Acute heart failure and stroke. Drug for acute heart failure and stroke. What are the types of acute heart failure?

And a stroke should be provided to the patient by surrounding people in a timely manner if a critical situation arises. There is a very high mortality rate from these terrible diseases in the world.

The mechanism of development of heart pathology

Heart failure is not considered an independent disease. This is a syndrome that is the result of a number of long-term developing ailments: severe pathology of the heart valves, problems with coronary vessels, rheumatic heart disease, impaired tone of arteries, veins, capillaries with uncompensated arterial hypertension.

There comes a moment when, due to poor pumping of blood, the heart cannot cope with its pumping function (full pumping, blood supply to all body systems). There is an imbalance between the body's need for oxygen and its delivery. First, the fall in cardiac output occurs during exercise. Gradually, these pathological phenomena intensify. Eventually, the heart begins to work hard at rest.

Heart failure is a complication of other diseases. Its appearance may be preceded by a previous myocardial infarction, because each such pathological case is the death of a separate section of the heart muscle. At a certain point in a heart attack, the remaining viable sections of the myocardium cannot cope with the load. There is a sufficient number of patients who have a mild degree of this pathology, but they are not diagnosed. Therefore, they can suddenly feel a sharp deterioration in their condition.

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Symptoms of acute heart failure

The main manifestations of cardiac dysfunction are:

  1. The most striking signs of this syndrome are wheezing, nocturnal cough, increasing shortness of breath during movement, physical exertion, climbing stairs. Cyanosis appears: the skin turns blue, blood pressure rises. Patients feel constant fatigue.
  2. In heart failure, first dense peripheral swelling of the legs quickly develops, and then the lower abdomen and other parts of the body swell.

People who have noticed such clinical signs in themselves should immediately consult a doctor and tell about their problem. As directed by a specialist, they will undergo diagnostics. In the event of heart failure in a patient, a cardiographic study is very effective, according to the results of which a cardiologist can determine the presence or absence of structural disorders of the heart muscle. If there is a disease, the necessary treatment will be prescribed according to the scheme in order to normalize myocardial metabolism and cardiac output through the selection of rational therapy.

Heart disease is highly treatable if diagnosed early. In this case, the patient is easier to treat, the disease can be compensated. If he receives the right treatment, the patient's cardiovascular system can function successfully for many years. If the course of the disease is delayed, as the patient does not go to the doctor and is not treated, the situation is aggravated. The patient's body suffers from a lack of oxygen, there is a gradual death of body tissues. If the patient does not receive immediate treatment, he may lose his life.

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How is emergency care carried out in the event of acute heart failure?

With this pathology, the full functioning of the heart, the functions of the circulatory system can be impaired for several hours and even minutes. Sometimes signs of pathology develop gradually. There is moderate pain and discomfort. People don't understand what's going on. They wait too long before seeking medical help. Only urgent measures in this situation can save the patient's life. Immediately after the onset of clinical symptoms of heart failure, an ambulance team should be called. Doctors will take the necessary measures and offer the patient mandatory hospitalization.

While waiting for specialists, it is necessary to provide first aid to the patient:

  1. Since panic can be harmful, the patient should be tried to calm down so that anxiety and fear disappear from him.
  2. Fresh air must be provided, so the windows must be opened.
  3. The patient should be freed from clothing that restricts his breathing. The collar of the shirt must be unbuttoned and the tie must be untied.
  4. With a horizontal position of the body, as a result of the accumulation of blood in the lungs and the lack of air, the patient's shortness of breath increases. Therefore, the patient should be in an intermediate position between the lying and sitting posture (i.e., half-sitting). This helps to unload the heart, reduce shortness of breath and swelling.
  5. Then, in order to reduce the total volume of blood circulating in the body, you need to clamp the veins. To do this, a venous tourniquet is applied for several minutes on both hands above the elbow and on the hips.
  6. 1 tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue every 10 minutes is given to stop an attack. But you can not give more than 3 tablets.
  7. Blood pressure should be under constant control.
  8. This pathology significantly reduces the well-being of a patient with a cardiovascular disease. Often, the patient's chances of saving a life depend on the people who are nearby at a critical moment.
  9. If it has happened, the surrounding people should do before the arrival of the medical team in order to return the patient to life.

Stroke and heart failure

Heart failure is the most severe pathological condition of the human body. It lies in the fact that the heart, for one reason or another, is not able to perform its function of pumping blood completely.

Because of this, the entire body, each of its cells, each organ experiences a very strong oxygen starvation. But the most serious complication of heart failure is a stroke, which is caused by a severe violation of blood circulation in the brain.

Acute heart failure develops very, very quickly, almost instantly. It refers to terminal states and can easily lead to the death of the patient. And therefore, stroke and heart failure are the diseases whose symptoms everyone should know.

What can lead to the fact that the heart will start to work incorrectly and not work with all its strength? In the first place among such causes is, of course, myocardial infarction - a very common disease that most often occurs in men. This is followed by a violation of the coronary blood flow and compression of the heart by other organs. Compression of the heart or tamponade very often occurs with pulmonary edema or tumors that are located in the chest. At the same time, the heart simply does not have enough space for normal work, and it begins to give severe failures. Often, heart failure occurs with infectious lesions of the pericardium or myocardium, when bacteria and microbes literally destroy the walls of this organ.

An attack of heart failure develops in a few minutes. Such a state is always sudden and unexpected both for the patient himself and for his relatives. At the same time, the patient feels that he simply has nothing to breathe and everything is squeezed in his chest. The skin of a person begins to turn blue sharply and quickly due to a lack of oxygen supplied to it. The person loses consciousness. But the worst thing is that very often all these symptoms are accompanied by complications such as pulmonary edema, myocardial infarction and hypertensive crisis. And, of course, a stroke. Stroke and heart failure are two diseases that in most cases occur in parallel.

A stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the veins and arteries of the brain. There are 3 varieties of this serious disease.

The first variety is the ischemic type or cerebral infarction. This condition most often develops after the age of 60. For the development of this condition, there must be some prerequisites - heart defects, diabetes mellitus, or the same heart failure. Most often, cerebral infarction develops at night.

