How to make a good pedicure at home. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home - step by step instructions. How to make a beautiful pedicure yourself. How can a novice pedicure master learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly

Lovers of high heels and open sandals, no doubt, know how important it is to always have a good pedicure. But well-groomed feet are not only the choice of those who wear open shoes.

A beautiful manicure and pedicure gives confidence and really inspires. You need to make time for your legs all the time. Sometimes it happens that there is no opportunity to visit the salon, but despite this, you want to stay “on top”.

With the help of a few simple tips, you will learn how to easily and correctly do a pedicure at home without the use of special devices and devices.

  1. preparatory procedure;
  2. foot baths;
  3. foot skin treatment;
  4. nail treatment;
  5. work with the cuticle;
  6. applying varnish.

Below we consider in more detail each stage of the pedicure.

What do you need for a pedicure at home?

As a preparatory procedure, make sure that all nail polish is removed.

Photo - Step by step pedicure instructions

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare special tools for pedicure..
If you have already decided to make a beautiful homemade nail pedicure, then get a good nail file for your arsenal. Experts advise to abandon too rough with a coating resembling sandpaper. Using such a tool will lead to the fact that the nails will begin to exfoliate and become unhealthy and unattractive. It is best to arm yourself with a glass nail file. It has many benefits. Firstly, it absolutely excludes damage to the nail, and secondly, such a nail file does not grind off and will serve you for a very long time.

Photo - File

File your nails in one direction only. giving them the desired shape. Do not experiment with the shape of the nail. Leave all the experiments for the fingers, where your efforts can be appreciated and it will not harm your health. Giving an unusual shape on the toes can lead to such a bad consequence as an ingrown toenail. This disease in the early stages can be treated independently, by treating the problem area with a solution of soda and potassium permanganate, but when the form is advanced, it is necessary to contact specialists.

The second stage of the pedicure is the polishing of the nail..
For these purposes, it is necessary to have a double-sided nail file for polishing. First, use the rough side to get rid of small roughness of the nail and remove the remains of varnish, and then resort to the second, less hard side. Carefully polish your nails and they will sparkle, become smooth and shiny.

Video lesson for beginners: home pedicure

Steam bath

The next requirement is the use of a steaming foot bath. It not only softens the skin and facilitates further pedicure procedures, but can also perform an indirect function, depending on the composition of the bath.

Consider the different types of baths:

  • Antibacterial bath will be useful for those who suffer from a fungal infection or have had contact of the skin of their legs with a surface on which many strangers have walked, for example, when visiting swimming pools, water parks and other things. For the prevention of fungus and its treatment, you need to add a little baking soda to the bath. Usually 4-5 tablespoons are enough. Such a solution disinfects well and eliminates unnecessary bacteria. This procedure will also help get rid of foot odor.
  • Relaxing bath with the addition of tincture of chamomile or calendula has a moisturizing effect. It is useful for those who have too dry skin of the feet and prefer narrow shoes or high heels in their daily life. Such a composition will not only moisturize the skin of the legs, but also disinfect and protect in case of small wounds or cracks.

It is not worth keeping the legs in the bath for too long, and watch how the skin is steaming. Usually 15 minutes is enough and you can resort to the next step. Then carefully wipe the legs with a waffle towel so that all the moisture is absorbed, and proceed to the next procedure.

Peeling and nutrition of the skin of the feet

In order to remove dead skin areas, you need to take pumice stone. It is best to use fine-grained, in order to give an even surface to your skin. This tool becomes indispensable for foot care. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas (corns and keratinized skin) and treat them more carefully.

But on our feet there are many places that are hard to reach for pumice. In such cases, you can apply foot scrub and carefully treat the areas. After the diligent procedure is over, it is necessary to wash the feet in clean warm water.

Now you will need wooden stick. The cuticle of the nails is sufficiently softened at this stage of the pedicure and can be moved without any traumatic consequences. Please note that experts do not advise cutting the cuticle on the toenails, it must be regularly pushed back.

