Poor health during pregnancy - ailments of pregnant women. Health problems in early pregnancy

Pregnancy can be accompanied by ailments of varying severity, since during the entire period of expectation of a child, numerous changes occur in a woman's body. They help organs and systems adapt to new conditions and ensure that the baby receives everything necessary for successful development, and the mother copes with the growing load.

Most of the complaints during pregnancy are not a cause for concern for a woman, although they cause a lot of inconvenience to the expectant mother. For the most part, these unpleasant symptoms are just a reaction of the body to a growing physiological load. However, such dangerous phenomena during pregnancy as high fever, chills, bouts of dizziness, bleeding, severe pain that limits mobility, require a mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Poor health during pregnancy

Physical and physiological changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman affect the work of all her organs: the heart, venous and capillary systems, blood, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin. The expectant mother may experience such digestive disorders as

heartburn, bloating, constipation or loose stools. Frequent urination is often noted due to the fact that more fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, the volume of blood increases, and the kidneys begin to work faster. Poor health during pregnancy can be determined by the fact that the uterus grows and in the first three months takes a position in which the bladder contracts. In the second trimester of pregnancy, urination normalizes, and then becomes more frequent again closer to childbirth.

With an increase in the gestational age, the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother is subjected to an increasing load, since the developing fetus requires an even greater amount of nutrients. To meet its growing needs, there is an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the vessels in the body. Increasing stress on the heart can cause poor health during pregnancy. Now the cardiovascular system must cope with a large volume of blood in the same periods of time, as a result of which the heart rate increases and fatigue occurs - a problem familiar to all expectant mothers.

Most of the time, the level of blood pressure is lower than usual, which can cause a deterioration in well-being. Sudden high blood pressure during pregnancy is called preeclampsia, and severe hypertension accompanied by headaches is called eclampsia.

Most often, pregnant women complain of growing body weight and volume, as well as the pain caused by these changes, limited mobility and poor health during pregnancy. To a greater extent, these complaints relate to the back, lower back and lower abdomen. One reason for the discomfort is that the joints and ligaments of the pelvis separate to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Not the last role is played here by the fact that with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of the body shifts. This changes the posture, the spine bends forward, and the muscles of the back, especially in the lumbar region, constantly experience tension, which leads to pain, especially if the pregnant woman stands for a long time or sits in an uncomfortable position. Poor health during pregnancy and pain in the lower abdomen occur due to the fact that the muscles and ligaments of the lower pelvis that support the uterus are under increasing stress and are increasingly stretched. Pain, as a rule, is localized in the lateral sections of the pelvis and is most often the result of a strong stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus. Unpleasant sensations can be of different strength and properties: from constant and dull to attacks of acute pain, not accompanied by other symptoms, but lasting up to several hours.

Poor health during early pregnancy

In early pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis. It can proceed without complications and in this case is a normal physiological manifestation. The main symptoms of early toxicosis are nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences, lack of appetite, weight loss, drowsiness, apathy, irritability. Accompanying toxicosis can be asthma attacks, dermatitis, muscle and bone pain.

Toxicosis as a response of a woman's body to the growth and development of the embryo, causing poor health during pregnancy in the early stages, can be triggered by the following factors:

  • active formation of the placenta;
  • the reaction of the body to hazardous substances;
  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • chronic diseases of a woman;
  • emotional state of the expectant mother.

Toxicosis usually lasts up to the 20th week of pregnancy and is not dangerous, provided there are no complications and danger to the fetus. Alcohol abuse, smoking and other bad habits increase toxicosis and complicate the course of pregnancy. In severe toxicosis, a pregnant woman should be urgently hospitalized.

Possible ailments as a cause of poor health during early pregnancy

  1. Circulatory system: increased fatigue; dizziness; phlebeurysm.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract: nausea; increased appetite or loss; intolerance to certain products; heartburn, bloating; digestive disorders.
  3. Genitourinary system: frequent urination; selection. If these symptoms are not accompanied by sharp severe pains in the lower abdomen, and the discharge has a normal color and smell, then these phenomena are not dangerous and are temporary.
  4. Skin: increased oiliness of hair; the appearance of dandruff; increased skin pigmentation; discharge from the nipples;
  5. increased sensitivity and soreness of the mammary glands as a reaction to preparing for lactation are also the causes of poor health during early pregnancy.

Poor health during pregnancy in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered to be the calmest stage with the least chance of complications. However, the active growth and development of the fetus, as well as the increased load on the woman's body at this time, can lead to various kinds of ailments.

The reason for frequent constipation during pregnancy is a decrease in the activity of intestinal motility against the background of changes in hormonal levels, increased filling of blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and swelling of the intestinal walls. Eating a diet rich in fiber and clean water will help manage constipation and greatly improve the feeling of being unwell during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is a woman's congenital tendency to varicose veins. In this case, the expansion of the walls of the veins of the rectum can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. They cause itching, pain, bleeding and discomfort. Constipation is also a common cause of hemorrhoids, so their timely prevention is very important.

Heartburn is a common symptom of the second trimester of pregnancy. The uterus grows intensively, increasing in volume and squeezing the stomach, which leads to the release of acidic contents from the stomach. A woman who feels unwell during pregnancy in the second trimester can be helped by frequent meals in small portions without snacks, with the condition of refusing fatty foods.

Possible ailments during pregnancy in the second trimester

  • Circulatory system: anemia; varicose veins in the legs; haemorrhoids; swelling of the legs; swelling of the nasal mucosa; low or high blood pressure; shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: indigestion and heartburn; bloating; constipation; bleeding gums; caries.
  • Genitourinary system: reasons for feeling unwell during pregnancy in the second trimester may be infrequent urination; frequent urinary tract infections; inflammation of the bladder; selection. If discharge from the genitals is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, burning, itching, a sharp unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. All sorts of bleeding are very dangerous, as they can be symptoms of placental abruption.
  • Hormonal system: hormonal disruptions in a woman's body provoke dysbacteriosis, the result of which is thrush, which often causes poor health during pregnancy in the second trimester. It is imperative to get rid of this disease before childbirth, since during the birth of a child, its mucous membranes can be infected.
  • Skin: increased sweating; age spots (on the face and abdomen); itching of the skin of the abdomen; stretch marks.
  • Muscles and bones: back pain; pain in the lower abdomen; convulsions; swelling of the limbs; feeling of heaviness.

Pregnant women are always sensitive to their condition. Those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time are especially attentive to health during pregnancy. But bearing a second and subsequent children can also cause a lot of doubts and worries in a future mother, because even in the same woman, the first and second pregnancies can proceed in completely different ways. Therefore, it is important to know which manifestations of this period are the norm, and in which cases immediate medical attention is required.

