What gifts are usually given for Christmas. What do Orthodox Christians want for Christmas? What to buy as a Christmas present for a man

Traditionally, Christmas is celebrated at home, as for many this holiday is primarily a family holiday. We offer to go on a trip to Christian countries and get acquainted with interesting Christmas traditions. You will have to not only stock up on a good mood, but also find out what to give foreigners for Christmas. Indeed, it is not customary to visit such a holiday empty-handed, and the gifts that are given for Christmas in Russia are not always appropriate abroad.

Most European countries celebrate Christmas according to Catholic canons on December 25th. Therefore, the gifts here are in the spirit of Catholic Christmas. These are symbolic candles, santons, crosses, traditional macaroons and sweets, useful things, toys and warm blankets.

Handmade gifts are especially appreciated. And it can be not only crafts or knitted things, but even home-made sweets, homemade jam - such a sign of attention does not oblige anything, but emphasizes the sincerity of the present.

Christmas gifts brought from Europe, purchased at fairs, in shops and shops, surprise with their beauty, cost, and sometimes pretentiousness.

After all, relatives try to give expensive gifts for Christmas. But there is also a category of European gifts that are given to neighbors, maids, messengers, postmen, sellers from the nearest bakery or small shop. In this case, they give small souvenirs, figurines, cute little things.

But it’s not enough to know what they give for Christmas in Europe - you need to take into account the customs of a particular country. After all, what is given for Christmas in Germany may not be acceptable in Italy.

If you are afraid of making a mistake, give a Christmas card. Such a gift will be welcomed in any European country.

But it is better to get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Christmas and the customs of giving gifts in a particular country.

What gifts are given for Christmas in Germany

Although in Germany Christmas is considered a family holiday, the entire preparation period is quite noisy and pompous.

It is not until lunchtime on December 24 that the streets quieten down as the fairs close and families gather to celebrate the holy supper. But the first gifts for Christmas in Germany are given from the beginning of December. In fact, these are not even gifts, but small consolation prizes for the tedious waiting.

Germans give each other Advent calendars for Christmas. It can be a ready-made calendar of 24 cells or an original craft.

Each cell contains a candy that is usually eaten to brighten up the anticipation of the arrival of Christmas. Every day before Christmas, starting on December 1, children and adults in Germany open their Advent calendars to bring their favorite holiday closer and enjoy sweets.

The very same pre-Christmas period begins on November 11 at 11:11, when fairs, souvenir shops open, promotions start. Gifts for Christmas in Germany like to choose carefully to find exactly the right thing. German practicality plays a big role here.

According to statistics, modern Germans quite often give gift certificates. This is a great way not to miscalculate with the choice of a present. In second place is cosmetics, and high-quality, well-known brands.

What else can you give for Christmas in Germany - books, subscriptions, theater and concert tickets. The German will also like jewelry, watches, modern electrical appliances.

Children are given toys, sweet baskets, books. Children receive welcome presents in the morning from Santa Claus, who leaves them in socks on the fireplace. Children are sure to write letters to the magical grandfather in order to receive the desired prize.

However, this is not the only character who brings gifts to children at Christmas in Germany. For example, in Bavaria, this duty is entrusted to the Christmas Angel.

Young people prefer personalized gifts. They can order individual photo albums, t-shirts with inscriptions, personal photos, caps with cool prints.

What to give an aged German for Christmas - of course, a holiday trip. The Germans are so fond of visiting the cities of their country, European countries, far abroad.

But it is better not to give notebooks, organizers, notebooks to the Germans. Such things hint at a lack of punctuality, which can offend scrupulous Germans.

What is the best gift for an Italian for Christmas?

Italians are very family and religious people. Therefore, first of all, they give gifts to relatives and closest friends. Italians, without hesitation, cross out unfamiliar people from the list so that they can spend more significant amounts on gifts for relatives.

There are well-established traditions, which are inevitably affected by modern realities.

The opinion that Italians give exclusively national pastries and souvenirs for Christmas is erroneous.

Yes, food baskets filled with not only sweets, but also wine, cheese, grapes, caviar, sausages and other goodies are incredibly popular. They can also give a set of books, good alcohol and sweets.