It's time to do the last procedures for cleaning the marigold. By using bone or wooden stick you can easily clean the nails from the remaining dirt. The procedure is best carried out with the utmost diligence, in order to exclude injury to the fatty pad, which is located directly under the nails. When the cleaning is over, we proceed to the most pleasant process.

Now your feet can be pampered massage. Massage your feet with additional nourishing cream if they are too dry and need to be moisturized. If there is profuse sweating, then you can use special foot products with a deodorizing effect. And if you spent the whole day on your feet and feel noticeable fatigue on your face, in your legs, and in your whole body, then it will not be superfluous application of creams from the series with a tonic effect.

If there is no cosmetic product at hand, experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using the usual vegetable oil. With the help of ordinary olive or sunflower oil, you can achieve good results in restoring the water balance of the skin of the legs.

Lacquer application

Pedicure at home is completed by applying varnish to the surface of the nail. But before you paint your nails, you need to degrease them with a means which does not contain acetone. Lacquer is usually applied in two layers.

The best thing use spreaders- these are special separator plates that slightly spread the fingers during a pedicure and do not allow them to touch each other.

To speed up the drying process, some use a hair dryer. Experts are categorically against such experiments, because when exposed to a stream of hot air, the varnish will very quickly begin to peel off from the surface of the nail. Hairdryer is a last resort. It cannot serve as a nail care product.

Photo - Step-by-step creation of a pedicure

If the skin on the legs grows very quickly, it is necessary to do a pedicure quite often, for example, once every two weeks. But if there are no special problems, then it will be enough to limit it once a month.

Video: how to make real salon pedicure procedures at home

Drawings on nails for a pedicure

In order to appreciate all your efforts, in addition to the classic pedicure activities, it is important to choose beautiful and appropriate patterns for nails.

Below are popular photos of a bright pedicure, which is perfect for both summer and early autumn and late spring, when it's time for open shoes.

If you need a winter pedicure design for a sample, then we present you a selection of interesting drawings with a New Year and Christmas theme.

All girls and women should take care of the condition of their toenails. Beautiful fingers always look attractive.

That is why every representative of the fair half should learn how to perform a classic pedicure on their own. Moreover, it is not always possible to go to a beauty salon, where they provide a variety of services.

The classic pedicure procedure consists in cutting off the excess cuticle that appears at the base of the nail plate. In beauty salons, this service is called a trimmed pedicure. The master cuts off the rough skin around the nails, and then treats the feet and heels, using only pumice stone.

With a classic pedicure, the use of a razor or blade is prohibited. The nail plate is processed using tweezers and scissors.

As auxiliary tools, professional masters often use bamboo sticks that soak the skin in foot baths, a cleansing scrub and nourishing foot skin care creams.

Modern beauty salons offer a different type of pedicure, in which the masters remove the cuticle without using scissors and forceps, so it is almost impossible to accidentally get hurt. These tools are replaced by cosmetic preparations. All this can be easily done at home.

Pros and cons of the procedure at home

A classic pedicure has many benefits. Among them, it is worth noting the purely manual procedure, which is performed quite quickly. During a trimming pedicure, emollients are used that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs. The result of a pedicure is stored for a long period of time.

Carrying out a trimmed pedicure involves the use of familiar techniques and tools. This type is especially suitable for those who are dismissive of newfangled technologies.

When performing a classic pedicure at home, a woman, first of all, saves money and, more importantly, her own time.

The disadvantages of a trimmed pedicure include the fact that if the procedure is not performed by a professional master, this can lead to inflammation or infection of the skin. All cuticle tools are cutting, which means you can cut yourself or get injured.

It can be unequivocally said that women with problem nails are advised to trust their legs exclusively to a specialist who can choose the necessary type of treatment.

What tools are needed

The choice of pedicure tools depends on the preferences in the classic or hardware form of the procedure. The easiest way to treat nails is the classic cut. To do this, you need to purchase the following tools:

The pedicure machine looks like a regular razor, equipped with a comfortable handle, and interchangeable nozzles are often sold in the kit. This tool is usually used when a pumice stone cannot be etched with severely rough skin.

In addition, a special razor is used in case of formation of corns and dry calluses. If a woman regularly maintains her legs in order and monitors them, then you can completely do without a pedicure machine.

