Who introduced the concept of physical education. What is physical education? Fundamentals, principles and methods. How to organize the conditions for physical education at home


a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical education. improvement Purpose F in - versatile development of a person's personality, his physical. qualities and abilities, the formation of motor skills and abilities, health promotion.

Main means F in - physical. exercises, use of nature. forces of nature (solar energy, air and water environment, etc.), observance of hygiene rules (personal, labor, household, etc.). Physical exercises have a diverse effect on the development of physical. abilities Cognition of laws of influence fizich. exercises on the body, scientific. the methodology for their implementation makes it possible to use physical. exercises to achieve the goals of F in Natural. the forces of nature in F in act as conditions for the successful organization and conduct of physical education. exercises and as a means of hardening the body Compliance with hygiene conditions is necessary to maintain health and physical. improvement Development of physical. human capabilities contributes to physical. labor (especially in the air), which can be used as an auxiliary means F in F is carried out in 3 main directions general physical, prof. physical and sports training.

The creation of the foundations of F in the account. institutions contributed to a deep understanding of the process of becoming a personality I A Comenius He proposed a physical. include the training of children in the curriculum and link it with lessons in other subjects, emphasized the physical. exercises in spiritual and morals. upbringing The ideas of J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, and Ped. the practice of philanthropists (I K Guts-Muts and others). Ped. theory 19 in ("", "", etc.). considered F in as an integral part of the progressive school. education.

In accordance with the national Traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries developed systems of F in the mass school of most countries.

In Russia, scientific the foundations of F in were developed in the last quarter of the 19th century. Great importance for understanding the influence of physical. exercises on the development and change in the forms of the human body had the work of H and Pirogov Research by I M Sechenov opened the way to understanding the general laws of the functioning of the human body and to the formation of a new outlook on the issues of F in The popularization of the ideas of F in children in the family and school contributed to the work of doctors E M Dementiev and E A Pokrovsky Dementiev in the thesis “The development of human muscle strength in connection with its general physical. development "made an attempt to analyze the influence of working conditions on physical. youth development, opposed the planting in Russia of foreign. systems of gymnastic exercises For a number of years, his collection of games was the best guide for teachers of F in Pokrovsky in his work “Physical. children from different peoples, mainly Russia ”(1884). pointed out the importance of introducing nat. games in the F system

A particularly important role was played by II F Lesgaft, who is called the founder of scientific. system F in Lesgaft introduced “physical. » In the works “Family Education” (1884), “Guide to Physical. school children's education. age "(1888-1901)," Fundamentals of theoretical anatomy "(1892). and others, he argued that Ch. the purpose of education is harmonious. new development of the child, by which he understood the correct combination of mental and physical. forces, their inextricable connection and active inclusion in a person with the leading role of human consciousness

The beginning of the mass physical culture movement in the country was laid by the military. -sports and circles, created since 1918 in the system of owls of universal education (universal military). in the conditions of the Civil War In the 20s, mass forms arose - multi-day relay races, runs, sports days, etc. An important role in the development of scientific. and the theoretical problems of F were played by the student and follower of Lesgaft VV Gorinevsky Since the 30s, the basis of the F system was the sports complex Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR. (TRP, since 1931), and for children - "Be the USSR" (BGTO, since 1934). In the 30-40s, scientific questions. substantiation of means and methods F in, the content of training in various sports, fiziol. mechanisms of influence of physical education. exercises on the organism of those involved, etc. were developed in the works of VV Belinovich, H A Bernshtein, K X Grantyn, A N Krestovnikova, A D Novikov, A C Puni, II A Rudik, V S Farfel, and M Sarki- Zova-Serazini and others.

Despite some formalism and excessive enthusiasm for large-scale mass actions (for example, military sports games "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet"), coma and pioneer organizations contributed to the active involvement of the younger generation in physical education and sports. Conducted on the initiative of the pioneer organization competitions of yard teams at the place of residence for the prize "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", etc. helped to identify and attach to the physical. culture and sports many talented teenagers

Since the beginning of the 90s, the development of F in children and adolescents has been experiencing significant. material difficulties The transition to a market economy put many physical culture and sports children. and youth groups in difficult conditions A number of associations were forced to either stop their activities altogether, or to attract funds from sponsors, parents to restore the viability of sports schools, circles, etc.

The structure of the amateur organizations of physical culture is made up of voluntary sports about-va Physical culture work in doshk. institutions and educational institutions is regulated by relevant programs and educational plans and falls under the responsibility of educational authorities.

The system F in is focused on different age groups. The main tasks of F in preschool children. age about health, promoting the correct and timely development of the skeletal system, strengthening and proportional development of all muscle groups, improving the function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, improving metabolic processes At this age, vital motor skills are formed (walking, running, jumping, throwing , catching, swimming, etc.), coordinate movements, maintain correct posture, develop qualities that ensure the rational execution of movements - rhythm, orientation in space, the ability to calculate efforts, etc. Forms of organization of F in children under the age of 1 year include individual physical exercises. exercises and massage, later - group classes (games for 3-6 children in arenas, walks). In children. physical education classes are held in the garden. exercises by type of lesson (simple games and exercises, various constructions, jumping, hoop riding, running, etc., physical education during drawing, modeling, etc., excursions and walks in nature, holidays).

In school age F in is carried out at physical education lessons F. in students in prof. educational institutions provides, along with the solution of problems inherent in general education. school, development of prof. abilities necessary for work 10-12% of the time from all lessons is devoted to physical. training with prof. bias

The main forms of F in students are educational and optional (for selected sports). physical education and health activities The obligatory teaching material of the program for F in universities provides for training in exercises for basic, hygienic, production and sports gymnastics, athletics, swimming, skiing, sports games, tourism skills and abilities, as well as the communication of theoretical information on various issues physical culture

F in the family is carried out in the form of hardening procedures, physical education breaks during the preparation of lessons, as well as independent physical exercises. exercises, games, entertainment, walks (see also Family education).

Lit. Teoriya i metodika fizich. education, ed. B A Ashmarina, M, 1979, Kun L General Physics. Culture, transl. from Hung., M, 1982, History of physics. culture and sports, ed. VV Stolbova, M, 1983, Introduction to the theory of physical. culture, ed. L H Matveeva, M, 1983, Fiz. education, M, 1983 V H Shaulin

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M: "Great Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

See what "PHYSICAL EDUCATION" is in other dictionaries:

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- part of general education; aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the human body; one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society. The main means of physical education are physical exercises, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a healthy, physically and spiritually perfect, morally stable younger generation, strengthening health, increasing efficiency, creative longevity and prolonging human life ... Legal Encyclopedia

    Physical education- Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing a person's psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious physical activity. physical culture is part of culture, ... ... Wikipedia

    Physical education- an organic part of general education (See Education); social pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, on ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Physical education- - a system of measures and conditions that ensure the physical development of a person, maintaining his health and performance. Physical education includes: improvement of the human body - internal organs, motor and bone ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

    Physical education- 25) physical education is a process aimed at educating a person, developing a person’s physical capabilities, acquiring skills and knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports in order to form a comprehensively developed and physically ... ... Official terminology

    physical education- part of general education; aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the human body; one of the indicators of the state of physical culture in society. The main means of physical education are physical exercises, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION- one of the aspects of education; an organized pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, teaching various movements and improving physical qualities, versatile development of physical abilities, formation and ... ... Psychomotor: Dictionary Reference

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Judėjimo įgūdžių, fizinių ypatybių ir kompleksinių gebėjimų tobulinimas fiziniais pratimais. atitikmenys: engl. physical education vok. körperliche Bildung, f; Leibeserziehung … Sporto terminų žodynas

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kūno lavinimas fiziniais pratimais, papildantis intelektinį lavinimą ir sudarantis bendrosios auklėjimo sistemos dalį. Fizinio lavinimo mokykloje tikslai: judesių mokymas ir… … Sporto terminų žodynas

    physical education- fizinis lavinimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Vientisas pedagoginis vyksmas, kurio tikslas aktyvia fizine veikla ir lavinamojo poveikio priemonėmis ugdyti žmogaus prigimties galias, asmenybę. atitikmenys: engl. physical… … Sporto terminų žodynas

Physical education- this is a pedagogical process aimed at improving the form and functions of the human body, the formation of motor skills, skills, related knowledge and the development of physical qualities.

The emergence of physical education refers to the earliest period in the history of human society. Elements of physical education arose in primitive society. People got their own food, hunted, built housing, and in the course of this natural, necessary activity, their physical abilities improved spontaneously - strength, endurance, speed.

Gradually, in the course of the historical process, people paid attention to the fact that those members of the tribe who led a more active and mobile lifestyle, repeatedly repeated certain physical actions, showed physical effort, were also stronger, more resilient and efficient. This led to people's conscious understanding of the phenomenon of exercise (repetitiveness of actions). It was the phenomenon of exercise that became the basis of physical education.

Realizing the effect of exercise, a person began to imitate the movements (actions) necessary for him in his labor activity outside the real labor process, for example, throwing a dart at the image of an animal. As soon as labor actions began to be applied outside of real labor processes, they turned into physical exercises. The transformation of labor actions into physical exercises has significantly expanded the scope of their impact on a person, and primarily in terms of comprehensive physical improvement.
Further, in the course of evolutionary development, it turned out that a much better effect in physical training is achieved when a person begins to exercise in childhood, and not in adulthood, i.e. when he is prepared for life and work beforehand.

Thus, the realization by mankind of the phenomenon of exercise and the importance of the so-called preliminary preparation of a person for life, the establishment of a connection between them served as the source of the emergence of genuine physical education.

Forms of organized physical education arose in ancient Greece in the form of special training for young people in military and sports exercises, but until modern history they remained the property of a few members of the privileged classes or were limited to military training.

The main concepts of the theory of physical education include the following: 1) "physical education"; 2) ; 3) ; four) ; 5) .

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

In physical education, there are two sides: physical education and the development of physical qualities.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and the directed development of a person's physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity to a decisive extent.