The most desired gifts that are given at Christmas in Italy are good clothes and beautiful accessories. Various ties, wallets, belts, scarves, scarves, bags and other haberdashery are in demand. Italians are not averse to receiving money as a gift.

But the best gifts go to children. And for Christmas, Italians give kids not only toys and books, but also tablets, phones, laptops, game consoles, musical instruments.

Unwanted gifts from Italians are cosmetics, socks and underwear.

What do the French give for Christmas?

The French take the choice of Christmas gifts with great responsibility and seriousness. They do not skimp on gifts for close relatives. But they prefer to choose purchases via the Internet, where you can pick up high-quality or original goods at a lower price. According to statistics, the French spend on online shopping on Christmas Eve about 10 million euros.

However, it is not material, but spiritual gifts that reach the peak of popularity. The best gift for Christmas is a book. They are given to relatives, children, and just acquaintances.

In second place in importance are gifts associated with family leisure. Therefore, the French often donate CDs with family comedies, cartoons, films for family viewing, scientific and educational films.

Family entertainment is also held in high esteem. Therefore, in France, you can safely give any equipment for outdoor and calm games. It can be badminton rackets, ping-pong, mini-billiards, board games.

And definitely toys for the kids. Special attention is paid to toys - they try to please children with the best Christmas gifts.

By the way, in France it is customary to give Christmas gifts not only to relatives and friends, but to unfamiliar people and even the homeless.

A beautiful French tradition is to give colorful cards. They are exchanged during the Christmas gala dinner. Hand-mein postcards are especially popular.

When choosing what to give a Frenchman for Christmas, buy only 100% quality goods and do not forget that the French are trendsetters. You need to be careful when choosing.

If you give a Frenchman a set of wide glasses, when tall glasses with a thin stem came into fashion, they simply will not understand you.

Do not give the French ties, socks, household appliances and tools. Hammers, screwdrivers - this is the worst option for a gift. Clothes are not appreciated here either. But the accessories will be happy.

If you are choosing what to give a French woman, do not try to give kitchen utensils. Ladies will not be too happy with pans and pans. Cosmetics are not given here either. Such a gift is perceived as a hint of a woman's inability to monitor her beauty.

To give Madame any fragrances is allowed only to her husband or loved one.

Feel free to give a woman in France a shawl. Even if she doesn’t wear it, she will definitely brag to her friends.

A French friend should not be given local alcohol - you will question his taste preferences.

But feel free to present brought alcohol from other countries.

In the list of desired gifts for the French, you can add various sweets, photo and art objects.

And, of course, travel. Let it not even be a trip to distant countries - the Frenchman will be delighted with the holidays in the colorful places of his native country.

What is given for Christmas in England

The British in choosing gifts for Christmas are incredibly rational. They choose gifts of approximately the same value, but at the same time they try to please all their friends. As a result, unimaginable sums are spent on gifts for Christmas in England.

But besides this, the British are also sentimental. Therefore, carefully consider what to give. There are simply no “symbolic” gifts here. In order not to find yourself in a stupid situation, you need to weigh the degree of kinship, take into account customs, and try not to put the gifted person in an awkward position. Therefore, the period of preparation for Christmas begins in October.

In fact, as soon as the Halloween decorations disappear from the windows and the streets, Christmas decorations immediately begin.

By the way, it is England that is the birthplace of many Christmas traditions that have taken root in many European countries.

And socks over the fireplace for Christmas gifts first appeared here. According to legend, the “father of Christmas” entered the house through the fireplace and dropped several gold coins, which fell into the socks that the hostess hung out to dry overnight.

Initially, it was a nimble old man in a green caftan and funny shoes, who rode on a reindeer team.

Children know each deer by name, especially Rudolph the reindeer, which has a bright red nose.

They begin to write letters to the "father of Christmas" in October. These letters are burned in the fireplace so that the wish reaches its destination. The image of Santa Claus "father of Christmas" acquired much later.

To attract the attention of a fairy-tale hero, milk and cookies are put up by the fireplace for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. And the next morning, the kids rush to check the Christmas socks to find out if the wish came true.

The British give gifts to each other on December 26th. Boxing Day at Christmas in English sounds "Boxing Day", that is, the day of the boxes. In this case, gifts are traditionally placed under the Christmas tree.

