Planning in the 2nd junior group for April. Comprehensive thematic planning for the second junior group for the month of April. Spring signs. Dressing the doll for a walk

1 week of April 06.04 -10.04 2015 (Working hours from 8.00 -17.00)

Topic of the week. Fairy Week.

Target. Creation of conditions for acquaintance with the world of fairy tales through social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.


Morning gymnastics. A set of exercises "Kittens"

Tasks. To promote the development of physical qualities, the accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children, the formation of the need for motor activity and physical improvement, health promotion, the creation of cheerfulness and good mood for the whole day.

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

Tasks. Contribute to the improvement of cultural and hygienic skills; to form the simplest behavioral skills while eating and washing hands; to consolidate the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme, finish the words, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Organizing meals and sleep. Reading before bed.

Tasks. To form the ability to set the table for dinner: lay out spoons, bread bins (without bread); teach children to be polite; remind them to say "thank you". Improve the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat a second course, alternating meat with a side dish; to consolidate the ability to independently roll up sleeves, not to wet clothes when washing, wash hands and wrists, face, do not splash water; to form the ability, when undressing before going to bed, to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair, put shorts, tights neatly on the seat.

Lifting, air and water procedures. Exercise after sleep. "Kittens"

Tasks. Create conditions for the systematic hardening of the body. Strengthenphysical health with the help of a fairy tale.Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; nurture respect for your health.

Walk in the evening.

Tasks. To expand children's ideas about the weather in spring.Ensure children stay outdoors; improve health; contribute to the accumulation and enrichment of the motor experience of children, the development of the ability to follow the rules in outdoor games; Encourage children to participate in independent play.

1. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

Subject. Let's help the cat-cat hang colorful handkerchiefs to dry.

Tasks . Exercise:

In drawing familiar square-shaped objects;

Image location

all over the sheet

Integration: labor, communication.


Tasks. To introduce children to three musical genres: song, dance, march; develop the ability to distinguish musical sounds in pitch.

Integration. Socialization, health, music.

1 PM

1. Examining illustrations for fairy tales

Tasks. Build an interest in books.

game situation. "Let's teach the cat-cat how to wash!"

Tasks. Contribute to the improvement of CGN., the formation of the simplest skills.


Bird watching in spring.

Tasks. Continue to acquaint with the life of birds in the spring;cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds

P / I "Catch-throw a fairy tale name"

Tasks . Develop accuracy, dexterity; Expand words knowledge.

P / I "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks. Exercise in running; develop the ability to follow basic rules.

Labor assignment.Garbage collection on site

Tasks. Cultivate respect for nature; strengthen the ability to work in a team


1Reading thin. Literature. "Cat, rooster and fox".

Tasks. To cultivate the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of the action, form an interest in books.

D / I “Name your favorite animal from the fairy tale. Tell about him."

Tasks. Contribute to the expansion of ideas about animals, their behavior and nutrition.

N / I "Fold a fairy tale" ( from cubes)

Tasks. Develop the ability to collect pictures from 4-6 parts.

P / I "Let's find a chick"

Tasks. To promote the activity of children in independent motor activity.

P / and "Teach Kot Kotofeich to catch the ball"

Tasks. Improve physical qualities. Develop dexterity

DI "Air balloons

Tasks. fix the names of flowers (Pasha, Egor)

D / I "Who left?".

Tasks. Develop attention (Christening)

Design. Let's build a house for fairy-tale heroes"

Tasks. Develop constructive skills.

(Ksyusha, Polina)


"A fairy tale in a child's life

1. Cognition

Subject. Comparison of two objects by size (large, small). Mouse fence

Tasks. Exercise:

Ability to compare two
object by size;

Designate the results of the comparison with the words:big small

Integration: labor, communication, socialization, construction, labor, safety.

Physical Culture

Subject. Throwing the ball on the floor.

Tasks. Exercise:

Walk in a column one at a time;

Run in all directions;

Jumping from a place.

mobile game "Find Your Color" sedentary


1. D / I “what fairy tale are we from?”

Tasks. To develop the ability to correlate the literary text and illustrations to it, to develop the ability to depict the various states of fairy-tale characters with facial expressions.

S.R.I. Who lives in the teremochka?

Tasks . Contribute to skill developmentimitate the actions of animals


  1. Watching the wind

Tasks. To develop the ability of children to determine the wind through the trees. Determine the strength of the wind with the help of turntables.

2.P/I "Wind and Winds"

Task. Develop the ability to run in different directions, with different positions of the hands, raising the knees high, with circling and squatting, with a wide step, canter.

I/U "jump over the cord with the clumsy bear"

Task. Stimulation of motor activity

Labor assignment. “Who will clean up the site faster and cleaner”

Task. Raise the desire to participate in work activities, performing feasible tasks; teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the area.


Reading the work "Masha and the Bear"

Tasks. To develop the ability to listen to a fairy tale, to follow the development of the action.

Situational conversation. “What would you like to send to the animals?”

Tasks. Enrich vocabulary.

Free drawing.

Tasks. Develop children's creativity

Sand games. Let's bake bunny pies

Tasks. Develop attention and care for the bunny; form positive emotions; activity in independent activity.

S.R.I. “Let's collect a package for the bear from the fairy tale“ Masha and the Bear ”

Tasks. Contribute to the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life, enriching the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a storyline.

D / I " Find by description »

(Maxim, Anton)

I/U "Where does the bell ring?"

Tasks. Develop attention, hearing.

(Semyon, Zarina)

Drawing a bun.

Tasks . Develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, select the color corresponding to the depicted object. (Evelina)

Visual information: booklet "How and when to tell fairy tales to children"

1. Communication.

Subject. Reading and dramatization from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun"

Tasks. To form interest in books, the ability to listen to new fairy tales, engage in conversation, follow the development of the action; to cultivate the ability to empathize with the heroes of the work; to develop the ability with the help of a teacher to stage and dramatize small passages from a fairy tale.

Integration: communication, socialization.

2. Music

Contribute to the development of singing skills; development of skills of expressive and emotional transmission of game fairy-tale images.


1 Conversation about K.I. Chukovsky.

Tasks. Tell the children about the profession of a writer (storyteller), about the results of his work.

2. Game situation. "Let's show the Sun how to wash"

Tasks . Contribute to the formation and improvement of the CGT.


Watching the weather


P / I " Let's dance together with the Sun "

Tasks. Develop children's ability to walk in circles, cultivate friendships
P / I "We are funny guys"


Labor activity. We put things in order on the site after the games.

Tasks. Raise the desire to participate in work activities, performing feasible tasks.


1. Watching the cartoon "Fly-Tsokotuha"

2 Conversation on the content of what he saw.

Tasks. Create conditions for watching the cartoon. Engage children in conversation after watching the cartoon; explain the actions of the characters and their consequences.

Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Tasks . Introducing children to creativityK.I. Chukovsky through looking at illustrations for fairy tales. Build interest in books

Games on request.

Tasks. To promote the development of independent play activities on the street.

Mosaic games. "Gift for your favorite fairy tale character"

Tasks. Contribute to the development of productive activities.

D / I "Rays for the sun"(clothespins)

Tasks. Fix colors, develop fine motor skills.

(Semyon, Ksyusha F.)

D / I "Find the pebbles."(The biggest, the smallest, the smoothest…)

Tasks. Develop observation, attention, imagination.

(Fields, Light)

D / I " Who lives in the teremochka?

(Kamal, Nika)

Thematic exhibition "Our Favorite Books" (based on the work of K.I. Chukovsky)

1. Cognition

Subject. We are astronauts!

Tasks. To acquaint with the holiday - Cosmonautics Day; professions - pilot, astronaut.

Cultivate respect for people of any profession

Integration: work, music, communication.

2.Physical culture

Subject. Throwing the ball on the floor.

Tasks. Exercise:

Walk in a column one at a time;

Run in all directions;

Jumping from a place.
Continue to develop the ability to land at the same time

on both legs, exercise in throwing the ball on the floor.

mobile game "Find Your Color" sedentary


1 Conversation about S.Ya. Marshak, guessing riddles about fairy-tale heroes S.Ya. Marshak. D / I "What kind of fairy-tale hero?"

Tasks . Build interest in books continue to tell children about the profession of a writer (storyteller); contribute to the expansion and enrichment of ideas about the labor actions of the writer, the results of his work.


Cloud observation.

H.Sl. "April! April!"

Tasks. To contribute to the expansion of children's ideas about the characteristic features of spring nature and weather and the changes associated with these seasonal features; understand the simplest relationships in nature.

P / I "Hide and seek with a mouse"

X / And "Like on a mouse's birthday ..."

Tasks . To consolidate the ability to act on a signal in an outdoor game; contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Labor activity. Pour sand into the sandbox


2 PM,

Reading Hood. Literature."The Tale of the Smart Mouse"

Memorizing an excerpt (counter): “I am an animal, and you are an animal”

Tasks. To form the ability to listen to reading, to follow the development of action; stimulate the repetition of the counting rhyme after the teacher; explain the actions of the characters and their consequences.

Examination of illustrations for fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak.

Tasks. Familiarize yourself with the work of the writer.

Drawing on the sand of a fabulous cloud for the mouse.

Tasks. Develop imagination, fantasy.

Independent games of children with cars.

Tasks. Contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline; develop the ability to interact and get along with each other in a joint game.

lacing "Lace up the cat's shoes"

Tasks. Develop fine motor skills, the ability to lace shoes.

(Artem, Sasha Sh)

I / U “On the path on one leg with the mouse”

Tasks. Develop the ability to jump on one leg.

(Masha, Evelina)

Work on FEMP "Hide the mouse"

Tasks. Fix the names of the figures, color.

(Sasha F, Polya)

Thematic exhibition "Our Favorite Books" (based on the work of S.Ya. Marshak).

1. Artistic creativity (Application)

Theme Bus

Tasks. Develop skill:

Depict objects consisting of several parts;

Determine the shape of the part (rectangular, round, triangular)

Integration: knowledge, work, music.

2 Physical education

Subject. Throwing the ball on the floor.

Tasks. Exercise:

Walk in a column one at a time;

Run in all directions;

Jumping from a place.
Continue to develop the ability to land at the same time

on both legs, exercise in throwing the ball on the floor.

mobile game "Find Your Color" sedentary


1 D / I "Journey through fairy tales"

Tasks . Deepening and expanding children's knowledge on the topic "The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

The game is an imitation.

Tasks. To develop the ability to convey certain gestures of animal habits, to contribute to the formation of positive emotions.

Walk. Spring in the life of forest animals

Tasks . expand ideas about how life comes to life in the forest in spring: trees start to grow, animals wake up (bear, hedgehog), insects that slept in winter; all arrange their nests, burrows, breed offspring.

P / I " Bear clumsy "

Tasks. Develop skill

perform movements according to the text.

P / I "Brook"

Tasks : to consolidate the ability to move in pairs.

Labor activity pruning dry branches.

Tasks . Raise the desire to participate in work activities, performing feasible tasks.


Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Tasks. Help to better remember a fairy tale, cause a desire to reproduce dialogues between characters.

Work in the book corner "Knizhkin hospital"

Tasks. Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards the work of adults; educate the desire to take part in feasible work; encourage adults to help.

Game situation "On a visit to the kolobok"

Tasks. Contribute to the enrichment of children's play experience; expand children's vocabulary.

P / I "Shaggy dog"


To form the ability of children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and not pushing.

Building game "Let's help the little animals build a beautiful tower"

Tasks. To promote the development of the ability to act with building material; develop an interest in fairy tales.

D / I " Great bag"

Task . Develop the ability to name wild and domestic animals from fairy tales. (Egor, Anton)

I / U "We climb the mountain."

Tasks. Develop the ability to climb an inclined ladder, follow safety rules. Develop coordination of movements, attention, enrich motor experience.(Maxim, Zarina)

D / I "Guess the riddle"

Tasks. Develop the ability to guess the animal by characteristic signs

(Pasha, Stas)

Exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales


Outdoor switchgear complex "Kittyata"

Our Murka has kittens -

Fluffy, funny guys.

jumping, playing

And they lap milk.

Children love kittens very much -

Fluffy, funny, playful kids.

1. "Soft paws"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back, clenched into fists. Hands forward - "soft paws"; unclench your fists, move your fingers - "and in the paws - scratches." Return to i. n. Repeat 5 times.

2. "Kittens roll balls"

AND. p .: legs apart, hands down. Tilt forward; perform 3-4 swings of the arms back and forth, slightly springing the knees. Return to i. n. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 4 times.

3. "Where are the ponytails?"

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Perform tilts to the right and left. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

4. Jumping Kittens

I. p .: legs slightly apart, arms down. 2-3 "springs", b- 8 jumps, 8-10 steps. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3 times.

5. "Spouts breathe"

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, deep breath through the nose. Return to i. p., as you exhale, say “dy-y-shat”. Repeat 3-4 times.

Mobile game "Cat Vaska"

Inventory: cat mask.

On the playground, a line 3.5-4 m long is marked with colored water, a cord or a line on the ground. Children stand behind it. The child, chosen by the teacher to play the role of a cat, walks in front of the children on toes in a mask, looks to the left, then to the right, meows. The teacher at this time says:

Like our cat

The coat is very good.

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

bold eyes,

The teeth are white.

Vaska walks sideways

In a warm fur coat.