List of used literature:

  1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov B.C. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.

a system of human improvement aimed at physical development, health promotion, ensuring high performance and developing the need for constant physical self-improvement.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical education. improvement Purpose F in - versatile development of a person's personality, his physical. qualities and abilities, the formation of motor skills and abilities, health promotion.

Main means F in - physical. exercises, use of nature. forces of nature (solar energy, air and water environment, etc.), observance of hygiene rules (personal, labor, household, etc.). Physical exercises have a diverse effect on the development of physical. abilities Cognition of laws of influence fizich. exercises on the body, scientific. the methodology for their implementation makes it possible to use physical. exercises to achieve the goals of F in Natural. the forces of nature in F in act as conditions for the successful organization and conduct of physical education. exercises and as a means of hardening the body Compliance with hygiene conditions is necessary to maintain health and physical. improvement Development of physical. human capabilities contributes to physical. labor (especially in the air), which can be used as an auxiliary means F in F is carried out in 3 main directions general physical, prof. physical and sports training.

The creation of the foundations of F in the account. institutions contributed to a deep understanding of the process of becoming a personality I A Comenius He proposed a physical. include the training of children in the curriculum and link it with lessons in other subjects, emphasized the role of physical. exercises in spiritual and morals. education The development of the theory of F was greatly influenced by the ideas of J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, and Ped. the practice of philanthropists (I K Guts-Muts and others). Ped. theories of the 19th century (“new education”, “free education”, etc.). considered F in as an integral part of the progressive school. education.

In accordance with the national Traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries developed systems of F in the mass school of most countries.

In Russia, scientific the foundations of F in were developed in the last quarter of the 19th century. Great importance for understanding the influence of physical. exercises on the development and change in the forms of the human body had the work of H and Pirogov Research by I M Sechenov opened the way to understanding the general laws of the functioning of the human body and to the formation of a new outlook on the issues of F in The popularization of the ideas of F in children in the family and school contributed to the work of doctors E M Dementiev and E A Pokrovsky Dementiev in the thesis “The development of human muscle strength in connection with its general physical. development "made an attempt to analyze the influence of working conditions on physical. youth development, opposed the planting in Russia of foreign. systems of gymnastic exercises For a number of years, his collection of games was the best guide for teachers of F in Pokrovsky in his work “Physical. the upbringing of children among different peoples, mainly Russia ”(1884). pointed out the importance of introducing nat. games in the F system

A particularly important role was played by II F Lesgaft, who is called the founder of scientific. system F in Lesgaft introduced the concept of “physical. education” In the works “Family education” (1884), “Guide to physical. school children's education. age "(1888-1901)," Fundamentals of theoretical anatomy "(1892). and others, he argued that Ch. the purpose of education is harmonious. new development of the child, by which he understood the correct combination of mental and physical. forces, their inseparable connection and active involvement in human activity with the leading role of human consciousness

The beginning of the mass physical culture movement in the country was laid by the military. -sport clubs and circles, created since 1918 in the system of owls of general education (universal military education). in the conditions of the Civil War In the 20s, mass forms arose - multi-day relay races, runs, sports days, etc. An important role in the development of scientific. and the theoretical problems of F were played by the student and follower of Lesgaft VV Gorinevsky Since the 30s, the basis of the F system was the sports complex Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR. (GTO, since 1931), and for children - “Be ready for work and defense of the USSR” (BGTO, since 1934). In the 30-40s, scientific questions. substantiation of means and methods F in, the content of training in various sports, fiziol. mechanisms of influence of physical education. exercises on the organism of those involved, etc. were developed in the works of VV Belinovich, H A Bernshtein, K X Grantyn, A N Krestovnikova, A D Novikov, A C Puni, II A Rudik, V S Farfel, and M Sarki- Zova-Serazini and others.

Despite some formalism and excessive enthusiasm for large-scale mass actions (for example, military sports games "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet"), coma and pioneer organizations contributed to the active involvement of the younger generation in physical education and sports. Conducted on the initiative of the pioneer organization competitions of yard teams at the place of residence for the prize "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", etc. helped to identify and attach to the physical. culture and sports many talented teenagers

Since the beginning of the 90s, the development of F in children and adolescents has been experiencing significant. material difficulties The transition to a market economy put many physical culture and sports children. and youth groups in difficult conditions A number of associations were forced to either stop their activities altogether, or to attract funds from sponsors, parents to restore the viability of sports schools, circles, etc.

The structure of the amateur organizations of the physical culture movement is made up of voluntary sports societies. Physical culture work in preschool. institutions and educational institutions is regulated by relevant programs and educational plans and falls under the responsibility of educational authorities.

The system F in is focused on different age groups. The main tasks of F in preschool children. health care, hardening, promoting the correct and timely development of the skeletal system, strengthening and proportional development of all muscle groups, improving the function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, improving metabolic processes At this age, vital motor skills are formed (walking, running, jumping, throwing, catching, swimming, etc.), the ability to coordinate movements, maintain correct posture, develop qualities that ensure the rational execution of movements - rhythm, orientation in space, the ability to calculate efforts, etc. To the forms of organization of F in children under the age of 1 year includes individual physical education. exercises and massage, later - group classes (games for 3-6 children in arenas, walks). In children. physical education classes are held in the garden. exercises by type of lesson (simple games and exercises, various constructions, jumping, hoop riding, running, etc., physical education during drawing, modeling, etc., excursions and walks in nature, holidays).

In school age F in is carried out at physical education lessons F. in students in prof. educational institutions provides, along with the solution of problems inherent in general education. school, development of prof. abilities necessary for work 10-12% of the time from all lessons is devoted to physical. training with prof. bias

The main forms of F in students are educational and optional (for selected sports). physical education and health activities The obligatory teaching material of the program for F in universities provides for training in exercises for basic, hygienic, production and sports gymnastics, athletics, swimming, skiing, sports games, tourism skills and abilities, as well as the communication of theoretical information on various issues physical culture

F in the family is carried out in the form of hardening procedures, physical education breaks during the preparation of lessons, as well as independent physical exercises. exercises, games, entertainment, walks (see also Family education).

Lit. Teoriya i metodika fizich. education, ed. B A Ashmarina, M, 1979, Kuhn L General history of physical. Culture, transl. from Hung., M, 1982, History of physics. culture and sports, ed. VV Stolbova, M, 1983, Introduction to the theory of physical. culture, ed. L H Matveeva, M, 1983, Fiz. education, M, 1983 V H Shaulin

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The most important task in any family is to raise a healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person's personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents, today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children showed higher rates of physical development than they do now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its importance is also great in all-round aspects. It is this kind of upbringing that creates the ground for it to be possible to fully work mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick, not tempered, then the efficiency of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while it is easier for a physically healthy person to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, demanding of himself. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the will. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Due to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the physical strength of the child can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is desirable that he is engaged not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to such a process as the formation of a child's real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of exercising, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child's ideas about the essence and significance of physical culture and sports, about how they affect the development of the individual. Thanks to such knowledge, the horizons of children will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can increase their overall culture.

Physical education implies the ability of the child, the desire for sports activities. It can be light or sports games or swimming. When a child does exercises, hardens, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical education helps to be alert and energetic all day long, makes the figure toned.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing but the methods of physical education. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. Their first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method are used.

The generally accepted methods include verbal, as well as methods of visual influence. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. For the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of physical education, it is necessary to optimally combine various methods, based on methodological principles.


Chapter 1. Physical education as a social system

concept, goals and objectives, means, methods and forms

1 The emergence and development of physical education: essence, basic concepts and definitions

1 Fundamentals of humanization of physical culture space


List of used literature


physical education social

One of the socially significant goals of our state is the development in the country of a socially regulated mass physical culture and sports movement of the population with a health-improving, educational and spiritual-educational orientation. The ultimate goal of this movement is the formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture and, on this basis, an increase in the quality of life of the people.

Physical and cultural education in the social system is traditionally responsible for the physical development and physical preparation of the young generation for life. In the Republic of Belarus it functions and develops on the basis of the experience and traditions of the Soviet system of physical education.

The theoretical and methodological foundations and content of this system were focused on preparing the younger generations for certain living conditions. These conditions have now changed. They presented new requirements for physical education.

Currently, 8-10% of the population is regularly engaged in physical culture and sports in the country, while in the economically developed countries of the world this figure reaches 40-60%.

The problem remains urgent - low physical activity and poor physical development of students.

The real volume of physical activity of students does not ensure the full development and strengthening of the health of the younger generation. The number of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons is increasing. By 2000, there were 1 million 300 thousand of them, which is 24% more than in 1995 and the trend is growing. The prevalence of low physical activity among schoolchildren has reached 80%.

The purpose of the humanistic concept in the system of physical education is the education of a self-sufficient personality in a changing social system, the humanization of education, the development of modern theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the physical education of the younger generation. They must ensure successful adaptation of pupils and students in the process of physical education to intense learning activities, rapidly changing conditions of professional activity, military service, life, as well as their physical and spiritual improvement.

The concept is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the laws of the Republic of Belarus "On Education in the Republic of Belarus", "On Physical Culture and Sports" and others.

One of the main tasks of physical culture at present is to work on the formation of value orientations for the physical and spiritual development of the individual, a healthy lifestyle, needs and motives for regular physical exercises.

A specific factor for the Republic of Belarus that has a harmful effect on human health is the contamination with radionuclides of the territories affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. The system should contribute to the physical rehabilitation of this contingent.

The problem of needs and interests is extremely important due to the fact that they are the initial determinants of any kind of activity. This problem is being studied by many human sciences and is being actively developed from the standpoint of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics and other social sciences.

Issues of motivational and value relations in activity and behavior have been the subject of analysis by many authors. However, in modern psychological and pedagogical sciences they are the least studied. The available research and empirical data are fragmentary and do not reflect the complexity and essence of the phenomenon.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is determined by the fact that the system of physical education significantly affects the formation of the consciousness and lifestyle of society, therefore this phenomenon needs to be studied, it requires a clear definition of the most general initial concepts, modern trends that satisfy the request of society when getting acquainted with its content. It is primarily about the concepts, evolution, principles, methods and direction of physical education as a social system.

The object of research is the system of physical education as a phenomenon of the social sphere.