In order to make a trimmed pedicure, you must first steam your legs well. To do this, you need a regular bowl. If you wish, you can purchase a special bath in the store, which will help you relax and enjoy the procedure.

Baths for a pedicure have a lot of advantages. It is worth starting with the fact that a hydromassage function has been added to modern devices, which relieves fatigue and stress.

They also have ultraviolet lamps, which have a detrimental effect on all kinds of fungal pathogens. Magnetic radiation has a beneficial effect on the joints, relieving pain.

In addition to all of the above tools, you can also purchase nail scissors, nail files with different levels of hardness, pumice stone for processing heels and feet, a wooden stick or a special cuticle spatula, as well as a laser grater.

It is worth noting that saving on tools for both manicure and pedicure is not worth it. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the assortment in the store and choose the most preferred tool. Nowadays, online shopping is widespread, which will facilitate the choice of a beginner.

If you process the feet and fingers at home on your own, then each woman in the process will select the most suitable set of tools for her and will use only them.

How to do a pedicure: instructions with step by step photos

If a woman does not have the opportunity to entrust her legs to a professional, then a pedicure can be done at home. This procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. In order to make it easier to work with seals on the heels, they must be treated with a special cream that exfoliates dead skin particles;
  2. Before steaming the legs, the nails must be carefully filed and given the desired shape;
  3. If there is a special bath, you can add essential oils to the water;
  4. After steaming, it is necessary to treat the heels and feet with pumice stone, removing dead skin;
  5. Then you should work with each toe, namely, remove the cuticle with tweezers with beveled edges;
  6. At the end of the pedicure, the legs must be thoroughly washed, and then applied with a nourishing cream that will make the skin even softer.

How to do a hardware pedicure at home

Performing a hardware pedicure involves the use of professional instructions. All stages of this procedure require regularity and accuracy, otherwise you can cut yourself or cause various damage.

Lesson step by step:

Hardware pedicure will make the legs tender, devoid of scratches, as well as rough skin.

Drawings on the nails

Every woman wants to be a well-groomed beauty, like a TV star or a glossy magazine. In the conditions of a crazy rhythm of life - work, home, work - there is not always enough time for salon care. In addition, procedures in the salon are not cheap, which can negatively affect the family budget.

- Simple instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;
— Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home;

In this case, a woman can provide herself with proper care at home, for example, do a beauty session on her own legs - a pedicure. How to achieve a good result in this matter? Consider a simple step-by-step instruction "Do-it-yourself pedicure at home."

To start

For starters, you should stock up on all the essentials, which are useful for pedicure: a bowl of warm water, a pusher spoon to push back the cuticles, cuticle tweezers, cuticle softening emulsion, a four-sided nail file, polishing, corn softener, pumice stone, towel, scrub, mask and foot cream.


First you need to properly steam the legs in a basin with warm water. For additional softening, you can add simple table salt to the water, to give a fragrant atmosphere - drop a few drops of any essential oil into the water.

As soon as the skin on the legs has steamed out, you need to apply a remedy to soften them on the corns (if any). To get the effect of a greenhouse, you can wrap the legs with polyethylene and put on warm socks. After 7-10 minutes, you can start grinding the sole with pumice: first with large crumbs, then clean it with pumice-polishing with fine crumbs. Voila! Feet became smooth.


Now you can start working on nails. A special emulsion will help soften the cuticles. With a spoon, you need to push the cuticles to the outer edges of the nail, and with tweezers, cut off the dead cuticles.

When the nail plate is cleaned, you can start shaping. Each side of the four-sided nail file must be shaped into a comfortable shape and sanded so that the edge of the nail becomes smooth and without hooks.

And finally

Now the best part remains. Need apply a cleansing scrub to the sole of the foot, then a softening mask. After these simple manipulations, the skin on the legs will become velvety, silky. The final touch is the application of a rich nourishing cream on the skin of the feet, it will fix the feeling of softness for several days. You can also use cuticle oil, it will soften not only the cuticles, but also the dry skin around the nail. It remains only to apply a stylish nail polish and the legs are ready to go!

