How to remove pus from a wound on a finger or toe? Pus under the nail: what to do, tips and recommendations for treatment with traditional and traditional medicine

Damage to the skin in the area of ​​​​the nail or the plate itself on the arm can occur in every person. Even the smallest injury can be dangerous, since there is a high risk of penetration of microorganisms or foreign bodies into the wound. The formation of pus under the nail or near it is called panaritium in medicine. The cause of the disease are infections of various types caused by pathogens. To avoid complications (for example, gangrene), treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Features of the pathology

Suppuration on the finger can cause significant discomfort to a person. The disease can develop in adults and children. Most often, the pathological process is observed in the child, since children are unable to take care of the hygiene of their hands or feet on their own. After the purulent process began to develop, the patient develops local symptoms, which gradually begin to intensify.

  • jerking or throbbing pain;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • the formation of a sac with pus.

All these signs appear at the site of injury. If left untreated, the area of ​​​​suppuration increases, as microorganisms penetrate deeper into the tissues, destroying them.

In advanced cases, infection of the whole phalanx or even the entire finger can be observed. There is a high risk of developing gangrene. Treatment of a severe form of pathology is carried out surgically. In some cases, doctors have to amputate a finger (foot).


Many people do not attach much importance to wounds, burrs and other microtraumas that have formed near the nail, thus allowing for the possibility of panaritium development. And if the finger is still festered, they try to eliminate the pus in the easiest way, without realizing how dangerous it can be, especially for the child.

If symptoms of pathology appear, you should immediately go to a medical facility.

If this is not possible, then you can use folk remedies, but after that an examination by a specialist is recommended.

medical treatment

At the initial stages of progression, it can be cured with a conservative method. In order to have a detrimental effect on the infection, the patient is recommended to take baths with the addition of disinfectants with antiseptic properties (salt, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, etc.). Dip your finger in warm water with the product and keep it there for about 10 minutes. After you need to do a compress with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory ointments. The patient is prescribed antibiotics.

When treatment fails, the doctor sends the patient for surgery. Operations are performed in two ways. If it is possible to save the finger, the surgeon makes a small incision through which the pus comes out. After that, the internal tissues and skin are cleaned. With the formation of purulent inflammation under the nail plate, the nail is removed and only then the procedures are carried out.

Surgical treatment of the nail is carried out using local anesthesia. After the operation, the nail and the entire finger must be treated with an antiseptic and bandaged. The patient is prescribed antibiotics. The treatment ends in a week.


You can treat a finger with a sac of pus formed on it with folk remedies. It is best to use this method if you have to treat pus under the nail in a child.

Before starting to treat pathology at home, you need to consult with a specialist and make sure that there are no complications.

All procedures are carried out under sterile conditions. The applied methods for removal (leg) should not have contraindications.

Baths with propolis

Pus under the nail can be effectively treated with propolis. This remedy has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Treatment is carried out with the help of propolis tincture, which is mixed with water (1:5). The finger is immersed in the resulting liquid for twenty minutes four times a day. It is necessary to do the procedure for several days, until all the pus is pulled out from under the nail.

herbal decoction

It is possible to successfully cope with suppuration if you use a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and regenerating properties. To make a decoction, you should take an equal amount of sage, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, lilac flowers and pour them with one liter of water (cold). Then boil the herbs in a saucepan and add a teaspoon of soda (food). In the resulting broth, you should keep your finger for twenty minutes.

As soon as the finger is removed from the decoction container, with a previously disinfected spatula for manicure, you need to lift the nail plate, press on it and on the fingertip. Pus will begin to come out from under the skin and nail.

Continue treatment until the purulent process completely stops.

salt bath

A similar method is used at the first signs of a purulent process. The procedure consists in preparing a saline solution from two tablespoons of salt mixed with hot water. As long as the water remains hot enough, dip your finger into it for a couple of seconds. As soon as the solution becomes warm, you should immerse your finger in it for twenty minutes.

After the procedure, wipe the inflamed area with a clean towel and smear with iodine. It is recommended to treat affected tissues in this way three times a day for several days.

Panaritium or pus under the nail, it is better to prevent than to treat. To do this, after an injury, preventive measures are taken. To reduce the likelihood of microbes getting into the wound, you need to:

  • wash your hands with soap (regular or antibacterial);
  • if there is a foreign object, try to pull it out with a sterile instrument;
  • squeeze out a small amount of blood from the wound;
  • treat injured tissues with hydrogen peroxide;
  • lubricate the skin and nail with iodine (brilliant green);
  • cover the wound with adhesive tape or a bandage.