What happens in the body in the early period of bearing a child?

To understand how a pregnant woman should feel normally, you need to understand the processes that occur in the early stages of gestation. At the same time, it should be taken into account that 1 trimester, which ends by 13 weeks, is considered an early term. In terms of a calendar period, this is approximately 3 months of pregnancy.

During this important period, a huge number of changes take place in the woman's body, which begin already from the moment of conception. Her body is gradually preparing for bearing and the birth of a new life, and this will continue for all 9 months. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers are not yet aware that a baby is developing in their womb, which so far does not look like a person at all and is called an embryo or fetus. Nevertheless, at this time, the most important organs are already being laid in him - the heart, brain and lungs, as well as the umbilical cord is being formed, which in the coming weeks will begin to connect him with his mother.

In the first month of pregnancy, the fetus has a truly tiny size - about 5 mm, so its new position does not affect the plane of the woman's abdomen. Roundness in this part of the body will appear much later. But the mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation already at the earliest possible date, so even after a short time after conception, the expectant mother may notice that her breasts have increased somewhat. In addition, already in the first month of pregnancy, specific hormones are actively produced that are responsible for many mechanisms in the bodies of the mother and child. The action of these substances will not keep you waiting, and within a few weeks after conception, a woman may notice that her condition has changed.

Mom usually begins to feel the first symptoms of the birth of a new life after a delay. In most cases, pregnancy at this time has already been confirmed by a pharmacy test, so a woman pays attention to her well-being, especially bad, much more than usual.

How does a woman feel in the first months

The first trimester is considered the most difficult stage in bearing a child - of course, not counting childbirth. Firstly, in the early stages of pregnancy, all the vital systems of the child are formed, and any negative impact at this time can greatly affect the development of the fetus. Secondly, in the initial period, the probability of spontaneous abortion is still high. And finally, thirdly, the body of the expectant mother is experiencing enormous stress at this time due to a complete restructuring - both physical and hormonal. The body of a woman gets used to a new role gradually, and often this condition is accompanied by specific symptoms. But even though some of them are unpleasant, and sometimes somewhat painful, they can be safely attributed to normal. Among them:

  • breast enlargement and increased sensitivity;
  • intolerance to smells and taste sensations, accompanied by nausea and vomiting (toxicosis);
  • increased urination;
  • drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, feeling unwell;
  • tearfulness, irritability, frequent mood swings;
  • indigestion: constipation, flatulence, bloating, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • weak pulling;
  • increase in vaginal secretion;
  • slight pressure drop.

All these symptoms are characteristic of the early stages of bearing a child, but not all pregnant women experience them. Some women admit that they did not feel their pregnancy at all until the moment when the stomach began to grow. It should be borne in mind that the body of each expectant mother is purely individual, so for some the first trimester goes almost unnoticed, while others constantly complain about feeling unwell, severe toxicosis and other “charms” of this period.

What sensations should alert?

A slight malaise in the first months of pregnancy is the norm rather than a pathology. But if the condition of the pregnant woman worsens, she may need immediate medical attention. Often in such situations it is about saving the life and health of the child.

Poor health in pregnant women can be caused not only by physiological reasons, but also by some pathological processes inside the female body. One of the most common signs of pregnancy disorders is severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Unlike the mild, natural pain that occurs in the early stages due to uterine stretching and hormonal changes, these sensations are almost impossible to endure. If, in addition, the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, this may signal a threatened miscarriage. In such a situation, you should not wait until the condition worsens: the bill can go to the clock. Therefore, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. It is worth considering that pain can be combined with a feeling of "petrification" of the lower abdomen. This indicates that the uterus is in excessive tension. This symptom is called uterine hypertonicity and also often accompanies spontaneous abortion.

An increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C and poor general well-being most likely indicate that an inflammatory process is developing in the woman's body. It is very important to identify the disease as early as possible in order to carry out appropriate treatment and prevent possible consequences for the fetus. A high temperature, combined with pain in the lower back or in the bladder area, is most often a sign of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or cystitis. These diseases are especially common in pregnant women, as the urinary system experiences a double load during childbearing.

Toxicosis, which is considered a normal sign of pregnancy, can also cause some complications. This condition becomes dangerous when a woman vomits for a long time and does not allow her to digest food. Because of this, the child does not receive the necessary nutrients, and this, in turn, is reflected in his growth and development. If a pregnant woman has a strong and prolonged toxicosis, this becomes a reason for hospitalization.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women always pay attention to poor health and, if suspicious symptoms are found, do not hesitate to ask for advice from a specialist. Timely detected pathology is the key to its successful treatment and a healthy course of pregnancy.

How to feel good in the first trimester?

Often the pregnancy proceeds absolutely normally, and the condition of the woman, as well as the health of her child, does not cause any concern to the gynecologist. If at the same time the expectant mother still experiences some unpleasant symptoms of her situation, she can resort to simple tips on how to feel better in the first trimester of the prenatal period:

  1. Allow yourself to relax more, walk in the fresh air and sleep well. This positively affects both the condition of the pregnant woman herself and the development of the baby.
  2. Try to leave a bad mood, petty feelings and nervous tension in the past: mother's mood is very strongly transmitted to the child in the womb. Remember this every time you start to get upset over trifles: thinking about the baby is a great help to distract.
  3. To cope with toxicosis, eat often, but in small portions. It is not forbidden to arrange healthy and tasty snacks (for example, eat dried fruits). You can get rid of nausea with the help of lemon or mint added to tea or mineral water without gas. Remember that this is a temporary condition that usually resolves by 13 weeks.
  4. Start eating right and taking vitamins: this will make you feel much better. Pregnant women should exclude junk food from their diet: fatty, spicy, fried, smoked. But a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables is only welcome. Do not forget about meat: it is one of the most important foods in the world.
  5. Be sure to give up bad habits. The condition and development of your child directly depends on this, not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. In addition, nicotine and alcohol can provoke poor health, including increased toxicosis.
  6. Start wearing special underwear that supports your breasts and reduces pain associated with hormonal changes in the mammary glands. In addition, special prenatal bras help prevent stretch marks.

As you know, how the baby develops in her womb directly depends on the well-being of the mother. It is important to consider not only the physical, but also the psychological state. A bad mood and any, even the most insignificant, diseases are not the best neighborhood for your baby. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women be attentive to their health and well-being in the early period of bearing a child.