The second type is a hemorrhagic stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. This pathology very often manifests itself in people aged 45 to 60 years. The cause of this condition is usually high blood pressure or hypertensive crisis. This condition develops very suddenly and more often in the daytime after a strong emotional or physical stress.

And finally, the third type of stroke is subarachnoid hemorrhage. It occurs at the age of 30 - 60 years. Here, the leading factor is most often smoking, a one-time consumption of a huge amount of alcohol, high blood pressure, excess body weight or chronic alcoholism.

A sudden onset of a stroke may well end in the death of a person, which is why you should definitely call an ambulance immediately. Only professional medical workers will be able to correctly determine the type of stroke and provide the necessary first aid. All further treatment will take place in the hospital.

But a stroke in its treatment is often accompanied by pneumonia and bedsores. These complications in themselves can cause a lot of problems for the patient, and pneumonia, again, can lead to death.

Everyone should know that acute heart failure and stroke are very dangerous conditions. Everyone should be aware of what needs to be done to prevent their development. And you don’t need to do so much for this: lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, monitor your weight, do not overwork and avoid stress, measure blood pressure daily and just enjoy life. It is worth knowing that a stroke is not only a disease of the elderly. Under certain circumstances, it also affects people of a fairly young age.

Acute heart failure: first aid

Heart failure is the leading cause of death in cardiovascular disease. Due to coronary heart disease, hypertension, or valvular defects, the heart cavities lose their ability to contract synchronously. The pumping function of the heart is reduced. As a result, the heart ceases to supply tissues and organs with oxygen and nutrients. A person is waiting for disability or death.

Acute heart failure (AHF) is an acute clinical syndrome that is caused by a violation of the systolic and diastolic function of the ventricles of the heart, leading to a drop in cardiac output, an imbalance between the body's need for oxygen and its delivery, and, as a result, dysfunction of organs.

Clinically, acute heart failure manifests itself in several ways:

  1. Right ventricular heart failure.
  2. Left ventricular heart failure.
  3. Small ejection syndrome (cardiogenic shock).

Left ventricular acute heart failure


Left ventricular acute heart failure occurs as a result of stagnation in the pulmonary circulation, which leads to impaired gas exchange in the lungs. This is manifested by cardiac asthma. whose characteristic features are:

  • sudden shortness of breath
  • suffocation
  • heartbeat
  • cough
  • severe weakness
  • acrocyanosis
  • pale skin
  • arrhythmia
  • lowering blood pressure.

To alleviate the condition, the patient takes a forced position and sits with his legs down. In the future, the symptoms of congestion in the small circle may increase and turn into pulmonary edema. The patient develops a cough with the release of foam (sometimes mixed with blood), bubbling breath. The face acquires a cyanotic hue, the skin becomes cold and sticky, the pulse is irregular and weakly palpable.

First aid for acute left ventricular heart failure

Pulmonary edema is a medical emergency. The first thing to do is call an ambulance.

  1. The patient is placed in a sitting position with legs down.
  2. Under the tongue give nitroglycerin or ISO-MIC.
  3. Provide access to fresh air.
  4. Put tourniquets on the thighs.

After hospitalization, the patient undergoes further treatment:

  • Reduce the increased excitability of the respiratory center. The patient is prescribed narcotic analgesics.
  • Reducing congestion in the pulmonary circulation and increasing the contractile function of the left ventricle. With high blood pressure, drugs are administered that expand the peripheral vessels. At the same time, diuretics are administered.

With normal blood pressure, nitrates (nitroglycerin preparations) and diuretics are prescribed. With low blood pressure, Dopamine, Dobutamine are administered.

Right ventricular acute heart failure

Right ventricular acute heart failure is manifested by venous congestion in the systemic circulation. It most often occurs as a result of pulmonary embolism (PE).

It develops suddenly and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest pain, bronchospasm
  • blueness, cold sweat
  • swelling of the neck veins
  • liver enlargement, tenderness
  • rapid thready pulse
  • decrease in blood pressure
  • swelling in the legs, ascites.

First aid for acute right heart failure

Before the ambulance arrives:

  1. Elevated position of the patient in bed.
  2. Access to fresh air.
  3. Nitroglycerin under the tongue.

In the intensive care unit:

  1. Oxygen therapy.
  2. Anesthesia. When excited, a narcotic analgesic is prescribed.
  3. The introduction of anticoagulants and fibrinolytic drugs.
  4. The introduction of diuretics (with PE is usually not prescribed).
  5. Introduction to prednisolone.
  6. The appointment of nitrates, which reduce the load on the heart and improve the function of the right ventricle.
  7. In small doses, cardiac glycosides are prescribed along with polarizing mixtures.

Low cardiac output syndrome

Cardiogenic shock occurs as a result of myocardial infarction. cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, tension pneumothorax, hypovolemia.

It is manifested by pain syndrome, a drop in blood pressure down to 0, a frequent thready pulse, pallor of the skin, anuria, collapsed peripheral vessels. The course may develop further with pulmonary edema, renal failure.

Eczema causes stroke and heart failure

(Average score: 4)

Due to skin problems, people often lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Eczema can cause heart failure and stroke. Doctors came to such conclusions after analyzing the health status of 61,000 adults aged 18 to 85 years.

The study found that people with eczema were 54% more likely to be obese and 48% more likely to have hypertension.

In adults with skin disease, doctors have noted an increased risk of heart failure and stroke.

The risk may be the result of poor lifestyle and bad habits. As the doctors explained, eczema often manifests itself in childhood and leaves its mark on a person's life: it reduces self-esteem and self-esteem. Due to psychological problems, people resort to bad habits.

“Eczema is not just a skin disease. It affects every aspect of a patient's life,” explained lead researcher Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, assistant professor of dermatology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago.

So, scientists have found that people with eczema drink and smoke more than others. In addition, a person with problematic skin is less likely to play sports: sweating and fever provoke scabies.

Although, as scientists explained, even if harmful factors are removed, eczema itself causes problems with the heart and blood vessels due to chronic inflammation.

