How to find out if a girl is hiding her feelings and understand if she loves you or not? How to understand if you love a person? Understand if a girl loves me or not

It so happened that a girl is traditionally prescribed a quiet, passive model of behavior. Previously, any attempts to take the initiative and express their feelings directly were condemned.

Now girls are no longer so shy, they are not afraid of self-expression and leadership, but most, following tradition, try to appear modest. This is not bad, since it is modest behavior that often attracts us even more than outrageous. But in such a situation, a reasonable question arises: how to understand that a girl loves you?

In contact with

There are moments that make it clear that sympathy takes place. But love is a deeper and more complex thing, body language and words alone are not enough. How to understand if a girl loves you, if not by her actions?

  1. You are her priority. A smart girl will never sacrifice herself for someone else, but in the list of her plans you occupy one of the first positions. A girl is more interested in spending time with you than going out with her friends or going shopping.
  2. She listens to you. And hears. If a girl is ready to understand your position in life, sympathizes with your failures and rejoices in your successes, then she probably loves you. Who needs the problems of an unloved person?
  3. If some force majeure suddenly happens, she is ready to help you. Of course, do not take on the whole problem, but help precisely in what prevents you from coping on your own.
  4. She doesn't expect any response from you. This is not about selflessness, but about the desire to give love. She loves only because she loves. Not for love in return. Just loves.
  5. She is not jealous of you. It seems to be difficult to understand. “Jealousy is proof of love” is an extremely infantile statement. If a girl is jealous of you, then she either does not love herself, or does not particularly trust you, or both.
  6. The girl trusts you. Any healthy relationship is built on trust, which is very hard to earn and easy to lose.
  7. The girl respects you and your boundaries. If she loves you, then she will not demand from you eternal company, gifts, attention, rejection of hobbies and friends. And in general, nothing will be required. A loving girl will give you complete freedom, because she can understand that soliciting something is an element of psychological violence. If he loves, then he will not be raped.

Here's how to understand that a girl loves for real. Not by the number of appointments she makes for you, not by the number of gifts, not by the taste of the meat pie, and not by the depth of your cleavage. Internet communication is also unlikely to be a guide. How to understand that a girl loves you, by correspondence? Online communication is just a set of patterns devoid of true emotionality. Love is inside, not outside.

Maybe she's using you?

Everyone has their own ways to survive and take their place under the sun. There are all sorts of situations, so you should not treat this with condemnation, you can understand everyone. But no one will be pleased with the realization that they meet him because of self-interest. How to understand if a girl loves you or uses you?

  1. If she is heavily dependent on you financially, this is already a reason to think. It is easy to understand that cases of selfless love between a provincial woman and a successful businessman are quite real, but, to put it mildly, they are few.
  2. If you are her boss, and the girl makes it clear that she wants a promotion and makes clear hints at the same time, then the likelihood that she is using you is extremely high.
  3. A girl is definitely manipulating you if she refuses you intimacy when you do not indulge her whims. I didn’t buy a fur coat, I didn’t give a phone, I didn’t take it to Nice - there will be no sex.
  4. There is a high probability that a young lady uses you if she turns to you only when she needs something.

Does a girl hide her feelings?

Oh yes, women's secretiveness is legendary. Negative old experiences can undermine a girl's trust in both men and in general in romantic and intimate relationships, so she is in no hurry to open her heart first.

It is also worth understanding that from childhood, remembering Tatyana Larina, girls are told that if they themselves start talking about their feelings for a man, then they will suffer a sad fate: they will lose all interest in them and try to get rid of them as soon as possible. Since many girls are not without the fear of being alone, they try to be nice to everyone so as not to be abandoned. Hence the adherence to outdated rules of "decency", which only suppress what is inside.

How to understand that a girl loves you, but hides her feelings? Outwardly, a young lady may behave completely indifferently or emphatically politely, but this does not mean that she does not feel anything for you. Try to watch her. Some gestures, characteristic features of behavior, phrases will definitely betray her, unless, of course, the girl has undergone many years of training at the school of self-control.

How to find out about her true feelings: test

In how to find out if a girl loves you, the test as such will not help. Before you start testing a young lady, you should understand that few people like experiments on themselves.

You can, of course, go to the hospital and measure the time it takes for her to reach your ward, but it's better to stop playing childish games and test normally. But yourself. Your attentiveness and observation.

