How to arrange a New Year with friends. Scenario New Year's party for adults "New Year's Eve with friends"

But sometimes, just before the New Year, the mood suddenly becomes hooligan and mysterious at the same time. It is in this case that the thoughts themselves spin in the direction in order to come up with such and such, in order to surprise everyone and please oneself ...

The New Year 2019 scenario below is suitable for those who celebrate this holiday at home with family and close friends. Competitions are designed for an adult audience.

In order for the New Year's Eve to be the same as in childhood, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a winter holiday and high spirits in the most magical way. Of course, in every house there is always a long-awaited coniferous beauty, pleasing the eye with a variety of Christmas tree decorations, gleaming in the light of lit lamps and candles. But the general interior of the apartment can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, rain and toys. Garlands can be made with your own hands from colored paper.

And who doesn’t love to carve snowflakes from childhood? It is these winter attributes that can be made multi-colored and glued on double-sided tape or in any other way in the most unexpected places throughout the apartment. But first you need to write a number from one to five on the back of each snowflake.

And for the planned draws and contests, we need:

  • false beard, mustache, Santa Claus hat or red Santa Claus cap;
  • 2 large sheets of drawing paper;
  • markers, pens, pencils;
  • notebook sheets;
  • block of sheets for records;
  • 2 envelopes;
  • symbolic gifts and prizes. For example, chocolates, small boxes of sweets, Christmas and soft toys.

The most serious preparations, thinking over the menu, purchasing and arranging the surroundings are behind us. The heartbeat from the anticipation of meeting with the long-awaited guests returned to normal. Everyone is already in place, seated at a hospitably laid table and having a leisurely conversation, warming up after a frosty walk.

And now, when the guests have already drunk a small amount of warming drinks for the meeting and tasted one of the tempting dishes, that same rebellious and cunning awaiting the onset of the most long-awaited event in the middle of winter, takes on the role of leading the home holiday of the New Year. They can be either the owner or hostess of the apartment, or one of the invited guests.

Leading:- Dear guests! I am authorized to inform you that Santa Claus contacted me and gave you a message in words. The fact is that our company consists of adults, and the time of the winter wizard is catastrophically short, so he will not be able to visit us in order to be in time for those who are waiting for him the most, children. But do not be upset and do not be sad from the vicissitudes of fate and from the indomitable fate of adulthood. Santa Claus generously appointed me as acting Santa Claus! And therefore, I will not let boredom and despondency settle in this New Year's Eve in our close and friendly company!

When pronouncing a fiery tirade, an authorized Santa Claus can extract a false beard, mustache and Santa Claus's hat from the stocked package. If there are difficulties with these attributes, then the red cap of Santa Claus, which has confidently flooded store shelves, can be a worthy alternative for the presenter.

From a secret place, small squares of note paper are removed and distributed to each of the guests, who must write the date and month of their birth on their piece of paper. Don't forget to write your name.

I. O. Santa Claus collects all the leaves and folds them, for example, under the tree, placing them in an envelope.

And now, - proclaims leading- Let's get to know each other or remember each other well.

Guests must be seated on the sofa and chairs placed so that everyone is sitting in a row.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, we are setting off, take your seats and fasten your seat belts. And now you need to start the engine and for this everyone should clap. Go! Slowly at first. We stomp our feet. We pick up speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Faster! We pick up speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Faster! 80 kilometers per hour. Even faster! 100, 120 kilometers per hour. Let's turn left! We shake hands with the neighbor to your left. We're moving forward again. Speed ​​150 kilometers per hour! Now turn right and shake hands with the neighbor to your right. We're still going, we're going. We brake. We turn to any neighbor and kiss him on the cheek! We slow down, we slow down. All! We've arrived!

After such a closer game, the guests need to continue the meal and, depending on the general temperament of the company, start dancing. But the restless I. O. Santa Claus, having strengthened his strength and wet his throat, again turns to the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, let's find out what each of you did yesterday!

Everyone is given notebook sheets and prepared pens and pencils.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Now answer my questions and write the answers in a column.

  1. What is your favorite male or female name?
  2. Do you like delicious food?
  3. Write a number between 1 and 100.
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. Write another number between 1 and 100.
  6. Write your other favorite female or male name.
  7. Write the name of your favorite song?
  8. Did you study (study) at school?
  9. Do you prefer twins or triplets?
  10. When you go out, do you wear shoes?
  11. Write another female or male name.
  12. What phrase do you use most often?
  13. Why did you (go) go to school?

The host reads out new questions, and the guests read out what they wrote.

  1. Who were you with last night? (The guest reads the answer to question 1.)
  2. Did you kiss? (Reads the answer to question 2 and so on)
  3. How many times?
  4. What did it taste like?
  5. What age was he/she?
  6. Have you told anyone about this?
  7. What did he/she say?
  8. Have you had sex?
  9. What were the results?
  10. Have you reported this to anyone else?
  11. To whom?
  12. What did he/she say?
  13. Why did you do it?

I hope that after such a prank, I. O. Santa Claus will not become an object of resentment and misunderstanding, and all guests will look forward to what this magician and wizard has prepared yet. And he will not make anyone disappointed on this winter evening and, having given the guests a rest and relaxation, he will once again show remarkable activity.

On one of the sheets of drawing paper rolled into a tube, there is a wide smiling muzzle of a pig drawn with a felt-tip pen, but without a piglet. Piglet is drawn separately and cut out of paper. The missing part is attached to the muzzle with a pin.

Participants need to blindfold with a scarf and scroll around their axis once. The applicant for the prize must attach the part on a piece of drawing paper after going through a couple of steps. The winner is the participant who placed the piglet as correctly as possible.

The excitement from the competition will subside quickly. The guests, in anticipation of the milestone hour, will once again taste the delicacies from the festive table prepared by the hospitable hosts and, uncontrollably gushing with rallies and contests, the Host again captures the attention of the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now we need to learn the quatrain.