Overview of heart failure drugs

From this article you will learn: a general scheme for the treatment of heart failure with medicines, what the drugs are directed at, the names of effective pills and injections, and practical recommendations for their use.

The main principle on which the treatment of heart failure is based is that it is not a separate disease. This syndrome refers to the inability of the heart to pump blood through the vessels (inability to perform its function). It complicates all serious heart diseases.

Conservative drug treatment (drugs, pills, injections) is the only effective way to help the patient. It is impossible to cure heart failure without medication. But their illiterate reception is also not effective!

The results of treating heart failure with medication depend on several factors:

  • From the severity of the symptoms of this condition (the degree of heart failure) - the more pronounced they are, the harder it is to cure (at 1-2 degrees it is possible, at 3-4 - you can reduce the symptoms, improve the patient's condition, but a complete cure is impossible).
  • From following all the recommendations for treatment (permanent or systematic use of drugs) - if you neglect them, even mild heart failure will inevitably worsen.
  • It is impossible to get rid of heart failure from the underlying heart disease - if it is not treated, or it is severe - it is impossible to get rid of heart failure.

A cardiologist or therapist is involved in drawing up a treatment program, selecting drugs and their dosage.

General regimen for the treatment of heart failure with drugs

Restoration of impaired heart functions occurs by influencing the main mechanisms for triggering the disease and eliminating symptoms. The directions of treatment and the corresponding groups of drugs are described in the table.

Basic principles of treatment of acute heart failure

Acute heart failure is a whole complex of symptoms characteristic of a violation of the main function of the heart - maintaining normal blood flow in the body.

We are talking about a general disorder of the heart rhythm caused by both a deterioration in the pumping function and the work of the myocardium or the transmission of a sinusoidal signal (it is responsible for the moment and period of contraction of each section of the heart muscle).

With all this, this disorder carries a threat to human life. What principles of treatment of acute heart failure are used in modern medicine? Is it possible to completely get rid of heart failure?

General data on therapy

Therapy used in acute heart failure can be divided into two categories: diagnosis and, directly, treatment. And it is the diagnosis that takes most of the time. Heart failure is not a disease, but already a conclusion on the patient's condition, indicating that his heart is functioning with multiple failures.

What does diagnostics include? The patient should go through:

  • initial examination by a doctor;
  • analysis of the anamnesis of life;
  • ECG (electrocardiography);
  • general blood tests, urine, feces;
  • blood chemistry;
  • biomarker analysis;
  • MSCT (multispiral computed tomography);
  • MRI of the heart muscle.

And the above is only a basic set of tests through which the patient needs to go. At the request of the cardiologist, additional ones are prescribed, aimed at identifying the concentration of BNP-peptides, cholesterol, proteins, sugar, and so on.

In fact, doctors are looking for any possible factors that negatively affect the heart muscle, which causes acute failure.

Based on the diagnosis, the following factors for the development of AHF are established:

  • cardiogenic shock- develops against the background of a decrease in systolic blood pressure to a critical level of 90 mm. rt. pillar. Because of this, the perfusion of soft tissues and organs, the so-called "cardiac output" is disturbed;
  • swelling of the lungs- insufficiency develops against the background of respiratory perturbation. When diagnosing, too low an oxygen concentration in the blood is detected, which provokes shortness of breath;
  • hypertensive crisis- too high blood pressure, because of which the heart muscle is in constant tension. Can provoke a myocardial infarction or a complication in the form of a stroke;
  • acute decompensation- means that AHF does not correspond to the above violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. Most often it turns out that the “culprit” is neuralgia and incorrect transmission of signals towards the heart.

Used drugs

The set of drugs prescribed to the patient in determining AHF is purely individual. It depends solely on the violations found in the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the likelihood of additional complications. The standard list for therapy includes:

    Pressor amines(Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Dobutamine). With their help, the functionality of the myocardium is regulated (it is gradually stimulated). The selection of the dosage is carried out personally (invasively), starting from the minimum. The optimum is determined within 1-2 weeks.

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors(3 phases of action). Recommended drugs in this group are Milrinon, Amrinon.

Strengthen the tone of the pulmonary vessels, thereby eliminating signs of shortness of breath and pulmonary insufficiency.

The dosage is also determined individually for each patient to increase the hermodynamics of the arteries to the level of 17-19 millimeters of mercury or higher.

  • Levosimendan. This is the only drug available in domestic pharmacology, which regulates the work of microfibrils (their contractile function) from the calcium concentration. With AHF, such a reaction drastically worsens, which causes a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. As a rule, this drug is prescribed only in the early stages of AHF, exactly until the moment when the effect of the main therapy is obtained.
  • Digoxin. Rarely used in practice due to the many side effects. It is used to reduce the frequency of contractions of the ventricles of the heart muscle during arrhythmias.
  • Nitroglycerine. Causes relaxation of the smooth walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the body's response to increased pressure (at the time of ejection of blood). Apply directly when needed. The action after taking the drug begins within a few minutes, the effect lasts up to 0.5 hours.
  • Sodium nitroprusside. Like nitroglycerin, it is used to quickly eliminate the painful symptoms of AHF. Take 0.1-3 mg per kilogram of live weight. It is not recommended to apply more than 4 times a week.
  • Furosemide. Gives a venodilating effect and accelerates the outflow of urine, removing swelling in the lower and upper extremities. Apply as needed with a dosage of 0.1-1 milligram per kilogram of body weight (the dosage should be checked with your doctor).
  • Morphine. Analgesic with a pronounced narcotic effect. Used in extreme cases to increase vagal tone and short-term optimization of the heart muscle. It has multiple side effects and a pronounced addictive effect. They are used only with the issuance of permission by the attending physician (in stationary conditions).
  • Quite often, doctors prescribe those groups of drugs that do not belong to the above.

    Tactics for the treatment of individual manifestations of AHF

    With swelling of the lungs, the main task is to normalize the pressure in the vessels, thereby accelerating the permeability of the blood and oxygen saturation of the blood. For the most part, phosphodiesterase inhibitors are used for this., and in addition to this patient is recommended to carry out the so-called cardio training (under the supervision of the attending physician).