The subject of the study is the evolution, content and methodology of physical education aimed at the harmonious development of the individual, including schoolchildren.

The purpose of the course work: to characterize the system of physical education as one of the components of the social sphere

Objectives of the course work:

reveal the essence, origin and evolution of physical education;

designate the place and significance of the system of physical education as a component of the social system, reveal the goals, objectives, methods and forms, the transformations that the system has undergone in the process of evolution;

explore modern trends in physical education, the foundations and problems of applying the humanistic concept in the education process;

to explore the main issues of the methodology of physical education of schoolchildren and their application in practice.

The methodological basis for studying the topic is the didactic principles of physical education: visibility, consciousness and activity, accessibility and individualization, systematicity.

The structure and volume of the course work: the volume of 43 pages, this includes: title page; introduction; main part; conclusion; list of sources used.

Chapter 1. Physical education as a social system: concept, goals and objectives, means, methods and forms.

1.1The emergence and development of physical education basic concepts and definitions.

The emergence of physical education refers to the earliest period in the history of human society. Elements of physical education arose in primitive society. People got their own food, hunted, built housing, and in the course of this natural, necessary activity, their physical abilities improved spontaneously - strength, endurance, speed.

Gradually, in the course of the historical process, people paid attention to the fact that those members of the tribe who led a more active and mobile lifestyle, repeatedly repeated certain physical actions, showed physical effort, were stronger, more resilient and efficient. This led to people's conscious understanding of the phenomenon of exercise (repetitiveness of actions). It was this phenomenon that became the basis of physical education. A person began to imitate the movements necessary for him in his labor activity outside the real labor process, for example, throwing a dart at the image of an animal. As soon as labor actions began to be applied outside of real labor processes, they turned into physical exercises. The transformation of labor actions into physical exercises has significantly expanded the scope of their impact on a person, and primarily in terms of comprehensive physical improvement. Further, in the course of evolutionary development, it turned out that a much better effect in physical training is achieved when a person begins to exercise in childhood, and not in adulthood, i.e. when he is prepared for life and work beforehand..

Due to the fact that none of the forms of human activity is biologically inherited, it can become the property of a person only through exercise, mastering by repeated repetition. But the effectiveness of the process of mastering labor actions depended on the level of a person's spiritual development. It was necessary to realize that the transfer and use of existing experience are based on the mechanisms of social relations. Understanding the role of communication for the preservation of knowledge and skills acquired by people and their improvement has led to the emergence of a purposeful process of education and upbringing, including physical education.

Initially, the transfer of knowledge occurred through imitation. However, imitation was not yet the process of communication between people that characterizes education. Education appeared only when people consciously began to subject each other to thoughtful influence in order to shape their behavior in accordance with the needs of the family and society.

Thus, in the process of creative labor, in the process of creating a second nature - culture, a working man got out of the action of the laws of purely biological development and entered the field of action of social laws. In order to transfer the accumulated social experience, and above all the experience in the manufacture and use of tools, humanity needed fundamentally different, over biological mechanisms of social inheritance: otherwise, each new generation of people would again and again have to invent a bow and arrow, a stone ax and a wheel. Education became such a mechanism. Upbringing as a social phenomenon was based on the innate mechanisms of transmission of species experience that are characteristic of the child - imitation, play.

An increasingly complex culture, social relations, however, are not neutral in relation to a person - they themselves have a formative influence on people. Therefore, the classics of Marxism understood under education not only specially organized, but also the spontaneous impact of society on a person, his participation in social practice: a person is not only brought up by the surrounding reality, but also radically changes it, and in the process of this change of reality, he changes himself. In this sense, the assertion is true that a person is educated by the whole world around him.

The change in the economic and political way of life of society led to a change in the existing system of physical education or the emergence of a fundamentally new system. The purpose and objectives of the system of physical education, means, principles, methods and forms of organizing physical exercises have changed, but as a social phenomenon, physical education, once having arisen in a person’s life, becomes an eternal category. The change in the goals and objectives of the system of physical education primarily affected the specific means of physical education - physical exercises. Some physical exercises only changed, others died off and were replaced by new ones. This was due to two reasons. Firstly, at each stage of the development of the conditions of material life, society demanded certain motor qualities and skills from a person. New tasks gave rise to new systems of physical exercises. Secondly, the development of the science of physical education made it possible to better understand the patterns of human motor activity and, as a result, on the one hand, to develop physical exercises that had not previously been encountered in human life, and on the other hand, to find the most effective means of a beneficial effect on a person. With the development of physical education, the variety of physical exercises increased. They were borrowed not only from labor activity, but also from military affairs, from ritual dances and art. Over time, physical exercises began to be created artificially on the basis of a person's knowledge of the possibilities of movements of his body.

At present, characterizing the essence of physical education, one should keep in mind at least three aspects: activity (culture as a process or method of rationally organized transformative bodily activity), subject-value (culture as a set of objects of a certain value to meet social and personal needs in motor activity and physical improvement) and personified-resultative (culture as a result of activity, embodied in the person himself).

Summarizing what has been said, we can give the following definition of this concept. Physical culture is an organic part (branch) of the culture of society and the person himself. The basis of its specific content is the satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of a person through targeted physical exercises, the assimilation and application of relevant knowledge and skills, as well as participation in sports events as a spectator or speaker. In other words, physical culture is the process and result of a person's activity to transform their physical (corporeal) nature, to meet the needs of society in the formation of people's physical readiness for various forms of their life activity.

The category "physical culture" is closely related to such concepts as "physical education", "sport", "physical recreation", "physical (motor) rehabilitation", "physical training", "adaptive physical culture".

In physical education, two specific aspects are distinguished: training in movements (motor actions) and the development of physical qualities (motor abilities and the natural properties of a person directly related to it).

Movement training has as its main content physical education - the systemic development by a person of rational ways to control their own movements, i.e. the acquisition in this way of the fund of motor skills, skills and knowledge related to them, which is necessary in life. The essence of the second side of physical education is, first of all, in the expedient effect of physical exercises on the human body in order to develop physical qualities (motor abilities) that ensure its motor actions in the process of life.

Thus, physical education is a specially organized and controlled pedagogical process aimed at teaching motor actions and developing the physical qualities of a person. Physical education, together with labor (military), moral, aesthetic and intellectual education, acquires the significance of one of the main factors in the comprehensive development of the individual. Currently, a number of scientists and teachers identify physical education with physical education.

General physical education is aimed at improving health and maintaining working capacity in educational or work activities. In accordance with this, the content of physical education is focused on the mastery of vital motor actions, the coordinated and proportionate development of strength, speed, endurance, dexterity and mobility in the joints. General physical education creates the mandatory minimum of a person's physical fitness, which is necessary for normal life, for specialization in any kind of professional or sports activity. It is carried out in preschool institutions, at physical education lessons, in a general education school, in sections (groups) of general physical education and groups of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus, in health groups, etc.

Physical education with a professional orientation is designed to provide the character and level of physical readiness that a person needs in a particular type of labor or military activity (in this sense, they speak of special physical education of an astronaut, a high-altitude fitter, etc.).

The content of physical training is always determined by the requirements of a particular type of professional activity. Therefore, physical exercises for classes are selected such that would most contribute to the formation of labor skills, correspond to the conditions of the present and future labor activity. Physical training is carried out in special secondary, higher educational institutions and in the army.

Physical education with a sports orientation provides an opportunity to specialize in the chosen form of physical exercises and achieve maximum results in them. Physical education aimed at preparing for high achievements in a chosen sport is called sports training.

Sports training along with sports orientation and selection, theoretical training for athletes, recovery activities, etc. constitute what is commonly called sports training. Some of its aspects are conditionally distinguished, including physical training, which provides a high level of functional capabilities of the body and strengthens the health of an athlete for maximum achievements in the chosen sport.

All three directions are subject to a single goal, common tasks and principles of the system of physical education.

The forms of physical exercises are understood as ways of organizing the educational process, each of which is characterized by a certain type of relationship (interaction) between the teacher (coach, judge) and those involved, as well as the corresponding conditions of the classes. According to the peculiarities of the organization of those involved and the ways of managing them, physical education classes are divided into two groups - regular and non-scheduled.

Lesson forms are classes conducted by a teacher (coach) with a permanent staff of students. These include:

) Physical education lessons conducted by teachers under the state program in educational institutions where physical education is a compulsory subject (school, college, university, etc.);

) Sports and training sessions conducted by coaches, with a focus on improving those involved in the chosen sport.

Extracurricular forms are classes conducted both by specialists (in an organized manner) and by the students themselves (independently) for the purpose of active recreation, strengthening or restoring health, maintaining or increasing efficiency, developing physical qualities, improving motor skills, etc. These include:

) small forms of classes (morning gymnastics, introductory gymnastics, physical pause, physical minute, micro-pause) used for the current management of the physical condition. Due to their short duration, these forms, as a rule, do not solve problems of a developing, training nature;

) large forms of occupation, i.e. classes are relatively long, complex in content. These forms of classes are aimed at solving problems of a training, health-improving and rehabilitation or recreational nature; competitive forms of training, i.e. forms of physical culture and sports activities, where the winner, place, physical or technical readiness, etc. are determined in the competitive struggle. (for example, the system of official competitions, championships, championships, etc.).

2 Physical education as a social system - elements, goals, objectives, means, methods and forms of physical education

Physical education is a socially conditioned, pedagogically organized process of mastering the values ​​of physical culture. The social conditionality of physical education lies in the fact that in the course of it a socially significant goal is achieved, i.e. a goal that is essential both for the development of the individual himself and for the progress of society as a whole. In addition, this means that physical education takes place within the framework of a certain social organization, which has the necessary capabilities to ensure the interests of society in this direction. Such a social organization is called a system.

In theory textbooks, the concept of “system” means something “whole”, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts designed to perform specific functions of certain tasks. Consider the views of scientists on the evaluation of the concept of "system".

The system of physical education is a historically (established) conditioned type of social practice of physical education, including ideological, theoretical and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

worldview foundations. Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity.