The New Year is already knocking
Open quickly.
Miracle, fairy tale, fiction
We will make our friends happy.

Everyone repeats in chorus after the Host, and he, in turn, gives out another stored envelope, which the guests, chanting, betray each other from hand to hand. On whom the quatrain ends, he takes out a card with the task from the envelope.

  • tell a joke;
  • sing a ditty;
  • dance the dance of little swans, taking those who wish to help you;
  • a kiss on the cheek of a neighbor on the left;
  • recite a New Year's rhyme;
  • persuade the neighbor on the right to drink a glass, drink it;
  • praise your favorite dish on the table;
  • create a choir from the guests and sing a verse of the New Year's song;
  • wish something to each of those present in the New Year;
  • say a toast in honor of the guests.

Time is inexorably fleeting and the onset of the New Year is very close. And again, the acting Father Frost takes the reins of government into his skillful hands.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Very soon the Kremlin chimes will notify us that the New Year has come. And by this magical hour, my telepathic magical abilities are gaining their maximum strength, which I certainly want to demonstrate to you. Think of any number. Multiply it by two. Add one to the amount received. Multiply the result by five and add three. Now let me know the result you got.

Everyone who decides to test the telepathic abilities of the Leader tells him the number, and the Leader, making a thoughtful face, discards the last digit in the announced result and announces the secret number conceived by the participant.

And now, a clear chiming clock heralded the New Year! In a few seconds, the most cherished desires are made! And the champagne flowed like a river, flavored with triple shouts of “Hurrah” and sincere wishes to each other!

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Did you think that I forgot about my assignment to write the dates of your birthdays? But Grandfather Frost, whom you did not notice while your attention was riveted on the speech of the President and the battle of the Chimes, nevertheless found a minute and looked at us and left a whole bag of gifts.

With these words, the Leader can shake a real or impromptu bag, where he placed symbolic prizes.

I. O. Santa Claus:- So, I take out the envelope and look through the dates that are there! The gift is received by the one whose birthday is closest to our today's holiday.

After the participant has received his first prize in the New Year, the Host again addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Don't be upset. You have a great opportunity to win one more of the prizes and gifts from Santa Claus. And for this it is absolutely necessary to find all the snowflakes that are hidden throughout the apartment. And the one who collects the snowflakes must add the numbers written on the back to each other. Whose sum will be the largest, he will receive a prize for dexterity and attentiveness!

Traditionally, all home holidays in our country and not only are held at a richly laid table and the maximum that they can diversify is dancing and singing under karaoke. The bravest ones can go outside to take a breath of fresh air and admire the fireworks, the volleys of which are heard from all sides, especially on New Year's Eve.

But it was not there! Our daring I.O. Santa Claus does not throw the reins of power over the course of the holiday and again attracts everyone's attention to himself.

I. O. Santa Claus:

Here comes the New Year
it was twelve years ago.
Who ate a lot, who drank a lot,
But our strength is with us!

Now let's find out who of us is the strongest this year!

The facilitator distributes a newspaper sheet to each of those who wish. Participants hold a newspaper by the corner at arm's length. On command or from the beginning of the music that has begun to play, all contestants must collect the entire newspaper sheet into a fist. Whoever completed the task first is the strongest in the New Year and receives a prize!

Tiredness and cheerful drinks do their job, and I. O. Santa Claus notices that the time has come to hold another comic contest. For this, a second sheet of whatman paper is unfolded, on which a thermometer is depicted with a felt-tip pen.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now let's find out who is the most persistent, strongest, most sober of us in the New Year!

The participant approaches a piece of drawing paper fixed on the wall and turns his back to it. The task of the participant, bending down and stretching out his hand to the alcohol meter between his legs, is to mark the lowest degree with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees are drawn from bottom to top from highest to lowest so that the participants reach as high as possible!

After the competition and the presentation of a symbolic prize to the most persistent and sober, the host addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Our company has gathered the strongest, most savvy, most cheerful and most sober! May the New Year bring you many fulfilled desires, ideas and prospects! Let good health and willpower help to overcome obstacles not only in the form of snowdrifts and impenetrable thickets, but also in all spheres of life! And let's try to make it around us a little warmer and more sincere, so that the kinship of souls and strong close-knit friendship are indestructible, that's how I tried to do for you today! And let in those drawings that the New Year will give you, you will be the winners with sincere smiles and a feeling of happiness! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

For such a holiday, it is important and necessary to get a good script with which you will not only cheer up, but also not let your friends get bored. The script is designed for a small group of adults, 10-12 people. If there are still children, you can add a few. A lot also depends on the size of the room in which the event will take place. If space permits, you can equip a small photo zone, which will definitely please your guests. You can also organize a costume party, but it all depends on the desire and imagination.

Characters: Leading (in the costume of the Snow Maiden).
The host or mistress of the house should act as a host at a home holiday.

Props: small gifts for participating in competitions, 2 sets of cards, bags, cards, a foil ball with riddles,

The guests are seated, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden :
Good evening to you friends,
I'm glad to see you all
Let's celebrate the holiday
Celebrate the New Year now!
I've been a little late
It took a very long time to
Grandfather did not wait for me
And so one!
Well, don't worry, I'm here
I brought joy to everyone
Pour it quickly
Let's drink for the joy of days!
Let's drink for the departed
Over the past year,
He was good in his own way
But, we are moving forward!
Let's drink with you for moments
We will drink with you for everything
Takes away problems
Let everythnig will be alright!

(Everyone drinks for the outgoing year)

Snow Maiden :
Friends, I offer you one magical, and most importantly interesting game. All you have to do is draw a card...

Game "Magic Cards".
You will need to pre-prepare cards with questions and answers, put them in two different bags. The host asks the first question, naming the person to whom he addresses it. He, in turn, pulls the answer, reads, and then chooses a question, calls the next guest, and so on in order. It turns out quite funny and interesting. Shuffle all cards before playing.
Props: 2 sets of cards, bags.