    The main task of doctors is to quickly reduce pressure and prevent hypoxia. The latter is achieved by taking diuretics. In critical situations, use morphine- it almost instantly reduces pressure by increasing vagal tone and capillary patency.

    With cardiological shock and hypertension, against which heart failure develops, the primary task is to normalize blood pressure and regulate the pumping function of the heart muscle.

    The latter is performed by taking inhibitors of potassium synthesis and nitric oxide., and pressure adjustment is performed with diuretics or the same nitroglycerin (taken only if necessary).

    If the conduction of the heart muscle is disturbed or the sinusoidal impulse (signal) is partially absent, the myocardial reaction is stimulated. For this, pressor amines are used, as well as a specialized diet, weight optimization.

    That is why patients with suspected AHF fried, fatty, peppery, salty, foods containing cholesterol are strictly prohibited and so on. But to quickly eliminate tachycardia, Digoxin is used in a therapeutic dosage (it is 1.5 times higher than the recommended one). But this drug should be taken with extreme caution!

    And against the background of any disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system doctors will regulate the concentration of magnesium, calcium, nitrate oxide in the blood. For this, classic antiarrhythmics and a consultation with a nutritionist are prescribed.

    Otherwise, the patient should prepare for a deterioration in health and an increase in the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke. The heart muscle, unlike other soft tissues, recovers at an extremely slow pace., especially in people of retirement age (namely, they have AHF most often occurs).

    Watch a video about a new method of treating heart failure:

    Acute heart failure, stroke

    Heart failure is one of the severe pathological conditions of the body. In this state, the heart does not perform the entire amount of necessary work, as a result of which the tissues of the body experience oxygen starvation. The most severe complication of heart failure is cerebrovascular accident, which can lead to a stroke.

    Acute heart failure is a condition that occurs instantly. This is a terminal state that can easily lead to death. It is important to know the symptoms of this condition and be able to prevent it and provide the necessary assistance in time.

    The cause of acute heart failure can be myocardial infarction, impaired coronary blood flow, cardiac tamponade, pericarditis, infections, and much more.

    The attack occurs abruptly and develops within a few minutes. At this time, the patient feels a sharp lack of oxygen, there is a feeling of squeezing in the chest. The skin becomes bluish in color. These symptoms are often accompanied by loss of consciousness, pulmonary edema, myocardial infarction, or hypertensive crisis.

    If you notice such symptoms in a person, you should provide him with the necessary assistance. The first thing to do is call an ambulance. It is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air to the patient, free him from tight clothing.

    Good oxygenation will ensure that the patient takes a certain position: it is necessary to put him down, lower his legs down, put his hands on the armrests. In this position, a large amount of oxygen enters the lungs, which sometimes helps to stop an attack.

    If the skin has not yet acquired a bluish tint and there is no cold sweat, you can try to stop the attack with a nitroglycerin tablet. These are activities that can be carried out before the ambulance arrives. Only qualified specialists can stop an attack and prevent complications.

    One of the complications of acute heart failure can be a stroke. A stroke is the destruction of brain tissue due to a previous hemorrhage or an acute cessation of blood flow. Hemorrhage can occur under the lining of the brain, into its ventricles and other places, the same applies to ischemia. The further state of the human body depends on the place of hemorrhage or ischemia.

    Various factors can provoke a stroke. If a stroke is the cause of a hemorrhage, then such a stroke is called hemorrhagic. The cause of this type of stroke can be a sharp increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, blood diseases, traumatic brain injury, etc.

    Ischemic stroke can be triggered by thrombosis, sepsis, infections, rheumatism, DIC, a sharp drop in blood pressure due to acute heart failure, and much more. But one way or another, all these reasons are associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system.

    If the patient's blood pressure rises sharply, blood flow to the head increases, sweat appears on the forehead, then we can talk about the occurrence of a hemorrhagic stroke. This is all accompanied by loss of consciousness, sometimes vomiting and paralysis on one side of the body.

    If the patient experiences dizziness, headache, general weakness, then these may be symptoms of an ischemic stroke. With this type of stroke, there may be no loss of consciousness, and paralysis develops slowly. Ischemic stroke accompanies a drop in blood pressure, fainting, pallor of the patient's skin is noted.

    If you notice these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately. Lay the patient on a horizontal surface, ensure free breathing. The patient's head must be turned on its side - prevention of retraction of the tongue and suffocation with vomit.

    It is advisable to put a heating pad at the feet. If, before the arrival of the ambulance, you notice a lack of breathing and cardiac arrest in a patient, it is urgent to carry out an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

    Acute heart failure, stroke are life-threatening conditions. It is impossible to trace their appearance and they are very poorly treated. Therefore, the most important task facing us is the prevention of these conditions.

    Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not abuse drugs, avoid stress and take care of your health.



    Diseases of the cardiovascular system, for one reason or another, are accompanied by difficulty in the work of various parts of the heart, which ultimately leads to heart failure and the development of venous congestion. The most important symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system are palpitations, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, and swelling.

    Increase in heart rate, tachycardia, often the first sign of developing heart failure. Sometimes palpitations occur in practically healthy people with unstable nervous regulation. In such cases, valerian root preparations in the form of an infusion or tincture, rational physical education are effective. It should be remembered that preparations containing belladonna (atropine) can increase tachycardia.

    Pain in the region of the heart may be a manifestation of insufficient blood supply to the myocardium due to narrowing of the lumen of the coronary vessels, their spasm. A similar origin has pain during an attack of angina pectoris. The pain in this case is localized behind the sternum or to the left of it, gives to the left arm, shoulder blade, has the character of pressing, squeezing, accompanied by fear of death, weakness, sometimes trembling in the body, profuse sweating. The duration of the pain attack is from several minutes to several hours.

    Heart failure develops as a result of prolonged overload of the heart muscle. Heart failure is often combined with various cardiac arrhythmias, especially arrhythmia, which in turn exacerbates the manifestation of heart failure.

    Consider the examples of cardiovascular diseases.

    Heart attack always happens suddenly. His signs:

    Sharp pain in the chest, radiating to one or both arms, to the neck and chin;

    The patient suffocates, sweats profusely, feels dizzy. How to help?