The child-"cat" runs away to the side, squats down, "falls asleep". The teacher says:

Hush, children, Vaska is sleeping,

Even the tail does not tremble.

Let's quietly approach Vaska

(Children tiptoe to the cat)

Let's sing a song to him:

La la la la la la!

"Cat" wakes up, rises, stretches. The teacher says:

Vaska opens her eyes

And he's chasing the kids!

The driver catches up with the children, they run away from him beyond the line, to their house.

Notes. 1. First, the role of the cat is played by the teacher, then after several repetitions of the game, a child is selected for this role. 2. Make sure that when running, the children are attentive to each other, do not push, do not cross the road next to a running child.

Game exercise "Kitten"

Inventory: a flexible rod 1-1.5 m long. A thread or cord 0.5 m long is tied to the end of the rod. A bow (width 5-7 cm, length 12-15 cm) made of material (leatherette, cardboard, etc.) is tied to the end of the thread. d.).

The teacher explains to the children that they are all playful kittens who love to run, jump, and play. Kids, like kittens, jump up and try to get a bow, which the teacher holds 10-15 cm above the raised hands of the children. After 45-60 seconds, the children are invited to rest, walk around the playground for a short time - 20-25 seconds. Then the game is repeated again.


1. Sipping.

2. "Like a cat mustache ..."

I.p. - standing on all fours. Turning the head to the right, to the left.

3. "Show paws."

I.p. - Same.

Alternately raising the right and left arms, legs.

4. "We crawl under the fence."

I.p. - Same.

Bend your elbows, sit on your feet with your buttocks, slowly, lowering your head, imitate progress under the fence. Rise on outstretched arms - sp.

5. "Wag the tail."

I.p. - Same.

The movement of closed legs to the right and left.

6. "Frightened of the dog."

I.p. - Same.

Arch your back with a "shhhh" sound.

7. "Catch up with the tail."

I.p. – o.s.

Jumping on two legs around you.

8. "On soft paws."

Walking on toes.

They get acquainted with the signs of spring, learn about what happens in nature in spring, which birds fly from warm lands. The teacher makes observations of changes in nature, examines the first spring flowers together with the children, teaches them to compose stories about the time of the year using a mnemonic table. You will find a detailed description of the conversations, experimental activities, speech games in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" Spring is red ".

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to work on the formation of the foundations between the children through the games "Stubborn Goats", "Teddy Bear", etc. Social and communicative development takes place in role-playing games on the theme "Cook" under the guidance of an adult. The teacher continues to teach children to be on duty in the dining room.

cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, talks about the time of year, observations and excursions for a walk, board games "Lay out the pattern", "Continue the row" are planned. The teacher organizes a series of experiments with sand to develop curiosity and forms spatial perception of himself in children.

Speech development

Speaking tongue twisters, compiling stories using mnemonic tables, breathing exercises contribute to the speech development of children. The teacher selects literature for reading in the 2nd half of the day, offers to remember.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The theme of spring is also reflected in the artistic and aesthetic development. Kids get acquainted with the dance game "Vesnyanka", draw flowering trees and bushes with their fingers, practice modeling and appliqué. The result of the week is the design of the exhibition "Blossoming Spring".

Physical development

The teacher continues to acquaint children with the human body and ways to improve health, relaxation techniques, which has a beneficial effect on physical development. Children remember the outdoor games "Find where it is hidden", "Giants - dwarfs", "Bird flight" and others.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Etude "Stubborn goats". Purpose: to educate in children such qualities as pliability, generosity.Conversation "What season is it now." Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of seasonal changes.Di. "Whose voice." Purpose: to learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.Examination of paintings from the series "Blossoming Spring". Purpose: to teach to see the beauty of spring nature, to prepare for drawing.Fizminutka "Winter has passed" by M. Klokov. Purpose: to strengthen the muscular system of the body.
Help the teacher fix books. Purpose: to introduce children to work.Looking at the grass. Purpose: to show the features of spring grass, to enrich the vocabulary of children.Di. "What it's made of." Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children the use of relative adjectives and ways of their formation.Games in the music corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical abilities.P.I. "Find where it is hidden." Purpose: to form the ability to navigate in space. P.i. "Brook". Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate their actions.
2 p.d.Introduction of attributes to the game "Cook". Purpose: to prepare children for s.r. game.Button games "Lay out the pattern", "Lay out the picture", "Continue the row", etc. Purpose: development of sensory and fine motor skills.Reading K. Chukovsky "Fly - clatter". Purpose: to introduce a new work.Round dance "Vesnyanka" N. Nishcheva. Purpose: to expand ideas about spring.Self-massage of the auricles "Let's play with the ears." Purpose: to help strengthen the body's defenses.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "What is kindness." Purpose: to form ideas about kindness.Mathematical games at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to consolidate mathematical representations in children.Exercises with "Magic Cubes". Purpose: to form ZKR.Drawing with fingers with the subgroup "Blossoming trees and bushes." Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to draw in non-traditional ways.Examination of the painting "Masha washes herself." Purpose: to remind children about the benefits and the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
Removal of damaged and dry branches. Purpose: to cultivate love, a caring attitude towards nature.Looking at a spring tree. Purpose: to clarify what happens in the spring with a tree.Compilation of descriptive stories about spring according to mnemonic tables. Purpose: to form a coherent speech.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to promote the development of theatrical games.P.i. "Brook". Purpose: to remember the rules, to form in children the ability to coordinate their actions. P.i. "Bird flight". Purpose: to train children in climbing.







Educational areas



1. The conversation “Spring has come to us” to develop speech, an active dictionary.

2. D/ig. "Whose house?" to teach e. ​​to recognize wild animals, to name their dwellings. Enrich vocabulary, learn to pronounce words correctly and clearly.

3. Listening to musical works "Spring Awakenings" to develop interest in music, the desire to listen to music, sing along, perform simple dance movements.

"Physical development"

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

"Colorful beads"

Objectives: Decomposition of homogeneous objects into two groups. D / and in mathematics - "What is gone."

Music lesson

Individual work with Rita, Katya S.: sound A.

A-ah-ah-ah - the children sing affectionately to the doll, pronouncing the vowel A on a long exhalation. At the same time, the Alyonushka doll moves its arms, expressing the joy of communicating with children.

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Speech development"


1. Observation of the formation of icicles, drops. Bypassing the site with d, note which side of the house icicles form. Why?

2.P/ig. "Day and night" - to develop attention, the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

3.Game/Exercise "Don't get caught!" - develop the ability to quickly jump out of the circle.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

After lunch

"Reading Fiction"


1. Labor. Put things in order after the games have the appropriate forms of work. skills, the desire to maintain and restore order.

2.Game/sit. “What We Can Do” continue to teach e. ​​how to use soap and a towel.