Children are usually given a toy or clothes. Relatives who live far away send money as a gift.

Spouses try to please their soulmate with a valuable gift for Christmas. It can be both jewelry and collectibles, gadgets. The British are not averse to going on a trip at Christmas.

Gifts for friends do not differ in originality. Most often these are things of interest, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages.

But when choosing what to give for Christmas to colleagues in England, they try to adhere to strict etiquette.

After all, a present should not be perceived as a bribe - the British are strict with this.

Therefore, for Christmas, colleagues are given stationery, cups, photo frames, pen holders, homemade cakes, hand-made crafts.

On Boxing Day, many organizations organize charity events to raise funds for the poor.

What is given for Christmas in the USA

For Americans, Christmas is especially colorful and magnificent. The streets are full of garlands, lights, colorful decorations. Christmas gift season kicks off in America on Black Friday. Although the very idea of ​​sales has nothing to do with Christmas traditions.

Given that in America they give a lot of gifts for Christmas to everyone, this time is barely enough to pick up ideas, order, pack all the presents.

By the way, the packaging and quantity of gifts are more important here than the content itself.

It is impossible to fit as many gifts in traditional Christmas socks as Americans prepare for their relatives. Therefore, mountains of boxes, boxes, packages are put under the Christmas tree.

All this is packed in colorful paper, foil, tied with ribbons, tinsel. Oddly enough, but in such boxes there can be small souvenirs, and quite expensive gifts.

Therefore, when choosing what to give an American for Christmas, feel free to buy toys, books, clothes, cosmetics, haberdashery, household appliances, gadgets, cute souvenirs. The main thing is to colorfully pack such a gift. In shops and supermarkets before Christmas, entire departments are engaged in gift wrapping.

But it is worth considering that America is a country of immigrants. And if you are going to congratulate someone from the Polish diaspora, do not be too lazy to find out what they give for Christmas in Poland.

Agree, any gift, no matter in which country it is given, must be saturated with love. After all, the main thing is not the cost of the gift or its symbolic essence, but the desire to make the world a better place at least for a few days a year.

Video: Christmas in different countries

How it is customary to celebrate Christmas in different countries is shown in detail in a colorful video.

When does the Orthodox world celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated annually by millions of people around the world.

In Russia, the holiday is traditionally celebrated on January 7 (December 25 according to the Julian calendar). Also on this date, the holiday is celebrated by the Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian, Polish Orthodox churches, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Old Believers and the Old Calendar Church.

On December 25, but already according to the New Julian calendar, Constantinople, Hellas and some other churches celebrate Christmas.

nativity scene

The traditions of this holiday go far into the past. One of them is the creation of nativity scenes, of which there are more and more in Russia every year. The nativity scene is a recreation of the scene of the birth of Christ. This is done with the help of various types of art, whether it be theater, sculpture, and so on.

The most widely used nativity scene, made in the form of a composition. That is, the scene of the birth of Christ is performed with the help of three-dimensional figures and decoration elements. It is worth noting that this tradition is most popular in the countries of Catholicism. However, as already noted, in recent years its popularity has increased among Orthodox believers, including in Russia.

In addition, the crib theater became widespread. In Russia, as well as in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus, this is usually a small box, inside which a puppet show is played.

Christmas and carols

For many, Christmas is also associated with festive mass festivities, amusements and fun (we can recall Gogol's famous "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka").

One of the main traditions of Christmas is Christmas time. They are also often called winter carols.

They are celebrated from the Nativity of Christ to the Baptism of the Lord. It is worth noting that before the baptism of Russia, such holidays were also celebrated, but it was the spread of Christianity that had a great influence on pagan beliefs, as a result of which they were transformed into Christmas time.

Christmas time began with caroling. As a rule, young girls and boys dressed up, and then went around the houses in the village with traditional Christmas songs. In addition, mass games, slides, fun around fires, dressing up as monsters (since it was believed that 8 days after the birth of Christ, evil spirits walked the earth) and, of course, fortune-telling were obligatory. The latter was given quite a lot of attention by the girls, since it was during this period that they often “guessed” their future husband. The divinations were very different. Most often, the girls gathered in a dark room, lit candles and tried to summon spirits. In addition, divination by coffee or tea thick was popular.

