Why does the skin turn black from gold: ways to deal with an unpleasant phenomenon. Why does the skin turn black under the golden ring

Gold is a noble precious metal. He is the cause of wars and battles, fought to the death and killed for him. Gold can make a person rich, beautiful and elegant.

Some consider it a despicable metal, others - the purest and most natural material for making jewelry.

Many people prefer to wear gold jewelry. It is accepted that wedding rings are bought exclusively from this metal.

Other decorations also give the owner elegance, speak of his status in society, material well-being and refined taste.

The only negative of such jewelry is the darkening of the skin.

What is the reason for such a reaction, is it worth worrying about your health and how to correct the situation are the most frequent questions of jewelry owners.

It is worth understanding the causes of this problem, it is very common today.

Gold is a yellow metal. It is extracted from rocks by washing. Density allows you to easily wash it.

Real pure gold has a yellow color, it can cast green. If the jewelry has a reddish tint, copper was added to its composition.

Today, jewelry made from this material has various impurities. In its pure form, it is almost never found.

Jewelry stores sell products made from a mixture of precious metals: gold, silver, copper, palladium.

Impact on a person

Jewelry that a person wears close to the body every day affects his body.

We are not talking about those decorations that are worn several times a month, on holidays or weekends. These are things that are not removed from the fingers, ears or neck. Mostly gold jewelry.

The effect of gold on a person:

Point of view Influence
1 Psychological The noble metal tones the nervous system. Gives confidence in actions and intentions.

Wearing gold jewelry, a person can act a little arrogant. He feels on a subconscious level that he has something that many others cannot afford.

For women, such jewelry gives confidence in their beauty. They become more relaxed

2 Spiritual In ancient times, gold was considered a source of solar power and energy, it was given to warriors to give them strength in the fight.

It was believed that taking a golden thing from the house, the warrior would definitely come back.

The yellow metal was endowed with special properties: it was believed that it drives away evil spirits, gives women beauty and fertility, and promotes a strong union.

From here came the tradition of putting gold rings on each other's fingers on the day of marriage.

3 Physiological Metal tones the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is not recommended to constantly wear such things to people suffering from hypertension.

It has a beneficial effect on brain activity: improves memory, brain function. According to unconfirmed reports, the metal helps to cope with diseases of the head

Why does the skin turn black?

Darkening of the skin under a gold product does not mean at all that a person is sick. It is worth dispelling the myths about this effect.

What does the darkening of the skin under the gold jewelry indicate?

  1. More often - about the low quality of the product. Gold does not oxidize if your jewelry causes a reaction - it contains a lot of impurities. The product may be a fake or have a low standard.
  2. Experiments have shown that in some cases, real gold jewelry can react with sweat, which is released by people suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

    This happens in 50% of cases. Sweat contains substances that react with metal. Low statistics do not allow us to speak about the reliability of the data.

  3. Constant stress causes sweating. Stressed people are more likely to notice dark marks from jewelry.

    Since almost any piece of jewelry contains foreign impurities, with frequent sweating, a reaction occurs that leaves dark marks on the skin.

  4. Finished products are treated with a polishing paste, which is poorly washed off before sale.

    It instantly reacts with the slightest manifestations of sweat, and causes darkening. Decoration just needs to be cleaned.

  5. If the skin darkens under the ring that you do not remove, pay attention to the cream. Modern creams may contain substances that react with gold.

    Clean the ring, your finger, and try not to use the cream for a while. This will help determine if the skin care product is the cause of the darkening.

  6. The cause of the problem may be the frequent consumption of meat. It adds substances to the blood that cause this effect.

What do the omens say?

Folk signs say that if the skin darkens under gold, damage, or the evil eye, has been imposed on a person.

Since gold is a noble metal, it senses changes in the human body and gives such a reaction.

Interesting fact! If a person's cheeks are burning, someone is gossiping about him. To find out what kind of gossip this is, you need to hold a gold item on your cheek.

If a dark line remains, they speak badly of you. A light stripe indicates that you are remembered with warmth, in a friendly conversation. Believe it or not - you decide.