Question Options.
Would you like...
1. ... to visit Paris for the New Year holidays?
2. ... get stuck in an elevator with Johnny Depp?
3. ... play the role of Santa Claus?
4. ... put on a ball gown and walk around the city?
5. ... do nothing for a whole year, and then start working for a day?
6. ... to work as an Olivier cutter?
7. ... in the New Year one day to work as president?
8. ...spend the night with Shakira?
9. ... swap bodies with me for a day?
10. ... feel like Cinderella, constantly clean, wash, fulfill other people's whims?
11. ... in the New Year to start everything from scratch and start working as a janitor?
12. ... in the New Year to go to Guadeloupe and find a mulatto there?
13. ... in the New Year to make a green Mohawk?
14. ... in the New Year to go to work in pajamas?

Answer options:
1. Absolutely not, how could such a thing come to mind!
2. Fu, what a horror, as I imagine, it makes me shudder!
3. It's a dream!
4. Why not?
5. Yes, I will sell my soul for this!
6. And who will refuse?
7. No, I don’t even want to think about it!
8. If you will be with me, then yes!
9. Of course, the dream of a lifetime!
10. A good opportunity to learn new things.
11. I want, I strive, I will achieve!
12. Definitely yes!
13. Maybe yes, maybe not, it all depends on the mood.
14. This is a brilliant proposal!

Snow Maiden :
I suggest you drink friends for the New Year to fulfill your desires and give you new opportunities!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
It's time to say congratulations
Get ready friends
Remember poems and toasts,
It's time to remember!
Well, if everyone forgot,
Don't worry, don't worry
There is for this in stock,
I have a game for you!

Game "I compose on the go".
Everything is simple - the host calls the rhyme, and the guests continue it clockwise, and you get a cool New Year's greeting.

Variants of the first rhyme:
1. The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing;
2. Congratulations friends;
3. Here is a miracle on the threshold;
4. Happy New Year,
5. Here comes the New Year.

Snow Maiden :
And now I propose to drink for what has been said!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
You are bored with something, and I propose to fix it urgently!

Competition "I can, I'll show".
For this competition, you need to prepare cards. Two participants are selected from the guests. The task is to depict what is written on the card without words. Whoever gets the most correct answers will win a prize. Each participant is given three cards, which they choose in turn. The time for each show is 30 seconds.
Props: cards.

Card examples:
1. Depict the performance of Leps;
2. A girl in a tight skirt and high heels;
3. Pregnant in the 9th month;
4. Drunk electrician;
5. Depict Baskov's performance;
6. Show snowman;
7. Draw a Snow Maiden;
8. Draw Santa Claus.
(Card options may be different, it all depends on the imagination.)

Snow Maiden :
Attention, listen friends,
It's time to pour champagne into glasses,
In five minutes a miracle will happen
We will celebrate the New Year!
Soon the chimes will strike
Soon happiness will come to the house
Make a wish,
New Year is already coming!

(The chimes strike, everyone exchanges congratulations, gifts and drinks for the New Year)

Snow Maiden :
Hurrah, comrades, hurrah!
Happy New Year to you friends
Congratulations on the new miracle
I wish you all the best!
Let there be prosperity in the house,
And comfort always reigns
Let it shine over you
Bright, magical star!

Snow Maiden :
I propose to start this year with wishes. How do you look at it?

Game "Wish".
From all the guests, two participants are selected. Each of them must name wishes for the letter that the host calls. If the word is repeated, the participant is eliminated. The one with the most words wins. At the end, a symbolic prize is awarded.

(Everyone raises their glasses to say)

Snow Maiden :
What is the New Year without magic? So I thought about it and prepared!

Game "Magic Ball".
Some preparation will be required. First you need to take a small prize and wrap it with foil, making the shape of a ball. A piece of paper with is glued to this ball. Next, a layer of foil is applied again, a piece of paper is glued. Ideally, apply 7-8 layers, which means you need to prepare the same number of puzzles. The last layer is a layer of foil. The ball is passed clockwise to the guests. The first guest removes the layer and reads the riddle, if he does not guess within 5 seconds, the guests begin to guess. The one who gives the correct answer gets the ball and removes the next layer. The guest who manages to get to the last layer will receive a prize. Riddles are better to stir from simple to complex.
Props: a ball of foil with riddles.

Snow Maiden :
Everyone knows what year has come, but which of you will be able to depict it?

Competition "Symbol of the Year".
Two participants are selected. Each in turn should depict the coming year. The difficulty is that the gestures denoting the animal must be different, it is impossible to repeat after the opponent. Whoever can show more will win a prize.

(After the competition, everyone raises their glasses for the symbol of the year)

Snow Maiden :
May this year be sweet
All the bad will recede in an instant,
We will fix the wish
Completing my mission!

Competition "Removal".
Two couples are selected (preferably family). Each couple is given a piece of candy. The task is to unwrap and eat the candy without the help of hands. Execution time 30 seconds. The winners will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
Congratulations were loud
And vodka flowed like a river,
We had fun, we laughed
How could they have fun!
But it's time, friends, I'm on my way,
We will say goodbye to you
We will often be with you
Let's gather together!

(Everyone raises a glass to all the good things and the evening ends)

If there is enough space, you can add a few dance breaks to the script and a couple more.

The old year ends
Good good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New one is coming to us ...
Accept wishes,
It's impossible without them
Be healthy and happy!
S, friends!
Congratulations to everyone
Greetings to all,
Long live the jokes
Fun and laughter! (with these words, a firecracker shoots)

Holidays are supposed to be fun.
Let the faces bloom with a smile
The songs are upbeat.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

Warm up before the competition

(small prizes are awarded for correct answers, for example, sweets, Christmas decorations)

  1. Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)
  2. It starts with a bird, ends with a beast, what is the name of the city? (Raven hedgehog)
  3. Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)
  4. Santa's snitch. (Staff)
  5. An object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus? (Window)
  6. Nickname of Santa Claus? (Frost-Red Nose)
  7. Supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)

Competition "Take a Prize!"