Suppuration therapy can be carried out at home, but only in cases where the resulting pus occupies a very small area. The field of how the inflammatory process began to spread, and the purulent sac to increase, you should trust the medical specialists. Lack of proper treatment can lead to serious complications that lead to surgery, and worst of all, to amputation of the finger.

Purulent inflammation of the skin and other tissues of the fingers and toes is called panaritium. Pus under the nail may not appear due to skin damage, poorly done manicure and pedicure, which allow microbes to penetrate deep tissues, as well as various diseases such as melanoma, etc. But sometimes suppuration under the nail may indicate the appearance serious problems requiring immediate treatment. If the skin around the nail has become inflamed, and there has also been an accumulation of pus under the thumbnail, you should immediately go to a specialist. The treatment of the disease is most often conservative, including the use of special ointments and gels, foot baths, but in severe cases, surgery is indispensable.

Causes of the manifestation of the disease

As a rule, panaritium develops after an infection gets under the nail. Bacteria can enter the blood if the skin near the nail is damaged.

Most often, panaritium of the upper and lower extremities develops:

  • In children who have a habit of biting their nails or sucking their fingers.
  • With an ingrown nail.
  • With a fungus on the nails and feet (onychomycosis).
  • With diabetes mellitus, impaired blood flow of the lower extremities (thrombophlebitis, melanoma, etc.).
  • People whose professions are associated with manual labor.

It should be noted that if a growth appears on the nail of the big toe (for example, a wart), and the nail in the affected area moves away from the nail bed, you also need to seek help from specialists.

Sometimes the disease can be found in infants and young children. This is explained simply: the child's nails were inaccurately processed or the wound on the finger was not processed in a timely manner. Young children do not have such strong immunity as adults, so if a child has a yellowing of the finger or hemorrhage under the skin, then the inflammation must be eliminated as soon as possible. Untimely treatment of suppuration will not only not give the desired effect, but also threatens with serious complications for the body.

At first glance, panaritium does not seem to be a serious problem, while the treatment of the disease is not an easy procedure. It is for this reason that you first need to consult a specialist, because with improper treatment, panaritium can turn into another ailment. Do not neglect preventive measures, for example, wear orthopedic insoles and shoes.

On the hands, the disease can occur due to improperly done manicure. Shining with well-groomed nails, no one even thinks that if the cuticle was not completely removed in the process, then the remaining pieces of skin can move away if you put your hands in your pockets. As a result, the cuticle twists, the skin moves away from the nail, and microbes enter the resulting cavity, penetrating into the blood, and inflammation begins.

On the feet, inflammation can begin due to a poorly done pedicure, uncomfortable shoes, especially if they have simple, not orthopedic insoles. In addition, panaritium can be caused by another disease, for example, neoplasms on the fingers (melanoma, etc.).

Not only is the nail that has moved away from the bed, under which pus accumulates, these are constant bouts of pain, but also the consequences are different. The least that can happen if treatment is not started is the loss of mobility of the fingers and toes. This happens due to the fact that pus penetrates deep into the tissues, damaging the tendons.

The greatest harm that can be caused to the body by a disease is blood poisoning and sepsis. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, this can lead to the death of a person. With panaritium during pregnancy, the risk increases, because the disease and its consequences (for example, melanoma that has arisen on the finger) can affect not only the mother's body, but also the child.

Signs and symptoms

Panaritium can occur both on the arms and legs, and has several stages of development, differing in the depth of tissue damage. In the early stages of panaritium, the foot begins to turn red and a seal appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased toe. If the infection penetrates deeper into the adipose tissue, then the attacks of pain become jerky. In the advanced stage, muscles and other tissues of the fingers begin to fester. This manifests itself in severe bouts of pain, a seal appears, the mobility of the fingers and the entire foot is disturbed, the temperature rises, and the affected finger may turn blue.

Varieties of panaritium

  • Subcutaneous and dermal. Inflammatory processes in the finger area, manifested by pain, itching, redness and swelling in the affected area. Most often, skin panaritium can be localized on its own within a couple of days without the use of special tools.