Girls, everyone here complains, all the pregnant women have something sore ... And I feel great, like never before! So now the fears are overwhelming: why does nothing hurt? This is fine? Last week, my stomach and lower back were constantly drawn, and even nauseous. I was even happy: my stomach hurts - it means the baby is growing. And now nothing! The only thing is that the chest hurts when squeezed. Please respond! Am I just lucky, or should I be worried? Maybe someone had the same thing?


So far, you can be attributed to the lucky ones, but for a while - like in a song: either there will be more, or there will still be oh oh oh.

I'm Mama Marka

Lucky you! And in general, with a normal pregnancy, nothing should be particularly disturbing. Enjoy your pregnancy! Health to you and the baby!


I have the same. I don’t feel anything at all, even if I start to feel sick, or sometimes I even forget that I’m pregnant :) My mother tells me that with a normally developing pregnancy, nothing should hurt. The only slightly sensitive nipples, and then if you touch them.


if the stomach and lower back are pulled, one should not rejoice, but, on the contrary, worry. I endured like this, I thought it was normal, then there was a tone, detachment and a threat ..:((Rejoice that nothing hurts - that means everything is fine !!


I didn't have any pain either. only sometimes twice a day he slightly sipped his stomach as before M., and from the 6th week toxicosis began. I haven't been able to eat anything for a week now, in the morning before lunch I feel very sick and after dinner I sometimes feel sick.


I didn't feel any pregnancy symptoms until 7 weeks. And then rushed, so get ready for anything. everything ahead))))


And everything is quiet with me, only if you put pressure on the sissy, it’s unpleasant! It’s already scary, but yesterday I went and passed hCG - almost 19000 - which corresponds to the deadline - I’ll be calm for another week - until the next hCG! So calm and only calm!


A healthy woman, in principle, may not experience any symptoms of B. You appear to be one of them.
When I was pregnant with my son, I did not experience any signs, only my stomach grew.
I wish you good health and an easy pregnancy.


I didn't feel anything until 6 weeks. Only the breasts increased a little, and even then this did not cause any inconvenience. On the 7th week, she began to feel sometimes nauseous, her taste preferences and appetite changed. But TTT doesn't hurt anything. In general, more or less normal, I'm not complaining, but still, the condition is a little different than usual.
Easy pregnancy!


rejoice, happy woman!!!)))


Thank you very much, girls, reassured!!! I'm going crazy because of everything, I'll be an abnormal mother, probably))))) That's right, calmness and only calmness!


I (17 DPO) also feel great so far, nothing worries))) I think it means everything is fine. Tomorrow is the first time on HCG.


Colombina, good luck! I hope this is how we go through all B - without problems and complaints))


How is early pregnancy

Pregnancy in the early stages follows approximately the same scenario for all expectant mothers, that is, it provokes the same sensations and ailments. Consider the main characteristics of the first trimester.

1. Toxicosis. Early toxicosis to one degree or another occurs in almost every expectant mother. There are many versions of why it appears, but the reasons are not as important as the methods for alleviating the condition of a woman. In addition to special drugs for nausea, there are many popular ways to get rid of vomiting. In addition, nausea can occur on certain dishes, foods, smells, and in this case, to alleviate the condition, it is enough to remove them from your diet. In severe situations, when vomiting occurs after each meal, liquid, it is recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital. Otherwise, the health of not only the unborn child, but also his mother can be seriously affected.

2. Fatigue, irritability, insomnia, poor appetite characterize early pregnancy. In general, a poor condition that interferes with a normal life and work. Many believe that in this case vitamins for pregnant women will help to recover. But it's not. With a normal diet, they are not necessary. But walks in the fresh air: in the park, square, as well as positive emotions can really improve well-being and sleep.

3. Increase and increase the sensitivity of the mammary glands. Women feel that the breasts have become larger (bras begin to press), the nipples also increase somewhat and become very sensitive to touch. It becomes impossible to wear tight clothes. From the nipples, colostrum may begin to stand out when pressed. A little later, pigmentation will appear on the nipples, they will acquire a brown tint. Breast pain in early pregnancy, fortunately, goes away within a few weeks. And already from the second trimester they don’t bother so much.

4. Increase in body temperature and basal. The fact is that in the first trimester, due to the rapid increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone, a woman's thermoregulation worsens to some extent. Therefore, the temperature rises in the early stages of pregnancy to 37.2-37.3 degrees. If there are no other symptoms of the disease, you can not worry and certainly do not take antipyretics. It will be quite enough to keep the air temperature in the room where you are not higher than 18-22 degrees. The basal body temperature also rises. Many women continue to measure it after the onset of pregnancy and believe that its decrease indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy. But it's not. Doctors generally do not recommend measuring BBT for expectant mothers precisely because of such groundless worries and the absolute lack of information of the method.

5. Pain in the uterus. Most often, the stomach in the early stages of pregnancy aches due to the slight tone of the uterus. The sensations are very similar to those that occur before and in the first days of menstruation. Therefore, many women who are not yet aware of their interesting position perceive this as a sign of impending menstruation. However, the “red days” do not come, and the stomach continues to ache. But it must also be taken into account that such pains can sometimes be an alarming symptom, be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, poisoning, surgical pathology or a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the cause of pain still needs to be found out.

6. Abundant mucous discharge from the vagina. They are odorless and do not itch. This phenomenon is also associated with the action of hormones, as a result of which a mucous plug forms in the cervix. If the doctor does not see deviations in the gynecological smear on the flora, there is no reason to “treat” this feature of the first trimester and generally worry. The main thing is that brown and bloody discharge does not appear.

Here are the main characteristics of the early term. You also need to remember that if the pregnancy in the first weeks was rather difficult, but suddenly all the ailments, such as toxicosis, pain in the mammary glands, and others suddenly disappeared, there is reason to suspect a missed pregnancy, and this is the reason for contacting a gynecologist. Therefore, it is very important to know all the features of the course of the first trimester.


Feeling good during early pregnancy

Women who decide to become mothers, quite often now do not know about how they feel in the early stages of pregnancy.

Small subtleties

Pregnancy is always an indescribable joy for every lady. The main purpose of a woman in life is the birth of babies. However, during pregnancy, she sometimes has bad moments. How to deal with them can be found at http://zhenskiezaboti.ru, where the best tips for expectant mothers are presented.

As at the very beginning, and at any other stage of the course of pregnancy, women sometimes feel bad. In order for you not to worry too much, let's find out some points and try to deal with your well-being.

Why is it getting bad

Some future mothers have a bad mood at about 5-6 weeks, but sometimes it happens earlier at about 3 weeks.

Men, be more attentive to your other half, because she is expecting your child. A woman will endure this period much better if you only help her in everything.

