How to distinguish love from falling in love, addiction, affection. What is true love

The emergence of new and strong feelings for the opposite sex inspires a person, gives him strength and joy. But at the same time, it can bring a lot of pain and suffering. To avoid unnecessary disappointment, you should sort out your feelings, instead of denying their occurrence.

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True love is not always easy to recognize. To do this, you need to conduct an honest introspection and show diligence in order to understand your feelings and understand the sympathies of your chosen one.

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    Love or infatuation?

    Before you fully plunge headlong into a romantic relationship, you need to understand three main facets:

    • sympathy;
    • love;
    • love.

    Understanding these points will help you avoid mistakes and eventually find true happiness.

    Being in love can often be confused with love. Both of these concepts imply romantic feelings. However, their basis is different. If love turns a blind eye to shortcomings and rests only on an external and superficial foundation, then love knows about the strengths and weaknesses of a partner, it constantly grows and grows stronger, no matter what.

    To decide, you need to study 10 differences between love and falling in love.

    How to distinguish love from affection

    What do you like in a person?

    An enthusiastic person pays most of all attention to physical data - a beautiful figure, a pretty face, an athletic physique, etc. Although there is nothing wrong with looking at beautiful people, but appearance is just a beautiful wrapper in which there is no corresponding content. Having met a person of a more attractive appearance, sympathy can easily pass, and thoughts will already be occupied with a new acquaintance.

    • Unlike sympathy, true love is interested in the personality of a loved one. Physical attraction is present, but it only complements the personal characteristics and attractive qualities of a partner.

      How to get rid of love

      Evaluation of merit

      When falling in love, a person pays attention only to some qualities of the chosen one. He closes his eyes to his shortcomings and exaggerates his strengths.

      But when you truly love a person, you know about all his shortcomings, accept them and try to focus more on his actions, strengths and admire them.

      What is the difference between love and infatuation

      Invariance in feelings

      Love is not characterized by constancy. Therefore, the feelings of a man or woman can either blaze or subside for a certain period. The reason is that it is a superficial feeling. It does not have deep roots that constantly fuel interest in a person.

      Man's love does not calm down. Thoughts about her beloved, the desire to constantly see a person, to be near and hear her voice do not let go for a single day. If a passionate person can easily endure separation, then with real feelings, it becomes unbearable pain.

      How do feelings affect personality?

      Psychology notes that a fleeting infatuation with another person leads to disorganization. A person becomes distracted, relaxed, ceases to think sensibly. In addition, falling in love encourages spontaneous and thoughtless actions.

      Deep feelings always create. They encourage the lover to develop, improve, work on their qualities, give a surge of new strength and energy with which you can move mountains.

      Important elements of love

      An analysis of the main components of true love will help to distinguish love from falling in love.

      Deep and genuine feelings are based on:

      • frankness, trust and understanding;
      • loyalty;
      • passion.

      In sympathy, there is only physical attraction and fidelity, but there is no open communication and mutual understanding. Falling in love includes passion and frankness, but if partners do not make efforts to overcome difficulties, remain faithful to each other, then over time it will pass.

      basis of feelings

      To find out if this is true love, you should think about what goal is pursued in the desire to have a loved one. If a girl believes that a guy can make her happy, will provide for her and thinks only about her own interests, then this is a hobby, but not love.

      Genuine love is different in that it does not seek its own benefit. Love induces selflessly, devotedly to look after the interests of another and do everything possible for his happiness.

      Opinion of others

      An important test for true feelings is the opinion of loved ones about the chosen one. An enthusiastic person tends to idealize the other, not paying attention to serious shortcomings. Friends or family may not approve of the choice made, because they look at things realistically and see dangerous signals.

      When a girl truly loves, then more often parents and friends do not go against such a relationship. They will see the same good qualities and deeds for which she fell in love with a man, they will be able to make sure that she knows about his shortcomings and is ready to put up with them all her life.

      Time is the best indicator of feelings

      Distance is the best opportunity to define and test your feelings. Sympathy rests only on physical attractiveness. If people are simply passionate about each other, then under the influence of time and distance, interest in a person disappears and the relationship ends.

      To completely forget a man, a woman in love needs 1-3 months. Then she is visited by thoughts about the hopelessness of the relationship, and she begins to pay attention to handsome guys.