  • Paronychia (panaritium periungual). In this case, the skin along the edges of the nail becomes inflamed and begins to curl. This is due to poor manicure, clipping burrs, and fungal infections.
  • Subungual - an abscess under the nail plate that occurs after excessive cutting of the nails, the ingress of foreign matter under the nail, and also after the penetration of pus in other types of disease. This form of the disease is characterized by redness of the finger and the release of pus from under the plate. A very part of the nail moves away to such an extent that it falls out.
  • Tendovaginitis (panaritium of the tendons). Inflammatory processes that begin in the superficial layers affect the tendons of the fingers. With this form of the disease, the great toe constantly hurts, reddens, swells and loses mobility. To eliminate discomfort during movement, orthopedic insoles have to be ordered.
  • Bone. The last stage of the disease, in which inflammation passes to the bones and joints, and pain haunts a person constantly.

How to treat?

Affecting the toes, the disease brings discomfort and discomfort. Experts recommend treating this ailment using traditional medicine recipes and special external preparations (ointments, creams, gels). Because the complex of folk and classical therapy gives the maximum effect.

What to do if panaritium has begun? This question is asked by everyone who has ever encountered this disease. At the first signs of inflammation, various compresses, baths and foot lotions should be done.

To remove pain and inflammation, it is recommended to use decoctions of medicinal plants into which the toes are dipped. Before the procedure, each nail must be sanitized with an antiseptic or sterile wipes. After the procedure, it is recommended to use orthopedic insoles.

To remove pus, cosmetic sticks should be used, with the help of which the nail rises. After that, you need to gently press down on the nail plate and the opposite edge of the finger, thereby squeezing out the pus. The remnants of pus are removed using a sterile bandage, a piece of cloth or a napkin. After that, the finger is treated with alcohol.

Of course, experts do not recommend removing pus from under the nail of the big toe on their own. Best of all, this procedure will be carried out by a doctor who will not only quickly conduct an examination, get rid of the abscess, but also develop a treatment regimen for the finger, because panaritium indicates various diseases, such as, for example, melanoma. In this case, self-treatment will only harm, because it is impossible to remove the cause of the pathology on your own. And without eliminating the cause, the disease cannot be cured.

Preventive measures

To avoid getting microbes under the nail plate, you need to follow a few rules. First of all, carefully cut the nails on the hands and feet. When trimming the cuticle, do not damage the skin. Timely trim the burrs and remove foreign bodies from under the nail. In addition, wear only orthopedic shoes and insoles.

Panaritium is a disease of an infectious nature. The main symptom of the condition is the accumulation of pus under the nail plate. The inflammatory process affects the soft tissues of the fingers. An abscess under the toenail causes pain. If you do not take measures to remove it, a complication develops. Inflammation reaches the bone tissue.

Causes of pathology

Pus under the toenail begins to accumulate due to the pathological activity of microorganisms. Bacteria penetrate inside through existing small wounds or cracks. Factors provoking the development of panaritium can serve as:

  • improper nail care;
  • lack of disinfection of pedicure instruments;
  • trauma;
  • splinters under the nails;
  • ingrown nails
  • fungal infection;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • metabolic disorders in the body.

The appearance of pus under the nail is a consequence of the work of the protective system. In fact, it is a mixture of living and dead leukocytes. Such blood cells accumulate in areas where the inflammatory process occurs. The immune system ensures the destruction of pathogens that have penetrated under the nail plate and into soft tissues.

Inflammation on the toes develops quickly. This is due to the difficulty of maintaining absolute purity. High humidity is a favorable environment for the development and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of pathology is associated with the suspension of the inflammatory process. It is also important to draw out the existing pus from under the nail. If you suspect the presence of panaritium, you should consult a doctor. It is not possible to remove pus on your own in all cases.

Main symptoms

Pathology has its own characteristic symptoms. According to these features, it is differentiated from other conditions.

  • The person is concerned about pain. Their intensity is high. The nature of the pain is throbbing. It appears not only when walking, but also in a calm state.
  • If the finger is festered, then the soft tissues swell. The swelling is quite severe. The periungual roller becomes rigid. Sometimes the entire foot swells.
  • Redness also indicates suppuration. A change in the color of the skin is observed directly near the damaged nail.
  • A local increase in temperature indicates that there is pus under the nail. The finger gets hot.

The subungual panaritium may not show other visual signs. As it develops, a large amount of pus accumulates. The nail gradually changes. The plate may thicken or crumble. Pathogenic microorganisms destroy the nail bed.

If there is a lot of pus, then the symptoms intensify. The pain becomes unbearable. The accumulation of leukocytes is noticeable in the corner of the damaged nail. It is visualized as a yellowish spot under the top layer of the skin. In severe cases, when the inflammatory process spreads to all soft tissues, a person has an increase in body temperature. This is an occasion to consult a specialist.