The expectant mother, more than ever at this time, needs care, affection, stroking her tummy, a light massage, and generally good emotional support. If she, waking up early in the morning, felt unwell and was sick, this means that early toxicosis has set in, we advise you to completely replace the young hostess in the kitchen.

A woman, when she is in full expectation of a miracle, may have:

Metallic taste in the mouth;


Weakness during pregnancy: what to do with weakness in early pregnancy

Every woman handles pregnancy differently. Some of them feel great and flutter like butterflies. For others, this period brings a feeling of restlessness, fatigue, overwork. Often, the attending physician hears women's complaints of fatigue, even though they do not do any special loads. Weakness during pregnancy and drowsiness is not uncommon and many women have to constantly deal with it. Let's consider what are the reasons for this state of affairs.

Changes occur in the female body of a pregnant woman. First of all, this is due to changes in hormonal processes. The activity of progesterones increases, while influencing the immune system, fluid retention in the body. This causes swelling and affects the psychological state of the woman.

With an increased amount of estrogen hormones in the female body, changes also occur. Pregnant women may often experience headaches and become irritable. A large amount of tarragon can cause nausea, vomiting, insomnia, swelling, there is an increase in pressure. All of these factors contribute to weakness during pregnancy. Sometimes a woman has a period of apathy. Weakness during pregnancy can appear in any trimester.

Weakness in early pregnancy

Most women experience weakness in early pregnancy. This is quite understandable, since hormonal changes in the body occur almost immediately. A woman has to adapt to her new state. it takes a lot of strength, while the woman experiences nausea, she loses her appetite, dizziness appears.

Anemia can be the cause of weakness during pregnancy, because strong changes occur in the circulatory system. This is due to the fact that a large amount of blood enters the pelvis in order to provide the uterus with oxygen. the figure increases by about 15 times. Consequently, due to the increased blood volume, the load on the heart, which has to work for two, increases.

Hence the weakness in the early stages of pregnancy. Be that as it may, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Only a professional can deal with the causes of a woman's poor health. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination and tests, after which the picture of the ailment will be clear.

What to do if a woman has weakness during pregnancy

In order for a pregnant woman to feel better, she needs to spend more time outdoors. The diet should contain a lot of protein products and in general, nutrition should be diversified. A pregnant woman is shown light physical activity, which contributes to the enrichment of blood with oxygen. If dizziness is often observed, simple recommendations should be followed:

Do not make sudden movements; - Get out of bed slowly - drink more fluids, eat foods containing nutrients; - as little as possible to be in the sun in hot weather.

Weakness during pregnancy is often due to constant nausea. It may not occur in all women, but some of them experience nausea throughout their pregnancy. it depends on the personality of the organism. A woman's tastes for food change, she reacts to smells, some of which cause vomiting. The attending physician will give appropriate recommendations. What to do if a woman is constantly tormented by nausea? Here are a few medical tips to help you:

In the morning, without getting out of bed, it is recommended to eat dry cookies or drying; - in the intervals between the main meal you need to have a snack; - from the liquid it is recommended to drink tea with lemon, decoctions of mint and valerian; - do not eat foods that look and smell that causes vomiting.

1 month pregnant - how it all starts

For a woman, the greatest happiness is the happiness of motherhood. The expectant mother needs to know about all the upcoming changes in the body for 9 months. For example, at 1 month of pregnancy, weakness, increased salivation, drowsiness, and manifestations of aversion to certain smells are possible. This state is very exciting and it is important to know what and how

can happen, how well-being, mood changes, how the baby develops.

1 month of pregnancy - fetal development

Despite such a short period, many are interested in what is happening inside us, how a small life develops. Many women at such a short period of pregnancy do not yet feel changes in the body, but the process is underway. At this stage, the embryo goes from the egg to the embryo, its nervous system is formed, the spine is laid, blood vessels and the heart appear, the spinal cord and brain are formed. The rudiments of internal organs are also formed: kidneys, liver, urinary organs and intestines. Among other things, during this period, 2 important organs are laid inside the uterus - the placenta and the fetal bladder. While they look like tissues and are called chorion and omnion.

By the end of the term, the embryo looks like a tiny auricle. But, nevertheless, he already has the beginnings of arms, legs, eye sockets have been outlined. The size of the crumbs (in the literal sense of the crumbs) by the end of 1 month of pregnancy is only 0.4-1 mm

Women's health at 1 month of pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, the most noticeable change is the absence of menstruation. You will say goodbye to her for a long time (on average, for a year and a half) and this is absolutely normal. Almost immediately after conception, a special hormone hCG is produced in the body of a woman. It is thanks to him that there is no rejection of the endometrium of the uterus and abortion. Also, in the presence of this hormone, pregnancy can be confirmed through a test or urine test.

In most cases, women in the first month of pregnancy are not aware of their condition, and only a few small signs may suggest this. So, for example, there may be a painful sensation in the mammary glands, their sensitivity increases. Despite the absence of toxicosis, there may still be an aversion to one or another food, smells. And vice versa, something can be wanted strongly and obsessively.

It should be borne in mind that in the early stages of pregnancy, poor health is an absolutely normal condition, it can be frequent mood changes, fatigue, drowsiness, and sometimes increased hysteria. This usually goes away after the first trimester. It is important that your loved ones understand this state and support you morally.

If you feel normal, you can not register with a doctor for up to 12 weeks, but before this moment, you need to take care of your health.

It happens that the onset of pregnancy is accompanied by an elevated temperature (37-37.5) - this can be absolutely normal, unless this is a sign of a disease.

Due to the fact that the placenta has not yet formed, a woman should be especially sensitive to her condition - do not use medicines unless absolutely necessary, remove all possible sources of intoxication of the body - from food, air, water. Be categorical in relation to smokers - passive smoking can also harm your baby.

In the first months of pregnancy, serious sports activities, flights and long journeys should be avoided. A massage with essential oils is very useful, it helps to relax and unwind, but at the same time, the abdominal area should not be massaged, this provokes toxicosis.

If you feel unwell in the first trimester, it is recommended to refuse sexual activity. If there are no health problems, sex does not carry absolutely no danger and is even useful.

Vitamins and nutrition

I think it’s not even worth talking about the fact that the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be properly balanced, everyone already knows this. But the fact is that most often such nutrition means “eating for two”, but you should not do this. You won’t achieve anything other than extra pounds and a problem pregnancy in this way. It is necessary not to increase the quantity of food, but to improve its quality. More fresh vegetables and fruits will benefit not only the unborn child, but also the mother, who will not know what constipation is. Change the ways of cooking - more boiled and steamed dishes, they retain more vitamins, and less stress on the digestive organs. Include high-quality dairy products, preferably homemade, raw nuts, seeds, dried fruits in the diet.