Also one tradition that directly relates to Christmas is Christmas Eve. It is celebrated, however, before the arrival of the main holiday, January 6th. This is the day when everyone intensively prepares for Christmas, attends church services, and fasts. Traditionally, among the Slavs, it is on this day that the already mentioned Christmas time begins.

Symbols of Christmas

Like any holiday, Christmas has its own symbols, without which it is simply impossible to imagine it.

Christmas, as a rule, could not do without meat dishes. It could be ham, ham, sausage, pig heads or stomachs. It all depended on what the family could afford.

Shchi, which also tried to diversify with meat, is also considered traditional. Most often, boiled beef or lamb was added.

Sochi is considered one of the most popular and traditional dishes, from which Christmas Eve went. It was a fasting dish and was prepared from wheat (sometimes rice or lentils were used), poppy juice and honey.

Separate provinces also differed in their traditions. In some, it was considered traditional to bake unusual pancakes made from oatmeal.

Among the pastries, the so-called roes, that is, pastries in the form of horned animals, prevailed.

Among drinks, sbiten, an old East Slavic drink made from water, honey and spices, has become a symbol of Christmas for many. It was made both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

For all Christians, of course, the symbol is the traditional Christmas fast, which begins on November 28 and ends on the eve of the holiday itself. Initially, the fast lasted 7 days, later one of the patriarchs increased it to 40 days. Fasting is quite strict: meat, dairy products, and eggs are excluded from the diet. In addition, for each of the days there is a special prescription.

The symbolic decoration of the holiday has always been red, which is still associated by many with Christmas. Candles have become no less symbolic. They decorate not only the room, but also the festive table.

However, the most popular and most recognizable symbol was and remains the Christmas tree. For the first time, the tradition of decorating rooms and churches with spruce branches for Christmas was introduced by Peter I in 1700. It is worth mentioning that initially the premises were decorated exclusively from the outside, since people associated spruce with death. The tradition of putting a Christmas tree indoors and then decorating it with garlands was taken over, for the most part, from the Germans. An important role in this was played by the work of the great German storyteller Theodor Hoffmann "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", where the festive beauty was described in all colors. After some time, the Christmas tree from the symbol of death becomes a symbol of prestige, an opportunity for many wealthy landowners and nobles to show their sophistication.

Now, however, most Russians associate the Christmas tree with the New Year. This is due to the fact that during the period of Soviet power, the Christmas tree was, in fact, banned as a manifestation of the bourgeoisie. Only after some time the Christmas tree was returned, but this time it became a symbol of the New Year, since Christmas at that time lost its former meaning.

Christmas is a spiritual and family holiday, therefore it is customary to give appropriate gifts.

It should be noted in advance that there are no specific traditions of what and to whom to give. Generally accepted are gifts with Christmas symbols, gifts that create comfort, bring a festive atmosphere to the house, and, most importantly, bought or made with soul.

For a long time, a holiday card has been considered a good gift for a woman or child. As a rule, such postcards are beautifully decorated, congratulatory words are written on them. Today you can buy postcards, which are almost small works of art, everything is so beautiful, bright, and most importantly, aesthetically pleasing.

For women, candles are a good gift - a symbol of Christmas. They can be completely different: large and small, aromatic and ordinary, colored and white, you can buy handmade candles.

It is worth noting that at Christmas they always tried to give not only something sincere, but also various symbols of the holiday. For example, for parents, many bake cookies in the shape of stars or angels. A man or woman is often given gold jewelry, chains, pendants.

For women or mothers, you can give figurines in the form of angels or elegant trinkets for the home. The gift doesn't have to be expensive. You can bake cookies and present them in a package, also made by yourself.

For men, choosing gifts is a little more difficult, since there are not enough Christmas paraphernalia for them. A good option would be, for example, a warm sweater or hat. You can also give a man a book or a purse. In a word, when choosing a gift for men, it is necessary to focus on the hobbies and interests of the man himself.

Summing up, we can say that Christmas is the most sincere holiday of the year. This is the day when the whole family gathers at the table, when everyone forgives each other's offenses. That is why it is important not only to pick up good gifts, but also to create a festive atmosphere by decorating the room with Christmas symbols and preparing traditional Slavic goodies.