A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the contestants. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who do not try to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish counted
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"

Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

  1. a woman with heavy bags;
  2. a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
  3. sentry guarding the food warehouse;
  4. an infant who has just learned to walk;
  5. Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

"Jolly Nonsense"

The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The host goes around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pull out either the question (read aloud) or the answer. It turns out to be a funny joke.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you read other people's letters?
  2. Are you sleeping well?
  3. Do you listen to other people's conversations?
  4. Do you break dishes out of anger?
  5. Can you put a pig on a buddy?
  6. Do you write anonymously?
  7. Do you spread gossip?
  8. Do you have a habit of promising more than you can?
  9. Would you like to get married?
  10. Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

  1. This is my favorite activity;
  2. Occasionally, for fun;
  3. Only on summer nights;
  4. When the wallet is empty;
  5. Only without witnesses;
  6. Only if it is not related to material costs;
  7. Especially in a strange house;
  8. This is my old dream;
  9. No, I am a very shy person;
  10. I never turn down an opportunity like this.

Christmas tree jokes

All participants take off "their" pieces of paper (painted in certain colors) from the Christmas tree. Jokes can be taken as a prediction or as a joke.

  1. Dear parents! Do you want grandchildren?
  2. "To the mother-in-law closer - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - love for her is stronger ..."
  3. There can only be 2 opinions in a family: one is the wife, the other is wrong!
  4. It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he gave her a mink coat.
  5. A compliment doubles a woman's performance.
  6. I will take on not an easy task -
    I will spend the family budget economically.
  7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
  8. Between worries, between chores.
    I will try my best to lie on the couch.
  9. We all, sometimes, go somewhere,
    We go, we swim, we fly like birds,
    Where there is an unfamiliar shore ...
    The road to the border awaits you.
  10. And this month you will devote to art -
    Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
  11. To be a beauty for you tomorrow morning, an asterisk, a berry, a kitty, a fish, but as soon as you give beer, you will become a wife again.

"Candy" on a string

A thread with "sweets" hanging on it is stretched across the whole room. Each blindfolded participant cuts off five candies for himself. If the gifts got "to the wrong address", then it is possible, with the consent of both participants, to exchange.

  1. Should be happy in abundance
    From the lottery you now -
    Three wonderful postcards
    Prolottery for you.
  2. To always be beautiful, hurry up to get the cream.
  3. You listen to the advice: fruits are the best diet.
  4. And here is an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese.
  5. If suddenly the child cries, you must (you must) appease him. With a rattle you will jump and make you shut up.
  6. To always be neat toothpaste, hurry up to get it.
  7. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby nipple.
  8. If you suddenly ask what year has now come, we will not answer you a word and give you a rooster.
  9. You got the main prize, get and share (chocolate).
  10. Every day you look younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
  11. Never be discouraged with such a companion, and wipe any place with a washcloth in a hot bath.
  12. On the ticket, by chance, you got this tea.
  13. To keep your face and your sock clean, a piece of fragrant soap got on the ticket.
  14. Get a balloon, fly into space to the stars.
  15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and as a reward, your prize did not fall in vain - a comb.
  16. Dishwasher. (mesh for washing dishes)
  17. Mercedes car. (Children's car)
  18. The garbage collector is cotton. (Handkerchief)
  19. Your win is quite rare, you got a spruce branch; she will make you, no doubt, participate in gardening.
  20. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook: write poetry.

Guess the proverb

The facilitator reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it herself.

  1. They don’t discuss a gift, they accept what they give ... (They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)
  2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
  3. If you have started something, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it! (I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty!)
  4. Trouble, misfortune usually happen where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there.)
  5. How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes around, it will respond.)
  6. Don't take on things you don't know. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)

What's this?

The same but with animals.

  1. "Repetition is the mother of learning!" - parrot
  2. "Hold your pocket wider!" - kangaroo
  3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile
  4. "There is safety in numbers!" - locust
  5. "Go toe to toe" - caterpillar

"Field of Dreams"

The facilitator reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each word guessed, players receive a prize (a small answer symbol).

  1. Name and surname of an elderly man. Ladies' man, dressed in Winter 2005 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  2. A dairy product that maintains the temperature in winter, but is more often consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  3. A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.
  4. Fashion model with a blond braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Appears always accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  5. The location of the long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
  6. A liquid that is taken internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.

And finally...

A poster is posted with phrases that must be continued. Everyone participates.

  1. Santa Claus would not have a price if ... (he came every day)
  2. That snowdrift is bad, which does not dream of becoming ... (ice cream)
  3. A real tree about an artificial one ... ("Solid silicone, and nothing more.")
  4. If Santa Claus is on fire at work, then ... (it means the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave.)
  5. Do not close your mouth to those who ... (do not deserve this.)
  6. In terms of the amount of paper per capita, we occupy one of the last places in the world and the first ... (in terms of the number of brilliant literary works.)

Evgenia Trussenkova


Useful for next year, thanks.

11/17/2017 04:14:17 PM, Makoed Katya

Some jokes are vulgar, some are meant only for adults, some can be applied to children. Basically, filter. But I liked about the wishes on the Christmas tree, just write them yourself, without jokes.

super site

29.12.2013 04:54:03, aksa

Thank you. Cool script!

12/14/2012 04:31:38 PM, Lisa.

Thanks a lot!

A very kind article. I already have an adult son, but with nostalgia I remember those times when he believed in Santa Claus. Yes, I had to buy more gifts "for myself and for that guy", but it was so nice! And we also had a tradition to put a gift under every Christmas tree near the house, even a painted one. Let just a candy, but a gift. Then he so touchingly checked all the Christmas trees and said "let's go to my grandmother, she also has a Christmas tree."
And she asked her to go home "suddenly we haven't checked all the Christmas trees yet." And my husband and I invented and hid different Christmas trees in the house so that he would first find them, then gifts under them.
I remember how they lured him out of the room, distracted him, brought snow from the balcony and said that Santa Claus was here, while you ate, you see, he trampled.
Now she asked her friend to find something for her grandson, such as a holiday program (oh, she already has grandchildren, but how long ago did they walk in strollers themselves!), He is in the younger group, so I came across this article and good feelings arose.

