Onyx suits the sign of the zodiac. Onyx is a powerful stone of inspiration and energy. Earth magic - the meaning of onyx stones for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo

Onyx is a fibrous variety of chalcedony. It was formed by sedimentation of rocks with a high content of quartz. A distinctive feature of the mineral is the presence of parallel colored bands. It is used as an ornamental stone for the manufacture of dishes, jewelry, expensive cladding.

Basic properties

Onyx is a translucent or transparent stone with a banded structure. Many consider it a variety of agate. These minerals have a similar chemical structure, but the bands of agate are arranged in concentric circles.

The mineral appeared as a result of sedimentary processes with subsequent crystallization of the rock. Layers painted in different colors were formed due to the inclusion of impurities - iron, chlorides, magnesium, calcium and other elements. Sometimes in one sample you can find areas with concentric (like agate) and parallel layers. The density and composition of the bands depends on the conditions and temperature regime in which the rock was formed.

Characteristics of the main physical and chemical properties of onyx stone:

  • Chemical formula - SiO2
  • glass shine
  • Pronounced layering
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 6.5-7 points
  • Density value – 2.6g/cmᶾ
  • Maximum compressive strength - 50-110 MPa
  • Percentage of porosity - 0.35% - 0.95%
  • Water absorption - 0.1% - 0.38%
  • High resistance to low temperatures (frost resistance)
  • No cleavage

For decoration of buildings, the so-called Mexican, Algerian or marble onyx is sometimes used. In fact, it has nothing to do with the described mineral, but is marble with a striped structure. Its formula is CaCO3.

onyx deposits

The most ancient deposits of onyx were located in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and in Egypt (Nile Valley). Until now, unique black specimens are found there. Minerals were also mined in India, on the territory of ancient Rome, in Greece.

The most beautiful specimens are now found in Brazil, India, Arabia, Uruguay. There are small deposits, but with very high quality material, in the USA (Colorado, Arizona, California, Virginia, Utah). Pink Argentine onyx is highly valued. Good samples are supplied by Australia, Pakistan. Russian deposits are located in Chukotka, Kolyma, in Primorye.

onyx colors

Many varieties of onyx stone are known by people under completely different names. The most common colors:

  • Sardonyx. This mineral combines red or bright orange stripes with brown ones. Sometimes white layers are also present in the rock. The red color was provided by iron inclusions, the brown color was due to aluminosilicates, and the white color was due to non-ferrous metal oxides.
  • Green onyx. The main color of the stone ranges from pale green to rich emerald, it arose due to the inclusion of chlorides in the composition. Against the background of a green tone, dark red, brown and white stripes stand out.
  • Black or Arabic onyx. It is completely black or dark gray, has white stripes, translucent.
  • Carnelian. Similar to sardonyx, but only red and white lines combined, no brown.
  • Ordinary. So called gems of pink, blue, blue, yellow.
  • White. Absolutely white mineral is rare, it is usually pale pink, pale blue or pale aquamarine.
  • Three-layer. Combination of white, brown-red and blue stripes.
  • Cornelian. This mineral is characterized by a combination of white and brown lines.
  • onyx agate. White-gray striped pebble, looks rather inconspicuous.

The value of stones may vary, depending on their color. The red type of onyx is considered a kind of standard. Black or Arabic gem is very rare, and therefore it is very expensive. White looks gentle and sophisticated, almost like a gem.

onyx products

Archaeologists find products from a colored mineral in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Rome and Greece. Jewelry with this gem in the ancient world was worn by both men and women. According to legend, the walls of Solomon's Temple were made of onyx. They had no windows, but the sunlight came through the translucent trim stone.

In the Roman Empire, stone was often used for mosaics, decoration of baths and houses, making figures and statues. In Greece they made temple utensils. In India, one of the most popular onyx figurines is still the elephant. And in Medieval Europe, rosaries, rosaries were made from this material, and church bowls were decorated.

The stone has not lost its relevance even now. It is rarely used for decoration. Most often, the panels are made of marble, reminiscent of onyx. Often, polymeric materials with a similar pattern are used. The main direction of the modern use of the gem is the manufacture of dishes, jewelry, furniture inlay, and the manufacture of lamps.

Product prices

The cost of products depends on the size, design and quality of the stones. The setting also affects the price of jewelry. We have already said that the black gem is valued above all. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find natural stones of this shade, most of the samples are tinted. Expensive are copies with thin stripes.