So, a girl really likes you if:

  • When talking, she looks at your face. It doesn’t have to be straight in the eyes, for many people this is quite difficult. The main thing is not through you, not into your wallet, not into your phone and not on your nails.
  • When she listens to you, her lips are slightly parted. In essence, this is .
  • When communicating in a cheerful company, when someone jokes, she looks at you, at your reaction. The girl will subconsciously focus on the reaction of the guy she is interested in
  • She sincerely smiles at you and laughs at your jokes. This is a moderately wide smile, in which almost all facial muscles are involved: the “crow's feet” near the eyes make this clear. Such a smile does not look rehearsed, it does not appear too quickly and does not disappear immediately after you turn away.
  • She straightens her clothes, her hair when communicating. If she straightens her hair, her hands rise up, revealing her chest. This is a subconscious sign of demonstrating your sexuality.
  • If her hands are near her waist during a conversation, this is an almost direct, but subconscious hint to continue communication in a more intimate setting. So she focuses your attention on her thighs and genitals.

Signs that your ex-girlfriend still loves you

How do you know if an ex-girlfriend loves you? After all, there are many such situations, due to some strange circumstances in which feelings do not disappear.

You can understand that she loves you if:

  1. Communicates with you in the same way as before. He does not try to ignore or seduce again, but calmly talks to you, maintains a dialogue. A wise loving girl will not manipulate or throw tantrums: she is not a capricious child.
  2. Still willing to help if you need help with anything.
  3. Do not spread gossip about you to everyone. There are no attempts to denigrate you in the eyes of mutual acquaintances if she loves you.
  4. Does not throw tantrums because you found another girl, no jealousy scenes. She is able to understand and accept the situation.
  5. Does not hold a grudge against you because you broke up / for wasting the best years of your life on you / that you are a scoundrel. Again, she is able to understand that a couple is involved in the relationship.

Before you understand that the girl still loves you, think about whether it is worth entering into this relationship a second time without working through the mistakes of your previous attempt.

There is still the easiest way to find out if a girl loves you after a breakup: ask her. If you broke up peacefully, she will make it clear that feelings remain.

It should be understood that you will not be forced to be nice. You can’t take a young lady with obsession and pressure, and if you do, then not for long. But you can increase the likelihood.

  • Let her know that you're interested in her. It can be banal bouquets of flowers, an invitation to take a walk or discuss something.
  • Get into her hobbies. It’s hard for a girl not to love a guy with whom she has a favorite thing in common. Dancing, movies, hand-to-hand combat - it doesn't matter. Try to understand and love her hobby.
  • Help her. Actions. Give me a ride home if it's raining outside. Drink tea if she came from the cold.
  • Spend time with her. Don't be afraid to invite her to places you two are interested in, but don't overdo it either. She should have enough time for herself, and the monotony is boring. Try to understand her tastes and choose an event that will appeal to both.
  • Do not play with her fits of ignorance, jealousy, indifference, etc. This is more like a child's manipulation than the actions of an adult man. Behave according to the situation.
  • Give all sorts of things for no reason. The very fact of receiving something for free is very conducive.

At the initial stages, gifts should not make it clear to the girl that they are trying to bribe her. We need something good, sincere. A book, a bag of red tea, gummy bears, a caliper, a piece of jadeite, a jigsaw. It's a matter of taste, you never know who likes what.

She is polite, accurate, tactful. She smiles at you, talks to you and looks beautiful. Is it love? Is not a fact. How to understand if a girl loves you or not by one appearance? No way. Only indicative.

But if she really doesn't love you, you will see it and understand. Her smile is more automatic than real. Her conversations with you are more like a small talk than an exchange of information between two interested people. Actually, everything. If she does not love you, her behavior is completely neutral, this can be understood.

And sometimes it occurs that the young lady does not perceive the guy as an individual of the opposite sex. She can share a lot of things with you, knowing that you can understand and advise. Until love failures. If the roles are arranged in such a way that you feel like a “girlfriend”, then it is unlikely that she considers you as a potential partner. To some extent, she loves you, but obviously not in the context that you want.

Useful video

A few tricks by which you can easily determine whether a girl has feelings for you or not can be seen in the video:


You can catch a woman’s love with the help of your own observation, which concerns both body language and behavioral, social moments. This attentiveness should be especially sharpened if it seems to you like a girl.