Very handy

30.12.2008 08:27:52, 222 12/28/2008 13:49:53, sonechka

cool! super!

27.12.2008 17:55:24

Just super!

27.12.2008 12:41:31, DIMAN_LYCEUM STUDENT

You are so smart!!! Now half of the country will celebrate the new year according to your scenario :)

12/27/2008 09:46:59, Tatyana

Well done! very cool. I will definitely use this scenario.

11/25/2008 11:50:34 PM, Olga

COOL!!! My family and I have never had so much fun

06.11.2008 21:01:59, Sveta

Comment on the article "Family New Year Scenario"

Family creativity at the Competition can be presented in the following genres: - vocals (songs of any genre); - theatrical art (mini-performance, skit ...

family legends. - get-togethers. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men.


My great-grandmother in her youth used to tell fortunes in the bath on the mirror with her friends. I saw an unknown man. A few days later, the matchmakers arrived. It turns out that a visitor appeared in a neighboring city - an elderly man who decided to marry. So he chose the first girl he came across, about whom the matchmakers told him. They got married, although before that they did not know each other at all, and left for Siberia. They lived well, but my husband (my great-grandfather) drank heavily, which is why he died exactly in December 1917, leaving her alone with a bunch of children. But the great-grandmother had already managed to become famous for her kindness to the convicts (she hid them from the authorities, dressed-shoeed-fed), so the family survived. The Kolchakites, the Reds, all passed through their village, but no one climbed up to her, because. knew that they would slaughter anyone who encroached on this family. Why she cared about criminals, I don’t know. Whether she was a believer, or somehow she herself was connected with them. My grandmother’s brother later, under Stalin, was the head of a large camp in Siberia, found out about the impending arrest, fled and hid with the help of former convicts until about 56, when he returned and became the director of the plant. It is interesting that the great-grandmother's granddaughter (my mother's cousin) later, after the Second World War, was also a member of a gang - an analogue of the Moscow "black cat". and to her, interestingly, there was nothing for it. She was identified as a member of the gang, but they did not judge her, they say, she is young (about 25), and that a bunch of thefts proven on her account were hushed up. Stalin's times were, I don't know what to think .. Och. dark stories!
And on the paternal side, my grandmother was the wife of some party official. And at an important dinner she drank and said "Stalin is a fool." Her husband divorced her, but supported both her and then her new family. I don’t understand how they didn’t put them both in jail ..

07.12.2010 11:17:25, history

My cousin grandmother Lyolya (born 1905) at the age of 20 ran away from the crown to the nephew of General Mamontov (White Guard general, passed through history). This unfortunate nephew (the son of a Frenchwoman and brother of General Mamontov) grew up in France and foolishly came to Russia in the 1920s, from where, of course, they never let him out again. He hid in the villages, taught, met and fell in love with my great aunt in a village near Volokolamsk. They ran with him for 10 years, got married 10 years later, they had a daughter (my aunt Rimma, our Frenchwoman is alive and well), but to a great logical misfortune, he was lost at 37. :-(.
Further, this grandmother Lelya also had an interesting fate, she fought with the Germans, got married for the second time at the age of 50 and died on December 31 at the age of 97.

The family competition has started. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony...

Competition of poems and stories about the family. Articles, competitions and other content of the site. Competition of poems and stories about the family. Hello! Have the prizes for the contest been sent out yet?

Family competition in the kindergarten. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illness and physical ...

Holiday family traditions. How to celebrate: ideas, tips. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift.


In every family, the New Year is held especially. My husband and I are familiar with one large family that keeps its annual chronicle. And this is a whole ritual that takes several hours of the outgoing year. First, everyone remembers what good and bad happened in the old year. Mom diligently writes down everyone’s impressions, together they analyze whether their dreams and desires came true, and if not, why did this happen. After the chimes struck 12, everyone exchanged gifts , and mom again picks up the chronicle. She invites everyone to speak out what they want their new year to be like, dreams and even children's requests for purchases are written down. The eldest son already writes his wishes on his own, and the younger children help to decorate the chronicle with drawings and applications . Here is such an unusual way to celebrate the New Year. But imagine how touching it will be to read this chronicle of years in 20 years and find out that the dream of your whole childhood was to buy a radio-controlled car, and the bruise received from Vovka's neighbor was a great chagrin to your mother. I assure you, after years this chronicle will give any of these children a sense of family and solidarity.
In another family, mom, dad and daughter were zealously passionate about the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, and for the third New Year they are celebrating especially. Mom finds material in advance about what clothes to celebrate this holiday in, what should be on the table, how to decorate house. A symbol of the year is placed under the Christmas tree, and to attract good luck, each family member makes his own treasure map, where he writes his desires, sticks or draws what he dreams of. And at 12 o'clock after traditional champagne, talismans are put into each of the cards, are exchanged.
Our relatives came up with another unusual tradition to celebrate the New Year. They celebrate the New Year and change the calendar on the wall. This is always a whole action, because this calendar is made to order in a photo studio. Only dad knows what is on it. it always turns out to be very cheerful, and significant dates for the family are marked in each month.
After the New Year, Christmas comes and family traditions are still relevant and useful. Therefore, if you did not have time to acquire traditions in the New Year, then feel free to create them at Christmas. This is no less magical and important holiday. In our family, for Christmas, everyone gathers with the eldest in the family - great-grandmother Anya. As a rule, she sets the table with the help of daughters-in-law and granddaughters. The table is traditionally decorated with church candles. Christmas is the most important holiday for great-grandmother .So my husband and son and I decided that a Christmas card and a present for grandma (that's what we all call her) should be the same every year. I am good at making trees and flowers from beads. Therefore, every year we give granny something from beaded flowers and trees, on her windowsill a whole garden has already grown from my crafts. Ilyusha draws a postcard or glues, and my husband signs. every Christmas I bake a cake with a winter snow-covered house.
I heard that one family celebrates Christmas only in new clothes, they believe that this will bring them not only good luck, but also allow them to become new people: to part with past mistakes and become spiritually purer.
When I studied at the institute, our journalism teacher told me that one Christmas his wife read to the children a story about a boy without parents, and the children began to ask if such children could be helped and where they lived. At first, the adult woman was a little embarrassed, and then she said that you can bring toys and books to the orphanage. And what was her surprise when her two children gathered in a bag a lot of their toys and part of the children's books that they had not read for a long time, and firmly asked their mother to take them to the orphanage. Since then, visiting the orphanage at Christmas has become a tradition in this family. Now the children of our teacher are adults and have their own children, and the tradition of visiting the orphanage on Christmas is alive. Probably, this is not only a good tradition, but also a useful life lesson. We must learn to make at least a little happy those who need it so much. What is it worth for us to buy sweets? And for children who have no one to do this, this is such happiness - chocolates.