At the beginning of pregnancy, an important vitamin for the full development of the child in the womb is B9 (folic acid). If you took it before pregnancy and continue - great, if not - it's time to start (only after consulting your doctor). Vitamin E is also important during this period - it regulates female sex hormones. You can drink it as a supplement, or you can use more cold-pressed oils in your diet.

If something goes wrong

With the appearance of bleeding, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, discharge from the genitals and chest, fever, painful urination, you should urgently consult a doctor. Any of the above symptoms may be a sign of an abnormal pregnancy. The most common abnormalities in the early stages are an ectopic pregnancy and a corpus luteum cyst. The first requires the intervention of doctors, the continuation of pregnancy is impossible, the second requires observation, may disappear on its own, or may require surgical intervention (if the cyst ruptures). However, in the latter case, the pregnancy is likely to continue safely and nothing will threaten her.


#1Rita12/21/2012 10:23In my 1 month of pregnancy, I didn't even know I was pregnant. But it turns out that so many signs pointed to this, but I did not pay much attention to them.


Fatigue during pregnancy, a strong feeling of fatigue during early pregnancy

Excessive fatigue is a symptom of the pathology of pregnancy, requiring careful examination and adequate treatment.

  • Mild fatigue, happens to all women

Nutritional reasons

  • Hepatitis A, B, C and E
  • Tuberculosis Infection with helminths
  • Respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagen diseases
  • Neuromuscular, including multiple sclerosis
  • Gynecological malignant tumors (ovaries, cervix)
  • Other malignant tumors
  • Preeclampsia and other pregnancy disorders

Food Causes of Fatigue During Pregnancy

Iron deficiency, folate deficiency, or cyanocobalamin deficiency anemia cause fatigue during pregnancy. Another reason is the deficiency of trace elements and minerals: zinc, selenium, etc. All pregnant women should consume enough calories (2500 kcal / day) and the optimal amount of protein (60 g / day). In developing countries, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to consume inadequate amounts of calories and protein, resulting in fatigue. Treatment - the consumption of the required amount of calories, proteins, minerals and calcium.

Calcium deficiency is common in pregnancy, especially in developing countries where most women are vegetarians. To obtain approximately 1200 mg of calcium per day, they should be advised to consume sufficient amounts of milk and dairy products. If this is not possible, you need to prescribe calcium in tablets of 1 g / day.

Anemia during pregnancy

Anemia is an important cause of pregnancy fatigue, especially in developing countries where it is extremely common (up to 80%). Even women with normal hemoglobin but low iron stores experience excessive fatigue and poor health during pregnancy. With the additional intake of iron, there is a significant improvement in well-being and energy due to the improvement in the work of various iron-dependent enzymes in the body. All types of anemia-like nutrient deficiencies (iron, folate, cyanocobalamin), hemoglobinopathies, anemia of chronic disease, and inflammation cause fatigue and malaise. For more information, see Anemia in Pregnancy.

Infections and infestations

An important cause of fatigue during pregnancy, especially in developing countries, is various common infections (bacterial, viral and others) and helminth infestations. Physicians should be aware of this. A thorough history, detailed physical and laboratory examination, and appropriate treatment are essential.

Upper respiratory tract infections

Upper respiratory tract infections are common causes of morbidity during pregnancy throughout the world, including in developed countries. In cold climates, influenza (a viral infection) is common, and if infected during pregnancy, fatigue, fever, and malaise occur. Treatment is symptomatic - paracetamol, adequate nutrition and fluid intake. Other respiratory infections, such as bronchitis and pharyngitis, are treated with antibiotics - erythromycin or azithromycin, paracetamol, and, if indicated, cough suppressants are prescribed. Additional therapeutic measures - steam inhalations. Urinary tract infections

In pregnant women, due to the short urethra, closeness of the anus, stagnant urine due to the influence of progesterone during pregnancy, and compression of the bladder by an enlarged uterus, urinary tract infections are common, which are manifested by a burning sensation and frequent urination, and they are easy to diagnose. However, many women experience no typical symptoms during pregnancy. They can be manifested by fatigue and other vague symptoms - feeling unwell and abdominal pain, especially recurrent. At the same time, the attending physician must be highly vigilant for early diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection, since untreated infection causes serious pyelonephritis, fetal growth retardation, intrauterine death and premature birth. Treatment depends on the results of sowing the middle portion of urine and determining the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics.

Genital tract infections

Genital tract infections are rare during pregnancy, but they cause fatigue, fever, and abdominal and pelvic pain. Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, but may be the result of infection with gonorrhea, mycoplasma, or other organisms. Treatment is erythromycin or azithromycin. Pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of tetracycline and doxycycline.

Infections of the lower genital tract - trichomonas and candidiasis vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis - usually present with itching and vaginal discharge, have no systemic effects, and rarely cause fatigue. Treatment is clotrimazole or metronidazole.


Typhoid fever and other intestinal infections

Typhoid fever is an important cause of fever and morbidity in developing countries. The diagnosis is established by blood culture and Vidal's test. Treatment - cephalosporins (cefuroxime), depending on the sensitivity. Other intestinal infections present with diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and fatigue. Often the infection resolves over time and oral rehydration with or without antibiotics is needed.


Hepatitis is an important cause of maternal morbidity in certain geographic areas, such as Asia and Africa, where hepatitis A, B, C, and E are highly prevalent. Hepatitis is more complicated during pregnancy, and some patients present with jaundice and hepatic coma, in which there is a very high mortality. In mild cases, there is fatigue and other vague symptoms. High clinical vigilance is required for timely diagnosis and treatment. For a detailed discussion of liver disease in pregnancy, see Jaundice and Liver Disease.


Tuberculosis - pulmonary (more often) or extra-pulmonary - is a serious and widespread disease in the developing countries of Asia and Africa. Due to the spread of HIV infection, the incidence of tuberculosis is increasing in developed countries. The disease is manifested by fever, anorexia, weight loss, cough with sputum and lack of effect from treatment with conventional antibiotics. The diagnosis is established by sputum analysis for the presence of acid-fast bacteria within 3 days. Treatment is antibacterial with isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, which must be continued during pregnancy to achieve optimal maternal and fetal outcome. Most of these women are diagnosed with anemia and hypoproteinemia, in addition to anti-tuberculosis therapy, adequate intake of protein, calories and iron supplementation is necessary.