In the domestic system of physical education, the worldview aims are to promote the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved, the realization of the opportunities for everyone to achieve physical perfection, the strengthening and long-term preservation of health, and the preparation of members of society for professional activities on this basis.

Theoretical and methodological foundations. The system of physical education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific provisions of the natural (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social (philosophy, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy, etc.) sciences, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of physical education develops and substantiates the most general patterns of physical education. The methodological foundations are revealed in the laws of physical education and their corresponding recommendations for the implementation of the principles of education and upbringing, as well as for the use of means, methods and forms of organizing classes in each social group of the population.

The methodological foundations express a characteristic feature of the system of physical education - its scientific character. The initial theoretical positions and methods of their practical implementation are developed based on the fundamental sciences (philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, biology, etc.) by a whole complex of specialized theoretical and sports-pedagogical sciences.

Program and regulatory framework. Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs on physical culture and sports (programs for preschool institutions, general education schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, the army, etc.). These programs contain scientifically substantiated tasks and means of physical education, complexes of motor skills to be mastered, a list of specific norms and requirements. The program-normative foundations of the system of physical education are concretized in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activity of the participants in the physical culture movement (study, work in production, military service) in two main directions: general and specialized.

The basic principles of physical education (principles of all-round assistance to the all-round harmonious development of the personality, applied and health-improving orientation) are concretely embodied in the program-normative foundations.

Program-normative foundations are revealed in a three-stage system of interrelated regulatory requirements for the level of physical fitness and physical education of the population.

) The unified state programs of physical education determine the mandatory minimum of physical education, carried out in nurseries, kindergartens, general education schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

In these programs, the main means of physical education and regulatory requirements for indicators of physical fitness and physical education are established, taking into account age, gender and type of educational institution.

) The sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus is a program and regulatory basis for the requirements for the physical training of people. The complex covers persons of both sexes aged 7 to 17 years. Part of the funds and some regulatory requirements of the complex are included in the unified state programs of physical education. This shows their interdependence.

The progressive development of the system of physical education is accompanied by a change in the content, structure and regulatory requirements of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with age capabilities, regulatory requirements increase in each successive step.

The normative requirements of each stage determine, firstly, the quantitative criteria for achievements in some of the most important actions for a person (running, jumping, etc.); secondly, the range of vital motor skills that a person needs for a full-fledged life; thirdly, the amount of theoretical information about the rules of personal and public hygiene.

) A unified sports classification is the highest final step of the program-normative basis of the system of physical education. It establishes the principles and rules for conferring sports categories and titles that are uniform for all sports organizations of the country, as well as standard requirements for the preparedness of athletes that are uniform in each sport. The main purpose of the sports classification is to promote the mass character of sports, the comprehensive education of athletes, improve the quality of their training and, on this basis, achieve the highest sports results.

The composition of sports and the regulatory requirements in individual sports are reviewed approximately every four years, usually in the first post-Olympic year. Thus, the required perspective for the development of each sport for the next Olympic Games is being created.

The sports classification provides for two types of regulatory requirements: category standards for sports, in which the results are evaluated by objective indicators (in terms of time, weight, distance, etc.), and category requirements for sports, in which the achievement is evaluated after the fact and the value of the victory won in the competition personally or as part of a team (boxing, sports games, etc.).

The Regulations on the Unified Sports Classification provide for rules obliging an athlete to improve their theoretical training and general physical training. This creates conditions for the comprehensive development of a person and establishes continuity with the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

The system of physical education is based on a certain set of normative acts regulating its functioning. These acts have different legal force (laws, resolutions, decrees, instructions). A special place among them is occupied by the Constitution, which enshrines the right of people to physical education. There are other regulatory documents that determine the activities of organizations and institutions that provide physical education (kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, universities, etc.).

Organizational bases. The organizational structure of the system of physical education is made up of state and public-amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

The state line provides for systematic compulsory physical exercises in preschool institutions (nursery-kindergarten), general education schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, the army, and medical and preventive organizations. Classes are held according to state programs, at the hours allotted for this in accordance with the schedule and official schedule, under the guidance of full-time specialists (athletic personnel). The organizational basis of physical education systems is a combination of state and public forms of management.

The state form of management is carried out by state bodies and institutions on the basis of uniform programs.

The main links of the state form of management and implementation of physical education are:

Ministry of Public Education (kindergartens and nurseries, secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities);

Ministry of Defense (military units and divisions, military schools, institutes, academies);

Ministry of Health (physical education dispensaries, polyclinics [exercise therapy], health resorts);

Ministry of Culture (clubs, Houses and Palaces of Culture, parks of culture and recreation);

Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (DYUSSH, SHVSM, SDUSHOR).

The public-amateur form of organization and leadership is aimed at the mass coverage of physical education on an amateur basis for all age contingents of the population.

These include: trade unions, defense organizations - DOSAAF, sports clubs, sports societies (DSO - Dynamo, Spartak, etc.).

The system of physical education is a holistic, complexly organized formation of a dynamic nature. As in any social system, in the system of physical culture it is necessary to single out the constituent parts (elements) and their certain interconnections, relationships (structure). Referring to the studies of Oblonsky, the author gives a structural-functional model of the system of physical culture.

In this model, the author singles out three functionally autonomous and qualitatively original blocks as components of the system: a block for realizing the goals of physical culture, a block for providing and a block for controlling.

At the same time, physical education is a complex social system. Physical education as a system is a set of goals, objectives, principles, as well as means, methods and forms that make up the process of physical improvement of various groups of the population, and the management of this process in the interests of the individual and society, taking into account the requirements of those areas of life in which these groups are functioning.

Any system includes attributes that characterize both the system object itself and the procedure for studying it, namely:

the presence of system-forming, system-regulating and system-filling factors;

The feasibility of the system, i.e. the presence of a goal;

the presence of a certain structure (structure);

the functions of the system and its components, which determine the direction of the system to achieve a certain result;

the presence of direct and reverse links, subordination and coordination relations between the elements of the system;

the stability of the system to external influences, the preservation of its integrity to the required limits.

The system-forming factor of the system of physical education is the objective requirements of society for the preparation of people with an optimal level of physical development, functional capacity and physical fitness as the energy base of performance in various areas of professional activity.

The system-regulating factor is a combination of various objective and subjective conditions that have a direct and indirect impact on the state of the physical education system in the country. To a greater extent, this role is played by the component of conceptual attitudes.

The system-filling factor is largely predetermined by the requirements of conceptual settings. It characterizes the degree of organization of the educational process in various parts of the system, the actual time spent on all types of physical exercises, the availability and level of preparedness of managerial personnel, the state of the material and technical base and the degree of provision with sports equipment and property in the field, etc.

The expediency of the functioning of the system of physical education is due to the presence of its goal, concentrating the general orientation of the pedagogical process in the system, its various links in the interests of the relevant social practice.

The scientifically substantiated goal of physical education corresponds to the general direction of the entire system and is divided into several private goals achieved in the process of functioning of its individual links. This goal tree comprehensively reflects both general and specific requirements for the physical condition of various contingents of the population.

The integrative qualities of the system of physical education are acquired in the process of functioning of all its parts. At the same time, the components and elements of the system acquire qualities that are not characteristic of each of them, taken separately, outside the field of their interaction. The integrative influence of the system and its structural components on the subject, object and the process of physical education itself is manifested in its resulting impact on them, characterized by the improvement of the adaptive capabilities of the organism of those involved and the acquisition of their ability to perform work that was beyond their strength before.

The presence of a certain structure (structure) is the most characteristic feature of the system. According to academician P.K. Anokhin, only a complex of such selectively involved components is called a system, in which interaction and relationships take on the character of interaction of components to obtain a focused useful result. Therefore, in every biological or social system, its parts are so interconnected that the loss of any of them leads to the collapse of the entire system or to a sharp violation of its integrity.

The main components of an integral system of physical education are the subsystems of physical education in preschool, school institutions, universities and law enforcement agencies, and the components are:

the process of physical education;

management of the process of physical education;

conceptual foundations (methodology) of physical education.

These components are characteristic for each link (subsystem) of the physical education system and at the same time are interconnected by internal links that determine their typology (single or multilevel). The system of physical education is a complex three-level system: at the lower initial level there is a component of the process of physical education, represented by means, methods and forms of organization of those involved; at the middle level - a component of physical education process management, including its specific means, methods and forms of process management; at the highest level - a component of methodology as a set of goals, objectives and principles of physical education.

The functions of the system and its components are expressions of the vital activity of the system of physical education and are predetermined by the features and patterns of the process of forming motor skills and improving the physical (motor) abilities (qualities) of a person. The main functions of the physical education system are related to education, development, upbringing, health improvement and recreation. They follow from the psychological and pedagogical essence of the process of physical improvement of a person.

The effectiveness of the functioning of any system largely depends on the presence of clear direct and feedback links, subordination and coordination relationships between the components and elements of the system, as well as similar relationships with systems of a higher order. Subordination implies hierarchical subordination of all elements of the system of physical education to each other, and coordination relations - their consistency with each other.

Any dynamic system is characterized by resistance to external influences, which ensures the preservation of its integrity to the required limits.

The system of physical education retains its integrity as long as the connections between its components and elements remain stronger than their connections with the environment, with a system of a higher order. As soon as internal connections weaken under the influence of certain circumstances, the system of physical education breaks up into separate parts.

Among the components of the subsystem of the conceptual foundations of the system of physical education, the most important, determining its direction, are the goal, objectives and general principles.

The purpose of physical education is understood as the optimization of the physical development of a person, the comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities inherent in each and related abilities in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities that characterize a socially active person; the ability to ensure on this basis that each member of society is prepared for fruitful labor and other types of activity.

The achievement of the set goal can be carried out as a result of the implementation of specific tasks. In both textbooks, the authors distinguish two groups of tasks: specific and general pedagogical.

The first group of tasks should include:

tasks for the development and improvement of the basic physical qualities of a person (strength, agility, speed, endurance);

tasks for the formation of motor skills (swimming, sports, skiing, etc.);

tasks that provide for the instillation of certain knowledge, methodological skills and abilities in those involved in physical culture, which would contribute to their use to improve health and maintain long-term creative activity and efficiency.