      Unlike passion for deep feelings, nothing can interfere. For those who truly love each other, the thread of love only grows stronger, despite thousands of kilometers and years of parting. Lovers will find opportunities to maintain their relationship, because they can no longer exist without each other. No other person of the opposite sex can replace and fill the void in the heart.

      Therefore, the upcoming separation should be treated calmly and not worried. If the feeling is only a fleeting hobby and it will not stand the test, then it is better to find out in advance.

      How often do disagreements occur?

      The attraction is characterized by frequent quarrels and romantic reconciliations. They can arise because of any trifles or imaginary grievances, jealousy.

      When you love a person, then disagreements become less frequent and large-scale. Everyone learns to resolve conflicts, openly and honestly discuss problems.

      Phases of love

      To deal with your feelings, you need to consider the phases of love that each person goes through:

      • infant phase - focused only on meeting their needs;
      • parental love - feelings for parents;
      • the phase of friendly love - the appearance of friends, the desire to communicate with other people, to be a member of society;
      • phase of youthful love - a manifestation of interest in the opposite sex, the formation of personality and life principles;
      • mature love - a person sees not only the external appearance, but also the inner world of another, ceases to show selfish qualities and thinks about the interests of the chosen one.

      True love is a dynamic phenomenon. It requires constant giving, compromise and effort. Deep feelings originate from the desire to give joy to another and the willingness to sacrifice.

      And some secrets...

      The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

      I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

      But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

It is impossible to say with certainty exactly when the concept of love was formed. Even ancient philosophers and thinkers thought about it. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without it. There are many shades and types of this feeling. They are difficult to define and explain. And yet we will try with the help of qualified how to distinguish love from affection.

The evolution of love

At first glance, it seems that each story of human relationships is unique and unrepeatable. This is not entirely true. Love or falling in love always begins with sympathy. A person singles out one person from the surrounding crowd who seems to him the most interesting and attractive. At the very beginning of communication, the object of sympathy seems to us more and more attractive every day. Sometimes, even after a few days after meeting, the confidence comes that this is the very second half. Such feelings are nothing but love. With complete reciprocity and regular communication, love relationships begin. Gradually, lovers take off and begin to discover the shortcomings of their partner. Much of the romanticism and passion from the relationship also disappears. Comparing the beginning of the novel and its middle, it is difficult to resist disappointment. How to distinguish love from affection and understand whether it is worth trying to maintain a relationship?

Express test for love and habit

In your free time, while alone, ask yourself a couple of questions and try to answer them honestly. You can even write down all your thoughts. This exercise is advised to their clients by many practicing psychologists. Question one: what do you like about your partner? The listing of some features of appearance, social status or individual qualities of character is a direct hint that you are experiencing affection. A person who truly loves will answer that he appreciates the partner's personality, realizing all its strengths and weaknesses. Try to appreciate how this relationship has affected your life. If you are not interested in anything except your partner, and all other people are “abandoned” by you, it is most likely about attachment. Love is a feeling that preserves and develops a person. People who love each other maintain their own interests. Such an alliance is complete, each of its participants can have their own friends and hobbies. Now you know how to distinguish love from affection. The test above can be simplified a bit. Think about how you most often talk about yourself and your partner. "We", "our", "us" are the words of true love. "I" and "he" are a clear sign of habit or affection.

Five signs of true love

Still wondering how to distinguish love from attachment to a person? Remember the five main signs that characterize a deep feeling. The first of them is constant thoughts about a loved one. During the time of falling in love or attachment, we also often think about who we have this feeling for. Most often, these are dreams of a joint future and memories of moments spent together. Love, on the other hand, is characterized by thoughts of a somewhat different nature. A person who loves never forgets that he is not alone. We warn our loved ones if we are late; we worry when they are late, we miss them when they are apart. A good way to distinguish love from attachment is to analyze the quality of communication with your loved one. If deep, you can talk with each other for hours and on any topic. Popular wisdom says that love is the desire to make the loved one happy. Indeed, without this emotion, it is difficult to imagine this feeling. inspires. For the sake of a joint future and the happiness of your beloved, you want to be better and achieve success. A loving person soberly evaluates his chosen one. The secret of love lies in the fact that, knowing all the shortcomings, we continue to love and accept a partner as he is.