The use of ointments for the treatment of panaritium

In the early stages, panaritium on the big toe can be cured at home. The main task is to draw out the pus. Experts advise using ointments. An overview of the most famous drugs is given in the table.

Name of the drug Active substance Principle of operation Duration of treatment
Levomekol The ointment contains dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine and chloramphenicol. The ointment has a combined effect. The active substance stimulates accelerated tissue regeneration. An antibiotic fights pathogens. 3 to 5 days.
Vishnevsky ointment Among the main ingredients of the product are birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. The drug allows you to draw out pus by accelerating blood circulation in the tissues. The ointment has antiseptic and regenerative properties. 5 to 7 days.
Ichthyol ointment The main active component of the ointment is ichthyol. This substance is based on sulfur. The drug is able to accelerate the retraction of pus. Ointment is a good antiseptic. 5 to 10 days.
Dioxidine The active ingredient of the drug is a derivative of quinoxaline. This is a bactericidal drug that accelerates the treatment of panaritium. 3 to 7 days.

The duration of the use of ointments is determined by the doctor. Some drugs have their limitations. So, Dioxidin is not prescribed in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. If pus appears under the nail in a child, then it is better to choose Vishnevsky's ointment. It is considered the safest drug.

Apply means of local action as applications. The ointment is generously applied to the damaged nail. A fixing bandage is applied on top. The application is left overnight. During this time, the active ingredients have time to penetrate under the nail. Gradually, the inflammation decreases, and the pain subsides.

How to draw out pus folk remedies

Many are interested in how to remove pus without the use of medications. There are several effective traditional medicine recipes. If there is a small local inflammation, you can try to remove the pus yourself. To do this, the damaged toe is steamed in hot water. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is added to the bath. This will provide an antibacterial effect.

In some cases, a gap forms on the skin of the periungual roller. Through this hole, pus comes out. It is important not to bring the infection into an open wound. The surface of the skin and the nail itself are treated with alcohol.

If the finger is festering, then you can make a foot bath with the addition of herbs. Experts recommend using the following plants:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • plantain.

A decoction is prepared from a mixture of herbs, which is added to the water for taking a bath. Extracts from these plants have antimicrobial properties. Such a decoction stimulates the healing of damaged tissues.

Another way to cure a festering nail is to use propolis. The tincture of this product is diluted with water. The resulting solution is added to the bath or used as a compress to draw out the pus.

If the finger breaks, then lotions with an alcohol solution of furacilin will help. The substance is impregnated with a sterile gauze pad. The compress is applied to the finger and left overnight. The bandage can be moistened with a solution as it dries.

Surgery and possible complications

It is possible to treat panaritium at home with ointments or folk remedies only in the early stages. If the pus under the nail causes severe pain, the finger is swollen and reddened, then you need to seek medical help.

The doctor will conduct an examination and decide what to do in a particular situation. It may be necessary to open cavities with pus under local anesthesia. In some cases, the entire nail plate is removed.

The resulting wound may fester again. To prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor will recommend treating the skin with an antiseptic. For this purpose, iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide are used.

Panaritium should not be ignored. This condition can lead to serious complications. The main ones are:

  • sepsis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • gangrene.

After removing the pus from under the nail, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Medicines will eliminate microorganisms remaining in the tissues. Inflammatory processes subside. Healthy tissues are formed at the site of the wound.

After the elimination of the abscess, it is important to follow preventive measures. Soreness can bother for several days. A gauze bandage will provide protection from dust and dirt. Shoes must be loose. These rules will help keep your nails healthy.

Pus appears due to the fact that they bite their nails

Pus under the nail is scientifically called panaritium. It often occurs in children due to the fact that they bite their nails, as well as in people in manual production, which is associated with a high probability of injury: among locksmiths, turners, and cooks.

The disease begins first with itching and swelling of the finger. Then the affected area begins to hurt, and the pain is characteristic - throbbing. The finger is very swollen, and pus is visible through the skin, which accumulates under the nail. Usually, the finger on which the focus of inflammation has formed is difficult to bend, and sometimes a sick person has a fever.

The occurrence of panaritium is due to the following reasons

When removing pus, do not introduce an infection

  • Proper disinfection of the wound or microtrauma was not carried out.
  • In a manicure and pedicure salon, they damaged the skin with sharp instruments and brought an infection under the nail.
  • Ingrown nails. It usually happens on the big toe.
  • A splinter under the nail.
  • Fungal diseases with complications.
  • Endocrine disorders, usually severe diabetes mellitus.