The price of processed semi-precious pebbles of small size (about 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 10-20 g) ranges from 200-300 rubles. Samples of 200-400 g will cost 3000-5000 rubles. A rare translucent moonstone, black onyx can be valued at up to 6000-7000 rubles per 100-200 grams. Pakistani onyx of different colors is sold inexpensively.

Dishes can cost from 800 to 10,000 rubles or more. For example, wine glasses can be bought for 1500-3000 rubles apiece. A glass will cost 600-800 rubles, a plate - 1000-2000 rubles. The dishes will cost a little less if you buy them in a set. Stone boxes, an ashtray, depending on the size, can cost 3000-9000 rubles. Various figures (for example, an elephant, a turtle, a flower) - from 800 to 3000 rubles.

Jewelry is often made from white, black, pink gems, but other types are also used. Yellow onyx is set in silver, and black Arabic is set in gold. Jewelry also looks good - minerals set in bronze, cupronickel, TsAM. A gold ring, ring or earrings with such a stone cost 10,000-15,000 rubles. Silver jewelry - 3000-7000 rubles. A bracelet can be bought for 3000-4000 rubles if it is made only of pebbles. Gold will cost about 10,000-12,000 rubles, silver - 2 times less. Onyx beads can be purchased for 2000-3000 rubles, necklaces - for 4000-6000 rubles.

artificial onyx

The gem is not too expensive, it is often found in nature. However, it can also be faked. First of all, this concerns finishing materials. Most often they are imitations and are sold at the appropriate price. Artificial ornamental material is made from polymers (this can be a wall panel, countertop, tile, etc.). Onyx is sometimes referred to as striped marble, which is actually carbonite, not silicate.

Some not entirely honest entrepreneurs want to sell imitations to their buyers at the cost of natural stone. It is quite simple to distinguish a polymer; it is easily scratched by metal and ceramic knives and nails. Marble imitation is quite difficult to distinguish. Here it is necessary to carry out a chemical analysis of the material. It is important to remember that large slabs of real gem are now rare. Most of the materials are marble onyx.

To fake jewelry, real stones are used, which are tinted artificially. Dyes easily penetrate into the pores, but such specimens quickly lose color under the influence of fat, sweat and even ordinary water, fade in the sun. Sometimes glass or ceramics are sold under the guise of onyx stone. Jewelry can easily break at the slightest blow, which will never happen with a real gem. Often onyx is used to fake more expensive precious and semi-precious stones.

The healing properties of the stone

The mineral affects all systems of the human body. The main power of the stone is concentrated in the area of ​​the solar plexus. From here, energy is transmitted through the nerve endings to different organs. Due to a certain electrical charge, the mineral can relieve pain and inflammation.

Description of the healing properties of the onyx mineral:

  • Relieves stress, treats depression, can even prevent suicide.
  • Improves memory helps to concentrate.
  • It is very useful for weather-dependent people, they will stop responding to the weather.
  • Effectively eliminates headaches and dizziness, if you attach a gem to the forehead or to the temples of a stone pyramid.
  • Useful for renal colic, pyelonephritis, cystitis, liver pathologies. The stone must be applied to the affected area.
  • It sharpens a person's hearing, relieves fatigue from the eyes, improves vision.
  • Silver pendant with a red gem helps to treat heart diseases, improves blood circulation.
  • For rheumatism, it is recommended to wear a black mineral. You can wear bracelets, beads, apply balls or pyramids to sore joints.
  • Prevents respiratory problems.
  • Useful for male and female potency, increases libido.
  • The green variety fights aging.
  • Water infused with onyx is used to treat obesity, as it reduces appetite.
  • The powdered mineral helps to treat diseases of the oral mucosa, and also accelerates wound healing.
  • The gem can reduce body temperature, treat fever.
  • The mineral is used to prevent colds and other infections, as it boosts immunity.

It is best to use green, red and black mineral for healing. White is able to consolidate the effect of lithotherapy. No matter how strong the healing properties of onyx are, in case of serious illnesses, you should consult a doctor, use it only as an auxiliary way to get rid of ailments.

magical properties

The magic of the gem, its ability to protect from evil influences, to energize people discovered a very long time ago. The stone was used to decorate shrines. It was worn by ancient warriors, kings, emperors. It was believed that the onyx stone reveals its magical properties only in cases where a person has a pure soul and good intentions. If you try to harm someone with the power of a mineral, it will turn against the attacker himself.