3. N / a games of interest e. - to deliver e. joy from the game and from communicating with each other.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "Spring has come to us"



1. Conversation "Walk in the spring forest" to introduce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.)

2. D / games “Call it right” on the topics “Clothes”, “Shoes”, “Dishes”, “House. and wild animals ”exercise d in the class of subjects on a certain basis, learn to use. generalized words in speech.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Reading Fiction"

After breakfast


"Ribbons for dolls"

Goals: To teach children to draw straight vertical lines with a brush, depicting ribbons; to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, it is easy to draw without pressure, holding the pile along the course of the brush.

Physical training

Individual work with Nastya, Katya T .: Development of movements - lean forward, and do not bend your legs at the knees.

Finger game: "This is a finger ..."

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"


1. Labor. Cleaning fallen branches of shrubs and trees to learn to work together, together, to bring the matter to the end.

2. P / ig. "My favorite tree" develop memory by memorizing the characteristic details of your favorite tree.

3.Game/Exercise The "winding path" is to learn to move in a column behind the leader, repeating his movements.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Musical relaxation background Disc "Native lullabies"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. D / games "Find a place" to teach d. to pay attention to the relative position of objects, to use the prepositions "on", "for", "under" in speech.

2.C/r ig. "Hospital" to form the ability to show interest in the game actions of peers. Encourage attempts e. to independently select attributes for a particular role.

3.Words/games. “It happens - it doesn’t happen” - develop speech, attention,


"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "Spring has come to us"



1. Placement in the group of plot pictures "Ice drift" to form interest in natural phenomena, develop logical thinking.

2. Invite d. to examine the ball and the cube, introduce d. to different ways of examining objects, draw conclusions.

3.Games/sieve. “I don’t spin at the table” continue to teach how to eat carefully, not stuff your mouth full, use a napkin.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech Development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast


"Combined Fence"

Goals: Aligning in a straight line, alternating the two main positions of the bricks - on the short narrow side / on the long narrow side or different in shape.

Music lesson

Individual work with Leva and Alena: sound L.

Develop a clear and correct movement and position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, develop the volume of the voice.

"Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Speech development"


1. Pay attention to thawed patches, black funnels near large trees. Make a riddle about snow: “I lay in the field in winter, and ran into the river in spring.”

2.P/ig. "Let's play with sunbeams?" expand children's ideas about yavl. inanimate nature: to develop physical. quality.

3. Drawing with sticks on the ground - develop imagination, art. skills.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Musical relaxation background. Disc "Doctor Sleep"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. When washing, repeat nursery rhymes - to promote the formation of the habit of neatness.

2. Drawing with pencils on a free topic - to consolidate technical skills, to form a desire to please others.

3. Table setting for dinner, put napkins on the table, lay out spoons, teach you to do errands responsibly. Games initiated by children

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "Spring has come to us"



1. Conversation “How to recognize spring? How does an icicle grow? Why do they say “nature woke up” in spring? learn to answer questions, develop thinking, speech.

2. D / ig "Find the right color" to teach to apply knowledge about colors, act according to oral instructions, develop attention.

3. Games / exercises "Obediant buttons" to learn to fasten large buttons, help each other, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast

Speech development

"Sound U"

Objectives: Clarify the correct pronunciation of the isolated sound y, develop a long oral exhalation.

"Let's buzz like an airplane"

When the plane flies high, it is not visible, but only audible as it buzzes (for a long time, it makes a sound at low tones). Let's hum all together, then separately.

Methodical instructions. The teacher makes sure that the tongue is pressed tightly against the palate by the upper teeth.

Individual work with Sasha K., Nastya Ya.: sound Z.

The bear couldn't stand it

The bear roared

And on the evil enemy

The Bear has flown.

He already crushed him

And broke it:

"Give it here

Our sunshine!

Scared Crocodile,

And from the mouth of the toothy

The sun has fallen...

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"


1. Observation of the work of the janitor, like snow cleaving on the sidewalk, to cultivate respect, to form a desire to work, to help adults.

2. P / games "Owl" to exercise in fast running, climbing; develop endurance.

3. Games/exercise "Get in the hoop" - develop accuracy, dexterity.

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Physical development"

After lunch

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. Coloring pictures in coloring books - to consolidate technical skills, knowledge of colors.

2. Games/exercise "Do not miss the ball" - learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping; cultivate friendliness.

3. Read x. prod. A. Northern "Traffic light", V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic light" we consolidate knowledge about the traffic light.

"Physical development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas



1. D/ig. “Collect a pyramid” to teach e. ​​to select rings by size and color, develop attention, form the ability to compare.

2.Music/ig. "Guess what I'm playing" to develop timbre ear d, to learn to distinguish the sound of familiar noise instruments, to name them correctly.

3. Labor: “We teach Petrushka to water plants” - to cultivate an attitude towards plants as living beings, accuracy.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast


"Doll House"

Objectives: to draw the attention of children to the building material, to its constructive capabilities; development of the imagination; encourage independence and creativity.

Physical training

Individual work with Aisu, Varya and Nikita: Didactic game: “Magic bag. Purpose: vocabulary enrichment

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"


1.P/ig. "Bird flight" to exercise d in climbing stairs, jumping, running; develop dexterity, the ability to navigate in space.

2. Drawing with sticks "Spring Sun" to learn to draw round and straight lines on the ground.

3.Game/Exercise "Catch a mosquito" to teach d. to perform jumps in place, energetically pushing off with both legs, to develop attention.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the lullaby "Gray cat"

"Reading Fiction"


1.Ig/sieve "Good will not go away, but evil will disappear" to encourage manifestations of compassion in children, to form a benevolent attitude towards each other.

2. Conversation: "How to behave at the table?" explain e. the need to eat carefully (take food little by little, chew thoroughly), do not knock with spoons, use a napkin.

"Physical development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "A walk in the spring forest"



1. Conversation “What do we wear in spring?” continue to acquaint d with items of clothing, shoes, hats, recognize them in pictures.

2. D / games "What's more?" to teach to compare objects in size with a sample, to designate the result of the comparison with the words “less”, “more”.

3. Words / ig "Let's set the table" - repeat the rules for serving the table.

"Physical development"

"Reading Fiction"

After breakfast

Speech development

Dramatization of D. Bisset's fairy tale "Ha-ha-ha!"

Objectives: to teach children to distinguish animals by their appearance and voices, to arouse children's sympathy for the hero of a fairy tale - the little gosling Willy, who knows the world; to exercise children in pronouncing onomatopoeia.


"Let's bake pancakes for mom"

Objectives: To arouse interest in children in the result of work, to teach them how to use clay carefully.

Individual work with Plato and Dima: Exercise the name of the color.

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. The story of the teacher "Drops" to develop observation, curiosity, speech.