In fact, pus under the nail plate is not something that should be treated, since it is only a consequence of the vital activity of pathogens and the results of their struggle with our immune system. Treatment must be started as soon as possible. If the form of the disease is not running, suppuration is quite simply cured.

But if you start and do not pay due attention, in some cases panaritium even leads to complete necrosis of the finger, as well as to gangrene with all the consequences, this is amputation, disability, etc.

The first thing to remember is that you should not try to remove the abscess yourself. There is a high risk of infection on an even larger scale. Therefore, you should go straight to the surgeon. He will establish the exact causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.

At the initial stage of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and antibacterial ointments. But more often it happens that a person turns to a specialist when the disease is already running, the temperature has risen and the finger is very swollen. In such cases, surgery is performed. The doctor performs an autopsy of the lesion, and the pus comes out. With such a mini-surgery, the nerve endings are not affected, therefore, as a rule, it is performed without anesthesia or with local anesthesia. Then the wound is treated, a bandage is applied from sterile materials. For about a week, you need to regularly go for dressings. Also, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to prevent inflammation.

What urgent preventive measures can be taken if a microtrauma occurs in the nail area? All these recommendations are suitable for both adults and children:

  • Wash hands with antibacterial soap.
  • If a splinter has fallen under the nail, it should be carefully pulled out with a needle.
  • Squeeze out some blood from the wound.
  • Treat the area with hydrogen peroxide.
  • The edges of the wound should be smeared with brilliant green or iodine.
  • Bandage or seal with an antibacterial plaster.
  • For several days it is better not to deal with gardening and other work where infection is possible.

Home Treatments

Pus may occur due to a splinter

  • First way.
    If little time has passed since the infection was introduced and there is little pus under the skin, you can make baths from warm water and potassium permanganate. After holding your finger in the bath for 15 minutes, you should carefully try to remove the pus from the finger by pressing on the nail plate. When the pus is successfully removed, it is necessary to treat the skin area with antibacterial drugs or iodine and apply a tight compress from a sterile material. The compress should then be changed regularly.
  • The second way.
    Pus under a fingernail or toenail can be removed using propolis. You need to make a tincture of water and propolis in a ratio of 1:5, where 5 is part of the water. Prepare baths from this solution and keep your finger in them for 15-20 minutes. Such baths can be done 3-4 times a day. The reviews of those who applied this procedure indicate that, on average, after 3 days, all the pus comes out, and then the healing process proceeds very quickly.
  • Please note that if there is pus on one finger, it means that some kind of microtrauma or splinter is the reason for this. But if on several fingers at once, then we are talking about a general infection of the body. And in the latter case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    If, for some reason, going to the doctor is impossible, what can be done in this case? With self-treatment, although this is undesirable, it is necessary to provide the sore finger with complete care and sterility:

    • Make baths from a solution of potassium permanganate or using furacilin two to three times a day.
    • Apply Levomekol ointment to the affected area and change these therapeutic applications at least twice a day. And they need to be tightly fixed with a bandage.

    Such treatment can only help in the early stages of the disease. With more advanced forms of an abscess under the nail, going to the doctor is inevitable and necessary, since there can be quite serious complications, such as:

    • Sepsis, otherwise - blood poisoning, which sometimes causes death.
    • Phlegmon. Its appearance means that inflammation progresses and captures new parts of the body.
    • Tendovaginitis. The disease means that tissue necrosis has occurred.
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa, causing a dangerous infection.
    • Gangrene.

    A large number of people around the world are faced with the problem of ingrown toenails. And quite a few of them come to the doctor with the fact that the toenail has grown in and is festering. At the same time, they experience severe pain, discomfort and are unable to move normally. Often, in this situation, the only way out is only surgery, but in some cases, other treatment methods can be dispensed with.

    Causes of the disease

    One of the most common problems in the world is ingrown toenails. They occur even in children and can cause a lot of suffering and anxiety. At the same time, most patients come to the doctor with this problem in rather advanced cases, when inflammation processes are already beginning. And some go to the doctor with pronounced purulent changes in the places of the ingrowing corners of the nails.

    And each patient is interested in why the nail has grown and what led to inflammation. There are many reasons for this, and it is necessary to understand them in detail.