    If the patient is fully conscious, arrange for him to in semi-lying position, placing something under the head and shoulders (for example, a pillow, a folded coat), as well as slipping something similar under bent knees.

    Call an ambulance.

    Unbutton the patient's shirt collar, bra fastener, loosen the belt, remove his tie.

    Do not let him drink or eat.

    Don't let him move unless absolutely necessary.

    If the patient loses consciousness, turn him over onto his chest and lay him in a position comfortable for breathing. Do not attempt chest compressions - this may enlarge the affected area.

    Angina. Symptoms. Paroxysmal pain behind the sternum or in the region of the heart, usually occurring during physical or emotional stress, sometimes at rest, during sleep. Some tobacco smokers develop angina attacks while smoking (so-called smokers' angina). The pain is often compressive, radiating to the left arm, lasting up to 10 minutes (rarely prolonged). A quick positive effect from taking nitroglycerin is characteristic.

    Pulse and blood pressure without any significant changes, occasionally transient cardiac arrhythmias.

    How to help?(Addresses a question to students who put forward their versions, the correct ones of which the teacher underlines and offers to write down.)

    Rapid pain relief: under the tongue 1 nitroglycerin tablet per or 1-2 drops 1 % nitroglycerin solution on a piece of sugar.

    Heating pads for legs; put mustard plasters on the region of the heart or on the sternum.

    Call an ambulance.

    Myocardial infarction - acute disease, caused by the occurrence of one or more necrosis foci in the heart muscle due to a decrease or cessation of blood flow through the arteries of the heart. Occurs suddenly, among complete well-being, or its development is preceded by angina pectoris.

    Symptoms. Severe compressive pain behind the sternum or in the region of the heart, often spreading to the entire front surface of the chest, and radiating to the left arm, shoulder blade, neck, lower jaw. The pain is long - up to several hours, with possible short light intervals, accompanied by a feeling of fear of death and is not eliminated by nitroglycerin. The patient is usually restless, pale. The skin is often covered with cold sweat. Tachycardia is found. At a part of patients signs of a left ventricular insufficiency accrue and other early complications appear. A slight or moderate increase in temperature in the next 2-5 days after the attack. Localization of pain in the region of the entire anterior surface of the chest is possible, nausea and vomiting may occur. Sometimes, already at the beginning of an attack, complications (arrhythmia, heart failure, etc.) come to the fore in the clinical picture.

    Lay down the patient and do not allow to get up!

    At the beginning of the pain syndrome, put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue or 3-4 drops of a nitroglycerin solution per piece of sugar in the oral cavity until completely absorbed, validol.

    Open a vent or window to let in fresh air.

    Call an ambulance.

    Acute heart failure. Left ventricular (cardiac) asthma. It is a clinical manifestation of acute cardiac left ventricular failure.

    Symptoms. An attack of shortness of breath (suffocation), which occurs more often at rest (at night). Patients note that when they sit up in bed and lower their legs, they feel somewhat better. The face is pale with a bluish tinge. The pulse is quickened, sometimes arrhythmic. Blood pressure may rise moderately. Heart sounds are deaf, often embryocardia. In the lower sections of both lungs, there are unsound small bubbling rales, sometimes only a small amount of dry rales against the background of hard breathing. An attack of cardiac asthma often ends in pulmonary edema. How to help?

    Provide the patient with a sitting (with lowered legs) position.

    Call an ambulance.

    V. Practical trainings.

    1. Workshop "How to check the pulse."

    Remember what a pulse is. - This is a periodic jerky expansion of the walls of the arteries.)

    Under my guidance, do a practical training in pairs according to the tasks:

    The wrist pulse is located below the base of the thumb, in the hollow between two bones. Feel for it with three fingers and press lightly.

    Do not press the pulse with your thumb, as your own heartbeat is felt in it, and you can mistake your own pulse for the pulse of another person.

    The pulse in the neck (throat) is in a hollow below the jawbone, on the side of the Adam's apple. Check it also with three fingers.

    2. Workshop "Indirect cardiac massage".

    Students perform in pairs under the guidance of a teacher after analyzing his technique on a poster and a demonstration by trained students.

    1) Place the hand on the sternum 2-3 cm above the xiphoid process so that the rescuer's thumb is directed either to the victim's chin or abdomen.

    2) The depth of pushing through the chest should be at least 2-3 cm.

    3) Perform 10-15 pressures on the sternum with a frequency of 40-80 times per minute.

    4) You can start the next pressure only after the sternum has fully returned to its original position.

    (The frequency of pressure depends on the elasticity of the chest.)


    To carry out an indirect heart massage in the presence of a pulse on the carotid artery.

    Place the palm of the hand while pressing on the sternum so that the thumb is directed towards the rescuer.

    Heart failure is the most severe pathological condition of the human body. It lies in the fact that the heart, for one reason or another, is not able to perform its function of pumping blood completely.

    Because of this, the entire body, each of its cells, each organ experiences a very strong oxygen starvation. But the most serious complication of heart failure is a stroke, which is caused by a severe violation of blood circulation in the brain.

    Acute heart failure develops very, very quickly, almost instantly. It refers to terminal states and can easily lead to the death of the patient. And therefore, stroke and heart failure are the diseases whose symptoms everyone should know.

    What can lead to the fact that the heart will start to work incorrectly and not work with all its strength? In the first place among such causes is, of course, myocardial infarction - a very common disease that most often occurs in men. This is followed by a violation of the coronary blood flow and compression of the heart by other organs. Compression of the heart or tamponade very often occurs with pulmonary edema or tumors that are located in the chest. At the same time, the heart simply does not have enough space for normal work, and it begins to give severe failures. Often, heart failure occurs with infectious lesions of the pericardium or myocardium, when bacteria and microbes literally destroy the walls of this organ.

    An attack of heart failure develops in a few minutes. Such a state is always sudden and unexpected both for the patient himself and for his relatives. At the same time, the patient feels that he simply has nothing to breathe and everything is squeezed in his chest. The skin of a person begins to turn blue sharply and quickly due to a lack of oxygen supplied to it. The person loses consciousness. But the worst thing is that very often all these symptoms are accompanied by complications such as pulmonary edema, myocardial infarction and hypertensive crisis. And, of course, a stroke. Stroke and heart failure are two diseases that in most cases occur in parallel.