Attachment Symptoms

Many people ask themselves: “How to distinguish love from attachment?” The psychology of relationships gives the exact answer. Attachment differs from love by pathological dependence on the object of sympathy. In a relationship characterized by this feeling, there is always a side that "loves" and a second side that "allows you to love yourself." Addiction manifests itself in the desire to spend as much time as possible with a loved one and the desire to possess it alone. Very often in such relationships there is a hypertrophied feeling of jealousy. At the same time, the dependent party can be very jealous of other people, including relatives, pets, and even inanimate objects. Sometimes the attachment becomes so strong that in the absence of the "beloved" there is not only a depressed moral state, but also physical symptoms of malaise.

bad or good?

At first glance, it seems that it is love-addiction that can help build strong and long-term relationships. But in fact, this is a big misconception. Attachment brings a lot of problems to each of the partners. The addict is in constant psychological stress. He is sincerely upset every time a partner is not around. Most often, experiencing affection, a person realizes how dependent he is on his soulmate. From this grows the fear that the partner may disappear from the life of the addict. The side that "allows itself to be loved" has no easier time in such a relationship. The main problem is too much attention from the partner. The addict will call every hour, demanding communication. Surely he will be offended if his beloved wants to spend the weekend without him.

Love is respect and care

Love is similar to affection and falling in love in many ways. And yet this feeling is special. No wonder it is called the highest and real. Love never brings negative emotions and is built on pure disinterestedness. If you appreciate and respect your partner for being nice to you, it's about falling in love or affection. A loving person will take care of his soulmate. He really cares about how his partner's day went, and he is always ready to talk heart to heart, help in solving problems. Experiencing love, a person knows that his chosen one is not perfect. But, despite this, he respects him and will never allow himself to speak disrespectfully of him.

Love does not love?

Understanding yourself is not easy, but it is quite possible if you wish. And how to distinguish love from attachment in marriage and understand how your spouse feels towards you? You can get an answer to this question by analyzing the behavior of your soulmate. The easiest way to recognize affection from a partner. If the other half literally suffocates you with their attention and wants to control your every step, most likely there is no love. A simple way to distinguish love from affection in men: try to understand how jealous he is. Unfortunately, constant scandals and baseless suspicions have nothing to do with love. High feelings allow partners to feel harmony. Loving people almost never swear and always respect each other.

Is it possible to love your partner after years of marriage?

Realizing that in marriage you experience not love, but affection, it is difficult to resist disappointment. How to act in such a situation? Is it really necessary to file for divorce? In fact, you can live for many years, experiencing only a feeling of affection for a partner. But there is an alternative option - to try to love it. Try to give more freedom to your chosen one. Take care of yourself, find interests outside the home and spouse. It's not your significant other in your life that will decrease. By leading an active lifestyle, you will become a more interesting person. Perhaps this will help you spend more productive and quality time with your loved one. We hope that our article on how to distinguish love from attachment has helped you understand your own feelings and improve your life.

Many people are interested in the question of how to distinguish love from attraction or falling in love. Indeed, sometimes people experience such feelings for the opposite sex that they themselves do not understand what it really is: sincere love or attraction, which will pass after a couple of months. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person experiences. Especially if it is mutual, then the feelings experienced by people cannot be compared with anything.

How many poems have been said and poems written about love, and, probably, this topic will always be relevant.

Attraction or love?

Attraction, first of all, is manifested in sympathy, and not in real and sincere feelings. It often happens that attraction develops into something more, which is called love. But without exception, for all couples, it all started with sympathy, and only then did they love each other. Love at first sight does not happen. Initially, it is interest and sympathy for another person, and only then love and love relationships that develop into a family.

Attraction is a feeling that comes on suddenly, while you are describing a person, for example, to a girlfriend or friend. Attraction is a feeling when you do not see flaws in the opposite sex.

Differences between love and infatuation

Below will be presented several situations and consider how they manifest themselves in people who love and in those who are simply attracted to each other.

1. What traits are you most attracted to in the opposite sex?

· Attraction. This is his appearance, features, faces, figure, that is, only physical data.

· Love. The partner cares about everything, from the length of his eyelashes to the activities he enjoys. Of course, physical attraction is not an unimportant factor, but it is considered against the background of other human characteristics. With true love, you must accept a person for who they are, and even such habits as throwing socks around the house, unshaven and smoking should not bother you in a person if you really love him.