The mineral is able to harmonize the mind and feelings. It is considered useful for the elderly, saves them from loneliness and abandonment. It is recommended to be worn by businessmen in order to succeed, to avoid the intrigues of competitors. The gem is very useful for people of extreme professions. They say that the stone develops eloquence, helps to convince others. It is also useful for family people, able to ensure peace and harmony in the home.

It is best to set amulets and talismans in silver. The ideal shape for a talisman is an oval or an egg. From time to time they need to be cleaned by hand, washed under running water and charged in the sun. It is impossible to wear magical jewelry all the time, they are removed at night. The ideal time of year to use talismans is autumn and spring.

Now let's take a closer look at how color affects onyx and who suits talismans with a mineral of one shade or another.


It is considered a talisman of family well-being. It should be given to newlyweds, expectant mothers. This gem brings peace and harmony to the house. If green onyx jewelry is worn by old people, they will be provided with the attention and care of loved ones. The green mineral helps direct energy in the right direction, pacify your passions. It becomes easier for leaders to find a common language with subordinates. More valuable are specimens with numerous thin stripes.


This species has the greatest magical power. It effectively protects its owner from enemies, intruders, damage and the evil eye. In India, a white gem is used to separate lovers and bring them back to their families. The mineral helps speakers hone their eloquence, choose persuasive words and phrases. It will be useful for students and students, as it promotes concentration, improves memory.


This mineral can not be worn by everyone. It enhances insight, intuition, weak people cannot cope with new abilities. The stone is considered the talisman of leaders and ambitious individuals. It helps to develop analytical and intellectual abilities, to find and correct their own mistakes. In the old days, magicians and sorcerers wore a black onyx ring on their fingers to turn away the intrigues of "competitors".

Red sardonyx

The red stone onyx or sardonyx is the stone of travelers and philosophers. It gives courage, energy, strengthens health, gives longevity. Such properties are very necessary for people who travel the world and learn the secrets of human souls. In addition, the red gem can become a family amulet. It will help spouses to remain faithful, interested in each other, even if they have been together for many years. The family amulet protects the husband and wife from quarrels, conflicts, betrayals.

Onyx and the signs of the zodiac

How do onyx and zodiac signs interact? The element of this mineral is Earth (as in Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn), its planets are Saturn and Mercury. Astrologers believe that it suits Aries best, although other signs of the zodiac can benefit.

  • Aries amulet helps to pacify emotions, protect against enemies and envious people. The talisman enhances intellectual and creative abilities, helps to achieve personal success. You need to wear almost transparent light gems.
  • Taurus needs onyx to get rid of laziness, increase efficiency, and become more sociable. It also helps the sign to cope with alcohol addiction, quit smoking. The ideal color of the amulet is white.
  • Gemini, the gem calms, helps to achieve harmony, enhances leadership qualities. The property of the mineral to increase concentration of attention will be very useful to this sign, because the restless Gemini lacks this. You should choose a white-brown carnelian.
  • For Cancer, according to the horoscope, the ability of onyx to enhance decisiveness and self-confidence will be invaluable. With the help of such a talisman, Cancer will be able to correctly set goals and achieve them. Carnelian or moonstone is best suited for the sign.
  • The leadership qualities of Lviv will increase several times. They will learn to make wise decisions, to be persistent and decisive, to find a common language with subordinates. The ideal color for Leo is black.
  • Virgos will be able to more effectively resist stress, anxieties and worries, they will learn to show their feelings. When making important decisions, they will be guided by reason, and not by their own suspiciousness. For a virgin, a white mineral is recommended.
  • Libra will gain self-confidence, spiritual harmony. If these are family people, then relations with the soulmate will reach a new level of mutual understanding and trust. For Libra, gem types of delicate light shades are suitable - blue, pink, yellow.
  • Scorpio stone will protect from problems and troubles, help to cope with apathy and melancholy. Arabic onyx is best suited for this sign.
  • Sagittarius will teach you to be more consistent, to see things through to the end, not to seek change for the sake of change, and protect you from ill-wishers and envious people. Suitable color is black.
  • Capricorn will be able to overcome any obstacles in his path, gain self-confidence, build a successful business and achieve financial well-being. It is best if Capricorn wears red onyx.
  • For Aquarius, onyx will also be useful. He will teach reasonable modesty, consistency, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to achieve their goal faster. You need to choose a cold carnelian of blue, gray or blue.

Even in ancient times, people believed in the special abilities of onyx. The black color of the mineral attracted and fascinated. It was believed that the goddess of love herself created it. The Greeks were sure that Aphrodite helps all the owners of the black gem. Magical properties were described in legends and stories. They were so believable that the fame of the power of the stone survived the centuries.