    A stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the veins and arteries of the brain. There are 3 varieties of this serious disease.

    The first variety is the ischemic type or cerebral infarction. This condition most often develops after the age of 60. For the development of this condition, there must be some prerequisites - heart defects, diabetes mellitus, or the same heart failure. Most often, cerebral infarction develops at night.

    The second type is a hemorrhagic stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. This pathology very often manifests itself in people aged 45 to 60 years. The cause of this condition is usually high blood pressure or hypertensive crisis. This condition develops very suddenly and more often in the daytime after a strong emotional or physical stress.

    And finally, the third type of stroke is subarachnoid hemorrhage. It occurs at the age of 30 - 60 years. Here, the leading factor is most often smoking, a one-time consumption of a huge amount of alcohol, high blood pressure, excess body weight or chronic alcoholism.

    A sudden onset of a stroke may well end in the death of a person, which is why you should definitely call an ambulance immediately. Only professional medical workers will be able to correctly determine the type of stroke and provide the necessary first aid. All further treatment will take place in the hospital.

    But a stroke in its treatment is often accompanied by pneumonia and bedsores. These complications in themselves can cause a lot of problems for the patient, and pneumonia, again, can lead to death.

    Everyone should know that acute heart failure and stroke are very dangerous conditions. Everyone should be aware of what needs to be done to prevent their development. And you don’t need to do so much for this: lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, monitor your weight, do not overwork and avoid stress, measure blood pressure daily and just enjoy life. It is worth knowing that a stroke is not only a disease of the elderly. Under certain circumstances, it also affects people of a fairly young age.

    | Materials for life safety lessons for grade 11 | Schedule for the academic year | First aid for acute heart failure and stroke

    Fundamentals of life safety
    Grade 11

    Lesson 14
    First aid
    in acute heart failure and stroke

    Acute heart failure

    In most cases, it occurs when the activity of the heart muscle (myocardium) is weakened, less often - with heart rhythm disturbances.

    Causes of acute heart failure there may be rheumatic lesions of the heart muscle, heart defects (congenital or acquired), myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias with infusions of large amounts of fluid. Heart failure can also occur in a healthy person with physical overstrain, metabolic disorders and beriberi.

    Acute heart failure usually develops within 5-10 minutes. All pathological phenomena are growing rapidly, and if the patient is not provided with urgent assistance, this can be fatal. Acute heart failure usually develops unexpectedly, often in the middle of the night. The patient suddenly wakes up from a nightmare, a feeling of suffocation and lack of air. When the patient sits down, it becomes easier for him to breathe. Sometimes this does not help, and then shortness of breath increases, a cough appears with the release of viscous sputum mixed with blood, breathing becomes bubbling. If the patient is not provided with urgent medical care at this moment (Scheme 23), he may die.


    A stroke occurs when there is a sharp reduction in blood flow to one part of the brain. Without proper blood supply, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, brain cells are quickly damaged and die.

    Although most strokes occur in older people, they can happen at any age. More commonly seen in men than in women.

    Strokes can be caused by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel or bleeding from the brain.

    A blood clot that causes a stroke usually occurs when an artery supplying the brain has become atherosclerotic and cuts off blood flow, cutting off blood flow to the brain tissue supplied by that vessel.

    The risk of clot formation increases with age, as diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension are more common in older people. Improper diet, smoking also increase the susceptibility to stroke.

    Chronically high blood pressure or a swollen part of an artery (aneurysm) can cause a cerebral artery to rupture suddenly. As a result, part of the brain stops getting the oxygen it needs to live. Moreover, blood accumulates deep in the brain. This further compresses the brain tissue and causes even more damage to the brain cells. A stroke from a cerebral hemorrhage can happen unexpectedly at any age.

    Symptoms of a stroke: severe headache, nausea, dizziness, loss of sensation on one side of the body, drooping of the corner of the mouth on one side, confusion of speech, blurred vision, asymmetry of the pupils, loss of consciousness.

    Do not give the victim food or drink during a stroke: he may be unable to swallow.

    Questions and tasks

    1. In what cases does acute heart failure occur?

    2. Name the causes of stroke.

    3. What complications in the body does a stroke cause and what consequences can it have?

    4. Name the symptoms of a stroke.

    5. In what order should first aid be provided for acute heart failure and stroke?

    Task 39

    To provide first aid for acute heart failure, you need:

    a) put heating pads on the victim;
    b) give the victim validol, nitroglycerin or corvalol;
    c) call an ambulance;
    d) sprinkle cool water on the face and neck of the victim and let him smell a cotton swab moistened with ammonia;
    e) give the victim a comfortable semi-sitting position in bed and provide fresh air.

    Place the indicated actions in the required logical sequence.

    Task 40

    One of your friends has a severe headache, nausea, dizziness, one side of the body has become less sensitive, there is asymmetry of the pupils. Define:

    a) what happened to your friend;
    b) how to properly provide him with first aid.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    higher professional education

    "Transbaikal State University"

    College of Humanities and Technology

    on Life Safety

    on the topic: "First aid for acute heart failure and stroke"


    1st year student

    Kuznetsova Julia

    State Customs Committee ZabGU


    Bashirova E.A.


    Heart failure

    1.1 Symptoms of acute heart failure

    1.2. First aid for acute heart failure


    1 Stroke symptoms

    2 First aid for stroke



    At present, Russia is facing a very acute demographic problem. The country, whose territory is 1/6 of the land of the entire planet, has a population of only about 140 million people, and this population is constantly declining. Let's leave alone the problems of fertility and immigration, about which too much has already been said. Let's try to consider the problem of population losses due to accidents and diseases, the so-called problem of premature death. On average across the country, up to 2 million Russians die each year, according to various sources. This is a lot. One of the most common causes of premature death is the failure to provide first aid to the sick (injured). From this, according to various sources, from 1/3 to 3/5 of all who become a victim of an accident or an acute attack of the disease die.