2. What features are revealed in a partner?

· Attraction. If there is only love between partners, then there are not so many of these qualities, they are mainly associated with what makes you lose your head from looking at a partner. These qualities include the following: perfume, gait, smile, eye shade.

· Love. Love is when a person loves everything in his partner from every mole to every hair. And even if a loved one has negative qualities, they must turn into positive ones.

3. How did the relationship start?

· Attraction. Feelings are born instantly, so to speak at first sight. In addition, it is unexpected for the two partners. But it is worth clarifying that as the relationship quickly began, so they can quickly end.

· Love. True love always comes gradually, and different feelings and emotions develop. To understand and realize whether this is your person, people need time. For someone, a couple of days is enough, and someone cannot determine for months whether this is his person. True love is always tested by time, and it is impossible to love a person about whom you know nothing, most likely, this is a deception of yourself and others.

4. Interest in a partner.

· Attraction. In this state, interest in the opposite sex is a little unstable. That is, boredom and love can either appear or fade away for a long time.

· Love. With true love, feelings never fade away. And you want to think about your loved one all the time. People who are in love can hardly bear separation, even if it is insignificant.

5. The influence of feelings on oneself.

· Attraction. In such relationships, people are often exhausted, as they try to please each other, arrange romantic evenings and meetings, and therefore feel relaxed.

· Love. A person who loves constantly shines with happiness, he has such a charge of energy that he is ready to move mountains and give people pleasure. After all, love is a true feeling that inspires a person.

6. Attitude towards others.

· Attraction. People in love do not see the world, only their chosen one is important for them. They are not ready to spend time even with close friends and parents, as these people do not understand them. But it is worth understanding that at such moments feelings control people. After all, before you met this person, you lived a life that you are now giving up. But believe me, it will all end soon, and in the end you will not get anything, as your friends will turn away from you, and problems may begin at work, since you devoted yourself to your partner.

· Love. Undoubtedly, a partner is the most beloved and best person in the world. But this is not a reason to forget about loved ones, you need to find time for each of them.

7. What others say.

· Attraction. Often your friends and parents do not see anything good in this union. But a woman in love does not want to listen to anything, because her partner is the best. But it's more visible from the outside. And if all people ask you to change your mind, then maybe for a moment you should think about whether you are doing everything right.

· Love. If the feelings are real, then the people around will not be flattery. Either they will understand that the union is really good, or they will not express an opinion, as they will understand that no one will listen to him anyway.

8. How do people deal with breakups?

· Attraction. Longing for a partner will not last more than three months. After this time, the partner begins to think about the breakup and that their meeting was a mistake. If you are no longer attracted to your partner, then you can safely talk about passion. Also, if a girl begins to stare at other guys, she does not speak of any love.

· Love. True feeling cannot be broken by distance or time. If people really love each other, then they can be happy even at a distance. They constantly call up, write each other letters and SMS.

9. How do partners deal with quarrels?

· Attraction. The longer the relationship drags on, the more often and larger the quarrels between partners, because behind their relationship lies emptiness and nothing more. Soon you will have nothing to talk about with a person, and quarrels can diversify your relationship.

· Love. Of course, in any couple there are quarrels and misunderstandings, but they only strengthen loving people. Such people do not quarrel for a long time, as they are looking for a compromise and cannot be offended by each other for a long time.

10. A look at relationships.

· Attraction. In a relationship there is me and you, mine and your things. This is not about us. Partners can rest without each other.

· Love. True feelings begin with the word we. People who love all their time want to spend together and never leave each other for a minute.

11. Selfishness.

· Attraction. People are with each other because it is so beneficial for them.

· Love. True love does not know what self-interest is.

Above, several features have been described that distinguish passion from true love.

The difference between love and infatuation

Men, as well as women, can confuse the feelings that they have to experience. After all, at first glance, if you look, these feelings are similar to each other, but on the other hand, significant differences between these two concepts still exist. What you truly feel for your chosen one is important for both, since it depends on how the relationship will develop in the future. It must be clarified that falling in love can develop into love, but these feelings should not be equated with the same thing, since they are completely different.

Falling in love is a completely normal phenomenon, from which relationships begin. It can be associated with a spark that arises between two people. During the period of falling in love, both a man for a woman and she for him have only good qualities, and if they have negative qualities, then you simply do not notice them.