The word "onyx" means "nail" in translation. This is the main legend of the appearance of the mineral - from the nails of Aphrodite. Black onyx can only belong to people with a pure soul. He hides from others, but if he is in their hands, he will bring trouble, trouble. The soul will be destroyed and the person will perish. Different nations have beliefs about the gem:

  1. In Georgia, aristocrats wore amulets to protect themselves from hostile people.
  2. In the countries of Transbaikalia, the gem protected houses and cities from wars, raids and devastation.
  3. The Sacred Mosque in Mecca confirms the special attitude towards nuggets. The stone is immured over the entrance to the mosque.
  4. The Kaaba, the main shrine of Islam, has the appearance of a cubic building. In one of the corners, the cube consists of black crystals.
  5. In Egypt, France, Israel and Italy, the gem was considered a special luxury item. They were decorated with bottles for expensive perfumes, goblets for wine, and interior items. The stone was interspersed in the decoration of furniture. Jewelry with a gemstone was a must-have item for people who consider themselves influential people.
  6. In Eastern countries and in India, the stone was feared. According to their legends, he personified the black eyes of the dead goddess. The gem was a symbol of sadness and a source of tears.

The properties of the stone frightened the Indians and the Chinese. They believed in legends, when a stone killed love, destroyed relationships between people. The Chinese did not mine the mineral, they left the deposits where it was found. Stories are not left behind. Modern magicians continue to believe in its power, talk about magical and healing possibilities.

Onyx is one of the most mysterious and controversial stones. Esotericists call it the talisman of leaders and leaders, and the Arabs call it a stone of sadness and sorrow. From the Greek word "onyx" means "nail". And this is no coincidence, since the striped gem looks like a layered nail plate.

According to legend, when Eros accidentally cut off Aphrodite's nails, Zeus turned them into onyx. That is why outwardly the gem resembles white holes on the nails.

The first samples of stone were found by archaeologists in Egypt, Greece and Babylon and date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. In ancient times, onyx provided a special value - they were decorated with castles and tombs of rulers. It was also used as a material for making jewelry, furniture, bowls, vessels and vases.

Onyx is mentioned in the Bible: the throne of King Solomon was decorated with it.

Currently, the stone is mined in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Afghanistan. In Russia, onyx reserves are insignificant and are represented by two deposits - in Yakutia and the Irkutsk region.

magical properties

Among the ancient Greeks and Hindus, onyx was a symbol of leadership, success and wisdom. It is believed that this stone takes away negative energy, fears, phobias and insecurity, giving its owner determination, fortitude and calmness. The mineral brings good luck only to kind, positive and honest people. Who else is this stone suitable for?

  • Businessmen and leaders helps to make decisions and manage people. Protects from dangers and risks, gives physical strength and increases activity.
  • Creative people the gem bestows eloquence, promotes the development of talents and creative thinking.
  • family people gives calmness, confidence, reliability and strengthens the spiritual connection between spouses.
  • Interested in magic and esotericism onyx will endow with intuition and clairvoyance.
  • Great for seniors and people with experience. It is believed that this stone brings good luck to those who have experienced a lot on their way.

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers used onyx to cleanse the soul and body of a person. They believed that the stone is able to pass energy through itself and direct it to the patient's body.

Today, onyx is actively used in lithotherapy for the treatment of many diseases. Consider its healing properties:

  • Relieves pain;
  • Reduces fever and inflammation;
  • Treats insomnia and depression;
  • Helps with disorders of the nervous system;
  • Improves hearing and memory;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Extends life.

In addition, onyx is used during diets. If you need to lose weight, then this talisman will help reduce your appetite.

Meanings of the signs of the zodiac

In astrology, onyx is considered the talisman of Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer. How does it affect the representatives of these constellations?

  • Capricorn the stone will help you find the right solutions to difficult and confusing situations. In addition, he will help him defend his point of view in conflicts and discussions, and will also give strength to achieve his goals.
  • Virgo onyx is necessary to maintain the balance of the material and spiritual. With this stone, she will feel the joy of life and see many opportunities for the realization of her ideas.
  • Aquarius this gem will help keep emotions under control, as well as give spiritual harmony and direct his energy in the right direction.
  • Raku will help develop self-confidence. The representative of the sign, who owns such a talisman, will be able to break out of the shackles of his complexes, doubts and fears.

Proper care

This is a fairly fragile stone, so it needs special care. If you often wear onyx jewelry, then soon scratches may appear on its surface.