More than two thousand years have passed since the great Nativity of Christ, but the tradition of giving gifts to neighbors has been preserved. Christmas was and remains a great holiday, and on this day it is still customary to give gifts to your family and friends.

Gifts of the Magi

The Magi in the Gospel are called wise men who believed in the power of the stars, waiting for a sign when an extraordinary baby, the future Savior, would be born. They were the first to come to greet the born Christ and brought him gifts. According to legend, later they accepted the Christian faith and were killed or died in agony. Now the relics of the Magi are in the cathedral in the city of Cologne, where they were brought from Constantinople.

For Christmas, the baby Jesus was given myrrh (tree resin), frankincense and gold, which meant three things: he was destined to die, he is God and the King on earth. Some of these gifts have been preserved and scattered throughout the Christian world.

It was from this important event, from the offering of gifts by the Magi, that the tradition of the entire Christian world began to exchange presents for Christmas. In Orthodox Christianity, this tradition has also been preserved to this day.

The best gifts for Christmas

Nowadays, it is customary to give a lot, and it’s easier to say right away that you shouldn’t bring a gift, since there are still some rules. So, it's better not to give:

  • any things that are not spiritually connected with the holiday (money, hygiene items)
  • items associated with bad habits and abuse (alcohol, tobacco)
  • things that offend Christmas (mascots, books with anti-Christian propaganda)

As for desirable gifts, there are no restrictions. You can give something that will resemble the gifts of the Magi - perfume, gold, scented candles, or even incense itself. It is also customary to give Christmas cards, icons, figurines in the form of angels or saints, and much more. God-pleasing gifts to give at Christmas are self-made items. In some countries, it is even customary to always make gifts with your own hands.

You can give something closely related to religion, and this will be the most preferable option. For example, if you are visiting a couple, you can purchase an illustrated children's Bible for a small child.

One way or another, but try to make your gift warm and cordial, and also consistent with the theme of the holiday - the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Do not forget to read the prayers for the holiday for the health of your loved ones. You can ask the priest in the church about whether your gift is appropriate. We wish you health, strength and strong faith, and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.12.2015 00:20

Christmas is a great Orthodox holiday. On Christmas night, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, ...

On Orthodox Epiphany Christmas Eve, Christians traditionally observe fasting and do not eat until the first star, they offer ...

The celebration of Christmas between Christians and Catholics is slightly different.

In Orthodoxy, for Christmas, they mainly give gifts in the form of themed figurines or various little things that are made. Most of the gifts are appropriate for congratulations on the New Year holiday.

We bring you some DIY Christmas gift ideas.

The angel is the most traditional symbol of Christmas.

The most traditional Orthodox gift for Christmas is angel. It is a symbol of Christmas. A gift in the form of an angel, made with love and kind thoughts, can become not only a home interior decoration, but also a kind of amulet that embodies the Guardian Angel.

Such the doll can be sewn from fabric, and put cotton wool, foam balls or fragrant herbs inside - mint and lavender.

The figurine can be filled coffee beans. Such a gift will take its rightful place in the kitchen interior and will be an assistant in the morning awakening of the owners.

Crochet an angel figurine. Whichever option you choose, it's still beautiful in any performance.

If you sew or tie a loop to the finished figure of an angel, it can become a beautiful Christmas tree toy.

An inexpensive and easy DIY Christmas gift can be a homemade card.

Very often, such gifts are treated with some disdain. But it is always taken with a bang.

The plot of a Christmas card can be Bible characters, angels, snowflakes, funny little animals.

A child can draw a card and give such a gift for Christmas to parents or grandparents.

To make a postcard, an adult will have to try.

If artistic talents are far from ideal, you can make a postcard using the technique collage. For this, old photos, magazine clippings, stickers or beautiful pictures are suitable.

The basis can be whatman paper or a thick sheet of paper. The white surface can be tinted with gouache and a regular sponge. After the main tone has dried, proceed to the design.

All elements of the collage that were found are placed in a harmonious way, and then fixed with glue or double-sided tape.

A postcard can also be made from improvised materials.

For the manufacture of christmas card you can take lace, bows, satin ribbons, live Christmas tree needles, small knobs.