    1. Wrong pedicure. Not everyone knows that toenails should be cut differently than on the hands. The optimal shape of the toenails is square, with a slight rounding at the corners. It is necessary to cut in such a way that the edges of each nail somewhat cover the pad. Rounded, too square shapes with incorrectly processed corners will serve as a prerequisite for ingrown nail edges.
    2. Wearing tight shoes. Wearing overly tight shoes puts more pressure on your toes, which can lead to gradual ingrown toenails. Most often, this occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb, which is most subject to pressure. Rarely occurs in the little finger. Sometimes too loose shoes also serve as a prerequisite for the onset of ingrown nails. Therefore, it is important to choose the golden mean and select the model in full accordance with the size of the foot.
    3. genetic predisposition. It has been proven that there are certain genetic prerequisites, as well as anatomical features that can lead to an ingrown nail. An example is an oversized fingertip with thin and delicate skin, coupled with a thick, strong and small nail with a bend in the shape of the letter "C".
    4. Overweight problems. Excess body weight or its sharp increase (during pregnancy) often leads to ingrown nails. This also applies to the regular wearing of weights.
    5. Heavy loads. Daily excessive loads on the legs always have an adverse effect. Therefore, runners, skiers, gymnasts and ballerinas often encounter ingrown nails.

    Important! There are many additional reasons, among which it is necessary to highlight the fungal infection of the nail plate, injuries, chronic diseases (diabetes), beriberi. Often, the occurrence of an ingrown toenail is associated with surgical intervention on the toes. Lead to it and flat feet or clubfoot.

    Direct suppuration of the nail occurs due to infection. This can happen during a pedicure or with a rough attempt to separate the corner of the nail on your own. And even if everything was done carefully, but no further processing was carried out, followed by the application of a clean bandage, the likelihood of infection is high. Often, the root cause of suppuration of the nails is the wounds that form in places of ingrowth. This is especially true for diabetics.

    A nail that grows deep into the nail bed itself acts as a kind of foreign body for the body. Therefore, gradually he will try to get rid of the problem. The result of this is an inflammatory reaction, which can develop into a purulent process. Especially if it is too late to pay attention to it or not start treatment. It is important to conduct a course of therapy at the very beginning of deepening the nail plate.


    Symptoms of an ingrown nail and the subsequent development of an infectious process are characteristic, and it is difficult to confuse it with other nail pathologies. Initially, swelling and some redness are noted in the ingrowth area, which do not cause much discomfort and can only hurt when pressed. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness or pressure, but at this stage, few pay attention to the problem that has arisen.

    In the future, swelling and inflammation begin to increase, and if treatment is not started, purulent changes will appear over time. Outwardly, this is manifested by the purplishness of the periungual roller, from under which pus is often released. The skin in this area becomes hot to the touch. The reason is the addition of a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The leading symptoms at this stage are pronounced.

    There is a sharp swelling of the nail and intense throbbing pains that are constantly disturbing. A purulent abscess gradually forms, acquiring a yellowish tint due to purulent contents. At this stage, urgent medical attention is required, because in the absence of treatment, there is a high probability of a breakthrough of the contents, its penetration under the nail and the spread of infection throughout the body.

    Important! A quick and effective solution is to perform an urgent operation to open the suppuration and remove the accumulated pus. It is performed under local anesthesia and rarely takes more than half an hour. Antibacterial therapy is mandatory, and if necessary, antifungal therapy.

    Conservative therapy

    Conservative therapies are very effective in the development of an ingrown toenail. But only in the earliest stages, when the inflammation did not end with suppuration. And there are no signs in the form of severe swelling, redness, an increase in the local temperature of the skin and pain. The main goal of the treatment will be to move the sharp corners of the nail plate and trim them carefully.

    This can be done after special baths that help steam out the soft tissues of the finger and the nail itself. They can be different and based on various ingredients placed in hot water (per 1 liter):

    • furatsilin (1-2 crushed tablets);
    • salt with soda (1 tbsp each);
    • decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile with St. John's wort, 1 tbsp each);
    • potassium permanganate (to a light pink shade).

    The duration of such a bath should be at least 10-15 minutes, after which you need to dry your feet thoroughly. It is necessary to try to bring the edges of the nail beyond the soft tissues by carefully placing a small piece of cotton wool (in the form of a roller) soaked in an antiseptic (brilliant green, iodine) under them. You need to try to make the roller more authentic so that if necessary it is easy to pull it out. If the nail edges cannot be removed immediately, several similar procedures can be done.

    You can carefully remove the edges of the nail plates and speed up recovery with the help of a number of proven pharmaceutical preparations.