The second group of tasks of physical education includes tasks of a general pedagogical (non-specific) nature. Firstly, systematic physical exercises contribute to moral, aesthetic, labor, military-patriotic and other types of education. Secondly, in the process of physical education, one can effectively bring up moral and political (comradeship, honesty, friendliness, love for the Motherland, city, sports society, one's team, etc.) and psychological (volitional, emotional processes, memory, attention, perception, etc.) qualities and personality traits.

Depending on the contingent of people involved in physical culture, their motivation and attitudes, the specification of the profiling direction in physical education (basic physical education, professionally applied physical education or physical training, sports training), differentiation of general and specific tasks is carried out.

In order to set adequate and specific tasks, as well as to effectively implement them in the process of classes, it is necessary to observe certain principles, which are understood as the most significant, important provisions that reflect the basic natural science laws of education in general and physical education in particular.

In this regard, general methodological principles (consciousness and activity, visibility, accessibility, systematic, individualization) and the principles of physical education are usually singled out. If the former reflect the patterns of human upbringing in general and are considered in the course of general pedagogy, then the latter determine the consideration of specific patterns of building physical education as a pedagogical process. The principles of physical education include the following provisions: continuity, gradual increase in developmental and training influences, the principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest, adapted balancing of load dynamics, cyclical construction of classes, the principle of age adequacy of physical education areas.

The essence of the principle of continuity is revealed in the following main provisions:

The first provision of the principle of continuity assumes that the process of physical education is an integral system, which provides for a sequence in the conduct of physical exercises.

Consistency is the most important condition for the process of learning movements and the process of educating physical qualities.

In the age and long-term plan, the sequence in building the process of physical education lies in the trend: from the general broad foundation of physical training to deeper and narrower (specialized) training.

The second provision of the principle of continuity obliges specialists of physical culture and sports, when building a system of classes, to ensure a constant continuity of the effect of classes, to eliminate large breaks between them in order to exclude the destructive effect of what was acquired earlier in the process of physical exercises.

The principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest in the process of physical education is an important provision, on which the total effect of classes ultimately depends. Operating with various options for rest between classes (ordinary, hard and supercompensatory), as well as the magnitude and direction of loads, you can achieve the maximum effect with a fairly frequent exercise.

activities with relatively high intensity.

This determines such methodological ways of implementing the principle as:

rational repetition of tasks;

rational alternation of loads and rest;

repetition and variability of tasks and loads.

The principle of a gradual increase in developmental and training influences necessitates a systematic increase in the requirements for the manifestation of motor and related mental functions in those involved by increasing the complexity of tasks and increasing loads.

The progressive development of physical qualities is possible only under the condition of a systematic increase in the requirements for the functional activity of the human body.

The process of formation of various functional systems is the basis for the improvement of motor skills, each time corresponding to the requirements of changing conditions for the manifestation of skills.

The principle of adapted balancing of load dynamics involves the implementation of three main provisions:

The total load used in the process of physical education should be such that its use does not cause negative deviations in health. This provision provides for systematic monitoring of the cumulative effect of previous loads.

As it adapts to the applied load, i.e. the transition of adaptive changes to the stage of a steady state, another increase in the parameters of the total load is necessary.

The use of total loads in physical education implies, at certain stages of training, its either a temporary decrease, or stabilization, or a temporary increase.

The principle of cyclic construction of classes suggests that the process of physical education is a closed cycle of certain classes and stages that form cycles.

The principle of age adequacy of the directions of physical education obliges to consistently change the direction of physical education in accordance with the age stages and stages of a person, i.e. in relation to changing periods of ontogeny and especially periods of age-related physical development of the organism.

To achieve the goal of physical education, the following groups of physical education means are used:

Physical exercises;

The healing powers of nature;

hygiene factors.

The main specific means of physical education are physical exercises, auxiliary means are the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors. The complex use of these means allows specialists in physical culture and sports to effectively solve health-improving, educational and educational tasks.

Methods of physical education are understood as methods of applying physical exercises. In physical education, two groups of methods are used: specific (characteristic only for the process of physical education) and general pedagogical (used in all cases of training and education).

With its various forms, the system of physical education is included in all the main types of human social activity. The system of physical education satisfies not only his biological needs in movement, but also social ones - the formation of personality, the improvement of social relations (physical culture and sports activities are subject to strict rules and norms of behavior).

Realizing its educational and pedagogical functions, the system of physical education is able to solve the problems of moral, aesthetic, labor and intellectual development.

The system of physical education is a developed sphere of economic relations.

Being complex in its organizational structure (a combination of the principles of state and public leadership), it combines sources of financing and material and technical support of various origins: the state budget, public funds, funds from enterprises, trade unions, cooperative societies, sponsorship, etc.

In economic terms, the system acts as a branch of the national economy, which includes a developed network of industries of a material and non-material nature. In the sphere of material production, the labor of workers in the industry has a material, material form: sports facilities, equipment, shoes, clothing. But this sphere is of a service nature in relation to the main sphere of the physical education system - non-productive, aimed at the physical improvement of a person.

The system of physical education is a set of elements of physical culture ordered in relation to the purpose of the activity. As in any other social system, in physical education one can single out: 1) a certain composition and structural organization of its constituent elements; 2) functions; 3) the nature of the relationship with other systems of society.

The system of physical education can include a variety of elements of physical culture, i.e. any factors of material and spiritual culture associated with the "production" of physically perfect people. However, only those that are directly related to physical education become its integral elements. Without them, the system cannot exist as a single social organism (management, personnel, scientific support, etc.).

The system of physical education is closely connected with other socio-economic systems of society: economy, politics, science and culture. Being one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations occurring in these systems. The objective socio-economic basis of these connections is the involvement of the system of physical education in social production. However, it has an indirect effect on social production. The system does not participate directly in the creation of a social product. But it has an indirect impact on this sphere through the subject of production relations - a person.

In the modern conditions of our country, the former ideological stereotypes have been destroyed, part of the youth has been seized by excessive pragmatism, nihilism and indifference to spiritual values.

In this regard, it became necessary to pay attention to this side, there was a need to reform the system of physical education, develop a humanistic concept.

Strengthening the humanistic orientation of education, the search for teaching methods in order to more effectively form the personality of each student are important distinguishing features of modern teachers.

Chapter 2. Humanistic concept and practice of physical education

2.1Fundamentals of humanization of physical culture space

The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" has identified among the most important principles of education its humanistic nature, the priority of universal values, the promotion of mutual understanding and cooperation, the realization of the right of young people to freely choose their views and beliefs. .

Belarus should be a great sports power not only thanks to the victories of our athletes, but also due to the spread of a philosophy of life that elevates and unites the dignity of the body, will and mind into a balanced whole. .

Physical education not only declares humanistic ideas, but also achieves their practical implementation, since it is a socio-pedagogical activity within the social system, aimed at solving problems related to the formation and improvement of motivation - interest in sports, the need for systematic sports, an important means formation of human physical culture as an element of a healthy lifestyle.

To determine the subject of the study, it became necessary to clarify the concept of "humanization", as well as the related concepts of "humanism", "dehumanization", "non-violence", "morality".

Humanism reflects the totality of provisions that affirm humanity on Earth. The concept of humanity changed as the self-value of human life was realized. These changes are reflected and have come down to us in folklore, epic, philosophical, artistic and religious literature. Humanism as a moral setting of philosophical thought has its roots in ancient Greek anthropologism - the doctrine of man as the highest creation of nature. Already the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras [c. 480 - approx. 410 AD BC e.] proclaimed: "... Man is the measure of all things: existing, because they exist, and non-existent, because they do not exist." This thesis gave the European humanism of the Renaissance an anthropocentric orientation. He was characterized by the idea of ​​man as the center of the universe. He justified the right of a person to view the whole world through the prism of his interests.

There are narrow and broad understanding of humanism. In a narrow sense, this is a secular, anti-clerical, cultural movement of the Renaissance. Historically, it refers only to the period of transition from the Middle Ages to the New Time. In a broad sense, humanism is a moral worldview position, a setting for the benefit of man.

As an ideological position, humanism characterizes a set of ideas, views that affirm as the highest value human life and a person as a person, his right to life, freedom of self-determination and choice, to the diversified development of his abilities. Humanism proclaims equality of opportunity, justice, philanthropy as the norm of relations between people. It proceeds from love for a person, considers the good of a person as the main criterion for evaluating everything that exists. Humanism is optimistic in nature because it affirms the happiness of people, faith in man, his ability to know and improve himself, reverence for life. With minor differences, humanistic attitudes are reflected in the moral prescriptions of world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.

Being an integral part of the worldview, humanism is manifested in all types of human life. It is closely connected with morality, is considered as a principle of worldview and morality. Humanism influences the worldview and behavior of a person through the moral requirements imposed on him. The comprehension of humanism as a moral phenomenon and ideological position originates in ancient times. Humanism is the ideological basis of humanization.

Humanization is the process of transforming the consciousness and behavior of individuals, their relationships, social institutions, the whole society in accordance with the humanistic worldview. The result of humanization is the affirmation in the social practice of human life, the personality as the highest value, its right to life, love, freedom of choice, happiness, and the diversified development of one's abilities.

Humanization affirms philanthropy, respect for the individual, equality of opportunity for all people, a person's concern for himself, for other people, for the surrounding nature. Along with other social and psychological processes, it contributes to the establishment of justice in society. Since ancient times, justice has been regarded as the highest virtue. In this case, it implies a correspondence between a person’s contribution to the life of society and his social position, between rights and obligations, crimes and punishments, labor and remuneration, a person’s merits and his recognition.

Humanization is focused on a person as a subject of the historical process of the development of society, increasing its activity. It creates conditions for the establishment of a person as an active rational being, whose intellectual and physical potential creates the cultural environment surrounding him. The development of science and technology, education and the level of education do not in themselves have the importance that they attach to them as factors of social progress. They become such only when they are focused on a person, in connection with what is given to a person. This orientation contains one of the main aspects of humanization. The process of humanization has a positive effect on the progressive development of the individual and society.