In Orthodoxy, Christmas gifts are made in white and blue colors, golden blotches are allowed.

Candle - the main gift for Christmas

Another traditional Christmas gift is candle.

Ordinary wax or paraffin candles are crushed. At the same time, the wick should be saved, and then used to make an author's candle.

And crushed wax or paraffin is poured into a mold; as a mold, you can take an ordinary tin can from canned foods and gently heat it in a steam bath.

When the wax becomes liquid, you can add sequins, dyes, shimmer - fine golden "dust", aromatic oils just a couple of drops.

The finished mixture is poured into molds and the wick is immersed there. To make the wick sink, you can attach a weight, it can be an ordinary iron button.

Ready-made candles can be placed in transparent containers and decorated with Christmas symbols: cones, beads, various figures.

A Christmas candle can also be decorated with a regular satin ribbon or lace. A perfect addition to such a gift would be a mini-postcard or sprig of spruce.

Can be a great addition to a candle candlestick. Such a beautiful handmade gift would be appropriate to present to your family and friends for Christmas.

Catholic Christmas Symbols

For Christmas, a wonderful handmade gift can be Christmas wreath.

A wreath is an indispensable attribute of Christmas for Catholics. Such an attribute can decorate the front door or the wall of the room. To make such a gift, you need to take a solid base in the shape of a circle. It can be a blank made of cardboard, plywood, wicker or wire.

Next, we attach spruce branches to the base, wrap them with elegant red and golden ribbons, and then decorate with cones and Christmas decorations. As toys, you can take beautiful balls and bells. You can also decorate a wreath with the help of sweets, bows in the appropriate color scheme.

For Catholics, the Christmas color scheme is golden red.

T The traditional Christmas treat for Catholics is brownie pie.

Giving a finished cake and transporting it is a difficult task.

You can get creative and give an original Christmas gift in the form of a mixture of dry ingredients for making a Christmas cake or ingredients for mulled wine.

Mulled wine- a traditional Christmas drink among Catholics.

Sweet gifts for Christmas with your own hands

For Christmas, children can be given ready-made sweets and gifts made with their own hands from sweets.

For Christmas, as a sweet gift, you can cook Gingerbread Cookie. There are many recipes for this cookie. You can always choose the right recipe.

Cookies can be made simply round or baked in the form of a variety of figures: bells, deer, boots, Christmas trees etc. Cookies decorate with icing and decorate with Christmas symbols.

After the icing has hardened, the cookies can be folded into a beautiful box, tied with a ribbon and presented to your family and friends for Christmas.

DIY for Christmas unusual candy gift.

It can be santa claus sleigh, or toys familiar to children in the form beautiful bear, bunny, doll etc. master classes for making such gifts can be easily found on the Internet.

Other Christmas gifts

The list of gifts for Christmas is not limited to handmade gifts.

Gift for the elderly, grandma or grandpa

Can be given for Christmas sweet gifts handmade, as well as sweets bought in the store: a delicious cake, pastries, sweets or cookies.

Will be a great gift fruit basket. Such a vitamin gift is not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Elderly people, like no one else, need the necessary amount of vitamins to maintain good health.

It will also come in handy:

  • cozy warm blanket;
  • good soft slippers made of fur;
  • set of towels.

gift for mom

You can give mom for Christmas beautiful hand knitted shawl,plant in the pot or a beautiful figurine in the form of a gnome or an angel.

Gift for dad for Christmas

You can give dad some of the things related to his hobby. Appropriate gift will be items of household appliances, beautiful calendar with family photos. Such a gift can be ordered in a special company.

Please your parents if possible. a ticket to a boarding house or sanatorium.

Christmas gifts for husband

You can give what he dreamed of for a long time.

An attentive wife will always be able to recognize the gaze of her beloved at the sight of her cherished dream.

It could be a tablet , newfangled spinning, video recorder, wireless keyboard etc.

With your own hands, you can knit a Christmas present for your husband in the form of a beautiful scarf with snowflake or smart sweater with a winter theme.

Gift for wife for Christmas

Can be considered as a gift beautiful coat, jewelry, as well as a variety of accessories for women's wardrobe: gloves, scarf, neckerchief, leather belt, fashion bag etc.