    That is why it is important to be able to provide first aid to a person whose life is in danger. Today we will study first aid for acute heart failure and stroke.

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases of the cardiovascular system among the world's population are one of the main risk factors that adversely affect human health. This fully applies to the population of our country, including the younger generation. So, according to statistics, among students completing their studies at school, every fourth has a deviation in the work of the cardiovascular system. Let's think about it briefly.

    1. Heart failure

    Contrary to popular belief, heart failure is not a heart disease. Heart failure is a condition that occurs due to various reasons, in which the contractility of the heart muscle (myocardium) is weakened and the heart loses the ability to provide the body with the necessary amount of blood. Heart failure syndrome complicates many diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially often the disease develops in people suffering from coronary heart disease and hypertension. Heart failure in many cases reduces the quality of life or can cause death.

    1.1Symptoms of acute heart failure

    Manifestations depend on the stage of AHF and the underlying disease. At the beginning, there is stagnation of blood in the lungs (pulmonary circulation), which leads to the development of acute pulmonary insufficiency (pulmonary edema). If first aid is not provided, pulmonary edema increases, gas exchange becomes difficult in the alveoli, which leads to oxygen starvation and aggravation of the patient's condition, an increase in symptoms of acute heart failure.

    Three stages are observed in the development of AHF: Harbingers. Shortness of breath increases (on inspiration), patients cannot take a horizontal position (lie down). There is a cough, a feeling of lack of air, sitting behind the sternum after moderate physical exertion. . cardiac asthma. Patients develop wheezing rapid breathing, cough with choking, fear of death. They take a forced position in bed - half-sitting. The skin is bluish (cyanosis). Arterial pressure rises, there is tachycardia, cold sweat. On examination, swollen jugular veins are clearly visible. . Pulmonary edema. As a rule, it develops suddenly. Increased pulmonary edema and cardiac asthma. The condition of the patients is getting worse. Foamy, sometimes with a pink tinge, sputum appears on the lips, which speaks in favor of an increase in pulmonary edema. All other signs of cardiac asthma are present.

    There are three options for this stage:

    fulminant - patients die within 2-3 minutes;

    acute - death occurs from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours;

    protracted - death within 24 hours or more;

    AHF is a severe pathology, patients should be hospitalized in the intensive care unit as a matter of urgency.

    The symptoms of AHF need to be known, both by the patients themselves and their relatives, in order to provide first aid in time even at the pre-medical stage.

    Most often, acute heart failure develops at night. The patient suddenly awakens from a feeling of lack of air, sits up in bed. Shortness of breath increases, a cough appears with the discharge of light foamy sputum, in some cases with an admixture of scarlet blood. Expressed general weakness, anxiety quickly sets in. A cold, clammy sweat breaks out, and the skin takes on an ash-blue color. Lips become especially bluish. If the process turns into pulmonary edema, then the patient's condition worsens even more. The above symptoms are progressive. Breathing becomes bubbling, abundant foamy sputum is released. Shortness of breath is replaced by suffocation. Neck veins swell. At the same time, consciousness, as a rule, remains clear.

    1.2 First aid for acute heart failure

    In the event of acute pain behind the sternum that does not disappear after taking nitroglycerin, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Based on a thorough examination of the patient, including electrocardiography, the disease can be recognized. Before the doctor arrives, the patient is provided with maximum physical and mental rest: he should be laid down, if possible, calmed down.

    Disorders of cardiac activity.

    First of all, the patient should be laid in a horizontal position on his back with legs raised, placing 2 pillows under his feet, and only a towel roll or a small pillow under his head (if the patient has lost consciousness, then it is better to lay him on a hard surface, for example, on a floor covered with a blanket ). When a patient complains of retrosternal pain, it is necessary to give him 1 tablet or 2 drops of a 1% solution (on a piece of sugar or on a cork from a bottle) of nitroglycerin under the tongue as soon as possible. After that, in anticipation of the action of nitroglycerin (2-4 minutes) or immediately (if there is someone to do this), you need to call an ambulance by phone and determine the actions that are possible before its arrival.

    If the patient has already had similar conditions, then the recommendations received for this case from the doctor earlier are followed.

    Frequent contractions of the heart.

    There should be no fuss in the behavior of the people around the patient, especially panic; the patient is created rest conditions in a position convenient for him (lying or half-sitting), they offer to take sedatives available at home - valocordin (40-50 drops), valerian, motherwort, etc., which in itself can stop an attack. Techniques that can help stop an attack include a quick change in body position from vertical to horizontal, straining for 30-50 seconds, inducing a gag reflex with finger irritation of the pharynx. There are other methods, but only a doctor can perform them.

    Irregular contractions of the heart.

    For chest pains, before the arrival of the doctor, the patient should be put to bed, give him one tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue. If extrasystole does not occur for the first time, then during periods of its increase, the doctor's recommendations received from him earlier are followed. It should be borne in mind that even frequent extrasystoles do not always require treatment with special antiarrhythmic drugs. With supraventricular extrasystole, the use of sedatives (valocordin, valerian, motherwort, tazepam) is often more effective. Only a doctor can determine the correct treatment program.

    Atrial fibrillation - complete irregularity of heart contractions due to the chaotic occurrence of excitation impulses in different parts of the atria.

    First aid tactics are almost the same as for paroxysmal tachycardia. Drinking coffee, tea, smoking should be excluded. If the patient took medications before the attack, then, in addition to the treatment of angina pectoris (nitroglycerin, nitrong, nitrosorbide, etc.), all medications are immediately canceled. It is especially unacceptable before the arrival of a doctor to take medications such as caffeine, aminophylline, ephedrine, cardiac glycosides.

    2. Stroke

    heart failure stroke help

    A stroke is an acute interruption of the blood supply to the brain, resulting in impairment of neurological functions - functions that are controlled by the brain, such as movement and speech, vision and hearing.

    There are two main types of stroke:

    · ischemic stroke - the cause is the cessation (blockade) of the blood supply to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain.

    · hemorrhagic stroke - the cause is a hemorrhage from the blood vessels into the brain, its membranes or the ventricles of the brain.