So quickly, without financial investments and wasting time on trips, a woman can spend her free half an hour with the benefit of her own beauty.

Detailed step by step instructions: Do-it-yourself pedicure at home

In order for the legs not to look abandoned and unkempt, but to look beautiful and attractive, you should take care of your nails and periodically do a pedicure. And if the appearance in winter is not so critical, then in summer this is a very significant drawback, because you have to show your fingers to others more often. Of course, the fastest and most effective way is to visit the salon of highly qualified specialists.

But given the cost of services and the time required for travel, it is much more convenient to perform a pedicure at home, thereby saving time for your own leisure. Such procedures will keep the skin in good and tender condition , and the nails will look well-groomed. It is worth noting that doing a pedicure is not recommended more than once every eight days, and doing it regularly can keep the skin in excellent condition.


Well, let's start the procedure, feet need to be thoroughly washed and in the event that there is old varnish on the nails, it should be removed. In order not to damage anything, it is advisable to use specialized tools, such as a file for grinding rough skin areas, a buff, a cuticle, a nail file 100/180 and wire cutters. All instruments must be cleaned and disinfected with Bacillus before use.

First step: soar legs

The first thing to do before the procedure is soak your feet in the water. This is done in order to make the skin softer. Take a bowl or any other container with warm water. For greater benefit, salts or special mixtures are added to the water. Keep your feet should be ten to fifteen minutes. After a while, the feet are well wiped.

Step two: nails and cuticles

The next step - trimming nails and cuticles. This item requires care and caution - one wrong move and it will be difficult to fix. For cutting, use nail scissors or specialized nippers. Due to the characteristics of the human body, nails should be cut in a straight line, they should resemble a square in shape. What is it for? This form forms additional rigidity and will not allow the nail to grow into the skin on the sides. To get rid of torn edges walk a nail file along the cut.

Then the cuticle moves. This should be done with a spatula designed for this. For a better effect, you can use a cuticle remover, it is applied to the skin, and after five minutes, carefully wiped with a cotton swab. With smooth, but confident movements of the shoulder blade, you need to clean the nail from the cuticle, gently press the rest of the skin at the base of the nail towards the finger. Also, with a spatula, clean the remnants from under the nails.

Third step: polishing nails

To achieve the finished result, proceed to the next step - polishing the nail. To do this, you need to use a polishing file or buff. It should be remembered that the better the surface of the nail is prepared, the longer the varnish will last and have a more beautiful appearance.

Fourth step: cleaning the skin

The final step in preparing the foot will be cleaning feet from old and rough skin. This is done with one of the most common tools - pumice stone. In addition, you can use special scrubs and cleaners. You can buy the above at any pharmacy. After treatment of the feet, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

Fifth step: apply varnish

The preparation is completed, now the most important and painstaking stage - varnishing . The choice of colors depends entirely on tastes and preferences, it is also mono to use a completely transparent varnish. Before application, the surface of the nail is treated with a nail polish remover to clean the surface and remove excess particles. To make it easier to apply varnish, use a separator that is placed between the fingers. If this is not the case, it does not matter, take cotton swabs.

Then on the nail you need spread the base mixture, which will serve as a solid start for further layers, as well as level the surface. Be sure to wait until the base is completely dry and then you can apply varnish. It is recommended to apply two layers - then the color will be richer and the effect better.

Fixing the result

After applying the varnish, you can use a fixative, which will allow the varnish to retain its shape and color much longer. Although this step is optional, you can do without it.

Left patiently wait for the polish to dry completely and enjoy the result of the work done.
We really hope that our step-by-step instruction on do-it-yourself pedicure at home came in handy for you and you were able to use the tips given in it.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Any girl always wants to see her legs well-groomed. To save on trips to the salon, you can do a pedicure at home yourself. Let's see how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. At the same time, if suddenly it seems difficult to you, then you can take manicure and pedicure training courses. Compliance with the following simple rules will help you always feel “on top”.

How to properly prepare, step by step instructions

To begin with, you need to prepare. The first step is to wash your feet, remove nail polish. So, you should fill the bath with warm water. Water should be at a comfortable temperature. Sea salt pre-enriched with aromatic oils can be added to the water.