You can also give your loved one a fabulous ride on a sleigh pulled by a trio of horses or a trip to a ski resort.

Gifts for friends at Christmas

Do-it-yourself symbolic gifts for friends for Christmas can be:

girlfriend for Christmas as a gift can be presented sushi set or kitchen scales, which have a measurement accuracy of up to a gram.

With your own hands for Christmas, your best friend can make an original beaded ornament, Christmas tree souvenir or Viewed: 28

Christmas is a holiday of family unity and positive emotions. Everyone is looking forward to something magical, both children and adults.

On this day, you should forget all the quarrels and make up at the common table. Be sure to go to church for Christmas with the whole family.

It is not customary to give expensive gifts for Christmas. Gifts should be funny or for good luck.

What to give your parents for Christmas

For parents, you can make an original gift for Christmas, as a convenient and practical thing that can be useful in the household. For example, mom can be pleased with the original kitchen utensils, and dad will be pleased with the new set of tools that he has long dreamed of.

Also, for parents, you can prepare gifts in a religious style, in the spirit of the sacred Orthodox holiday. These can be personalized icons, chains for crosses (gold for mom, silver for dad), beautiful candles in candlesticks, a Christmas wreath on the door, bells or angel figurines.

On Christmas Eve, the whole family can go to the theater or visit a cozy restaurant.

What to give a child for Christmas

When choosing a gift for a child, consider his age characteristics.

The most common gift for children at Christmas is sweets. So that such a gift does not look banal, it is enough to buy or prepare sweets with Christmas symbols.

If the child is young, then you can give him a beautiful toy. When choosing a gift for a teenager, it is enough to focus on his interests and hobbies: skates, skis, a ball, a bicycle, board games (football, hockey, loto), etc.

What to give a friend / girlfriend for Christmas

A win-win option for a girl will be a gift in the form of a gift certificate. It can be purchased in almost all major cosmetics, clothing, household appliances or beauty salons stores.

It is worth giving perfume or cosmetics only if you are absolutely sure that it will really fit. For such a gift, a girl needs to know more than one year and be aware of her preferences.

If you want to give a gift to your girlfriend, then such a gift needs to be thought out in advance, as it should reflect all your feelings. A girl will always be happy with a big soft toy. It will be very good to organize a romantic dinner for two.

What to get a friend/boyfriend for Christmas

Immediately, shaving products, foams and all kinds of lotions should be excluded from the range of possible gifts. Of course, perfumes or toilet water remain appropriate. If the Christmas gift is intended for a friend, then you can give him a mobile phone case, a figurine or cufflinks. A connoisseur of quality alcohol will clearly appreciate a bottle of vintage or collection wine, or cognac.

For a loved one, a cozy sweater can be a great gift for Christmas. A warm scarf or soft, knitted socks. Such things acquire special value if they are connected by you with your own hands. A new wallet would be a good gift, only you need to put a bill in it. You can also give the guy tickets to the concert of your favorite artist or group, if the performance takes place in the near future. In another situation, they can be saved for another reason. Also, as in the option with a girl, you can organize a romantic dinner for two.

What to get godparents for Christmas

At Christmas, be sure to give gifts to your godparents. You can cook kutya, sweets and kalach for them. Gifts for godparents should inspire warmth. Therefore, a bottle of red wine and a warm blanket would be a good option.

What to get grandma/grandpa for Christmas

An indispensable gift for your grandmother will be a warm openwork shawl with a fringe. Wrapped up in it, grandma will remember this Christmas and your attention. You can also give a grandmother a blanket, because they don’t have to hide completely, as an option, cover their legs when watching their favorite series. Small gifts include knitted socks or stockings, a wide scarf with pom-poms and mittens. The gift of warmth with poems or songs will fill Christmas gatherings by the fireplace with family comfort. And will be remembered for a long time.

Grandpas usually practice. You can give your grandfather a warm knitted sweater, a warm flannelette shirt, a new jacket. If your grandfather is a fisherman or a hunter, give him a new thermos, souvenir waterproof matches, a special fish cleaning kit or a compass. Of even more practical gifts that will be useful to your grandfather for more than one year, one can name a good spinning rod. If grandfather is fond of summer cottage, modern equipment for the garden plot will be a good gift.

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com