Physical education has significant potential for humanistic impact on the development and formation of the individual in accordance with high moral standards. These opportunities should be used to the maximum in the conditions of the consequences of the systemic crisis that has engulfed the countries of the post-Soviet space. Along with a change in the political and social structure, disruptions in the economy, the consequences of the crisis manifested themselves in a change in the system of values, social attitudes, life plans and destinies of millions of people.

The processes of dehumanization of the individual and society became a severe consequence of the crisis. They are characterized by increased utilitarianism, immorality, corruption, aggressiveness, manifestations of cruelty and violence. As a result, the destinies of millions of people have been distorted by cruelty and disregard for human life. Internecine wars, genocide on racial, religious and national grounds, terrorism - the heaviest crimes against humanity - do not meet with an alternative. Moreover, they often remain without an adequate moral assessment.

In such a socio-cultural situation, society has always needed alternative, historically established mechanisms of social self-preservation capable of resisting the destructive processes of dehumanization. These include various humanistically oriented organizations and movements. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, are connected with the school, the church, which form the humanistic worldview of the younger generation along with other social progressive humanistically oriented institutions, art and literature.

But not only the destructive processes of dehumanization exacerbate the need for humanization of various spheres of our life. Currently, in the post-Soviet countries, processes of democratization of the social structure are taking place, contributing to the sovereignization of the individual. As a result, the responsibility of the individual for the consequences of his activity increases. In conditions when a person is left alone with his system of values, social attitudes, with his conscience, finally, the value of moral humanistic regulators of his activity increases. This was one of the main reasons for drawing attention to the humanization of various spheres of human life in our time.

Progressive humanistic traditions are gradually beginning to take shape in post-Soviet society. Their development and distribution in the sphere of upbringing and education is hampered by many factors. These include the insufficient development of scientific and methodological foundations for the humanization of education. For our conditions, this is a relatively new and insufficiently studied multifaceted scientific and practical problem.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of physical education research is deeply humanistic in direction and results, the problem of its humanization is not studied in the domestic theory of physical education. If we take works where scientific goals and achieved results were not only methodological, but also methodologically focused on the humanization of physical education as a starting point, then in the domestic theory of physical education the first such studies and publications appeared in the mid-80s - early 90s years. But they do not give a holistic view of the humanization of physical education as a pedagogical problem, the main directions of its theoretical and practical solution. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the humanization of physical education have become the subject of purposeful scientific analysis and special scientific development only in recent years.

Morality is an extra-legal regulator of personality behavior. It can be humanistic and inhumane. Humanistic morality is one of the important factors in the humanization of the individual, social institutions, and society. It is a set of humanistically oriented norms, commandments, principles, prescriptions, rules, etc. that have developed in society, affecting the humane behavior of people in all spheres of life. They have evolved over many millennia of the development of mankind, are focused on a person, formed in interconnection and in accordance with his mind, feelings and will.

Humanistic or inhumane moral consciousness and behavior are formed in the process of upbringing in the family, communication with the immediate environment, at school and in the process of life practice. Moral consciousness is always individual, manifested in such personality traits as courage, honesty, generosity, compassion and others. But for this, moral norms must be experienced, acquire personal meaning and be accepted by a person as a guide to action. Morality is closely related to customs, their stable forms - traditions, - as well as public opinion. Customs as a regulator of behavior only reproduce its generally accepted forms. They seem to stabilize the relations between people achieved by society. Public opinion is a means of influencing society on the spiritual life of a person and individual groups of people, one of the manifestations of already established moral relations. Public opinion does not only depend on the prevailing morality. Under certain conditions, it can influence its formation. With insufficient ethical literacy, it can become a factor in manipulating human consciousness. As a result of such manipulation, anti-human morality can be formed.

In the process of physical education, it is necessary to take into account that humanistic morality considers a person as the highest value. Inhumane morality reduces the role of man in the social mechanism to the role of a "cog". It makes the self-value of human life dependent on its own dictated conditions. The right to life, happiness and the choice of a person's life path, according to inhumane morality, is rejected by authority. In accordance with inhumane morality, the relationship between the individual and the authority is based on inequality, fear, the recognition by the individual of his weakness and the transfer to the authority on a violent basis of the right to make decisions for himself.

Morality permeates all spheres of human life, the activities of the social institutions they have created, and public life. It manifests itself in the actions of people, state policy, in interstate and other relations. Humanistic morality is aimed at asserting universal human values, is focused on the individual, and is the moral basis of humanistic moral relations.

Three types of moral relations characteristic of a person can be distinguished: "man - man", "man - society", "man - nature". In ontogenesis, the regulation of all three types of relationships undergoes significant changes. In the process of the growth of consciousness, a person performs moral deeds not under compulsion, but out of conviction, in accordance with moral feelings and knowledge.

The humanistic orientation of a person's moral regulation of his behavior depends on the moral culture of the individual. It represents the unity of moral consciousness and behavior of the individual.

Non-violence is one of the basic principles of humanization. In the development of non-violence as a principle of humanization, three main directions have historically developed. The first one is based on the idea of ​​a person’s internal attitude towards reverence for life, the preservation of all living things. The second direction is connected with the ideal of social harmony and peaceful life. .

The ideas of nonviolence were developed by L.N. Tolstoy. At the heart of the moral and religious teachings of L.N. Tolstoy about non-resistance to evil by violence lies the saying of Jesus Christ from his Sermon on the Mount: "... May you be the sons of your Father in Heaven, for He commands His sun to rise over the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

In real life, if violence is used against evil, then it is directed, as a rule, not against the evil itself, but against its bearer - a person. Many understand the idea of ​​non-violence L.N. Tolstoy is extremely simplified as forgiveness. Such an understanding has nothing to do with his true teaching. Tolstoy understood non-resistance to evil by violence as a fruitful means of confrontation with evil. By non-resistance, we destroy the cause of evil in a person if we fight evil in a person, loving the person himself and hating his vices; we fight evil in ourselves, "... hating ourselves and loving in ourselves the universal spiritual principle" .

The ideas of non-violence received their refraction in "non-violent" pedagogy - the humanistic theory and practice of training, education and development. Non-violent physical education, based on the activity of the student, is one of the directions of its humanization.

Dehumanization - the process of loss of humanistic values ​​and humanistic ideals in society - is an alternative to humanization. It proceeds under the influence of a complex of social, economic, political and other factors. Dehumanization has many faces, manifests itself in various spheres of life, negatively affecting the spiritual life, material well-being and physical condition of a person. As a result of the dehumanization of the individual, social institutions, society, the highest value, the property of a person - his life - is valued as a commodity belonging to another. Wars, violence against people in peacetime become the norm. Through literature, art of a certain content, with the help of the media, open propaganda of violence is carried out, base human instincts are kindled, moral barriers that have been formed over many millennia are destroyed.

Defining methodological approaches to the humanization of physical education, we proceeded from the fact that it is an open system. Therefore, under the influence of changes in the socio-cultural situation and economic conditions, the system of views that determine its goals, content, pedagogical technologies and the results achieved should be adjusted. The main factor influencing the correction of the system of views that determine the humanization of physical education is the attitude towards a person. In accordance with it, physical education should always be focused on a person, the satisfaction of his vital needs.

The central problem of this orientation of physical education is the problem of the goal, which determines its tasks, influences the means used, pedagogical technologies and final results. When solving it, we proceeded from the fact that a person is the highest value of society and the state. Physical education, introducing a person into the world of physical culture, must comply with this humanistic norm. Therefore, the introduction of a person into the world of physical culture should be a non-violent process of accepting the goal, objectives and content of physical education.

It was assumed that the goal and the tasks concretizing it should contribute to the formation in the process of physical education of natural mechanisms that encourage a person to physical activity. These mechanisms can be formed on the basis of the relationship of the goal with the basic humanistic values ​​that are vital for a person and the requirements imposed on him by the conditions of life. The results of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature influenced our decision to accept as such a goal of physical education that meets these requirements, the formation of a person's physical culture.

This decision is based on the idea that a person is characterized by constant spiritual and intellectual activity, which is the motivating cause of his activity. One of the conditions for such activity is the basic humanistic values ​​that human activity is aimed at mastering. The basic humanistic values ​​include life, love, freedom. These values ​​are existential. They are dear to man, by nature inherent in his mind and subconscious. Possession of them and their preservation are the meaning of life because life is the highest value for a person. It provides him with the opportunity to love and enjoy a free existence. Other humanistic values ​​such as Motherland, truth, justice, kindness, and others are interconnected with the basic ones, ensure their possession and their preservation. A person consciously or subconsciously seeks to possess them, to preserve them because they contribute to the possession of basic values ​​and their preservation.

Due to the fact that the physical activity of a person in the process of physical education through the goal is indirectly connected with his life meanings as a means of preserving or achieving humanistic values ​​that are vital for a person, this activity itself can become a value for him, a stable motive for physical activity. However, this can only happen if the individual accepts the goal.

The formation of a person's physical culture involves the mastery of intellectual and spiritual values, motor and methodological skills and abilities, and requires the achievement of the level of functional capabilities necessary for a full-fledged life activity. In the process of mastering these values, a person is involved in vigorous activity, forms himself as a social value.

For the full-fledged formation of the physical culture of a person, an active, creative physical culture activity of a student is necessary. Its obligatory condition is the motivation of physical education and self-education. The main factors of such motivation are, first of all, the content of physical education, the method of its implementation and the system of educational requirements. One of the important prerequisites for the formation of the physical culture of the individual is the system of social requirements for the formation of the physical culture of the individual on the part of society and the conditions for its formation, created by society for the individual.

However, the main figure on which the formation of the physical culture of the individual depends, in the end, is the person himself. He decides how to live, what he should be, and is responsible for the decision. Therefore, physical education in the education system should be a factor that helps a person make a decision that is useful for him. To do this, it should be formed taking into account age characteristics, sexual dimorphism, be focused on the dominant needs at a given age, take into account the psychophysical, intellectual and other capabilities of those involved.