  1. It is impossible to allow a stone to rub against another stone, so it is better to avoid wearing an onyx ring on one finger along with another piece of jewelry;
  2. Onyx should be periodically cleaned with a toothbrush and soapy water;
  3. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is recommended to polish it with a special impregnation for stones.
  4. To make onyx shine, use a special polish.

Varieties of onyx

There are several types of onyx. You can find stones of green, brown, yellow, pink and beige shades:

  • orange-red and brown stone is sardonyx;
  • white-red - carneonyx;
  • white and black - Arabic onyx;
  • gray-white - chalcedonyx.

There are also solid stones. In jewelry stores, you can often find a green stone. In fact, it is a marble rock, which is not natural onyx. Despite the inexpensive cost, this stone is often faked. You can distinguish an original from a copy by several criteria:

  1. Color saturation. A fake can quickly fade and fade.
  2. Transparency. The veins of the original gem are visible at a depth of up to 3 cm. The structure of the fake is much denser.
  3. The weight. Onyx is a rather heavy stone, a fake is much lighter in weight.
  4. Color. Black onyx is not natural. If you see a piece of jewelry with this black stone in a jewelry store, then most likely it is a painted agate.

Talismans and amulets

It is believed that jewelry with onyx fills with vitality and removes misfortune, damage and the evil eye. Esotericists and magicians recommend purchasing this gem as a talisman on the 19th lunar day, and putting on jewelry 4-5 days after purchase.

Usually onyx is carried with them as a decoration - rings, pendants, earrings or a bracelet. The amulet, constantly located next to its owner, helps to avoid trouble and attracts good luck.

Often onyx is purchased for the home. It is known that it has a positive effect on the atmosphere of space, protects against uninvited guests and damage. And also the gem is able to purify the energy of the house.

How to wear

It is best to choose silver jewelry with onyx, as other metals will weaken its magical and healing effects. The stone is also "not friendly" with gold.

  • If you wear earrings with this gem, you can get rid of deafness and ear diseases.
  • Onyx beads are recommended to be worn by unsociable and burry people. Such decoration will instill confidence and develop eloquence.
  • A ring with a stone will strengthen physical and emotional strength.
  • To protect against dark forces, energy vampires and enemies, onyx is recommended to be worn on the chest as an amulet.
  • An onyx bracelet will help get rid of fears and indecision, and direct the energy of its owner in the right direction.

Chemical properties

This mineral is a variety of agate. It is believed that the thinner its strips, the more valuable the stone. Onyx is formed as a result of carbonate deposits in hot mineral springs.

The chemical composition of the stone is silicon dioxide. The pattern and color of onyx depends on the composition of impurities in it. If it contains a lot of magnesium and copper, then it acquires a dark green hue. The high content of iron with copper gives it a light green color. If there is a lot of iron oxide in the composition of onyx, then it becomes brown or yellow.

An interesting shade, composition and methods of application make this stone attractive to many people. Products from onyx from ancient times to this day are popular due to its unusual magical and healing properties.

Myths and stories

Onyx has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. In the Bible, you can find a mention of the Jerusalem Temple, in which the walls were made of translucent onyx. In the Muslim temple, which is located in the Kaaba, black onyx is inserted into the wall. In ancient Rome, this stone was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

This mineral has been known since antiquity, but different nations treated it differently. So, in the East, he was considered an unlucky stone. The Arabs called onyx "al jazz" - sad. The Yemeni peoples believed that it resembled the eyes of a dead woman, so they tried to sell it as soon as possible. In China, they did not come close to the mines where they mined onyx, fearing a bad omen. But the French believed that only "a person pure in heart and sinless in thoughts" could find this stone.

In the Middle Ages, onyx symbolized vision - the eyes. Onyx cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of the sculptures. Since ancient times, onyx gems have been very popular among many peoples. Known throughout the world "Gonzaga Cameo", it is rightly called the pearl of glyptics. It is carved from three-layer onyx by a remarkable craftsman of the 3rd century BC. BC e. in Alexandria. It depicts in profile King Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("Loving Sister") with his wife and sister Arsinoe. They seem to embody the masculine and feminine principles.

The history of this cameo is long and complicated. It is known that in the middle of the XVI century. she was in the treasury of the Dukes of Gonzaga in Italy, and after repeated changes of owners fell into the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1814 in Paris, his wife Josephine presented the cameo as a gift to Emperor Alexander II, on whose orders it was sent to the Hermitage for safekeeping. "Onyx is the owner's watchman from fire and madness."