2.P/ig. "The mother hen and chickens" to teach children to correctly perform game actions, develop independence and creativity.

3. Games/exercise “Guess who is screaming” to develop observation, attention, activity and orientation in space.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the lullaby "Mom's lullaby".

"Reading Fiction"


1. Reading: A. Barto "The Dirty Girl" to introduce e. to poetry, to teach to understand the content of the work. Arouse the desire to be neat.

2. Ig/sieve. "A walk in the spring forest" to contribute to the formation of the s / r game based on the impressions received while looking at the pictures.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Speech development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "A walk in the spring forest"



1. D / ig "Red, yellow, green" to promote the development of the ability to use your knowledge of primary colors, act in accordance with a specific traffic signal.

2. Making riddles on spring topics to develop logical thinking, speech.

3. Ig / sit “Filya caught a cold” to form ideas about colds, about the rules for their prevention, about how to behave during illness and during the recovery period

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Reading Fiction"

After breakfast


"Decorate a handkerchief for mom"

Objectives: To teach children to draw straight horizontal lines with a pencil, felt-tip pen or colored crayons and a brush, to create a “checkered” pattern, combining horizontal lines with vertical ones; to consolidate the ability to properly hold a pencil and brush; to consolidate knowledge about red, blue and green.


Individual work with Nastya, Katya S., Rita: teach how to wash your hands properly, wipe them dry with your towel

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Social and communicative development"


1. Games / exercise "Funny balls" to develop the ability to throw the ball high up and catch it with both hands.

2.P / ig "Wind and Clouds" to learn to move in a coordinated direction in a given direction, to respond to the verbal signals of the educator.

3. Games at will develop the ability to find something to do on your own.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. Design to learn to use parts of different colors in the construction, to learn to arrange the material vertically and tightly to each other. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.

2. Invite children to coloring "Spring changes in nature" to maintain interest in art. activities. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, perseverance.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas



1. "Watering flowers" to continue to acquaint d with labor operations for the care of indoor plants, talk about their purpose.

2. D / ig "What it looks like" to develop the ability to distinguish between a circle, a square.

3. Comparison of images of adult domestic animals and their cubs to form the ability to distinguish adult animals from their cubs in appearance and behavior.

"Physical development"

"Speech Development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast

Acquaintance with the outside world

"The Work of a Cook" Dinner for three bears»»

Objectives: To give an idea about the profession of a cook, the items needed for work. Raise respect for the work of adults. Develop attention. Memory, thinking, coordination of movements. Clarification and consolidation of the concepts "small" - "large" - "Very large" in relation to items of kitchen utensils; learning to use superlative adjectives.

Physical education

Individual work with Varya and Sasha K.: D / and on the formation of a dictionary - the selection of objects for action. Who and what is swimming? Flying? Is it ticking? growls? Runs?

"Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Speech development"

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. P / ig "Train" to improve running skills, encourage active children, help harden the child's body.

2. Games / exercises "Bunnies" to develop the ability to perform jumps around objects on two legs, to form a sense of success.

3. Birdwatching to develop the ability to distinguish and compare birds, activity in speech, and clarify concepts related to the structure and habits of birds.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Speech development"

After lunch

Reading the lullaby "Bayu-bye ...".

"Reading Fiction"


1. С/р ig "Cafe" to create conditions for independent games, to develop the storyline.

2. D / ig "Child and fire" to form ideas about the danger that fire is fraught with, to warn against playing with fire.

3. Games with different constructors - learn to connect parts together, develop fine motor skills, thinking.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Cognitive Development"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "Spring Flowers"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Considering the album "Birds" to form the ability to recognize familiar birds by their appearance and name them.

2.Music / ex. "Birds are flying" encourage d. to listen to the change of melody, and change movements.

3. D / games "Name what is in front, behind you." Strengthen the ability to navigate in space away from yourself.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast



Objectives: to teach to design from building material.

Learn to beat buildings using small toys - fixing the names of building materials.


Individual work with Polina and Ilya: Orientation in time: morning, afternoon, evening, night

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. Games / exercise "Bring an item" to exercise while running. The ability to understand instructions, perform simple tasks.

2. P / games "Sparrows and a car" to learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

3. Drawing silhouettes of birds on the ground to develop the activity and curiosity of children, to develop fine motor skills.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the lullaby "Sleep my joy, sleep."

"Reading Fiction"


1. Offer colored pencils: learn to draw lines of different lengths, develop pencil skills.

2. Repeat verses familiar to children to develop memory, speech, achieve the correct sound pronunciation.

3.M / p ig “Birds, time! Birds, two! learn to perform movements.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Reading Fiction"







Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas

Theme of the week: "Spring Flowers"



1. The conversation “Why you need to sleep” is a form of presentation about the fact that with the help of sleep they restore strength.

2. D / ig "Fold the bird" (cut pictures) arouse interest in folding pictures depicting birds, develop fine motor skills, observation, thinking.

3. Games / exercise "Cockerel" to exercise in stepping over objects.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

After breakfast


"Decorate the plate"

Objectives: To expand children's ideas about tea utensils, about the purpose of all items of the tea set. To develop the ability to replace the visible pattern on the dishes with strokes of paint and independently depict a decorative pattern on the "dishes". Fix the name of the primary colors of the spectrum.

Physical training

Individual work with Aisu, Varya and Nikita: “Show how Fedya is angry and how happy he is” - to develop clear movements and the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"


1. Watching birds. To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds: wintering and migratory.

2. Game / exercise "Hares" - to consolidate the skills of repulsion when jumping on two legs.

3. P / games "Flight of birds" to learn to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

"Mom's Lullaby"

"Reading Fiction"


1. C / p ig "Barbershop" to stimulate the active use of the necessary attributes, substitute items.

2. Viewing and discussion of the cartoon “P.D.D. with Aunt Owl" - to create a favorable atmosphere for bringing children closer to each other, to consolidate previously acquired knowledge.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Spring Flowers"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Conversation "Behavior at the table" to form k / g skills.

2. Games/exercise "Let's collect the balls in a basket" clarify ideas about the shape and color of objects, learn to understand the essence of the task.

3. Suggest n/a. games to develop independent activities of children.

"Physical development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast

Speech development

"Tea utensils. Dolls are visiting us"

Objectives: to expand the understanding of the dishes, to introduce the names of tea utensils and their purpose; expand vocabulary, learn to carry out instructions, develop speech. Help children understand the content of the nursery rhyme, arouse a desire to listen to it, repeat poetic words and phrases after the teacher; develop children's imagination.

Reading fiction

"Saucer for a kitten"

Objectives: To introduce O. Vysotskaya's poem “It's cold”, to learn to repeat phrases after the teacher; learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words, guess the animal from the description; to consolidate the ability to roll balls of plasticine with circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece, carefully place the finished product on the plank.