    Both types of strokes are caused by damage to brain cells (neurons).

    The most common symptom of a stroke is unilateral weakness of the limbs (arms and legs) and one side of the body (hemiparesis or hemiplegia).

    The face may become asymmetrical - the cheek may hang to one side, one corner of the mouth drops. The impossibility of pronunciation of words and sentences while maintaining an understanding of addressed speech or verbose incoherent speech in the absence of understanding of the speech of others.

    Some strokes affect the areas of the brain responsible for balance and coordination. In these cases, instability appears when walking or sitting.

    2.1 Symptoms of a stroke

    The clinical picture of ischemic stroke is represented by symptoms of a sudden loss of function of a certain part of the brain. They are determined by the part of the brain that is affected by ischemia, the amount of damage. In most cases, the symptoms that occur in patients are impaired speech, motor and sensory functions, vision on one side.

    Movement disorders

    Weakness or awkwardness of movement on one side of the body, complete or partial. Simultaneous bilateral development of weakness in the limbs. Swallowing disorders. Coordination disorders.

    Speech disorders

    Impaired understanding or use of speech. Reading and writing disorders. Account violations. Blurred speech.

    Sensitive Disorders

    Changes in sensation on one side of the body, complete or partial. Visual - reduced vision in one eye, complete or partial. Loss of the right or left half of the field of view. Bilateral blindness. Double vision.


    Sensation of object rotation.

    Behavioral and cognitive disorders

    Difficulty dressing, combing hair, brushing teeth, etc.; disorientation in space; violations of the copying of patterns, such as a clock, a flower, or intersecting cubes (Visuospatial Perception Disorders). Memory disorders.


    The three main stroke symptom recognition (SRS) techniques are:

    Y - Ask the victim to SMILE.

    Z - Ask him to TALK. Ask for a simple sentence. Connected. For example: "The sun is shining outside the window"

    P - Ask him to RAISE both hands.

    Attention - another way to recognize a stroke (in addition to the above): ask the victim to stick out his tongue.

    If the tongue is curved or irregular in shape and falls to the side, then this is also a sign of a stroke. If you notice a problem with the performance of these tasks in the victim, immediately call an ambulance and describe the symptoms to the doctors who arrived at the scene.

    2 First aid stroke

    If the victim finds it difficult to perform any of these tasks, you must immediately call an ambulance and describe the symptoms to the doctors who arrived at the scene. Even if the symptoms have stopped (, there should be one tactic - hospitalization by ambulance; advanced age, coma are not contraindications to hospitalization.

    The patient should not be disturbed. Therefore, ask those relatives and close people who cannot really help to leave.

    Lay the patient down with the head and upper body elevated, and open the collar to facilitate breathing. It is necessary to provide access to fresh air, open the window. If the patient is vomiting, turn his head to the side and clean his mouth with a handkerchief or gauze.

    One of the manifestations of acute stroke may be an epileptic seizure. The person loses consciousness, and after a few seconds, he begins to have convulsions that last several minutes. Sometimes convulsive seizures are repeated, following one after another. What to do in this case? Turn the patient on his side, put a pillow under his head (if this happened at home), rolled up clothes or a bag (if this happened outside the home). Holding your head with your hands, constantly wipe the foam that comes out of your mouth with a handkerchief so that it does not get into the airways. In order for the patient not to bite his tongue, insert a comb or stick wrapped in a scarf between his teeth. In no case should you forcefully hold your arms and legs, try to unclench your cramped fingers, and even more so lean on the patient with your whole body. This can lead to increased seizure, accidental dislocations and fractures. The hands and feet of the patient should only be held lightly so that he does not injure himself and others. It is strictly forbidden to use ammonia! It can cause respiratory arrest, and spilled in a hurry, through negligence - severe burns.

    It is impossible to transfer the patient during an attack. If he does not feel a pulse, his heart has stopped and breathing has stopped, immediately begin chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration. Everything else is the task of emergency medical care.

    If the patient for some reason stayed at home, the main thing is to ensure proper care. The bed should be flat, without folds. To prevent the formation of contractures (stiffness), paralyzed limbs are laid in a certain way. The arm is placed on the pillow, straightened and taken to the side so that it and the shoulder joint are at the same level in the horizontal plane. The hand is turned palm up, the fingers are straightened and spread apart. To keep the hand in this position, sandbags and splints are used. A cotton ball is placed under the knee joint of the paralyzed leg. The foot is held at a 90-degree angle with a rubber band or an abutment against a wooden box. If the patient lies on a healthy side, then the arm is placed along the body or bent at an angle of 90 degrees on a pillow. The leg is bent at the hip and knee joints, a pillow is placed under it. The position of the patient on the side and on the back is changed every 2 hours.


    Acute heart failure is a situation in which the blood supply to the body is significantly reduced in a short time due to a decrease in the contractile function of the left ventricle. Among the causes leading to the development of acute heart failure, myocardial infarction occupies the first place. Myocardial infarction develops as a result of obstruction of the lumen of the vessel supplying the myocardium (coronary artery). Stroke is an acute violation of cerebral circulation (hemorrhage, etc.), causing the death of brain tissue.

    From the point of view of modern medicine, a stroke is a severe and very dangerous vascular lesion of the central nervous system.

    It is known that the brain needs a constant supply of oxygen-enriched arterial blood to sustain life. Brain cells are very sensitive to a lack of oxygen and quickly die without it. Therefore, nature has created an extensive network of cerebral arteries that provide intensive blood circulation. When these vessels are blocked or ruptured, a stroke occurs, that is, the death of any part of the brain.

    So, almost any critical situation ending in sudden death is an indication for immediate help. Moreover, the earlier it is started, the more likely it is to succeed. A few minutes separating a life-threatening critical condition do not leave time for conversations, reflections and expectations: in a terminal state, minimal but timely assistance is more effective than the most complex medical measures carried out long after clinical death. Since it is not always possible for a paramedic to be at the scene of an accident, every adult should know the basic first aid techniques and be able to apply them correctly.

    List of used literature

    · http://www..aspx?id=511186

    · D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0