    1. Uroderm: ointment based on water emulsion containing urea (urea). It has the ability to have a keratolytic effect and slow down the formation of the stratum corneum. The result of its application is to reduce the pressure of the nail on the surrounding tissues. Must be used in advance, before the pedicure (3 or 4 days).
    2. Nogtinorm: a balm that helps soften the nail plate. To do this, it is enough to apply the balm 1 or 2 times on the surface of the nail and surrounding tissues.
    3. Scholl: Effective liquid, should be applied to the nail for a week twice a day.
    4. Nogtimycin: applied to the pathological area, after which the medicinal composition should be left for 3 or 4 days. Then you need to steam your feet in a hot foot bath and cut off the departed corner of the nail.

    Thanks to the listed means, it is easier to release the ingrown corners of the nails and the periungual roller as they grow.

    If inflammation develops in the affected area, it will be necessary to apply a bandage with an antibacterial composition (Vishnevsky ointment, Tetracycline, Gentamicin). In the presence of a fungus, antifungal agents are needed (Lamisil, Nizoral). And with severe pain, the bandages can be additionally treated with a solution of Lidocaine. In more severe cases, oral antibiotics may be required. For their appointment, you should consult a doctor who can choose the most suitable drug.

    Hardware treatment methods

    Today, for medical purposes, hardware treatment methods are widely used to help quickly resolve the issue of ingrown nail plates. But it is best to use them at the initial stages of the development of ingrowth processes, while the inflammation is not very pronounced and there are no signs of suppuration yet. Among several methods, the most popular ones should be considered.

    1. Hardware pedicure. Its implementation allows you to get rid of the nail with ingrown edges at the beginning of the occurrence. The direct procedure involves the use of an apparatus with special nozzles and plates (gold, Podofix, Oniclip, Duroplast), which are applied to the surface of the nail, fix the bent side edges and help straighten them. During a pedicure, the surface of the nails is polished, their edges are processed and shortened, giving the correct shape. The COMBIped technique, which is used for inflammation of the nail folds or unilateral ingrown nails, is also popular. For it, a special metal bracket with a plate is used, which allows you to straighten only one edge of the nail.
    2. Laser therapy. It is a progressive option to deal with the problem of ingrown nail corners. It is characterized by minimal trauma and good therapeutic results. The patient practically does not feel pain during the procedure, and the risk of bleeding and infection is minimal. Due to the laser beam, pathological nail tissues are excised quickly, and subsequent recovery is accelerated. It can even be performed on a child. Contraindications for such therapy are allergy to light exposure, the presence of diabetes, acute infection or trophic ulcers, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    3. radio wave surgery. It implies the use of high-frequency radio waves. This method is distinguished by a slight trauma and the ability to completely remove the pathological areas of the nails. The probability of recurrence in radiosurgery is reduced to almost zero. The treatment procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and allows you to quickly cut out the pathological parts of the nail. When it is carried out, the risk of infection is minimal. Necrosis of tissues adjacent to the nail is practically not observed. As well as pain. The radio waves of the device allow simultaneous disinfection of the wound, which will contribute to rapid healing without complications. Contraindications to such treatment are: heart failure in the stage of decompensation, the presence of a pacemaker, exacerbation of chronic pathology and acute infectious processes.

    Important! Despite the high efficiency of the listed hardware techniques, it is necessary to undergo a full examination by a specialist before they are carried out. Usually it is a podiatrist. He will be able to identify the main risks and recommend the most appropriate method of therapy.

    Home Treatments

    In the treatment of ingrown nails, folk recipes also have a fairly good therapeutic effect. Their purpose is to give the correct direction of nail growth. This is done by removing the growing edges from under the surrounding soft tissues after steaming the toes in the above baths.

    To accomplish the main task, you can use the following methods:

    • scrape off the top layer of the nail surface in the lateral sections and in the middle to thin the plate, then place a compact cotton-gauze swab under the ingrown edges, after soaking it with an antiseptic or antibiotic ointment;
    • put a thin plastic plate treated with chlorhexidine or alcohol under the nail edges, then fix it with a bandage or adhesive plaster;
    • take a file, and preferably a trihedral file, disinfect the nail and saw through 3 grooves on its surface exactly 2/3 of the thickness (on the sides and in the middle).

    The result of these actions will be the gradual alignment and unfolding of the nail, which will gradually take the correct location. Thanks to the freed edges, the source of constant trauma and irritation of soft tissues will disappear. As a result, inflammation processes quickly pass.