The formation of a person's physical culture is closely connected with humanistic values ​​that ensure health promotion, preservation and extension of human life. Under the condition that the goal of physical education is aimed at mastering humanistic values ​​that are vital for the individual, the goal becomes for him not only a system-forming, but also a sense-forming factor motivating activity.

In the domestic theory and methodology of physical education as a specialized area of ​​pedagogical knowledge, four main groups of principles have been formed. Each of them reflects the humanistic essence of physical education as a pedagogical process, gives it a humanistic orientation to the extent that it corresponds to the humanism of ethics and the humanism of pedagogy.

The first group includes the most common, so-called. "social" principles that determine the social requirements for physical education. They represent a refraction through the specifics of physical education of the basic humanistic ideas embedded in the humanism of ethics and in the humanistic content of pedagogy. These are the principles of the versatile harmonious development of the personality, the health-improving orientation and the application of physical education. They define the most general social requirements for the humanization of the target settings, content, process and results of physical education. These principles primarily reflect the humanism of the doctrine of the purpose, tasks and content of physical education and self-education.

The second group includes general pedagogical principles that have developed in pedagogy and have been applied in physical education. In essence, these are general pedagogical didactic principles formulated taking into account the specifics of physical education. The humanism of these principles primarily lies in the fact that, being formulated taking into account the laws and characteristics of physical education, they facilitate the process of learning, development and education for the student and the teacher. These include the principles of consciousness and activity, visibility, accessibility and individualization, and, to a certain extent, systematicity. They fill with humanistic content the study of knowledge and the formation of methodological competencies, the study of movements and the development of coordination abilities in the process of physical education and self-education. In addition, the last two principles are also related to the humanization of the content component of physical education.

The third group of principles is formulated on the basis of specific patterns of building physical education. It determines the humanism of the content of the theory of planning and technologies of physical education and self-education. It includes the principles of continuity and systemic alternation of work and rest, gradual increase of training influences and adaptive balancing of their dynamics, cyclic construction of the system of classes, age adequacy of physical education directions. They reflect the humanistic orientation of the sections of the theory and practice of physical education, related to the increase in functional capabilities and the development of conditional abilities on this basis, motor rehabilitation and motor recreation in the process of physical education and self-education, etc.

The fourth group of principles is mainly related to the definition of the content of physical education. This group of principles is a concretization of predominantly traditional general pedagogical principles of nature conformity and cultural conformity in relation to the content of physical education. It includes the principles of compliance of the content of physical education with the age and gender characteristics of students, the unity of its basic and variable components, consideration of environmental conditions, connection of the content of physical education with national culture. Reflecting the humanistic essence of the theory and practice of selecting and designing the content and results of physical education and self-education, these principles are also connected with other components of physical education.

At the level of creative formation of the physical culture of the individual, knowledge is needed that allows one to operate with general concepts, set oneself and independently solve the tasks of physical education and self-education. Along with knowledge, in the process of physical education, methodological skills and abilities necessary for their practical application should be formed.

The formation of a self-developing personality is an important priority for the implementation of the humanistic idea of ​​physical education. It should be carried out on the basis of a full-fledged physical education and the assimilation by a person of humanistic values ​​that motivate physical self-improvement.

An important direction in the humanization of physical education is the formation of physical culture and sports interests of the individual. For this, physical education should be emotionally saturated, bring useful results for the student, excite and satisfy the need for self-knowledge, and evoke a feeling of natural satisfaction from motor activity.

The humanistic approach assumes in the process of designing and implementing the content of physical education the observance of the requirements of the principle of compliance with the age and sex characteristics of those involved.

An important direction of its humanization for physical culture practice is the allocation of basic and variable components in physical education. The basic component includes knowledge, skills, levels of development of motor abilities that provide psychophysical adaptation at the moment and to future living conditions. It is developed taking into account the existing national system of physical education, which corresponds to the resource provision that has been formed for many decades, and modern requirements for physical education.

The variable component is formed taking into account the fact that the same result of physical education can be achieved through the use of its various means, which is due to the transfer of fitness and other factors. In practice, this is confirmed by the fact that in different countries physical education systems differing in content provide the same degree of specific adaptation of pupils and students to approximately the same environmental factors, production technologies, military duties, and other coinciding living conditions.

Accounting for unfavorable environmental conditions is the next priority direction of the humanization of physical education. Under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions, conditions occur that are considered as borderline between the norm and pathology. This significantly increases the requirements for the selection of content, individualization of physical education and the level of medical and pedagogical control over it.

Physical education should be culturally appropriate, providing a connection with the national culture. The education system is a social institution that transmits the values ​​of world and national culture to the individual and society. Physical education, being an element of the education system, must also preserve, transmit and multiply these values, using its specific means, rooted in the national culture. These include primarily folk dances and outdoor games.

Along with the considered, important directions of humanization of modern physical education are its intellectualization and strengthening of the health-improving orientation. To do this, physical education should increasingly focus on educational and recreational-hedonistic functions. Preference should be given to modern, attractive forms of movement, characterized by motor expression, artistic expressiveness, allowing creative improvisation. In the process of physical education, along with its traditional athletic content, more attention should be paid to modern dance, the formation of coordination abilities, mobile and sports games, other emotionally saturated, corresponding to the fashion for sportiness, types of exercises and health systems.

In the context of the processes of democratization of society, which are characterized by increased autonomy of the individual, all components of physical education should be designed and implemented taking into account the human dimension. This means that physical education under these conditions, in order to correspond to them, must attract a person to itself, be necessary, interesting and useful for a person, be recognized as a cultural phenomenon that is necessary for him. This requires going beyond the approach that has developed over many years, when a person was considered in the process of physical education mainly as an organism, and a transition to a versatile account of his characteristics as a subject of physical education, an individual, individuality, personality.

In this regard, modern ideas about the problem of human corporeality in the process of life deserve special attention. In accordance with them, the human body, included in the system of social relations and types of its social life activity, becomes, on the one hand, the result of this life activity, and, on the other hand, its means. At the same time, the use of the body as a means imposes special requirements on the knowledge, skills, habits, and lifestyle of a person as a whole.

2 Humanization of physical education of schoolchildren

The humanistic orientation of moral consciousness as a side of the moral culture of the individual and his behavior is formed throughout life. But a particularly important period of its formation is childhood and adolescence. At this age, important and sometimes decisive factors that shape humanistic consciousness are also the immediate informal environment, especially the family, the reference group, the children's team, the school environment, etc. The humanization of the individual largely depends on how moral consciousness and moral behavior are formed in school, how the school coordinates its work on moral education with the family. But the main factor in the humanization of the personality is the activity of the individual in moral self-improvement. The whole complex of educational influences should be directed to the formation of such activity.

Educational activity in the process of physical education has significant potential for humanistic impact on students. For their successful use, certain conditions are necessary: ​​humanistically oriented goal, objectives and content of physical education. The relationship between the teacher and students, built on a humanistic basis, taking into account the centuries-old experience in the formation of morality and humanistic education, is only one of the conditions for successfully solving the problems of humanizing the student's personality.

In the pedagogical process, dehumanization is manifested in the manipulation of a person, in deception, the use of methods of violent pedagogical guidance of educational activities, etc. In physical education, as a special case, it manifests itself in violation or non-compliance with the requirements of traditional humanistic principles of physical education: health-improving orientation, versatile harmonious development of the personality, accessibility and individualization, adequacy of the requirements of physical education to age and gender characteristics and in other forms that are detrimental to the subject of education and upbringing.

One of the devastating consequences of dehumanization is the person's awareness of his helplessness. In combination with other negative processes in the social, legal, economic, scientific, technical and cultural spheres, it leads the individual to pessimism, disappointment, loss of moral guidelines, and faith in the future. To a certain extent, a humanistically oriented teaching and upbringing process, based on high moral values ​​accepted by a person, and on the high pedagogical skill of a teacher guided by a humanistic worldview, can resist the processes of dehumanization of a person to a certain extent.

To the greatest extent, the social processes of the transition period affected the fate of young people. Therefore, at present, the problem of humanization of the education system for young students, including physical education as its integral part, has become especially acute. The complexity of the humanization of physical education is largely due to the systemic problems of education and the problems of physical culture as an integral part of culture and their interaction.

One of the systemic problems of education that is directly related to humanization is the problem of confrontation between the two paradigms of education and upbringing. From the time of Pythagoras to the present day, the school has been maneuvering between the paradigms of humanistic and authoritarian education and upbringing. They have different ethical and theoretical and methodological grounds, they differ, first of all, in their attitude to the subject of training and education, and in many other indicators. The physical education of young students functions and develops in accordance with the general laws of the functioning and development of the education system, therefore, it is also characterized by the confrontation between humanistic and authoritarian paradigms.

The essence of the problem is that, formally, the results of the activities of an experienced teacher, guided by authoritarian professional attitudes, and a humanist teacher, focused on humanistic professional attitudes, can be hardly distinguishable, since an authoritarian approach does not mean a lack of knowledge and experience. But in moral terms, the activity of a humanist teacher is incomparably more socially justified.

Speaking about the advantages of the results of the activity of a humanist teacher and the humanistic orientation of physical education, it is necessary to always take into account the position of the student in relation to them. And it is not always unambiguously positive. Much in assessing the surrounding reality depends on the "I-concept" of the student. Being formed as a person in a certain environment, with his established "I-image", the student may prefer an authoritarian leadership style as giving him certain benefits and advantages. After all, "authority" takes responsibility for solving many issues and fully repays obedience. Therefore, the humanization of physical education involves the humanization of its subjects - the student and the teacher.

The teacher plays a significant and often decisive role in shaping the personality of a humanist citizen and humanizing society. He can fulfill his humanistic educational function because "so they demand." But it is better if the teacher does this in accordance with his humanistic worldview. Such a worldview must be formed by everyone who decides to become a teacher. Simultaneously develop and master humanistically oriented pedagogical technologies.

A humane personality is formed more effectively in the process of humanistically directed activity. But this requires the appropriate conditions. Significantly important among them are the humanistic theoretical and methodological foundations, the humane practice of physical education, highly qualified humanist teachers who are able to implement the humanistic theoretical and methodological foundations in the process of practical activity.