Evil eye or damage?

The reliability of these data can be compared with the belief of ancient people that thunder is the wrath of the gods.

People no longer believe that the earth is round, they understand that natural disasters do not arise at all from the fact that the inhabitants angered Zeus. Superstitions should be discarded long ago: there are explanations for everything.

And they also contradict the Orthodox faith: the believer has no doubts, and all superstitions come from dark forces.

In our age, you can discard all prejudices and not worry when you see a dark mark from the ring. Try taking the item to a jewelry store so that the craftsman can evaluate the authenticity of the jewelry.

If it has a lot of impurities and a smaller sample, try returning the product. Exchange the product, or try not to wet it.

Clean with ammonia - the method will help if the cause of the darkening was the applied composition.

Useful video

Why gold has been so attractive to people for more than 20 centuries is not clear. There are few indifferent to this metal. Thanks to gold, the continents were mastered, people tried to survive in difficult conditions in order to be able to touch the particles of gold dust. Suffice it to recall the development of the Klondike, the gold rush in Africa - gold miners gave their lives for gold.

The power of gold

So what is the difference between gold and other metals? Not so long ago, compared to gold, the resulting aluminum is much more useful: it can be used to make airplanes and use it in everyday life. Even in appearance it resembles silver - in a new form.

Theoretically, it is believed that primitive people began to appreciate this metal for its beauty.

It lay in the public domain, attracted attention because it shone brightly - since nuggets practically do not include impurities - it was soft enough to make jewelry using a primitive tool.

Gradually, the beautiful metal acquired a certain value, they began to make money out of it, it was considered the most valuable item in the treasury ...

But still, why gold still attracts the eye and makes you want to buy a product made from it, it is impossible to explain. Ancestral memory? Genetic predisposition?

Precious metal in products

Golden things from pure gold were made many, many centuries ago. Archaeologists are now finding crumpled items that look more like lumps of yellow metal. The fact that these were decorations can only be guessed based on experience.

In order for the product not to lose its presentation, it is made of a gold alloy, adding metals to it that give durability.

Most often, the alloy is added:

  • silver;
  • palladium;
  • platinum;
  • copper…

Sometimes other impurities are also used, thanks to which precious metal products improve their quality and change their shade.

If gold were pure, then all things from it would have a light yellow color. Meanwhile, on shop windows you can see products, the color of which varies from pale colorless - white gold, to reddish or greenish.

When buying such a piece of jewelry - for a decent amount - some then get scared: the skin turns black under the jewelry, is it really damaged?

Evil eye and damage

It becomes especially scary if the product was worn without taking it off for a long time, and the darkening began to appear only now. Moreover, the state of health has worsened. Involuntarily, you begin to suspect the worst: conspiracies and slander.

Why does such a conclusion immediately come to mind?

Even the most convinced atheists, when they come into contact with something incomprehensible, automatically try to cross themselves.

There are numerous programs on TV that show famous psychics and sorcerers who predict fate and control the elements. How can you not believe if a well-known politician seriously talks about the evil eye and asks to remove it?

The most famous way in which psychics and other sorcerers determine the presence of damage is to touch the cheek of the “tested” gold ring.

If a black stripe appears on the cheek, it's time to pay someone who will remove the damage or the evil eye.

After performing a certain ritual and paying for it, the touch procedure is repeated. They touch the cheek with the same ring - the skin is clean, the soul is saved.

Each "magician" does this trick in his own way: someone has 2 identical rings, and someone treats the precious product with a special reagent in advance, it doesn't matter.

If you know why gold can blacken the skin, you will not fall for such a cheap trick.

What is the reaction of the skin to the precious metal?