Amoebiasis, giardiasis, hookworm, and other helminth infestations are rare in Western countries, but are widespread in developing countries. It is an important cause of malnutrition, anemia and fatigue during pregnancy in these countries. The diagnosis is established by examining feces for the presence of eggs and cysts for 3 days. Treatment is metronidazole (amebiasis and giardiasis) or mebendazole or albendazole (once), which are safely used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Endocrinological causes


You must always be aware of the possibility of diabetes. Fortunately, most departments provide antenatal screening for diabetes mellitus, which allows the majority of patients with high blood sugar to be identified and treated.

Thyroid disease during pregnancy

Severe hypothyroidism often causes infertility and is unlikely to be associated with pregnancy. Thyroid disorders, especially mild to moderate hypothyroidism, are an important cause of fatigue during pregnancy, especially in certain geographic areas where iodine deficiency is common. With diagnosed hypothyroidism in history before pregnancy, the diagnosis is not difficult. However, in many patients, symptoms of hypothyroidism first appear during pregnancy, making diagnosis difficult and delayed. Upon admission of pregnant women with fatigue, poor health, chilliness and weakness, the attending physician should always be aware of hypothyroidism.


Hyperparathyroidism during pregnancy is observed very rarely, but it causes general weakness and indomitable vomiting in combination with urolithiasis and mental disorders. Surgical removal of parathyroid adenoma is necessary.

Diseases of the adrenal glands

During pregnancy, adrenal diseases are very rare, since most patients are infertile. However, mild abnormalities are observed during pregnancy and the diagnosis is not established. Adrenal insufficiency causes weakness and fatigue. The diagnosis is established by the level of cortisol in the blood, treated with corticosteroids (hydrocortisone). Cushing's syndrome is an overproduction of corticosteroids that causes fatigue.

Systemic diseases

In rare cases, various systemic diseases during pregnancy are manifested by fatigue, fever and other common symptoms - anorexia and weight loss. To avoid the possibility of missing a diagnosis and delaying treatment, doctors should always be aware of this possibility.

heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease due to the freer use of antibiotics in Western countries is very rare, but continues to be a major disease in developing countries. The most common lesion is mitral stenosis, which in pregnancy leads to significant morbidity and mortality. Many patients are pregnant after mitral valve replacement and receive anticoagulant therapy. During pregnancy, patients with heart disease complain of fatigue, weakness, palpitations, and shortness of breath. This issue is discussed in more detail in the section Shortness of breath during pregnancy: cardiac causes.

Currently, patients with congenital malformations after surgical correction are making attempts to become a mother. These patients are at high risk and should be followed up with a specialized cardiologist because morbidity and mortality are very high.

Respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis)

Asthma is a common disease in the general population and may be associated with pregnancy. The disease is manifested by cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. Treatment is the same as for non-pregnant women - salbutamol and steroid inhalers. Bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and other respiratory illnesses are rare and present with severe illness and fatigue. Such patients should be treated in conjunction with a pulmonologist. Dyspnea is discussed in more detail in Dyspnea in Pregnancy: Respiratory Causes.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can be combined with pregnancy. At the same time, symptoms of arthritis and fatigue are observed. Medical therapy is necessary after consultation with a specialist.

Systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagenoses

The combination of collagenosis and pregnancy is rare. At the same time, generalization of SLE symptoms is observed, which leads to spontaneous abortion, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus and intrauterine death. Together with a specialist, they are treated with steroids and other specific drugs.

Neuromuscular diseases

Various neuromuscular diseases - multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis - can be combined with pregnancy, causing generalization of symptoms and fatigue. Treatment is carried out together with a specialist.

Malignant neoplasms

Pregnancy is very rarely combined with leukemia, lymphoma, gynecological cancers (ovarian, cervical) and other malignant tumors. Depending on the localization of the malignant tumor, fatigue, general weakness, looseness and bleeding of the gums, lymphadenopathy, vaginal bleeding and education in the abdominal cavity appear. Depending on the location of the tumor, the gestational age of the fetus, and the expectations of the mother, special surgical and antitumor treatment is necessary in conjunction with an oncologist and a radiologist.

Other reasons

chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a rare condition during pregnancy that causes severe fatigue. A syndrome in which the patient feels severe weakness and fatigue usually occurs after viral diseases, the causative agents of which are the Epstein-Barr virus, Coxsackie virus, cytomegalovirus, etc. The main symptom is fatigue with poor concentration, poor memory, irritability and neurasthenia. Treatment consists of antiviral and general therapy. The latter includes paracetamol, adequate hydration, psychotropic treatment, and psychological support. Typically, treatment is carried out in conjunction with a therapist.

Uncontrollable vomiting of pregnant women

During pregnancy, mild nausea and vomiting are often noted. Excessive vomiting (uncontrollable vomiting) along with dehydration and weakness is accompanied by fatigue. Intravenous fluids and antiemetic treatment are needed. For more information, see Vomiting During Pregnancy.

Pre-eclampsia and other diseases associated with pregnancy

Pre-eclampsia is the cause of significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality - manifesting after 20 weeks of gestation as hypertension and proteinuria, and fatigue. Treatment is antihypertensive drugs with or without magnesium sulfate, depending on the severity of hypertension and gestational age. For more information, see BP Problems in Pregnancy.


Fatigue during pregnancy is not an isolated condition, but a manifestation of various diseases. A thorough history, physical examination, detailed instrumental examinations, and appropriate treatment of the underlying disease are essential, often in conjunction with other specialists to optimize treatment.

Basic provisions

  1. Fatigue is a common problem during pregnancy and may be physiological.
  2. Fatigue has many causes - anemia and other malnutrition, infections and helminthic infestations, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases, systemic diseases, malignant neoplasms and mixed causes.
  3. For an accurate diagnosis, the attending physician must collect a detailed history, conduct a complete physical and instrumental examination.
  4. Treatment depends on the cause and is often done in conjunction with doctors from other specialties.
  5. General treatment is adequate nutrition, fluid intake and symptomatic treatment.

During pregnancy, the female body must adapt to the many changes associated with the growth of the fetus and preparation for childbirth. The condition helps to adapt to an increase in the load, but is accompanied by various kinds of ailments.

Possible symptoms

Most complaints are a normal physiological reaction of the body and should not cause concern in a pregnant woman. Signs of feeling unwell may vary slightly, depending on the duration. Some women feel good throughout their pregnancy.

The increase in stress affects all body systems. For the development of the fetus, a large amount of nutrients is needed, which ensures their increase in blood volume in the vascular system. To cope with the increased load, the heart is forced to contract more often, the woman develops rapid fatigue. Due to the increased blood volume, the kidneys have to work faster, while the bladder contracts due to the growing uterus. As a result, urination becomes more frequent.