Individual work with Alena, Katya S.: development of counting skills within three.

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Cognitive Development"


1.D/ig. "One and many" to teach to find single objects and sets in the environment.

2.M/n ig. "Edible - inedible" to develop attention, speech.

3.Game / exerc. "Football players" to teach to pass the ball with a kick.

4. P / ig. "Ball in a circle" to learn to throw the ball at a horizontal target with both hands.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

"Reading Fiction"


1. Offer q large blocks for designing on the carpet (the theme is at the discretion of the children) to encourage independence.

2. S/r ig. “Mom puts the children to bed” is the ability to choose a role, to perform several interrelated actions in the game.

3. Offer to come up with movements with handkerchiefs, develop a sense of rhythm, encourage active children.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Spring Flowers"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Conversation “Why do we need a traffic light on the road?” develop safe behavior skills.

2. Suggest for viewing illustrations depicting clothes to develop curiosity in d.

3. D/ig. "What changed?" to teach children to be observant, to develop attention and memory.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast


"How to behave at the table?"

word game

"Let's set the table"


Individual work with Nastya, Katya S., Rita: D / game "Let's dress the doll Masha for a walk" - fix the sequence

"Social and communicative development"

"Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. Repeat the main colors (the sky is blue, the sun is yellow, the clouds are white, the grass is green) - to consolidate the knowledge of children.

2.Game/Exercise “On a flat path” to teach d. to perform jumps in place, vigorously pushing off with both legs.

3.P/ig. "Find your place" to teach and navigate in space, to correctly perform the basic movements when running.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Performance of the lullaby "Sleep, my bear" muses. Tilicheeva, sl. Ostrovsky

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. Offer d drawing sheets (the topic is at the discretion of the children) to develop creativity, learn to paint over the drawing without going beyond the outline.

2.D/ig. "Sources of danger" to consolidate knowledge about objects that can be a source of danger.

3. Words / ig. "Finish the phrase" learn to complete sentences. Develop speech enrich emotionally-sensitive experience.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas







Morning gymnastics.

1. Conversation "Stranger on the playground" to cultivate safe behavior skills.

2. Duty after class - teach d. to clean up after working with handouts.

3.D/ig. “Find out who called” to teach to recognize peers by voice, to play the role of a leader.

"Physical development"

"Speech Development"

After breakfast

The world

"Playing with a doll"

Objectives: To teach to understand what is depicted in the picture, to answer the questions of the educator on its content, to correlate the objects depicted in the picture with the corresponding ones in the subject pictures.

Physical education

Individual work with Leva and Nastya A.: finger game "Family", Dykhat. exercise "Inflate a spring ball."

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development

"Physical development"

"Speech development"


1. Playing with sand "Building towers" to learn how to make towers by pouring sand on top, carefully handling the sand.

2.Game/Exercise "Who will throw further?" to teach e. ​​to throw the ball at a distance, practice swinging and throwing.

3. Independent game activity: "Think up yourself" to fix movements in natural conditions; develop attention.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Game-etude “Yasam Musical relaxation background. Disc "Native lullabies"

"Social and communicative development"

"Reading Fiction"


1. Offer d sheets with the image of shoes for self-coloring, learn to paint over the drawing without going beyond the outline.

2. Situational conversation: "Don't bite your nails" to form healthy lifestyle skills, teach you to take care of your nails.

3. Games - fun with soap bubbles - creating a favorable emotional climate, atmosphere, general joy and well-being.

4. D/ig “What did the road sign say about itself?” learn the signs.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Reading Fiction"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



1. Conversation: "Clothes" to develop and activate a passive vocabulary. Clarify ideas about clothing.

2. Offer to water indoor plants and continue to teach children how to care for plants.

3. Games/exercise “Go to the sound” - develop auditory attention, exercise in orienting space.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

After breakfast


"Guess the Color"

Objectives: "Correlation of objects of two given forms when choosing from four"

"D / and by sensory - the game" Guess the color "

fixing the names of geometric shapes: circle, square.


Individual work with Sasha K., Nastya Ya.: Development of movements - walking with throwing legs forward and swinging arms to the beat

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Physical development"


1.P/ig. "The mother hen and chickens" to develop the ability to perform movements on a signal, to exercise in running in different directions.

2. The game - the puzzle "Drawings in the sand" to teach how to beat an unfinished image; develop logical thinking.

3. Playing with sand to maintain a cheerful mood d.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Listening to songs about friendship from cartoons.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. Labor. Remind q to keep books and toys in order. Follow how they clean toys, put things in order in the centers of activity.

2. Consideration of illustrations on traffic rules, focus on the need to study traffic rules. Clarify ideas about crossing the street on a green traffic light.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Conversation: "Headwear" to clarify ideas about hats, their diversity, seasonality.

2. D/ig. "Guess what's gone?" develop the ability to act in accordance with simple rules.

3.D/ig. "Fold the figure" to develop perception, memory, attention, logical thinking.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

After breakfast


"Sun and Clouds"

Objectives: (painting with a brush over the sketch) To consolidate the ability to draw round objects.

physical education

Individual work with Aisu, Varya and Nikita: pronunciation of tongue twisters

Roo-roo-roo - the sun shines in the morning.

Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.

You-you-you - cats roam the yard.

Tsy-tsy-tsy - the chicks want to eat. Would-be-would - mushrooms grow in the forest.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox runs in the forest.

Woo-woo-woo - they saw an owl in the forest.

Ri-ri-ri - bullfinches have arrived.

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"


1. P / ig "At the bear in the forest" to learn to run without bumping into each other.

2.Creative. ig: "Chickens - to the right, bunnies - to the left" to develop classification skills. To fix the categories "right - left".

3. C / r game “Bake pies” - teach to set game goals, perform appropriate game actions, find objects necessary for the game in the environment.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Speech development"

After lunch

Repetition of the song "Mammoth", reading nursery rhymes about food. Talk about the benefits of sleep.

"Reading Fiction"

"Cognitive Development"


1. Offer d sheets with the image of various hats for self-coloring.

2. Offer q to clean up the group after the game - to stimulate independent actions of q to restore order.

3.Game/Exercise “Crawl through the gate” - teach d. to crawl under the arranged chairs.

4. Games in activity centers develop thinking, imagination.

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Words / games "Kind and polite" form the skills of a culture of behavior, use polite words in various situations.

2.D / games "Whose bow?" learn to correlate objects by color, convey the results of work in speech.

3. Games/exercise “Where are our legs” to teach d. Alternately put forward the right and left legs, develop coordination of movements.

"Physical development"

"Speech development"

After breakfast

Speech development

"Sound L"

Objectives: To develop a clear and correct movement and position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, to develop the volume of the voice. "Swing"


"Let's treat the dolls with sweets"

Objectives: To educate children in a positive, caring attitude towards others, to teach them to carefully work with clay, roll out lumps.