Falling in love is a kind of euphoric feeling that can pass quickly. In this period of relationship, people experience joy and happiness, and think that they have finally found their love. But these thoughts are not always justified, sometimes it's just a first impression. When the euphoria ends, then either love begins and feelings grow stronger, or the couple breaks up, as they realize that they are not suitable for each other.

But if, as it seemed to you, love passes quickly, then this is not love at all - this is a feeling of falling in love that has taken possession of a person. As many people believe, if there is love, then there must always be jealousy. In fact, everything is not so, love does not know the concept of jealousy, since relationships among partners are trusting and are built on mutual understanding. Yes, and unless you want to change your loved ones. But during the period of falling in love, jealousy has a place to be, since people know each other so little and cannot trust 100%. This is quite justified.

Love brings many people back to life and makes them do good deeds and deeds. If you are ready to accept all the shortcomings of your man, then this is true love.

Distinguish love from sympathy

It is very important to understand what kind of relationship a man has with a woman in order to understand whether it is worth going further and wasting your time. Perhaps this is not your man and it's time to break all ties with him and start a new life. Very often people confuse such concepts as sympathy and love. And not every person manages to distinguish between them.

If you want to constantly surprise a person and please him, then we can talk about both love and sympathy. After all, you are a pleasant person, and why not surprise him. After all, people who smile at you on the street cause a lot of emotions, and you smile back at them. It doesn't mean love on your part. But sympathy can live with a person all his life, but if we are talking about an unloved person, then after it there often comes a break in relations.

After all, any sympathy will be lost if a man leaves the girl and chooses another chosen one instead. But if you truly love a person, then even after such an act you will want to return him, as you will constantly remember those warm and reverent relationships, as it turned out later on your part.

If at the mere sight of a man your heart skips a beat, and you begin to be embarrassed, then we are talking about true love. If you do not experience any sensations from meeting a man, then most likely we are talking about sympathy.

People who love will never wish harm to their chosen one, even if they had to leave or one cheated on another. A person who loves will only want the best for their partner.

If you have lived with a man for several years, and you also have fun, then this is love. If we are talking about sympathy, then all emotions quickly burn out, and people begin to live a routine life that quickly gets boring. With simple sympathy, a woman will not have a desire to improve a man’s life and pleasantly surprise him. She will simply be indifferent to his feelings and what he wants in this life. Love is a very strong feeling, which takes time to determine. If you truly love a man, you want to have children and a happy family with him. If you want your chosen one to cook dinners and meet him from work, then this is love, nothing less.

Psychological point of view

As psychologists say, love can manifest itself in three forms.

1. Attraction.

2. Friendship.

3. Respect.

All these forms are similar to each other, but you can determine the one that your relationship is experiencing. It is probably best not to focus your attention and not think about what kind of relationship exists between you and a man - this only confuses. It is better to just live and enjoy every day spent together. Do not try to change something, you need to live in the present.

It is necessary to observe how a man behaves in a relationship, because he must build and maintain this union. And if he doesn’t need anything, then you shouldn’t glue a broken vase. If a man goes to talk, then you need to ask him about plans for the future. Do not worry if he does not want to speak frankly with you, because men do not really like to talk about love. If you do not consider a man as your partner, then you should not start such conversations with him.

Pages of love

Psychologists believe that the main reason for failure in love is the fact that many people mistake another feeling for love, which is not suitable for creating long-term relationships. That is why many people are interested in how to recognize love in order to subsequently create a strong family.

The fact is that love can be easily confused with a feeling of strong affection, with passion, and also with falling in love. Experts say that it is possible to say for sure that the feelings that arose between us are love only after a few years after the start of the relationship. The fact is that only after this time passion subsides, all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen one become, and the grinding process also takes place.

In order to recognize true love, you need to determine why exactly you love your man, and if you cannot name at least five qualities and you put external data in the first place, this is not love. In addition, if your couple does not have mutual respect, it is not necessary to say that you love each other. A person who respects his partner does not make independent decisions for two.

In addition, to recognize true love, you need to determine whether there is self-interest in your relationship. Remember that people who love each other will not try to extract self-interest from relationships, on the contrary, they will try to make their loved one happy, even despite their own needs. The main thing that distinguishes a loving person is the desire to do good deeds for a loved one.