At different stages of pregnancy, the sensations of a woman will be different. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

In the early stages

One of the first reactions to the development of the fetus is toxicosis. Feeling worse in early pregnancy due to its effect on:

  1. The digestive system. There is nausea, increased or lack of appetite, intolerance to certain foods. Heartburn, severe gas formation, indigestion, constipation, intestinal colic are possible.
  2. circulatory system. There is weakness, fatigue, pressure surges, dizziness, varicose veins.
  3. Urogenital system. Concerned about the discharge, which should normally be of a normal color, without a pungent odor. Urination becomes more frequent, but the symptom should not cause concern if it is not accompanied by cuts, burning, pain in the lower abdomen. In the absence of additional, pathological signs, the changes are not dangerous and are temporary.
  4. Skin. Accompanied by increased pigmentation, increased fat content. Changes are reflected in the condition of the hair, dandruff may appear.
  5. Condition of the mammary glands. They may become more sensitive, soreness appears, and discharge from the nipples is possible. This is due to the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. Often leads to ailments during childbearing.

First of all, women complain of severe toxicosis in the first trimester.

Many products the body rejects, nausea and vomiting cause almost all strong odors. Unfortunately, toxicosis cannot be completely overcome, it is only possible to alleviate the condition.

In the second trimester

The gestation period from 3 to 6 months is considered a time with a low probability of complications. But various ailments can be observed due to an increase in the load on the female body.

Due to hormonal disruptions, a rush of blood to the abdominal organs, swelling of the intestines and a decrease in its peristalsis, constipation may occur. Another common cause of malaise is hemorrhoids. Its formation is most likely in women prone to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can cause itching, pain, and bleeding. One of the provoking factors is constipation, it is necessary to take care of its prevention.

The following symptoms are also possible:

  • Anemia, swelling of the legs and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, the appearance of shortness of breath.
  • Caries, gum problems, digestive disorders, bloating.
  • Infrequent urination, inflammation in the urinary organs.
  • Dysbacteriosis caused by hormonal failure. Often leads to thrush.
  • Increased sweating, itching of the skin on the abdomen, the formation of stretch marks, the appearance of age spots.
  • Pain in the lower back, back muscles, abdomen, feeling of overstrain and heaviness.

In the second trimester, heartburn often increases, which is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus and increased pressure on the stomach: squeezing its walls leads to the release of acid into the esophagus.

third trimester

The main complaints relate to an increase in body weight and the size of the uterus, muscle and joint pains occur. The greatest load falls on the lower abdomen and lumbar region. To prepare for childbirth, the joints, ligaments in the pelvic region gradually diverge, and aching pain occurs.

Unpleasant sensations appear due to a shift in the center of gravity due to a growing abdomen. The spine bends, the load on the back muscles increases. Their constant tension, especially during prolonged standing, uncomfortable position, leads to painful sensations. Poor health during pregnancy also occurs as a result of sprains in the muscles, ligaments that support the abdomen. Pain can be of different intensity, properties and duration.


To a greater extent, toxicosis manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, it is considered a normal physiological reaction of the body. The first signs are increased salivation, vomiting and nausea. Also, toxicosis is accompanied by a change in taste preferences, loss of appetite, a metallic taste in the mouth, weight loss, drowsiness and irritability. Less commonly, it is accompanied by muscle and joint pain, exacerbation of asthma, manifestations of dermatitis.

Toxicosis begins at 5–6, sometimes at the end of the third week, often causing malaise. It can be provoked by the following factors:

  1. Changes in emotional state.
  2. Change in hormonal background.
  3. Placentation.
  4. The reaction of the body to substances that are potentially dangerous for the development of the fetus.
  5. Multiple pregnancy.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In most pregnant women, toxicosis lasts until the 5th month of gestation and is considered harmless if there are no complications or risks to the fetus.

Bad habits can exacerbate symptoms. Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are especially dangerous, causing disgust in many women who drank alcohol or smoked before pregnancy.

Severe toxicosis poses a threat and requires urgent hospitalization of a woman. In the later stages, it can be dangerous to the fetus.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Throughout pregnancy, discomfort in the abdomen can be the cause of poor health. They must be reported to the supervising physician. Pain differ in intensity, localization, accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the causes.

Immediately after fertilization, no special sensations arise due to the small size of human cells: their first divisions do not cause any symptoms.

natural causes

After fertilization, the embryo moves to the uterus in order to gain a foothold there for subsequent development. Some women feel at this time mild pulling pains, sometimes similar to tingling. The phenomenon may be accompanied by a small amount of bloody discharge due to microdamage to the capillaries caused by the introduction of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus. At this stage, it is small in size and is forced to increase with the growth of the fetus. Neighboring organs are displaced, all changes are accompanied by pulling pains. This is not a pathology and does not require treatment.

More often, women who have had pelvic inflammatory disease or have undergone surgery suffer from pain in the lower abdomen. After such pathologies, adhesions that cannot be stretched may remain. As the uterus grows, they tear, causing severe sharp pains of a pulling, pressing or cutting nature. Usually, a pregnant woman is not prescribed treatment, it is recommended to keep calm, as well as taking sedatives.

After the 30th week, training contractions are possible, the uterus periodically contracts for a short period of time, pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen. After a short rest they pass. Also, pain can occur due to the movement of the child.

Hormonal disruptions

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, various deviations can lead to pain in the abdomen and back. More often there is a lack of progesterone, which is responsible for the normal tone in the uterus. It reduces its contraction, not allowing the rejection of the fetal egg. With a lack of progesterone, the detachment of the embryo begins. If you do not take action, spontaneous termination of pregnancy is possible.

To clarify the cause of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, it is required to analyze the level of hormones.

Threat of interruption

In most cases, miscarriages and freezing of the embryo occur in the early stages of pregnancy. They are provoked not only by external factors, but also by natural selection. In the case of genetic disorders, an incorrect set of chromosomes, the development of the fetus stops. In this case, there are painful sensations in the lower abdomen, heaviness in the lower back, caused by uterine contractions.

The threat of termination of pregnancy may be after 22 weeks, but is called premature birth. They are accompanied by cramping pains, spotting, and sometimes discharge of amniotic fluid.

The condition requires urgent hospitalization. At an early stage of the process, measures are taken to preserve the pregnancy; at the later stages of the development of preterm labor, it is interrupted.

Ectopic pregnancy

In the early stages, it is difficult to diagnose pregnancy using ultrasound. Some at this time complain of pulling pains on one side of the abdomen. Sometimes they are a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but in one of the ovaries, abdominal cavity or fallopian tubes. This is a pathology that requires surgical intervention, otherwise it can lead to irreparable consequences, including death.