The reasons why the skin turns black upon direct contact, under gold, are enough:

  • alloy composition. The higher the fineness of the jewelry, the more gold is contained in the alloy, the less chance that the skin will change color. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase "jewelry" from manufacturers who are responsible for their product and provide quality certificates for products. Certificates should not be neglected: there have been cases when a ring bought in an “expensive” store behaved flawlessly when worn, and then it turned out that it had practically nothing to do with gold;
  • Traces may be left on the skin by a new product due to the fact that the processing products are not carefully removed. A paste used to brighten a metal surface leaves a dark streak when it reacts with the skin. In the future, it will wash off, and you won’t have to think about “damage”;
  • If jewelry is worn without taking it off, then after some time the gold will come into contact with the human body, and may cause a darkening reaction. The reasons for this are chronic diseases acquired during life. In patients, the composition of sweat, the quality of the skin, and the blood formula change. Changes often occur in diseases of the endocrine system and diseases associated with impaired liver function;
  • It causes a particularly great fright in a person if the skin turns black sharply from gold, and at the same time the state of health worsens, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and pain in the abdomen appear. Involuntarily think about damage. But the matter is different. The body instantly reacts to intoxication caused, for example, by the introduction of pathogenic flora or poisoning. Of course, the metal alloy also reacts sharply to changes in the quality of the skin and sweat - an increased release of nitrogenous substances acts as a reagent. Gold comes into contact with sweat, earthy-dark traces appear at the points of contact;
  • The alloy does not always come into contact with human skin or sweat. Sometimes darkening is caused by the application of cosmetics. In this case, the strip is formed at the edge of the product;
  • Sometimes the fault of blackness under a precious thing is a banal allergy. Moreover, a reaction to gold occurs in a few people - in most cases, allergies are caused by metals used in the composition of the alloy.

You need to pay attention to the product certificate: if the alloy contains nickel, it is better to refuse to buy. It is believed that this metal is able to come into direct contact with the body, and its effect is unfavorable.

Please tell me why fingers turn black from gold rings?

  1. no real gold
  2. Go to the doctor, it's obviously some kind of malfunction in the body.
  3. Increased acidity, and in general in gold of the same sample but from different manufacturers and different colors, different content of additives.
    Gold 585 stands for an alloy of gold with other metals in a ratio of 585 to 415. That is, if you take, for example, 1000 grams of an alloy of 585 gold, this means that it contains 585 grams of gold, and the rest (that is, 415 grams) - these are other metals (ligature). Thus, in jewelry 585, the gold content is 58.5%.

    White gold 585 consists of 585 parts of gold and ligature, which includes palladium or nickel. This combination gives the alloy a white tint. At the same time, if the ligature is with palladium, then the alloy has a white-steel tint, if with nickel, then it is slightly, slightly, barely perceptibly yellowish, and if it is rhodium-plated, then the product gives off cold blueness. Turkish and other "soft" gold contains copper and silver. Perhaps you have a blackening reaction to some new metal. In general, you need to wear either gold or silver. Can you also wear silver? Then you, like an ordinary battery, create a potential difference, and your fingers oxidize gold ....

  4. low-quality gold, some kind of alloy. There is no otherworldly power in this. Are you surprised that silver turns black over time?
  5. Whether the gold is low-grade, or some kind of disease in the body. Metal oxidizes due to sweat, and sweat, therefore, contains something not entirely good. Once this was not the case before.
  6. They say it's an evil eye. I do not believe in it, but there may be few other reasons -
    for example, the skin does not have enough air or something else ...
  7. I have had it since childhood. it is associated with heart disease. but I can't say for sure, it's better to go to the doctor and consult.
  8. this is fucking gold...
  9. Because the gold is low grade. Different metals are added to gold for strength. The so-called ligature. The most common is copper. The copper molecules oxidize in air and upon contact with the finger form a dark stripe on the finger. This dirt is copper oxide. That is copper rust. If the finger is wet, then the reaction goes faster. In some people, due to the special structure of the skin and the composition of the blood, stripes appear even from rings of a very high standard. Others don't, but they do. Absolutely pure gold practically does not exist. There is still a thousandth of a percent of an impurity. And for rare people, this is enough for their skin to separate these ligature molecules from gold. Change sample. If that doesn't help, take comfort in the fact that you're one in a million. Sincerely, Gennady.
  10. But the gold chain saves from depression, providing a specific tonic effect, and the silver one calms
    Gold has a specific tonic effect, and silver has a calming effect. Some people prefer to wear jewelry made of gold, others of silver. Putting a gold ring on a finger, we proceed more from aesthetic considerations, without thinking about whether the metal from which it is made suits us. Meanwhile, gold and silver have different energy properties, so our body does not care how we decorate ourselves.