True love should not have manifestations of jealousy, since a loving person will never deny the independence and freedom of a loved one. A loving person not only does not impose his feelings, but also does not require proof of feelings from his partner. To be completely sure that the feeling you are experiencing is true love. It must be remembered that a loving person always remembers that the other half, despite spiritual unity, remains a person with his own interests.

How to determine love by human behavior

Remember how your loved one behaves during a conversation with you. If during the conversation he or she begins to straighten his back, tries to look fit or taller, draws in his stomach and straightens his shoulders, straightens his hair, and also stealthily glances at his reflection from time to time, you can be sure that your feelings are mutual.

The fact is that all of the above factors clearly indicate that your chosen one is trying his best to make a good impression on you.

In addition, in order to recognize mutual love, you need to watch your beloved. In the event that your man is in love with you, regardless of age, in your presence he will constantly sweat, blush, drop various objects, speak very quickly or, conversely, speak slowly. Strong excitement when communicating with a loved one is an integral part of displaying sincere feelings.

To recognize love, you should analyze the words of your boyfriend or girlfriend, especially when he or she talks about himself. Light overt boasting and demonstration of their merits clearly indicate an interest in your person. What other details will give out a person in love with you?

Strong excitement in your presence

A person can be let down by banal physiology - hormones make the heart beat faster, breathing speeds up. Perspiration may appear on the forehead, and due to the drying of the mouth, your counterpart will constantly swallow and lick his lips.

Due to hormonal storms and nervousness, the brain will work largely on autopilot, hence meaningless gestures and movements - rubbing hands, touching earlobes, twisting hair around a finger, even attempts to sit down and stand up for some reason, turn around to go somewhere and return.

However, this state should not be confused with general confusion, when thoughts on a very important topic are spinning in a person’s head, which occupy all his attention. However, in this case, the stress responses of the body described above will not be added to the confusion.

Persistent self-presentation

If someone around you is constantly trying to emphasize their best sides, this is one of the signs that the observed is breathing unevenly towards you.

However, this sign should not be taken into account if you have in front of you that extremely recognizable type of people who are very important to please everyone. It would be better to talk with mutual friends and try to compare how a person behaves in your presence and outside of it.

Smiling and waving?

The next two signs are easy to notice, they will help you recognize love. Your jokes always amuse him (her) and he (she) never misses an opportunity to cross paths with you at a party of mutual friends or call out to you in the hallway of the university. Unless, of course, you have already passed that stage when you silently look at each other with big eyes, and wow, that cute boy does not think about something like “oh my god!

If I say hello to her now, I will look like a complete idiot, because she will immediately understand that I have a crush on my ears! If you are somewhere within this beautiful teenage game, then the fear of approaching will not yet mean a lack of sympathy.

It's always better from the outside

If tactless friends are already tired of their jokes about your sympathy - this is of course sad, but there is a downside to the coin. Your counterpart's friends are also not dumb Stirlitz, and they will definitely show his feelings for you somehow - sometimes with a joke, sometimes with a meaningful look, and sometimes - with a hint, calculated as if only for their own.

How to recognize a man's true love

To do this, do not attach great importance to the words spoken. The fact is that most men can swear love with sincerity on their faces, but at the same time not love, and at the same time not say a word, but burn with love for you. That is why you should first of all pay attention not to sign language. If in your society a man tries to keep his back straight, pull in his stomach, straighten his shoulders, and also tries to smooth his face, this is a clear sign that he loves you.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the position of the man's body during communication with you. In the event that the body, legs and arms are located in such a way as to be in a common space with you and at the same time isolate the rest, and besides, he stares into your eyes, then this is more than clear evidence of love. If a man tries to constantly be in your "intimate zone", which is located at a distance of about half a meter around your body, this indicates that he is trying to get closer to you.

How to recognize a man's strong love

Psychologists also recommend paying attention to the emotions that a man experiences while communicating with you. If he is in love, then in your society he will laugh, joke, smile and at the same time he will not take his eyes off you. In addition, if a man has serious intentions, he will try to provide support, surprise or please you.

It is also recommended to observe the man, since most men in the company of the woman they love feel somewhat embarrassed, become somewhat absent-minded, often blush, and their speech can be either slow or fast. At the same time, one of the most effective ways to determine if a man is in love is to talk to friends, who often have complete information about the true feelings of your lover. Be prepared for the fact that you may not hear what you expect, but even in this case, you will find out the truth, which is much better than vain expectations.