Secondly, when the cub goes to bed, we (my grandmother or I) read to him before going to bed. During the day he reads...
Well, on the DR we go to visit the one who had this misfortune :) All relatives are sitting at the table and talking under Russian olives, discussing family matters. We usually call friends separately. In general, everything is like everyone else.

We always celebrate Chunjie - Lunar New Year. Our city is borderline, there are no less Chinese than ours, and they arrange fireworks and firecrackers all night long - the view from the window and the roar create the right atmosphere. We invite a few friends, drink Chinese vodka or something specific, the food is also, of course, Chinese. All utensils for proper serving and sticks, of course, are also included. We give each other souvenirs made in China. Congratulations are also in Chinese. Beijing's "Blue Light" in a stagnant-pop manner amuses the coolest :)
Even before the birth of a child (we lived together for 4 years), we had a custom to definitely piggy on Sundays: before dinner, or even longer, we lay in bed, where we dragged various snacks in turn, read newspapers, watched a couple of films, just chatted, during breaks they made love, and also completely ignored calls on the phone and at the door (grandmothers, parents and other larks strive to get in in the morning). The house came into an unimaginably picturesque view, especially the kitchen. After dinner, they put the house and themselves in order and went to visit the guests themselves :-) After the birth of a child, only memories remained of such a sweet Sunday. But someday, maybe it will recover?
I also had an urgent need to arrange a celebration for any trifling occasion with a crowd and bowls of salads. Now that too is in the past. After the birth of the Kinder, all those who liked to visit, mostly childless, disappeared together.
In the meantime, no new traditions have been invented, but, of course, this is worth doing closely :)

scenario New Year with friends New Year in a circle of friends New Year's holiday scenario This party is interesting to hold with a large number of friends. It will be more interesting if some guests do not know each other and meet for the first time. Gifts that are customary to give New Year, you can play the lottery.

In order for your guests to be delighted with gifts, it is advisable to know in advance what they want. Gifts can be both real and fake, depending on your financial capabilities.


Today we have gathered for New Year's Eve. What is New Year? Since childhood, we know that this is a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and, of course, gifts.

In Russia, on this day, it was forbidden to quarrel and swear, After all, it was considered how you would meet New Year and you will spend the whole year. Therefore, it was always customary to make people pleasant, to give gifts, it was possible to guess, carol, dress up and delight friends and acquaintances. Therefore, today we will also have fun and give gifts to each other.

Here, under this big tree, there are gifts that we will play in the lottery. Now I will give out numbers to each of the participants. (Numbers can be made comic, for example, with the image of animals symbolizing the sign of the Zodiac. Let everyone take a number with the animal that corresponds to him according to the horoscope).

It remains for us to choose the chairman of the draw commission. So, this honorary position will be occupied by the one referred to in the riddle:

What is a holiday without it?

He is an entertainer and a prankster.

Answer this moment

Who is it? That's right, Santa Claus.

How does she manage to do everything?

She's all nimble, laughing.

Santa Claus dear...

Guess who? That's right, Snow Maiden.

That's right, how can Santa Claus do without his Snow Maiden. We invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter. Their role can be performed by one of the friends who know how to make, cheer.

Father Frost.

Hello my dear. I heard here that today I am assigned the role of chairman of the draw commission. Yes, I am the best candidate for this position. Father Frost

It's always a holiday. Today is also a holiday, but it is called

International day of those who want to get rich. Raise your hands, please, those who in our time do not want to get rich quickly and for a long time? I thought so. Who really wants

Raise both hands. A good reason to reward yourself with applause. Of course, everyone wants to get rich today, but fortune does not smile at everyone, I would even say a few. Now, together with the Snow Maiden, we will see if there are any lucky ones among us (Father Frost takes out a box from the bag). I have three boxes in my hands, not simple, but with money.

To the music, you need to pass them from hand to hand, and when the music stops, the owners of the boxes raise them up.

Music sounds, the participants pass the boxes to each other.

Father Frost.

I invite the owners of the caskets to my place. You are desperately lucky, you are our lucky ones. You have the opportunity to get rich right now.

What is our initial or start-up capital. One two Three

Look! (There are fake money in the boxes). From today you will have a lot of money. After all, the notorious Schopenhauer said that time

Money. We're handing you extra time that will bring you extra money. Keep an alarm clock.

Carcass sounds. The Snow Maiden presents prizes to two owners of the boxes and releases them from the stage. The third asks to stay.

Father Frost.

And from today on, you will also certainly have money. Remembering that money can multiply, we hand you a piggy bank, and in it a ruble and a kopeck. You are especially lucky. As they say in Russia: there was not a penny, but suddenly altyn.

Announces the winning number.

Snow Maiden.