Individual work with Alena, Katya S.: D / and sensory - “Colored couples”. Balancing Clouds and Wind. Standing, children depict small, then large clouds with circular movements of their hands above their heads. The wind (teacher) blew, drives clouds across the sky (children run).

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. P / ig "Airplane" to teach to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

2.M / n ig "Green leaves" to teach to walk scatter between the leaves, stop at the signal.

3. Suggest d crayons for drawing on asphalt to continue learning d. draw with chalk on asphalt.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Geese Swans", "Morozko"

"Reading Fiction"


Exercise after sleep.

1. The conversation “Let's not get sick” to bring e. to the understanding that human health needs to be protected and strengthened, to form healthy lifestyle habits.

2. D / games "Red, yellow, green" to develop the ability to use your knowledge of primary colors, act with a certain traffic light signal. Games initiated by children

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



Morning gymnastics.

1. Conversation about K.I. Chukovsky to tell about the profession of a writer (storyteller), about the results of his work.

2.Words/games. "Echo" diversify articulation, the ability to change the strength of the voice.

3.D / games "Touch to ..." exercise d. in recognizing objects made from various materials.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast


"How to behave at the table?"

- explain the need to eat carefully (take food little by little, chew thoroughly), do not knock with spoons, use a napkin.

word game

"Let's set the table"

- repeat the rules of table setting


Individual work with Nastya, Katya S., Rita: continue to teach good behavior when parents come for them

(do not be capricious, do not shout) put changeable shoes in the locker.

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"


1. Chorus / Bubble games to teach children to stand in a circle, coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

2. P / games "Birds are flying" to learn to run in all directions, to help each other.

3. M / p ig "Drip-drip-drip" to teach to be attentive.

Games initiated by children

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the fairy tale "Mammoth", talking about mother, listening and learning "Songs of the Mammoth".

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"


1. Considering illustrations for fairy tales to continue to form interest in books.

2. Designing "Let's build a house for fairy-tale heroes" to develop constructive skills.

3. Games at will to continue to teach how to organize the game on their own and agree on roles.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



Morning gymnastics.

1.Games / sit. “Let's show the Sun how to wash your face” to contribute to the formation and improvement of the CPG.

2.D / games "Rays for the sun" (clothespins) to fix colors, develop fine motor skills.

3. Choir. games. “We lead a round dance with the Sun” to develop the ability to walk in a circle, to cultivate friendships.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast

Speech development

"Me, my home, my family"

Objectives: to learn to build sentences in a coherent manner, to instill love for loved ones, for home, to activate the vocabulary through words (apartment, street, multi-storey building), to develop cognitive interest


"Doggy house"

Objectives: to cultivate accuracy when using glue;

fix the names of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;

Encourage children to take care of animals.

Individual work with Alyosha, Sasha on the development of movements: game exercise "Turn around and circle", "We are brave, skillful."

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"


1.Game/Exercise "Naughty ball" to develop a sense of rhythm in children, to correlate the movements of the ball with the words of the text.

2.P/ig. "Let's go to the forest" to clarify the names of plants, to develop orientation in space.

3.M / n games “Ladushki-pancakes” to learn to clap your hands in different ways, keep score: “one, two!”.

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Role-playing game: "Shop"

"Social and communicative development"


1. Viewing the cartoon "Fly-Tsokotuha" and a conversation on the content to teach to explain the actions of people and their consequences.

2. Drawing a kolobok to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, select a color corresponding to the image object, adjust the force of pressure on the pencil when painting.

3. Finger game "Spider" to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, cause a joyful mood.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



1. The conversation “Why people take care of nature” to form in e. it is presented that plants are alive, a person cannot live without them.

2. Considering spring illustrations, talking about the beauty of spring, develop the ability to notice the beauty of spring nature.

3.Game/Exercise "On the track on one leg" to develop the ability to jump on one leg.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast

Speech development

“We are such different girls and boys”

Objectives: to educate children in goodwill towards each other, to learn to monitor their appearance, to develop communication skills in children, to learn to help each other


"We are cuties, tumbler dolls"

to form the ability to roll the ball with circular movements of the palms; learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes.

Individual work with Sasha K., Nastya Ya. - on the development of fine motor skills.

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"


1. P / games "Hare, go out into the garden" to learn to act in accordance with the words.

2.Hor.ig "Veisya, wreath" to continue to teach d. to dance.

3.Game/Exercise “On a narrow path” to teach d. to step from circle to circle drawn on the ground.

Games initiated by children

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Goats".

"Reading Fiction"


1. Considering pictures on the formation of a healthy lifestyle "The doll washes" to continue work on strengthening and protecting health.

2. N / p ig "Mosaic" to develop fine motor skills, arm muscles, attention, spatial imagination, speech.

3. Sam-ny games with machines are a way to enrich games. development experience. the ability to interact with each other in a joint game.

4. Encourage d to carry out elementary tasks: after the game, put toys and building material back in place.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"






Joint activities of the educator

with children and independent activities of children

Educational areas





Theme of the week: "Rules of the road"



Morning gymnastics.

1. The teacher's story about the upcoming holidays Reading: O. Vysotskaya "Look, the whole city is decorated." Introduce holidays. decoration of streets, houses, with holidays. salute.

2.D/ig. "Flower-semitsvetik" to consolidate the ability to select objects by color and size.

3. Collaboration in a corner of nature. To teach to provide all possible assistance in caring for indoor plants, to consolidate children's knowledge about the methods and techniques of caring for plants.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

After breakfast


"Collect a portrait"

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of gluing, about safety rules when gluing parts. To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (circles), their size, color.


Individual work with Aisu, Varya and Nikita - ZKR: “Who screams like”

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development"

"Social and communicative development"


1.P/ig. "Sparrows-birds" to exercise in the ability to act on a signal, to teach to be attentive.

2.Game/Exercise "Merry Sparrow" to teach to perform movements according to the text of the game.

3. Drawing with junk material on the ground to learn to draw d. On the ground, any drawing to develop fantasy, thinking, speech.

Games initiated by children

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

After lunch

Reading r. n. Fairy tales "Masha and the Bear"

"Reading Fiction"


1. Reading K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" to continue to teach to keep your body clean and tidy: the importance of hygiene procedures.

2. "Knizhkina hospital" to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards work; educate the desire to take part in feasible work.