  • Rosemary, fir bath will help to cope with the unpleasant smell of the feet.
  • Mint - tones.
  • Lemon - softens the skin.
  • Lavender promotes relaxation.
  • Tea tree deodorizes the skin of the feet.

When the bath is ready, you can get comfortable and spend at least five minutes in peace and quiet. After steaming the legs, the hardened skin on the feet and corns should be removed. You will need a pumice stone, since doing a pedicure at home on rough and untreated skin will not work. Pumice stone will easily remove excess areas of hardened skin. Work with pumice stone should be carefully, without injuring healthy skin.

The second step for the perfect pedicure at home

The next step is a pedicure grinder. A little scrub is applied to it. Here, both a special tool for a pedicure and a regular body scrub are suitable. If there is no scrub at hand, sea salt, calcined sand or semolina mixed with olive oil can replace it with a pedicure. Feet should be well treated, especially the outer edge, heels and toes.

Particular attention during a pedicure should be given to the thumb, as very often it becomes overgrown with rough and rough skin. Next, we move on to massage. You should massage the areas of the foot that experience the greatest load when walking. Properly move from the ankle to the fingers. Massage is a useful and pleasant procedure.

With the help of nail scissors, nails are carefully trimmed. Shape the nails with a nail file. It is better if it is square, this shape prevents ingrown nails. Experts in the perfect pedicure do not recommend choosing coarse hard nail files. They injure the nail plate. With it, the nails will acquire an attractive healthy appearance. In addition, it does not grind, so it will last a longer time.

The third step of a beautiful pedicure

The cuticle is gently pushed back with an orange pedicure stick and removed with manicure tweezers. Next, the nails are polished with a special double-sided nail file for polishing. Work with the hard side first. This will relieve the nail plate of various irregularities, then apply the other side. Nails will become smooth and shiny.

An important role in the beauty of the heels is played by their obligatory hydration. A nourishing cream or lotion is applied to the feet. Olive oil, peach and grape seed oil are also suitable for this purpose. Cotton socks should be put on the legs for as long as possible, preferably at night.

The final stage of the pedicure, applying varnish

The final step is applying nail polish. It is necessary to remove the remains of the cream from the nail plate with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover without acetone. Lacquer will stick better. To prevent the fingers from touching each other, you should use special spacers for the fingers. To begin with, the nails should be covered with a special transparent base-base. It will increase the strength and smoothness of the coating. Then you can apply two coats of varnish of a suitable shade and a protective layer.

The result of a home pedicure will be stunning! In general, it is not difficult to understand how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. The main thing is that the process brings pleasure. You need to pamper yourself with this procedure once every two weeks and then the legs will look dazzling! Have you tried doing your own pedicure? Share yours or read the secrets of our visitors.

What could be more beautiful on the arms and legs? But many ladies think otherwise, referring to the inexpediency of the salon procedure, since it takes a lot of time and is not cheap. But is the soles of the feet so useless? How to do a pedicure in the salon? And how long does it actually take?

Why get a pedicure and manicure?

The beauty of the nails on the hands and feet, as well as the heels, is, first of all, the aesthetics of your appearance, and not a tribute to fashion. Especially well-groomed feet and hands are relevant in the summer, when gloves, socks and boots are left far behind, and they are replaced by open sandals and slippers. In addition, a timely manicure and pedicure is an excellent prevention of various fungal diseases, as well as a real salvation for people with problematic nail plates (for example, with ingrown nails).

Another indisputable advantage of the procedure is the SPA procedures that accompany the work of the master. This means that your hands and feet are repeatedly rubbed with special oils, scrubbed, and masks are applied. And most importantly, all these actions are accompanied by light massage movements that improve blood flow and bring your skin to perfect condition. And this is only a small fraction of what is in the cabin. We will tell you more about the procedure and its features below.

What is the difference between manicure and pedicure in the salon and home?

If you seriously decide to take care of the appearance of your hands and feet, visiting a specialized beauty salon would be an ideal option. Of course, performing such procedures at home has a number of advantages, for example, you can do a manicure in a pleasant home environment, and it will not be expensive at all. That's just the kind of care that professional manicure masters can provide you and it will be difficult to repeat.