Onyx was known as an ornamental and facing stone in ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. In Rome, it was used for inlays and mosaics. According to legend, in Jerusalem, in the temple of Solomon, the walls did not have windows, but let in enough light, being made of this stone. In the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, interior decoration was made from it. Onyxes have been known and widely used since antiquity. During the heyday of glyptics, it was onyx that served as the main material for products.

Locality and origin

Translated from Greek, the word "onychion" means "nail", since with its layered pattern the stone really resembles a nail. The most famous deposits of onyx are Kap-Kotanskoe and Karlyukskoe, where numerous halls, grottoes and galleries are covered with streaks of this mineral. In the Cap Cotan cave, onyx forms stalagmites and stalactites. Onyx was popular among the Romans and Greeks. In ancient Greece, all chalcedony from flesh-white to dark brown was called onyx. Later, the Romans began to attribute only dark brown and black chalcedony to onyx. Sardonyx was highly valued in ancient Rome, especially in the form of seals, since wax never stuck to it.


Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) - layers are white and black,

Chalcedonyx - gray and white,

Onyx agate - layers of different shades of gray.

Nogat and onychion (onychius) are obsolete names for onyx.

Combination with other stones or metals

This mineral in a silver frame gives the desire to live and drives away "black thoughts".

stone care

Proper care of stones is equally important for their proper wearing and use. Onyx is a fragile gem. It can break or scratch easily, so try to never let two copies touch each other. Onyx products should be cleaned with a soft toothbrush, mild soapy water and warm water, or in a home ultrasonic cleaner.


Dmitrieva N. Yu. "Stones - healers"

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The name onyx is of ancient Greek origin and means "nail". This is due to the ancient legend that onyx came from the nails of Aphrodite. Onyx stone can have a variety of colors, from very light to dark marsh. A distinctive feature of this mineral is the presence of stripes of brown, black, red and white.

magical properties

This stone helps people who keep good intentions in their hearts. The magical properties of onyx stone can be used to strengthen leadership inclinations in oneself, to develop oratory. Ancient politicians and orators put a small stone under their tongue to make their speech more convincing and sound beautiful. The owner of such a stone easily achieves what he wants and makes others listen to their opinion.

The magical properties possessed by the onyx stone give its owner a sense of stability and confidence. His strength disciplines, makes you move towards your goal. In addition, the mineral makes it possible to accumulate external positive energy and use it at your discretion. It is a stone of good mood and activity.

Onyx stone also helps to gain patience and focus on solving any problems. Keeping onyx on the table is useful for students and scientists, then their lengthy research will not be too tiring.

Onyx differs from other minerals in that it does not start working immediately. He was nicknamed for this "stone-slow-thinking." The magical properties of the mineral are manifested at the moment when a person does something significant to achieve the goal. For people who are loose and apathetic, onyx may be useless.

In ancient times, it was called the stone of leaders and commanders. It strengthens the strength of the spirit, makes its owner invulnerable and brings good luck. The owner of this stone becomes invincible.

The magical properties of onyx stone make it one of the strongest amulets. No evil force can cope with the barrier that this stone creates. The mineral is believed to protect the host from premature death.

black onyx

Black onyx is of particular importance to humans. It is a valuable and very beautiful mineral; jewelry is made from such a stone. At the same time, black onyx has unique magical properties. He is able to cure bad habits and sets up a healthy regimen.

Also, black onyx helps people understand each other's internal state, teaches them to empathize and support. If you keep this stone with you for a long time, you can notice the tendency to introspection that has arisen.

Medicinal properties

The impact of onyx on the human body is quite extensive. It is able to improve the functioning of all systems and organs, but most of all it helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, this stone improves hearing, treats diseases of the nervous system and neutralizes depressive states. In any stressful situation, this wonderful mineral will help its owner to mobilize internal resources and find a state of balance.

The healing properties of onyx will help weather-dependent people and improve the state of the cardiovascular system. Also, this mineral strengthens the spine and relieves headaches. Lithotherapists use onyx in the treatment of impotence. In addition, onyx infused water makes a great addition to any diet. It makes an obese person forget about sugary and fatty foods and easily lose weight.

Onyx in astrology

Using the healing and magical properties of onyx, it should be borne in mind that this stone is not located positively to all signs of the zodiac. Black onyx is a talisman stone for. It enhances the natural purposefulness and some rigidity in the character of this representative of the zodiacal circle.

Also, onyx will be a suitable assistant for people born under the signs, and. It allows them to accumulate positive and brings good luck both in business and in love relationships.