    When suppuration begins in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected nail, you can stop it with the following home recipes.

    Chamomile with sage, St. John's wort, lilac and plantain leavesIt is necessary to mix the listed ingredients in equal proportions and pour 1 liter of water. Then put the container with herbs on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 3 or 5 minutes and remove from heat. Then add baking soda (1 tsp) to the finished broth and dissolve.You should cool the broth a little and lower the inflamed finger into it for 15 minutes. After such a bath, you need to try to free the edges of the nail and remove the accumulated pus from under them, if it is there.
    Propolis tincturePlace the tincture in warm water in a ratio of 1:5 and mix thoroughly.It is necessary to lower the fingers into the prepared solution for 15 minutes 3-4 times during the day. Propolis will help draw out the pus and prevent further inflammation.
    SaltPlace 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 cup of hot water and dissolve.Soak your fingers in the hot solution for a few minutes for 30-40 minutes. Then keep it constant for 15 minutes. This will help to cope with suppuration only at the very beginning of its development.

    Important! Any medical procedures carried out at home should be agreed with the attending physician. He will help you choose the most effective and safe remedy or select another therapy. It is imperative to visit a doctor, sometimes it is difficult to assess the severity of inflammation on your own.

    Wrong actions

    A large list of various methods and drugs used for ingrowing nails and their suppuration should be supplemented with a list of illegal actions without fail.

    With ingrown nail plates, you can not:

    • cut the growing nails short, cutting off the edges as well: this can lead to an aggravation of the problem; you just need to grow the corners of the nails and cut them according to all the rules;
    • put pieces of matches, cotton wool or gauze under the corners of the nail: this can lead to inflammation; it is necessary to first steam out the fingers in a foot bath, and only after that place pieces of a cotton-gauze swab treated with an antiseptic or therapeutic composition;
    • delay visiting a doctor: sometimes an incorrectly chosen treatment method at home leads to very serious consequences, as a result of which you have to remove the nail completely and undergo a long course of therapy.

    And with swelling of the finger, its redness with an increase in the temperature of the surrounding skin and the occurrence of purulent processes, you should urgently seek help, and not try to squeeze out the pus on your own. The result can be the spread of infection to underlying tissues and even bones. It is necessary to contact a specialist (surgeon, podologist), who will quickly and effectively help cure inflammation and get rid of the ingrown nail.

    Prevention of nails

    When it is possible to get rid of the infection completely and straighten the direction of nail growth, one should not stop there. There are certain preventive measures you can take to help prevent the problem from reoccurring and keep your nails healthy.

    1. Proper pedicure. It must be remembered that toenails should be cut straight, without rounding the edges. Their shape should be square. Sometimes it is useful to remind the master in a beauty salon who does a pedicure about this. You should also cut your nails not too short. It is better to make their edge protrude slightly beyond the periungual roller. Otherwise, when pressure is applied from the outside, a change in the direction of growth of the nail plate may occur.
    2. Buying the right size shoes. It is best to visit shoe stores in the evening, when the feet swell a little and the size can be selected more accurately. It is necessary to give preference to models that do not press anywhere and do not put pressure on the fingers, and also do not have high heels and narrow noses.
    3. Injury protection. It is necessary to try not to injure the feet and fingers, which is one of the prerequisites for the start of ingrowth processes.
    4. Reducing loads. Love your feet and give them regular rest. If possible, take off your shoes and massage your feet.

    Important! Do not forget about personal foot hygiene, as well as visiting public pools, saunas and baths in personal slippers. This will prevent your feet from being attacked by a fungus or other infection that can enter through small cracks in the skin.

    It is very important to adhere to a proper diet with plenty of foods rich in useful vitamins and minerals. The diet should always include vegetables, fruits, herbs and fish products. You should take care of your health, regularly undergo medical examinations. It is especially important for diabetics to check their blood sugar.

    And most importantly - do not be shy to seek help from specialists. Sometimes this can save you from a long stay in the hospital and serious consequences. When a nail begins to grow on a finger, all thoughts are concentrated on getting rid of it. This is especially true in cases where inflammation occurs in this area and the finger begins to fester.

    Severe pain, discomfort and the inability to move freely negatively affect the quality of life and make it difficult to calmly carry out daily activities. You can solve the problem in various ways, but you should always start with a visit to the doctor. He will conduct the necessary research and prescribe the most effective treatment. And the observance of preventive measures after complete recovery will avoid a possible relapse in the future.