As a home option are pedicure socks. They allow you to gently eliminate keratinized skin, soften corns and calluses, and also make the heels pleasant to the touch.

What to expect from a manicure and pedicure in the salon?

So, let's say you decide to go to a manicure and pedicure salon. What's next? And what can you expect from such a procedure? The first thing that awaits you is warm and relaxing baths for nails, hands and feet. For example, if at one point you decide to perform both a manicure and a pedicure, it is recommended to start with the legs.

In this case, you will be seated on a comfortable chair, and your feet will be placed in a special hot tub with bubbles and warm water. Then bath salt with some essential oil, such as jojoba, will be added there. Moreover, this steaming procedure will take you only 9-10 minutes.

The second thing the master will do is wipe one of your feet dry with a towel and start sanding the heels and soles. Moreover, if you have corns and calluses, the professional hand of the master will cut them off using a special machine and eliminate them with nail files. After that, your feet will be moistened again with water and covered with a light scrub. In this way, a manicure and pedicure salon will help you get rid of the bumps and roughness remaining after trimming.

At the end of this procedure, rinse with water, wipe dry with a towel and apply a mask for 10-15 minutes. Moreover, the application of this product can be accompanied by a light foot massage.

The third thing that awaits you is cutting the cuticles, filing and polishing the nails. And after all this - coating them with varnish. Practically, according to the same principle, manicure is performed. The sequence and procedures themselves in the salon may differ due to the policy of the hairdresser or the type of manicure and pedicure. For example, in some hairdressing salons, instead of masks or lubricating the legs with a greasy cream, they prefer to use pedicure socks. After them, the skin becomes softer, and the heels acquire a natural pink color.

Types of manicure and pedicure in beauty salons

When contacting the salon, you need to know what types of procedures are available. For example, manicure and pedicure can be:

  • classic;
  • hardware;
  • European;
  • female;
  • male.

Classic manicure and pedicure are considered the most common procedures. For example, the first one is executed in the following sequence:

  • removal of old varnish;
  • filing and shaping nails with special hard files;
  • soaking hands in warm water, such as sea salt, for 5 minutes;
  • wiping fingers and trimming cuticles and other excess skin with special tweezers and scissors;
  • hand massage with cream and oil;
  • nail polishing (in some salons it is included in the standard procedure, while in others it is paid separately);
  • nail polish coating.

Similarly, pedicure is performed in its classic form. Please note that before doing a pedicure in the salon, check the list of services that are included in the standard procedure, and which are performed for an additional fee.

Hardware and European manicure and pedicure

And pedicure is directly related to European and is one of its varieties. Before it is performed, a special cream is applied to the cuticle or cut off using a machine equipped with a small diamond nozzle in the shape of a ball or oval. In this case, the hands and feet do not require pre-soaking. The main role in such procedures is played by special nozzles.

The European manicure and pedicure is performed with the obligatory softening of the cuticle (using oil or special cream). Then the completely softened skin around the nails is removed with a wooden or orange stick. After the nails are polished and get the shape you need. At the end of the process, your hands or feet are massaged and your nails are varnished. Here's how to do a pedicure in a European-style salon or using a special machine to trim and file off all that is superfluous.

Manicure and pedicure SPA

The SPA procedure includes the following steps:

  • nail processing (shaping and sawing);
  • primary softening and removal of the cuticle (European or hardware method);
  • scrubbing the skin of the hands or feet with scrubs and creams;
  • the use of chemical or deep peeling (the applied agent allows you to get rid of small cracks and visible skin defects);
  • massage with deep moisturizing;
  • polishing and polishing nails.

As you can see, this is a pleasant and useful procedure. But how long does a pedicure take in the salon? How long does a manicure last?

Manicure and pedicure: duration of procedures

When contacting the salon, be aware that an average manicure will take you 30-45 minutes. Performing a pedicure will take the master about one and a half to two hours. In this case, it all depends on the condition of your hands, feet and nails, as well as on the number of procedures included in the manicure and pedicure.