A loving girl is calm and friendly to her partner. She does not require anything from him, but is glad for any step towards. Do not forget that true love is quiet and invisible, but lasts a lifetime.

The fair sex is hard to understand. Some girls hide their feelings under the guise of indifference, while others confess their love because of commercialism, although they don’t feel anything. Secret signs that a girl truly loves you.

Everyone wants to find love for themselves, but how to recognize it and will it be real? Modest girls like to be mysterious and hide love from a man, although they have sunk a long time. And mercantile girls confess their feelings, although they do not love, but are simply looking for a profitable party. How do you know if a girl truly loves you or not?

1. A girl loves if there are no secrets for her.

The girl asks a lot of questions and wants to know absolutely everything. What is your favorite band, the amount of sugar in your coffee, what was your childhood name, what are you doing tomorrow and do you like fishing? If a girl is interested in all this, then you are the most important part in her life. The girl also talks about herself. All women's secrets, dreams, doubts and emotions. It's like love.

2. A girl loves it if she cuddles up to you.

The girl can't resist getting a bit of tenderness from you and giving her in return. Girlfriend loves to walk hand in hand, hugging, kissing, fooling around and touching in 1000 different ways. She happily jumps into bed and takes off her panties as soon as you call, and does not try to sell sex in exchange for goodies.

3. A girl loves if she is jealous

When some woman appears next to her man, the girl becomes jealous. This does not mean that she rushes to pull out her hair from the root. The girl is rather a little excited and dissatisfied. Jealous means love.

4. A girl loves if she gives all the time

The girl wants to meet as often as possible, and does not make one or two regular dates a week. She rearranges her schedule and is released from business if a man called her for a walk. In her organizer, you are a priority.

5. A girl likes to be attentive to small things.

A girlfriend gives cards, sends ridiculous messages, arranges surprises, sings songs to you, writes notes, helps in various matters and cares. A girl loves for real, if she is attentive in small things.

6. A girl loves if she compliments

Does the girl praise and compliment with enviable regularity? You are very nice to her, and she is your biggest fan. That's why she likes your new jacket, your ability to play the guitar, your hair and everything else.

7. A girl loves if she "sees" only you.

You can be in a crowd, but be only the two of you. A girl loves if she focuses all her attention on you, and does not wander her eyes out of boredom or out of curiosity.

8. A girl loves if she wants to get to know your surroundings.

The girl wants to get to know your inner circle: friends and relatives. She makes an effort to please and seeks approval. In addition, she introduced you to her girlfriends, and maybe even her family.

9. A girl loves if her body says so.

Body language is very difficult to hide and hard to control. The girl shows with her whole body that she adores and loves you. She runs to the meeting as soon as she sees you. Her eyes are burning, her face is shining, and the smile does not leave her face. When a girl loves, she shines when her man is near.

10. A girl loves it if she says it spontaneously.

A loving person cannot hold back the words of love in some pleasant moments and tides of tenderness. The girl confesses her love spontaneously, getting lost in words and worried. It's definitely love.

Do these 10 signs match? The girl really loves you...

Sometimes it’s far from easy to understand whether you really have deep feelings for a person or just sympathy.

By what "symptoms" can love be recognized? This will be discussed in our article.

How to understand that you love a girl: "indicators" of love

A strong feeling makes a person in love look at the object of his adoration, relations with him from a certain angle and, in accordance with this, change his behavior and often even his worldview.