I am sure that the owner of the winning coupon is dizzy because now he will be publicly presented with a Philips hair dryer, which will turn any human head, because this is what it is intended for.

Carcass sounds.

Father Frost.

Look carefully, I take one magical thing from my magic box. What? Look, this thing fits in my hand.

What's this? (Some of those present will say that this is an egg). That's right, according to popular belief, chicken

The bird is good, but the egg

Symbol of the universe, peace and wealth. And what do you think, what was especially revered among the people: chicken fluff and feathers or chicken meat (the audience gives their own answers). Chicken down and feathers were considered among the people worthy of special reverence, as they do not like tears.

That's why in Russia they don't cry into the pillow. There is even a sign: “The feather drinks tears, then gives it to sleep!” And today we don’t have to cry into the pillow. Now two people will come to me. The first one is the one who correctly guessed the egg, and the second

Born in the year of the Rooster (Santa Claus gives them two toy clockwork roosters). Hold the roosters and, on command: “No fluff, no feather,” gently wind the toy with a magic key, turn it clockwise three times and simultaneously put the roosters on the tray, and we will determine the lucky one.

There is energetic music.

Snow Maiden.

There is a popular belief that the chickens do not peck for happy and rich money (referring to the player whose cockerel jumped earlier). You are lucky today, because your cockerel jumped first. Get the Bird of Happiness as a gift (referring to the second player), and you as a gift a goldfish that will fulfill all your wishes in the New Year.

Sounds tight. The Snow Maiden gives prizes.

Father Frost.

I invite the owner of the Bird of Happiness to my box so that he pulls out the winning coupon with his own hands. This number was our next gift. (Depending on who gets the winning number, you give him his present.)

Carcass sounds. The Snow Maiden presents the prize.

Father Frost.

Prize received by (name of recipient). And our (name) will soon have another holiday: a birthday.

Like Ivan's name day

We baked a loaf.

The guests are thirsty,

Everyone came for tea.

Yes, tea in Russia has been at a premium since ancient times. Everyone loves tea, but who among you will remember which country

The birthplace of this tonic? Kenya, Japan or China? That's right, China! Here is the first erudite. And the inhabitants of which country drink the most tea?

Russia, India or China? That's right, India. Which country in the world consumes the most tea per capita? In Turkey, in Georgia or in the UK?

Of course, in the UK. Answered all questions accurately (name). I invite him to my magic box to draw the next lucky number.

The owner of the lucky ticket turned out to be (name). A prize is assigned to this ticket ... (gives the desired prize).

Father Frost.

It's still January on the calendar. In Russia, this custom used to be popular. If a girl was waiting for a recruit from the army, then a cannon was cast in her honor. Otherwise, after the return of the guy, a tree was planted. That, it turns out, is why we still have dense forests and the only tsar cannon.

Since we are talking about trees, let's test your knowledge in this area.

Flying fluff climbs into the nose,

The whole of June blooms ... No, not burdock, but poplar.

A cliff grows on the edge

Everyone knows, it's... That's right, willow.

The crown from the berries is all red,

It became a bright winter ... No, not a pine, but a mountain ash.

Though frosts crackle in winter -

They turn green in the parks ... Ate.

We have erudite again. Now there are several. I invite them all closer to me (the winners go to Santa Claus). Yes, in Russia the tree has always been at a premium.

After all, household utensils were made from it. With its help, they learned to read and write and had fun on holidays.

Not a simple ladle

Painted miracle spoon.

Musical instrument, let's play this moment.

Take the spoons in your hands

Yes, watch the music.

Play first solo, and then all together. Whom the people will reward with loud applause, that is our winner.

There is a game.

Father Frost.

Judging by the amount of applause, I conclude that the victory is now yours and for your talent you will get a Khokhloma bowl (addressing the rest of the audience), and for your talent a symbol of warmth and light

Gel candle.

Carcass sounds. The Snow Maiden gives prizes.

Father Frost.

I think all participants are satisfied with their gifts. But on our New Year's table, something is still missing. What do you think? Of course, what New Year no champagne. We all know that if we are talking about more than one bottle of champagne, then they should be stored in a horizontal position in cellars with a certain temperature regime.

And if you do not have such a basement, what to do in New Year? Yes, in this case it is better to drink port wine.

The champagne is chilled before serving. Where? In a bucket of silver or cupronickel.

And if in our household you can easily find only a plastic bucket, then what do we have to do on New Year's Eve? Right. In this case, we'd better drink port wine.

And they eat champagne with a sandwich with caviar. And if suddenly you don’t have caviar at hand, what should we do? No, do not drink port wine, but use as an appetizer the best addition to champagne

A toast as light and exciting as this sparkling drink. Speaking of champagne. It is said that there are a huge number of varieties and names of this wine. I personally know only "Soviet", but which one are you ready to name? (Participants say answers). Here they are, our scholars (calling three connoisseurs on stage), who dared to name brands of champagne.

And who in this trio will have to drink? We will find out the answer to this question with the help of two bottles of champagne, around which the applicants will hang out.

The music is playing in the bottle.

Father Frost.

Alas, fortune is indifferent to you. You move to the ranks of the referees, and we have two more players and one bottle. We play.

The same music is playing, two other players are playing.

Father Frost.

Now I can tell you that you should hold champagne in your hands.

And your life will be playful.

As a reward for you, a can of beer.

The Snow Maiden hands beer.

Snow Maiden.

All today's prizes were drawn, everyone received gifts. And now another necessary attribute of the New Year

Festive table. So, we invite you to the table.

Additional games can be used in the scenario. ............ Home Games and competitions Songs Songs of alteration Toasts

Large collection of scripts and scenes!!!
lists of all scenarios: New Year
categories of all scenarios: New Year Christmas St. Valentine February 23 March 8 Easter Maslenitsa April 1 May 9 high school students Last bell Graduation party September 1 School Teacher's Day Birthday Children's holiday Anniversary KVN Students Wedding Orthodox Halloween For adults Various

New Year is everyone's favorite and most long-awaited holiday. There is nothing better than meeting such a holiday with your family or close friends. Create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere for your loved ones. Prepare well and think well New Year's Eve script Don't overlook even the smallest details. Give free rein to your imagination. And everything will definitely work out.