    Belarusian scientists have studied the effect of precious metals on humans. Studies have shown that gold and silver affect different people differently. For example, gold activates the processes in the body, while silver, on the contrary, suppresses it. Therefore, it is not surprising that acupuncture is performed using needles made of different metals. After all, the electric potential of needles made of gold and silver is not the same.

    According to scientists, gold has a specific tonic effect, and silver has a calming effect. According to Eastern healers, acupuncture points and zones are connected both with internal organs and with each other. For example, silver relieves inflammation from an organ, and gold can activate its work.
    There are more than 400 active points on the hand, which are associated with the kidneys, liver and heart. In practice, doctors sometimes encounter cases when it is enough to remove a wedding ring from a finger for a person to part with a headache and insomnia forever. But the rings, dressed on certain fingers, constantly affect biologically active points. There are examples when infertile women who said goodbye to the ring were finally able to get pregnant, according to www.homeopatica.ru. According to doctors, this is because many minerals and metals affect the body in different ways.
    If you feel a breakdown, doctors recommend wearing gold jewelry. Gold, due to its tonic effect, is very suitable for ladies of Balzac age and those suffering from heart diseases. It is also useful for hypertensive patients, as it lowers blood pressure, but it is undesirable for them to wear silver.

    Jewelry made of gold should also be worn by people suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Silver is better suited for irritability and headaches. There is an opinion that the darkening of silver jewelry is a signal of a disease. According to experts, this metal darkens upon contact with the skin of an unhealthy person.

    But it is better not to wear gold and silver together, since these metals have the opposite bioenergetic effect on the body, writes Women's Journal. That is why it is undesirable to put yourself gold teeth and crowns. They are made from an alloy of silver and gold, that is, metals that do not combine with each other.

  11. wash your hands before...and behind
  12. gold cannot be oxidized, for example, from sweat. most likely something with health
  13. Maybe you started using some new hand cream?
  14. The same thing happened to me. They say that the gold is of the wrong sample. I will take it to the bank for evaluation. But, I noticed that it (one!!! only) turns black when using a certain hand cream. And in theory, gold should not react to such things. By the way, rings from a good store, domestic.
    Another option - the kidneys of patients give such an effect. But why not always, I don’t know.
  15. You just don't need to buy gold on the market, and then everything will be fine with your fingers and head

In this article:

Such a noble metal as gold is liked by many. It does not oxidize, does not corrode and has a lot of positive properties. But unfortunately, it happens that gold tarnishes and even turns black. We wonder - because, judging by its characteristics, this should not happen.

Reasons for the darkening of gold

Pure gold is really not subject to time, oxidation, corrosion, it does not darken, does not blacken, retains its brilliance and beauty for centuries. It is used in various industries.

But why does gold turn black in products?

Blackened Gold Ring

There are several reasons why gold can turn black:

  • Violation of the ligature prescription. The jewelry we are used to wearing is not. Palladium, copper, silver are added to the alloy. The composition of the ligature is indicated in the form of a sample on the product. Such impurities provide wear resistance, strength. If the jeweler violated the rules during the manufacture of the jewelry, this may cause the gold to darken. In this case, the product can not only blacken, but even stain the fingers. In this case, the product can be safely returned to the seller. If this is not possible, try to hand over the product to a pawnshop, and get yourself a better one.
  • Human skin. One of the reasons for a blackened product can be your skin. The skin removes substances from the body that can settle on the jewelry and attract dirt. In this case, there are several ways to clean the product, which will help maintain the appearance of your favorite jewelry. Make a mixture of liquid soap and ammonia. Clean the product with a soft cloth, rinse with running water and wipe dry. You can also use glossy lipstick. Rub it on a napkin and then clean the product. Coca-Cola is also used, for cleaning, put the product in a glass of liquid, it will dissolve plaque. If you are afraid to clean the product yourself, contact the jewelry workshop to a professional.
  • Cosmetics, household chemicals or medications can also cause blackening. Some products contain a lot of mercury compounds, which can cause damage to the surface of the jewelry or form dark spots. It will not be possible to get rid of such blackening.
  • mystical reason. It is said that gold on the body has an energetic connection with its owner. If a person is seriously ill or in danger, misfortune, the decoration can turn black, taking away the negative from the owner. Especially if a person suffers from kidney and liver disease. It was said that gold darkens from damage or the evil eye. In ancient times, when people left home for a long time, they left their gold so that relatives could determine from it whether everything was in order with its owner.
  • Another reason for the darkening of gold can be the coating of the product with polishing paste. This may be the answer to the question why fingers darken after contact with gold jewelry.
  • Meat lovers. If a person eats a lot of meat, then nitrogen is released with sweat, which, in contact with gold, leaves dark spots.
  • Exposure to iodine can lead to gray spots. Remove jewelry when visiting the pool, spa, because iodine is added to the water, which can destroy the top layer of jewelry.

Gold Care

Take good care of your gold jewelry. Keep them separate from products made of other metals, take them off before going to the shower, sauna, beauty treatments. Keep away from household chemicals. Wash the product from time to time with soapy water.

It is best to buy gold jewelry in trusted stores so that you do not come across a low-quality alloy or dishonest jewelers who have violated production standards.

If you properly care for your jewelry and do not violate the rules for caring for them, then the products will delight you for many years, retaining their brilliance, beauty and magnificence.

guesses of the past

Everyone is interested in something in their life. So, for a long time I was looking for an answer to the question of why the skin darkens from gold. I remember that in childhood, when someone's face turned very red, he was advised to rub a golden ring or earring along his flaming cheek.

If after such an “operation” a black stripe remained from a piece of jewelry, then it was generally accepted that someone was slandering a person at that time or simply washing the bones, and gold, as a miraculous metal, could “feel” this and show us. That is, here it was impossible to say that the skin darkens from gold. Rather, it darkens from other people's gossip.

Real reasons

A little later, I began to notice in some people dark or even black stripes left by rings on their fingers, stripes left by earrings on their earlobes, and traces of gold bracelets on their wrists. I began to think that the point, most likely, is not mysticism, but more ordinary things. After reading the relevant literature and asking knowledgeable people, I can answer for myself why the skin turns black from gold. There may actually be several reasons.

Impurities to noble metal

By its nature, gold is a fairly soft and heavy metal; in the production of jewelry from it, master jewelers use some additives or impurities to give some shade, reduce the cost of the product, or reduce its mass. Thus, nickel and copper are mainly used as an impurity to gold. The presence of these additives in jewelry should be called the main reason, answering the question of why the skin turns black from gold. It is these metals that give color. If copper is present in the jewelry, then a green trace will remain, and if nickel is present, it will be almost black.


The use of various kinds of cosmetics on the skin that the gold jewelry touches can also contribute to the appearance of marks at the points of contact. So, it can be face cream, hand cream (mercury compounds are often added to them, and mercury can also leave traces when interacting with jewelry), foundation, hairspray, or eau de toilette or deodorant too saturated with chemical compounds.

Sweat gland secretions

When a large amount of sweat is released from the body, which is in contact with the skin and gold jewelry for a long time, dark marks may also occur. Therefore, wondering why the skin turns black from gold, you should pay attention to your health and psychological state. With a painful state of the body (colds or ailments of individual internal organs), constant lack of sleep and stress, more sweat is released. In addition, the composition of sweat varies depending on many factors. And if a person eats a large amount of meat, then more nitrogen is released with sweat, which can also lead to the appearance of peculiar marks on the skin.


Before putting jewelry on sale, manufacturers cover them with a special polishing compound, which wears off over time, but at first, wearing a ring or chain can leave dark marks on the skin.


We hope that this article helped you, and now you know why the skin turns black from gold. Buy quality jewelry, be healthy, sleep well and keep calm!