  • You think about the person very often. In any freed minute, you remember your meetings and conversations, his face and voice, revive in your memory the smallest details of your relationship that brought you vivid emotions. You wake up and fall asleep with her bright image in your head.
  • You worry about the lady of the heart: did she pass the exam, did she make peace with her parents, did she recover from a cold, and so on. And you are not just interested in something, but really cares, makes you worry, get nervous.
  • You want to take care of the person. This can be banal help with your studies or emotional support at a difficult moment, fixing a computer / furniture, an offer to use the useful connections you have, and so on. Oddly enough, but a burning desire to provide practical assistance to another person does not occur so often.
  • Your old life fades into the background. Friends, hobbies, habits (including bad ones), work and even family ties at some point lose their former meaning. Your world is fixated exclusively on your beloved. Of course, over time, this will most likely pass, but for the initial stage of a romantic relationship, this is quite normal.
  • You lose the ability to see any negative traits in it. And if you see something, then do not rush to criticize it. As the saying goes: “In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.” This applies to both appearance and personality. The girl seems to you the most beautiful and sexy, gentle and kind, smart and intelligent, etc. And let everyone around say the opposite - you are firmly convinced that you are right.
  • You are ready to change for her. A very, very important factor. Indeed, in adulthood, a person does not so easily make changes, especially if they concern his own person. So, if, under the influence of a friend, you radically change your image, addictions to music / literature, give up a long-term habit of smoking, stop watching football, suddenly discovering all the absurdity of the situation when “22 fools are chasing one ball”, then there is every reason to think that you are in love.
  • You make plans for the future with her participation. At first, these may be innocent dreams of a joint vacation, but soon they can turn into very serious thoughts about a honeymoon trip and the name of your first child. Moreover, such thoughts may well appear on the 5th date ... after all, this is love ...

And in conclusion, I would like to say about one more indicator that clearly indicates the depth of your feelings: you cannot list the specific qualities that make this person so dear to you. That is, you cannot single out anything specific that could be the "motivation" of feelings. You just live, breathe this person. After all, they love, as you know, simply for the fact that a person exists.

Perhaps every young person at least once in his life faced with such a question: “Are my feelings mutual?”. Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, but you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

In this case, the unconscious actions of the girl come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance for reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unconscious actions of a person can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, look, gestures. Let's analyze each separately.


In order to find out if a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who is not indifferent is usually very pleased to hear about your affairs. A sure sign - if a girl tries to ask someone else about you, she asks mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
  2. Communication. The girl who likes you will seek communication with you. She would rather talk to you than talk to a friend.

    Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to speak, this is a sure sign.

  3. self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

    A girl in love very often puts the guy's interests in the foreground, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, do not disappoint her.

  4. Present. A gift without a reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were presented with a handmade thing, in which a lot of time and effort was invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
  5. Jealousy. Caught a look full of displeasure when he spoke to her friend? Helped a sweet stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not yet in a relationship, a girl in love does not want to share you with others at all.
  6. Care. If you get sick, and she comes to you more often than all the other friends, if she wants to take care of your condition, she definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about special, dear people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the most not obvious sign. But it is also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited so far) looks like a little sun. She rejoices in every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.


  1. You are capable catch her eye on you when you are in a big company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting - you are definitely interesting to the girl, she wants to look at you.
  2. If looking at you the pupils of a woman in love increase, then this is a true physiological sign. But please do not try to see the changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you run the risk of embarrassing or scaring the chosen one.
  3. You looked at the girl and saw how she looked sharply in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by this. She wants to look at you, she wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.

Sign language

  1. touch.A girl in love will constantly look for touches to the object of feelings, often even unconsciously for herself. She will sit closer to you in a cafe, in all the attractions, in a cinema and in other places. What for? Hoping that at some point your hands will meet.
    If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap on your shoulder or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will surely get reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting with objects of sighing is a very exciting event. Looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand if she feels something for you.

    A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to put her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

  3. flirt. Girls are big coquettes. And it is not surprising that a girl in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, "test the waters." How do you know if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be both direct and veiled "woven" into the conversation.

    Often, flirting, a girl teases, teases you. Do not be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on those topics that you make fun of in yourself.

    An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl in a conversation “shoots” with her eyes, twists her curls and smiles sweetly - be sure she likes you, and she flirts with you.

  4. rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

    What is an invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly bite off a piece of her ice cream, or take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure it all? She really likes you a lot.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Here are some of the main signs that indicate that a girl does not love you:

  1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of talking, but only in those cases when she needs something, this may be a sign - she's just using you.

    But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and in the course of a conversation about books, she asked you to nail the bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she, having called, began a conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then you are completely indifferent to her.

  2. Young woman tells you about his relationships with guys? So you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with another. If she liked you, she (even when meeting with someone else) would not once again remind you of this.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated, and you decided to break it off, look at the girl's reaction. If she is sincerely upset, then she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn't care, then the relationship has become obsolete, and you did the right thing that you decided to break it.

    But if, under the threat of parting, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you, which has never been before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

In this video, you can see how a girl in love behaves with examples:

Now you have all the information you need. You just need to look closely at the girl. She will definitely give herself away in a word, gesture or deed.