Introduction. The host starts the party. You can start with a congratulation, a joke, or reading a poem.

Seeing off the old year

There should be toasts here. It is appropriate to remember all the good things that happened this year.

You can name memorable moments in turn (for example, by seniority or in a circle). Anyone who cannot remember is out of the game. The one who remembers the most good things that happened last year gets prize.

Warm up

You can start with riddles. The host guesses, and the guests guess. Whoever answers correctly gets a prize. Prizes must be inexpensive. It can be key chains, magnets, postcards or homemade crafts. For example, such riddles in verses from:

Look, guys
But don't be surprised,
Decorate our tree!

This miracle I meet
New Year's Eve for many years
And I know his name
Do you know or not?

Lights run along the Christmas tree, -
Well, try it - catch up!

In the calendar - the height of winter,
New Year will be soon
We will decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And everyone will find for her

Lots of beads and garlands
And now I will surprise everyone -
And boldly on its branches
I'll grab this thing

that hangs in the spring
On the roof, melting and ringing,
Glittering in the rays. You my friend
I already know what am I talking about?

There is earthly and airy,
He is very friendly with a round shape,
Well, when the time comes,
Decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
(Christmas ball)

Calendar whole year
Decorates the sky
And on New Year's Eve only
Falls down on the tree

To please everyone with light.
Guess what is it?

Look - what a wonder!
White snow lies beautifully
On the branches of an elegant Christmas tree,
Softly twisted needles
But in the heat it does not melt at all.
What is snow? - Who can guess?

An amazing thing -
Spread out on the branches of a spruce
Caterpillars are fine
bright, elegant,
In colorful and different coats
Decorate the holiday.
Tell me kids
Who are these caterpillars?

She is not afraid of warmth,
She descended from heaven to our Christmas tree,
And decorated our holiday
Shining fabulously in needles.

I have a question for you
The most difficult, the most
What kind of jewelry are they wearing?
Christmas trees and mothers?

New Year's Eve

Champagne, toasts and congratulations for. Under the chiming clock, it is customary to make a wish.

Presentation of gifts

It is not necessary to give gifts just like that, you can make this procedure more intriguing. The gifts were stolen by an evil wizard, but left a note, a clue. All family members are included in an interesting game and start active new keys and gifts.


Home New Year contests can be very different. You can choose them in the "" section or come up with your own. Here are more options:

1. Competition "Decorate the Christmas tree"

I decorated the tree,
I like it -
And, not at all melting,
She hung candy.

I didn't have time to look back...
And my sister ate candy!
Now again
We need to decorate the tree!

Guests are given sweets, threads, scissors. Whoever hangs the most candies on the Christmas tree in a set period of time wins.

2. Competition "Draw a dream"

Participants are given sheets of paper, brushes, paints and ... blindfolded. After one participant draws his dream blindfolded, the rest must guess what it is :). The one who guesses correctly receives a prize, and the artist - the confidence that his dream will certainly come true this year.

3. Competition "The best toast"

Since “you need to drink less”, one toast can be made the most complete and comprehensive when everyone names their wishes. Or alternately, each calls one word at a time, and the next one continues. For example, “I wish” - “so that” - “everyone” - “got” - “a lot” ... Or write down the beginning of the sentence on a piece of paper, wrap it up, pass it on to a neighbor, and so on. Sometimes there are funny combinations.

4. Competition "Santa Claus on the doorstep"

The competition for speed is well suited for apartments and houses with long corridors, however, winding ones will also be fun. It is necessary to run from the New Year's table to the front door, holding a New Year's candle in each hand so that the flame of none of them goes out. Or holding a “bag of gifts” between your legs - a balloon.

5. Competition "Catch a snowflake"

In this competition, you can stand on a chair and scatter pre-cut paper snowflakes, or you can shoot crackers so that participants catch confetti flying out of them.

6. Competition "Treat the owner of the year"

This year we will treat the pig. Crumple white or green sheets of paper into lumps - these will be heads of cabbage. They need to be thrown from a distance into the "feeders" -. In the year of the monkey, colored lumps will depict apples and other fruits, in the year of the dog - bones, and so on.

In the year of the rooster, you can transfer from bucket to bucket any grains that are in the house (barley, peas, beans) in a teaspoon, trying not to scatter along the way. The winner is the one who first fills the bucket with treats for the host of the coming year.

7. Competition ""

You need to prepare two sets of notes in advance. On one we write the beginning of the phrase, on the other - the end. We put them in two bags, and the guests each take out one piece of paper for themselves, adding up the prediction for the next year. If the beginning and end coincide, the prediction will definitely come true. In other cases, the guests will just have fun.

For example:


"To carry me in the new year will be ..."

"My new home will be..."

“In the new year I will get…”

"Santa Claus will give me..."

“In the new year I will earn on ...”

“My pride will be….”

“I will feed all year ...”

"Let's call the toastmaster for ..."

"I'm going to pack my suitcase for..."


"… Sports car"

"… big flat"

"...excellent marks"

"... new portfolio"

"...tight wallet"

"... a fun wedding"

"…Barbie doll"

"...winning the lottery"

"… Friendly family"

"… little puppy"

"... a trip to distant lands"

8. Draw and guess the song

If a small company or family is playing, tasks are completed in a circle. Each is given a piece of paper and pencils. The theme is chosen: "New Year", "Dogs", etc. Everyone thinks of a song on the chosen topic and whispers the name to the neighbor on the right. He must draw this song, and everyone else must guess what song it is from the drawing.


The most active guests and hosts are usually not limited to sitting at the festive table. You can go outside, breathe in the fresh frosty air of the New Year, admire the stars, set off fireworks, make a snowman, blow up firecrackers and burn sparklers.

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