An ectopic pregnancy is detected by a blood test for the content of the hCG hormone. The characteristic signs include: cramping pain, general weakness, discharge mixed with blood. If an ectopic pregnancy is determined before a significant deterioration in well-being, the reproductive organs can be saved during the operation. In the acute period, the fallopian tube is usually removed; subsequently, the function of childbearing of the ovary on this side is lost.

Pathological processes

A woman may experience pain that is not related to pregnancy. Bowel problems are a common cause. During pregnancy, the muscles in the abdominal cavity relax to preserve the fetus. This reduces intestinal motility, constipation, bloating, pulling pain may appear. The condition is facilitated by proper nutrition, taking mild laxatives that are allowed during pregnancy.

Another cause of discomfort is inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. They can occur in early pregnancy due to a decrease in immunity. The process is aimed at preserving the fetus so that the body does not perceive it as a foreign body and does not begin to reject it. Inflammatory diseases must be treated, otherwise they can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Less commonly, there are conditions that require surgical intervention. It can be appendicitis, cyst formation, peritonitis. In such cases, the pregnant woman is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, back, and there may be an increase in temperature. The operation is carried out, trying to save the pregnancy.

When to see a doctor?

Feeling sick is the norm. But at the same time, it becomes a reason to seek medical help if accompanied by:

  • Acute pain in the lower abdomen, which cannot be endured, in contrast to natural discomfort. If it is combined with bleeding, you need to call an ambulance immediately because of the possible threat of miscarriage. This is dangerous and the feeling of "petrification" in the lower abdomen, which occurs with strong tension - uterine hypertonicity.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor and an unusual color, burning in the genital area. These may be signs of a fungal or viral disease.
  • An increase in temperature above 37.5 degrees is a possible symptom of an inflammatory process in the body. The combination of symptoms with pain in the bladder, lower back, may be a sign of pyelonephritis, cystitis.
  • Prolonged toxicosis, vomiting more than three times a day. The inability to digest food leads to a deficiency of nutrients important for the development of the fetus.

Pregnant women are not allowed to take medications without a doctor's prescription. Most of them are contraindicated due to the risk of fetal developmental disorders, some can only be taken for certain periods.

You can not independently prescribe vitamin complexes for yourself, considering this a concern for health. An excess of certain elements, like a deficiency, can adversely affect the condition of the baby.

What to do?

It is not always possible to get rid of bad health. But there are a few recommendations that will make it easier for a pregnant woman to endure malaise:

  1. Maintain a positive emotional attitude. You need to think about the baby more often, stroke the tummy. After waking up, do not rush to get out of bed. Listen to pleasant music more often, you can use special music for meditation.
  2. Avoid overstrain, try to plan your time correctly, if possible, shift some of the household chores to your loved ones. Listen to your well-being, try to rest or have a snack when you feel like it.
  3. Stick to a healthy diet, consume enough water and foods rich in fiber. This normalizes digestion. Frequent meals of small amounts of food, the exclusion of fatty foods, will help fight heartburn. Watch your eating habits, but eat slowly, especially in the morning.
  4. For toxicosis, find a product that helps reduce nausea. The body of each woman is individual - apples help one, sweet tea or ordinary water helps others.
  5. To combat insomnia, visit nature more often, avoid negative information, and limit TV viewing. To reduce heartburn, use an extra pillow.
  6. Wear special underwear for pregnant women that supports the chest and stomach. It helps prevent stretch marks, reduce stress on the lower back, back muscles and reduce pain.

If you feel unwell during pregnancy, the support and understanding of loved ones is important. They help to endure various ailments more easily, reduce the likelihood of stress that is dangerous for the condition of the woman and the health of the unborn baby. Significant deterioration requires immediate medical attention.

Since the expectation of a child is associated with numerous changes in the female body, pregnancy is often accompanied by various ailments. In some way, they contribute to the fact that all systems and organs begin to adapt to the new state of the body. They also help the expectant mother learn to cope with the increasing workload.

Most of the ailments during early pregnancy should not disturb the expectant mother, although they cause her a lot of inconvenience. The presence of unpleasant symptoms in early pregnancy can be explained by the body's response to an increase in physiological stress. However, it is impossible to ignore such dangerous symptoms as high fever, severe dizziness, vaginal spotting, severe pain. They require a mandatory referral to a specialist.

Very often, toxicosis begins in pregnant women in the early stages. If its course occurs without complications, then such a reaction of the body to pregnancy can be considered a completely normal manifestation. The main symptoms of toxicosis include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, drowsiness, changes in food preferences, apathy. With toxicosis, skin diseases often occur, as well as pain in the muscles. Toxicosis in the form of a response of the female body to the development of the fetus, causing discomfort during pregnancy in the early stages, is most often provoked by such factors:

  • active development of the placenta;
  • hormonal changes;
  • chronic diseases of the expectant mother;
  • psychological state of a pregnant woman.

The duration of toxicosis is approximately 20 weeks from the moment of conception, and usually does not pose a danger to the future woman in labor and her baby. Abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking can increase its manifestations, and can also lead to violations of the course of pregnancy. If the toxicosis is too severe, then the woman needs hospitalization.

Possible types of discomfort in early pregnancy

  1. Fatigue, frequent dizziness, and manifestations of varicose veins are the result of a woman's circulatory system responding to pregnancy.
  2. For the gastrointestinal tract, such manifestations are characteristic: nausea, loss of appetite, sudden intolerance to previously favorite foods, bloating and heartburn.
  3. The genitourinary system is characterized by changes such as a variety of secretions and frequent urination. If these manifestations are painless, and the discharge is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then they are completely harmless and temporary.
  4. Pigment spots may appear on the skin in early pregnancy, and the hair on the head begins to get oily very quickly, causing dandruff.

Also during this period, a woman begins to feel soreness and high sensitivity of her mammary glands. This is a kind of preparation for lactation, which is also included in the list of causes of malaise during early pregnancy.

How to feel better

A woman who is expecting a child should walk in the fresh air as much as possible. You should carefully consider the diet, giving preference to protein foods. In general, the menu of a pregnant woman should be useful and varied. It’s good to sometimes perform simple physical exercises that will help oxygenate the blood in the body of the expectant mother.

With frequent dizziness, a woman should be guided by the following tips:

  • refrain from sudden movements;
  • get out of bed very slowly;
  • drink plenty of fluids, use special vitamins prescribed by the doctor;
  • avoid the sun in hot weather.

In order to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, a woman is recommended immediately after waking up, without leaving the bed, to eat drying or biscuit cookies. Unpleasant symptoms are relieved by decoctions of valerian or mint, as well as hot tea with a slice of lemon.