Despite the higher efficiency of humanistic orientation, the possibility of using physical education for both humane and inhumane purposes, the problem of its humanization has not yet found its due reflection and development in the theory and methodology of physical education and self-education, in general physical education of the population and training physical education teaching staff. At the same time, to the credit of the majority of physical education teachers, the real practice of physical education has developed and is developing most often in a humanistic direction. But this development occurs mostly spontaneously, by trial and error.

The need to develop scientific and methodological foundations for the humanization of physical education and their implementation in practice is due not only to the higher efficiency of the humanistic approach in solving the problems of physical education, but also to considerations of a higher order. The school has a significant impact on the formation of the personality of the student. Depending on the content of training and education, the direction of activity for its development, it can either contribute to the formation of a humane, creative personality, or the formation of a person who is not able to act towards others as he would like others to act towards him. So that our descendants have a future, so that it is bright, the sacred duty of the school is to educate active humanist citizens who are able to live on the planet without violence against the individual, guided by humanistic morality, following humanistic principles. The fulfillment of this duty requires solving the problem of humanization of education and upbringing, including physical education.

Our traditional physical education does not yet have a sufficient scientifically substantiated program and methodological complex that allows us to provide a full-fledged pedagogical support for these requirements. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of scientific validity and technological development of the humanistic orientation of the content of physical education to solve the actual problem of physicality.

The need for humanization is due to state interests, which are reflected in a number of important documents related to the development of physical culture and sports in the country and the improvement of the people by their means. First of all, we note the Law "On Physical Culture and Sports", in which the physical education of young students is given at least three hours a week, subject to three classes a day during the entire period of study. In the Republic of Belarus, this was done earlier and in a more organized manner than in a number of other countries of the world, and testifies to the humane attitude towards children. The Government of the Republic of Belarus has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which reveals the moral, legal and pedagogical foundations of the relationship between children and adults, which have a pronounced humanistic orientation. The country has adopted a regulation on a comprehensive school, in which humanity is considered as the principle of its functioning. In accordance with it, humanism should permeate the goal, objectives and content of the entire educational process, including physical education. Humanization has been proclaimed as the basic principle of the reform of the secondary general education school.

The humanistic personality-oriented model of physical education is programmed at the level of goals, objectives, organizational, regulatory, informational, personnel and scientific support in the Main Directions of the Program and in the State Program for the Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism in the Republic of Belarus. To fulfill this state order, studies were carried out that made it possible to develop a number of socially significant documents.

Thus, the humanization of physical education is an objective reality demanded by society and the individual. Despite this, practical activities for the humanization of physical education meet with certain difficulties. One of them, very important, in our opinion, is the insufficient development of the ideological foundations of the humanistic orientation of the content, activity and resulting components of physical education.

Summarizing the above, we can assume that in environmentally unfavorable regions, for the most part of indicators, a lower level of physical fitness is established than in other regions of the country. The results of numerous studies give reason to believe that one of the main reasons for this is, first of all, the impact of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Along with it, the level of physical fitness is influenced by a number of other factors that require study. In the meantime, we can only assume that this is a change in the socio-demographic structure of the population, a lack of qualified personnel, the insufficiency of the educational base, inventory, and equipment necessary for such an ecological situation, non-compliance with hygiene requirements during physical education, the lack of necessary medical supervision over the educational process, etc. All this is reflected in its quality and results.

In connection with the new approaches to assessing progress in the subject "Physical Culture", which involves taking into account a set of indicators that affect the mark, it can be thought that maintaining the correct guidelines for physical fitness for students and teachers will become one of the conditions for improving the quality of teaching the academic discipline "Physical Culture" . So far, the results obtained do not give grounds for the development of regional scales for assessing the physical fitness of students. At the same time, the results of studies conducted in our country and abroad quite convincingly indicate that with the correct formulation of physical education in environmentally unfavorable conditions, it is possible to achieve a level of physical fitness that is slightly inferior to the indicators of students living in relatively environmentally prosperous regions. For this, taking into account the results of studies under the influence of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, it is necessary to correct the content of physical education and normalize the load, taking into account the state of health of students. At the same time, strict medical and pedagogical control over the process of physical education and its results is mandatory. The educational process should be supplemented by an extensive network of well-placed extra-curricular and out-of-school physical culture and health and sports activities. All this in combination will increase the health-improving effect of physical culture, reduce the negative impact on the health of students of adverse environmental conditions, and increase the humanistic potential of physical education.

3 Creative pedagogical heritage of professor Kryazh V.N. on physical education

The development of theoretical aspects was very important for the humanization of the practice of education and upbringing.

Position I. -F. Herbart on the dependence of its results not only on the teacher, but also on the student, the subject being studied, the distribution of educational material and the course of its study. Without dwelling on the shortcomings of the didactics of I. -F. Herbart, we note his contribution to the broadly understood humanization of pedagogical practice. He scientifically substantiated the need for interest in the purpose, content and results of training and education, showed the importance of the correct distribution of educational material, established general, so-called. formal, principles of training and education for all academic disciplines.

A. Diesterweg is called the teacher of teachers. His predecessors associated training and education mainly with the method. It was believed that all the power in the method. But the time had to come for a teacher who was more closely connected with the method than a soldier with a gun. A. Diesterweg approved the humanistic understanding of the method as a way of activity that depends on the teacher and is inextricably linked with him.

Diesterweg's humanistic contribution to the theory and practice of education and upbringing includes a system of didactic rules for developmental education. In order for the teacher to be effective, he must first of all carefully study the individual capabilities of students. Only relying on the capabilities of each student, it is possible to lead him to the solution of a number of progressively more complex tasks. They must be so accessible that the student can solve them, and so difficult that their solution develops his abilities. Education should encourage the student to independent creative work. It should contribute to the education of independence, self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of students. The student must not only learn, but also learn to think and act independently.

These provisions are relevant even today because the humanization of school education and upbringing is not a fashion, but the need to change the priorities of the school, dictated by the new conditions of life. At present, the student must already be taught at school to think and act independently, to the fact that in life no one will think or act for him. The leading role in creating the conditions for such a development of the student's personality at school belongs to the teacher.

Kryazh Vladimir Nikolaevich was the first to outline the relatively complete scientific and methodological foundations of the humanization of physical education, using the results of theoretical and experimental studies in their development, many of which have been introduced into the practice of physical education. Citizen of the Republic of Belarus. Profession - teacher of physical education, human anatomy and physiology in high school. Part-time with interruptions, he led the sector, the laboratory of physical education, and a temporary research team at the National Institute of Education of the Republic of Belarus (1988-2008). In 1996-1998 concurrently collaborated with NIIFK as the author and co-leader of the development of a project to survey the physical development and physical fitness of the nation. Participant in the development of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Physical Culture and Sports", a project for the humanization of education. Scientific consultant and co-author of the development of the Main Directions for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Republic of Belarus and the first national State Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports for the period 1997-2002 complex. Author and co-author of over 460 publications. Including the monographs "Organization of the physical education of students" (1978, co-authored), "Circuit training in the physical education of students" (1982), "Gymnastics, rhythm, plastic" (1987, co-authored), "Introduction to the humanization of physical education" (1996, in three parts), "Increased radiation and physical culture" (1997, co-authored). Developer, author and co-author of the first national state curricula for educational institutions of all types, the content of general physical education in a reformed school (1989-2008), teaching aids. Author of more than 200 publications on the problem of humanization of physical education. The creative heritage of Professor Kryazh V.N. on the issues of humanization for the modern system of physical education is of invaluable importance both in theoretical and applied senses.


The idea of ​​harmonious human development has become a key value of physical education. I. Bykhovskaya rightly notes that "the idea of ​​harmony - proportionality, harmony of parts of a single whole - has never left a person."

Particular attention in the problem is paid to the search for harmony between the spiritual and physical principles, between the inner and outer worlds of a person, harmony between body and spirit.

The system of physical education is one of the effective tools of state regulation of the state of physical and moral health of the nation, which should reflect modern trends and solve urgent problems of both the state and, above all, the individual.

Humanization is a permanent controlled process of transformation of the main aspects of physical education and self-education (substantive, procedural, effective) and their components in accordance with the requirements of humanism.

The conceptual provisions of humanization determine approaches to the practical implementation of the humanism of ethics and the humanism of pedagogy in the process of physical education. The first of them defines the highest value of physical education. Such a value is a person whose creative activity ensures his personal well-being and the well-being of all members of society. It depends on many factors, the most important of which is health.

Physical education is a universal means of strengthening and maintaining health, prolonging creative longevity. However, in accordance with the proposed concept, it should not be limited only to the tasks of achieving physiological, health-improving, rehabilitation and preventive effects. As part of the state education system, it should contribute to the formation of the personality of an active citizen of a democratic society who cares about his moral, intellectual and physical self-improvement.

Not all conceptual provisions are traditional for national physical education. Some of them are not consistent with the stereotypes of professional thinking of physical culture specialists, formed in other conditions. But the younger generation requires new approaches to physical education and new criteria for its effectiveness. This is the reason for our desire to determine the directions of development of personality-oriented physical education in the near future. For their implementation, along with the solution of practical problems, it is necessary to further develop experimental and theoretical prerequisites for the humanization of the main aspects of physical education - content, procedural and effective. Mandatory use of a person's interest in their own health as a motivator and turn the process of education into an interesting and beneficial occupation for a person. In the conditions of the transitional period experienced by the countries that emerged in the post-Soviet space, the solution of these problems is significantly complicated by the problems of training and advanced training of personnel, material, technical, scientific, informational, medical support for physical education, and many others. methodological and practical approaches to their solution, it became necessary to substantiate the common targets of physical education and priority areas of activity to achieve them, developed on a single ideological basis. It was assumed that this would contribute to the concentration of efforts on the main directions of improving the state system of physical education and increase its efficiency.

The problems of introducing the humanistic concept into school education take place, which is gradually being solved through the development of methodology and the reform of the education system as a whole, as well as the involvement of out-of-school, amateur organizations to improve the process of educating a person focused primarily on caring for their own health and the formation of moral properties. in the spirit of humanism.

List of sources used

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