"Physical development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

Fri Morning 1. D / I "Find a little sister for a nesting doll" Purpose: to develop attention, thinking and memory
2. Conversation with children on the topic "Benefits from insects" Purpose: to acquaint children with the benefits that insects bring to nature
3. Didactic game for the development of speech "Call it affectionately" Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children
4. Preliminary work - reading the r.n. fairy tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"
Individual work-FEMP goal: to learn to reproduce a given number of objects circle, square and triangle -

“A house for a hare” (according to the Russian fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”) N.S. Golitsyn “Complex-theme. plan image. activities in d / s "s. 25. Purpose: to teach to depict an object consisting of several parts, to determine and name the shape of the parts (rectangle, triangle). Refine your knowledge of colors.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (L.I. Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 28) Purpose: to develop coordination of movement in walking and running between objects; repeat crawling exercises; exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on an elevated support.
1. Articulation gymnastics "Fence", breathing exercises "Hot tea" Purpose: to develop the ability to breathe properly
2. Memorization: I. Kosyakova “All of her” Purpose: to introduce children to verse. I. Kosyakova "All of her"
3. Didactic board game "Turret" Purpose: to develop thinking and perception
4. Independent activity of children: s / r game goal: encourage children to use substitute toys
5. Music. Game Noise makers, maracas, musical instruments for free games, rattles. Purpose: teaches to rhythmically ring rattles, play along on percussion folk instruments.
Individual work - MUSIC goal: repetition of the words of songs -

Mon Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic "Little Helpers" Purpose: to promote productive communication during the game
2. Split pictures on the topic of flowers Purpose: to introduce children into a game situation, to give a positive emotional charge
3. Didactic game for the development of speech "One - many" Purpose: to form the ability of children to form the plural of nouns
4. Preliminary work on familiarization with the environment - monitoring the work of helping to educate. while washing dishes after breakfast
Individual work: APPLICATION, goal: to consolidate the definition of the shape of the parts (rectangle and triangle) and knowledge of colors -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
"The nanny washes the dishes" O.V. Dybin "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in 2 ml. group." p.35. Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the work of kindergarten workers - teacher assistants, to teach them to call them by name, patronymic, to address them with “you”. to cultivate respect for the help of the educator and his work.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 "Rain" PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
2. Conversation "Spring" Purpose: to form the ability to observe changes in nature with the advent of spring. Recall the names of trees and flowers in the territory
3. Didactic game on ecology "When it happens" Purpose: to form the ability according to a verbal description, to find the right pictures
4. Storytelling: rn of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Purpose: to form the ability of children to retell the tale in the correct sequence
5. Independent activity of children Board games Purpose: to interest children in grouping geometric shapes
Individual work - PHYSICAL EDUCATION, goal: to teach walking between objects without touching them -

Tue Morning 1. Pick the Ribbon Games Purpose: fixing the names of colors
2. Conversation with children on the topic "First flowers" Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with the names of primroses, develop memory and attention
3. P / I "Sun and rain" Purpose: to promote the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.
4. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with the children which birdhouses they saw on a walk and look at the illustrations in children's books.
Individual work on ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, goal: to teach polite attitude and treatment of adults -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
“The birdhouse” by T.S. Komarova “Classes in fine arts in 2 ml. group." With. 95 goal: to teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle and a straight roof. Fix painting techniques
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) (L.I. Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 29) goal: repeat walking and running around objects, jumping over cords. Exercise in maintaining balance while walking on an elevated support.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 "Rain" goal: to promote the formation of positive emotions in children after sleep
2. Didactic game according to r.r. “Wake up the cat" Purpose: to activate the name of animal cubs in the speech of children
3. Memorizing "Bumblebee" Purpose: to form the ability to emotionally read poetry
4. D / I on the development of speech "One - many" Purpose: to form the ability of children to form the plural of nouns.
5. Independent activity of children: games in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines.
Individual work - MUSIC, goal: repetition of the words of songs and movements, to develop the desire to sing and sing along -

Planning for every day according to Vasilyeva April and May 2 junior group


Game-exercise "Morning greeting".

Target: Develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.

D / I "Rays for the sun" (clothespins)

Target: Fix colors, develop fine motor skills.

Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

Target: Familiarization of children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky through looking at illustrations for fairy tales. Generate interest in books

Conversation about K.I. Chukovsky.

Target: Tell children about the profession of a writer (storyteller), about the results of his work.

- Individual work with Misha, Sasha, Nastya, Any on FEMP. Didactic game: "Assignments".

Target: develop the ability to navigate in space and designate spatial directions relative to oneself with the words: above, below, left, right, in front, behind.

Morning exercises №32

game situation. "Let's show the Sun how to wash"

Target: Contribute to the formation and improvement of the CGT.

Didactic game: "Let's teach the doll to hold a spoon correctly."

Target: To develop the ability of children to hold a spoon correctly.

Joint game of children and educator: s / r game "Hospital of Dr. Aibolit".

- Individual work with Elya, Any, Ilya: game exercise "Boots quarreled."

Target: Learn to notice and correct improperly worn shoes.

Walk #1

Weather observation. Target: Contribute to the expansion of children's ideas about the characteristic signs of spring nature and weather and the changes associated with these seasonal features; understand the simplest relationships in nature.

P / I "Let's dance together with the Sun."

Target: To develop the ability of children to walk in a circle, cultivate friendships.

Labor activity. We put things in order on the site after the games.

Target: To cultivate a desire to participate in work activities, performing feasible tasks.

-Individual work with Nastya, Mark, Rodion on physical development. P / and "Hit the target." Target : Strengthen the skills of throwing objects, cause a joyful mood.

P / I "Sparrows and a cat."

Target: Exercise in running; develop the ability to follow basic rules.

Playing activity of children with remote material under the supervision of a teacher. D / I "Find the pebbles." (The biggest, the smallest, the smoothest…)

Target: Develop observation, attention, fantasy.

Sand games. Let's bake bunny pies.

Target: Develop attention and care for the bunny; form positive emotions; activity in independent activity.


Gradual rise. Exercise after sleep. Warm-up in bed, self-massage. Hardening procedures: walking along the massage path.

Target: Contribute to the protection and promotion of children's health.

-Individual work with Any, Lena, Slava, Nastya. Game exercise "Look in the mirror, how neatly we are dressed".

Target : Learn to notice the mess in clothes.

- Individual work with Any, Dasha, Misha.Target : Learn to hold a spoon with three fingers, bring the side to your mouth.

Animation room. Watching the cartoon "Fly-Tsokotuha"

Conversation on the content of what he saw.

Target: Create conditions for watching a cartoon. Engage children in conversation after watching the cartoon; explain the actions of the characters and their consequences.

- Individual work (Elina, Ksyusha). D / I “Who lives in the little house?”

Target : Develop the vocal apparatus, consolidate sound pronunciation.

Joint gaming activities of children and educator: Didactic games: “My favorite fairy tales”, “When it happens”, “Guess the hero of the fairy tale”, “Guess the fairy tale”, “Fairy tale hero”. Construction of "Teremok".

Target: learn to work together by beating the building.

Walk #2