

Avoid swallowing and contact with eyes. If this happens, contact your doctor immediately, taking a pack of veet depilatory cream with you.

Depilation using special creams is popular among girls, as the procedure is easy to carry out at home. The effect is better than shaving. With regular use of depilatory cream, atrophy of the bulbs occurs, and some hair stops growing. Hair removal is painless. One of the "leaders" is the British cream Veet. The line includes products for depilation of certain areas and is suitable even for sensitive skin.


The “main” component of any of the creams is calcium thioglycolate. The substance actively affects the main component of the hair structure - keratin protein. The hair shaft is destroyed, but the follicle itself remains intact. With the help of certain additives, the cream slows down hair growth in the future.

The basis of the composition of any Veet cream is:

  • talc is an emollient that absorbs moisture and prevents irritation;
  • urea is a natural moisturizer that softens and protects the skin;
  • calcium hydroxide - a component that regulates the pH level and a preservative for the cream;
  • sorbitol - additional hydration;
  • glycerol;
  • fragrances;
  • thickeners;
  • emulsifiers;
  • preservatives.

In addition, each type of cream contains additional components suitable for a particular skin type. For dry skin, Shea butter and lily extract are added to provide additional nutrition and hydration to the epidermis. Vitamin E and aloe are added to the cream for sensitive skin, while the standard Veet contains jasmine extract and lotus milk.

The main line of creams Vit

The main line of creams is represented by five types:

Type of creamAction
For normal skin Due to lotus milk, the epidermis is protected from drying out and the product does not cause irritation.
For dry skin This type of skin is prone to burning, itching and flaking after removing unwanted hair. Shea butter, which softens the skin, helps prevent such a negative effect.
For sensitive The epidermis with hypersensitivity often reacts sharply to cosmetics, allergic reactions and irritation often appear. Thanks to the additional components of the cream, the skin does not become inflamed and remains tender after depilation.
Suprem Essence Suitable for normal and dry skin types. The composition includes essential oils that provide softness and hydration of the skin, disinfecting and relieving inflammation.
Veet Naturals with Shea Butter Guarantees nutrition and hydration, and also enhances the regeneration of the skin.

Before using any tool, you need to read the instructions. It is also advisable to test for allergies: apply a small amount of cream on the inside of the crease of the arm. If discomfort does not appear within 20-30 minutes, depilation can be performed.

Step-by-step instruction

Detailed instructions for use are indicated on the Veet packaging. You need to act according to a simple scheme:

  • It is recommended to take a bath immediately before depilation, you can use a soft scrub. This will help cleanse the skin of excess fat and dead cells, steam and moisturize the cover. After the bath, you need to wipe yourself dry.
  • The cream is applied to the desired area using a special spatula that comes with the cream.
  • The exact duration of the procedure is indicated on the package. As a rule, the maximum time is 10 minutes. It is impossible to keep the product on the skin for too long, this can cause a burn.
  • Veet is washed off with warm water. If necessary, a moisturizer is used after the procedure.

Apply the cream in a thin layer, but so that it completely covers the hairs. One package is enough for 1-3 times, depending on the number of treated areas. A ruler is used to remove unwanted vegetation only on the legs and arms.

Additional series of Veet brand creams

Special products have been created for intimate areas or the face. They differ in composition and rules of use.

For depilation in the bikini area

When depilating the bikini area, you need to be extremely careful. Despite the "soft" composition, it is forbidden to apply the cream on the mucous membrane: this can lead to burns or severe irritation. For deep Brazilian depilation, it is better not to use the product.

The application scheme is standard: the depilatory cream is applied to dry, fat-free skin for 3-7 minutes, then washed off with warm water. If the hair is very coarse, you can remove Veet with a spatula that comes with the cream. It is undesirable to act too aggressively on the skin. After the procedure, the remains of the cream are washed off with water, a moisturizing soothing cream is applied.

For use in the shower

Veet shower is fast acting. Apply the cream to dry, fat-free skin (you can clean it with special lotions or chlorhexidine). After 2-3 minutes, water procedures can be performed. The main difference between the product is a special water-repellent structure.

Water alone is not enough to remove the product. The kit comes with a special double-sided sponge. One side is soft and is needed for applying the cream, the other is hard and is designed to remove the depilator. The manufacturer offers three cream options for different skin types, you can use them for underarms or bikini line.

For face

To remove the mustache from the face, you can only use a cream for sensitive skin. The manufacturer also offers special wax strips, but this method is painful and not suitable for women with a low pain threshold. If you use the cream correctly, there will be no discomfort.

Keep the product on your face for no longer than 3-5 minutes to prevent burning sensitive skin. With regular use, the hairs will become thin and almost invisible, and their growth will slow down. The more often the cream is used, the longer the effect lasts: over time, depilation will need to be done every 4-5 weeks.

Cream-gel Veet for men

The hair of the average man is thicker, coarser and thicker than that of women, and it is much more difficult to remove such a cover with the help of cosmetics. In addition, vegetation appears faster, which means that depilation has to be done more often, which increases the risk of irritation. A special male depilatory cream differs in composition: the active substances are contained in larger quantities than in the female counterpart.

You can use the cream to remove hair from the pubis, chest, arms, legs, back and armpits. Keep the product on the skin for about 7-10 minutes, then carefully scrape off the cream and hair with a spatula. Additionally, it is recommended to use special products that slow down hair growth.

Contraindications for use

To minimize the risk of side effects, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • You can use the cream no earlier than 3-4 days after using the razor.
  • You can apply the product only on clean skin, on which there are no abrasions, pimples, irritation, scratches or burns.
  • It is important to use the right cream for your skin type.
  • When buying, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. If it has expired, Veet cannot be used.
  • If you have had allergic reactions before, it is better to choose a different method of depilation.

You can use the cream even during pregnancy, there are no contraindications for this case. Discomfort can arise only because of the tummy. Solves problems cream spray, which is applied using a special "sprayer".